Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 01, 1910, Image 8

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Tankage is llio host known
hog feed. City Mill Co.
Rev. AV. U Onston was down
from Mcnm Monday on busi
All the Intosl Uilui ; * in prolly
owning sciirfc. Snyeler Hron. & Co.
Home choice resident loU for sale
cull and yet prices. 13. C. House.
Ank to HOC our J adlca Tailored
WnlHtH. Knyelur Dim & Co.
For Sale IIor o , buggy and liar *
HOS8 , clionn , Inquiru of II , AIoHnrnie.
B. G. Bmpficlel went to Sioux
Oily on business last Friday.
Qivo us your order for baled
liny. City Mill Co.
Lot Ream Bros , do your re
pair job ,
Miss Alice Johnson spent the
Thanksgiving vacation at , Coxae !
Air. Nelson preaches the pure
gospel in love with earnestness
and power.
Automobile , gas engine and
general' machine work. ' Ream
II. B. Walker. , of the Mason
City Banking Co , was n eullor at
this office Tlutisday.
Feeders we have flax mealil
is pure , try some with your next
order for feed. City Mill Co.
.Ribbon Day next Satunlay ut
Strong's Variety Store See then
"ad"for bargain in risbbons.
Miss Pearl llolcomb who is at
tending college spout Thanksgiv
ing at her Home near Milbnrn.
Mrs. Doolittlo and sister Miss
Lottie Bowman of Ansclmo spen
the first.of the week in this city.
Mrs. 0. B. Mair and children ,
Ella and Donald , spent Thanks
giving at Ord.
Xmas Post Cards at Strong's
Vitrioty Store at 2 cents to 10
cents each and they are beauties.
Coino and see mo or write me
about that Halo.V. . II. O'Horke ,
. ueneral auctioneer. Phone 40 ! ) .
lirokon Uow , Nob.
Splendid assortment of fancy ribbons
bens , just , the tiling for nmklirg pret
ty bags for Xmas. Snydcr llros. & C
"Mrs. Elder and son Karl of An-
selmo were in the Bow on busi
ness one day last week.
ludge and Mrs , Benjamin on
tcrtained the Benjamin Stock Co
at a Thanksgiving dinner.
Xmas handei chief's at Strong'.1
Variety Store 15 edits to IMct'tit !
and a window full at ' 10 cent !
Alfonso Cook , who is attend
ing school in Tabor , Iowa , spcnl
the Thanksgiving vacation ai
'home. '
k' Missus Esther and Ruth Ed
imindes of Morna spent the lattei
, part of last week with friends ii
lirokon Bow.
Mr. and Mrs A. M. Cook enter
tained a few young folks Thanks
giving day in honor of their son
L.ito shipment of Lnellcs Sill : , ;
t'lHloi-hklrt , tinlaltHt ll.lngs . In tli . .
I'ursliiH. BnjeW Bros , k Co v
Earl Tiiplett , Flavioun AleRae , J
Nella lloleomb nnel ( lolelie Tiip- *
lett spent Saturday in Callaw.iy
with the Rusk f.uuily. J
C. 13. Ba'SM , merchant of AnselI I
Bow Tuesday , '
mo , was in Broken
the guest of his brother , Dr. T.
W. Bass. ,
The schools whcie Nella Hoi- ,
comb , Bffit Tnmul and Kl'fio
Rapp aie teaching are closed on
account < -f infantile pnrlysia. I
HSiinnuled Tenkettlrs , puils rnd
. . .phppim , a few left firm last
Saturday at only B4 e.ents each
ul Strong's Variety Store.
Some pxoclcnt values In LaellOB
Tallorcel Suits , prices very low con-
Hlderln Hie anallty of the gnrinont.
Snyelcr UroB. & Co.
FOR HEN'T. Urlclt Htoro room
ami FUlto of flvo rooms on second '
floor. Will rent tsoparatoly if ele-
slrod. 10. C. IIoiiRo.
Air. and Alis. J. 11. Jehnson
and lirssie anel Harold went to
Anselmo last Thursday in their
automobile. They retuined the
following day.
Hal'llot air for
For Hal- : - - engine
window ( lisilay. Bums either
wood alcohol or gas. ( Jood thing
for your Xmas display window.
A bargain if taken tliis week.
Inquho at this office.
Don ! fail to hear Rev. T. C. N L
son and IMof. N. 0. Wood at the
Baptist church. Mr. Nelson app -
p uls to the consciences of the
people with the word and Prof.
Wood touches the hearts with
sweet gospel songs. Every body
cordially invited.
Bheiiff'B Salo.
' Notice is hereby given , Tint
by virtue oV an Order of Sale , is
sued to me from the District
Court of Custer County , Nebras
ka upon a deciee of foreclosure
rendered in siiid court at the ad
journed Match 1H ! ) ) term thereof -
of , tottit : On the : ! 0th day of
August , 1910 , in favor of Angelo
Dondero and against Alva II.
Cooper , et al. 1 have levied up
on the following described real
estate : The east fifteen ( IT ) )
acres of the iN'K'/i ' of the NW1/ ,
[ of section 7 , township 18. range
122 , in Custor county , Nebraska ,
and I will on the second day of
January , 1M1 ! , at 2 o'clock p. m.
at the south door of the Cndwoli
building whcio the last term of
the district court was held in the
city of Broken Bow , Nebraska.
in said county , sell said real es
tate at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash to satisfy
.said dccieo interest and costs ,
the amount due thereon amount
ing to the svmof , si > : { 7.GO with in-
teicf-t theieon at the rate of 7
per cent per annum from August
liOth , 15)10 ) , and court costs ninoun
ing to .t fU.OOaud accruing costs.
Said above dci-eiibed leal estate
will be .sold subject to all prior
liens anel incumbrances as per oer
tificates of file in the districts
clerk's office.
Dated this 20th day of Novem
ber , A. 1) . HMO.
jUloinoy , 2G-I50
Notice Upon Non-RcEident.
To Sarah .lane Taylor , record
owner of the west enio half ol
lots f > and fi of block ! , M. A.
West's aeldition' to Broken
Bow , Ne br.
Yon are hereby notified tint
the undei signed , A. .1. Van Ant-
Automobiles and Gas Engines Repaired and Rebuilt.
[ $ $ Oakland Cars give Service Salivfai-timi and Heal Assurance
During the evening Mr. Burns will also give his
impressions of the great Jeffries-Johnson buttle , and *
illustrate the strangle hold and the famous Gotch toe $
holds. This celebrated mat artist , former champion *
and still middle-weight champion wrestler , is the *
most wonderful athlete in the world. During his 5 ;
most extraordinary career , he has engaged in over §
6,000 contests , and was victorious in ajt but seven. jj |
He has taught over 1600 students. He possesses the ' 0
strongest neck ; 'muscles ' , and the greatest muscular
expansion of the chest ( without breathing ) of any
living man. Don't-miss the opportunity of seeing
and hearing this famous grappler.
Champion of the Middle West , will wrestle
catch-as-catch-can , best 2 out of 3 to a finish with
Farmer Burns.
tiil /
il ;
Strongest Man in the World , will also appear
with the Company. This extraordinary man reminds m ' !
vl/ one of the Giants of the Ancient Days , or a Mythical ! } 1
Titan that has just stepped out of Fairyland. The %
\t/ imagination is staggered at some of the amazing feats $
performed by this Marvel of Strength. He also *
gives a very interesting and instructive Lecture. pT pn
vl/ ' ! >
ii it > >
i >
rpa-y y V
TO-fi&TI i'P
uJ ( > we'll I I i >
i >
! t/ 1'P
-1 * - agagSSsi JlJa'lSdsaSSasaSSa - - SSga ! ! - !
weip , purchaise-d at piivate sale ,
after s.iid lands h.iel been offer-
eel at public kale and not sold ,
the following eleKcribed lands to-
wit :
The west one half of lots o
and G of block 4 in M. A. "West's
addition to the city of liroken
Bow , Nebraska. , said purchase
being made on the 7th day of
April , 11)09 ) , for taxes due and un
paiel for the yeais 1892 to 1)07 ! )
inclusive , amounting to the sum
of $45.liU and that the County
Treasurer's Ceitificaite of Tax
Sale No. f > , W ! ) was issued to him
That said property was assess
ed in the name of said Sarah .Jan
Taylor for the year J907 and
that the dale of the redemption
of said property is fixed anel set
in the certificate of the county
treasurer for the 9th elay of April
1911 , and upin saiel date the
holder of saiel tax certificate will
apply for a eleeel to said property
to the county treasurer of said
oounty t'he ' amount elue being the
sum of 4. . 3 : ? anel interest thereon
ami all subsequent taxes paid as
shown by the treasurer's records
You are required to make re-
de-mptiim from said certificate
No. 5:5:59 : : on or be-fore April 9th ,
1911 , e r said eeitificate will be
surreiuU'red anel a eleeel applied
tor by the holder of said certifi
Dated this 28th day of Novem
ber , 1910.
Owner of Certificate No , 5W9. !
Stapleton , the popular salesman
from Broken Bow was in town
( \ J. Stevens ami wife have
been absolit.for several days re
cently looking afteu * their store
interests in Deweeso , Nebraska.
"Die-k" Brega iMimo over from
Callaway recently. Tie elrove his
new car. H is one of the noise
less kind.
Wo hear that William Wynkoop
wears the "Blue" in this section
feir automobiling. lie certainly
cym go some.
Brugeman & Steimvay , the Bro
ken Bow tailors , wevo in the city
The Knights of Pythias of Ans-
le.\ held their annual election re
cently and the following were c-
I Is making1 a speccial j
& prixe offer to Patrons rs
I Old and New. 1
lectrel for the ensuing year :
C. C. N. Dwight FordV. ; C. TL
Albeits ; P. E. P. Oaines ; K. of
II. & S. K. L. Kelley ; M. of K.
( J. Mnclcoy ; M. of P. Roy Breeel-
INlr and Mrs. Charley Leonarel
and i\liss \ Li enna leed attend
ed the dance at Arnold Thanks
Ir. anel Mis. Tom Fonm Sus
an , Deacon and j\lrs. Foran and
Charley McClure spent Thanks
giving at Chailey IJickey's.
John Maroney Charley McFar-
len and Misses Nellie McGowan
anel ilary Sullivan attended the
dance at Dunning Thursday
Air. and Mrs. Will Penvers and
family anel Alike Coneleni spent
Thanksgiving at Jerry llickey's ,
Airs. Tom Fe > ran was in Ansel-
mo Friday getting some dental
work done.
Archie Reed of Anselmo is
\isiting his sister , Airs. Charley
The surpiiso dance at Jerry
Uickoy's was Avell attended. All
repoit a good time.
Will Head rick is husking corn
for John Leonarel. His wife i
there also. .
Charli\v Alichele and Asmus
Jesse i were Alerna visitors Wed
Alisse-s Kate and Afargaret
Loonarel spent the latter part ol
the week with homo folks.
Mir.s Lwio Alilligan spout i
few days this week with her par
George Alilligan and family at-
A large invoice of all silk ribbons just received in all
the staple colors , Black , White , Pink , Blue , Red , Brown , etc.
Next Saturday we offer Nos. ; 1G , 22 , and 40 at
lOc Per Yard
Nos. GO and 80 at
14c Per Yard
This is a bargain in Ribbons. 4 * *
A Jiig pile of Handkerchiefs from St. Louisjust at hand
Just tlfe thing for
Lace , edge embroidery , plain-hemstitched , etc. Handkerchiefs -
chiefs at 3c , 5c , Sc , lOc I3c , 20c , 25c , HOe , and 35c , and a
window frllof 10 CENT HANDKERCHIEFS.
A few left over from last Saturday at
Only 34 Cents Back
Don't wait if you want a bargain.
\t- \
Broken Bow Nebraska
T n §
I y = s
My entire stock on the north side | s
consisting of Furniture , Rugs Carpets H
g Ranges , Heaters and Wire Fencing §
p will give 10 per cent discount from the H
E Regular Prices and with every dollar's § !
g worth hought we give a coupon on a H
g Laurel Range to he given away Dec. § 1
i Oth at Groat's Old Stand. f
Advertisers in THE , REPUBLICAN reach over 2,000 sub-
* eribers each week. CirciilaHon sworn.
j& T lie Puritan Flour is the test made
in Nebraska , One sack will secure |
alasting customer. Give it a trial.
tended the literary at the Shuck
school house "Wednesday evening
Hose Powers went to Morna
Tuesday to have some dental
work done- .
Much Sickness Due to Bowel
A doctor's first question when
consulteel by a patient is , "Are
your bowels regular ? " lie knows
that 98 per cent of illness is at-
teneled with inactive bowels and
torpid liver , and that this con
dition must be removed gently
anel thoroughly before health can
bo restored.
itcxall Orderlies arc a positive
pleasant and safe remedy for
constipation and bowel disorders
in ge'iieral. We arc so certain
of their rciit curative value that
\ve promise tei leturn the purchas
er's money in every case when
they fail to produce entire satis-
Hexall Orderlies are eaten like
candy , the y act quietly , anel have
a soothing , .strengthening , heal-
influenee on the entire intestinal
tract. They do not purge , gripe
cause nausea , flatulence , exces
sive looseness , diarrhoea or other
annoying effect. They are espec
ially good for children weak per
sons or old folks. Two sixes , 2."jc
and lOc. Sold only at our stores
The Rexnll Store. Albert II.
'Soutlors ' ,