WiH CUHTIill COUNT ! ' KKl'U UL1OAW CUSTC-K BOUNTY REPUBLICAN S 00 For Yoni ate curniaureei ticrniaru.nl na it tney wmn to discontinue jre ejuxxl'd to par all arrearage * and notify i inmncr En errfl nt lire.n How. Nebranka. tnr tranv . . the United States mam ni-com ! cla ratc 1) ) M. AMSMRRY , liditor and 1'iihlKher Build a Couit House. Nobrnskn has 1,192,214 accord ing to tlic Census of 1010 , an in crease of 11.8 per cent , in 10 years Thanksgiving i * over and in the absence of "personal liberty" we were ready to work the secont day. If foot boll players could be armed with razors and cissois the trimmings would be more com plete. Ouster County has a popula tion of 25GG8 , , an increase of u)10 ! ) since 1UOO. Good place for the State Capital. Don't play your nerve against your judgment. That's what it means when you refuse to protect the county * records. ! 0GOOGCO(0. That's the amount - mount of bogus stocks sold by a New York concern. Now they are bankrupt. Who got the money 1 Omaha seems to be a city of "happenings" opening witli per sonal liberty , followed by the Apple Show , next is the Land Products Exposition. Anything to get. the people to ass niblc in the citv of the "suds. " Comstock and Jameson two ranchmen sentenced to jail terms for alleged land frauds object to being jailed away from home. They express a desire to be plac ed in a jail convenient to theii "business. " In other words pris oners at liberty. It is stated that a 10 year old New York girl can live1 comfort ably on $20,000 u year. That's nothing most any Ouster county editor could live a natural life on that amount and leave enougl to pay for printing a ten square legal , to settle the balance. Mr. Farmer is your records sate in the "tin box" on the btnets of Broken Bow ? Its up to jon now to get busy and say what "ill be done. The propo sition will be put * up to } ou in plain language. The amount of money to be raised for a couit house is named , which means no moic , its time ti think wisely of the mutter and do your duty. ] f the faimeis and property owntis of Ciistcr county would go to Broken Bow and see that little "tin box" standing out in the street in which the iccords of the titles to their property is kept , the Transcript is confident there would be such an emphatic demand for a new court house that would wake tip the county board on the court house ques tion. Masi.n City Transcript. J. V. Anderson a Thomas coun ty product who is now chief dis patcher for the Union Pacific railroad at Grand island and one of that loads most'able men writes from Galveston , Texas , that lie finds "flowers , oranges , poems , o.\ster.s , editors in fact mything that goes to make up the kingdom of heaven. " And Lhink of itl When this brief message was communicated to the Ininch over at the tick works one of the youngsters remarked that he was very glad Mr. Anderson was getting some idea of what licaven was like , on his trip to the south ! Its a shame Vic eliel- not think to include William Jcnnirtgs Bryan in the heavenly Kingdom of Texas. HAIR HEALTH If Yoxi Have Scalp or Hair Trouble , Take Advantage of Ihis Offer We could not afford to so strongly endorse Ttexull "fW" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do , if it did not do all we claim it will. Should our en thusiasm carry us away , and Rex- all "M" Hair Tonic not give en tire satisfaction to the nsers.thcy would lose faith in us and our statements , and in consequence our business prestige would suf fer. fer.Wo Wo iissure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if vou have anv scalp trouble , Hexall "M" lluir Tonic- will promptly eradicate dandruff stimulate hair growth and pre vent pr < .atnre baldness. Oin IV ,1 i-a Kwcall " ! W" Hair Tonic is . : c Birrnj. ' that .we ask you to t ' tin our own 'positive guaii.iih liiot jour money will be chui . ly refunded if it does net elo . ifc o'-tiin. Two sixes , Oc. and ; 1 00 , Hold ciily at our store T'Kflexall ' Store. Albert II. MI8TAKK Uroken lion- Mothers Should Not Ni glcct Kidney \Vonknos I in Children I Most children have weak kidneys The curliest warning ia bud-wot ting.Later Later comes backache , headache , lungour. "Us n , mistake to neglect these troubles. To blame the child for its own ( listreBfl. Seek to cure the kidneys Stive the child from deadly kidney ills , Doun's Kidney Pills cure Hick kld- neya. neya.Broken Broken How parents recommend them. Mrs. .1. W. Jonea , of Broken Bow Ncbr. , says : "Tho public statement ,1 gave In favor of Doun'a Kidney IMlln In .July l'J07 , still holds good. I then mtid that our little gill w.i'i greatly troubled from childhood by a kidney weakness and that nothing helped her until she used Doan'n Kidney IMllo. The contents of two1 boxes of this remedy effected a on re and I am glad to say that thcr has been no rocurrcnce of the trouble. Wo procured Doan'a Kld-j ney Pilla at Hacberlo's Drug Store j and they not only corrected the kidney weakness , but acted as a ] tonic to the entire system. " For sale by all dealers. Price | .10 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,1 Buffalo , New York , sole agents for the I'nitrd States. | Rcni"inbir the uimc Bonn's and take no other. MASON CITV Bom to Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Walker , Sunday , Nov. 27 a son. Mr. and Mrs II. W. Taylor are1 the prowd parents of a new girl. ] P. A. Amsberiy and children will \isit in Yo\k a IVw da.\s this AVi'tk. from Yoik they go to Texas i Mrs. A. E. Simonds is visiting in Omahn this week. Dwiglit Elliot and Morris Groei students of the university at Lin coln rcluinpd to school Monday. Frank O'Brien had the misfor- Litne to break his arm wliile play ing on the .school grounds Mon day. day.Mrs. Mrs. II. C. Chase was a York passenger Wednesday morning to visit her daughter , Maybelle , at the convent. FOIT.S ! Knox come down from Broken Bow to visit Mason City friends Thursday night. Miss Dora Rttnyan returned from a six months visit with rela tives in Canada Thursday night. Moomey Bros , are loading their car for Texas this week. 0. II. Moomey and wife were down from Ansley Suuelay. Mrs. F. S. Moomey went to Ansley on 39 Thursday evening. Charles Cornell will go witli Moomey' Bros , car to Texas. Mrs. Kolsan and her grand daughter , Thelma Moomey , went to Ansley Wednesday evening. Nels Anderson and wife went to Broken Bow Thursday to visit their son Carl. The high school foot ball team says wait till Biokcn Bow comes ! again they will show them some things in the way of scientific playing. A. 0' Brien and wife wentto Broken Bow Saturday night for an over Sunday visit with the Andersons ami Darrows. We arc glad to sec these busy people take a day off occasionallv. Prank u'Brien Vi.v master of cere monies at the store elm ing their absence. t N. B. McAdams , J. W. Smith and Gco. Mulvaney wont to the county Peat last Monday. Mis. T. J. Wood is visiting witli Mrs. R. R. Martin and other friends in Broken Bow this week. i Miss Helen Osbourn who is [ teaching in Elk Creek township 1 spent Sunday at home in Broken i Bow. 1 Send Your Abstract Orders to 5 Leonard , Bonded Abstractor Office in Security State Bank Building Eeduce Your Coal Put STORM SASH on jour windows STORM KINGS on jour doors We fcell them We also sell the coal thej1 save for you Phone 79 G. L. Turner Lbr. Co. | , . . 'i rr'-- ? T BLV.TOaiarmara 5 Good Things to Know. Where to buy Clean Coal , Coke , Eastern Hard , all sixes fj And Posts , Cement , Plaster , Prepared Roofing- Wind ows , Doors and everything to keep out the storms , jj Let us figure with you. We can please you will only give us the chance , a aft ft D2KS ! LUMBER & COAL CO. BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA. Phone 23. J. S. Moljneux , Manager. IN THE SUNNY SOUTH : Every first and third Tuesday very low homeseekers' excursion rates are in effect to the south with 25 day limits , ami every day the winter tourist rates are in effect with all winter limits. TO CALIFORNIA : Daily excursion rates with attractive con ditions , limits , stop-over privileges , side trips , etc. , arc in ef fect. The annual winter movement to Soul hern California by thousands of Americans who eh sire to escape the rigois of the north is now under way. COLORADO : A two or three weeks sojourn in the winter cli mate of Colorado is recommended by physicians as one of the best up-building tonics available. The Great National Wesern Stock Show is helel at Denver January , 1G-21. The Burlington takes excellent care of yon to California either in through standard or through tourist sleepers with conductors in charge ; via Denver , Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. ' WESTERN LAND PRODUCTS EXHIBIT will be held in Onn- ha , January 18 to 28th. All new western localities shoulel be represented ; all funnels and prospective farmeis should see this instructive exhibit. H. L ORMSBY , Local Ticket Agent. Broken Bow , Neb. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. Omaha , Neb The BIGGEST and BEST PRIZES ever given away FREE in this community in so short a time. A Beautiful absolutely High Grade Cable & Sons Piano A Strictly High Grade Organ especially made 4 This Beatiful High Grade Piano to given as a GRAND FIRST PRIZE. fi See Description 'Below This High Grade Organ especially made for the purpose as a SEC01TD PRIZE See Description Below Arc to be given FI110H to some fortunate lodges in Broken Bow and Mcrna or vicinity without a cent of cost tothn-v participating. Our observation shows us that practically none of Mic lodges has a musical instrument and it occuis to us that prixes of this kind would be eagerly sought for and most highly appreciated when won. c Therefore are confident that the interest in the contest will bo intense from the very beginning so would advise that contestants get in line on the very first day which is Saturday December 3 , 1910 , and keep busy until the close which will be Saturday , April 1 , ion , only about four months. No one has ever made so liberal an offer obtainable in so slant a time which fact makes it worth an extra ordinary effort. THE SIMPLE CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST Kvory lOc cash purchase or multiple thrceof will entitle purchaser to one vote for their favorite lodge , in other words 10c entitles to one vote , 20c to two votes 50c five votes and so on Ballot boxes will be placed in a convenient place in both stores at Merna ami Broken Bow. Two people will be chosen at both places o cartry the keys ami after second week of con tent boxes will be opened votes counted and from then on the standing \\ill lie announced weekly through l ! < e local papers. or to assist the local memberships at the above mentioned places. None of our merchandise will be barred from the contest appling alike to Dry Goods , Groceries , Dishware , Shoes , Furnishings , Notions , Toys , Christmas Goods , Pianos , Organs and Sewing Machines. Where time is required on last three mentioned articles votes-will be allowed provided a satisfactory note is given. DESCRIPTION OF PIANO DESCRIPTION OF ORGAN Cable & Sons Pianos havammers , and wire , copper bass stly sinse 1852 and have been sold Monarch Organs have long been known for durability and this particular organ made by members of this firm upc been on the market continuouschasers ! supplied an request. especially for lodge purpose is constructed of solid oak with all improvements that , go with Style P Mahogany , is Awards of 2 ; " > years. Names of puos long , full iron frame , bushed any organ of today. The back of this organ is finished as nicely as the front .so the organ can bo placed in tuning pins , imported feet hfcet 0 inches high , 5 feet 5 inyhrings , best ivory keys with ebony any manner and be attractive. sharps. Double veneered case , a simple case of refined beauty and elegance needing no elabor Remember Piano and Organ sales will amount to something in votes if you can assist ate carvings. Price $300.00. us in any sales. SPECIAL NOTICE ! Ml those trading on fK ) days time and paying promptly on the first of the month without necessity of collector calling we will allow the number of of votes such amount would entitle them toaKo open accounts unpaid up to Dec. 1 , 1910 and still owing us , i : ' paid during this pcrjod we will allow votes on , sanio. If there is any detail m/t fully understood feel at liberty to call and ask about it. Fraternal people especially invi ted to investigate. SINCERELY AND FRATERNALLY , IRYER BROKEN BOW AND MERNA