Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 01, 1910, Image 3

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    r :
That Makes the Baking Better
Failures ore almost Impoosiblo with
We know that It will clvo you better
We know Hint the baking- will bo purer
more vholeiomo.
We know thut it will bo more cvenlr
Anilvo know that Calumet Is moro
economical , both In Its use and cost.
Wo know thcso things because vro
have put the quality Into It wo have
Keen It tried out In every way. It la
tisednowln millions of horuei ami Ito
rales are Krowlntr daily. It la the
modern baking powder.
Have you tried It ?
Calumet Is highest In quality
moderate in price.
Receive J HigheAt Award
World'i Pure food Exposition.
"African GameTrails"
Needed a man In every nlaco
to snll this famous new boot
Urlng It to Um families ID
your localltv. Wo glvo you
monopoly o field and hint
commission. Take this creal
chinco.VrfUs t or prospectus
\ Charles Scribncr's Sons
1(3 ( IU b. ) llflk Ate. , lie * Yor |
CUaricj ud beautified the hi- ,
I'romotel luxuriant growth.
Never Talla to llcatoro Qray
IlBir to Us Youthful Color.
Cum tcaln dite c < & htl
Quaint Ideas and Expressions Recorded -
corded as Having Been Rendered
by Coroner's Juries.
Referring to n verdict recently
given by a coroner's jury that death
was "caused by the medical evidence , "
< ho British Medical Journal says :
"This verdict may be added to these
cited In the report of the select com'
mlttee on death certification , where
Dr. Ogle Is quoted as saying : 'One
verdict came before me a llttlo tlma
ago which was this : "A man dletv
from stone In the kidney , which stone
ho swallowed when laying on a gravel
path in a state of drunkenness. " That
was given as a verdict. I thought
some joke had been played , and I
wrote down about It , and found it was
an absolute fact. Another ono Is
like this : "Child tlneo months old ,
found dead , but no evidence whether
born alive. " ' " These novel judg
ments recall that an up-state newspa
per not long ago spoke of taking a
imudercd man's "post-moitem" state
Not a Solitary Exception.
Professor Astrology teaches that a
giil born In January will bo prudent ,
good-tempered and fond of dress ; In
April , inconstant nnd fond of
Hostess In what months arc girls
born who are not fond of drefas ?
Professor In none , madam.
How would you like an unbosscd nnd
lobbylcss legislature for a change ?
Both Kept Up on Scientific Food.
Good sturdy health helps ono a lot
to make money.
With the loss of health one's Income
Is liable to shrink , If not entirely
dwindle away.
When n young lady has to make her
wn living , good health Is her best
"I am alone In the world , " writes a
ihlcago girl , "dependent on my own
efforts for my living. I am a cleric ,
and about two years ago through closa
application to work and a boarding
Jiouso diet , I became n nervous Invalid -
valid , and got so bad off It was almost
Impossible for mo to stay In the ofllce
u half day at a tlmo.
"A friend suggested to mo the idea
of trying Grape-Nuts food which I did ,
making It a largo part of at least two
meals a day.
"Today , I am fico from brain-tiro ,
dyspepsia , and all the ills of an over
worked and Improperly nourished
brain and body. To Grnpe-Nuts 1
owe the recovery of my health , and
the ability to retain my position nnd
Read "Tho Road to Wcllvlllu , " In
pkgs. "There's a Roason. "
I or rriiil tlip alioletirrf A \ \ \ * \ \
one npiteiirn from time to ( Hue. The }
nru Kfiiriluc , ( rue , nuil full of liuuiaia
Thrco Took Part In a Tcwcl-WashIng
Competition and Another Got
Prize for Dewing.
At bnzara and such-llko fnnctlona
ministers of the gospel somotlmoa engage -
gage In very amusing competitions
which they would scarcely dream of
entering under any other auspices.
At n church bnzar at Slough soma
llttlo tlmo ago great fun waa occo-
Blonod by the appearance of a trio ot
reverend gentlemen In the role of
They pitted themselves against each
other in n duster-washing competition ;
and , having been provided with a
howl of water , a piece of nonp and a
dhty duslor. they set vigorously to
work. -
The time allowed for the washing
was throe minutes , on the expiration
of which the dusters wcro submitted
to the critical Judgment of three mar
ried ladles. But they found the dust-
era of two of the competitors BO well
washed that they could not decide
which was the cleaner.
A somewhat similar clerical contest
formed onn of the attractions at a ba
zar held in Manchester. In this In
stance the articles elected < o bo
washed were towols. and each com
petitor had not only to wash one , but
hang it out to dry , being allowed 3 %
minutes for the wqrk.
Two vicars and ! firco ? em.ites took
part In this competition , the way they
"shaped" at the wahhtubs causing
come of the lady spectators to shrlolc
with laughter.
The best was considered to bo that
which had been done' by a curate re
cently married , and somebody had the
hardihood to suggest that perhaps ho
had been taking lessons at homo.
At a bazar arranged for the benefit
of a Liverpool church a handkerchief
hemming competition took place be
tween thrco clergymen of the town.
They were to do as much as they
could in the time limit of a quarter of
im hour , and the prize , half a dozen
choice pocket handkerchiefs , was to
be awarded to the ono who did the
most hemming of a presentable char
One of the reverend gentlemen
proved quite an adept at the work , for
his hemming was not only by far the
neatest , but ho did nearly double as
much as the next best competitor , and
therefore carried off the prize. In the
15 minutes allowed ho hemmed nearly
ono side of his handkerchief.
A Religious Movement.
"Buddhism , " says a Berlin paper ,
S"is rapidly spreading in Europe. The
'number ' of converts is daily increas
ing , especially in Germany , England
Sand Hungary. "
The influence of the higher religious
'thought ' of the Orient was hound , in
jtheso days of rapid travel and aroused
intellectual curiosity , to make itself
felt , and ono of the signs of the times
Is the growing sale of small popular
epitomes of various phases of eastern
religious and philosophic thought , and
also translations of the great religious
[ poems of the Orient.
On this continent , Vodantism , The-
josophy and esoteric Buddhism have
[ become fairly well known , and the
[ work of the now teachers Is not sel-
'dom ' on broad humanitarian lines ;
[ especially may bo cited the education-
jal work carried on at Point Loma , In
Isouthorn California , and in Cuba , by
"the " Universal Brotherhood and Theo-
Isophical society ; In which are enlisted -
[ listed men of wealth and high business
( capacity under the leadership of
pvathorine Tingloy , a woman of great
[ executive ability. The work done In
training the young for practical life
Is notable.
Made a Better Play.
"Waiter , " called the Irate diner ,
"there scorns to bo a dollar on this
[ bill I can't account for. "
"Oh , that's just a joke , sir , " apolo-
Iglzed the waiter , "just a bet the cash-
, ler and I have. I'll have it fixed right
nway , sir. "
j "What do you mean about a bet ? "
.asked the diner , detaining him.
"Well , sir , I bet the cashier CO cents
| you would BOO the mistake , and ho bet
you wouldn't , so I win , sir. "
"Suppose I hadn't noticed It ? "
"He'd have gotten the dollar , sir. "
"Oh , I see. Give mo your pencil , "
and ho wrote a few lines on the back
of the bill , folded It up and handed
it to the waiter. "Take that to the
cashier. "
The waiter leaned over the cashier's
shoulder as ho unfolded the paper. It
read :
"I'll bet you ? B that when you send
this back you don't find me. "
And they didn't.
Shoes In Summer and Winter.
Handsome Walter Clarkson , for
many years the star pitcher of the
old Harvard college team , is now the
manager of one of Cleveland's big
ehoo stores.
The other day the once great college -
lego twirler was appealed to by a
man who asked :
"Can you tell me why thcso patent
leathers have cracked so badly ? "
"Probably , " was the reply , "you
bought them in the winter. Then it
Is not hard to explain. In the sum
mer a shoo will fit Itself to every
foot. In the winter a six or eight
dollar pair of shoes is ruined by a
few days of cold weather. "
A Debt of Art.
"Tho professor says that music owes
a great deal to Rossini. " said the
young woman. "What's Rossini ? "
"That , " replied Mr. Cumrox , "If
probably Italian for 'rosin. ' "
It Is better to inherit n fortune thaa
o marry one.
Lewis' Pillule Hinder cipnr N nrvrr
loped only tobneco in its nnturnl state.
When a girl exchanges photographs
vlth a young man she nearly always
gets the worst of the trade. 1
Wlmt Mnrlno ICjo Itotnodr Ilont to ttio
.Tft ' I * to lptr h > Urniifcp , SirntcthiMi mil Mltnii *
mo lloulllitiii I Ircnlnlliin Promoting Normal
Try Murlno 111 jour 1
The days of chivalry are not past. A
lady entered our olllco the other dny
and wo took our foot off this desk.
Home Vaudeville.
"So you used to bo on the stage ? "
"Yos'm , and t done a slde-splltllng
sketch. "
"Well , lot's BCO what you ran do In
the way of a wood-splitting sketch. " '
Curing Conceit.
"Ilo used to have a good opinion of
himself. "
"Ha'sn't he now ? "
"Xo ; he ran for oflleo recently , and
wasn't oven close when the votes
weio counted. " Detroit l Veo Press.
The constant "so of Cutlcura Soap ,
assisted by Cutlcura Ointment , for
toilet , bath and nursery purposon not
only preserves , purlilcs , and bcautiile'j
the skin , scalp , hair and hands , and
prevents Inflammation , Irritation and
clogging of the pores , the common
cause of pimples , blackheads , rcdncsi
and roughness , yellow , oily , mothy and
other unwholesome- conditions of the
complexion and skin. All who delight
in a clear skin , soft , white hands , a
clean , wholesome scalp and Hvo , glorsy
hair , will Hud Culicuni Soap most suc
cessful in realizing every expectation.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment uro ad
mirably adapted to preserve the
health of the skin and scalp of In
fnnts and children , and to prevoul
minor blemishes or inherited skin hu
mors becoming chronic , and may b *
used irom the hoi r of birth. Cutlcura
Remedies are sold throughout the civ
lllzed world. Send to Potter Drug $
Choin. Corp. , solo proprietors , Boston ,
for their free Cuticura book , 32 pngoa
of invaluable advice on care and treat
ment of the skin , acalp and hair.
/7T/ /
The Amateur Foot "Whatever I do
I do with my whole soul.
Ills Wife ( sadly ) I lnow ; you do ,
dear , but It would bo such : i help if
you'd give It up and do things with
your hands.
Indigestion , Gas , Sourness and Dys
pepsia Go and Your Stomach Feels
Fine in Five Minutes.
If your meals don't tempt you , or
what little ; ou do oat seems to fill
you , or lays like n lump of lead In
your stomach , or'if you have heart
burn or a sick , sour , upset or giibsy
btoraach , that is a sign of Indigestion.
Ask your Pharmacist for n 50-ccnt
case of Papo's Diapepsln and take a
little just as &oon as yon can. There
will bo no sour risings , no belching
of undigested food mixed with acid ,
no stomach gas or heartburn , fullncbs
or heavy feeling in the stomach , Nau
sea , Debilitating Headaches , Dizzi
ness or Intestinal griping. This will
all go , and besides , there \\111 bo no
undigested food left over In the stomach
ach to poison your breath with nause
ous odors.
Papo's Diapepsln Is certain cure for
out-of-order stomachs , because it prevents -
vents fermentation and takes hold of
jour food and digests it just the same
us if your stomach wasn't thero.
Relief In five minutes from all stomach
ach misery is waiting for you at any
drug store hero In town.
Thcso large 50-ccnt cases of Pape'a
Diapepsln contain moro than snfllcient
to thoroughly euro any case of Dys
pepsia , Indigestion. Gastritis or any
other stomach disturbance.
Twin Extravagances.
' "I don't suppose there is anything
gets out of date quicker than a worn
an's hat ? "
"Unless it is a battleship. "
Some people are too frenh but the
same thing c-nn't bo &ald of oggs.
Ten Beautiful Christmas Cards Free
To quickly Introducu the blfKcst nnd
bcMt furin journal In the V/ost , wo make
tils Hjp < lnl : o diiv bnrRiiln offer : Send JO
ct-ntH for trial J months' subscription nnd
\Nu \\111 give vou free our collodion of 10
M'ly lliH't-t Gold Hinbossdl Christmas pout
ranK Nohrnslui Kami .lourndl , 313
rtaniKO JiulldlnK. Omaha. Xob
A bachelor girls' club Is an associa
tion of women who think they are
more likely to get husbands by pre
tending not tount them.
Pneumonia nnd Consumption arc al
ways iiiuvcilcd bv an ordinary cold. Hair
lins Wizard Oil nibbed into tlm clic *
Imn-s out the influniniition , breaks iii |
the c'old arid nrovcnta all tcnou * troub !
Mary n guilty man escapes becauss
' 10 Is BO small ho goes right througt ,
( ho net.
Washington , D C. It takes n good
deal to shock Washington , but it got
its shock all right. Major Sylvester ,
head of the police department , would
not put pantalets on Venuu or supply
her with a sweater. But ho did 11 ml It
necessary to drnpo the marble uuilo
which Mrs. A C Barney had shipped
, from Paris to her homo In Washington
which stood exposed to public viowi
In the garden- her lesldence : It
was not modesty nlono which Induced
Sylvester to cover what Is thought to
bo the counterfeit presentment of
Mrs. Barney's daughter Natalie. Such
throngs hud gathered to gaze at the
marble and comment on it that the
neighbors complained to the major
and ho sent two detectives to cover
Miss Natalie C. Barney.
it with a tarpaulin. The picture is of
Miss Barney , who Is said to have
posed for her sister's figure of the re
clining beauty
When this statue was discovered In
the Barney yard it was equal to the
latest novelty in moving pictures for
attracting n crowd. The people of
Washington almost mobbed the Bar
ney residence , and nearly toro down
protecting fences in their efforts to
get a clearer view of the nude figure.
You would have thought It was the
sale yard of a bustcd-up automobile ,
firm If you would have noted and
counted the swell automobiles lined
up In front of the Barney residence ,
with their owners eagerly searching
for the marble figure with opera
glasses. Adjacent windows wcro fill
ed with the same morbidly curious.
Taking it altogether there was n pret
ty hot sccno with the mob which the
police were speedily called to quiet ao
it gathered about the Barney resl
The only explanation made of this
display of uncommon art Is that tho'
marble Is to decorate some portion of
the interior of the Barney residence , !
and was so big it could not bo taken
through windows or doors and a spo *
[ clal opening would have to bo made ,
and BO the piece of sculpture- was
'chucked ' down beside the garden fence
( until it could be gotten insldo of the
Mount Vernon , N. Y. , Animal Attempts
Suicide When Fowl la
Taken Sick.
Now Rochelle , N. Y. No stranger
affection over existed than that be
tween a calf nnd a geese , owned by
Miss Hannah George , who lives on a
little farm , near Mount Vernon. The
friendship sprang up when Mlsa
George sold her cow nnd the calf wan
turned Into a pasture where there
were no bushes to brush away the
Ono day the goose , seeing n ownrm
of flies on the calf whllo It was lying
down , caught and nto nearly every
fly that was botheilng It. The calf
wan grateful for the attention and
chased a dog that was In the habit of
worrying the gooso. Slnco then the
geese has been the calf's constant
companion , spending the entire day
strutting around and jumping for the
files that light on the calf. When the
goose Is tired It will sit on the calf In
the shade and watch for moro HIoo.
One day the geese was sick and waa
kept In a closed pen. The calf , miss
ing Its friend , would not bo consolet
and attempted to otranglo Itself with
Its ror < > . Miss George disentangled
It just in tlmo to save Ha life.
Hunters Find Vermont Woods Full of
Fierce Beasts Sportsmen Run
When Pursued.
Burlington , Vt. The Vermont bear ,
which for years has been almost a
curiosity , IB fast returning to his old
haunts , and today the woods of the
Green Mountains nro literally full of
them. An example of the Vermont
bruin's returning audacity IB found In
the experience of * * t hunters.
Fred May ar -.d were hunt-
Ing small gair j banks of tha
Winoosld rlvt they suddenly
came upon nu o4 uuo bear and two
cubs. AH she showed fight May let
fly at her v/lth a charge of birdshot
and took to his heels with the bear In
close pursuit. As she waa gaining
rapidly on the men they discarded
their guns , ammunition and haver-
nocka full of gray equlrrelB , thankful
to cscapo with their llvoo. I
For Infanta and Children.
I *
! > i
AYcgelahlc Preparation for As-
similnting ( lie Food nncinegula- Bears the
lin lhc Stomachs anil Bowls of
Promotes Di'JcslionCltccrful-
ness ami Rest Contains neither of
Opium Morphine nor Mineral
Kttffi tfOM DrSAtll't'lMWER
A perfect Remedy forConstipn-
lion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea
Worms , Convulsions , Feverish
cess and LOSS OF SLEEP
Vac Simile Signature of *
Gitnrmiteeil under the Foocln
Exact Copy of Wrapper. THB OiriTAUR COUPANT. K WTOlm OITY.
With a New Perfiectlon OH Heater
When clothes can't be hung
outside , and must be dried in a
room or cellar , the New Perfection
Oil Heater quickly does the work
of sun and air. You can hang up
the wet clothes , light your perfec
tion Oil Heater , open the damper
top , and the heat rises and quickly
dries the clothes.
Do not put off washing to
await a sunny day in order to avoid
mildew. Dry your washing any
day with hot air from a
Absolutely smokeless and odorless
It gives Just as much heat as you desire. It Is safe , odorless
and smokeless.
It has an automatic-locking flame spreader , v/hich
prevents the wick from being turned hich enough to smoke , and
is easy to remove and drop back , , -so the wick can be quickly
cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged , ibe
cause of a new device in construction , and can always be easily
unscrewed for rewlcklng.
An Indicator shows the amount of oil In the font. Filler-cap does'not need
to be screwed down , but Is put In likea cork In R bottle , and is attached to the I
font by n chain. Finished In japan or nickel , strong and durable , well-made , built
for service and yet light and ornamental. It has n cool handle and a damper top1
Dealers Everywhere. / / not at yours , wrttt for dtteriftiot circular
to tht marts ! agency of tni
Standard Oil Company
( Incorporated )
$ $ O JP $ < ? FOR MEN
O OnOlP CK. < 3 > OlTflOEiO & WOMEN
DOYGSHOES. . $2.00 , $2.5O &S3.0O. _ BE3T IN THE WORLD.
VV. L.Doufilaa $3.0/7 , $3.3O and $4.OO aliooa D rv l-
are positively tlto boat inuiio ami moat iioft- Jzo that
ular aliooa for ttionrlco In Aiuci-lcn , and are my shoes
tlio moot ononoenlcnl altooa for you to buy. have
licen tlm
ptandnrcl forovorM jonrs , that I mnko nnd neil moro $300. 3 U ) and
bl 00 iliocB than nny other maniifncturor In the U S. , nnd that DOI.LAK
TOR DOLLAR , I Ot AUANTHi : MY S1IOK.S to hold thelrMinno , look
Biul flt hotter , and wo ir longer than nny other $3.00 , $3 Ul or f 1 00 ( hoc ?
you o in liu > ' , ' Quality counts. It lus iiiudo lay ehocaTlIK LKADKK3
Tin :
You will ho ploiicil whnn yon liny my shoes hccnnio of the
flt nnd n | > i > Purunco , nnd when it cotnos tlmo for you to mirchasn
nnothcr fair , \ou will ho moro than plenecd hocnusolho last
onei wore sovnll , iiml cave you po much comfort.
OAllTSr&M I Nn"HKcnurnewltlioiit W I. DoiiKlai T Agf E1 ( Vlft Q5 IRQTITI IYIF
% * AU B lUFJ iimmonnitprlrontniiitx-donthnlHiiioin. H ABVC , WU OUCaU I I VI B K ,
It your dealer cannot tupuly you with W. I. Dtmulaii siiof , wrlicfor Mull Onlfr Catalog.
IV. J JIOUUL.AM , 14 NmrU Ht. , JtrocUlou , CIui * .
soft as a gSve
as a wire
Sold by Dealoro Everywhere
( Incorporated )
Is specially selected for any need En the
home. Saves tools from rusting. Can can
not break. Does not gum or become rancid.
In iiroat variety forMlntuthPlowr t priccn (
UIVmitN KKWSI'il'l U UMUV , 12I\T A Jim , SI nia
.f l\fllc '
uio tjfts , utu Thompson's Eye Water
Illiiu , unr Mitt , lOu per roll and ilo U Our
W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 48-1910.