Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 01, 1910, Image 1

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    State Historical Society r
Jewelry the Gift of Gifts
Advance Shopping
All you people know the benefits of early looking.
You know you miss the crowds and all that sort of
You know how much easier it is to exactly suit
yourselves whsn all lines are almost untouched.
tf Then why not lake advantage of these advantages ?
Jl Our stock is at this minute complete from collar
buttons to diamonds. It comprites the worthiest goods
that we could buy with our money , or that you can buy
with yours.
You may make your selections now at your leisure
and by paying a small deposit may have them laid aside
for you until the "eventful day. "
YOU are invited ta avail yourself of this privilege.
City of Biokcn Bow
D. R. Rockwell , Mayor.
J. S. Squires , Pros , of Council.
II. S. Kuus , Treasurer.
R. D. Pickett , Clerk.
1st Ward , J. M. Klmbcrling , K.
F. McCluro.
2nd Ward , James Lcdwlch , C. II.
3rd Ward , J. S. Squires , D. C.
4th Ward , S. L. Cannon , W. B.
The city council met in regu
lar session Nov. 22 with Mayor
Itockwcll in th jhair. „ ,
Three dray licenses were allow
ed J. N. West in payment for
labor on the streets.
Settlement in full was made
with the township hoard for the
yours 1907 , 3908 and 3909 on pay
ment of $2354.35 to the city.
II. J. Shinn's resignation as po"-
lice judge accepted and E. G'Sch-
Avind appointed to fill the vacari-
' cy. Judge Shinn expects to lea e
the city in a short time.
A committee of three was ap
pointed to number the lots and
.rename the streets. Squires , Ed. b
ham and Rockwell Avill act on
this committee. A slight change
was made in the plans of the new
city hull building. A drawing
was received fiom the architect. ,
which was ratified by the coun
At a special meeting of the
city council Monday night a mo
tion was adopted to the effect
that all bare capper wire placed
on poles by the electric light people
ple be taken down and that uo
moie bare wiie he used.
. Atheletic Meet.
Mr. Great has arranged for one
of the best physical culture exhi
bitions obtainable , to bo given
in the opciu house Dec. ] 0th.
Farmer Bums the well known
wrestler will mtvt Mr. Wasson ,
champion of the middle west ,
Professor Stunner the stronest
man in the world will be with
them. This entertainment is for
ladies as well as , gentlemen and
promises to be interesting as well
as instructive.
DuCray , State Champion Wrest
Icr loses handicap wrestle to Leo
Scoot of Wcstcrville , Nebr. , Mon
day evening at Ansley. DuCray
agreed to tlnow Scott twice in an
hour. The first fall went to Du
Cray in nineteen minutes and
Scott scored the second fall in
fourteen and one-half minutes.
DuCrny v > as hondicapped by a
very bad knee as he injured it
severely in the first fall so that
it was very hard and painful for
him to work at all. Scott was
seventy live per cent faster in
his work than he Avas with C.Do-
best a few weeks before.
O. 1C. Anderson of this city
acted us referee.
Prof. N. D. Wood , the musical
director , is a fine chorus leader
and has a clear tenor voice which
he is using to the glory of God.
Ilis solos are attracting the pee
ple. Services every afternoon an
We handle the pure old fashioned Buckwheat Flour
in 30 pound sacks , just n nice size for only'SOc. It will
pay you to look at our line of Syrups ' before buying. We
handle all grades and sizes.
The Eagle Grocery Store. J
The Square DonI Store Phone 58
Put a pint of Sealshipt Oysters on your order today.
These ; . ' .ro the oysters spoken of so highly everywhere.
The only oysters with a name , tjio only oysters that deserve
a name.
Sheriff of Douglns County Takes
Possession of Miller Child
ren on Writ of Habeas
Shei iff Brailey of Douglas
county arrived in Brogen Bow
Saturday morning with a writ of [
Habeas Coi pus issued from .ludge
Estelle's court and took with him
two small childien , a boy and a j
girl , belonging to Theodore Mil
ler , whose homo is ut present in
Omaha. The children were liv
ing with their uncle and aunt ,
Mr. and VIM. Will Coulter of
this place , w' ' < it is said , have
been legally ehaiged with their
bringing up.
. Mrs. Coulter's sister was Mil-
ler's first wife and when she died
several years ago , they took pos
sihsuii of the two little ones.
Miller tiled to gain possession of
his children and the case was
carried into court. .Judge Hum
phrey , who was on the county
bench at that time decided in
favor of the Coulter's , contend
ing that Miller , who was a print
er , was not in position 1o give
the children proper attention.
The ease was appealed to district
court and Judge llostotler con
firmed the decision of the lower
court. In the meantime , Miller
married again , a young lady of
this place , and moved to Omaha.
Jle claims that he now has a
_ oed home to offer his children
vith all the advantages attending
hereto. The outcome of the tria
' , } ] be looked to with interest ,
, i he bitterest of feeling exists
> n both sides.
1. 0. 0. F. tilcct Officers. "
At a regular meeting of Broken >
Sow lodge No. 339 I. 0. 0. F. ,
Monday Nov. 28 , the following
) f fleers were elected for the en
suing term. L. 13. Cole , N. G. ,
C. A. Walton , V. G. , C. R. Luce ,
sec'y. , T. B. llolcomb , Trcas. ,
lake Johnson , Trustee. The de
gree team will reherse next Mon
day night.
Next Sunday evening at the
Christian Church Rev. Doward
will speak on , "The Five Great
Kingdoms. " The usual morning :
services will be held with com
munion and sermon.
Hugh Ormsby who wan assis
tant at the Burlington station
for a number of years , now em
ployed as express messenger bc-
Lween Lincoln and Sioux City ,
spent Thanksgiving with his par
ents , Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ormsby.
We can look with pride to the
advancement of the Broken Bow
boys in most all lines of business
Broken Bow Mill-left.
Corrected Wednesday
Wheat . 75
Corn . . ' . 40
Oats . 28
Cows . $3.00 to $3.50
Steers . $5.25 to 46.50
Tlogs . $0.25
Chickens . 07
Ducks . ' . 07
Turkeys . - . . . 3(5 (
Butter . 20
Rev. P. C. Nelson and Prof. N.
D. Wood who arc conducting a
series of meetings at the Baptist
church have aroused much inter
Some time ago there was con-.S
siderable talk of a free city delivery - '
livery of U. S. Mail in Broken
Bow. It is a matter of great con )
venieiiee both to the patrons of
the office and the postmaster -
er and if the matter is "just rest-
ing" it should be revived.
Harry Davis Injured.
Harry Davis , an old settler am'
highly respeelid farmer living
near Mason City , mot with quite
a serious accident lavt Saturday
He was driving to town when his
team became frightened near the
slaughter house just west of townv
mil became unmanageable. , they
r.ui but a short distance when the
old geiithiiuin was thrown out of
the wagon breaking his eolnbrne
and dislocating his should- - . * 1e
was picked up by a neighbor and
taken to the home of YV. N. Hur-'t '
ley in Mason City where he wait
made as comfortable as possible,1'
altendi/d by a physician. Uncle
Harry has taken great pride forj
years in driving good hoises , well
kept and well broke. His many ]
friends throughout the country. . I
hope for his speedy recovery. '
Dee. 30th is Tag Day for the
City Library. Get the liberality
habit , you will be called on to
do your share. Remember a dol-
lar'to the library fund is a good ; i
boost for the literary well fa re
of Broken Bow and vicinity.We
; iie all "Boosting" you know.
Firemens' Thanksgiving Ball
The annual Thanksgiving ball
"given by the fire department of
Broken'Bow , always one of the
principal social features of the
seas-on.was bigger and better than
over this year. The opera house
was the seine of the festivities ,
and long before the opening
the auditorium was crowded by
the fire laddies and their numer-
our guests. Prof. Frank Taylor
and his excelent orchestra , aug
mented for the occasion , furnish
ed the best of dance music , while
the ladies of St. John's Guild ;
were responsible for toothsome ,
, home-in : do ufreshments that
J smacked of Thanksgiving at every
mouthful. Even though there
had been no hungry people on
the floor the masterful spiel made
by comrade L. E. Cole in behalf
.of the r.nibcr-hued coffee and the
sand-wich , would have
[ melted tlu1 h'oart of the most fas
tidious < - ) -ure jind turned him
'from ' : > blast critic to a famished
mortal. Many people from sur
rounding to\\us anil cities helped
swell the number of pleasure
seeL. < s. At .in early hour of theme
mo n'lig ' , i.lo ihe huge coffee
urn had been drained of its last
drop and the musicians were neat
ly in a r'-ute of revolt , the affair
tormin.itol with the usual waltz ,
bearing n the attracciveness of
"Home , Sweet Home" , and the
dancers departed , each bearing
pleasant impressions of a most en
joyable < vi ning.
G. Griveinon on the Gco. Wil
ling faun , six miles north and
one mih east of Broken Bow will
have a public- sale Dec. 33. Col.
Jwl Kay will cry the sale of
hoircp , eows. hogs , chickens ,
ho 'se'iohl ' yo < ; d ' , "tc.
Wo will have a fine line of Fresh Sweet Candies.
Fresh Nuts of all hinds , Candied Pineapple and Cherries ,
Holly , Evergreen , Candles of all colors , Popcorn for the jj
little folks , Tinsels of bright colors , and anything you will jj
need for Christmas.
We will be pleased to fill special orders for Christmas
goods.We have David Colo's Fresh Sealed Shipped Oysters in
sanitary cans. , Wo sell from the "Artie Oyster Carrier"
which keeps them in perfect condition.
PI tone 161 THE GROCER Phone iso
Agent for De Laval Separator Cream Station
Will Push Interests of Party in
Central Nebraska
A number of socialists of this
place 1 , headed bv John Painter ,
John ! Delane , Dr. C. V. Wilson ,
James ' Stock ham and Robert Wil
son , today incorporated themsel
ves into a publishing company ,
capitalized at $5000. The pro
mote ! s are negotiating the pur
chase of a loeal paper , which is
said to he on the market. H' the
succeed in getting control of it ,
J the journal will be turned into a
socialist weekly with the. object
of pushing the interests of the
party J throughout central Nebras
j ka. Jf the paper cannot be
bought or leased , the company
will install a plant of its own and
c ( : mmence operations immediately
According to a prominent social
ist ] here , the party will take an
active hand inlocal polities , put
ting a complete city ticket in the
field next spring. John Painter ,
who was defeated for state rep
resentative at the last election ,
it is said Avill probably control
the policies of the new publica
tion. i State Journal , Nov. 1M.
G. R. Pigman Married.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1'igman and
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cadwell went
; to Grand Island last Thursday to
bo ] present at the wedding of Miss
Uaura 10. Kamsthel of Orand Is
land ] to Mr. ( ! . K. Pigman. The
bride ] will be remembered by man
f'.rokcn How people as an employ *
in the Chief office some time past
The groom is well known to
Ouster County people , the son of
Mr. and Airs. Jas. IMgman. lie
now holds a responsible position
in the high school at Crete as one
of the teachers. -v
The bride and groom will visit
a short time in Lincoln and will
be at homo in Crete after Dec. 1st
The wedding was a quiet homo
affair with none but immediate
friends and relatives present.
Christmas shoppers are coming
to Broken How attracted by the
great bargains offered by our
busy merchants. Among the our
ol'-town buyers this week were
Mrs. Dooliltlo of Lakeside , Mrs.
Bowman , Tom 0'Conner and wife
E. M. Scott and Mrs. Richardson
Robeits and Bolin of Anselmo.
Our dealeis believe in making
prices and establishing confidence
by satisfying their customers.
Nels M. Andersonsale.sman for
Swift & Co. Omaha is taking his
annual vacation and visiting his
parents , Mr. and Mrs. lias Ander
son. Nels has made a record for
himself during the past year by
gaining elcunlh in rank with
sixty-three snlemen. . lie expects
to engage as hardware salemen
with Paxton and Gallagor of Omii
ha the first of the coming year ,
lie relumed to Omaha Sunday.
Wallace Farmer of Nov. 25 re
quests photographs of farm homci
Good way to show your Custci
county homo to many thousam"
people and advertise our state at
A Show of The West. _
Ilc.iltaing the benefits of n mid
winter educational show of west
ern agricultural products , Ne-
hraskans will not let the Nation
nl Corn Show idea die out , but
now pro | esc to replace it with
an exhibit of all the farm and or
( hard products of the west.
Limited as it is to the exhibits
' I slates west of the Missouri
river , such a show is aimed to bet
ter serve the purpose of boosting
the vrc.'tern country by giving a
graphic lesson under one roof of
the possibilities of the lands be
tween the river and the Sierra
The idea of the promoters of
this latest western enterprise is
to bring together such honest representative
resentativo exhibits from western
states and .districts as will give
11 visitor ii clear idea of what is
possible on western lands without
necessity of traveling thousands
of miles to see irrigation projects
new farm lands , dry farming re
gions and old and well develop
ed farms in Nebraska , South Da
kota and Kansas.
The Western Land Products
exhibit will be sort of a panor
ama of the country west of the
Missouri river with such displayn
of products as will give anyone
an intelligent idea of each sec
tion of the country where farm
ing or fruit growing is the prin
cipal industry. Does a farmer or
investor want to know Nebraska
without traveling over the state ?
Look at the Nebraska exhibit.
Inquirers about a certain valley
in Idaho or the products of the
great Salt Lake basin , may be an
swcrcd by visiting the exhibits
brought together for this honest
The Western Land Products
exhibit will be held in Omaha )
Jan. 38 to 28 in the Auditorium ,
which has 39000 square feet of
exhibit space.
When you attend the big show
in Omaha this winter don't for
get to mention to the people you
meet that Ouster county is in the
central part of Nebraska and .in
one of the best corn and alfalfa
districts in the United States and
if you meet a prospective settler
invite him to Ouster county and
locate him hcr.e if yon can.
Auction of School Laud
Notlco IB hereby given Hint on the
10th day of December 1910 , at ono
o'clock P. M. at the office of the
county treasurer of Custor county ,
the Commissioner of Public Lands
and Ilulldlngs or his authorized re
presentative will offer for lease at
public auction all educational lands
In said county which have been de
clared forfeited for non-payment ol
rental or Interest. , as follows :
All 1G-13-23 Byron B. Davis.
W&NWVi 1G-H-1D II. Lomax
Dated Nov. 21 , 1910. K.B.Cqjvles.
Commissioner of Public Lands and
" ' ! ! ' \
The proper oysters. What tney are : All oysters are >
good by nature and all are woVth .eating ; yet there is )
always one particular kind iu every food product that y
excels. One that is spoken of , judged by and com >
pared to. Hence it follows thai while all oysters are >
good , sonic are better than others , and while the'acme
of oyster perfection is fully acknowledged ni Blue
Point Oysters. These an- the Sealshipt.
S ,
The Angle lump an Angle fix A fine glass swinging lamp
tures , It is the best lamp made cheap at fi.oo. We offer them at
If it were not so vse would not 7SC. All M/es of lamps prices 350
fell it. and up.
We are showing in our show Hanging Ininps a Hue center
window an elegant line of vase draft $6.0o , this is a beauty our
price $5 oo. We offer n beauty of
stand , night , Hracket and hanging
a hanging lamp with prisms No.
lamps at prices that will insure
3 wick regular price $5 75 our
moving them fast. price $4 75-
PHONES 5 and 348