frwmtr * * & - - : = r * = U "And .et them sacrifice the sacrifice of thank elvlrnr. P alm evil , 21 Lord , what have I but empty hands. And aching feet from hopeless quests , And memories of barren lands. And days and years of sore unrests ? The censer that I fain would swing Holds neither fragrant herb nor spice i There are no first-fruits I may bring To heap In thanKful sacrifice. Shall I amid life's stubble glean To find the grain the harvest leaves. Then gaze , contented and serene. The while my neighbors count their sheaves ? There is no gold , nor house , nor land That I may thanK. Thee it is minoi I may not measure with , my hand \ , ( < * Thy tithing of my corn and wine. * .i ] ' Had I all these , then might I Kneel And pray with , fervent , easy speech That were an echo of myweal , > Of all that was within my reach. Shall I with Pharisaic grace Bow down and play the hypocrite. And fling my prayer in Thy face With , not a heartbom word in it ? * Nay , not in money let me count The worth of all that I have hadi Nor mlserllKe tell the amount Of whcxt rich gifts have made me glad. Though I have tasted of defeat , Still have I left the strength to rise. The tempter or the foe to meet With newer courage in my eyes. So , thus I pray with , empty hands But not , Lord , with an empty heart t Though from fair houses and rich landa My lines are ever cast apart Poor in all things save thisi That I Need never thanK Thee for my spoil And that there is no haunting sigh To breaK my slumber after toil. ( Copyright , uy W. u Chapman. ) DAY OF FAMILY REUNIONS Thanksgiving Not Complete If a Face Is Missed From the House hold Gathering. During the first long winter In Ply mouth one-half the little band of pll- grlms died. The winter snow covered their leveled graves , and when spring warmth removed that friendly coverIng - Ing the survivors planted grain above the graves , that waving blades of wheat or corn might hide the colony's loss from the cruel eyes of the foe whom fear alone restrained from open warfare. The pilgrims' hearts were stout , and though their eyes might grow dim at times in looking over the fields where only mysterious patches of a brighter green revealed to their ead knowledge the secret of a hidden grave , they dashed away the tears and only strove the more to carry on the task those tired fingers had let fall. And when autumn came with Its abundant harvest the great thanksgiv ing feast they held was in communion wlth the lost. Secure in the belief that their dear ones in happier spheres were rejoicing with them , they gave thanks for home , for har vest , and for hope. Since then Thanksgiving day has been a day of family reunions. The distant son returns , the grandchildren gather around the table , the old people ple take pleasure in welcoming the familiar faces that time is changing and the new faces added to the widen- ing tainily circle. It is a day of careless - less mirth and thankful gladness. Some go to church to find an expres cion for the feelings which find them voiceless , and othcrrs feel only vague ly , if at all , the need of more than the tacit acceptance and enjoyment of all that the day brings. There are house hold games and the sports of winter , hnd if the great football contests seem lo overshadow moro spontaneous di versions the actual figures would show that not ono in a thousand of the population of the country attends the matches. The thoughts of the preachers - ers are apt to turn to the betterment of civic or political conditions , rea soning that the way to show thank fulness for public blessings is to pro cure moro of them. Not even these Eorious thoughts can turn the charac ter of the day away from that impressed - pressed it at the upon beginning , an occasion for feasting on what Provi dence has bestowed in reward for courage and for toll. The minor etraln that runs through the music of the affections is hoard by those whose hearts once thrilled to voices silent now , but the spirit of the day is to re joice. For what Is secure in memory , for the blessings of the year and the day. * ' for the promise of the future , may we be truly thankful. SET APART FOR GRATITUDE Thanksgiving the Day of All Days on Which We Should Remember Our Blessings. On Thanksgiving day most of UB , with deliberate Intention and perhaps no little effort , close the door by which grumbles enter and open wide the other door that lets in praise. FOP once gratitude has the right of way and we are Just a little bit ashamed , to bo found in the dull company of complaint. At the Thanksgiving serv ice , If wo attend it , wo give ourselvea to a deliberate enumeration of our1 blessings and remember , perhaps , howl many there nro less favored than our selves. There Is not time for a com plete nnd permanent smoothing out of the wrinkles of cnro and perplexity before wo sit down at the bountifully laden table , but on the whole wo are ready to enter Into the spirit of the time. Is Thanksgiving , then , a rever sal or an occasional accentuation of the proper habit of a Christian's life ? If there must bo rusty hinges , should they bo upon the doors of prnlsp , while the other door of grumbling works with constant ease ? The un disputed right of way in the Thanks giving season ought to bo the right ot way for all the year. COMMENT COURTEOUS , "Now good digestion wait on appe tite , as Shakespeare says , " said the landlady when the star boarder began carving the turkey. "Shakespeare also iald that all this world : s a stage , Mrs. Plnchom , bui don't you think It is carrying the Shakspearcan Idea and the stage nlnille a trifle too far when you try to serve papier macho turkey ? CONGRESSIONAL TICKET EVENLY DIVIDED. WAIT WINS OUT BY ABOUT 200 Gilbert M. Hitchcock Named for U. S , Senator Congressional Delegation Will be Three Republicans and Three Democrats. * Complete returns give Aldrlch * * 122,885 , Dahlman 107,528 ; a plu- * * rallty of 15,357 for Aldrlch. * * Hitchcock received 124,396 , and * * Burkett 103,017 ; a plurality for * * Hitchcock of 21,397. Hitchcock * * received the largest vote of any * * candidate on any ticket. * * * * * # # * * * * * * * # * * * Taking the unofficial figures UB a basis , this Is how the congressional llstrlcts voted : Aldrlch Dahlman First . 17,072 14,795 Second . Jl,2ni : J 9,053 Third . 1'2,870 22,008 Fourth . 21,452 19,183 Fifth . f. . . 21,800 14,197 * Sixth . 25.SOS 16,452 * Incomplete. } It is now thought probable that the proposed constitutional amendment requiring foreigners to become fully naturalized before permitting them to vote has been defeated. In a ma jority of the counties which have re- [ lortetl tlieir official vote to the secre tary of state the amendment failed to receive half of the total vote cast. In some It failed oven to got one-third of the votes. In order to carry , the proposition must have a majority of till votes cast at the election , and not merely a majority of the votes upon the question submitted. Anybody who falls to vote either way practi cally votes against it , because his vote on candidates counts as on in the' total of the election. Complete returns on congressmen show that Nebraska will be represent ed in the lower house by three repub licans and three democrats , as fol- Inwar First Dist. * Magrtlre ( Dem. ) . Second Dlst. Lobeck ( Dem. ) . Third Dist. * I/itta ( Dem. ) . Fourth Dlst. Sloan ( Rep. ) . Fifth Dist. "Norris ( Rep. ) . Sixth Dlst * Klnkaid ( Rep. ) . * Re-elected. Lieutenant Governor. llopowell , rep. ! 105,213 Clark , dem 100,871 Majority for Hopewcll 4,34 ? Secretary of State. Wait 110,957 Pool 110.7CV ) Majority for Wait 102 Auditor. Barton , rep Ill ,074 Hewitt , dem 98,029 Majority for Barton 13.04P State Treasurer. George , rep 107,514 Hall , dem 100,948 Majority for Ocorge 5CC Superintendent. Crabtree , rep 108,094 Jackson , dem 97TCTB Majority for Crabtreo 10.31T Attorney General. Martin , rep 104,913 Whitney , dem 9f.OUO Majority for Martin 8,8'tC' Land Commisaioner. Cowles , rep 1Q7.250 Eastham. dem 103,822 Majority for Cowles 3,428 Railway Commissioner. ' qlarUe , rep. . . 104.479 Hayden , dem 100,437 Majority for Clarke 4,042 Gilbert M. Hitchcock , who has re- reived the popular vote of Nebraska us senator to succeed Senator Elmer J. Burkott , was born In Omaha on Sep tember 18. 1859. His father. Phlneas W. Hitchcock , cleared the brush from the land on which many prominent Omaha buildings now stand. He rep resented Nebraska in the United States senate from 1871 to 1877. Gil bert M. Hitchcock was educated in Omaha and in Germany , graduated Hi law at the University of Michigan in 1881 was married on August 30 , 1883 , to Miss Jessie fJrounce , daughter of the late Governor Crounso ; founded the Omaha World in 1885 ; in 1889 bought the Omaha Herald and has since published them as the World- Herald ; was elected to the lower house of congress in 1902 as a demo crat and is at present a member o ? that body. Santa Fe. The New Mexico con- itltutional convention has adopted the reports of committees on final revi sion of the preamble , executive name and boundaries. The boundaries clause will Involve the new state In a dispute with Texas. Women were given the right to vote at school elec tions , hut this right may bo suspended or restored upon petition of fifty per cent of the qualified voters. One hun dred thousand copies of the constitu tion , half in Spanish , were ordered printed for free distribution among the voters LEWIS' "SINGLE BINDER. " A liand-matlo cigar frcnh from the table , wrapped In foil , thus keeping fresh until smoked. A fresh cigar uiado of good tobacco IB the Ideal smoke. The old , well cured tobaccos used nro so rich In quality that many who formerly smoked lOc cigars now smoke Lewis' Slnglo Hinder Straight C c. Lewis' Slnglo Binder costs the dealer some moro than other 5c cigars , but the higher price enables this fac tory to use extra quality tobacco. There are many imitations ; don't bo fooled. There is no substitute ! Tell the dealer you want a Lowls "Slnglo Binder. " An Exciting Town , Los Angeles is a truly exciting town lo llvo iu. To say nothing ot HB licavcnly cllmato and its bombs , there js always something stimulating in itho occult line going on. Just the other day a widow of the angelic city .began to long for a sight of ono of Jicr schoolmates whom she had not seen for 45 years. The longing brought ilts fulfillment. A spirit told her to ook for him in Brooklyn. She obeyed , | met him on the street a few hours jaftor she arrived , and promptly mar ried him. It Is worth while to llvo In a city where things like this hap pen , even at the risk of being blown ' .p now and then. ALL THERE. Visitor Do you think that mosqul- toefl carry malaria ? Farmer 1 dunne ; they never took any away from hero. PUTS STOMACHS IN ORDER. No Indigestion , Gas , Sourness or Dys pepsia Five Minutes After Taking a Little Dlapepsln. There should not bo a cnso of Indlges tlon , dyspepsia or gastritis hero If road era who nro subject to Stomach trou 'bio knew the tremendous antl-forrncn 'nnd digestive virtue contained In Dla pepsin. This harmless preparation . \vlll digest a heavy meal withou , 'tho slightest fuss or discomfort , anc relieve the sourest , acid stomach In flvo minutes , besides overcoming al foul , nauseous odors from the breath If your stomach is uour and full o ; .gas , or your food doesn't digest , and iyour meal don't seem to fit , why not get a CO-cent case of Tape's Diapepsin from any druggist hero In town , ani make life worth living. Absolute re lief from Stomach misery nnd perfect digestion of anything you eat Is euro to follow flvo minutes after , and besides sides , ono fifty-cent case IB sufficient to euro a whole family of such trouble Surely , a harmless , Inexpensive preparation like Pape's Diapepsin .which will always either at daytime or during night , relieve your sick nour , gassy , upset stomach and discs your meals , is about as handy and valuable uablo a thing : as you could have in the house. ' Not Even Mother. Little Bob was much distressed be cause the birthdays of his sister Ade laide and his baby brother wcro going to arrive before his did. "All the biirfdays before mine , " ho mourned. " "Couldn't you inako mine come first , muvver ? " "No , " interposed Adelaide , decisive ly , "nobody can change your birth day not even mother ! " TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red , Weak , Weary , Watery Byoa andGranulated Eyelids. Murlno Doesn't Smart Soothes J3yo Pain. Druggists Sell Murino Eye Remedy , Liquid , 2Gc , COc , $1.00. Murlno Eye Salvo In Aseptic Tubes , 25c. $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mall. llurluo Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago. The Number. " 1 hcLr your new auto made a good record en Its trip. " "Yes ; ran over in about an hour. " "How many ? " His Specialty. " 1 hear that author friend of youra is making a fine living by his pen. " "Yes. HO'B stopped writing and gone to raising pigs. " Stiff _ neck I Doesn't nmount to much , but mighty disagreeable. You'vo no idea how quickly a httlo Ilamlitis Wizard Oil will lubricate the cords and make you comfortable ncain. The mind ought sometimes to bo diverted , that It may return the bet ter to thinking. Phoedrus. Mm. Wlnnlcnr's Soof tilni ; Hyrnp. ii tveltnng. uifU'nainui.-uuik , r The man who deceives himself is an easy mark for others. Color more ooodi brighter and latter color * thar YOU in djo an ) garment without tipping iparU Wrll Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ? Wp car ? furnish positive proof that it has made many rematkablo cures after all other means had failed. Women who are suffering with some form of fcmalo illness should consider this. As such evidence read these two unsolicited testimonial letters. We guarantee they are genuine and hottest states ments of facts. Crcsson , Pn. " Flvo years ago I Imcl a T > nd fall , nncl Itnrft myself inwardly. I wna under v doctor's care for nlno wocko , mid when I stopped I prow ivorso again. I sent for ft Ijottlo of Itfdla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , took It as directed , and now I aiu a otont , lieortyrouian. . " Mrs. Ellk 12. Alkey , Crcssou , Pa. Baird , "Wash. "A year njo I ivas sick \vlth kidney nnd bladder troubles and femaleweakness. . The doctors gave mo up. All they could do was to Just let mo go as easily OH possible. I was advised by friends to toke Iiydln E.Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound and Blood Puriilcr. I am completely cured of my ills , and 1 am nearly ulxty years old. " Mrs. Surah Xicightou. Buird , Wash. Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the derangements of the female organism which breed all kinds of miserable feelings and which ordinary practice does not cure , are the very disorders that give way to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women who are afflicted with similar troubles , after reading two such letters as the above , should be encouraged to try this wonderfully -helpful remedy. FOP 30 years Ijydla E. PInkliam's Vegetable * Compound has been the standard remedy for fcinulo ills. No sick woman doca justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs , and has thousands of cures to its credit. tagBgteBIrs.'Pinlclmm invites all sick women 9mF to write- her for advice. She 1ms guided thousands to health free of charge. Address MM. Piukham. Lynn , Muss. The Rayo Lnmp is a high grade lamp , sold at a low price. ) Tnnro'aro ' lampn that coit mom , nut Uicroln no bntUirl.irapmnd.iiUanr i prloo. Oonntructed of milld linns ; nlrkol plqtml eaMly kcptolcfint nil ) _ _ a-rgL unmmnnt tonny room Innnr IIOUKO. ThcrolBnoUilmr known to tno Jim -T"E . PU ) * . ° ? lamp-making that can ndd to the yaltio of the KAYOLntnpanallgln > STEADY .flP M. > giving dovlco. Kvory druler OTorywhrro. If nut at Tours , HriW tot WHITE jBL fe. desonpUre circular to the ncnrou agency of tbo UCHT B V * STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( Incorporated ) W. L. DOUGLAS * 3 " 3.5O & * 4 SHOES Dovo- SHOES , 2.QO , < 2.BO & $3.00 , DtST in THE WORLD. W. L.Doualaa $ a.OO , $3,00 and $4.OO aJioaa DO roul- you are pooltlvelytha bamt mac/0 and moot pop * Ize tlmt ular ahooa tor thoar lea In Amor lea , ana are my slices the momt economical mhoom for you lo buy. li o T o been tlio standard for oror 30 yearn , that I maka and tell moro 83.00. 33 0 and 04.00 Bhoeg than any other manufacturer In tha U.8. . and thai DOLLAR IfOR DOLLAR , I OUA11ANTKR MY SHOES to hold thelrshapo , look nnd ( It bettor , and wear loncor than any other $3.00,93.M ) or (4 00 shoes you can -7 ? Quality counts. It has made Jny ahocaTHIS LEADEH8 OK THE WORLD. You will ba pleated when yon boy my shoes becnnio of the flt and appearanoo , nnd when It cornea time for you to ptirchaso another pair , you will bo more than pleased because the last ones wore no well , and gave you so much comfort. line vrlltiont W I- 1'TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE and price ulAinnrdnn 111 . II your dealer cannot tui > pljr jou with W. . I I > onulu Hliori , vrrtlo for Mall Onler ( Jutaluir. IV. I * . J OU JAN , 14.Hiittrk. . Mt. , llrotUlon , ATail. S soft as a glove toygh as a wire black as a Sold by DouUra Everywhere MANUFACTURED DY P3" "ALB BY Standard Oil Company STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( Incorporated ) ( Incorporated ) THE ALL-ABOUND OBL ' IN THE HANDY , EVER-READY TIN OILER - Is specially selected for any need in the homo. Saves tools from rusting. Can can not break. Does not gumor become rancid. MANUFACTURED OY POTt SALB DV Standard Oil Company STANDAUD OIL COMPANY Dealers EverfNben ( Incorporated ) ( Incorporated ) COLT DISTEMPER Ovn b < handled Terr eaalty. The tick are cured , and alt others la uroetUblo , no matter hotrMeipoi d"kei > t from bating thodU- wao. \ > j utloa Hl'OUN'U LIQUID DlUTKMl'Ell CUUK. Olio on 'the ' tongue , or In feed. Acta ou the blood and ip l eernu ot all fonni of dlit mper. lint ramedjr erur known for mare * In teaL , One Lottie guaranteed to euro ono m to. Uk ) an'111 a bottle 114 ao4 I VIOdoten 01 druggUtiiand uamniadoaleni.oraenteipreao paid br / pianufacturvn. Cut > how laow to | K > uHlco tbroata. Our ( rM kx > kletKlTMeTcrTtblnx. Ixxal oicenU wanted. Largtat Mllloff _ lone romedIn eiuttnco twr1 GPOHM MEDICAL CO. . Qosh n. Ind.t U. YOUKimCAS. Tberraajr brlnu von wi'ultu , oi-iiugii Hook Jrri ) . KM. laMJ. . . IMUAUr > . , JJux Ji.WushlDgluu. 1M1 DEFIflNGE STARCH 'TouriiiTcntlnn. Frco prollmlrv > nrrnrurcli. Hooklolfruo. M1LU JIBTKVUXS * CO. . lisinb.loO , Hill tit. . Washington , 2GO Dearborn tit. , Chicago , W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 47-1910. LESS DYES i any other dye. One tOc package colon all fiber * . They die In cold water better than an ; other die ; o lor Iree booklet- How to Die , Bleach and MU Color * , ftOHHOE DlWa CO. , Qulncy , 1 1 line