TUB cqrM COPNTX IIBI- \ GUSTO BOUNTY REPUBLICAN 3i5 00 For Yeiu All iUOHOnti > u sue turnWereii permanent alia it they wmn to discontinue are exfifcfd lo pay alt arrearages and notify r jniiHiiur R refl at Urr. ' 'u Jloir , Nebraska , tor trann- mtulM the United States mail * - > . tecond claim rates. D M. AMSDERRY , Editor and Publisher Senator Hartley ( Texas ) says ho never sinned against the principals of democracy. Hard to offend any thing you can't find. The legislature promises a drouth for Nebraska but of a sort that will make pork and beef out of corn , In- Htead of turning It to "personal lib erty. " If the democrats of Illinois had enlisted the support of the W. C. 11. U. In the recent campaign there would bo no necessity for the French Lick Springs camp meeting hold last week. The Callaway Courier Tribune smya "lot the farmers draw the next lines for division" now If the Trib une speaks for Callaway , county di vision Is over and old Ouster coun ty will remain as It Is and as It nhould be , in one hunk. "Whiskey has been causing fights for ages hut now that Nebraska ltan a good chance of going dry. A wat er fight Is promised that will Inter- st the Platte river farmers trlliu- tray to North IMattc , Cozad and Lexington. Even the water wagon cotneR high. Before election its always a guess but after election its the real thing You know who the fellow is and sidestepping don't go. Wo are now living in ti progressive up-to-the minute ago and the fellow who mad promises to"get there" will have tc deliver the dope or "go way bacl , and Bit down. " Some body put grease on the poll and the'cost of living la slipping down , but Dr. Wileythinks some mutt will put sand on the axis of exlutonce and let 'em climb up again Then comes uncle Jim Wilson with H statement that there's plenty of grub and if some "personal liberty" feller don't block the game between producer and consumer wo can all fill up by spring. Wlllard F. Dalloy , secretary of the Nebraska Capital Removal asso ciation , will call a meeting of the executive committee at either Kear ney or Broken Bow soon to perfect the organization of a legislative com mlttoo and to censlder other uncom- ploto work. The fight will be push ed to a finish. Ex. Broken Bow capital of Nebraska Wouldn't that swell your thoughts ? It may happen. When a town Is growing so rapIdly - Idly that Its schools become crowded to such an extent that some of the young * people of school ago are un able to get on the student rolls. That a new thirty-five thousand dollar lar school building Just about com pleted will not accomodato these wanting an education. Wo think there Is some prospects of a bright future. That's Broken Bow and for all wo know may be the capital of Nebraska some day. n LAXI ) OKK1CE XOTES Saturday NOV. 12 , was held one of the largest sales of isolated land over had In one day at the Brok ,1' , n Bow land office. The price rmiged from $1.2F to $4-00 per acre. The purchasers were Theo. Loop of MilburH , Chas. M. jjrowu of Gundy , Hugh W. Hitchcock of Midvale , John T. Huffman of Mll- VwrM , William Turnbull of Brewster. Jan. S. Dlllavou of Dunning , Mae 10. Mullen of Hyannls , Thomas Thomp- on of Seneca , A. N. Larson of Enlk John M. Carpenter of Whitman , N. E. Trcgo of Mayflower , George B. Mason of Whitman , Fcatus Caro- thers agent for Dorsoy Carothcrs Whitman , Onus. Solrks Dunning. Daniel Hanoy Hyannls , Guy Drake I Whitman and Alvcn Evans af Hyan- nU. Gcorgo Mown paid the high est price which was § 4.00 an acre and Miss Mao E. Mullen bought the largest , tract , She purchased the limit 480 acre for which she paid only $1.25 an acre. W. A. Yatcs of Whitman was In the city Saturday looking after the Isolated land sales in his vicinity. Frank Florlan of Whitman was In the city Monday to file on a Kin- hald homestead. James II , Luther of Anslcy was in the city Monday and made entry on 040 acres of land in Brown coun ty. Ills brother Jess who was with him filed on a contest In a section In the sumo vlrlnlty. James nnd Arthur IMckorall of ManrlicKttr , Kansas , filed on homo- Hlcadtt In Cherry county Tuesday , j The former purchased a rollnpulsh- mont together with the stock and machinery owned by the claimant. ' Howard Gould and John I. Dnlton of Ashland were in the city Tues- ( day. They each filed homesteads on government land. j Ruben MeKlnnoy of Llnscott was in the clly Tuesday making proof , on hlH homestead. Ills witnesses' wore H. E. I'holps and Henry A. Ke lor of Anselmo. Harry Lchind of Arnold was in the city Tuesdaj making proof on his homestead. Chas. Vogel of Ar nold \vas one of his witnesses. J. M. Scgrlst was In the city Tues day as a contestant against Lottie Hay , the dotendant being In default. I These who want government land will have to get a move on them- solvea. Over 200 claims were filed on In September and October , 1910. OKTELLO i J. M. Ingrain nnd wife nnd HOU Ollle and Miss Edith Cantrell took In the box social at the Cedar grove school house Friday night and re turned Saturday evening. Miss Ida Ingram cnmo home Sat urday evening accompanied by Earl Myers she roturncd Sunday. Dick Ilemstcad and family and J. M. Ingram and family spent Sunday at JOSH Cantrell's. F. S. Smith and Win. Hjatt and families spout Sunday at Jim Hyatts Miss Blanche Mllllgau was a Broken on How visitor Friday. A DAXUHKOUK MISTAKE Broken Bow Motheis Should Not Xeglcct Kidney Weakness in Children Most children have weak kidneys The earliest warning Is bed-wot ting. ting.Later comes backache , headache , langour. 'Tls a mistake to neglect these troubles. TO blame the child for Its own distress. to cure the kidneys Save the child from deadly kidney Ills , noun's Kidney 1'llls cure sick kid neys. neys.Broken Bow parents recommend them. Mrs. J. W. Jones , of Broken Bow Nebr. , says : "The public statement I gave in favor of Doan's Kidney IMlls In July 1907 , still holds good. J then said that our Httlo girl was greatly troubled from childhood by a kldiioy weakness and that nothing helped her until she used Doan's Kidney Pills. The contents of two boxes of this remedy effected a cure and I am glad to say that thera has been no recurrence of the trouble. We procured Doan's Kid ney Pills at Haeberle's Drug Store and they not only corrected the kidney weakness , but acted as a tonic to the entire system. " KUUEKA. John Marcney bought 40 head of hogs near Mcrna Monday. Miss Llzcnna Reed Is visiting her sister Mrs. Charley Leonard this week. Miss Mary Sullivan of Falrbury arrhed Saturday for a visit with Miss Nellie McGown. Tlio danro given at Will Powers Saturday night was well attended and all report a good time. Mlus Ore Ross of Ansolmo spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Charley Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Foran spout Sunday afteinoon at Asmus .lessons. ' Mrs. Dominic Foran and Misses Nellie McGown and Mary Sullivan spent Wednesday at .lessons. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Forau , Mr , and Mrs/ Jerry Hlckey and Jack McDermott - mott were Broken Bow visitors Sat urday. Charley Mlcholc of Falrbury ar rived Saturday and will remain hero for some time. Mlfases Fannie and Rosa Powers and Mike Condon were Sunday visit ors at J. S. Hlckej's. Everybody from this neighborhood attended the funeral of Mra. Henry MonlBoy Friday. Mrs. Titos. McDermott spout last week In Ansolmo with her mother. Dominic , Jim and Deacon Foran and Chas. Hlckey shipped a carload of hogs to Omaha Wednesday. ill ) YEARS OK SUCCESS Albert II. Souders offers u remedy For Catarrh. The Medi cine. Costs Nothing if It Kails When a medicine effects a suc cessful treatment in a very large majority of cases and when wo offer that medicine on our own per sonal guarantee that It will cost the user nothing If It does not complete ly relieve catarrh , It Is only reasonable - enable that people should believe us , or at least put our claim to a practical test when wo take all the risk , Wo want them to try Roxall Mucu-Tono , a medicine- prepared from a prescription of a physician with whom catarrh was a specialty , and who has a record of thirty years of enviable success ' to his record. Wo receive more good reports about - bout Roxnll Mucu-Tono , than wo do of all other catarrh remedies sold In our store , and If more people unly know what a thoroughly do- liendahlo remedy Rcxall Mucu-Tono Is , It would bo the only catarrh rem- jdy wo would have any domandfor. Rcxall Mucu-Tono Is quietly ah- 4orl > ed and by its therapeutic eftoct- Leiids to disinfect and cleanse thu ant Ire. inn com ) membraneous tract , Lo destroy and remove the parasites which Injure the membraneous tis sues , to Koollio the Irritation nnd lical the soreness , stop the mucous illscharge , build up strong healthy Llssuo and relieve the blood and system of diseased matter. Us In fluence. Is toward stimulating the muco-cclls aiding digestion and 1m- | ) iovlng nutrition until the whole body vibrates with healthy activity In a comparatively short tlmo It brings about a notlcablo gain In iitrength , good color and feeling of bouyancy. We urge you to try Roxall Mucu- Tone , beginning a treatment today. At any tlmo you are not satisfied , almply como and tell us , and wo will quickly return your money with out question or quibble. We have Rexall Mucu-Tono in two sizes , 50c and $1.00. Remember you can ob tain Roxall remedies In Broker Bow only at our store , The Rexall Store. Albert H. Soudcrs. MASON CITV Nlckoll Peterson loaded his per sonal effects for TVxas this week. Ho expects to make his homo In the lone star slate. R. D. Weaver has broadened his smile considerable since last Sun day , it Is a boy. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wlere arriv ed last week to visit tholr daughter Mrs. A. C. Walker. Mr. Wlero re turned to their home in S. Omaha Sunday evening and Mrs. Wlere returned ( Tuesday morning. Bunnoll and Rusmissell shipped a load of hogs to S. Omaha , Tues day. The foot-ball kids went to Ansley lant SMurday and got cleaned to the tln-o of 4T. to 0 but Fritz Per kins says , "Its alright wo couldn't expect to beat men we're only kids" J. G. Diffendaffer was a Ravenna passenger Tuesday morning. T. J. Wood went to Lltchfield Sunday to visit with Masonic friends Mr. Wood bears the distinction of being ono of the best posted Masons In Central Nebraska. Agent Slmonds and son made a trip to Broken Bow Saturday even- Ing. Ing.W. W. N. Hurley returne from a week visit with his brother in Mernad Monday morning. John T. Wood of Broken Bow was In Mason on business last Sat urday. The new cement block hotel Is growing rapidly , the second floor joist being laid last wck. This will add much to the business Interests of our little berg. I'UAIKIE HILL John Wheeling of West Table is offering 5 cents a bushel for corn huskors. John and Esther Bcal spent Sun day at Broken Bow. Mr. and Mrs. John Longfellow and daughter Esther went to Dunning Tuesday evening to spend a few days. . Mrs. Elgin Bcal spent a few days last week with her son at George town. town.Mr. Mr. Lovl Poor went Tuesday tote to spend the winter In Mosourl. Dophia Taylor of Richmond , Va. , Is husking corn for Wes Thomas. GOVERNOR PROCLAIMS THANKSGIVING DAY Formally Designr.tes Tlmi-sday , No vember " 1 , as Day to Rejnlce at WneUts. Lincoln , N'ob. , Nov. 11. In his of ficial Thanksgiving day proclamation Govoinor Shallenbergor congratu lates the state that It has kept stop with industrial and civic progress. He says "We have found ourselves today the recipients of unusual boun ty from the hand of Providence. " In his formal statement , In which ho designates Thursday , November 24 , as Thanksgiving day , he says : "In confoimlty with long estab lished custom , and In accordance with the proclamation Issued by the president of the United States.set- tlng apart a day for the especial pur pose of expressing our gratltudo tea a bcnoficicut and allwlso Creator for manifold favois bestowed upon us as a bt.ito and as a people , 1 here by designate Thursday , November 21 Thanksgiving day , doing so by the authority Inmo vested by law as governor of Nebraska. "U Is meet and proper that wo of Nchraski pause In our daily pursuits to express our gratltudo to Almighty God tor the bounty ho has bestowed upon us and upon our state. Our fields nnd orchards have brought forth abundantly ; the wheels of our Industries have been kept busy trail qulllty has found an abiding place in the hearts of our people ; our be loved commonwealth has kept step with the onward mach of civil and Industrial progress , nnd we find our selves today the recipients of un usual bounty from the hand of Providence. "That we may give proper voice to our thanks to all these blessings , I recommend that no business be transacted upon that day and date above sot forth ( and 1 earnestly urge j the people of Nebraska to make ap propriate observance of the occas- slon by profound devotion nnd rover cut thanks to Almighty God. " Both Teams Win. Both the High School and Custer College foot hall teams won out-of- town victories last Friday. The former team autoed to Ord and de feated the high school of that .place with a score of 20 to 0 ; while the college boys used the same conveyance - I anco to Sargent and played a hotly contested game with the city team of that place , which resulted in a score of 3 to 2 In favor of the col- logo. The two teams belonging to' the high school , aud the college team , are putting in long hours and plenty of extra work , so that they may close the season on Thanks giving day In a blaze of glory. All three of the elevens have played good ball durlngthe season , the high school boys being particularly suc cessful. Woodmen Are Getting Busy At the last meeting of Custer Camp 4477M. W. A. two prizes wore offered to members bringing In the most applications for beneficiary membership between now and Feb. I , 1JH1. The first prize will be a gold watch neatly engraved with the emblem of the order on the back. The second will be a gold ring. The Woodmen do not hesitate to tell prospective members that they will "got a good run for their money" when the "goat" time comes. The contest now on promises to furnish excitement galore and add to the membership. Kebekah Kensington The Rebckah Kensington society which was recently reorganized met In the Odd Follows hall last Friday afternoon with a good representatio of the membership present. The after noon was profitably spent in mak ing comforts 'for ladles of this city. The Odd Fellows home at York which is now In course of construc tion will be completed within a year and the ladies of the several lodges throughout the state arc doing good work and expect to be able to fur nish a number of rooms In the home with the money earned by the sew ing societies. We understand they will do all kinds of plain sewing. Important. The amusement of children Is of ten a problem for everybody and always a study to the conservative mind. We wish to call attention to one form of past time practiced by some of our little boys and ask you to consider the dangerous chances they are taking almost dally. We re fer to the little follows catching on the rear end of wagons and buggies that are being driven along the streets. It Is not only good judg ment but very necessary for a driv er to look ahead and on a busy street he has no time to look to the rear of his wagon. A short time ago a little boy was killed In Lin coln by an automobile. He had bee riding on the rear end of a coal wag on and the driver did not know he was on the wagon until some time after he had jumped off the wagon and been killed. We have a numbo of automobiles In our city and just such an accident could occur here although a word of suggestion might prevent It. Let Tnviu Cut Ills Foot Off It Is not a very uncommon thing for persons to become discouraged and throw themselves before a mov ing train with the Intent to commit suk'ldo , but for one to deliberately poke his foot under the wheels of a moving train and thus have It ampu tated Is something seldom If over heard of until the other day when a tramp performed the act between Junlata and Konesaw. The man wh did the foolish act told the follow ing story to a reporter of a news paper who Interviewed him after the occurrence : "My name Is Sam Childs ; I was thirty years old October 20 ; my par ents llvo at Leotl , Kansas. I was born In Tennessee. When my brotl > er and myself were old enough to work a little my father became cranky and grow worse as we grow older. 1 got out of bed once at I midnight and ran away , but later re- tuiiKd on the advice of my friends , only to be driven away again. Ihavo been a wanderer for fifteen years 'V-Wf.TrrtWk.HS > . . . . . . Some Good Things to Know. Where to buy Chan Coal , Coke , Eastern Hard , all sixes I And Posts , Cement , Plaster , Prepared Roofing- Wind ows , Doors and everything1 to keep out the storms. Let us figure with you. We can please you will only give us the chance , DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA. Phone 23. J. S. Alo'yneux , Alanager. S5M8B S&.39 November TO THE SOUTH : Homeseekers' excursions will continue during the winter to the South and Southwest ; winter tourist excursions "re in etfcct every day to southern resorts ; these excursion rates ofler an exce'- leut chauce to escape lhn Northern winter in looking over the land inn I re creation possibilities oi the new South HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS On the first ami third Tuesdays to the new lands of the West , including the Big Horn Basin which coun try today otters the greatest combination of industrial and fanning resources at the cheapest rates in the country. TO CALIFORNIA Every day excursion rates with choice of routes g"ing and returning , to include the whole Pacific slope. Thousands of Americans , enpeciallo iuvalibs and elderly people , have selected' Southern California for tbeir rernioueut place for a winter sojourn. Through tourist sleepers to California via DSnver , Scenic Colorado and Salt I/ike , the all year routp , Send for Burlington publications , "California Excursions , " "Pacilic Coast Tours. " Let ine help you plan the tour of the greatest attraction at the lowest rates. H. L OR MS BY , Local Tick © Agent. Broken Bow , Neb. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. Omaha , Neb I Send Your Abstract Orders to B Leonard , Bonded Abstracts ? Office In Security State Bank Building Your ITew Machinery Will work smoother and stay new longer If you use our HOUSING LUMBER and PREPARED ROOFING to keep it under shelter. PRICES LOW QUALITY THE BEST Phone 79 Turner Lbr , rldlng freight trains and expecting to lose my life. 1 did this act October * ober 24th of my own free will In ac cordance with the catholic Bible. My parents had no more religion than dogs and 1 had 7iever been bap tlzed , so 1 baptized myself with my ortii blood , having no one to help me. First I removed my old shoe , rolled down my sock and pulled up my pants and drawers and when the train whistled for the bridge I stuck my right fpot across the rail. Zip ! and It "waiTdone. Then I pulled my self around the abutment of the the bridge and let her bleed awhile and then'checked the flow with my garters and pulled my drawers and my pants over the stubI ; was forced out of hiding In the weeds the tol- lowlng day by thirst aud discover ed by the section men. This is all I care to say. " Ex. ( jasolinc Explosion. What might have been a serious accident and loss of life occurred at the Thompson homo Tuesday even ing. Miss Hoa generated the gaso line flat-iron , so she went to call her mother , who was standing out In front of the store. Mrs. Thomp son quickly ran Into the kitchen where the iron was all ablaze , but seeing the danger ran out of the room and closed the door when a fearful explosion occurred. Miss Vlrdlo Wilson was about to enter the room but Mrs. Thompson told her not to go In , just before the ex plosion. Had either been In the room they would have been killed. The partitions were all blown out of place , doors bursted and a chim ney torn loose from the wall and other damage done , and all caused by the explosion of about an ounce of gasoline. Dr. Thompson Informs that the damage will amount to $109. Oconto Register. IN THE COUNTY COURT OK CUSTEIt Cl'NTY , NEBRASKA. All persons Interested in the esato of Nancy Agor , deceased , , Take notice that , Whereas , Albert I Routh , has filed his petition In this court alleging that Nancy Ager , his mother , an inhabitant and resident of Custer Co. , Nebr. , departed this life there in , Intestate , about six years ago . - . * / stezed and possessed of the sw Vi , S the w % nw % , the ne J/4 nw VI , and the mvVInoVI , sec. 15 , tp. 17 , range 20 In Custer County , Nebr. ; that the estate of the said Nancy Ager has never been administered ; That the said real estate Is now wholly ex empt from attachment , execution , or other prosess , and not liable for the payment of the debts of said Nancy Ager If any existed , ; That the petit ioner Albert I. Routh , Who Is 53 years of ago and whose residence and address Is Broken Bow , Nebr. ' , is the sole and only heir of the said Nancy Ager , deceased , and that the said real estate descended to the said petitioner at the death of the said Nancy Agor , and the same Is now discharged of al debts and claims against the said deceased and her estate ; that the said petition prays for a finding and a decree , That .Albert 1. Routh , is the solo heir of Nancy Ager , deceased , That said real estate descended to him on the death of said deceased , and N e- Is now discharged of all debts and f and claims against said deceased , a her estate , and further asking for an order that the regular admlnistra- * tlon of the estate of said deceased bo dispensed with , all of which peti tion and prayer appears more fully and specifically In said filing. It Is accordingly ordered that said petition bo heard In this court on the 22nd day of Dec. 1910 at 10 o' clock a. m. when aud whore all in terested parties will bo heard , and that this order bo published four succsslvo weeks prior thereto , In the Custer County Republican. It Is further ordered that the ev idence of Jane and Henry Rakestraw to bo used on said hearing , bo taken before the County Judge of Filmoro County , Nebr. , at his office at Geneva - ova , Nebr. , on the 19th day of Dec. 1510 , beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. with power to adjourn fromdaytoday Witness my hand and seal of the Court this 23rd day of Nov. 1910. ( seal ) C H Holcomb , -G-28 County Judge ,