Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 24, 1910, Image 2

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The Busier County ReptiWlcai
D. M. AMSBEUHY , Kdltor
Embracing a Condensation of Events
In Which Readers Generally Are
More or Lese Concerned.
Congress meets the lirat Monday in
December. The scaslon will end
March 4th.
The beginning of November IHIK
brought an Improved condition oil gov
ernment llnanccs. The month shown
n surplus of moro than $700,000 , an
. tgaltiBt a deficit of $2,500,000 n year
ago. The total receipts to date are
nearly ? 7,000,000 ahead of a year ago
and the disbursements arc nearly
i $4,000,000.
'i John B. Oilman , comnmndor-ln-chlof
1 of the Grand Army of the Republic ,
\ appointed the court of Inquiry re
quested by Past Senior Vlco Com-
innmlor John MeElroy of this city to
i. , Investigate charges which , it la al
5 , leged , were circulated ngaltiHt the lat
ter at the encampment of the Grand
Army held at Atlantic City
After a leave of absence lasting
nearly ten years during the most of
which time ho was engaged In Arctic
oxploratlon , Capt. Robert 12. Peary
has returned to active duty In the
navy department. For the present
the famous explorer Is to bo engaged
as engineering expert for the de
partment of Justice In cases before
the court of claims , involving con
struction work for the naval bureau
of yards and docks.
Plans for an aerial military squaa-
ion will bo presented to congress , the
number of the air machines to bo pro
vided being loft by the war depart
ment to the law makers. This was
announced by Major General Leon
ard Wood , chief of staff of the army.
P.rigadior General James Allen , chief
of the signal corps , in his report to
General Wood , already has recom
mended that twenty machines be pur
chased at once for the army.
A parly of fifty Jesuits , the last or
the members of the religious orders ,
were expelled from Portugal.
Crippen , the wife murderer , will
barely escape the gallows , though
given n ten-days' extension from the
original day sot for his execution.
The Explorer's Club In Now York
lias been notified that a Japanese ex
pedition to the South Polo will leave
Toklo on November 1G. The expedi
tion will use a 200-ton vessel equipped
with sails and auxiliary power and
uxpects to be three years in making
Us long Journey.
Count Bonl do Castellane , former
husband of Anna Gould , now the wife
of his cousin , Prlnco do Sagan , has
liled with the Vatican a formal peti
tion asking the pope to confirm his
civil divorce and grant him a church
divorce. Count Bonl , It is said , is
Kulng for the hand of Miss Anna Mor
gan , daughter of J. P. Morgan
Baron do XJngern SternBurg , corre-
jpondent of n soml-ofllclal .Austro-
Hungarian news agency , was sen
tenced by the appeal court to four
years hand labor on the charge of
high treason. Baron Stornburg was
arrested last > Juno by the secret police
after a search of his apartments. The
police slczed his papers and the baron
was placed In confinement.
Prominent Mexicans say It is idle
to talk of o rupture with the United
States ,
There Is surprise In Portugal that
the United States has not recognized
the infant republic.
There is a long list of New York
democrats who aspire to the coming
vacancy In the U. S. senate.
Editor Hitchcock , for U. S. senator ,
has moro votes than any other man
on the democratic ticket In Nebraska.
Nebraska ranchmen who were in
dicted by the grand Jury on the
charge of conspiracy to drive out
Kottlors , gave themselves up and are
out on bond.
A movement Is on to deprive the
next speaker of the national house
of the committee appointing power.
Charles W. Armour believes high
prices have reached their climax , and
from now on will be on the down
grade ,
Tito total net revenue of the steam
railroads in the United States last
July was $73,477,590 or $308.51 per
mile against $78,133,043 , or $335.06
per mlle of line in July of last year.
Mayor Dahlman of Omaha , who
made the race for governor of Nebras
ka , though defeated , is not cast down.
At Anadarko , Okl. , Police Chief W.
C. Temple was called to his door by
nn unidentified Mexican nnd fatally
The San Juan , Porto Rico , branch
of the Union Bank of Halifax , has
been merged with the Royal Bank of
Ono hundred and four thousand
cottiers entered Canada from the
United States during the last year
und 75,000 entered the United States
from Canada.
Congress meets the first Monday In
December , the session ending March
4th.It Is figured fit this tlmo that Al-
drlch's majority for governor In Ne
braska will roach 25.000.
Mr. nryan has boon malting some
speeches In Speaker Cannon's Illinois
The lower hoimo of the next con
gress will have a democratic majority
of about forty.
Dlx ( dem. ) was elected governor
of New York , notwithstanding Hooso-
vclt'H vigorous campaign.
Aldrlch has n money bill which It
Is said ho will push at the coming
short session of congress.
Trenton , N. J. , has 11 population of
OG.Slfi Inhabitants , according to the
thirteenth census statistics.
Just for the present Teddy ban
nothing to say about election results ,
but will bo hoard from later.
Doctors at their Ilaltimoro meeting
scored medical schools for their fall-
uro to train students on care of In
KooHOvelt has given notice that ho
Js going to take a good rest. To all
callers word Is handed out "nothing
doing. "
The supreme court of the United
States has adjourned for Its Thanks
giving recess. It will reconvene No
vember 28.
President Taft will Uavo a number
of Important measures before the
next congress and hopes to get action
upon them without delay.
The Nobel prize commlttco has
awarded the prize for literature for
1910 to Paul Johann Ludwlg llcyso/
the German poet and novelist.
Governor Sanders will call a
special session of the Louisiana legis
lature for November 21 to elect a suc
cessor to the late Senator McEncry.
llov. Dr. Charles Ilumncr Burch ,
arch-deacon of Richmond , staten Is
land , has been elected bishop suffra
gan of the Protestant diocese of Now
Hitchcock , the coming democratic
senator from Nebraska , Is a son of
the late P. W. Hitchcock , who also
served a term in the United Slates
Governor Shallonberger Issues his
proclamation of thanksgiving and
says Nebraska has kept stop with the
onward march of civic and Industrial
Complete returns Indicate that the
Wyoming legislature will bo repub
lican by n majority of eleven on Joint
ballot , insuring the return of Senator
C. D. Clark to the United States
Governor B. I < \ Carroll announced
the appointment of Lafayette Young ,
editor and publisher of the tDes
Moincs Capital , to bo United States
senator , succeeding the Into Senator
Mayor Gaynor said ho would not
favor a bill proposing to change the
power of appointing public service
commissioners for the" First district
from the governor to the mayor of
Now York.
Belated returns on Tuesday's elec
tion continue to Increase the plurality
of James ir. Hawlcy , democratic can
didate for governor of Idaho. It Is
now estimated bo will lead Governor
Bradby about 1,000 votes.
Samuel Bronstcln , known as a
money-lender to newspaper men In all
parts of the United States , was con
victed of usury and sentenced to
servo sixty days In Jail and pay a flno
of $100 In the court of criminal cor
rection in St. Louis.
Long and short haul problems In
volved In the fourth section of the
amended law for the regulation of In
terstate commerce will bo discussed
at a conference at the interstate com
merce commission headquarters in
Washington on November 28.
The New Mexico constitutional con
vention disregarded the advice given
by Theodore Roosevelt to make a
constitution easily amended and
adopted an article requiring two-
thirds of each house to propose an
amendment and a big majority of the
elcctorato to approve.
Eugene Zimmerman said Europe re
garded Roosevelt as an agitator.
Census Director Dimind has been
having more trouble of late than any
ofllcor of the government. Census di
rectors always have trouble and al
ways expect it Aspiring communi
ties of the urban sort arc seldom sat
isfied with the result of the federal
enumeration of population.
The British foreign oflleo at Lon
don applied to the German govern
ment for permission to bo represent
ed at the trial early In December of
the alleged British ship's captain , B.
F. Trench , of the royal marines and
Lieut. V. H. Brandon , of the royal
navy , who uro charged by the German
authorities with espionage on the
formications at Borkum.
LaFolletto will bo re-elected senator
from Wisconsin.
Five of the presidents cabinet of
ficers went homo to vote.
Senator Beverldgo of Indiana has
been retired by the voters.
Senator Depew , In the face of de
feat , says he is the happiest man In
Now York.
Hubert Latham circled the city of
Baltimore In a twenty-Ilvo mile flight
A movement is on foot among Ken
tucky democrats to have Congress
man-elect Caleb Powers unseated.
Republicans have control of the
next Kansas legislature. In Nebraska
the situation is directly opposite.
Mayor Dahlman , late aspirant for
governorship of Nebraska , has gonp
to the Missouri Springs to recuperate.
Chilean Minister CriiBo , en route
for Washington , in detained at the
quarantineRtatiou because of a case
of bubonic plague discovered on the
What Figures Show on Other State
Office . Vote for Secretary of
State la Very Close.
Complete returns from clglity-nlno
counties , and partial returns from one
on governor , show :
M'lHcli iiii.RTP.
JJiililtnuti lucr.7j :
Alililch'H lead 13,301
Hctiirrm to coino will niako vurv * llthl
rlmiiKO In the Ica.l ofldilih im they will
Inchiilo only I.OUP ami Mi-J'lifiwm , both
Hiniill cmiiitIrM , and halt of .Slu'ildmi.
l-ollowlni ; IM the volu In ilutall , fin also
vote two yaiB UK fm Khclduii and
Totals 119,873 10R G72 118,119 122,570
Complete returns on senator from 55
countluB dhow llurkett to hnvc 91,999 , nnd
I'Uehcock 111.412. For railway commis
sioner In olKhty-threo counties Claiko
bus 106,209 , and Ilayilon 101,610.
I 'nr HPurHurv of state In 83 cunnllcs
\Vntt 1ms 104.292 , nnd Vool 104,191. At
thlH writing both partlc-H claim this of-
floi ) . For ticusunir In 84 counllcs Grorgo
ln\s 105,113 , nnd Hall 103i61. ( Kor llcu-
tcwuU governor In 65 counties Hope-well
liaw 84.071 , nnd Clark S0,9fi5. Kor auditor
In GO counties Hnrton hat ) 88,050 , and
Hewitt 79.110. Kor attornev general. 06
counties , Murtln has 84.2S7. nnd "Whitney
77,441. Knr railway commissioner , 63
counties , Oowlea hns S3.SIO , and Kastham
SO.S06. Kor superintendent of public In-
Hlmctlon , OG counties , Cmbtreo IMH 88,741
nna JackFon 70,188.
The Vote In Lancaster.
The compilation of the ollleial vote
In Lancaster county shows that Ches
ter II. Aldrlch received a majority of
2,180 voton and that the rest of the
republican ticket came within a hun
dred votes of this majority. 13. J.
Burkett received a majority of 701
over G. M. Hitchcock , l.SOO votes less
than the rest of the ticket.
Senator Burkett.
Senator K. J. Burkett has gone for
a ten days' lecture tour , llo will
B' < eak in Iowa first and later In
Pennsylvania. From his last engage
ment ho will go to Washington to sit
in the senate. The senator will return
to Lincoln after March 4 to take up
the practice of law.
Equipment for Guard.
Adjutant General Hartlgan has re
ceived a letter from the War depart
ment telling him that ho can , by com
plying with certain conditions , secure
Held material without cost to the
etato. At Beatrice there Is a battery ,
but the guns and wagons are all out
of date and It has been demonstrated
that they are of no practical use.
Judge Munger Going Away.
Judge Wl H. Munger will leave
about the first of December for St.
Louis , whore ho will sit with the cir
cuit court of appeals until the holi
days. There are sixty-two cases set
for hearing \ and k Is probable that
about llfty of them will bo heard. As
the cases are then divided among the
three judges for the writing of
opinions , It is probable that Judge
Munger will have about two months'
work of that kind following the Bit
ting of the court. Ho will remain In
St , Louis until that IR disposed of.
State Superintendents Make Plans for
Meeting ,
The committee appointed by the
various state school superintendents
at a conference held In Lincoln a year
ago to draft a program and arrange
for a meeting In Salt Lake City has
made Its report and is now sending
out letters to the educators urging
them to attend this meeting. The com
mittee Is composed of E. C. Bishop ,
state .superintendent of Nebraska ; C.
0. Schulty. of Minnesota , and Harlan
Updegraff of "the bureau of education
The object of the conference Is to
arrange for a uniform certification of
teachers and for reciprocity betweer
the states.
The following rule , an the result or
the meeting he-Id at Lincoln , has been
adopted In respect to the states of
Iowa , Minnesota and Nebraska :
"Reciprocal relations on ccrtlflca.
tlon will be observed between the
Htatcs of Minnesota , Iowa and Ne
braska as follows : Grades not below
75 per cent , on a Minnesota , Iowa or
Nebraska Jlrst grade certificate will
be accepted In the subjects that enter
the same grade or certificate in the
above named states. It IH understood
that this ( iortlllcato must be obtained
tliiough the uniform state examina
tions In the state of Issuance.
"The port-oils presenting such certi
ficates will be required to pass the
regular state examinations in those
subjects that are not shown on the
certificates from other states but
which enter into the certificate of the
state where application Is made for
certificate. "
The introductory portion of the let
ter follows :
You are Invited to attend a meeting
of the chief education officers , to be.
hold at Salt Lake City November 17 ,
18 and 10. 1910. This meeting Is call
ed as a result of a preliminary con
ference at Indianapolis last winter ,
followed by a meeting of a number of
slate superintendents at Lincoln last
June , to consider Interstate certifica
tion of teachers. Those participating
in the gathering at Lincoln were : Mr.
Riggs of Iowa. Mr. Fail-child of Kan-
pas , Mr. Harmon of Montana , Mr.
Mlshop of Nebraska , Mr. Xeller of
Ohio , Mr. Swanson of South Dakota ,
Mr. Nelson of Utah , Mr. Schultz of
Minnesota , and Dr. Updograff of the
United States llureau of Education. A
number of others sent letters showing
Interest in the movement and express
ing the wish that a meeting might be
held later so as to give an opportunity
for those to attend who were unable
to rorue to the Lincoln meeting. In
view of this the superintendents pres
ent at Lincoln accepted the invitation
of State Superintendent Nelson to
meet later in the. year at Salt Lake
Suit Against Telephone Company.
The railway commission has in
structed Attorney General Mullen to
Ille a complaint against the Nebraska
Telephone company on the charge of
discriminating in rates.
Tuberculosis Hospital.
Joel Piper , secretary to the State
Hoard of Charities and Correction ,
lias made recommendation to Gover
nor Shallenberger for the establish
ment of a hospital for persons afflict
ed with tuberculosis and for those
afflicted with epilepsy. It Is probable
that the governor will include the rec
ommendations to the legislature in
bis biennial message to that body.
Nebraska Municipalities League.
Mayor Love , who Is president of
the league of Nebraska municipalities ,
Is sending a circular letter to the
mayors and councihnen of the cities
and towns of the state with a popula
tion of live hundred or over. The letter -
tor calls attention to the meeting of
t.he league to be held in Lincoln No
vember 1C , 17 and 18 , nnd urges the
towns to send delegates to the meet
Lincoln Bank Clearings.
The total clearings of the Lincoln
banks for October this year shows an
Increase over the corresponding
month last year of $547,523. The
clearing totals for the month also
show an Increase ovei1 September of
this year by $81,959,000 the total for
October 1910 Is $7,214,988 ; for Octo
ber 1909 , $6,697,465 ; for September
1910. $6,432,029.
The Coming Teachers' Meeting.
J. L. McIJrien , chairman of the local
committee of the Nebraska state
teachers' association , will soon be
ready to announce the names of the
chairmen he will appoint of the va
rious sub-committees to work In the
city. These are committees on pub
licity , hotels and lodging , Information
bureau , excursions to various points
of interest about the city , and on the
reception of the speakers. President
N. M. Graham of Omaha has sent to
the teachers of the state 15,000 cards ,
which are to bo tilled out by those
who desire rooms in Lincoln reserved
In advance.
Ordered to Connect.
The Platte County Telephone com
pany and tne Leigh Telephone com
pany have been ordered to reconnect
their lines , which were disconnected
sonic tlmo ago by the Leigh company.
Donahue Files Answer.
Chief of Police Donahue of Omaha ,
has filed an answer In supreme court
denying the allegations made by the
state in the Information In quo war-
ranto. Ho denies that he has been
derelict in bis duty in any way as
United States Would Be Utterly Dis
honored by Attempting Such a
Thing Busy Day Spent
Along Canal.
Panama.President Taft cffi'tuiaUy
disposed of the report that the Unl.ed
States was likely to annex Panama. At
a dinner given In his honor by Presi
dent AroEcmcna nnd attended by 200
ofllclals , diplomats and private cltl-
ssens , Mr. Taft aroused the greatest
enthusiasm when he declared the
American people would feel utterly
dishonored In annexing Panama , un
less some conduct on the part of the
Pnnamans left no other course. This
contingency Mr. Taft was sure would
never arise. The president arrived at
Panama Wednesday evening from Cul-
ebra , after spending the day In the
great cut , where he was surrounded
oftentimes with giant shovels , puff
ing drills and hurrying dirt trains ,
while occasional distant blasts ecnt
up tons of rocks.
The recent landslides were visible ,
but they were In no wise disturbing
to the president or to Colonel Goc-
thals , the latter saying they will be
taken care of as they occur , until tht ]
degree of wall slope prevents a recur
Tlie president reviewed the marines
at Camp Elliott , later hearing the grie
vance committees who asked for an In
crease of pay. This , however , is not
likely -to be granted , because the
wages of the men are already higher
Jind the cost of living lower than In
the United States.
Cut Off From the. World.
Cordova , Alaska. Eighty-three per
sons , comprising the passengers and
crow of the wrecked steamship Port
land , which was beached In the mouth
of Katalla river Saturday , are strand
ed on Katalla Island. The storm ,
which broke soon after the passen
gers were landed from the wrecked
vessel , Is raging with Increased fury.
Few people liveon the island and the
food supply is small.
The steamship Almeda tried for
twelve hours to enter the storm-swept
harbor , but was finally compelled to
turn back. The telephone line , the
sole means of communication with
the island , went down and the strand
ed passengers are entirely cuti oft
from the outside world.
Suit Involving Millions.
, Cincinnati. A suit Involving mil-
Ions of dollars In internal revenue tax
is being prepared by attorneys of ths
city as the result of a conference he Si
In Washington recently with United
States internal revenue Conilssioner
Caleb and Sherman T. MacPherson ,
United States attorney for the Second
district of Ohio. The matter at issue
Is whether what is known to the liquor
trade as "police wine" is subject to
internal revenue tax.
Says Fight Hae Only Begun.
Oklahoma City. In speaking of the
state capital controversy , Governor
Haskell said that "the light has only
3ust begun , and will continue until
the people's voice has Been effective. "
The governor has made no prepara
tions to return to Guthrie since the de
cision was handed down. He consult
ed with his attorneys as to what ho
should do lu the capital matter. It IB
believed he wUl call a special sessior
of the legislature.
Honored by a Re-election.
Baltimore. Mrs. Lillian M. N. StP-
vons of Portland , Me. , was unanimous
ly re-eloctcd president of the national
woman's Christian temperance union
at the annual convention of the union
here. Mrs. Stevens ro-appolnted Mrs.
Anna A. Cordon of Evanston , 111. , vice-
president at largo. Her appointment
was ratified.
Submarines for Hong Kong.
London. The interesting announce
ment Is made in naval circles that
early In 1911 a British flotilla of sub
marines will be sent to Hong Kong ,
and permanently stationed 1hc-x
Other flotillas of the sar'o craft will
bo sent later to Gibraltar and other
Honolulu. The application of Japct-
nese Consul Mori , for membership In
the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion has been refused by the board on
the ground that their social Incom-
patability would militate against the
usefulness of the 'organzaton.
Paris. The river Seine , which over
flowed its banks at many points and
did much damage in the lower part of
the city , Is falling.
To Stamp Out Smallpox.
Lansing , Mich. The state health au
thorities are still using drastic mea
sures to stamp out the epidemic of
smallpox in various sections of the
state. A state Y. M. C. A. gathering
at Charlotte has been cancelled.
Tainted Meat Proves Fatal.
Ixgan , I. * . Typhoid fever , caused
by fresh meat hung In the well , has
caused the death within the last two
weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Ella Simmons
near hero. One child now has the dis
ease , another has Just recovered.
Your Liver
is Clogged up
Wliy You'ra Tired Out
Sort * HAVO No Appetit
will put you right
In a tew djr * .
iKeir doty.
Cceitfp * .
lion , DU.
loa&ncu , Indigciticn , and Sick HeaJicle.
Genuine mutibeu Signature
"African GameTrails"
Nredfd a man In every placate
to sell Ibis laraous how boolc.
llrtog It to tlin families In
your locality VVp giro yon
monopoly or Hold tind high
rommlbslon. TakalbUtireut
cliance. Write lor prospectus.
Charles Scribner's Sons
lit ( U. S. ) llfth lie. , K w Ttrl
IS THE N A tvl C
In the Grand Stand.
Stella Do you understand base
ball ? "
Bella Perfectly ; but why does that
man run GO hard with nobody after
him ?
Ten Beautiful Christmas Cards Free
To quickly Introduce the biggest and
best farm Journal In the West , wo maht *
this special 20 day bargain offer : Send 1ft
cents for trial 3 months' subscription and
wo will glvo you free our collodion of 10
very finest Gold Embossed Christinas post
rards. Nebraska. Farm Journal , 819
Building. Omaha , Nob.
"You Americans , " said the London
man , "are very fond of what you call
pie. But properly Bpcaklng a plo
ehould have meat In it. "
"Perhaps. But the beef packero
compel us to economize. "
Important to Mothora
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA , a eafo and euro remedy for' '
Infants and children , and see that It
Bears the
In Ueo For Over SO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Supreme Test.
" 1 thought you said' this bathing
cult was in fast colors , " said Binks ,
Indignantly , to the bathing master of
whom he had bought his dollar suit
that morning.
"Yes , that's what I said , " returned
Uro bathing master.
"Well , every blessed strlpo on the
blooming thing has como off on my
back , " retorted Binks.
"Ah , but wait until you try to get
'em oft your back , " smiled the bathIng -
Ing master , suavely. "Then you'll
eee. " Harper's Weekly.
Easy Marks.
"Talk orbout yore easy marks , " said
tlncle Silas Gcehaw , who had been
passing a week In the city , "us rubes !
ain't In " It with them air teown. '
chape. "
"Did yew sell 'em enny gold bricks ,
Ellas ? " queried old Daddy Squash-i
"Naw , I didn't , " answered Uncle
Silas , "but I seed a feller peddln * artl-
flcial Ice bed thf sign right on hie
wagon an' blamed ef th' chumps
didn't buy It for th' real thing , by
Back to the Wild.
/There was a tlmo when all dogs
were wild nnd when what wo call
wolves were different from other dogn
only as a collie now Is different from
a Newfoundland , for Instance. From
time to tlmo you will hear of dogs
that have returned to the life of their
ancestors and have run wild with the
wolves of the prairlo or of the woods.
In the town or Sandy in Oregon n
greyhound one night made the ao
qualntanco of a coyote , which IB
kind of wolf , and over since ho hau
lived away from the town , running
with the coyotes and approaching hu
man dwelling-places only to steal a
hen or two when ho has been moro
than usually hungry.
Increased Capacity for Mental Laboi
Since Leaving Off Coffee.
Many former coffee drinkers who
have mental work to perform , day
after day , have found a bettor capaci
ty nnd greater endurance by using
Postum Instead of ordinary coffee. An4
Illinois woman writes :
"I had drank coffee for about twen
ty years , and finally hud what the
.doctor . called 'coffco heart. ' 1 was
nervous and extremely despondent ;
tad little mental or physical otrcngth
left , bad kidney trouble and constipa
"Tho first noticeable benefit derived
from the change from coffee to Postum
was the natural action of the kidneys
and bowels. In two weeks my heart
action wan greatly Improved and my
nerves otcady.
"Then I bocaino less despondent ,
ind the deslro to bo active again
showed proof of renewed physical and
mental strength.
"I am steadily gaining In physical
Btrongtb and brain power. I formerly
did mental work and had to glvo It up
on account of coffee , but since using
Postum I am doing hard mental labor
with less fatlguo than over before. "
Head the little book , "Tho Road to
Wellville , In pkgs. "There's a Reason. "
Kver rend the ntiovo letter ? A ncv ?
one nppcnra from time to time. They
re ( reuulnc , true , and ( all ot bullion
tntereit. S