nijru CUSTGR BOUNTY REPUBLICAN A ! UU For Y ni All tuoscr'neitt ate cunMflcrea permanent uu it tary wmn to aii-contlnuc sreejuiect-u to p.iy ill arrearages and notify ) lonsucr EH ereo at llroV.-n How. NcbraiWu. for trans * „ tne United StatCn malls nccnud clais rate ? . D A1. AMSBfcRRY , Edilor and Publisher Yes , Us Qcicrner Aldrlch by 25,000. With Havelock dry anil Jlin Dahl- man defeated for governor wlmt will becnmo of Weal Lincoln ? A promise mnde Hhould bo lived up to but some promises made before - fore election would look bad If car ried out. The state af Missouri remains "damp" by about one hundred thous and , a drouth was rather cxpectoi In the "show-mo" stato. When wages arc $2.25 and $2.50 per day for common labor wo fal to see any good reason why any on should go around with the "hungf sign out. " . The Ord Quiz says on election day "veto first then call the doctor or turn In a fire alarm as occasion might demand. " Thats all well and good but suppose Bro. Haskcll had eaten the green apploa would ho vote or call the doctor ? What a blessing that It will not bo necessary to dig up the capital lawn to sizzle the moat that Jim wa to servo. As It IB now the people can keep on serving breakfast Lncon in the three grain capsules In the capital city and not bo overfed by the barbacuo plan. One thing encouraging was notice able in the election this fall and that IB the number of people who have been indifferent regarding political matters seems to bo ma terially reduced. It looks Hko the right of cltlxcnshlp IB beginning to loom up In front of the follow who was "not dead but sleeping. " d The Journal ( Hemlngford , Nob. ) | nays "accepting defeat gracefully Is the highest exhibition of self conj - j trol' and that wo should "rcolco ; ' In success but not rub It In. " Now i if you can think of anything more i appropriate at this tlmo drive ovei t with It. The tlmo to scrap is bo- forp the fight is declared off , but aoiuo men forgot the fact that too much noise has already been an inJury - Jury to the cause. Nebraska Senate. 1 J. H. Moorchead , Falls City. .D 2 L. A. Varner , Sterling It 3 S. H. Buck , Horlln D H M. L. Plaeok , Wahoo 1) 0 U. P. Horton , Omaha D John E. Reagan , Omaha 1) J. M. Tannpr , South Omann..i' ' 7 u. p. Griffin , Tokamaa g c ; w. WiltBO. Ranaotpn tt p A. A. Smith , St. Edwards. . . .H 0 Fred Volpp , Scrihnor it a 1. | . . Alhc-rl. Polisnin.ja u { < \V. II. Iloynolds. Cluioruii. . . . | 5 J. A. OlllH , Ord U G C. F. Ilodinaon , Kearney. . . .D 17 J. II. Buhrman , St.Llbry D 18 J. 11. Kemp , Fullerton H 20 E. P. Hrown , Arbor R W. A. Sclk'ck , Lincoln R 22 Fiank nattos , Wilbur D 04 c. C. Smith , Exeter H 2tj j. H. MtOrow , Blmlngtno. . . .R 27 0. W. Tlbbets , Hastings. . . . ! ) os u. A. Cox , Wllcox R 09 j. p. cordcal , McCook R 30V. . V. Hoagland , North Matte , ! ' XL'hriiMta In CongiciH. First J. A. Magulro ( Dom. ) Sccond-r-C. O. Lnhock ( Dem. ) Third J. P. Latta ( Do. ) Fourth Charles II. Sloan ( Rep. ) Fifth George W. N'orrls ( Hop. ) Sixth Moses P. Klnkald ( Rep. ) IXTEHXATIONAIj NEWSI'APEK UII1LE STUDY CLIJL , Answer One Written Question Each \\ei-k J 'oi' 1'Mfly-Two Weeks And Win A I'ri/.c. The I'rl/.rs. First Series A gold medal to each of the first five contestants. Second Scries A silver medal to each of the neM live contestants. Third Series A Teacher's Hihle , $ . " .50 , to each of the ncvt five contestant * . , Fourth Sorlei The book"Tlie Hoait of Ghi-lNtimiKy , " price $1.50 to each of the ne\t thirty-five con testants. 9 x Fifth Series A developed mind , nn o.xpandedimaginntloii , a higher ev pi'rience and a more profound know ledge of the Bible and of life to all who ( alto this course whether win ning any other prl/xj or not. Kach medal will ho suitably engraved - graved , giving the name of the win ner , and for what it is awarded , and in Hko manner each Bible and hook will ho Insoilbed. ( Copyright , Rov. T.S.LlnRpott , DD ) Lesson for November 110 , 1010. Jesus In Gothsejnano. Matt.xxvl : 3G-5G. Golden Text The Son of man is betrayed Into the hands of sinners. Matt. xxvi:45. : Verso 3G Where was this garden called Gcthsemano ? Why dcen the word Gothsomunc now stand for agony ? . .What purpose did prayer servo in this sorrowful experience of Jesus ? Verses 37-38 What nnswor can you make to the criticism which has been made , that JCSUH would have shown a stronger character , and more faith , If ho had borne this * trlal without suflerlng or fear ? Give jour reasons and say wheth er K" Is pcet-lble to develop the strongest character with , or without great suffering ? 1 Send Your Abstract Orders to fl j J , S. Leonard , Bonded Abstractor ' - . - - . - - . . . . - . > - . - - , * Hi r FT T § Office in Security State Bank Building JSk ffi ff : s > jKr rar'gl : What Is the benefit of human sym pathy when wo arc in great mental trouble ? Describe the cause which gave JO- HUB such keen suffering ? Why did Jesus select Peter and John , from the rest of the desclples , whei i ho went on to the place of agoi y ? Verso 39 What "cup" did Jesus pray to bo delivered from , the pres ent agony , or the cross , or somcthlnj else ? Can nny pcrfcn retain the favor of God who IB not always in the at titude of Koul to say , "not as I will , but as thou wilt ? " Must every true prayer have the condition , "nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt , " or arc there some exceptloiiB and , If &o , what arc they ? Verso 40 Why arc wo , like Jesus so much hurt , when a confidential friend manifests so little concern In our trouble ? Why wore these disciples to blam fcr going to sleep , and are people to blame who go to sleep In church ? Verse 41 Is it , or not , the fault of the spirit , when the flesh is too weak for a man to do his full duty ? Why ? VOUHOS 42-40 Why did Jesus neo to ask God three times for the same thing ? What , if any , rule Is there con- rcining the number of times wo should piny for the same thing ? Did the disciples niins anything by not staying awake to watch w.lth Jesus , if so , what ? Can a lost oppoi Utility e\er he re- eiveiid , or is it an eteinal loss ? Give your reasons. ( This question must he answeied in wilting by members f othe club. ) Lesson for Sunday , Nov. 27 , 1910. The Trial of Jesus. Matt , xxvl : r,7iS. , < . ( JOOD WORK. Done Dally in Broken How. Many nti/cns Tell of It. Nearly every reader has heard of Doan'H Kidney Pills. Their good work in Broken Bow staill contin ues , and our citizens are constant ly adding endorsement by public tcs Imony. No hotter proof of merit can bo had than the experience ot case : J. W. Davison of Broken Bow , Nohr. , says : "About two years ago I was troubled by a dull heavy ache through the small of my back and this was accompanied by a tired , languid feeling. My kidneys were disordered , as was shown by the unnatural condition of the secre tions from these organs and as time passed , my health became all run 1 down. When I chanced to learn about Dotiu's Kidney Pills' I pro cured a supply and In a short tlmo after I began their use , there was a marked improvement I continued taking Doan's Kidney Pills and they helped me so greatly that I Consider it my duty to give this public state ment In their favor. " A I/lllEUAh OFFER Wo ( iiinraiitcc to Cure Dyspepsia. If We Fail the Medicine- Costs Nothing To unquestionably prove to the people that Indigestion and dys pepsia can bo permanently relieved and that Roxall Dyspepsia Tablets will , bring about this result , we will furnish the medicine absolutely free If It falls to give satisfaction to an > one using It. The remarkable success of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablctn Is due to the high degree of scientific skill used In devising their formula as well as to the care exercised in their manu facture , whereby the well known properties of Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with Carminatives and other agents. Blsmuth-Subnltrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recog nized by tho.ontlrc medical qrofes- slon as Invaluable in the treatment of indigestion and dyspepsia. The Pepsin used in Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets is prepared by e pro cess which develops Its greatest ef ficiency. Pepsin supplies to the di gestive rpi.'iinUs cue of the most Important elements of the digestive fluid , and without it the digestion and assimilation of food are im possible. The carminatives possess proper ties which aid In relieving the dis turbances and pain caused by undi gested food. This perfect combi nation of these ingredients makes a remedy Invalualc for the complete relief of. Inbdlgestion and dyspep sia. We are so certain of this that we urge you to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets on our own personal guaran tee. Three sizes , 2ucents , 50 cents and $1.00. Remember that you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at The Rexall Store. Albert II. Soud- ers. Announcement. Owing tp the Increase In my busi ness requiring additional helpI have formed a partnership with Mr. S. L. Knox , who recently moved to this city from Mllburn. Mr. Knox is an experienced mill man and comes to our community well recommended as a good citizen as well as a com petent business man. The new firm name will bo THE CITY MILL CO. We cordially invite you to call and sec us and get acquainted. We will appreciate , your orders for all kinds of feed. We will do your grinding promptly. Thanking yon kindly for past favors and soliciting your pat ronage In the future I am Yours very truly E. F. McCluro. etin THE SOUTH ! Homcseekers' excursions will continue during the winter to the South and Southwest ; winter tourist excursion "le in ct cet eery day to southern resorts these e.\ctirst > n rn cs ol er ru'exce - lent tilmme toscnpe th Northern wi liter in looking over tbe Ian a id ie- creation possibilities of t'e ' new South. HOW1ESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS On the first au < l thrl Tuesdays to the new lands of the West , including the BJgr Horn Bnsin which coun" try toil iv offers the greatest combination of indnstriHl nnd farming resource * nt the cheapest rates in the country. TO CALIFORNIA Every day excursion rates with choice of routes going and retaining , to include the whole Pacific slope. Thousands of Americans , enpec'allo invnlihs and.elderly people , have selected Southern California for tbeir rermottent place for a winter sojourn. Through tourist sleepers to California via DSnver , Scenic Colorado and Salt L'ike , the all year route , "California Excursions " "Pacilic Coast Send for Batlingtou publications , , Tours , " Let me help you plan the tour of the greatest attraction at the lowest ratts. H. L ORMSBY , Local Tickc Agent. Broken Bow , Neb. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. Omaha , Neb Storm Door and Windows COLD WEATHER GOODS A SPECIALTY WE CAN SETTLE YOUR COAL TROUBLES A\K HANDLE THE 1JEST. Phone 79 G. L. Turner Lfor. Co. S If you contemplate having1 a public sale AVC wiat to print your bills. Call and see us for all kinds of job printing. We guarantee satis faction and prompt service. PHONE 78 Tne Custer County We deliver Coal .Promptly You will net coal from us that Is free from slate and screenings and high carbon and low in ash. This nifuns that A TON OF OUU COAL LASTS LONGER , , and Kites more heat with smoUe and soot than does * ( ii ( limn y eoal. AVe ha\o a large .supply of all si/es for heating and do mestic use. Hetter let us fill yonr bin now vtlth clean , dry coal hefore the stormy went her arrives. D1ERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. Plione 23. J. S. Alolyneux , Manage. OFFICIAL The Vote of Custer County , showing the vote of the various voting precincts in the County. Coui.ty Division again defeated. \