Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 17, 1910, Image 1

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    Slate Historical Society
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ntp 1R ublican
Copjrtlcht 19W ( , br C. E. Zimmerman Co. No. IS
These ornaments enhance femi
nine since and beauty , and .accentu
ate the seducthe lines of the neck
and gives poise to the head. Real
izing this.fact , we have bought a
splendid < iuantity , containing many
beautifully designed pieces. Come
in and try them on. You \vlll ap-
pietiate both the goods and the
Bcuson , Myers & Co to Ira Wi
Cailton i > 24 1)8-100 ) acres in 30-15-1
111 , $15750.
Lincoln 'Land Co to Edward Nor-
den lots 9 a'ncl 10 block JO in Ber-
wjn , $80.
Lincoln Land Co to A. T. Harvill
lots 7 and b block 15 in Berwyn ,
Julius N Ottum to C II Pinlstcr-
cher lot 3 block 9 in Sargent , $000.
Allison II Stuckey to Joseph Yoe-
man all oi block 1 in R R add to
Broken Bow , $000.
Mary Cowden , a widow , to Joseph
and Elizabeth Moriboy 317 47-100
acres in 4-18-22 , $350.
Village of Sargent to Juliuo N
Ottum lot 3 block a original town of
Sargent , $507 , .
Mrs Effle M Bean to Jacob B Klum -
lots 7 and 8 J P Gaudy's add to
Uroken J3o\v , $2100.
Meliss A Sterner to 'Charles W |
Sterner und 1-2 hit in lot 1C block
13 J P Gaudy's add to Broken
Bow , $000.
John D Clifton to Win Peterson
parcel in 10-19-18 , $1000.
Edward C House to C II Rupeat
nw lot 12 and sw lot 13 in F Rey-
ner's-add to Broken Bow , $1200 |
F M Rublee to Ernest A Jackson' '
ICO acres in 32-14-23 , $1000. |
M B Farwell to Theodore Ridder
parcel in 15-15-24 , $7700. |
Mrs. Maude Sheridan , widow to
Frank Noble lot 15 block 5 Broken
Bow , $3300.
Bertha E Fall-field to Mary J
Edgbert lots 11 and 12 block 25
Mason City , $1000.
Union Pacific R R Co to Ernest
E Malcom ICO aucs in 13-13-2-1 ,
$1170. j
Jerome B Burdlck to George
Willing lots 8 , 9 , 1C and 17 block
3 In A W Gaudy's add to Broken
Bow , $2500.
Martin F Blanemshlp to Julia E
Pennlngton parcels In sec 1-2 end
C twp 19 r 23 and 24 , $2041.
Stephen Wllcox to William E
Owen parcel In 33-17-20 , $4000.
Joseph McCarty to Arch Parr lots
1 and" 2 block 10 2nd add to Mor-
nrf , $1900.
Lotta W Smith to 'R 13 Brega
lots 19 , 20 and 21 block IS In , Cal-
laway , $100.
T T Vainey to John II Lockhorn
1GO acres in 32-1 C-l 8 , $3200.
Lincoln Land Co to Win A TePecl
and Alo.\ Frost und 1-2 hit in lot
C block 3 In Sargent , $50.
Ezra P. Sa\age to Win A TePecl
and Alex Frost und 1-2 lat in lot
0 block 3 In Sargent , $50.
Carl L Madsen to Ilarlcy J Phil
ander ICO acres in 12-T4-25 , $3200.
Joseph Myers to School Dist No
215 parcel in 34-15-23 , $20.
R N Atklsson to Leonard W Wil
son lot 22 in I a add to Merna ,
Foster O Munncll to Chas G
Heaps lot 3 block 1 Maullck's add
to Broken Bow , $1000.
Nellie Mickle and husband to
Mike Saba Jots 9 and 10 block 5
in Comstook , $800.
Clara J Owen ot al to Charles R
Coday und 1-2 hit In 24-20-19 , $370
Ollle 10 Worden to Thomas Wallac
and wife lot 4 block 1 in Berwy.n ,
Gavin Roberlson to Win F Blair
ICO acres'in G-14-23 , $2000.
The temperance program at the
Sunshine Sunday School was well
attended und a nice program was
ghcn by the Sunday School last Sun
day Nov , 13.
E. Smith has been doing some
work lir .1. M. Ingram this week.
Jess Cantirll and family spent
Sunday at B. F. Edwards' .
J. M. Ingiam and wife spent Sun
day on the east tale.
bJ. S. D.xke and wife spent Sun
day at the Bow.
The literary program given Mon
day cuing at the college is said
to be the- best one yet. If they
keep , on improving as they have the
last few limes -wo will have a liter
ary that will bo en joyed , b'y all who
want to hear and see some good
The foot ball boys were- very
much disappointed on last Friday
-wlrcn they learned-that 43 "would
not stop for them at Dunning.
The girls basket ball club Is doing
some fine work this week and will
have a strong team If they continue
to practice.
Mr. Harmon was absent from
school Tuesday on account of a
very bad case of ear-ache.
Merlin Vannlce was absent from
school for a short time owing to a
severe case of blood poison which
stalled in his little finger caused
from a sand-bur being lodged there
a short time before.
Mr. Davolt was welcomed back to
school Monday by all the boys after
an absence of four weeks.
If you want to buy , sell or trade
propelty of any kind or if you
want to hho help place an ad In
the Republican. We have already
had a number of inquiries of var
ious kinds but not knowing your
dcshes we aio unable to answer.
Come and see me or write me
about that halo. W. II. O'Rorko ,
general auctioneer. Phone 409.
Broken Bow , Neb.
Union Thanksgiving services next
week"at the Presbyterian church
at 10:30 : a. m. Rev Do ward of the
Christian church will preach the ser
m on and the music will be furnished
by the various churches of the city
Oysters , Sealshipt , Nothing Better.
Celery , Pickles , Chow Chow , Saner Kraut , Sweet
Potatoes , Turnips , Parsnips , Beets , Fresh Lettuce
Tomatoes , Cranberries , Apples , Navel Oranges ,
Malaga Grapes.
Fruit Cake in one-half pound tins , very rich.
Candies of all kinds Ioc to GOc per pounds.
We will have a first class assortment of Nuts.
Ther Eagle Grocery Store.
The Square Deal Store Phone 58
Kasy Wulk-auny For llrokon JJow
. Huskies.
The foot hall game last Friday ho
twecn Broken Bow and Callaway wa
certainly a whirlwind game. The
two teams were just foot ball play
ers not tegular organized teams.
1 Novor-the-lcss the game was fast
and turlous and of short duration
After fifteen minutes work the Cal-
I laway lefuscd to finish the
'game , the smo Uhitf
favor of Broken how.
Frank Mai tin Dead.
Frank Martin who has been a re-
sidonl of the city for the past three
ycais was found dead in bed last
Monday morning about 4 o'clock by
his wife. From reports it appears
that he had a vomiting spell in the
evening previous and retired about
ten o'clock.
Sometime after his wife discov
ered his condltlbn she cajled In
some of the neighbors. No inquest
was hold. He was a man in good
circumstances financially. BcnlMea
owning his home in the city ho own
ed ? farm in the vicinity of Rose
His remains were laid to rest in
the Catholic cemeterywool of the
city Tuesday.
Our State Treasmer Klect.
It is with great pleasure that wo
have the honor of mentioning our
fellow townsman Walter A. George
as elected to thq office of state
treasurer. We tool that in present-
in Mr George for this high posi-
tkn ol trust that the people of the
state have selected one of Nebras
ka's most able financlors , a staunch
republican and a gentleman In every
respect. A man who is a success
in life both socially and financially.
Rasmus Anderson Klected.
Rasmus Anderson one of Broken
Bow's leading business men was elected -
lected to the office of supervisor in
district No. 3. While Ras , as ho
is familiarly known among his a wholesolcd , bully good
fellow , and with a smile and a good
word for everybody , he Is firm yet
conservative In business matters
He Is a true blue republican , a
man who stands tor a square deal
and who will fill the office to which
ho has been elected without fear or
favor to the best interest of Cus
ter county.
Fast Time For The
The all purpose team used by the
Burlington hotel people endeavrood
to show their appreciation of good
caro- Wednesday morning by doing
a high speed stunt for a few blocks
The dash ended near the railroad
tracks. No one hurt and very little
damage to "rolling stock. "
The Epworth League of the M.
E. church will give a progressive
scial no Friday evening , November
25th , round trip tickets twenty five
cents. Meet at the homo of Miss
Eva Green at 8 o'clock. Everybody
The Broken Bow foot ball loam
will go to Ord tomoriow. Wo will
publish the scoro. next week.
Darl Brink , the reliable piano
tuner will bu In Biokpn Bow on next
week. Leave ordois at llyorson's.
1T. C. Street , .1 , W. Scott and Gco.
Paplneau loaded their household
goods for Francltas , Tex. , Saturday.
Your attention Is called to THE
CITY BAKERY announcement else
where In this Issue. Get busy and
\vln a prize.
1 want your order for hay , straw ,
grain or feed of any kind. Bring
mo > our cream. W. II. O'Rorko.
Phone 409.
John Tlcrney who Is living on a
homestead in Logan county was In
the city Tuesday transacting busi
ness in the land office.
It is stated from Washington that
food prices are declining. Don't for
get to add this to your "To bo
Thankful for" next Thursday.
In Beatrice a bootlegger was
fined $300.00 this week. Hilarity
comes high but It seems to bo a
necessity In some localities.
Fred Ebert , B. J. and C. F. Tlor-
ney wcio doing business at the
Tlorney Bros , ranch In Logan coun
ty the fore part of this week.
The Rebekah Kensington is now
prepared to do plain sowing or tic
comforts. Anyone wantlog wnrk of
this kind done phone No. 286 or
fin or bring work to I. O. 0. F. hall
on Friday afternoons.
! Ji.t J .ili ai. &t.i iaiii.mCriiniiJii flPjiniiili.iii.
tj ln. . , , , , , | , , . > i A . , . " & . . , i . .
* !
PHONES 5 & 348
Large Luscious Cape Cod Cranber-
lies - -2 quarts for ai ceuts
Fancy Custer County Honey sell
ing at 200 a frame
Brenner Fruit Cake , best made
300 per pound
That 10 cent -window at Strongs
Variety Store last Saturday was a
good one and was well cleaned out
Watch for another one next Satur
day afternoon. There will bo big
bargains there and they wll please
Workmen arc busy this week re
modeling the entrance of the M. E
church. This Improvement will add
greatly to the appearance of the
building ,
Hang' up your stocking ? Ofcoursc
yon will. Just toll your friends the >
can find lots of Christmas goods
at Strongs Variety Store. Look
through their "ad" in this papei
and then como down to the store
and sec the goods.
Dr. P. C. Nelson and Prof. N. D
Wood of Indianola , Iowa , will help
in a series of evangelistic meetings
at the Baptist church beginning
Nov. 27. Dr. Nelson is a preacher
of power and Prof. Wood is a train
ed gospel singer who gets hold of
the hearts of the people. All are
coidlalily hulled to these services.
Smyrna Figs , very fancy , 2oc a Ib
Fancy large Malaga Grapes per
pound . . . aoc
Voste/a Currants , extra fancy per
package - - - ioc
| Sealshipt , solid pack , Blue Point Oysters , GOc qt.
I Fancy Jumbo , well bleached celery , at lOc a bunch
Fancy new Persian Dates ioc Ib.
Extra fancy Plum Pudding at per
can - - 350
Red Jacket Sweef " Cider purest and
dest made 400 per gal.
New Navel Oranges all sires
Glaced Citron , Orange and Lemon
Peel IQIO pack
Dill pickles , extra fancy , 153 doz.
Duch Rusk , fine eating per pack
age . . . ioc
Velvet candy , 10-15 aud 25 cents
pur package , fine eating
Extra fancy Head Lettuce per
bunch - - 50
All goods sold by us are Pure and protected
by the National and State.Pure Food Laws.
PHONES 5 and 348
, , ( Sod JHess Our Und.
Wo happened into a house the
other night , and over the parlor
door saw Uio legend worked In let
ters of red , "What Is Homo With
out a Mother. " Across the room
was another brief , "God Bless Our
Homo. "
Now what's the matter with
"God Bless Our Dad ! " Ho gets up
early , lights the fiho , bolls n egg ,
and wlpos the dow off the lawn with
his boots whllo many a mother la
sleoplng. Ho makes the weekly
hand out to the butcher , the mllk-
hian and the baker , and his little
pllo Is badly demolished before ho
has been homo an hour.
If there is a noise in the night ,
Dad Is kicked in the back and made
to go down atalrs and find the burg
lar and kill him. Mother darns the
socks , but Dad bought the sacks
the first place , and the needles and
yarn afterwards , Mother docs up
the fruit Dad bought It all , and Jars
and sugar cost like the mischief.
Dad buys the chicken for Sunday
dinner serves them himself , and
draws the neck from the ruins after
everybody else Is served , "What Is
Homo Without a Mother Yes , ? "
that's alright but "What Is Homo
Without a father ? " Then chances
to one Its a boarding house.father ;
Is under a slab , and tlio landlady is
the widow. Dad , here's to you !
You'\o got your faults , you may
have lots of "em , but you'ro alright
and we'll 'miss you when 'you're
gone. Stolen.
Thomas Stansbors of Hyannls wijs
In the city Friday last looking after
government hind on which he filed
a soldiers additional ,
Maude Cawley of Million submit
ted proof on her ' 'cccased husband's
homestead last Friday.
Gcorgo Horn of Mullen was amen
the applicants for a homestead of
G40 acres last Saturday.
Frank Rogcis of Thedford was
among the applicants for a home-
, > toad Satin day.
South Omaha Llvo Stock Market.
Special Kcport .
Cattle ! Receipts 23,500 for 3
days market lower each day on ac
count of excessive supplies. NatiVe
corn-feds in poor demand and Boi
ling at $5.35 to $0.00 with common
$ i.85 to $5.25. , Western cattle very
plentiful this week. Beef quality
not so good at prices of $4,50 to
$5.00 ; some real good fleshy feed
ers up to $5.35' , and yearlings around -
round $1.80. Good cows and es
pecially heifers do not show as
great a decline as medium , prices
$3.75 to $1.25 ; medium $3.25 to
$3C5 ; canncrs fairly firm at $3,00
to $325. ! Veal calves unchanged
$0.00 to $7.50for ; light $5.00to
$ G.OO ; for heavy and stock calves
$4.50 to $5.00. Bulls selling well
at $3.30 to $1.00. "Too much moat"
ban caused this week's break and
more moderate receipts will have
to rule to allow a recovery1.
HogsRecelptu : getting heavy
17,000 for 3 days total decline 55o
to ( i5c , today's bulk being 57.20 to
$7.50 , top $7.G5 , believe a further
lowering of prices will continue.
Sheep : Market flooded 100,000
for three dtiys and all prices-'ciisld-
orabolo lower. Heist fat lambs are
bringing $5.80 to $ G.25 ; westerns
$0,00 ; wethers $3.50 to $3.75 ; fat
ewes arfcund $3v35 and hoavy-wolght
yearlings $1.00 to $1.25. Inquiry
for feeders gro\vlng-leBB-and supply
too eavy. Like cattle , receipts will
have to lesson in order to allow
any improvement from present
prices. , , , , .
National , Llvo atqck. Com. , Co.
Jlrokon How Mnrltct.
Corrected every Tuesday
Corn . . . .35
Wheat : .72
Outs .30
Barley .40
Hogs . . $7.00 to $7 .10
Cows it.OO ; to $3 .25
Stoorq , . , $3.50 to $4 .00
Chickens .08
Ducks I. . . ' . f .09
Turkeys . " . . . ' .11
Butter .25
Algo Hardwick of Mullen was among -
mong the applicants for a homestead
Nov. 13.
Jack Benjamin and Company
at Greats Opera House
Three Nights Three
Nov. 17 , 18 and 19 , 1910
Positively omj of the strongest llopertoire
companies in the state.
The opening play Thursdays night "The
Man oi To Day" a companion piece to The Man
of the Hour" and guaranteed to please.
This play deals with the questions of Today
and is up-to-the-minute. One of the strongest
plays ever staged in the liepertoire business.
Seats on sale at the usual place. Admission
Jonathan , Ben Davis , Ganos , Winesaps. They'are all
1 winter apples and in tip top condition.
Pure Mapld Syrup New Orleans Molasses
Then you want that Pancake Flour and Buckwheat
for your breakfast. We have it- the best.
We Buy Test and Pay Spot Cash for Your Cream.
Phone 161 THE GROCER ' T 180
Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station