Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 10, 1910, Image 4

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l 00 For Year.
All subscnm-i * arc considered permanent
ml If lhew.sli to discontinue are cMjiccfu
to pay all arrearages and notify r Jblisliur ,
Enured i Itrr.n Dow , Net > ra U.v for trann-
ratal M. Jtlie United Stales mail *
necoad clans rates ,
D M , AAlSDfcRRY , Editor and Publisher
Now tlmt election is over people
CUM again nettle down to their regu
lar routine of business.
The Htipport that wns given to
Hitchcock In Custer county by re
publicans Is without merit.
Tlio iiuestion of county option
has been approved by the people
and Is now np before the legislature
to enact the law.
The strcnloiiH campaign of Roosevelt '
velt In New York state lacked the
harmonizing qualities among his
own partisans necessary to success.
The five county proposition for
county uhlslon did not appear to
have been any more popular with
the voters of Custer county than
former linen.
The election of W. A. George for
Btate treasurer Is another achieve
ment for Glister county fo which
the people of Custer county have
reason to be proud.
Tuesday was an ideal day for e-
lectlon In thlH locality and as a re
sult a large vote was polled. Brok
en Bow's total vote was 841 an In
crease of ten over last year.
There is much that may be done
In any community for the advance
ment of public interest If the people
of the community will join heartily
and assist any good enterprise that
cornea along.
Now that election Is over and a
J > lg bunch of candidates defeated
"ae usual , It will be in order for the
\vlfie guy to offer his sympathy by
telling the other fellow why ho
wasn't elected.
There seems to have existed a
family row generally in the ranks
of the republicans Judging from the
miccess of the democrats In Now
York , Now Jersey , Massachuetts ,
Ohio and Indlanla.
The election Tuesday docs not
Bcom to have been a party victory
for either party but the election of
Aldrlch for governor gives the re
publicans more satisfaction than It
would ordinarily at ) a principle was
at stake that was of greater im
portance than mere party success.
A study of the vote for the s vcr-
al candidates for office In Cantor *
county would Indicate that voters
did not have much regard for their
party nominees. There may occas
ionally be a legitimate excuse for
bolting a party nominee. But when
a party has made u choice of Its
candidates by primary election the
candidates are the choice of a ma
jority and party loyalty would sug
gest that every member could be de
pended upon to support the ticket.
Unless members of a political party
are loyal to their party nominees
party organizations would soon cease
to exist as there would bo no en
couragement to party * managers to
accept the responsibility of looking
after Uic responsibilities that tire
J' The neighbors of Austcin Loyd
L gave him n pleasant surprise Friday
When Frank Holders waa opening
1 u gate an his way to th'o ' party , his
horses became frelghtonod and turn
. ed homeward , as there was no one
, to hold them. The now buggy was
badly damaged.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Warring spent
Sunday evening at D. J. Coulter's.
Mr. and Mrs. Alspaugh spent
Saturday and Sunday In Broken
Miss Seva Yoder Is working for
Mrs. C. O. Brandenburg on the west
Thorp will ho a box supper given
nt the fu'honl house Friday evening ,
Nov. 18. Everybody Is cordially in-
> lt < > d to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Coulter vlslt-
. ed relatives on the west table Sat
urday and Sunday.
Mrs. Leo Athoy visited school
Friday afternoon. .
Mrs. J , B. Osborno of Broken
Bow came out Sunday to visit at' '
Dave Coulter's but did nt find them1
at home. . '
Aiieucr Ono Written Question Each
\\eek For Fifty-Two WuckH
And Win A I'rlzc.
The Prizes.
First Scries A gold medal to
each of the first five contestants.
Second Series A silver medal to
each of the next five contestants.
Tbhtl Series A Tender's Hlble ,
price $ . " .00 , to each of the next five
! Fouith Scilcs The book"Tbo
I Heart of ChiiHtlanlty , " price $1.50
eacli of the next thirty-five con
! Fifth Series A developed mind ,
nu e.xpaiidedlmaglnatlon , a higher ox
perlencc ami a more profound know
ledge of the Hlble and of life to all
who take this course whether win-
nliiK any other prl/-e or not.
| Kach medal will be suitably en
graved , giving ; the name of the win
ner , and for \\hat it Is awarded , and
in like manner each Hlble and book
will be insoiibed.
Lesson For November lit , HMO.
World's Temperance Lesson. Matt
xxlv : 32-51. |
Golden Text Watch and pray
lest yo enter into temptation. Matt.
xxvl:41. : |
Verses 32-IU What was the even
then pending which Jesus hero fore
tells ? |
What were the signs then present
that the Jewish nation would e de-1
stroycd ? bl |
About how long after this was
Jerusalem destroyed , and how was
It brought about ? |
Verses 35-30 Why Is the word
of God more stable and to bo de
pended upon , than the Stability of ,
the earth Itself ?
When will the heavens and the
earth pass away ? ) See Mark xlll
32. ( |
Were thcro some things which Je
sus did not know when on earth , )
and If so , to what extent was his
knowledge limited ? .
Verses 37-41 How did the people
ple act when Noah was building the
ark ? |
In anticipating the coming of
Christ how should we act at the
present time ?
Take two devout men , one who be
HOVCH that the second coming of
Christ may be at any day and the
other that It will not be In his life
time and state what , If any , differ
ent effect It will have upon the
rlghtconsncFB of their lives ?
At what stngo does eating and
drinking degenerate into gluttony
and drunkenness ? !
Compare the evils of a lack of
food , and overeating , and state their
respective results. j
What are the evils of drinking
Btrong drink ? i
Is It ever wrong for a well-to-do
healthy man to marry , or to abstain .
from marrying ? Give your reasons. I
Verso 42 In how many ways may
we look for the coming of the Lord ?
What do you understand the com
mand , to watch , to mean ?
Versos 43-47 Do these Instruct
ions and warnings refer exclusively
to the final coming of Christ and ,
If so , how do you account for It
that he speaks as though they may
expect that event in the near fu
ture ?
What la It to bo ready ?
Is the person ready who Is engaged -
gaged In wrog doing , or who has a
grudge against anybody ? Why ?
Verses 48-51 Why Is not a harsh
and cruel man fit for heaven ? I
Why will tit Inking men and their.
as.soclaU's lie Nhnt out of God's I
kingdom' . ' ) Thls question must bo I
answered In wilting by members of
the club. (
What will become of those who
are not ready when hto Lord comes ?
Lesson for Sunday Nov. 20 , 1910.
Jesus in Gethsomano. Matt , xxvl :
Ansley cast 315 votes and only
08 of them wore for Dahlman.
Blake Allphin came homo to vote.
Chas Penn and Ernest Thompson
of Broken Bow wore visitors In this
city last week.
Our Information Is that Charley
Beal will bo the next county attor
The "Owl Club" will meet next
week with Mr. and Mrs. Ford.
The chicken pie supper given by
the ladies of the Christian church
last TucEday evening was well at
tended and something over $40 was
Hov. Shumate of Kearney deliv
ered a very able sermon from the
M. E. pulpit hist Sunday evening.
Wo are pleased to learn that B.
A. Darrow will bo managing editor
of the republican. Mr. Darrow Is a
progressive republican , n man of
ability and ho will bo a valuable
addition to this paper.
Mi Hill ban the carpenters at wort
on his new house now. I
Duke HcoiBtead Is digging a eel-
lor this week.
A pleasant surprise was planned
on J. M. Ingrain's Saturday night
a good many were present and a
good tlmo was hnd by till.
Corn husking IB the order of the
Miss Ida Ingram came homo Fri
day evening for an over Sunday vis-
It. Vorn Kelley came with her.
Purley and Ida Ingram wore Brok
en Bow visitors Saturday.
Duffle Cantrell Is husking corn
for J. M. Ingram.
. Mr. and Mrs. Ingrain spent Sun
day at B. M. Morgan's.
Remember the temperance pro-
gra at the Sunshine Sunday School
next Sunday Nov. 13 , everyone In
Cudgra Waters has been spend
ing a few days with her uncle , J.
M. Ingram.
Earl Myers was In the valley Sun
The college foot ball boys won
their first game of the season on
last Saturday at , which time time
they played the Dunning team which
IB a very strong team , but they have
not had the practice that the college
boys have. The score stood 15 to
0 In favor of the college. The col
lege boys expect to return the match
on next Saturday If the trains will
stop 'for them. ,
The best literary program that
has 1 been rendered this season by
the i college was given last Monday
evening. , The assembly room was
full to over-flowing and all who at
tended say that It was a good pro
Three or four of the boys played
hookey lost Friday so that they
might go to Mason to see the foot
ball game.
The current events paper has
reached the college and the students
arc studying It to see which will
bo able to give the greatest number
of events on next Thursday morn
ing. /
Everybody IB busy shucking corn.
Mrs. Herman Martin and son
have returned from Illinois where
Mrs. Martin has been visiting with
her parents.
Jesse Price IB Bhucking corn near
Mr. and Mrs. George Reeder and
sons of Ouster Center visited Sunday -
day at George Shoup's.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Beal and
daughter Ruth spent Sunday at
Charley Beal's in Broken Bow.
Mrs. L. T. Martin and daughter
Irene returned from Illinois Satur
day morning where they have boon
visiting Mrs. Martin's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thomas ant
daughters Ola and Suslo , Mr. and
Mrs. George Kindness and Clayton
Brown , Grace Prudence and Charley
Beal and Alice Longfellow spen
Sunday at Chas. Weesner's.
Allen Ellis was in the valley Sun
Post Office Hours.
General Delivery opens 8 a. m
clses 7:30 : p. m. Mall ocloses east
42 , 0:42 : a. m. ; 40 , 8:29 : a. m. ; 44
6:25 : p. m. West 43 , 0:30 : a. m. ;
39 , 5:55 : p. m. 41 , 7:30 : p. m.
Jules Haumont , P. M.
President Waters on the Chicago
Stock Show.
Pros. II. J. Waters of the Kans
afl Agricultural College , on a recon
occasion expressed himself as fol
lows :
"Tho International Live Stock
Exposition , which will this year beheld
hold from November 26th to Decem
her 3rd. , Is the court of last resor
In all matters protainlng to the 1m
provoment of live stock. It is the
place where all controversies rcgarc
Ing superior moult are settled for
the year , and such contributes more
to live stock Improvement than any
other single agency in America. As
an object lesson It IB nnequalcd on
the continent. As a means of a-
wakonlng Interest In Improved live
stock , it and similar shows are In
dispensable. It Is a liberal cduca
tlon In live stock production for any
farmer , breeder or student to at
tend the International. "
Registration at the Cole Conserva
tory of Music' will commence nex
Monday , November 14th. The pros
out enrollment is about seventy
five and a larger number Is expect
ed for next term.
Romobor the dance at the o'pora
house Nov , 24 , 1910. Fireman's
Annual Ball. Proceeds to help fur
nish rooms in now city hall , f J
j ' I Tom Blrnlo was called to his
homo near Menm by the sudden
illness of his mother.
| i Harry Knnpp has been In Kear
ney for several dnya on business.
Rov. Aubrey of Broken Bo preach
ed in the Henderson school house
! last sundu > .
Corn gathering Is In full blast
on the table.
Mr. Higglns of Callaway was on
the table last Friday with an auto
load of cnthuBiastis county division
men trying to make converts. Wo
said wo were tee busy to have
given any tlmo to this line and di-
| reeled the party to a "feller" that
had nothing to do but talk politics.
A mnglc lantern and moving pict
ure show gave an exhibition In the
Henderson school house last night.
A lecture on Christ and Sftnday
School organizations was also given
Roy Huckleberry lost a fine horse
by being cut on a barb wire. Ho
got some Untlmont of a veterinary
and after putting It on the wound
the horse ate off the cords of the
leg so ho had to be shot.
Dr. Kellenberger , veterinarian of
Merna , was called to J. L. Fergu
son's on the table to attend' horse
hat was thought to have been shot
but upon examination It Is believed
hat he was snagged. The horse
soon got well.
A party was given at Mr. Eggle-
son's last week.
Wanted Corn buskers. J. L.
Ferguson , 10 1-2 miles south-west
of Broken Bow , Nebr.
You Run No Risk When You Use
This Reedy.
Wo promise you that , If your
hair IB falling out , and you have
not let it go too far , you can repair
the damage already done by using
Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic , with per
sistency and regularity , for a rea
sonable length of time. It is a
scientific , cleansing , antiseptic , ger
mlcldal preparation , that destroys
microbes , stimulates good circula
tlon around the hair roots , promotes
hair nourishment , removes dandruf
and restores hair health. Itvls as
pleasant to use as pure water , and
It is delicately perfumed. It Is a
real toilet necessity.
Wo want you to try Rexall " 93'
Hair Tonic with our promise tha
It will cost you nothing unless you
are perfectly satisfied with Its use
It comes In two sizes , prices 50c
and $1.00. Remember you can
.obtain Rexall Remedies in this
community only at our store The
Rexall Store. Albert H. Souders.
Done Daily in Broken Bow. Man ;
Citizens Tell of It.
Nearly every reader has heard o
Doan's Kidney Pills. Their good
work In Broken Bow stalll contln
ues , and our citizens are constantly
adding endorsement by public tes
Imony. No bettor proof of merl
can be had than the experience o
case :
J. W. Davlson of Broken Bow
Nebr. , says : "About two years ago
I was troubled by a dull heavy ache
through the small of my back am
this was accompanied by a tired
languid feeling. My kidneys were
disordered , as was shown by the
unnatural condition of the secre
tions from these organs and as tim
passed , my health became all run
down. When I chanced to learn
about Doan's Kidney Pills , I pro
cured a supply and In a short tlmo
after I began their use , there wa
a marked Improvement I continued
taking Doan's Kidney Pills and they
helped me so greatly that I Conslde
It my duty to give this public state
ment In their favor. "
Good Health Impossible With a
Disordered Stomach
There Is nothing lhat will create
sickness or cause more trouble than
a disordered stomach , and many
people dally contract serious mala
dies simply through disregard or
abuse of the stomach.
We urge every one suffering
from any stomach derangement , in
digestion or dypepsia , whether acute
or chronic , to try Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets , with the distinct under
standing that wo will refund their
money without question or form
ality , If after reasonable use of this
medicine they are not satisfied with
the results. Wo recommend them
to our customers every day , and
have yet to hear of any one who has
not been benefited by them. Three
sizes , 25c , 50c and $1.00 a box.
Sold in Broken Bow only at our
store The Rexall Store. Albert
II. Souders.
Notice We have a few prospec
tive purchasers for farms who want
from 150 to 320 acres at $40 to
$ G5 per acre. Wlndham Investment
& Loan Co. , Plattsmouth Nebraska.
Send Your Abstract Orders to
J. G. Leonard , Bonded Abstractor
Office in Security State Bank Building
Storm Door and Windows
Phone 79
G. L. Turner Lbr Co
October Bulletin \
The Homeseekers' Excursions onthelstand 3rd Tuesdays to t ie
West , Southwest and South offer an excellent opportunity for a j > urnoy of
inspection or pleasure , during the autumn and winter , through these fnst >
growing localities where land is constautly increwing in value.
The Cheap One-Way Autumn Rates to The Pacific Coast
ate in effect this year only until October 15. Go early ami escape tlie fiim
rush for sleeper accoinodat'ons. Every day round trip coast rates aie in ef
feet this winter : general basis $90.00 , and $15.00 higher via Shasta.
The Daily Winter Tourist RateS to southem resorts bocouie effective
about November ist. These rates with their desirable routes and priveleges
together with the out door and hotel attractions pf the southland , should np-
peal to many looking to avoid the rigors of a northern winter.
H. L ORMSBY , Local Ticke Agent.
Broken Bow , Neb.
L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A.
Omaha , Neb
We deliver Coal Promptly
You will get coal from us that Is free from slate and
screenings and high carbon and low in ash.
and gives more beat with less smoke and soot than does
ordinary coal.
We have a large supply of all sizes for heating and do
mestic use. Better let us fill your bin now with clean , dry
coal before the stormy weather arrives.
Phone 23. J. S. Alolyneux , Manager.
We will open
With the First Sale on
AtTooley'sBarn , List
your property with
W. H. O'Rorke , or B. C. , Empfied !
Broken Bow , - Nebr.
The Mazunia Dance.
The Halloween party given by tbo
Maznma girls last Friday night at
tbo opera house was one of tbo
enojyablo society events of the year.
The young ladies of the club worked
hard to make the affair a success
and , although the crowd was not ns
largo as on previous occasions.thoro
were enough couples to fill the hall
comfortably and the dancing con
tinued until the small hours of the
morning. Most of the participants
were In "rube" costume and some
of the "make-ups" wore extremely
laughable. Those who did not dance
wore entertained by good orchestral
music and the Kalaidiscope of comic
The ladles of St. John's Guild
had charge of the refreshments
pumpkin pies , over an inch in thick
ness , home-rnado bread and home-
cured ham , corpulent looking dough
nuts and coffee whoso fragrance
permeated every part of the hall.
Good , solid food , guaranteed to make
a chronic dyspcctic seek some sc-
culded spot and throw bricks at him
self. But everybody took risks at
the Halloween party and punished
the eatables in a manner that made
the faces of the guild ladles take
on joyous expressions , and if there
wore any night-mares resulting from
over-indulgence , it has not been
given out as a piece of general news.