State Historical Society VOL. XXFX IIUOKKX HOW , CUST15U COUNTY , XKIJUASlvA , THURSDAY , NOVKMItlOlt 10 , Witt. NO , aa Copy.IsM iy > < i , by C. K. Zimmerman Co. No. IS Thesef orimmonts onlmnco femi nine grace and beauty , and accentu ate the seductive lines of the neck and gives poise to the head. Real- I/ing this fact , we have bought a splendid quantity , containing many beautifully designed pieces. Come in and try them on. You will ap preciate both the goods and the prices. - STATK MLKCTIOX HHTUJIXS lUA'.i It is Believed State llepubllciur Ticket Elected. Ao usual election returns for Ne braska are slow in getting In and estimates only can be made from returns - / turns now in. It is believed however that the state ticket is elected with the exception of U. S. Senator. Some of the localities that wore expected to pile up a huge majority for Dahl man fell short of their expectations. Hall county fell down far below what was expected , Box Butte coun ty which had been slated for Dahl- "nian gave a majority for Aldrioji according to meager reports receiv ed. One bulletin gives the following , "Aldrich elected by five to ten thous and , Hitchcock twenty- five thous and. " A heavy vote was cast .throughput the state , all available energy was | put forth to poll a full vote for all parties. Never in the history of Nebraska were the results so un certain. People who here-to-foro wcer never known to interest themselves - ! | selves in political matters were hard I ! at work to further the Interests of a-'bctter Nebraska. A record seema to have been made in establishing the lact that "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" and that this rule must apply to the politics of our state. While positive figures are not available at this time it Is thought that the above figures on governor are safe and hopes are , entertained that even a larger majority v jority will bo found when all return are in.- Marrled At the Methodist parson age , Sunday Nov. G , Mr. Lee I. Glidcwell of Berwyn , Nebr. , to Miss Inn. Loralne Ilatflold of Anslcy , Neb. They wore accompanied by Mr. Wm. Ilatfield ot 'Ansley and Miss May Crow of Berwyn. Below wo give the vote on all candidates votetlon last Tuesday at the two voting precincts in Broken Bow. The county board will bo re publican. Next wcok wo will give the vote of Custcr Bounty in full. As wo go to press the returns are not all in and wo do not care to publish a long list of incomplete llgurcs , belio\lng a weeks delay and a correct statement will bo moro satisfactory. Proposed Constitutional Amcnd- mont.north side for 115 , against 40. South side for 2C8 , against (55. ( North Side South Side Burkott 149 242 , Hitchcock % 128 21/ Aldrich 2115 330 Dahlman G3 - 13G Ilopowell 105 211 Clarlf . S3' ' 1G3 Walt ' . 2G3 ' Pool 10G 177 Barton ' 1G7 282 Hewitt - . 101 . - 1G3 ; Gcorgo - 214 388 Hall 59 G8 Crabtree ' ' ICG 281 Jackson 95 158 Martin 159 271 Whitney 'G5 122 Cowles li0 ! 218 13astham 151 240 Clark . 151 v 270 Hayden 181 1GG Morlensen 154 27G Klnkald 110 " " 183 Taylor / 171 289 Fries 128" 231 Ollls ' " 103 182 Moody 9i 133 Rice ' 109 190 ' " Gaudy 137 245 ' Jeffords l'3G 210 Painter * 55 123 Gadd ' 133- 259 Beal ' - 151 237 Anderson"138 244 v Orr ' / . .139 21G County Division is probably de- fqatcd by 1400 in the county. Beal will be our next"pounty attorney Looks like Gandy and Moody would be representatives. Ben Mor ris wiU'bci ifouilty commissioner fron iho seventh .mpcrvlsor district. Woodruff from the lifth and Burn- ham from the iirst. Wo expect to iffvu SfP'eoirtuldnj-'tffljlo'.it.r. tho-Voto next week F. M. Currio who is In Mfexico looking alter his mining Interest reports - ports llatterlng prospects. V OXIA A DIME ? See Strong's ad in this issue. The Vaiicty Store is tlje place where yon always get bargains. Announcement. 1) ) . A. Darrow , formerly publisher of the Mason City Star , more re cently of Lincoln , has become asso ciated with the Custcr County Re publican au , assistant editor and bus ! ness manager. Mr. Darrow is a man of varied experience in public life and valu able acquisition to the business in terests of HrokenBow. . Any favors extended him in his line of work will bo appreciated by us. Respectfully , D. M. Amsborry , Publisher. PANCAKE FLOUR My ! Bat pancakes do taste good these fall morn ings when the frost is on the pumpkins and tha fodddr is in the shock. Try some of our brands. Wright's Pure Buckwheat 10 pound sacks only uOc. Standard Sjlfrising Pancake Flour 5 pound sacks 25c. Forest City Pancake Flour lOc per packager ALSO OUR SYRUPS Mistletoe Maple Syrup 1 gallon cans $1.40 i gallon cans 75c quart cans 40c. Old Colony Maple Syrup 25c per pint. Blue Ribbon Syruy GOc per gallon. Kamo Corn Syrup 50c per gallon. THESE ARE OUR BEST. WE BUY , TEST and PAY SPOT CASH for CREAM. We Handle all Kinds of Feed The Eagle Grocery Store. The Square Don ! Store Phone 58 ALDRICH'S . MAJORITY OVER 25,000 TF IM'UnijUUN STATK TirKKT KljUrTKI ) HY ( JO01) MAJOUITY. The Dtmioc'rtffi i li ot a Majority ol' The N'c.v ' _ ' ufj H.V ti. ) Three Hi'publk'iin Congressmen Elected in Xoliraska Klnkald , Xorris and Sloan Custer County Elects Meal , Dctn. , for County Attorney and Tesse CJnndy , Dem. . r for State Legls- laturo HUKKKTT DIOKKATRI ) FOP. U. . S S10XATM 1Y HITCHCOCK. Tie ) splendid vote given Chester II. . 'Idiich , rep. , candidate for gov ernor specks well for the moral sense of the voters of Nebraska. That Nebraska can still bo count ed in the republican column is vouched safe by the splendid ma jorities given the entire republican slate ticket. The democrats have elected a majority of next congress by twenty nine. Nebraska elected three of the six congressmen liom the state They arc Ironi the Fourth district , Chas. II. Sloon ; Fifth , Gco. W. Norris - ris ; Sixth , Moses P. Kinkaid. In Ouster CountyT C. W. Real , clem. , was elected Counly Attorney by a majority of 400 or , 500. From present Indications Jesse flandy , dem.and O. IT. Moody , rep. , are c- lectcd to the legislature. The election of State Senator Is still in doubt with Fries , rep. , in tiie lead ii this county. The County bo.ird Is republican by one majority , Anderson of Brok en now. , Burnluun of Westorvlllo. , Woodruff of Galloway. , are elected in their respective districts. Hen Morrls.dem. , is le-elccted in his district. The hold over members are Dewcn , rep. , Foley , dem. , Head- -Mf . " 16y , dom. The dmaha Iloo sayn , . Chester II. Aldrich of David City itaa boon elected govcrno of Nob- rnska by the largest off-year plur- alllty given In Nebraska in many yoars. < Hls purality over Dahlman will not bo loss than 25,000 , and may iJftssibly go to 30,000. The last off-year election In Nobrnnku. wan \\fon by Sheldon in 1900 , when bin lUtrallty over Shallonberger was a tie more than 12,000. lleturns so far compiled Indicate at the cntho republican Btato fckot has been elected , and that ssrs. llopewell for nontenant gov- ic r , Walter A. George for state tfuuburor , Silas R. Barton for au- ijitor , Addison Walt for'BO - stale , 13. 11. Cowles for commL.- fiioncr of public lands and buildings , Grant Martin for attorney general , .mines W. Crnblico for superinten dent of public instructions and Henry T. Clarke , jr. , for railway commissioner , have been given hand some majorities. Vote on Senator. , the preferential tc'for U. S. Uenator Gilbert M. Hitchcock has defeated senator lOlmor .1. Burkott by a majority in the neighborhood of 15,000. Hitchcock- carried Douglass ' lass county by upwards of 9,000 , % 'hllo Burkott was given only 822 i fnajorlty in Lancaster. The total vote is light , and on foveinor will hardly run above 230 , 000. With two-thirds of this vote tubulated , including Douglass county' ' s ul not Including Lancaster , where the returns are not yet complete , Aldrich has u lead over Dahlirian of 20,000. The precincts of Lan caster county reported give Aldrich 2,200. The vote still to bo tabu lated will surely incicase the lead 'for Aldrich. * Legislative returns are still in complete , but it looks as if both houses will bo democratic. To The Public : I thank you for your support and kind consideration. I have tried to . & my duty. . 1 have no excuses to make. I still Insist that tiTo only place suitable of a Rum Joint is in the middle of I loll and I have no particular grudge at His Satanic Majisty , the ruler of that domain. My friends ! I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let mo as sure you I will strive to live right. Sincciity of purpose in man , Is for that Being whoso law is perfect , 'and ' whose Judgement does not err , to determine. Respectfully , N. T. GADD. i.JL.n n.JL. . . . 1.11 nt.iin , 'flu , , ' ! flJtiiiJlJljliiiJJLt THANKSGIVING f I at i PHONES 5 & 348 Large Luscious Cape Cod Crinber- Smyrna Figs , very fancy , 2oc a lb lies - 2 qutirts for 21 cents Fancy large Malaga Grapes per Fancy Custer County Honey sell pound . . . 2oc ing at 2oc a frame lireiiuor Fruit Cake , best made Vosteza'Currants , extra fancy pir 3oc pur pound package . . . ice Sealshipt , solid pack , Blue Point Oysters , fiOc qt. Fancy Jumbo , well bleached celery , at lOe a bunch 4 I Fnucy new Persian Dates loc lb. Dill pickles , extra fancy , 150 dox. i . Kxtra fancy Plum Pudding at per Duch Rusk , fine eating per package f. can - - 352 age . . . IOC < ; Red Jacket Sweet.Cider purest and ' * , dest made - 400 per gal. Velvet candy , 10-15 aud 25 cents } ' pur package , fine ealing New Navel.Orangcs'all sizes \ Glaced Citron , Orange and Kxlra fancy Head Lettuce per * Peel Ig 10 pack bunch jc \ t All goods sold by in are Pure and protected \ by the National and State Pure Food Laws. < t THADK * PUUE OLD CIDER YINEQAII MAIUC PHONES 5 and 348 Ol-1 li. \VKKJUT DI-JA1) Dorr lli'ffclmnn , A cil 72 , Hits- After Illness of MontliH Dorr lloffolman , agud 72 years , a rot hod banker and bnslnoia man , died yesterday at the homo of .his dauglmSf : and son-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Leroy A' Wright. 3370 U St. Mr. lloffolman had been"ill for sev eral months with kidney complaint complicated by heart trouble , but not until recently did hlH condition boc&nu ) sorlouH. The decendent was a great grand turn of Dr. Arnold lloovolnmnn , a native of Prussia , wlio eamo to A- merlca with ( Jenoral Lafayette , in vhose army ho nerved a a surgeon during the UovolutloniiVy war , aflor- wnrds settling in Poltsgrovo , near Phlladolphlu. Arnold Iloovolmann's dcsrondantB , when they emigrated to the west , principally to Ohio and Iowa , changed the spelling of the name. Dorr Hoffelmuu was born In Iowa , and Inhls young manhood engaged in the banking business in that state , continuing In the name line of business for a quarter of a con- tuary In Nebraska. 1 llo leaves alfo , Sarh ft. Iloffel- man , a daughter , ' Mrs. T.oroy A. Wright , and a son , Paul lloffolman. Senator Wright , hlH son-in-law , had been called east by urgent legal business only the night before Mr. lloffclman's death , taking the train Tuesday night , and It was after his departure that Mr. Hoffelman seem ed to sink rapidly , death occurlng yesterday morning. The filnoial will bo private , as Mrs. Ilcffolman Is nearly prostrated by her long vigil at his bcd sldo. San Diego ( Calif. ) Union , Nov. 3 , 1910. The above obituary , which wo rd- cord through the courtesy of Paul Hoffleman , son of the deceased , brings back to us vivid memories of the early 70's when wo first lo- cftlert In Nehraaka. The pulilliUier of the Republican first formed the ncqunlntanco of Dorr Hoffclman in the year of 1371 , when ho WHB In the banking busi ness at Grand Island and when wo were residing on the Nicholson farm making my homo with my sister Mr * . II. T. Coffman , who was miro- * lug n Imby at thai time for Mrs. Heffolinnn. After locating In Cus- tor county wo again renewed out- old acnnalnttinco with Mr. Iloffcl- mnn , who ostabllshod a broker busi ness at Westervillo and later at Anuelmo. Some years ago ho gave up Ills business hero and joined ills family In California , who with his inotlier-lu-luw , Mrs. Smith and brother-in-law Walter Ilacon and wife had proceeded him to the west ern coast. Mr. Iloffelmanv was a brothor-ln-law of tloorgo 'lihuhuncl , clerk of the United States District Court at Omaha. Ilia family rela tions were anlong the best citizens of Grand Isldnd. A Now Apple Dlstrlet. Competent authorltlon agree that the lilg Horn llasln with Us excel lent soil and favorable cllmato con- tilt iona , will aoon become recognlz- d as one ol' the great apple grow ing districts of the Northwest. Prof. U C Hufftim.'wlio for 15 years de voted his tlm'o In experimenting in agricultural and horticultural lines while in charge ol the Btato exper imental stntipn at Laramlo , Wyom ing , and Profosaor Avon Nelson , State Horticulturist ot Wyoming , liRvo both given an opinion that the Uasin is remarkably well adapted to the development of commercial orchards. Fruit orchards are now being planed od In many localities in the Big Horn Uaaln , and much land that lids In the past been devoted to the raising of wheat , oats , barley , alfalfa , and other hay crops is be ing planted to apple orchards. Jack Benjamin and Company at Greats Opera House Three Mights Three OV. 17 , and 19 1910 Positively one of the strongest Repertoire companies in the state. The opening piny Thursdays night 'The . . j\hm \ ol To Day" a companion piece to "The Man : : ol' the Jlour" and guaranteed to please. This play deals with the questions of Today ; is . One of the ; and np-to-the-ininute. strongest ; plays ever staged in the Repertoire business.- Scats on sale at the usual place. Admission J . : 25c-35c-50e. - - IN APPLES WNT § R APPLES Jonathan , Ben Davis , Ganos , Winesups. They are all winter apples aftd in tip top condition. Pure Mrple Syrup , Pure Sorghum , New Orleans Molasses. Then you want that Pancake Flour and Buckwheat for y6ur breakfast. We have it , the best. We Buy Test and Pay Spot Cash for Your Cream. J . -N . P E A L E Phone 161 THE GROCER 180 Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station E ± J