Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 03, 1910, Image 6

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Miss Innen , spinster and cunrdlnn of
Gcrtrtidw mid llulsoy. established suiiH
mer lipiidciunrler at tiuiiiivaldo. Arnold
Annulrons will found shot to death in
tlio hall. Gertrude and her llanuo. Jack
Halley. hml conversed In the billiard
room Hlturlly before the minder. j > etec >
tlvo Jumleson accused Miss lime * of hold
ing back evidence. Cushlor Uallcy of J'au
Armstrong' " ! Imnlc , defunct , wan arre.stud
for liinhcKZlument. Puul Arinstionns
clentli wiw nimounecd. Italsoy * iluncep ,
Louise Armstrong , told Ilulsey that whllo
nhn Hlill loved him , she WHS to marry an-
othor. It developed that Or. Wull.or WUH
the man. Loulso was found unconscious
U the bottom of the cln ular staircase.
Bho mild Hoinothln ; , ' had brushed by her
In the dark on the Htiilrwuy and she
fainted. Unllcy Is suspected of Arm-
Blrons'fl murder. ThoniiiH , the lodsokoep-
cr , v/iis iViund dead with a nolo in hit
pocl.'ct bcnrlnK the naiuo "Luclen Wal
lace. " A Inddor found out of place deep-
etm the mystery. The stables xvcro
mimed , nnd In tins dark Mini Innes mtot
nn Intruder. IlilBoy mysteriously tllsup-
peiircd. Ills auto waa found wrecked by
a freight train. It developed ll.ilsey had
nn arKiimont In the library with a woman
before hla disappearance. New cook ols-
nppcars. MIsH Innes learned llulsoy WUH
nilvo. Dr. Walker's face becomes livid
at mention of the imtno of Nlni : Carrlng-
ton. ISvldenco wan secured from a trump
thnt a man , supposedly HiilB'-y , hail been
bound nnd gagged nnd thrown Into an
1 rmpty box car. Gertrude wns missing.
Iluntltu : for her. Miss limes ran Into a
man and fainted. A confcdfrutn of Dr.
Walker confessed Ida purl In the mys
tery. Ho Htuted that tlio Cnrrlngton wo
man had been killed , that Walker feared
lier. nnd that ho believed that I'ntil Arm-
rtrontj had been killed by u hand guided
by AVulker. Ilalsoy was found In u dis
tant hospital. Paul Armstrong wns not
dead. Miss Innes discovered secret rooms
In which the Traders' bunk trenmiro was
believed to bo , MrH. Wntson. dylnic , said
nhti killed Arnold Armstrong , who years
before hnd married hev sinter under tlm
nllHH of Wallace. Luvlon Wulluco was
born of the marrlnge.
At the Foot of the Stairs.
As I drove rapidly up to the house
from Casanova station In the hack , I
saw the detective Burns loitering
across the street from the Walker
placo. So Jamloson w is putting the
BcrewH on lightly now , but ready to
give them a twist or two , I felt cer
tain , very soon.
! ' The house was quiet. Two steps off
f- the circular staircase had been pried
off without result , and beyond u second
end message from Gertrude that Hal-
soy Insisted on coming home and they
would arrive that night there wns
nothing new. Mr. Jnmleson , having
failed to locate the secret room , had
cone to the vlllngo , I learned after
wards that ho called at Dr. Walker's ,
under pretense of nn attack of acute
indigestion , and before ho left had In
quired about the evening trains to the
city. Ho said ho hnd wasted a lot
of tlmo on the case , and a good bit of
the mystery was In my imagination !
The doctor wns under the Impression
that the house was guarded day and
night. "Well , give a place a reputation
like that , and you don't need a guard
at all thus Jnmleson. And sure
enough , late in the afternoon , the two
private detectives , accompanied by
Mr. Jamloson , walked down the main
street of Casanova and took a city-
bound train.
That they got off at the next station
nnd walked back again to Sunnyside
at dusk wns not known at the time.
Personally , I know nothing of cither
move ; I had ether things to absorb
mo at that time.
Llddy brought me some tea while 1
rested after my trip , nnd on the tray
was a small book from the Casanova
library. It was called "The Unseen
World" and had a cheerful cover , on
which a half-dozen sheeted figures
linked hands around a headstone.
At this point in my story , Halsoy
always says : "Trust a woman to add
two and two together , and make six. "
To which I retort that if two and two
plus X makes nix , then to discover the
unknown quantity is the simplest
thing In the world. That n houseful
of detectives missed it entirely was
because they wcro busy trying to
yrovo that two and two make four.
The depression due to my visit to
the hospital loft mo at the prospect of
Boeing Ilalsoy again that night. It
was about flvo o'clock when Llddy
left mo for a nap before dinner , hav
ing put mo into a gray silk dressing-
gown and a pair of slippers. I listened
to her retreating footsteps , and as
Boon as she wna safely below stairs
I wont up to the trunkroom , The
place had not been disturbed , and I
proceeded at once to try to discover
the entrance to the hidden room. The
openings on cither side , as I have
said , showed nothing but perhaps
three feet of brick wall. There was
no sign of an entrance no levers , no
hinges , to give a hint. Either the
mantel or the roof , I decided , and aft
er a half-hour at the mantel , produc
tive of absolutely no result , I decided
to try U > o roof.
I are not fond of a height. The few
occasions on which I have cllmbpd a
step-ladder have always left mo dizzy
and weak in the knees. The top of
the Washington monument is as Im
possible to mo as the elevation to the
presidential chair. And yet I
climbed out on the Sunnyside roof
without a second's hesitation. Like
a dog on a scent , like my bear-skin
progenitor , with his spear and his
wild boar , to mo now there was the
lust of the chase , the frenzy of pur-
cult , the dust of battle. I got quite a
little of the latter on mo as I climbed
from the unfinished ballroom out
through a window to the roof of the
east wing of the building , which was
only two stories in height.
Once out there , access to the top of
the- main building was rendered easy
j at least It looked easy by a small
vertical Iron ladder , fastened to the
wall ont < mle of the ballroom , and per-
hapa 12 foot high. The 12 feet looked
short from below , but they were dif
ficult to climb. 1 gathered my silk
gown around mo , and succeeded final
ly in making the top of the ladder.
Once there , however , I was complete
ly out of breath. I sat down , my feet
on the top rung , and put my hnlr-plns
In more securely , whllo the wind bel
lowed my dressing-gown out like a
sail. I had torn a great strip of the
silk loose , and now I ruthlessly fin
ished the destruction of my gown by
Jerking It free nnd tying It around my
Luckily , the roof was flat , and I
was able to go over every Inch of It. But
the result was disappointing ; noHrnp-
door revealed itself , no glass window ;
nothing but a couple of pipes two
Inches across , and standing perhaps
18 inches high and three feet apart ,
with a cap to prevent rain from en
tering and raised to permit the pas
sage of air. 1 picket ! tip a pebble
from the roof and dropped It down ,
listening with my car at one of the
pipes. I could hear It strike on some
thing with a sharp , metallic sound ,
but It was Impossible for me to toll
how far It had gone.
I gave up finally nnd went down the
ladder again , getting in through the
ballroom window without being ob
served. I went back at once to the
trunkroom , and , sitting down on a
box , gave my mind , as consistently as
I could , ( o the problem before mo. If
the pipes in the roof were ventilators
to the secret room , and there was no
trap-door above , the entrance was
probably in ono of the two rooms be
tween which it lay unless , Indeed ,
the room had been built , and the openIng -
Ing closed with a brick and mortar
The mantel fascinated me. Made of
wood and carved , the more I looked
the more I wondered that I had not
noticed before the absurdity of such
a mantel In such a place. It was cov
ered with scrolls and panels , and fin
ally , by the merest accident , I pushed
one of the panels at the side. It
moved easily , revealing a small brass
It is not necessary to detail the
fluctuations of hope and despair , and
not a little fear of what lay beyond-
with which I twisted and turned the
knob. It moved , but nothing seemed
to happen , and then I discovered the
trouble. I pushed the knob vigorous
ly to one side , and the whole mantel
swung loose from the wall almost a
foot , revealing a cavernous space be
I took a long breath , cloned the
door from the trunkroom Into the hall
thank heaven , I did not lock It and
pulling the mantel-door wide open , I
stopped Into the chlriiney-room. I had
tlmo to get a hazy view of a small
portable safe , a common wooden table
and a chair then the mantel door
swung to , and clicked behind mo. I
Htood quite still for a moment , In the
darkness , unable to comprehend what
had happened.Then I turned and beat
furiously at the door with my fists.
It was closed and locked again , and
my lingers In the darkness slid over a
smooth wooden surface without a sign
of a knob.
I was furiously angry at myself , at
the mn'ntel-door. at everything. I did
not fear suffocation ; before the
thought had come to me I had already
seen a gleam of light from the two
mnnll ventilating pipes In the roof.
They supplied air , but nothing else.
The room Itself was -shrouded In
I must have dozed off. I am sure
I did not faint. I was never more
composed in my life. I romcmbct
planning , If 1 were not discovered ,
who would have my things. I know
Llddy would want my heliotrope pop
lin , nnd she's a fright In lavender.
Once or twice I heard mice in the par
titions , and so I sat on the table , with
my feet on the chair. I Imagined I
could hoar the search going on
through the house , and once some
one came into the trunkroom ; I could
distinctly hear footsteps.
"In the chimney ! In the chimney ! "
I called with all my might , nnd was
rewarded by a piercing shriek from
Llddy nnd the slam of the trunkroom
I felt easier after that , although the
room was oppressively hot and
cnc-rvatlng. I had no doubt the search
for me would now come In the right
direction , and after a little , I dropped
Into a doze. How long I slept I do
not know.
It must have been several hours ,
for I had been tired from a busy day ,
and I waked stiff from my awkward
position I could not remember
where I was for a few minutes , and
my head felt heavy and congested.
Gradually I roused to my surround
ings , and to the fact that in spite of
ventilators , the air was bad nnd grow
ing worse. I was breathing long ,
gasping respirations , and my face was
damp and clammy. I must have been
there a long time , nnd the searchers
were probably hunting outside the
house , dredging the creek , or beating
the woodland. I knew that another
hour or two would find mo uncon
scious , nnd with my Inability to cry
out would go my only chance of res
cue. It was the combination of bad air
and heat , probably , for some inade
quate ventilation was coming through
the pipes. I tried to retain my con
sciousness by walking the length of
the room nnd back , over and over , but
I had not the strength to keep It up ,
so I sat down on the table again , my
buck against the wall.
The house was very still. Once my
straining cars seemed to catch a foot
fall beneath me , possibly In my own
room. I groped for the chair from
the table , and pounded with It frantic
ally on the floor. But nothing .hap
pened ; I realized bitterly that If the
sound was heard at all , no doubt it
was classed with the other rapplngs
that had so alarmed us recently.
And then I heard sounds from be
low me , In the house. There was a
peculiar throbbing , vibrating noise
that I felt rather than heard , much
like the pulsing beat of fire engines In
the city. For one awful moment I
thought the house was on fire , and
every drop of blood In my body gath
ered around my heart ; then I knew. It
was the engine of the automobile , and
Ilalsoy had come back. Hope sprang
up afresh. Ilalsey's clear head and
Gertrude's Intuition might do what
Liddy's hysteria nnd three detectives
had failed in.
After a time I thought I had been
right. There was certainly something
going on down below ; doors were
slamming , people were hurrying
through the halls , and certain high
notes of excited voices penetrated to
me shrilly. I hoped they wcro coming
closer , but after a time the sounds
died away below , and I was left to the
silence and heat , to the weight of the
darkness , to the oppression of walls
that seemed to close in on me and
stifle me.
The llrst warning I had was a
stealthy fumbling at the lock of the
mantel-door. With my mouth open
to scream , I stopped. Perhaps the sit
uation had rendered me acute , per
haps It instinctive. Whatever It
was , I sat without moving , and someone
ono outside , In absolute stillness , ran
his lingers over tlio carving of the
No Trap-Door Revealed Itself.
mantel nnd found the panel.
Now the sounds below redoubled ;
from the clatter and Jarring 1 know
that several people were running up
the stairs , and as the sounds approached
preached , I could even hear what they
"Watch the end staircases ! " Jamie-
son shouted. "Damnation there's no
light here ! " And then n second later.
"All together now. One two
three "
The dopr into the trunkroom had
been locked from the inside. At the
second that It gave , opening ngalnst
the wall with a crash and evidently
tumbling somebody Into the room , the
stealthy fingers beyond the mantel-
door gave the knob the proper im
petus , and the door swung open , and
closed again. Only nnd Liddy al
ways screams nnd puts her fingers In
hnr ears at this point only now 1
was not alone in tlio chimney room.
There was some ono else in the dark
ness , some one who breathed hard ,
and who was so close I could have
touched him with my hand.
I was in a paralysis of terror. Out
side there were excited voices and In
credulous oaths. The trunks were
being Jerked around in a frantic
srarch , the windows were thrown
open , only to show a sheer drop of 40
feet. And the man in the room with
me leaned against the mantel-door
nnd listened. His pursuers wore plain
ly battled ; I heard him draw a long
breath , and turn to grope his way
through the blackness. Then he
touched my hand , cold , clammy , death
like. >
A hand in an empty room ! He drew
in his breath , the sharp intaklng of
horror that fills lungs suddenly col
lapsed. Beyond Jerking his hand away
Instantly , he made no movement. I
think absolute terror had him by the
throat. Then he stepped back , with
out turning , retreating foot by foot
from The Dread in the corner , and I
do not think he breathed.
Then , with the relief of space be
tween us , I screamed , ear-spllttlngly ,
madly , and they heard me outside.
"In the chimney ! " I shrieked. "Be
hind the mantel ! The mantel ! "
With an oath the figure hurled Itself
across the room at me , and I
screamed again. In his blind fury he
had missed me ; I heard him strike
the wall. That ono time I eluded
him ; I was across the room , and I had
got the chair. He stood for a second ,
listening , then he made another rush
and I struck out with my weapon. I
think it stunned him , for I had a sec
ond's respite when I could hear him
breathing , and some one shouted cut-
sldo :
"We can't get In. How does it
open ? "
But the man in the room had
changed his tactics. I knew he was
creeping on me , Inch by Inch , nnd I
could not tell from where. And then
he caught me. Ho hold his hand
over my mouth , and I bit him. I was
lelpless , strangling and some one
was trying to break in the mantel
from outside. It began to yield some
where , for a thin wedge of yellowish
light was reflected on the opposite
wall. When he saw tha't , my assailant
dropped me with a curse ; then the
opposite wall swung open noiselessly ,
closed again without a sound , and I
was alone. The Intruder was gone.
"In the next room ! " I called wildly.
"The next room ! " But the sound of
blows , on the mantel drowned my
voice. By the tlmo I had made them
understand , a couple of minutes had
elapsed. The pursuit was taken up
then , by all except Alex , who was de
termined to liberate me. When I
stepped out into the trunkroom a free
woman again I could hear the chase
far below.
I must say , for all Alex's anxiety to
set me free , he paid little enough at
tention to my plight. He Jumped
through the opening into the secret
room nnd picked up the portable safe.
"I am going to put this in Mr. Hal-
sey's room , Miss Innes , " he said , "and
I shall send one of the detectives to
guard it. "
I hardly heard him. I wanted to
laugh and cry In the same breath
to crawl into bed and have n cup of
tea , nnd scold Llddy , nnd do any of
the thousand natural things that I had
never expected to do again. And the
air ! The touch of the cool night air
on my face !
Worried Over His Trousers.
The humors and tragedies of Now
York East side life are delineated by
Frank Marshall White in an article In
Harper's Weekly. Master Jacob Ros
enberg , eleven or twelve years of
age , was suffering from a broken leg ,
"Ills supreme agony came , however ,
when Dr. M. ripped up one side of
the Juvenile trousers with a pair of
scissors to make room for bandages.
'My now pants' My now pants ! He's
cutting my now pants ! ' Jacob
shrieked , and almost wriggled himself
out of the grasp of the policeman and
the driver in his efforts to prevent the
mutilation of his raiment. All the
wiry to his homo In the ambulance the
boy bewailed his mangled trousers
more than he did his broken leg.
We think that preachers ought to
gay more about hell lire and brim
stone' ; people are feeling altogether
too easy about themselves.
News Notes of Interest From Various
The scarlet fever scare has been
revived at Suttou by reason of uow
Tliocorn show nt North Bend waa
it great succesH and tle attendance
was good.
Sheriff James Chlrusldo of Jeffer
son county prevented several prison
ers In the county pall from breaking
Peru now has a Jail , which has just
been completed. It is built of cement
blocks , with a steel door , concrete
floor and reinforced concrete roof.
The Monte Chrlsto cafe , ono of Me-
Cook's well known hotels , passed
from Mrs. Viola Ballew's management
Into the management of S. D. McClaln.
The bricklayers of Alma have Just
about finished their work on the ? 18-
000 Everson block nnd will begin
work on the Carnegie library building
next week.
Henry McCullom of Alma , who was
shot by a drunken man on the train
at Chester , while en route homo from
Iowa , is recovering and will l/o
brought home near Alma , soon.
A petition signed by 434 names has
been filed with the county clerk of
York county asking that a vote be
taken at the coming election to
change the county government from
commissioner system.
Mayor Henry Schuff has recently
opened the New Vienna in Grand Is
land , whicn Is one of the finest Euro
pean houses In the state .having a
Beating capacity for 125 guests , divid
ed in three apartments.
While ditching for tiling purpo.-iea
on the George C. Blessing farm north
of Homer , the workmen excavated a
skeleton of a large elk. The bones
were in a perfect state of preserva
tion and were found at a depth of
seven feet.
John Llcb of Pender has been ar
rested for attempted criminal assault.
Ho is accused of taking two little
daughters of C. Bowling into an emp
ty Ice house and making indecent pro
posals to them. Pending a hearing ,
ho is out on ball of $2,500.
J. W. Bergers of Omaha has ap
pealed to the supreme court from the
judgment of $10,000 against him ,
awarded F. N. Phelps for the aliena
tion of his wife's affections. All of
the parties to the suit reside in Ouia-
ha. Phelps sued for $25,000 , and was
given $1CGG7. This was afterwards
reduced by the court to $10,000.
Roy Chadwick , of St. Joseph , was
placed under peace bonds at Kearney
upon complaint of his wife and when
lie could not find bondsmen to go the
$500 bond was sent to pail for ono
year. Chadwick recently came to
Nebraska In search of his wife , who
is teaching school near Miller and af
ter locating her threatened her life.
Coroner Peters of Springfield took
charge of the body of John Shlmm ,
who committed suicide by hanging
himself in a barn about a mile south
of Bellevue , Sarpy county. The body
was found danKliiiK from the rafters
in the barn of Richard Vale , by a
couple of boys , Shimm had been liv
ing on an- island in Papio creek , farmIng -
Ing and fishing for a living.
Sheriff Walter Gammons and Dep
uty Sherltf Bede Laughton of Buffalo
county arrested four men , all strang
ers In Kearney , for stealing dry goods
from a local merchant. The men
were found in the possession of $110
worth of silk goods , suits and over
coats. They were shadowed for two
days before being arrested and were
then trapped and evidence against
them secured.
John Wehmer , the six-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woluner , who
live one mile west of Sterling , died
as a result of an accident which befell -
fell him. The boy had climbed upon
a corncrib and a board broke , allow
ing him to fall to the ground. Ho
alighted upon his right arm , breaking
the member in three places , the bone
protruding through the flesh. Blood
poisoning ended his life.
William Wilhelmy has prepared a
large tract of land near Nebraska
City which he will devote to the rais
ing of ginseng. Ho claims that txs
much as $100 per acre can be made
in raising the plant , the dried root of
which is sold to the Chinese as their
cure-all and It demands a big prlte.
Dave Gourlay , a prosperous ranch
man near Rushvllle , had a close call
from being burled alive. He was
working In a ditch eight feet deep in
the yard of his new residence proper
ty , when the ditch caved in as he was
stooping down. He was burled three
feet under the dirt , but was dug out
before life was gone.
Copies of general order No. 20 were
received at Beatrice from Adjutant
General Hartigan of the Nebraska na
tlonal guards by commanders of the
local military organizations , com
manding Vernon H. Randall of Com
pany C and'Glen Beaver of the llrs
machine gun company to appear be
fore the general court martial which
will convene at Lincoln , November 15
to answer charges of dlsobedieace
and violation of orders and abscence
without leave from the recent mill
tnry encampment at Fort Riley , Kas.
The Syracuse Woman's club had ai
unusual program for its meeting the
ether day , styled "Political day.
County option and Initiative and ret
erendum were discussed and a regula
primary election was hold , using sam
pie ballot to vote , with Judges , clerks
and booths.
Nicholas M. Farrard of Burt county
was granted an unconditional pardot
by Governor Shallenberger. Farrard
waa sent to the penitentiary for man
slaughter. He waa convicted on cir
cumatnntlal evidence entirely. He ha
served eleven months In prison ant
ua3 an excellent record.
I want cTCty chronic rheumatic to Uiroflj
liniments , all
war all medicines , all
llMlM * . nnd l e MlJtTZON'B IIUEUMA.
CISM HEMBDT a trial. No matter what
rour doctor mar ear. no matter wbal
onr frlcnda mar ear , no matter low
irejndlced yon mar bo against nil aave >
Ised remedies , ro at once to yonr ornp-
clat and get aT > ottfe of the linEUMA-
IriBU KEMnDTT. H It falls to give eatl -
Cactlon.1 will refand yonr monoy. Muajop
Remember this remedr contains no aaU
ferlle acid , no opium cocaine , morphine or
other tnrmful rfniKS. It Is put up under
the cnarantco of tte Pnro Peed and Drue
. ITor oalo br all druggists. Price , aSc.
Make the Liver )
Do its Duty (
1 Nine times la ten wben tl > firef lirigKt tW
ttOTDUch fnH bowel * are right *
gently but firmly corn.
S ? fe.UTor ' I'CARTE
I" CuJnCon. raWflTTLK
atlpntion , JmgJT IIVER
Iodise * . x W 11 PILLS.
tion ,
Headache , and Dlitresf after Entlag.
Small pal. 3m n , Do * . . Siull Pric *
Genuine mutbcu Signature
True happiness IB found In great
love manifesting Itself In service.
Thorcau. *
Pettlt's Eye Salvo Restores.
No matter how badly the eyes may bj
diseased or injured. All dniggiaU or HoW
ard Bros. . Buffalo , N. Y.
Now He Knows.
"On what grounds does your fathe *
object to mo ? " he asked.
"On any grounds within a mile of
our house , " she answered.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
Infanta and children , and see that It
Bears the
Signature of <
In Use For Over SO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The Difference.
"I don't see any'difference between
you and a trained nurse except the
uniform , " said her sick husband.
"And the salary , " eho added ,
thoughtfully. Harper's Bazar.
The Family Growler.
"Why are you weeping , little boyf *
"I broke do pitcher. "
"Well , there's no use crying ; over
spilt milk. "
"G'wan ! Dls wuz beer. " Louisvtllo
Easy for Her.
An extremely corpulent old lady 77aa
entertaining her grandchild at lunch
eon when she found occasion to repri
mand the little girl for dropping SOLDO
food on the tablecloth.
"You don't ace grandma dropping
anything on the table , " she said.
"Of course not , " replied the child ;
"God gave you something In front to
atop It"
"Who Is that man who has been sit
ting behind the bar day after day ? "
Inquired the stranger In Crimson
"That's Stage Coach Charley. Ha'a
In a peculiar predicament. He went to
town last week and got his teeth
fixed. Then he came here , and , beln'
broke , ran up a bill on the strength of
his eeven dollars' worth of gold flllln * .
Charley won't submit to bavin' th
nuggets pried out an' the proprietor
won't let him git away with the col
lateral , and there you are I"
A Physician on Food.
A physician , of Portland , Oregon ,
has views about food. He Bays :
"I have always believed that the
duty of the physician does not ceasa
with treating the alck , but that wo
owe It to humanity to teach them how
to protect their health , especially by
hygienic and dietetic laws.
"With such a feeling as to my duty
I take great pleasure In saying to th
public that In my own experience and r
also from personal observation I hav
found no food equal to Grape-Nuts ,
and that I find there Is almost no limit
to the great benefits this food will
bring when used In all cases of slck >
ness and convalescence.
"It Is my experience that no physt *
cal condition forbids the use of Grape-
Nuts. To persons in health there la
nothing so nourishing and acceptable
to the stomach , especially at break
fast , to start the machinery of the hu
man system on the day's work.
"In cases of Indigestion I know that
a complete breakfast can be made of
Grape-Nuts and cream and I think It is
Dot advisable to overload the stomach
at the morning meal. I also know the
great value of Grape-Nuts when-th *
stomach la too weak to digest other
"This Is written after an experience
of more than 20 years , treating all
manner of chronic and acute dlseasec ,
and the letter Is written voluntarily
on my part without any request for It. "
Read the little book , "Tho Road to
Wellvlllo. " In pkes. "There's a Reason. "