Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 03, 1910, Image 2

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The Ouster County Republican
D. M. AMSBERRY , Editor
National , Political , Penonal and Other
MatUra In Brief Form for All
dalles of Roadara.
t > Washington. i/jJ3 /
A social event of interest in naval
circles took place in St. Margaret's
Episcopal church , when Miss Elsie
Jarvls McLoan , daughter of Captain
Walter McLean , U. 3. N. , became the
bride of Mr. Paul C. Patterson. A
number of naval officers were among
the attendants.
According to the annual report of
Surgeon General Tornoy , the general
health of the United States army has
fihown improvement for several years.
The non-effective rate , regarded as
the true measure of the loss in effi
ciency from sickness and injury , was
41.48 per ono thousand in the last
llscal year ns compared with 42.G8 for
1008 , 40.17 for 1007 and 49.70 for 100C.
Dug doctors of all sorts and from
nil sections wore given a hearing at
the department of agriculture , the de
partment desiring to obtain their
views in regard to proposed regula
tions under which Insecticides and
fungicides are to bo sold. The pure
food and drug act of April 30 , 100C ,
did not apply to Insecticides , so a new
law has been framed to prevent their
adulteration and misbranding.
In a formal order the Interstate
Commerce commission announced Its
Intention to administer strictly sec
tion four , the long and short haul pro
vision of the recenly amended Inter
state commerce act. The order was
the outgrowth of a hearing held by
the committee two weeks ago on the
matter of the application of interstate
carriers generally for relief under
the long and short haul provision.
An official note confirms the an
nouncement that an agreement has
been reached between Turkey and
Franco for the flotation o a $30,000-
000 loan in Paris.
The small steamer Valeria , from
Rcvul , Ilussia , for Hamburg , founder
ed in the Baltic sea. Four bodies
have been washd nshorojind It is sup
posed that the whole crow of sixteen
was lost.
The Paris Petit Parlslcn claims
that Spain IB on the verge of n rup
ture with Morocco over the payment
of the indemnity of 130,000,000 pes-
ates , approximately ? 2C,000,000 , which
Spain exacted following the success
ful campaign against the Riff tribes
men in the summer of 1000 , and con
templates dispatching forty thousand
soldiers across to the Rift coast to
occupy Tetuan.
The Philippine- legislature has con
vened. In his message Governor Gen
eral Forbes congratulated the govern
ment on the results of the Payne-
Aldrlch tariff bill and says that the
finances of the Philippines are satis
factory. The fiscal year closes with
a surplus in excess of $1,000,000.
George Fong , alias Fong Ming Sung ,
the young leader of the Chinese rev
olutionary movement , who is charged
with an attempt to assassinate Prince
ITsal sun , Chinese special envoy , was
held to answer by Judge Mortimer
Smith in Oakland , Cal. , and bound
over to the superior court on $5,000
bond. The formal charge is an at
tempt to commit murder with a dead
ly weapon.
Senator Elklns Is seriously ill at
his home-in West Virginia.
The funeral of Senator Dolliver was
held at Fort Dodge Thursday.
The last notable speech of Dolliver
In the senate was a defense of the at
titude of Insurgents.
The Boston and Maine railroad will
not interfere in the politics of the
etate hereafter , says its president.
The interstate commerce commis
sion made an order that the long and
Bhort haul rule must bo adhered to.
A Kentuckian who pleaded guilty
to murder was tried , convicted and
sentenced to bo hanged , all in six
Seventy-seven men heroically gave
their lives in their effort to subdue
the disastrous forest llres which rag
ed in the west during the latter part
of August , according to figures given
out by the forest service.
Joseph M. Huston of Philadelphia ,
architect of Pennsylvania's state
.capitol , was sentenced to imprison
ment for not less than six months
nor more than two years In the east
ern penitentiary at Philadelphia.
Professor Woodruff of Cornell uni
versity In a speech called Colonel
Roosevelt nn unmitigated liar.
English bankers have agreed to ex
tend the period of negotiating cotton
bills of lading under the present sys
tem from October 31 to December 31.
Secretary of State Knox hus return
ed to his desk at the state department
after spending nearly all summer at
his country homo at Valley Forge , Pa.
Superior Judge Walter Bordwell
has ordered the empanelling of a
special grand Jury of thirty men to
Investigate the dynamiting of the Los
Angolee Times bulldlnjr.
Dr. Crlppon testified In his own be
half at the murder trial In London.
Seventy-nine men gave their lives
to save the forests of the west.
It is suggested that Associate Jus
tice White of the supreme court maybe
bo elevated to chief.
Edgar Allen Poe has been declared
entitled to a place In the hall of fame.
Mr. Bryan has been making some
speeches In Speaker Cannon's Illinois
Dr. Crlppen was found guilty of
murdering his wife and sentenced to
be hanged October 10.
The Norwegian steamer Blucflclds
is believed to have been lost In the
West Indian hurricane.
The chairman of the Iowa demo
cratic corrthllttoo proposes a state
wide primary on senator in November.
Rhode Island republicans renorni-
nated present state officers and en
dorsed the administration of Presi
dent Taft ,
The validity of the Carmack amend
ment to the Hepburn rate law Is be
ing tested In the United States supreme
premo court.
The government hns authorized the
Spanish minister at Lisbon to enter
Into relations with the provisional
Announcement was made of a gift
of $250,000 by John D. Rockefeller to
the medical department of Western
Reserve university.
Lulggl Luchcnl , who assassinated
the emperor of Austria in 1008 , com
mitted Biilcldo in his cell in the pris
on known as 1'Eveche.
The duty on lumber imported from
Canada will bo waived by the United
States in the interest'of the Minnesota
seta forest-lire 'sufferers.
Society has given up its attempt to
reconcile Colonel John J acob Astor
and Mrs. Ava Willing Astor , the beau
tiful wife who divorced him.
Charges that lobbying has been
done In behalf of a prohibition ar
ticle resulted in depriving reporters
of floor privileges In the Arizona con
stitutional convention.
Now Jersey Is assured of a tradi
tional Thanksgiving celebration this
year , for reports from all parts of
New Jersey show that the cranberry
cop will probably bo the largest ever
The charge in Theodore Roosevelt's
speech in New York that John A. Dlx ,
the democratic nominee for governor ,
was a director of the wallpaper trust"
was denied by Mr. Dix's friend and
business associate.
The twenty-first annual report of
the Great Northern railway says that
Improvement In conditions during the
ilscal year ending Juno 30 last result
ed "in the largest earnings for one
year ever reported by the company. "
Eighty-five per cent of the inhabit
ants of American Samoa are suffering
from the hook worm disease , accordIng -
Ing to the annual report of Captain
F. Parker , U. S. N. , retired , governor
of the American islands uf the Sarao-
an group.
Seven thousand eight hundred men ,
among them Governor Wilson of Ken
tucky , coming from seven states In
diana , Ohio , Illinois , Missouri , West
Virginia. Tennessee and Kentucky ,
were initiated into the Woodmen of
the World at Louisville , Ky.
A cable from Rio Janeiro to the
New Oreans Picayune says : "The
steamship Wally was wrecked near
the lighthouse at Arrosales off Pnra
and Is a total loss. Some of the pas-
sangers were rescued , but it Is be-
Moved that nearly fifty were drowned. "
New York's Chinatown Is to bo
cleaned up as It has never been
cleaned before. This is the decision
of the new police administration , it
was learned at headquarters , and be
ginning at midnight , the police were
Instructed to order all white persons
from the district.
One of the naval changes and pro
motions resulting from the retirement
of Copt. U. S. G. White on account of
ago was the advancement of Com
mander Robert E. Peary , the Arctic
explorer , to the rank of captain. Peary
has been the only civil engineer in
the navy with a rank of commander.
The Missouri Pacific Unllrnad com-
pany was fined from $10 to $25 each
on four counts for violating the six-
teen-hour law in the federal court in
St. Louis.
The English government has Invited
Field Marshal Lord Kitchener to be
come a member of the committee on
imperial defense and Lord Kitchener
has accepted.
Secret service detectives raided the
plant of a well known publishing firm
in Chicago , arresting two men , said
to bo officials of the company , in con
nection with the the alleged Issue of
millions of dollars' worth of counter-
felt notes of the Nicaraguan govern
ment , which have been circulated
over the country. Other arrests arc
The board of directors of the na
tional association of credit men at a
meeting in Kansas City decided to
hold the next annual convention of
the association at Minneapolis , Minn. ,
from June 13 to 17. D. w. Sayer of
Minneapolis was appointed to formu
late plans for raising funds for the
protection of fraudulant debtors. The
plan is to bo submitted to the national
convention In June.
John D. Rockefeller has given to
the Rockefeller institute for medical
research an additional $3,820,000 ,
bringing his donations to this institu
tion up to nn aggregate of $0,000,000.
John E. Molssant gained new tame
as an aviator at Now York.
President Taft made an Inspection
on conditions at Ellis Island.
Col. Roosevelt was unable to attend
the funeral of Senator Dolliver.
Walter Wellman has not given up
the Idea of crossing the ocean In an
Nebraska Art Association tc Give an
Exhibition In Lincoln at
Same Time.
The program Issued for tlie meet
ing of the Nebraska State Teachers'
association , which convenes at Lin
coln for three days November 23 , has
a number of the most prominent educators -
caters In the country on It.
Prank A. Crane of Chicago , once
paator of Oie First Methodist church
of Lincoln will deliver the address on
Thanksgiving morning. William E.
Chancellor of Norwork , Conn. , Ed
ward Howard Qriggs , author of "Mo
ral Education , " Herman Harrell
Home of New York university and
author of "Philosophy of Education , "
Henry Suzzallo of Columbia univer
sity , Miss M. Adelaide Holton , pri
mary supervisor In Minneapolis , Hen
ry Purmort Eames , musician and Su
perintendent . M. Davidson of Oma
ha , are on the list of distinguished
The Nebraska Art association will
give an exhibition at the same time In
the University Library building and
an Industrial exhibition and competi
tion will be held at the city auditor
ium by the grammar and high schools
of the state , State Superintendent E.
C. Bishop Is In charge of this contest
and the awarding of $250 premiums.
Besides Superintendent Davidson
who will speak twice , other Omaha
educators who will be on the program
are , Principal E. U. Graff of the High
school , In a symposium on debating ;
Mrs. Ida Atkinson , , head of the Amer
ican history department of the High
school discusses the teaching of his
tory ; Dr. Joseph 'M. ' Alkin speaks on
parental deficiency and alcoholism ;
Miss Fannie Arnold , supervisor of
music on child voice culture , Ben
Cherrlngton , on playground athletics ;
Miss Elizabeth Allan of Mason school ,
Miss Emily Wood and Mrs. Harriet
H. Heller of the Detention home on
primary and kindergarten work. Mrs.
Charles Martin wll > sing at one of
the programs and Miss Grace Miner ,
president of the Omaha Story Tellers'
league , will take part in a discussion
on that subject.
Three or four hundred teachers usu
ally attend the convention , and It is
held during the Thanksgiving vaca
tion to give them the opportunity. It
Is taken as the occasion for colfege
reunions. Banquets will be held by
graduates of the university and of the
Peru , Kearney and Fremont normal
For Less of Hand.
W. A. Phllpot , who alleges that ho
was employed at the Lincoln asylum
for the Insane , asks for $5,000 person
al damages , from the state and has
filed his claim. He alleges that while
operating a corn cutter at the ailo at
the asylum he- lost all of the fingers
and apart of the thumb of the left
Nebraska Pioneers.
S. D. Fltchie of University Place
writes to the Lincoln Journal as fol
lows : "A remarkable meeting of
three pioneers occurred last Monday
at the Burlington depot at Nebraska
City. William Campbell of Stockton ,
Cal. ; Richard Cleve of Nebraska City ,
and Thomas Ryan , a conductor on the
Burlington. The two former were
pony express riders fifty years ago
and Tom Ryan at the same time was
driver on the overland stage from Ne
braska City to Utley's station , one
milo west of where the town of Syra-
mile west of Syracuse.
Claims Against the State.
Deficiency claims have begun to
pour in upon the state auditor. DtSp-
uty State Aditor John Shahan has a
nice big box full of paper which he
will turn over to the finance commit
tee of the next legislature , If the com
mittee cares to call on him. One of
the largest will be claims for the
traveling expenses of district judges.
The last legislature reduced the ap
propriation for traveling expenses for
district Judges by half and added ho
tel expenses , to the list of expenses
to bo paid by the state. The total of
$3,000 was not sufficient to stand this
added burden of hotel bills contracted
by district judges when they are
away from home on court business ,
and as a result a total of $755.14 de
ficiency claims have already been
filed , and only cloven of the twenty-
eight district Judges In the state have
been hciiVil fiom.
Charity Calls Normal.
Charity organization bociotj reports
show that the calls upon that organi
zation are just about normal for this
time of year. These calls increase In
number with the coming of winter.
Spurious Money.
Traveling men reaching the city af
ter the past week in Nebraska terri
tory say that a number of bad $20
bills have been reported and that sev
eral such have turned up at Grand
Hessian Fly Trouble.
Lincoln grain dealers are unwilling
to bellevo that there Is any wide
spread danger of Hessian lly trouble
in the winter wheat Holds. A report
from Fremont that several Holds were
attacked by the pests is said to indi
cate a local condition.
When Instruction Will Be Given In
Schools ,
The first Friday in November , No
vember 4 , 1910 , will bo known as flro
day. Every teacher will be requested
to give the children some Information
about fire risks and what to do in
case of fire. The work of the teach ,
era will bo systcmlzcd and aided
through the use of a fire prevention
text book which has been prepared
under the supervision of Fire Warden
A. V. Johnson. About 10,000 copies
of this book will be distributed among
the teachers.
"Fire day" has been fixed for No
vember 4 by State Superintendent
On this day a program devoted to
flro education will be urged upon all
of the teachers , the program outlined
In the text book being as follows :
Each teacher will arrange a pro
gram from the material at hand and
obtainable , and In accordance with
the facilities of the school. These
points should bo kept in mind.
1. Program should be such as to
( stimulate an Interest in the subject.
2. Some helpful knowledge should
bo Imparted.
3. The program should be such
that each pupil will feel a personal
responsibility in taking the proper
precaution In his own home and In
other places whore there Is occasion
for the presence of flre or materials
which might lead to the production
of flre.
Special Invitations should be given
to school officers and patrons to bo
present "flre day. "
The program may include the fol
lowing features :
Music , patriotic selections.
introductory remarks by the teach
er as to the origin of fire day and the
need of its observation.
Compositions by pupils on the fol
lowing subjects :
"The use and abuse of matches. "
"Use of kerosene and lamps ; how
to kindle a flre and how not to kindle
a fire , etc. "
Story of the origin and results of
the Chicago , Baltimore and other
Discussions by the school on sub
jects presented In compositions , and
questions by the teacher which will
bring out discussions.
These questions should be made so
direct that any careless habits in
handling flro or flre material will be
brought to notice. Pupils will become
interested in knowing the safest and
best ways of dealing with fire.
The text book also Includes short
chapters on the following subjects :
The extent of the flre waste , carelessness -
ness with matches , the safety match ,
when matches cause death , coal oil
or kerosene lamps , kindling a flre ,
stoves for cooking and heating , fires
from chimneys , stovepipes and smoke ,
sparks , the ash heap and the cdal
pile , danger from heating gas , danger
from Christmas trees , electricity and
fire protection.
The business of the flre commis
sion Is to prevent fires where possible
and to hunt out incendiary fires. In
the work .of fire prevention a general
campaign of education is regarded as
effectual and the Issuance of the text
book In connection with the programs
fb bo carried out in all schools on
"flre day" Is an attempt to make fire
education a live subject.
Three Guardsmen Released.
The general court martial of the
Nebraska national guard called for
November 15 , which Is giving a bad
case of shivers to two or three score
of guardsmen , no longer has any ter
rors for G. M. Boehler , R. Lj Liberty
and E. A. Miller of Company L ,
Second regiment , of Alma , the home
town of Governor Shallenberger , com-
mander-ln-chief. The charge of ab-
scenco without leave and disobedi
ence of orders , preferred by Adjutant
General John C. Hartlgan against the
guardsmen named , has been with
drawn by the adjutant general upon
recommendation of the captain.
Dairymen's Association Meeting.
S. C. Bassett , secretary of the Ne
braska dairymen's association , writes
as follows from Gibbon : "At a meet
ing of the directors of the Nebraska
dairymen's association the date for
the twenty-sixth annual meeting of
the association was fixed for January
18 , 19 , 20 , 1911 , at the university farm ,
Lincoln. The following named per
sons wore appointed as delegates to
attend the annual meeting of the Am
erican dairy farmers' association to
be held In connection with the nation
al dairy show at'the coliseum in Chicago
cage on 09tober 25 , 1910. Charles
Harding , Prof. A. L. Haecker , E. M.
Little , J. K. Honeywell , H. C. Young ,
George E. Haskell , Paul Hunter , Hen
ry C. Gllssman , J. S. Clark , David
Cole. "
In Memory of Judge Lake.
The supreme court held services in
memory of the late Judge George B.
Lake , formerly chief justice of the
court , who died at his home In Oma
ha July 27. A committee appointed
by the court , delivered addresses and
presented resolutions.
Lincoln Again Chosen.
Lincoln was again chosen as the
place of holding the annual meeting
of the Odd Follows and Robekahs.
Two cities were candidates for
the convention , York and Omaha.
More Time for Donahue.
The supreme court has given Chief
Donahue of Omaha until the next sit
ting of the court to answer the com
plaint of the attorney general that he
should be removed from olllco for
wilful failure to enforce the liquor
laws in Omaha.
Young When She Became Acquainted
With Wife Murderer , and Fell
Easily Into His Hands
Sympathy With Her.
London After a trial lasting but a
few hours , In the Now Bailey criminal
court , a jury found Ethel Clare.Lencvo
not guilty as an accessory after the
fact In the murder of Cora Belle Crip-
pen , for whoso death the latter'a hus
band , Dr. Crlppen , will die on the gal
lows on November 8.
Miss Lenevo was in love with Dr.
Crlppen and slept In his house within
forty-eight hours of the time the doc
tor murdered his wife and buried the
dismembered parts In the cellar of his
Hilldrop-Crescent home. She accom
panied Crlppen In his flight to Canada
and with him was arrested and In
From the first she had maintained
Innocence of any knowledge of the
crime , but the crown alleged that her
behavior subsequent to the disappear
ance of Mrs. Crippen , or Belle Elmore ,
as she was known on the stage , was
siich as to betray a guilty knowledge
of the murder.
Flre In Old People's Home.
Now York Three women and one
man , each reputed to bo moro than
ono hundred years old , were among
those rescued when a flro broke out
in the cellar of the homo of the
Daughters of Jacob. There were 110
old women in the homo and in the an
nex were eighty old men.
Mrs. Esther Davis , who is reputed
to bo ono hundred and sixteen years
old , was one of the first rescued by
two policemen. Mrs. B. Marcus , said
to be one hundred and six years old ,
and a donator of the home , and Men
del Diamond , who is recorded as be
ing one hundred and eight years old ,
were also carried out through dense
For John A. Johnson Memorial.
St. Paul , Minn. The first definite
steps looking to the erection of a me
morial to the late Governor John A.
Johnson were taken at a meeting of
the memorial commission hero Sun
day. The memorial , .which is to be
erected with a fund subscribed by the
people of Minnesota , will consist of a
bronze statue of Governor Johnson ,
mounted on a pedestal of Minnesota
granite. It will stand In the state
capitol grounds. ,
Revolution Goes Glimmering.
New Orleans , La. The revolution
ary sentiment In Honduras has appar
ently vanished since the last attempt
of followers of Former President Vil-
lera to overthrow the government , ac
cording to Drew Linard , for the last
three years United States consul at
Ceiba. Mr. Linard is en route -to
"Washington , where ho has been called
by the state department.
Auction Sale -of Tobacco.
Louisville , Ky. Auction sales of
40,000,000 pounds of tobacco from the
1909 hurley pool began on the Louis
ville "breaks , " with prices about at a
par or at a slight advance over those
obtaining in this market during the
last month. Old burley (1909) ( ) sold
at 7 % to 15 % cents a pound. The
offerings of the 1909 crop totaled 409
hogsheads. The new crop (1910) ( ) sold
at S to 12 cents.
Free Domicile for Jews.
Washington. The state department
has been informed by Counsel General
John H. Snodgrass at Moscow that
the Russian council of ministers has
unanimously decided to permit the
Jews free domicile in twelve villages
from which heretofore they have been
excluded. This is an exception to the
May laws of 1882.
Ouster Suit Continued.
Jefferson City. The ouster suit
igalnst the International Harvester
company of America was continued In
supreme court until the January term.
The ouster suit against the lumber
companies will be heard in the April
Aurora , 111. Several hundred delegates -
gates from Illinois and neighboring
states are attending the thirteenth an
nual convention of the western Cath
olic union , which was opened in this
city with religious services.
New York. Appropriations amount
Ing to $725,000 were apportioned to
ing of the general education board
six colleges and universities at a meet
ing here conditional on the Institu
tions raising certain amounts to se
cure the appropriation.
To Protect the Reporter.
Decatur , 111. The Illinois Daily
Newspaper association , at Its annual
meeting hero , directed a committee
to draw a bill to bo presented to the
next legislature penalizing the ma
licious giving of false news to news
Guard for French President.
Paris President Falllers and the
members of the cabinet are being
guarded constantly as the result of
the appearance of anarchistic circulori
condemning the ministers to death.
Vegetable Compound
Black Dnck , Minn. "About a year
ago I wrote you that I wan sick and
could not do any of
my housework. Mr
slckncsa waa called
BetroQoxion. When
1 wouldsit , down I
felt as if I could not
ot up , I took
Vegetable Com
pound and did just
as you told me and
now I am perfectly
cured , and have A
.big baby boy. "
Mrs. ANNA ANDERSON , Box 10 , Black
Duck , Minn. . * -
Consider This Advice *
No woman should submit to a irargt.
cal operation , which may mean death ,
until she has given Lydla E. Pinkham'a
'Vegetable Compound , made exclusive
ly from roots and herbs , a fair trial
Thia famoua medicine for women
has for thirty years proved to be tha
most valuable tonic and invigoratorof
'tho ' fcmalo organism. Women resid
ing in almost every city and town in
the United States bear willing testl.
mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydla
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound.
It euros female ills , and creates radi
ant , buoyant femalehealth. . If yon
are ill , for your own sake as well an
those you love , give it a trial.
1 BIrs. Plnkliaru , at Lynn , BlaHS
invites all sick \vomcn to writ/a
her for advice , ller advice io free ,
and always helpful.
Plans of the National Association fop
the Study and Prevention
of Tuberculosla.
What "a Million for Tubercnlonla
from Red Cross Seals" will do In pro
viding some of the 275,000 beds need
ed at once In the United States for "v
consumptives , Is explained In a recent
bulletin of the National Association
for the Study and Prevention of Tu
berculosis. There Is Just about ona
bed for every ten Indigent consump
tives , and If all tuberculosis persona
in the country are counted , both rich
and poor , hardly one for every 25 or
80. If sufficient hospital accomoda-
tlons are provided only for thos *
, who are too poor to pay the full
price for their treatment , fully 275,000
moro beds In special institutions for
tuberculosis would be needed Et ones.
The Immense outlay necessary to pro
vide and maintain so many beds la
hospitals , make It Imperative , the
National Association for the Study
'and Prevention of Tuberculosis de
clares , that such Institutions bo erect
ed from public money , either muni
cipal , county or state. In order to
get appropriations for public hospital
for tuberculosis , agitation la neces
sary , and in order to create a cam
paign of agitation , organization Is d < h
xnanded. But In order that an organ !
ration may carry on an effective cam-
jpaign , funds are needed.
l Those funds It Is proposed to secure
jln as many communities as possible
'from the sale of Red Cross scale.
At the First Try.
"What do you think of my dough
nuts , George ? "
"Dear , you are a wonder 1"
"Do you think so really , darling ? "
"I certainly do. Scientists hav
been trying for years to produce artifi
cial rubber , and here you do It th
first rattle out of the box. "
Wa often bear the expression , "a *
poor as a church mouse. " But even a
church mouse doesn't have to live no
the collections.
A business firm advertises a Hhlrt
without buttons. That's no novelty.
Many a bachelor has worn them for
When It's
"What for
Try Breakfast1 r
Servo with cream or
milk and every member
of the family will say "rip
ping"good. . And don't
be surprised if they want
a second helping.
"The Memory Lingers"
PtMtnm Cereal Company ,
Battle Greek , Uloh.