TUB OUSTWIl OOUNTT HKI'UliLIOAN Well Now , What Do You Think of IT ? / Isn't IT A Dream ? THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters IJuy your Comforts at Konkel's then vote for Aldrlch for Governor. I Expert nuto and machine repairIng - Ing , host material , prompt service. Ream Bros. For Sale Ilorso , buggy and liar- ness , cheap , inquire of 11. McBnrnle. 20-tf. Oakland , While Steam and Ford automobiles , Oldn Gass Engines. Ream Bros. IJuy your Pillows at Konkel's , then vote for Uurkott for U. S. Sen ator. Wanted : The lease on 1GO acres or inoer of school land ; prairie pre- feral. A. L. Pierce , .Mason City , Nebr. 21-23 The D. Y. P. U. of the IJubtlst church will give a Halloween social Friday night at the homo of J. A. Armour. Rent a Vaceum Cleaner of KonUcl and vote for M. L. Fries for Senator from the 15th District. * The llaptlst Indies will servo dinner and supper on election day They will also have a biwiar and mending booth' in connection with the dinner. Buy your Rugs at Konkol's , then vote for the best Congressman the nig Sixth ever hud. 1 mean Kln- kuld. The excavation for the now-city hull was commenced last Monday afternoon. Jap West has charge of the work. Coal Hods , 2i cents and up at Strong's Variety Store next Saturday , also tire shov els , pokers and a hundred other use ful things at a bagain. Warren Mason and wife and Mrs. Gertrude Mason and son Charles of Cumro wore guepts of Mr. anil Mrs. Jos. Plgmnn last Sunday. Charles Mason has accepted a position in the barber shop of Julio Johnson. W. J. Rice of Mornn , republican candidate for the legislature was In the city yesterdny on his way to the eastern part of the county looking after his polltlcnl chances. Mr. Rice is one of the county's best citizens unil is worthy of support. All comrades of the G. A. R. are especially Invited to come up to the open meeting of the C. C. Washburn Relief Corps on Thursday afternoon Novcmor 10. A good program will e given. Cnllsta Grunt. b . Press Cor Tlio largest stock of auto supplies In tills section of the stato---tiros , battorlcu , all , carbide sundries-- Ream Hro.s. F. W. Rubb , cashier of the Farm ers and Merchants Hank at Verdan Richardson county , was In town Mon dny and spent the day wllh W. A. George and L. II. Jowott. This wui Mr. Rubb's first visit to IJroken How and he expressed himself as being much pleased with the gener- il appearance of the town. Clarice Tnlbot and Frank llrown have returned from an extended trip through Texas and Old Mexico wher tluuy have been investigating with a view of locating. They found no thing to their satisfaction , however , and were content to return their steps. They liny old Custcr still looks mighty good to thorn. . - , CUNTS Miiamol Cups at'Strong's Variety Store Saturday. This la the strong est and tongho.'it enamclwarc. See the 5 cent and 10 cent bar gains In Strong's Variety Store win dow. Some good ones there' Sat urday. The republican nominee for state Huperintendant , James \V. Crabtroe Is known as a leodlng educator In every section of thestate. . His re markable record as president of the Porn Normal IK evidence of his ablli' to lead in affairs educational. Ho Is one of the be&t fitted men In the state of Nebraska for the office of state superintendent , lie has work ed in practically every department of the pdufullcnul system and has been very successful In all lines.His firm stand for non patisanshlp In the conduct of our educational in stitutions ought to he considered by vottis In all parties. A vote for Mr. Crabtroo means a vote for pro gress In educational affairs. I'nrt of Open Letter 1-Yom K\-iov , Holcoinb. Without In any way disparaging the candidacy of the Qthers I wish to add that Jesse Gaudy has , during his long residence In the County shown himself at all times a public spirited citizen doing much and mak ing many sacrlflcim for the develop ment and growth of both town and county , appreciation for his worth and what ho ban done in the past of benefit to bin fellow cltixuiiH can be offcctui-lly shown by giving him j n gocd vole for Representative at 1 the coming election which I hope ho ' and those running with him will re ceive. Viry Truly Yours , Silas A. llolcomb. iffiaPSraBSS51 Time Tells Tlie Tale of Oakland Superiority SERVICE - SIMPLICITY OAKLAND " 40" $1550 REAM BROS. y - io die food , ? /1- / - 4The food Is thereby i S snacae more m fesi an I ! e'3 "H wuJigest KsJasfiJ ttS fliN BKiH' , IXTKKXATIOXAIj NKXVSPAI'Ki ; I1I15U- ; STUDY CMJU. Answer Ono Written Question Kuch Week For Fifty-Two Weeks Anil Win A I'me. ( The l Kiv.st Soi'ie.s A gold medal to ouch of the first live contestants. Second Series A silver modal to each of the nu\t five contestants. Third Series A Teacher's llllilc , price tf.-i.i 0 , to each * of the next 1'ivo contestants. Fourth Series The booU"Thu Heart of Clirlstluulty , " price Sl.0 to each of the next thirty-five con testants. Fifth Series A developed mind , an expandedlniaginatioii , n higher o.\ perience and a more profound know ledge of the Itihlo and of life to all who taKe this course whether win ning any other pri/.o mnot. . Kucli medal \\ill he suitahly en- gruvcd , giving the name of tlu ; win ner , mill for what it is awarded , and in like manner each lUlilc : and hook \\lll lie * l.iscrilicd. ( Copyrl"ht , Rev. T.S.Llnscott , DD ) Lesson for October itO , 1010. The annountlng of Jesus. Matt. xx\i. 1-M5. GoUUni text She hath douo wliat sl.e could. Mark xlvS. : If \\v do what wo can Is that as acceepinblo to God as If wo could do a thousand times more ? Why ? Verso 1 Can It bo demonstrated that the. Hayings of Jesus , which wo j liiivo , wako , a complete statement of ChrlKtli'iilty. oven If they were not supple-minted by any thing else ? Olvo your reasons. What If any reason Is there to be- i llcve that Jesuu had eluded his one- nil OH until he had said all he wanted to say ? ' Venn * 2-5 What was the under lying motive which Induced , that , great sacred body , the Jewish Snnhe- drln , to plan to bring about ( lie deut of so good a man as Jesus. ? If an assembly of Christian Minis ters or laymen , gives way to jeal ousy , or hatred : are they liable to do us cruel a deed as the crucifixion of Jesus , and then persuade them- ficlves they arc doing right ? | What are the chances for the In tellect forming the right conclusions on matters of disputed personal re- llglouu experience and teaching of others , if the heart Is not filled with love to God and man ? Verse C Which place , the homo or the pulpit , affords n minister the better opportunity to do spiritual work ? Why ? Why , or why not , Is a pastor undo obligation to visit all his members , at thelh homes , for personal convor- imtlon on spiritual matters ? When a church gets too largo for a pastor to visit all Its members , regularly , ought it to divide into two churches , or to let the members go without being visited , or what other steps should bo taken In such circumstances ? Verse 7 Is It either right or ne- rcssary , to day for women to spend more upon Jesus than upon any other person ? Why ? This was a love offering , which got ino more gooci irom uie giver or Jesus ? j Many in these days are hungry for food , but more are hungry for ' love and sympathy , is it as much a duty to minister to the one craving aa to the other , and why ? I Verse S-9\Vhy did the disciples object to this expensive love offering Which in UK * long run docs the more xood , and why , those who wise ly and lovingly food hungry mouths or those who food hungry hearts ? | ( This ( mostIon must ho answered in writing by members of the club. ) What good Is accomplished by sending flowers to a funeral and to sick people ? Would the money be more wisely spent In feeding the poor or for missions ? Verso lO-l2--What should be the degree of blame for criticising a lov ing act ? What effect Is such criti cism likely to have upon those who Would do good , and upon the cause of God ? * > . Vers 13- Does the Influence of a work of love upon a human being or or cease ? Give your reasons. How often hns the story of love been told , and what hns Us effect been upon the world ? Verses 1-1-10 < Did Judas either hnte or despise Jesus , and whether erne no , why did he want to betray him ? Did Judas expect that his betray al of Jesus would lead to his cru cifixion ? Why ? Lesson fo NovOth. . 1910. The Liist Supper. Matt , xxvi : 17-30. Alpha Morgan and wife who have been visiting in California for the past three months returned home last Thursday night. They report have enjoying a good time. C. H. & H. F. KENNEDY IN FINLEN BARN ONE BLOCK SOUTH OP COMMERCIAL HOTEL | LIVERY AND FEED WHEN IN TOWN STOP WITH US Fly at this Itakory for the sliuplt | reason dint they aio so good that the ) do not last , Our pies when oaten once you will come after nioro. Wo also make 1IQ.MK-MADK hrcnl that run not ho beat in the best of Kitchens , come in and got a loaf , so us to find out for yourself what a saving it will l > o to oat and enjoy a homo niado bread. The City Bakery On a .Broken Line of Ladies and Ohidreu's Gloves I Mittens , Underwear and Corsets , Commencing SATURDAY , OCT. 29 , UNDERWEAR 17 pair Indies uolsmig vests GOc now 25 8 pair ladles setsnuK vests at .05 now 40 'I pair ladles aotsniig pants 50 now 25 1 ladles setsnug union suit 1.00 now 75 3 pnlr chlltlrens union suits size G , 75 now 50 2 pnlr chlldrons union suits size 3 , 50 now 35c 1 pair chlldrens union suits ifi size 5,05 now 40c 0 pnlr chlldrens union suits size 4 , G5 now 40c 3 pnlr chlldrcns union suits size 2 , 50 now 25c 5 pair chlldrens pants fleece lined , size G , 50now 25 CORSETS 4 JC corsets sizes 25-G-8-9 1.00 now GOc 3 Y M S waists sizes 22-3-4 DO now 35 1 Vloln corset size 22 X'L 75c now 50 ( 1 D W corset steo 2-1 50 now 35c 2 Coronet girdles size 18-20 50c now 35 2 Jane cornets , sizes 19-2. ! 75 now 50 3 Louise corsets slzes24-5-S 7 5 now 5 0 C Flcxlbone corsets , , 22-3-18 1.50 now 1,00 14 Flexlbone corsets 19-21-2-2 1.00 now 75c GLOVES AND MITTENS 10 pair ladlea mittens 50 now Sue 8 pair chlldrcns mittens 35 now 19 8 pair misses mittens 25 now IGc 33 pair chlldrens mittens 25 now 1C 11 pair ladles suede finish gloves 50 now 35 47 pair ladles golf gloves 35 now 19cents 10 pnlr ladles coif gloves 50 n c\v ! 35 ( I off on Children's Trimrried Tints I R 1 lot Untrimmed Shade for Ladies and Children Your Choice $1 98 rW 1 1 i off on all Colored 1'lumes. SOUTH SIDE SQUARE DID YOU SECURE I I I A BARGAIN I AT STRONG'S VARIETY STORE last Saturday ? If not you missecTsome oed thing's , j There will be a lot of 5c and lOc BARGAINS next Saturday. Cant stop" to describe them here in this "ad , " but the bargains will be just the same and they wiil be'good ones. It will pay you to drop in and take a look at them at VAK E TV I Brokhn Bo\v Nebraska CTRtts < MSp ; t\P t ? -to f * * * "iRfc fc A OS1 7V * /f * 1 STTTl . GROAT ® . CO CO&i &i SELLING GROCERIES IS AT RIGHT PRICES We will open THE MARKET DAY SALES With the First Sale on SATURDAY , OCTOBER 29 , 1909 AtTooley's Barn , List your property with W. H. O'Rorke , or B. C. Empfield Broken Bow , - Nebr.