THE CU8TE11 COUNTY REPUBLICAN District Court In Session. ( Continuation of the court docket ) George A. Griffith vs. Levl W. Lewis. Appeal dlsmltmcd upon ap plication of appellant at appellant's HJ , i COSt. V * Orlands Wolfe vs. Custer County. ' t & , , Jury returned verdict In court flnd- j , ' Ing for plaintiff In the sum for $415 | pr ' ' Q. Leo Dean v < 3. Chas. W. Deal. r $ > Motion for now trial overruled. 40 L days allowed from the opening of ' ' { / . ' the court to present and prefparo fef bin. . P 1 f Jos. Plgman vs. Custer County. * * " " The court finds for defendant case * dismissed at plaintiff's cost. y' < , ' Dlerks Lumber & Coal Co. vs. P' ' Fred N. Boll et al. Case dismissed at plaintiff's cost upon application of plaintiff. Valney M. Miller vs. Emma R. Mil ler. CaEo dismissed at plaintiffs cost without prejudice to another action. Alvcrctta Potltt VB. Ruth Petltt. Case taken under advisement. Emll Gschwlnd vs. Maude Sheri dan. Case dismissed at plaintiff's cost upon application of plaintiff. Lcroy Bishop vs. Blanche Bishop. Service by publication as required by law ordered. Estate of Mary E. Woodley. Geo. Russom as an Individual withdraws his exceptions In open court by his attorney. Eugene A. Klnkald vs. J. R. Dean , 5. et al. The court finds due plaintiff ' " on note aud mortgage $359.00. 8 - per cent Interest , first mortgage , de- V' . grce of foreclosure. Order of sale , * * , etc. 40 days allowed from the rlsln ot the court to present and prepare bill of exception. Nellie Herzog vs. Union Debenture Co. et al. Evidence taken. Councl ask and arc given leave to file brief in this case. Defendant to file brief In thirty days and plaintiff In fifteen days thereafter. Jno. M. Sweeney vs. Goo. Pelkey ct al. The court finds allegations of petition true. Degree as prayed. G. L. Turner Lumber Co. vs. Edn M. Davis et al. Court finds due plaintiff from defendant the sum of ? 258.50. Interest 10 per cent. G. L. Turner Lumber Co. vs. Ira Foster. The court finds due plain tiff on its cause of action $494.90. Dlerks Lumber and Coal Co. vs. Win. F. Hopkins et al. By agree ment of parties , A. R. Humphrey ap pointed receiver until further order of the court. Bond fixed at $ .100. Chos. E. Gubell vs. Georgia Gobell Court finds allegations of petition true. Decree of divorce us prayed. John Roger Blair vs. Lillie Myers. Sale confirmed. Deed ordered. J. C. Moore vs. Garland C. Baker. Court finds allegations of petition true , that plaintiff is entitled to par- titlon of said premises , and that parties have the Interest in prop erty as allleged in petition. Marsha S Eddy appointed referee to make partition of said premises. Sanders s Sanders , report of a-ef- oree confirmed. Referee ordered to sell property for cost to highest bldderbidder subject to mortgage. Refcre"s bond fixed at $5,000. Ellas Jackson vs J. H. J. Malm , the court finds upon the issues found for plaintiff and against de fendant. . In the action of Edwin F. Myers against Joel Warner , the court order ed that the action of the plaintiff bo dismissed and that defendant re cover his costs. 40 days allowed Irom the rising of the court to pre sent and prepare bill of exception. Blanche Kaslin et al plaintiffs in error vs Hrry . Burdlck defendant in error. Case submitted to court Same is taken under advisemen council deserving to file briefs Plaintiff In error to file brief in 20 days and defendant in error In 20 days thereafter. Robert II. Stone vs Gorman Fire . u- Insurance Co. Case settled and dls missed at costs of defendant. Jas. Willis et nl vs John B. Rlche Plaintiff given 20 days to file .amen cd petition and to plead within tci days thereafter or to answer In 30 days. County of Custer vs John E. Cav enee , treasurer. Court finds duo plaintiff from defendant the sum o A , C. Wakely , Rec. vs Silas A Ilolcomb. The court finds lor plaii tiff in thesum of $1,119.00. State of Nebraska vs Win. Iloepe Jury returns verdict of not gullt.\ Defendant discharged. State of Nebraska vs Bonj. Beech lor. Defendant sentenced to pay fine of $75 and the costs or the pro secutlon. , FOIl SALE. One male pig , Poland China , pure bred aud oligablo to registration ( Konkol the Furniture Ma CHURCH COLUMN. * Al E. C4iurclt. K. II. Thompson , Pastor Sunday School 10:00 : a. ui ; I morning' "crtnon 11:00 : a. in ; Jun ior league 2:30 : p m ; Epwortb j league f > :30 : p iu ; evening- sermon 7:30 : p. in ; E. L. Mission Study Clasb , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer meeting- Thursday 7:30 : p. m. COIL . sj'i worship with us you w" " ' " ' ' . Wringer in the church but once. Baptist Uiurcli. A. T. Norwood , Pastor Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ; preaching 11:00 : a. in ; Junior union 3:00 : p m ; B. Y. P. U. 7:00 : T ) . in ; preaching8:00 : p. m ; te tchers' meeting- Monday 7:30 : p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 : p. m ; prayer meeting- Wednesday 8:00 : p in ; Amorai class first and third Tuesday of each month 7:30 : p. m. Christian Church Z. 0. Doward , Pastor At the 'Christian church next Sunday. Communion and preach ing services at 11:00 : a. m ; spec ial song service and sermon 8:00 : p. m. ; Special music by the choir and others. There will several selections at both services. Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ ian Endeavor 7 p. m. Episcopal Church Will S J. Dumvill. Sunday morning praise and sermo 11 o'clock ; Evening song and ad- Iress 7:30 : ; Sunday School 10 oclock [ uire practice Friday evening at the ionic of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. There are no rented pews in the hurch come and make yourself "at ome" in one of thorn. Sunday norning largest attendance since lore. Newly organized choir gave nspiration to the service. KV\O TABLE. A social dance was given at Mr. ind Mrs. Chas. Rordons Saturday veiling. About 75 persons attendee' ml a pleasant time was enjoyed by hose present. Dan Templeton went to Wahhoo Nebraska last week. Jay Ferguson started last week to he high school in Broken Bow. Elmer Wingsman started for the sand hills last week. Earl Knapp returned from South Dokota last Wednesday where he ind been two weeks. John Sweenoy bought two cars of steers last week and will put them .n the yards at onco. Corn gatheiing will commence to- iicrrow on the Table. Those hav ing no cribs cannot begin till later. Lost on Ilyno Table a duck coat , Ined with lambs wool , between Clar ence Henderson.s and J. L. Fergu son's residences. Finder please not ify J. L. Ferguson , Ryno Table , and oblige. IT GIIOWS 1IAIH Hero An- Knots We Want You to Prove at Our Risk. Marvelous as it may seem , Rexall " 93" , Iluir Tonic has grown hair on heads that were once bald. Of course , In none of these cases wore the hair roots dead.nor had the seal taken on a glazed , shiny appearance. Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic acts scien tifically , destroying the germs which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of the hair , stimulating and nourishing them. Itfla a most pleasant toilet necessity , It delicately perfumed and will not gum or permanently stain the hair. Wo want you to get a bottle of Roxall " 93" Hair Tonic and Ube it as directed. If It docs not relieve scalp 'Irritation , remove dandruff prevent the hair from falling out and promote an Increased growtl ol hair , and In every way give entire satisfaction , simply come back and tell us , and wltrout question or formality wo will hand back to you every penny you paid us for It. Two sizes , 50c and $1.00 Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. Albert II. Souders. There Is more Cntnrrh In tlili fee t Ion ot the country linn nil other disease * nut together nntl until the List few JCTUS was tuppowu to be Incurable. 1'ur n ( mat many jrnrs doctors pronounced It a local illsense mid prvarrlhnl local remedies , nnil by constantly falling to cure \Nlth local treatment , pronounced It Incurable. Hclcnce has pnncn Cutnrrh to be n constitutional dla- e.w. and therefore requires constitutional tnatmcnU Jlnll's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by 1" . J. Cheney A Co , loledo. Ohio. Is the only Constitutional cure on the mirkct It Is taKcn Internally In daws from to drops to a teispoonful. It acti directly on the blood mill mucous surfacco of the ) Mem. They offer one Immlred dolhn for nny c.iv It fnlls to cure. Bend for circulars and tcMlnronlals. > AddriM ! r. J. Ciir..Niy & CO. . Toledo. Ohio. Bold by DruBKhts. * 5c. Take Hall's Tamlly Tills for constipation. To The Voters of The -lth llepre- niMitntivu District. . Numbers of my friends have told' me that they have been asked the question , "Who Is this man Jeffords who Is a candidate for reprcsontntlv on the people's Independent and and democratic tickets ? " It Is right and proper ( hat you should knew something about the men who arc'ldntes for office end to answer the toregolng quest ID is the object of this article. I acquired n common school edu cation and one year in the normal department of I'enn College , Oska- loosa , Iowa. Taught school in Iowa and Ne braska and In April , 1880 entered public land eight miles v/cst of the present city of Broken Bow and was known for two or three years as "tho lone man" for my nearest nelg bar was six and the next eight miles away. Married In April 1S83 nnd those who know Mrs. Jeffords can testify that I haven't been "lone" since. Result four live kids. Was elected Register of Deeds of Custer county and served In that office 1898-1902 and the patrons of the office during those years will lol you thnt they were treated with cou tesy and the business of the office was done promptly and accurately. Returned to my farm in 1902 and have curried on with fair success a general farming and stock raising business until a year ago when I leased the farm and business to my oldest son. Politically I have always been In dependent and have affliated with whatever party that in my judgemen would conserve the Interests of the -greatest number. You owe it to yourselves in this distiict to select two men for the legislature who you believe are most able to take care of the Interests of the state. If I am elected , I shall try ta act as the majority of you would act were you In my place. Sincerely , C. II. Jeffords. Mrs. Ed Scott of Ansolmo accom panied by her son was In the city last Tuesday visiting friends. She returned home on No. 39. nutting Xot Allowed The pudllc is hereby notified that no hunting will be allowed on my farm , north of Broken Bow. 18-21 William D. Grant THE NCAL INSTITUTE CO. OF GRAND ISLAND , NEBR. Ind. Phone. 187. Bell Phone , 295 & 205 WE CURR THE DRINK HABIT. We issue n contract aud guarantee to cure the drink habit in THREE DAYS. We employ no hypodermic ! or other harsh or impossible forms of treatment. We not only guarantee the results of the treatment , but the PATIENT is the sole judge as to the cure. In event of hia not having lost all desires for alcoholic liqu ors at the end of the THIRD DAYS TREATMENT ALL MONEY EXPEND ED INCU'DING CARFARE WILL BE REFUNDED. If > ou yourself are addicted to drink or if you have any relative or friend , who is do yourself or him the kindness of writ ing to us for testimonials , a copy of our contract will accompany them. Afford us the opportunity of serving you , by dispelling the doubt you may possese in reference to our ability to cure the curse of drink. All correspondence in plain wrapper and everything confidential. Inquire about our DRUG and TOBACCO cure. Address all communications to NEAI. iNSTiTuTic Co. , Grand Island , Nelir. Ol'HTKH COLLIWINOTKH. } . The College played th < Ir first game of foot ball on Saturday of last \\eek with the Mason City High School. The game was very Inter-'o ' estlng from strut to finish but the' ' high school proved too much for , college with a st-Oro of 11 to 0 The first literary program was gl\en at the college Monday even ing with a largo attendance aud avery llV very good program. There Is now enrolled 00 students at the College , which Is about 15 more than was enrolled at this time < ! last year. This shows that the college Is growing. A very Interesting talk was given by Rev. Thompson In Chapel Wed nesday morning. The present cold snap Is not duo to a lowcrng of the temperature In the democratic party. The old City Hall building In be ing moved from Its present loeu- * tlou In order to nmko room for the now municipal stucture. The new site will bo between Taylor's studio ind Purcell's Printing office. After looking over all other lines n town drop In to Konkel's and lin iVlll try and please you as well us make It profitable for you. I have money to loan on well Im proved farms at G per cent , 13. C. House. G 1-tf NOTICE 1JY PUBLICATION' . Charles Bowcn defendant will take notice , that on the Gth day of Sept. 1910 , E. Gschwlnd u justice of the peace of Custer county , Nebra ska Issued an order of attachment for the sum of $21.05 In an action pending before him , wherein Belle Barrett Is plaintiff and Charles Bow en Is defendant that said order was returned "no property found" and that the Security State Bank of Broken Bow was garnished and an swered that there was property In its hands belonging to the defend ant to-wit : a note secured by jnort- guge said bank has 'been ordered to hold 'whatever of the same belong ing to the defendant subject to the further order of the court , and that the case Is continued to the 7th day of Nov 1910 at 10 o'clock a. m. September 14 , 1910. Belle Barrett 15-20 Shfppard & Burk liave just received 100 pounds of the best ; comb Honey , Custer County Product. 20c per Ib. This honey is made by bees raised by Z. D. Amos. White alfalfa honey guaranteed to be pure. Everybody invited to come in and buy a Ib. Sheppard & Burk Phone 125 South Side Square „ . t . TESTED AND PROVEN There is n Heap of Solace In JJeiiifj Able to Depend Upon u Well Earned Reputation. For months Broken Bow readers have seen the constant expression of praise for Doan'H Kidney IMlls , and read about the good work -they have done In this locality. Nat another remedy ever produced such convinc ing proof of merit. W. S. Uoyce. of Broken Bow , Neb says : "I have had no kidney tronbl to speak of since I used and public ly endorsed Doan's Kldnoy Pills more than three years ago. For about - bout twenty years I was afflicted with kidney complaint. My back w Vteak and painful and I was seldom free from a dull throbing ache over my Ifet kidney. Now and then shar tinges darted throughout my body and I often felt HO poorly that I hud to go home and lie down for hours , lleahachcs and dizzy spells annoyed me and I had to got tip at night to pass the kidney secretions. Nothing did mo the least good until I used Doan's Kldnoy Pills , procured at Ilaeborlo's Drug Store. This prepar atiou made mo feel like a now porno and since then , 'when I have taken It , benefit has always followed. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co , Buffalo , New York , solo agents tor the L'nlt- d States Ilonombor the ntime.Dou - and take no other. Konkol's for shades of all sizes. Get your matrcsses , oomfortora an pillows of Konkol so as to bo sure of something good. * ROOSE WS Own Book The Most Popular Book By The Klosi Popular Kian Gives In took form by Roosevelt's ij own hand the sole account of his African Hunt. S AGENTS WANTED NOW In every City , Tov'tt nna Village tomndlu Colonel Roosevelt's Great Book tosmmss S CHARLES SCRIBNER'5 ; SONS 1 > 3 Fifth Avenue - N-w York J. B. SCHROCK , D. 0.M.D. , PHYSICIAN and OCULIST * Omco In Uierks block. Special attention given to chronic diseases , diseases of the eye , thr at nose and FITTING GLASSES. I'lioncs-Oillce 433-Ilcslilcncc , Willie 3JI No Dirt. No Cllnkors All Coal The Good Kind. FniBi E D For Sale. Both Wholesale nnd Retail. Highest Market i Price for All Kinds of Grain x F. J. BAIIR , Prop. Phone 62 < NOTICI2 TO NON UHSIDKNTS. To Louisa Osseilhrink formerly Louis ; liuschinanu somcstliues spelled Louis lluschiiiaun , Henrlch Ossenbrlnk ; llermai llusclim.UHijThe unknown helrsof cathrln 1'ruessner , deceased , bometlmes hpellei Chatrlene pruessnerand sometimes deslgnai I'd as chatrlene Prushner : Osnabbuck itusch maiiti , Huscinii.inn. first name uu known , wife of said Osiiahbuck Huschman You audieach of jou are hereby notllle that the State of Nebraska on relation o N. T Oadd , CountyAttorney of the County o C'uster In fie state of Nebraska , oa the 13t d.iy of August , 1910 , tiled lu the UlstrlctCour ol Custer county , Nebraske Its pctltln- against jou liuplcadcd with others , th object and prayer ot which are to declai a forfeiture .ind to escheat to the State o Nebraska the undivided ( our llfth Inter istlnaudtothefollowlngdescrlbed premises tovvlt : Thehoutheast quarter ( seU ) of sec tlou eleven ( II ) . township fourteen (14 ( ; north of range nineteen tl'J ) west of the Otl P M in Custer County. Nebraska , to declar that you ha\e no Inierest therein to provld tor an appraisement of .said property an lor equltatilc relief. You arc required to' answer said pctltlo on or before the 10th day of October , 1910 or the same will be taken as true agalus vou aud Judgment rendered accordlnglj1. j-l IB The State of NebrasKa bj N T caOd , County Attorney ot Cutser County , Nebraska. Notice to Delinquents. Notice is hereby given that tlv rentals upon the lease contract to the following described schoo lands in ( Juster county , Nebruski as set opposite the names of tli holders thereof , is dejimiuent am if the amount which isduc is no paid within b'Odays from the dat of this notice , said contracts wil be declared forfeito by the lioim of Educational Lands and Fund and said forfeiture will be enter ed of record in the manner pro vided by law. All sec. 1G , tp. 35 , v. 20 Mar ) L. Hammond. Sei/i sec. 10 , tp.lS , r. 25 Dav id II. Cliilcote. , August 23 , 1910. E. B. Cowles Commissioner Public Lands am Buildings. /n Intelligent person can earn $100 monthly corresponding for big newspapers. No canvassing. Send I for particulars. Press Syndicate , B- STOP TO 'CONSIDER If you "Will stop to con sider the excellence of the drugs that you get here you will readily see why sc many people trade here. We are more than careful in the selection of our stock and in the compounding of our prescriptions. That's why satisfactory results always follow the use ol our medicine. The doctor knows this and is nevei disappointed when his pre scriptions are prepared by us. A complete Ijinc of.Cameras and Supplies S. R. LEE. The . Busy Druggist. A New Glean Stack ol' LUMBER ? rcsK IOLA Portland Cement. Fresli Car of ACMA Plaater. A Splendid Line of Fence Posts , [ f you contemplate using any or : nc above this Sprimg--or if you need a nice load of COAL CALL and SEE " " * itt Hf"H" . Bruce Co. Broken Bow , Ncbr. Phone 234 FRANK KELSEY ALL KINDS OF WELLS consult Him If You Want Water , llrokcn How , Nebraska. N. T.-GADD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Omce over Holcomb's book stora. Ofllcc phone 203 Residence to Ilrokcn How , Nebraska. J. A. ARMOUR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices In all the courts. Convayanctng and notorlal work , onicc up stairs over State llank of llrokcn Dow. Urokcn now , Nebraska. BANGS' STUDIO WE MAKE GOOD PHOTOS East Side of Square Hrokou liuw , Nebraska. HARRY KIMBALL UNDERTAKER AND E.U&AUE ( Licensed ) Business phone , 301 Residence 301U Urokeu How , Nebraska. * " L. E. COLE EMBALMER & FUNER'L DIRECTOR ( Licensed ) Unlon'.IJlock'lIiuHlnesa phone 85 , Resldeuce'.SZa Urokeu Dow , Nebraska. DR. G. F. BARTHOLOMEW PHYSICIAN AND OCULIST Glasses Tilted. All calls promptly attended daylor night. Phone 81. J. L. FERGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC Itcal Estate , Insurance , Ranches and Farms for Kent , Legal Papers Drawn , Sur veying and Platting. Hroken now , Nebraska. For E. . F. StaJabiW , Baick New International Automobile * See O. II. CONRAD. Anyone , anywhere , can start n mall order business at homo. No canvassing. Be your own boss.scnd for free booklet , tells how. Heacocl A4582 , Lockport , N. Y. 45-tf For Salo. A flno resident block ono block south of ball grounds.will sell by quarter If prefered. B. W. Blair. 42-tt