THIS ouam cotumiiE kV < -v CLST'-IJ ! ' tWNTY REPUBLICAN a 00 f et Yotvr. AII8ttlinrt ! > . iv art i ttMldrr * \ per' > nrt If tlii'.x w . tn ulNCdiitlni i ; ir fi t t ute to pay a'.l'ai nvniRts-uiu tiutiiyi J IIM < i mkcu Hti r , Nrlll tk > IIH ii i > d .4 .ho Unltoil "lMl ii H M rrnm1 ola f.Ml * D. M. AMSI KKY , blinir and Coni'i'i ' nine Unnnti i- Oil ta. Thoi-o Is but one * iiuoatlon Itoforn the people al tie coning 'jluulljn It Is thut'ol right against wrong , good government ugfllimt bad } ; ovurn mcnt. II Is ( > t Importance , u the voter tliul the ciindldiilcH v.-lio arc Moling : llulr Hiiftrsge Hhould ox- pii'm ihcmiH'-lftt ! tn the ISHIHI now before tlicni. Senator Fries lim : r.tatcd time after lime tlial lu > was lor couniy option and would support tlio Mil to bo Introduced under the pledge of the llcpubllcfin Hlato Con vent icn , and ( bat in tbo ovcnt tbo governer of tbo state should veto the bill that ho would vote to puss li over the veto. This is a fair statement nnd lets the voter know exactly whut be may expect from him as a candidate before bo Is ci lied upon to vote. Tbo Republi can would like to know whether Mr. Ollls will support the county option bill and vote to pass it over the sov cruor's veto in the event it may become - como necessary. The temperance people of the state regardless of politics have but one purpose In this election and they cannot afford lo bo balked In this purpose in any manner. They nhoultl know juet where cneh candidate stands. And the Republic in \\111 take pleasure In giving prominence to tbo oxprefi- Hlon of Senator Ollls on this < iuen- tlon. Hltebcock ( Jets Heply. I Whether the editor of the World- Herald is pleased with the reply to bi3 challenge of Senator Ilurkett or iu.t docs not cut very much figure. The facts In the matter arc that the Senator gave the editor a few things to think about , but whether that wi I do him any good 19 again a question The Senator refused to debate with tbo World-Herald editor for tbo rea son that the latters reputation for truth nnd falrncas is not of record. Ho has apparently publluhed false statements of the Senators vote upon several of the tariff items and has. ! continued to do so in the face of tbo fact tlmt they have been shown to bo true and nlno in the I'aco of , the farther fact that the editor of the , World-Herald has the congress ional record In bis poRctilon and luiows that bla published statements to bo untrno. On these grounds the Senator refused to debate with him and said that he had no ( insurance that bo would bo any fairer on tbo platform thnn ho was in his paper. Hi further : , "Yoi'r long time iifsociatc in poll- tics. Hon William - Urynn , has r.tate In bis speeches that yen arc unfair in your methods nnd that you de ceive the people , misrepresent the Issuer pnd do not licat your read- cm v.'lth ordinary honesty. Surely If lie Is warranted In complrlulag of yo ; r methedn , I n.ay be pardoned in mentioning it. " Mr Bryan hr- . Irrrr ] > \ \ fo" oHv ci'Jtor of the World-Herald candidate Tor the Founto and a close associate. , si.rely ought to bo authority on the subject. Special Correspondence. War.hlr.Btcn , D. C. , Oct.lO No lUi-.Uer what the political IKHUO inav be , whether they arc taiiff. insurg ency , prohibition or otherwise in tbo 81'th district of Nebraska , tbo intc- lircnt and well thinking vctors of the dirtilot should parse and ccnmldor what C'fNBrC'Vii.r.n M. 1' . Klnri Id ha ap'or.ipllr.hod for bis state and bis fi-trlct while in congress His sor- vit-es warniut tbo most earnest con sideration of every i.ien before ho < ! rts his vote next November 8th. Study Klukald's rrcerd and then compare his coagreasional acts with tboso of others That la tbo best way to ineasuio sx man's worth Jn Cengress. CongreBsmau Klnknid Is gener ally accredited with having secured more legislation of interest 10 Jiis district than i ny of his pro- d-irx'ssors. The people of Nebraska rc-partl I bo pimsugo of the ono sec- lion homestead law oi nlnp to sot- lliMiunt the great public domain in Nebraska aw being the most Import ant unil beneficial piece of leglsla- 11(11 * ever enacted In the history of tbo Stale. The public land ( mention wt-n tbo greatest problem confronting tbo state when Judge Klnki'ld WIIB first elected to Congress. It was gener ally agreed that It was a problem to bo folvfd In one way or the other - either by a leasing law , wbl ; ' . would place the lands In tbo ham's ' for grazing purposes h * i lg ranchmen poses , or be converted lalo t nml thereby Bottled by * . . ( On ; would eventually IT < .i o owi.iiD if tlio Inntl , and : lain < bt. i lUli nccloty , luw and order HchoolB , ch . .IKJ.O'.U Aflor ha.lni , bom In Cc-i'i'ivM Hit three montlin the ( iiie-BCc ( , . homcstund act fo1 Nol.iMlit v.i ji'FKd by Mr. ICln k.ild and n'orily ' iiflorv/nrdH ftlgnud by Uio HJ'pHl.iont. HIM ! i | , 'it.e tinoo montliB Kin kftlil Htornlly 'fill i.p" with ibo lain' ' > im ; lito of lo I OULO until It nuloi1 I'u01 illy fit blji 111 IIo liul : ct r ] > iw.tdnU in ' 1 l < ' .ind of loglalatlm n H It nn'i1 tip ' ! d to cue 'itnlc IMI- hnd i , ( . s iUTl effort For tlih roattn It vm c ITIciill not onlv t < : et tin 1 111 cii. of tbo committee , but to P.'IMI II l.i tie ! honso. Ilofnro I ho moaaui'i' canfto the floor of tlirs lio''Kf , .TUI'K * ' ' 'InUnld itcrHoii'illv sought t' o supj. ' 1 1 of over ! ! 00 mom hers , li I.i ! irliui\\llic ( | by cvo-y- ono that Itvas only his dogged por- sistfinro rnd tin mot Hit of bin casn that put the onn-noutlon liomef-toad net for Xobraska on the statute books. Hotvppnt.OCO nnd 5,000 were nim'i1 en the day the law took ( ffecl Alovt 11.000000 acres were pubjee' tn n'ry. The commir- filoner of fie Land Offi".e nays there are 1,750 000 acres of the porrratlnnds nr\v remaining untnken Comirl ° rlonrv Dennett soys tbo lewIs Is working out most sntinfac rrll rnd ho rrnrdnthlly ! expects to see the vonifiinln" land settled upon lat er or sronrr. No other st.ito has boon able to secure n ono-Bceflnn homoHtead n-t South nrVrta nnO Coloradn notnblv hnvo fnilod from time to time nlnco tbo pnnai'g oftbeKlnknldact. A year FKO Ponrrefflii'iin Moudell , nialrnnin of the jinl il" Iniids eommltte iirsft"d ! a , ono-bnlf section bomes oad la-v for I'll ' slntcf ) west of Nebraska Rincu i'K ppfifinf . Or ngrcssnian Klnkiild BCCU v 'd tl'p pnf.fRO of funcndmrnif to tbn Nebrpn'-1 onn K : n-n very Impi Knnt to the intorfsts of entrymen. At fie il'"o when the t'ln'-j't'1 act took effr"l there worn two ivill'nry -oscrvnMrno In the district , whh'i IM'VO rlnce been abandoned. The Ipnd cov > prlriii { ? them wore oubjoe.t to honirr'rrf rniry vl'b tl'e ml'ii- mum coat of $1 25 and the maxlmur of $2 HO per rrre. As these Iniuln wore rrnMi'rrei' no better than the lands out sldo the reservation. Con- l.r"flc"fi" Kln rlc1 fet lo wo1c'lil v r.fiec1 an ant freeing the ontrymen ' " ' om the psyiunU of iipprnlwd value 'n ' other v.-ords , making their homo- ntead free. Ono of tbo uionfr interpiti ift things ii ( ' "nnre'l' ' " vl'h the onnrtment of tbo Kin'-ld 1- -v is tbnt nt fie time of i's tr < -ti.if" tbero was a r'wrvn- ( i'-n In the nrv'iiprii ppi-t of RlrM-ldiin mint" , r. - i\r \ v u'o inu1 ' 0 miles long , bordr Ir.r on tbo Pine ni < 1 ? e iinpr"tl'i. . vlil-li lird bfen ( ' " ' 'ittod by or'T rf p-nfipintj , Cl''elpud dn--- ! ! hir r | " " * " 'ivhMntrnMfn o"'end- ' I'lf lllO ' " "I 1" r.l4l"n " - < mv'i''l 'vlth ' ' 10 rv-l""lve i'f'l'MT rf ' 'e "ov- f T"nn * rf JSo * ! ) " ! of * * T- ' vnc5n * ff"V(1 | 1 ' tbo > tr' ' " ' p Rr > n- ator11 h-d p"1 " "rp-q ( ' ' ( r > P"- - vo ( p'-'rvrM'i' ef * 't- P " 10 t' o rrn li > ' "f' o"irri'l' ) ii of Indian agsirs. i nil ; : ir s term In to t ' - ! < - pniiyiip > i e i T"1 or li'Olt Tii-lv In .tlT'-pt'- if' 1V 0V , rf T . nj dent Roopevplt Mr. Kii'Id bad fbis Bt retch ef Irnd , or rcnervo , re- Hto'-rd lo c > n ' ) r''tho(1oT"niu ' "nd 'ib sonucntly made subject to homo stoa entry NA1 eifh r < [ Trn | for p unu'bor of yrr > n ( Vnr/iop n . n KJnkrlO has 1 ill ? of l"l | inteiTHt to tlio the res"rvoy , nt gnvornmrnt of prrtleiiF rf the urea hnvred by tb one-sect I * ; r1" * v-lioi-o the r.Jd n" Irtrvil Ki'neyR bed bccoi" " ro n' T- ori > tr\ ( ti-iti cornor" eerie' ' not bo found. These rcKiirvey bills circled spoplnl npifoprlPtlons averaging $15 fOOfor each year. A'.rerdy Kinki hi has Kccured for ' ppurveys this yrnr In western No- bras'-a the fin of ? 20,000 and hopei to obtain ns much ae $10.000 addlt- tloiuil 1-ffrro ho ondoftlr'year. As a rcsr.l * rf ' j cf' < rte tho-o are now four sppernto resurvey : ori > at work In tbo PI- " . Mlntrl-'t. At the ia t sesalon Klnkald i ided in the pnss- " "e of an nmcndii'cntJo tbo general law. lu-T'eaflng four-fold the amount whl h n > r r lo evucndcd for reMiir- vryr annually. Ho also teok an ac- live part In t'-o ppsrago of the twen ty rllllon l-rigtMlon issue , ncsldos wovl , ing frr it en the floor of the hn ro be made an argument in be- bplf of the iTiPbMlon before the wnyn and mot'iiH cnrunltteo. Tbo nbovo is but part of the con- rrTEionnl record of Hon. M. P. Kln- kald. Docs It not show him to bo a constructive stutoBinan in the lit eral sense ? Can any otuor member "f tbo Nebrpsl-p delegation produce Ml.cli a rcoo.-d ? Xo ! 1 Thi1 iittmiMon of all Cbrlr Ian Elido.iV .s li called to the < . . 't. , 1 i.n\ell 11 i i.f ill" iM.iia-Ka C. i. "M. . i : Auror.i , Ociobci1 21-2u , rl ; r . .iu ' hi ! . Aurora \111 cntortnin nior ) I . inn ldcKg.iti.3 \ ) from societies all over tbo HtiUo. The Convention an priccntM many notable fca- uuetig which are udd.'oseon by uinjy Kpeakora of nailonal repu- tnikii ,'fc Francis 13. Clark , ol ) . , Preeh.cnt of the World'o C1 , W. Union ; school of ( ! . M. methods under j''ie-ld Se-en-inrj Karl I.ohmnnn lio'UH niuuij , led by J. Ilorbevt Mao ( Jon.icl. ; a gicat Junior Rally and a ( nip Mass Mooting , ndclrossed by Mom , of the most promlnont men In the ftato. Dl. < ( rietDint in S ( The following CIIPCK have So far been disposed of in the dlutrict court. i DiorlfH Lumdor Co. vs. C. H. & Q. II. II. Case settled and dismissed at plaint i.Ts' costu. , Kebiaska Alcreonlllo Co. vH. hotta W. Smith ot al. Case dismissed at plulnti fs" cost. | ,1am- II. Mchllle vs. John M. ' fionnot' . Jury wt'lved ' gonorally. I A. II. Luther vs. J. 13. Will. Case settled as per application on file. John A. Sayder Vs. Custor County. Appeal dlsmlrud upon application of appellant. j B. .1. 'iiornoy vs Wm. D. Amsborr ' 1 overruled defendant to ans wer 'matter. j County ci' Cunter vs. John E. Vavence , troanuror. Jury waived generally by parti's In open court. Acivo Ilarve-iiei Co. vs. A. 13. Uilg liam Cas'o contained I > y agreement of pinks pending settlement , S. P ( Iroatti. . .1. M. ' Hates et al. I5y ! igi-oment cayedismlKscd , defendant - ant 10 pay cexits in this court and plaint I ( in lower court. Andx w J. Cliandoin vs. John.v. . Owen. Jury rotiuned vordlct into couit pending for plaintiff In the su .1 of 542.40. .Tair.rc Weed vs. Leigh Wood. Jury \'al\cd gcrnrally. Defendant htivo to answer inslantor. Pcv.iMl , A lluiscb of Keys. I. A Colcsnau left a bunoh of key t the lleulllcau ] ) oflico ho found near the mil road. Owner can have them Ly calling at the oflice. Bl rayed. A black liorksl.lrc BOW , \veigbt 27 inuncN , strayed from the stock yarc'i Saturday , Oct. S. Anyone knowing ( A lui whore iihoi.l will confer a I fin err iy nctlljim ; C. I'1. ' 'Iiornoy or r'p" l. " > ave word at the Republican office. ' llou o for rent.Southeast part oi' town. 4 rooms. Inquire of Emma Mauphi , east bide1 of The Annual Sinto Convention of t > .o Nebraska ChiiKilnn IJncluiuor Uul n re inert s at Aurora , Friday Saturday and Puiidny , Oc'ob-r 21-23 IS ) 10. Among tbo ir.ost noted speak trli on the program are Francis 10. CltrlD.D. . , Foi ndcr of Christian lju'\cr : and Pii'Mdtnt ai' the V.'orlcVu C. E. Union ; Karl I.obmuiui el' Dr..ten , JK'RS. , Interstate Fijld So-rrfjry : Dr. F. V. Tucker , Of Pane ' l'-.h\.anr , f'hi'iu ; Guy Martin With ors. ot KaiiRaii City and Prof. 11. T. Sutton , ibo Ilible-rende-r , of Chhago , llllnoln. Moio than 100 ! dcjlegatcs h-\o ' i Iroady reglstored. insuring an nttuidpmo of ( nor 750 out-of-town Endeavors. I MiieTu.ulile 1'iiv Willie , Wll'lo Moore , V , ho seems to have a pr-nr'/nnt for appearing in police and juath-e court < , was taken bnforo Jus' ' IPO FcdRO Monday ot hist wool : on a eompbiint i-sucd by Proaocutor Cliu'.d eh.irgins him with ketping a house for Unmoral purposes. There weio some other things in the chnrg < too dl'jRi K Ing to mention Moore vr n fined ? 20 andtho usual trimniln ho wan turned loose after roeol lag a warning. The authorities have had the Moore place under suspicion for some time past ! IJoatcii ly : T William I. Somcrs , of Load , S. D. a ncDhcw of Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. lsard : of this place , passed through here lart Friday enrouto for Chica go v > Inc 1)0 ) r.oetf to have an opear- r.tcn | p'rlormcjl oi ) his bead. Mr. RoneiB iiUo oillce-r who , sovoml months ono , \yab ao lijidly beaten up _ by t'nfs ' en the streets of nutto , MoniMiuvhero he had gone to mnk an aiwnt. 'i'lj * * * ! ! * . rested man \ras i\ momler cf the western federation and npiwrcntly stood In with the Uuttu jiclU'o. n Koine ol them stood idly b > t nd wutcbcd bin confeder ates nearly kill the officer without rniblnt' a hi'iid toward defending him. Mr. SomurB baa never recover cd from Injuries and It h for this renson the trip is being mado. On his return from Chicago bo wll stop off at Broken Uo\v and visit his relatives. Fred Minor of Dunning was a- l in uty vliici , , ijsto.'day. Ho wiif , dc\\n eH a \ , InicbS on a liaa ! preol Announcement. I vvlnb lo annuunco to tbe people ot Ouster county and vicinity that I have taken over the optical practice and rouordH of the late Dr. C. J. Chiistcn&un and am prepared to dup llcato any uhuniM or ripl.ico any Ij.'olcen Ions litted by him. Alj pc.ic tieo ill the future will be directed long tbo fiiir.o line as form erly , pursued by Dr. Chrisunscn gi - .ng fpf-elr.l to chronio clU- OUBCB and diaousos of the eye , tin oat nose nnd fitting elapse. J. B. behrooli , D. O. , M.D. PUBLIC SALE. The1 Uoard of K Inc iiilon of the . ity of Ui'jii * . , ! Jew will o.'fur ai [ I'lpllo auction on .Mu.icla , October H , HMO at tie high school groiunH hi Broken ) Mow , the dwelling IIOUHU aid burn , bca'cd o.i said grounds , n aa tbo ontbtildlngn : on the north and smith nld3 .school grounds. ' Wo HCO from our exchanges that W. .7. Rlc. a forme-r of Put nam count } , bun reached the nonii- naticn for Rtpi'csc-nUUivo on the re publican ticket for Representative from vho GOth district of Nebraska. We feel assuicd tnnt tbo people hav Liado no mistake in nominating Mr. i Illco for the place. Mr. Rice held many positions of trust in this coun ty i nd always mnue oed In every iiibtan.o.- The t'nlonUllo Republi- | can. UeaMi Ci/.Tcic'l It. Kon'o Joel n. FojiJe1 , 72 ycais of ago , dlail Tiicrday nlglu of . vveck of irraljtis ef the b-ahi ? , Ir. Foglo w'H : comparithcly a now resident In tbii counij , coming here last from Missouri , and at the time of hi death was living with his son on the IHirdick farm , 4 miles etisl of town. Undertaker U E. Cole took charge of the remains. The funeral occur- ed Wednesday of last week under tlto auspices of the IT. B. church to which denomination deceased be longed. AH Knjoyable Afiitlr. TheCOth anniversary of Rebecca- lain was celebrated Sept. 30 by the Broken Dow lodge , in which there was a banquet and an entertaining program. A big number of Odd Fel iov. B and inviticl guests v.ere prtsr-nt Tbe pregi\un was rend ure d : prayer and address by Rev. FprccMir. e-f tbo U. ] i. eliurch ; ad dress , William PurceslI ; Reading , Mr I ng ; luHtruinrntol He lo , Orcolia Lampbore ; Ve.ts l Hole , ICliza Shep- cclknt llcer work bj the degree sliiri1 , wbL'b uict vvilb en' ' applause the Odd Follows pres ent. The banqueters then ndjournoi lo the supper roomswilore tbero was a sumptuous rprevul consisting of fried and baked chicken , salads of all descriptions , tis , fat cakes , three Gtciles hiRh. jelly Icoldng pies , inirov lined eoKeo with thick cream and ni.iuy Kinds of fruit. H was a sot-out like grandmother used to bvo : alcrp about Thanksgiving and wrs teir.ptine cnrugh to make the , inout'i v i tcr en a bronno statue. About ItiO hungry guei'ts partooknf the repast and pronounced it one of the best this year. Seine ; Knaps For Kale. No. 10 A tivo room house , now , cave , small ba'rn , hydraulic well.and Jiniip. thr.clo trees , cement walk , .mtiM r blrck of rroi'im. cltso to th- . . kh school. Price right. Can tak MO i.i j' . as part | .t y. 'o 27 A now sis room dwelling ell and pump , brru , halfblock ol round. Price vcrv lo.v. Some acreage piopertl H just outside - side prl.'O to sttit A stooV of bard were In city to trade for dwelling in the city or uasii , Phone 242 for deal 1-l-M' .1 M Fodge W51Y HKSITATJ3. An Ofor ! That Involves Xo ICisk l < \i- Tlioso Wlio Am-pt ! t We rre BO i/&itl\o our remedy will completely relieve constipation , no matter bow cbrcnlc it may bo , that we offer to' furnUb It frco of all cost If it fails. Cciisiirrtlcn is caused by weak ness of the nerves and muscles of the largo Intestines or deacondln.'t colon. To expect n euro you must therefore tone up and strengthen those rrgrnis and restore thorn to healthi r activity. Wo want you to try lloxull Ordor- licp on * " our guarantee. Thp'y jiro oaten llko tfndy , and are particu larly | .ei 1 for children. They aat directly en the nerves and muscles of the botvols. Tlioy have a neutral action em the other organs or glands They do not purge or cause any ln- con\enlcnco whatovor. They will positive ! } o\eVeome chronic or ha bitual coiiBtlpatlcn and llio myrlacln of associate or dependent chronic ailments. Tij Re Mill Orderlies at our rHk. Two ( ! . . < s , | 0e. and 2 ! > c. Sold only at our store The Roxall storo. Albert II. Soudors , Your Abstract Orders to J. G. Leonard , Bended Abstractor Office in Security State Bank B k tt 3S3CI3E SE52IrS3 ; KA'fTKXH We UPVO Them DON'T VOlA.T MOJJI3 J on'tail tin'il eold weather To pat tliom on jour buildings P.i t do it now. Phone 79 . urner Lbr Co * \ Mit SM.cwitlJ..EESS ' ' in iCTA JIi jCjaJt JftSi. ? . . October BuSEeiin The H mescekers' Excursi ns on tinit ami 3r.l . Tuesduvs to t e V\cst , hntitb\\ anil South cffor un i'\cell"nt op | > irinnitv for iv j mriii" "f insji-etion or pleasure , during UKatpuiun nndintei , through tlusi giowiug localitiui. when : liiud i ! c itiitatitly increisiriK in v.iluu Th" Ch ap One-Way Autumn Rates to The Pacific Const ate in tffect this year only until October 15 Gocarly HIH ! escapi ; the fi il rusb for sle per accomo'l itious Rvury day round trip coa t rates aie in cf. fict tbi-i wintur : guneiul hnsis $ ooo , and fis-'o higher via Shnsti The Dally Winter Tourist RateS to souibum resorts become ffccm e ulioiit Novftiiiicr isl Theiii r t < with tbe-ir desirable ' outes nud privclfgi-s i 'f 'ibsrvitb the out ilooi nii'l 1 otel altnictions of the sonlbland , ibnuld up- l > enl to main loolviug to av iid thu rigors of a uorlbi-rn winter. tL ? ORMS&Y , Local Tic e Agent. Broken Bow , Neb. L. W. WAKSELSY , G. P. A. Omaha , N b SAY FRIEND Do you know it will soon be winter. b * Gt-1 3'our Coal now. We have in stock AVe have in stock Eastern Hard , all sixes , Nigger Head Lump and West and other Colorado Coal. Buy now before the rush. D1ERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. J. S. Molyneux , xg IXT12IIXATIOX.A I , XKWSI'Al'HIl 1HIIM. ; STUDV ChlJU. Answer One ; Written Question ICacb ! \ VeeIvVoi * Fifty-Two AVcn'ks I And \Vln A Tbo I'rizcb. I-'k'-st Serie i A fell medal to e-iicb of tbe * liiht live * contustant.s. Sucoiul Soiie.1' A silver iucl ! to tuch of tbr. < next I'ive coiitvj.sluiith. Thiicl Sorlci , A Tetche r'.s ilSblo , ' p-ie'C Si5. ; . " ; ! > , to e'aeli ol' the nc\t five Se'iiis The book"Tl , > u ot Cinistiiinily , " price to each of tbo next tliirty-tKo con- tostcinto. I l-'ilth Se-rie.s A developed inid , un eviKindeiliiiiaKiniitioii , a lil hur i\ peik'ucc inul a mure [ irol'oiuul I.IHAV- IcJlfto of the I'.iblc ajid ol lite { all who laUe tbis coiirsehctliiM * coiirse \ \ - whi- ninjr any other | i/o ! or aol. Kaeh medal \\ill be 'Jiiitably clis- Kraved , giving tbo name of tle u-ln- ner , and lor uliat It U awarded , ami in lll.o manner each Hiblu and buol. \\ill be inscribed. ( Copyright , Hcv TS.Linscott. DD ) Lesson \ir l Oct. Kith , 10JO. The Last Judgment. Matt.xxv:31- : 46. Golden Text. Inasmuch RB yo have done it unto ono of tbe least of thes My biethern , ye htvvo done it unto Mo. Matt. x > .v : 40. Verso 31 Are these words of Ie = ( - us to be taken ua n parable , that la figuratively or literally ? Why ? When will bo the day of judgment How Ions ; will it probnHy taUo to "render judgment upon all tbo poodle that have over lived ? Verses 82-H8 Wl.ore nt the pres ent time ave all the bad people and all the good people ILatJime died since the Hith of the human race ? Oy what rule or law will the uop- aratlan of the bad from the good bo mado'v Will a man's orthodoxy have any weight with the Judge in that great da ) ? Why ? Will a man's heterodoxy , If ho has been ruled by tbo law of love , ill any way prcdjuelice the judfe at the judgment day ? Why may we hope that many , who h.ive never beard of Christ among the heathen , will be found among tbe sheep at tbe judgment ? Veine 34 What is the nature of I the kingdom which God lias prepar- ; cd for bis children ? i The sequence of cause and effect is relentless ; for example poison kill like begets like , sin produces suffer- j ing etc. In \ \ hat S.OIIBO is this law I tbe oxplannlicn of the statement , "the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation ot the world ? " Verses Uft-l'G If the kingdom of heaven Is righteousness , peace and joy In the Holy Ohost , " do all these necessaiily inherit the kingdom who are loving and kind to everybody ? Why ? Why is it impossible for a selfish nmn to inherit tbo kingdom of he-iv tn ? Verses I7-10 ! Why does Jeaas take an act of kindness done to a I'olloxvmau , as done to hiinscll ? I'Vuni the .standard here } ; ive > nia ! is the must important v\ovk that a church , 01 an individual , e-an be eu- H'.iged in , and v.hy ? ( Tbe question inu-1 be ; usi\eied si wiiting l > y inrii hers -Mlii 11 ii. i Should the church have the same seal , and the same compact organiz ation forcarlng for the poor , com forting the nick , and making the nnd , as she has for missionary work ? Why or why not ? Verne 41-40 What docs the ex pression , "everlasting firo"sland tor here ? Is the punishment of the wicked ovorlabtlng , because God would not bo willing to lorgivo in the future state , or because tlo ) character of tlo | vvloked is fixed , having no de-sirci' for forgiveness , or for both thes reasons ? > ' Without any formal sentence , \\\\y \ is not a stingy , hard hearted , e-iobij- fisted , cruel man , who pays no lu cl to the pitiful cry of suffering around him , necessarily in eternal lull' Why docs tlio Identification ot Jesus with his people really uiukp ' them one with him ? Les&on for Oct. 23rd , 1010 it. review.