Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 22, 1910, Image 6

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The Glister County Republican
D. M. AMSUKHHY , Editor
A Uoiling Down of the More Ini-
porlaut Events Here and There
Krnnk M. Couden , cushlor In the
( ifice | of the surveyor of customs nt
C'lnclnnntl , whoso numo wan promi
nently mentioned In Uio Warriner
embezzlement scandal in the Big
Kour railroad , was discharged from
the government service.
If Governor Hushes Is to be made
chief justice of the supreme court of
the United States ho will bo pro-
nioted from an associate justiceship.
Reports that the nomination of the
governor as tin associate justice
would be withdrawn and his name
pent to the senate as chief justice
have lieun put to rest by arrange-
inHitH that the New York executive
lias been making to take up his
dutloK on the bench the second Mon
day In October.
Twenty national bank examiners ,
about one-fifth of the force employed
by the government , were transferred
lo new Holds by an order from Law
rence O. Murray , comptroller of , the
currency. The object of the changes ,
It was said at the treasury depart
ment , is to throw the examiners into
fresh Holds where personal acquaint
ance or iwsslblllty of Influcnco is
Prince Tsal Tsu , head of the Chin-
cue nnval establishment , will bo given
a rousing reception at San Francisco
uixm his arrival there on the steamer
Manchuria on September 1C. The
navy department ordered Hear Ad
miral T. S. Phelps and Lieutenant
Commander I. V. Gllles to meet the
Chinese prince and his suite and to
extend to them the usual courtesies
that arc given foreign potentates.
. Foreign.
A bull fight under novel conditions
took place in Geneva. As the police
would not allow the wounding or kill
ing of the animals , the toreadors
used glue to stick thulr darts , and
the chief toreador used a wooden
A Berlin householder brought an
action against a tenant for the dis
turbance ) caused by the latter per
mitting his cook to whistle and King
while at work. The magistrate de
cided Umt it is legal for servants to
whistle in the kitchen.
At Paris , George Chavez , the
French aviator , broke the world's
record for height , rising In a mono
plane 8,792'feet. The best previous
record was made by Leon Morane ,
whoso mark was 8,471 feet , made on
September 3 at Doauvlllo. Chavez
night was made at Issy and occupied
forty-one minutes.
The ponderous and Impressive
wheels of English justice will begin
lo grind Monday in the now interna
tionally famous Crlppen case , when
Dr. Harvey Ilawley Crippen and his
pretty young stenographer , Ethel
Leneve , will bo arraigned , to plead to
the accusation of direct Implication In
the murder of Crlppcn's wife , who
was Belle Elmore , an American music
liall singer.
The democrats of Maine elected
their governor.
New York city bas gained over a
million In ten years.
A brilliant parade was the closing
feature of the Eucharistlc congress.
The trial of Dr. Crippen and Miss
Lcnevo wan begun In a London court.
The conservation congress adopted
a platform favoring national control.
Senator Burrows of Michigan was
defeated for reuomlnntlon to the sen
Leo O'Neil Browne , the alleged
briber , was acquitted at Chicago.
D. C.
Former President Roosevelt will
make a political speech at St. Louis
October 11.
Assistant Commissioner Abbott
says Indians are making progress in
industrial education.
Three men were killed In an explo
sion on board the warship'North Da
Julius Caesar Burrows , a veteran
of the senate from Michigan , will
teen pass into political history.
Ample opportunity will bo given
both railroads and shippers to pro-
tent personally to the interstate com
merce commission nil question bear
ing on rates , it is stated by coiumls-
ion authorities.
The volume of business of the coun
try is improving , but the 'margin of
profit is materially lessoned.
The minority members of the Bal-
linger committee mode a report de
claiming iiim unfit for a cabinet of-
Failure to catch a baseball thrown
cwlftly by bis brother in practice re
sulted in the detail of Edward W.
Hoge , uged 12 years , In Washington ,
Three masked men held up an interurban -
terurban etreet car at the San Mates
( California ) county line , lined up the
passengers and crew and robbed
them of their money.
Thorn , were 105 Rockefellers In
Now burg , X. Y. . for a reunion.
An unconfirmed report has boon
received that live negroes were
lynched near Carlton , ten miles cast
of Athns , Ga.
From eight to ten thousand people
listened to the speech of Ex-PrcKldont
Roosevelt In Omaha.
A demented man jumped from a
train near Missouri Valley , meeting
almost Instant death.
The financial showing of the govern-
ncnt for the second month of the Us-
cul year Is satisfactory.
Mayor Scldol of Milwaukee Is bitter
'awards ' Roosevelt , because of the
colonel's views on socialism.
Governor Shallenbergcr of Neljras-
ca , denies that there Is any truth In
the report that ho will call extra ses
sion of the legislature.
Solicitor General Lloyd \V. Bowers
lied at Boston.
Alaska gojd lo the amount of $ ii7-
"iOO was stolen from a steamer strong
box while en route to Seattle.
At Terre Haute , Ind. , John Mitchell ,
the labor leader in a l ibor day address -
dress , spoke in favor of better laws
for the protection of worklngmcn.
Thirty lives were lost when Pore
Marquctto car ferry No. 18 , bound
from Ludlnglon to Milwaukee , went
to the bottom of Lake Michigan half
way across the lake.
Capt. T. D. Bloom , head of a cod-
tlsh company , was found in the park
In Tacoma with his throat cut. It IH
believed n robber attacked him.
The stale department officials arc
not quite sure that they fully compre
hend the decision of the Hague
tribunal in the flshorles case.
President Taft may take a personal
part In the campaign In order to In
sure the return of a republican house.
Whether or not the former earn
ings of the railroad companies were
excessive Is now n pertinent question
In the controversy on the fixing of
Dr. Ilawley H. Crippen , jointly accused
cused- with Elhel Clare Loneve of the
murder of his wife , has suffered a
nervous collapse and was removed to
the hospital ward of Brlxton jail.
Conard Vandolscn , a centenarian ,
for many years a vessel owner and
captain on the great lakes , died at
his homo near Jollct , 111.
Locked out of St. Andrews' Protest
ant Episcopal church , Brooklyn , of
which he had been rector for sixteen
years , the Rev. William N. Ackley
conducted the regular services from
the front steps.
Tlnvls ir.llflnn rirrlvnil In Pnrla frnm
Carlsbad en route to Vichy , where he
will join his mother and bis sister ,
Miss Kathcrlnc Elklns. It Is under
stood that the three will sail for the
United States about October 1.
Virtual martial law prevails In Bar-
lotta , the center of the Italian chol
era zone , as the result of a olash be
tween several thousand starving and
unemployed people and the military.
The plant of the Rubber and Cellu
loid Harness Trimming company at
New Ysork , with which Is also n -
soclatod the Rnbbcrset Brush com
pany , ) vns r.wopt by u lire with a loss
estimated nt ? 2fiO,000.
Great progress generally is being
shown by the American Indian to
ward gaining a footing with the
whites In the matter of civilization ,
according to Assistant Commissioner
Abbott of the bureau of Indian af
Captain T. D. Bloom , prominent in
shipping circles and head of a codfish
company , was found In a park in Seat
tle in the heart of the city with his
throat cut. It Is belleveM a robber
attacked him.
Congressman G. W. Norrls of Ne
braska , returned from Wisconsin
pleased with insurgent , victory.
Mrs. R. B. McCoy , wife of Judge R.
B. McCoy of Sparta , WIs. , was killed
and Dr. Carl Beebe , sr. , of Sparta ,
was dangerously Injured when the
touring automobile In which they
were riding plunged Info the river.
Paris has just seen Its first auto
mobile funeral. Not only the hearse ,
but all the carriages following It to
the cemetery wcro gasoline-driven ,
and many have been the comments ,
some half-mournful , many wholly
cynical , at the Innovation.
Franklin H. Coleman , who described
himself when arrested as a mining
promoter of Kansas City , now living
at the Waldorf-Astoria In New York ,
was held for trial in $1,000 bond
wiiu IIUNSIIIK a womucss
In order to increase interest In the
breeding of thoroughbreds in Ger
many and thus better provide the
best possible mounts for his cavalry
the kaiser has overcome his opposi
tion to horse racing , and Is consider
ing the question of owning a few
race horses himself.
Republicans curried Vermont by a
reduced plurality.
Democrats of Clnnectlcut have
nominated Simon E. Baldwin for gov
The progressives dominated the re
publican state convention in Califor
La Folletto was renomlnated In
Wisconsin by an overwhelming ma
The Hamilton club , Chicago , was
much wrought np over the Reese
velt-Larimer incident.
An unknown man caused a commo
tion at Fargo , N. D. , by denouncing
Roosevelt as a liar.
President Tnft delivered a long and
carefully prepared address at the
conservation congress.
William Boldenwclk. assistant
United States treasurer at Chicago ,
has resigned and will leave Ills of
fice on September 17.
The Late State Fair the Most Suc
cessful Ever Held Other Mat
ters at the Capital.
The annual Inspection of the Ne
braska National Guards , as required
by law , will be made by General John
C. Hartigan , adjutant general , or
Mnjor 13. H. Phelps , assistant adjutant -
jutant general , at 8:00 : o'clock , p. in. ,
onj.ho following dates :
Company II , First infantry , Crete ,
Monday , October 17.
Company C , First Infantry ,
Beatrice. Tuesday , October 18.
Galling Gun Company , Beatrice
Tuesday , October 18.
Company K , First Infantry.Vv -
moro , Wednesday , October 1 ! ) .
Company L , Second Infantry , Alma ,
Thursday , October 20.
Company b , Second infantry ,
Beaver City , Fridty , October 21.
Company M , First Infantry , Me-
Cook , Saturday , October 22.
Company K , Second Infantry , Hold-
rcgo , Monday , October 21.
Company D , Second Infantry , Hast
ings , Tuesday , October 25.
Band. Second infantry , Kearney ,
Wednesday , October 20.
Company A , Second infantry ,
Kearney , Wednesday , October 20.
Company H , Second Infantry ,
Aurora , Thursday , October 27.
Company A , First infantry , York ,
Friday.'October 28.
Company G. First infantry , Geneva ,
Saturday , October 29.
Slngnol Corps , Fremont , Monday ,
October IH.
Company K , Second infantry.
Sehuyler , Tuesday , November 1.
Company M , Second infantry ,
Albion , Wednesday , November 2.
Company D , First infantry , Nor
folk , Thursday , November : * . .
Company B , First Infantry , Stanton ,
Friday , November 4.
Company E. First infantry , Blair ,
Saturday , November 5.
Company L , First Infantry , Omaha ,
Monday. November 7.
Company G , Second infantry ,
Omaha , Monday , November 7.
Company 1 , Second Infantry ,
Omaha , Tuesday , November S.
Engineer Corps , Omaha , Tuesday ,
November 8.
Company C. Second Infantry , Ne
braska City , Thursday , November 10.
Company F , Second Infantry , Lin
coln , Friday , November 11.
Hospital Corps , Lincoln , Friday , No
vember 11.
Baud. First Infantry , Bloomlleld ,
Tuesday , November 15.
The order says :
The inspection will bo in heavy
marching order , either blue uniforms
or khukl , depending on the weather
and discretion of the commanding of
ficer , but dress must be uniform ,
campaign hats and leggings and is
made to ascertain it the companies
are armed , uniformed and equipped
for active duty in the Held. Company
commanders will see that the armory ,
records , ordinance stores and quart-
crmas cr supplies tue In readiness for
Inspection on arrival of the inspecting
officer , \\lio should bo met on his ar
rival and every facility offered to ex
pedite this work of inspection.
Governor Invited to Texas.
Governor Slmllenbcrger has re
ceived an invitation to act as a judge
of shorthorns at the Texas state fair ,
lo be held at Dallas. Shorthorns arc
to be judged October 2(1. ( He has not
yet decided whether ho can accept.
Appointed Secretary.
L. B. Fuller of David City was ap
pointed secretary of the republican
Btato committee by Chairman William
Husentter. Mr. Fuller has been the
manager of t'.io ' chautauqua at David
City , and for two campaigns ho has
managed the political affairs of C. H.
Aldrlch , candidate for governor.
The Recent Statn Fair.
HMin fnt't v.annmiil niuiunl ut.'itt * fnlr
1 IIU till ly "iiui-wini ( ( iiiiiiiui otitiv 111,4
was a great success. Every day an
attendance record was broken and for
the week the attendance figures are
In a class by themselves. By many
thousand more people passed
through the gates than In any
previous year.
The fair In every respect surpassed
any that has gone before in Nebraska.
The weather was ideal from the first
to the last day. Moro premiums were
tIu > n than In any previous year and
more exhibits were shown than over
before. The expense of the Talr. of
cnursc , was moro than for any
previous fair and at the same time the
Income was so much greater that the
board will not moro money than in
former years.
Civil Service Examinations.
The United States cl\ll service com
mission announces the following ex
aminations to he held at Lincoln ,
Grand Island. Norfolk , North Platte
and Omaha : September II , physician
( male ) . Indian servlco ; September 21 ,
assistant In wireless telephony , sig
nal servlcoit largo ; September 21 ,
trained nurse , Indian istmlan , canal
and Philippine service ; September 20 ,
examiner. United States civil service
commission ; October 5 , electrical as
sistant , signal servlco at largo.
Railway Employes Ask Aid for
N. Downer , chairman of the em
ployes' committee of the Rock Inland
railroad , has mailed to the candidates
for the legislature and for state of
fices and members of congress n
liberally signed petition asking for an
Increase In railroad , rates in Ne
The petition Is signed by business
and professional men and railroad em
ployes from many towns along the
Rock Island , the list filling slxtecr
typewritten pages.
The petition adopted by the em
ploycs committee Is as follows :
We , as citizens of this country , be
Hove In fair profits nnd good wages
and we. as railroad employes , realize
that our personal prosperity Is Inseparably -
separably associated with the pros
porlty of the railroad , our employer.
The Increased cost of materials , la
bor , taxes and other essential ele
ments entering Into the cost of operat
ing the railroad Is a matter of com
mon knowledge. The public demands
better time , greater safety , better ac-
commodatlonR , better equipment nnd
generally better service. The public
Is constantly receiving Improved
service from the care devoted to the
operation of the railway by their
managements. The public ought to
be willing and wo believe Is willing
to pay For such service.
All ot this points to the necessity
that the railroads receive a higher
rate for the transportation they fur
nish. Increased rates for transporta
tion will Insure regularity of our em
ployment and the stability of our
earnings and In all fairness this is due
us as well as the railroads.
We support the railroads in their
known efforts to secure higher rates
for the transportation they furnish
and we urge all those who have to do
with the rate question , whether the
Interstate Commerce commission ,
State Railway or Public Servlco com
missions , national and state legisla
tors , to deal fairly with this vital
question. We have had much legisla
tion involving the regulation of the
railways and much politics in connec
tion with the operation and control of
the railways In the recent past.
The fund from which our wages are
paid cannot bo constantly depleted
without injuring us as employes. Wo
know that transportation rates have
nothing to do with the increased cost
of living and we feel now that our
employers , the railways , mostly need
increased compensation in order to
secure increased earnings.
As employes of the Chicago , Rock
Island & Pacific Railway company we
have signed this petition in harmony
with the above declaration and bavo
authorized their presentation to the
Interstate Commerce commission ,
state railroad commissions or to any
olllclal , federal or state , who has any
thing to do with railroad rate making
or railroad regulation.
As individuals interested in - our
own comfort and prosperity and the
comfort and prosperity of our families
we have freely signed this petition
and subscribed to the above princi
Want an Appropriation.
At a meeting of the Nebraska state
swine breeders' association at the
state fair grounds a resolution was
passed by that body asking the state
legislature to pass an appropriation
of $5,000 to erect a building at the
state farm for preparing the serum
for the treatment of hog ehb'lera and
$20,000 for the purpose of preparation
and distribution. The resolution fol
lowed a letcure from Dr. W. B , . Niles ,
of the bureau of animal industry at
Washington , who explained the value
of the specific in detail.
Appeals to the High Court-
John Platt of Sarpy county has ap
pealed to the supreme court from a
judgment of $1,000 against him for
slanderous remarks made about Olga
Governor on Primary Law.
"I sent a message to the last legis
lature in which I said , "the primary
law should be repealed or It should be
radically amended , ' " said Governor
Sballenberger at the meeting of the
state canvassing board. " 1 should
have cut off the sentence after the
word 'repealed , ' " he continued. "There
Is no justice In tbo primary law. It is
all right in theory , but it does network
work out in practice. Under the
primary law the counties of Douglas
and Umcastcj ; , If they get into the
same bed as they did in the late elec
tion , can control the nomination of
candidates. We have found that poli
ticians vote and manipulate the pri
mary Instead of the people , and that
is what we tried to avoid. The pri
mary law was enacted so that the no
mination candidates would be taken
away from politicians and placed in
the bauds of the people , but just the
reverse has been the result of this
law. The fact that out in the Twenty-
ninth senatorial district , a candidate
gets a nomination with only one vote
is enough to show the viciousness of
the primary law. "
Regulars at Lincoln.
Four hundred regular army soldiers ,
composing eight troops of the Seventh
cavalry from Fort Riley , Kan. , will be
camped near Lincoln from September
21 ! to 2ti. Information of this fact has
been communicated by II. M. Ketchu ,
commissary sergcnnt , to Postmaster
Sizer , with the request that he notify
Lincoln dealers who are prepared to
bid on furnishing supplies for the
camp- The estimatcdamouiit of pro
visions needed includes 2,000 pounds
of fresh beef , 1,600 pounds of potatoes
and 1,800 pounds of fresh bread.
Three Counts Charge Embezzlement
nnd the Fourth Charges Larceny
Formally Arraigned Before -
' fore Landls.
Chicago. George W. Fitzgerald , a
former assorting teller in the Chicago
federal sub-treasury , was arrested by
deputy United States marshals. Ho Is
charged with the mysterious theft of
$173,000 from the sub-treasury qn Feb
ruary 10 , 1907. Fitzgerald was arrest
ed on a bench warrant based on an
indictment returned secretly by a federal -
oral grand Jury February 17 , 1910.
Three days after the Indictment was
secretly returned and suppressed on
Tobruary 20 , it was announced that
the statute of limitations had operated
to stop possible criminal action in the
peculiar case , uoinciucnt , witn tins
ruse by the authorities , secret service
men wore detailed to watch Fitzger
ald constantly and make a rigid In
vestigation of the former teller's finan
cial interests nnd affairs. Discoveries
made by these secret service opera
tives resulted In the order for Fitz
gerald's arrest.
Marslial Eberstcin , chief of special
agents of the department of justice ,
and Deputy United States Marshals
Walter Wainwright and .T. T. Baker
arrested him at his insurance broker
age offices on La Salle street just as
the former sub-treasury teller was
leaving for his home.
The sub-treasury robbery , which bas
been one of the most baffling mys
teries in years , which the secret ser
vlco has been required to investigate ,
occurred Wednesday , February 20 ,
1907. The money was all in $1.000 and
$10,000 bills. Federal officers through
out the country were brought Into the
hunt for the missing money. For
three years all persons found to have
$1,000 and $10,000 bills were subject
to open or covert scrutiny by secret
service agents.
New Testament Completed.
Peking The final revised edition of
the New Testament , together with the
first completed book of the old , the
Psalms of David , is now issuing from ,
the press in Chinese , and stacks of
tbo volume are ibeing shipped to the
remotest parts of China. The special
committee of translators are now
gathered at Chefu in their annual con
ference in the work which they bop'e
will be to China -what the authorized
version of the gospel is to the Eng
lish speaking world.
The project was inaugurated In 1890
at a conference of all the missionary
bodies at work in China , and is being
consummated at the expens" of the
Bible societies of the world. Several
books are added each year and it Is
estimated that 'the whole volume will
be completed about the jear 1915 * .
Ship Had Narrow Escape.
Port Townsend , Wash. The cod
fishing schooner Joseph Rush , which
arrived from Bering sea , reports a nar
row escape from destruction by being
burled under ashes thrown from the
crater of Mount Shishaldin , on Vnimak
pass , which is the gateway of Bering
sea. On the morning of June 8 , Shis
haldin was emitting a cloud of ashes
which , carried thirty miles by a gale
compelled the Rush's crew to go be
low the deck. When .the vessel bad
passed out of reach of the downpour
the crew broke the hatches which
wore buried a foot under ashes ant
Will Meet in United States.
The Hague Upon the invitation ol
the American section of the interna
tional permanent committee of social
and industrial insurance , the confer
ence of which has just closed , it was
voted to bold the next congress in
1913 in the United States.
Professor Charles R. Henderson of
the University of Chicago was made
vice president for the United States
of the international committee.
Condemn Non-Cathollc Books.
Newark. Rooks and other lltera
ture on political economy which advo
cate policies in opposition to Catholic
doctrine were condemned at the con
volition of the'German central soclef }
of America here.
Buenos Ayres. The government lias
presented to congress a rccommenda
tion for the adoption as a monetnrj
unit the gola piastre , equivalent to
about 43 cents.
Denver. After being closed for ten
years , largely on account of flnuncla
difficulties , the lllff school of theolojo
of Denver university will be reopened
Washington. What is declared to
be the largest auction sale of lands
over offered at one time will take
place on the Crow ( Montana ) and the
Ulntah ( Utah ) Indian reservations on
October 15 and November 1 , next , re
spectlvoly. About 1,500,000 acres eland
land , suitable principally for dry farm
fng and grazing , are involved in tli
Rome. The cholera epidemic ha
now been practically stamped out In
Apulia , a division of southeaster !
Your * for uni
Yours for great
est leavening
Your * for never
failing results.
Your * for purity.
Your * for economy.
Your * for every
thing that goes to
make up a strictly
high grade , over-
dependable baking
That is Calumet. Try
it once and note the im
provement in your bak
ing. See how much more
economical over the high-
priced trust brands , bow
much better than the cheap
and big-can kinds.
Calumet is highest in quality
moderate in cost.
Received Highest Award
World' * Pure Food
"That palmist will tell you when
you are going to die. "
"And then run and tell the under
taker , I suppose , and got a commission
on the business. "
Senator John H. Bankhead , discuss
ing n political move , sold , with a
smile :
"Ob , it's too coldly calculated. It'n
almost unfair. In fact , it's like Mra.
"Mrs. Blank is a leader of Bar Har
bor society. Her husband said to her ,
one afternoon , ns she made a very
elaborate toilet for a garden party that
she was giving to some members of
tbo British legation :
" 'Why did you write to all our guests
that this party was to bs absolutely
Informal ? '
Mrs. Blank laughed.
" 'So as to be the best-dressed wom
an present , of course , ' she said. "
Few Marriages In London.
The marriages of London last year
represent the lowest percentage of
which there is any record.
'Tls much to wound n foe ; 'tis more
to save him and to win a friend. Eric
to the breakfast table-
with cream.
Crisp , golden-brown
"crinkly" bits , made
from white corn ,
A most appetizing , convenient -
venient , pleasurable
"The Memory Lingers"
Fostnra Cereal Co. , Ltd.
lUilllo Creek , Mich.