Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 15, 1910, Image 8

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Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters
Try Ream Bros. you'll repent.
Special bargains all during fair
week at StrongH Variety Store.
New shipment of ladles and chlld-
ron's coats. Snyder Uros. & Co.
C. K. Hall of West Union la a-
niong the visitors to the fair this
Sco our dress ginghams Infer
for chlldroiiH school droHnes.
Snyder Uros. & Co.
Sco Hint 25 cent window at the
Strong Variety store. Some bar
gains there.
Senator Burlrott and Congress
man Klnkald were city visitors lust
Saturday morning between trains.
They spuko at AiMloy the previous
Miss Mablo Hall who has been vis
Itlng In the city for some time re
turned to Buffalo , New York last
Thursday evening whcro she has an
Itallon mission. Her father W. D.
yr Hull accompanied her to Buffalo
from which place ho expects to go
toFlorlda for the winter.
I wish to thank the people of the
GGth representative district for the
very generous vote received at the
primary and to thank you In advanc
for your oto at the covmlng election
which I hope to get. I am pledged
to vote for the Initiative and refer
endum and for the people's choice
for United States Senator.
Jesse Gundy.
Oren II. Cove to Sherman A. Rob
inson , ICO acres In 34-13-22$100.
Job D. J. Sender to Bert lO.Sor-
der 1-C Interest In lots 1-2-3 In blk
"V- 8 of Sargent$200.00.
* " *
' ' George R. Semler to Bert R.
Semler , 1-C Interest In lotsl-2-3 in
block 8 of Sargent.
Matilda Slmonson to Peter Slm-
onson ICO acres In 10-14-17 , $ G500.
"Win. Mllburn to James T. Loop ,
parcel In 4-20-21 , $100.00.
Larlnda Sutton to Carrie L. Hcn-
drlcson , 40 acres In 35-20-10$1200.
Mornu C. Church to Jumes L. . .
Leep , parcel In 4-20-21$200.00.
Job D. J. Somler to Bert R. Som-
ler , parcel In 3-19-18 , $000.00
Joseph R. Mohat to D. R. Rock
well , ICO acres in22-18-20 , $1000.OQ
Harry II. Nowhouse to Jo Kath-
ran , ICO acres In9-13-20$8800.00.
The Union Land Co. to John B.
Felker , lots 1-2-3 In block 22 , Cal-
Lincoln Land Co. to Allio M. Bell ,
lot 3 In block 2 of Sargent.
Ezra P. Savage to Alllo M. Boll
und. % interest in lot 3 In block 2
of Sareent$50.00.
Win. II. Reedor to Frank C. Bents
lot 9 In Rodders add to Merna$100
Paul Soyerson to Ole Soyerson
154 acres In 19-10-23$0,000.00.
Lillian R. Andrews and Iiuabani
to Gage I. Hammond , ICO acres in 0
-1C-25 , $1000.00.
Godfrey Nausol to Gage I. Hammond - ,
mend , 100 acres in 11-10-235 , $1GOO
Lincoln Land Co. to A C Cone ,
lot 1 In block 5 , south add to Ansley
Lincoln Land Co. to Mary L.
Lewlu lots 1-2-3 In block K,2 add
to Comstock. $175.00.
W. II. Comstock to V. W. Taylor
lots 1-3 in block K 2 add to Corn-
Thanton S. Crosley to Mary A.
Croslcy , 80 acres in 13-13-18 , $200
Harry Church to J. D. Kennedy
320 acres in 15-tp 13 rg21$3755.00.
James C. Baker to Joseph andG.
T. Moore 400 in
acres sec 21-23-tpl8
Fritz H. Kilver to F. L. Hoffan ,
ICO acres in 2C-17 24$1200.00.
Lincoln Land Co. to James W.I'ol
it , lot 4 In block K , 2 add to Com-
.stock , $75.00.
Rasmus Anderson to Lincoln S.
Oroat , COO acres in sec 13-20-23-14
tp 17rg 20 , ? 1C,000.00.
Among the most Interesting ex
hibits at the state fair this yearls
Hint of the Valley Fruit Farm and
Garden Co. , of this city. During
the past year this company has sold
twenty thousand acres of land ad-
olnlng Francetas , Tex. , a now town
hey are establishing , to Nebraska
icoplo and they brought the oxhib-
t to the fair to show their custom
ers the products of the land , as a
argo number of purchasers expect
soon to make their permanent homo
This section of Texas grows , as
shown In the exhibit , oranges , figs ,
icars , apples , peaches , cranberries ,
obacco , cotton , Japanese porslm-
nons , peanuts , rice and in fact most
everything that Is produced from tl o
soil. .
Some of the more Interesting
things to Nebraskans are a four-yr-
old orange tree full of half grown
oranges , a kunuiuat tree filled with
fruit , a fig tree ready for the harvest
and cotton as it grows in the field.
In addition to the novelties namcl
the exhibit contains such staples ah
sugar cane , kafflr corn , broom corn
potatoes , sweet potatoes , melons and
all kinds of garden produce , samples
that attest the productive quality
of the gulf coast lands.
There are also many views of
scenes presented which bespeaks the
character of theland and its fine
home-making capacities , and altho
that Is not generally looked upon by
Nebraskans as a corn growing coun
try , this exhibit contains speclmans
of as fine corn as can bo grown any
where , taken from the lands of this
company. This entire exhibit was
collected upon two days notice , but
it is of a character to attract much
attention and admiration.
It is almost impossible to believe
that this exhibit can display field
corn of superior quality , raised on
the gulfcoast , and yielding ninety
bushels to the acre , but that is ujst
what the attendants at the booth are
prepared to show. Nebraskans who
are interested in agricultural pur
suits will find much to interest ther
in this exhibit. State Journal.
Mike McCormick and family of
Oregon have been hero visiting with
relatives. They returned Saturday.
Kate Leonard and Lizzie Mini-
Bail went to Anselmo Sunday to at
tend school.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Powers and
Leo Lynch were Sunday visitors at
Tom Forans.
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Foran and
Miss Nellie McGown spent Sunday at
Charley Hickeys.
Clem Snydcr and Frank McGown
loft Sunday for Falrbury. Frank
will visit his brother at Omaha before -
fore his return.
Father Donnelly celebrated mass
at John Leonards Saturday.
There was a dance at George Mll-
ligans Saturday night.
Miss Ruth Mlchelo is visiting her
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications , u they cannot rencli the dls-
cased portion ol the thorn n only one nay to
euro ( liafmtu. anil that U by constitutional remedies.
Dtntntu U cuiweJ tiy an I.IB&IW condition ot the
mucous lining ol the Kuatachlan Tube.Shpn HiH
tube U InnamrU you h.-uo a rumbling sound or Im-
pertccl hearing , unit when It In entirely cloml. DcuN
ness Is the result , anil unit * * the Inllimimitloii can betaken
taken out and this tube restored to Ita normal condi
tion , lii'arlnn will bo destroyed torc\cr ; nlno cases
out ol ten arc caused by Cittnrrh , vlilcli la nothing
but an Inflamed condition ot lliomucous surface's.
Wo Kill Rive One Hundred Doll.-us ( or any cn o ol
neatness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot bo cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars , tree.
F. J. CHUNKY A. CO. . Toledo , a
Sold by Druggists. T6c.
Take Hall's rurally 1'llla tor constipation.
Ease of Control
Spot zoff and
Ralbow mtxko
your car like
OAKLAND " 40" $1700
1 0
in K SI 8 VI I
Is always full of
JUMLLVil E libHEiijtSl
\M !
I During Fair week we have some attractive
bargains in Class-Ware , Berry Sets Goc to $1.35 ,
II Water Bottles , Pitchers , Waf-er vSets , etc. This
week a big bargain in large FANCY SALADS
I or BERRY BOWLS. These arc heavy clear cry
stal , imitation of Cut Glass , such as you
usually pay 35 to 56 cents for , your choice for
A great variety of KITCHEN UTENSILS , Tin v/are and
Enamel ware can be found on our 5 CENT and 10 CENT TABLES
* . These must be seen to be appreciated , as you will be surprised
at the values we offer at these prices. All goods marked in
plain figures. We invite you to come in and look them over.
Remember we are on the North Side of the Square. The
place where you always find surprising bargains.
OISKS < ? ! * \ ' &
'g'iJttVflB'igHWa ' ' ' ?
JJLj !
Di ' A-Rii iv EiSffiiSii i'
Will ] ) ay for The Lincoln Daily State Journal mailed
to your address anywhere in the country outside of
Si Lincoln anil suburbs from now until
1 -
Add only 23 cents and the Big Sunday Journal will j
be included $1.25 for Daily and Sunday. This oiler
p is for Mail Subscriptions only. Why not order
| | today ?
The fresh fruit season in now on at its height. Better
buy early than to wait for lower prices.
Pears Peaches Grapes Apples
i Oranges Bananas Cabbage ICgg Plant
T drains Tomatoes Corn - Celery
Peaches 20c and HOc Cherries 30
Pina Apple 2oc Plumbs , best brand 2uc
Pears 25c Corn lOc and 15c
Beets 20c Sweet Potatoes loc
\ \ Ilominv 2 cans for 2oc Saur Kraut 2 for 2oc
Call on us for all kinds of Bakery Goods.
We Handle all Kinds of Feed
The Eagle Grocery Store.
The Square DOR ! Store Phone 58
mint Mrs. Dominic JToran.
Mr Clnutlo Doll loft Sunday for
Lincoln whore ho will atten d the
Uulvurclty tko coutluu year.
Mr. and Mr . George Slmius nnil
son Pnul wont t ® Broken Bow Sat
urday on binsiness.
Miss Lucy Sprlngstulio In nttoiul-
IHB Bchool In Brokt'U Dow this full.
Miss Elizabeth Forsyth cnmo to I
Just received a big assortment of Handker
chief's for Men , Women and Children. Hahdlcer-
chiefs at
S I will offer the E-V NEi. NWi NEi sec 10 , 120 acres
K and the NWi sec. 11 , 1(50 ( acres in twp. 17 , range 19 ,
Zz Custer County , Nebr. , on September , IfllO , 2 p. in. , = S
S in Broken Bow at public auction to the highest bidder , Errs
E no reservation whatever. This land is located on 35
Clear Creek , northeast of Broken Bow , all black loam
soil 225 acres in cultivation , 180 acres now in corn. 2
: The rent share , one third of the corn , goes with laud.
E Twelve acres seeded to al Co If a this lull a large part of Z
this land is line bottom land for alfalfa hay and' the 2
rolling land is good for alfalfa seed. S
Z I have been watching very closely the sale of lands 5 *
E-r-at auction for about a year and have come to the concs
-r elusion that there is much to commend in the auctisn j
K : way of selling , both to the buyer and seller. The sale : g
r : must be absolute to the highest bidder. The bidders S
must be convinced of this otherwise it wili fail. This rs
j sale no doubt will be at a sacrifice , and some one will
5 = get a barnain , first for the reason no matter what
JET statement is made the bidders will not be convinced r
that sale is bona iide to highest bidder , but when this Si
sale is made they will see that it is absolutely bona
Iide and to the highest bidder.
s = The land will be offered in 120 and 160 acre tracts , = 3
and also as a whole , so you will have a chanceto buy-is
120 , 160 or 280 acres. 2
: T think this land will sell for less than I can sell it 3
K for at private sale- Therefore you should be on hand
E to talcq advantage of a bargain for it is sure to go at ars
EE : bargain. I could not afford to sell this land at aution
and thus give somebody a bargain if I did 'not have a |
! S large acreage of other land , for by this sale f hopeto
demonetrate to everybodT that the sales I shall make 2
E are absolutely bouafide to the highest bidder. Other 2
sale sales will follow this one and 1 hope to establish a , jj
reputation at this and soles to follow that will malce
S me to dispose of many tracts of land hereafter. While rrs
r I own and control a large acreage of land 1 am no hog
jand you watch me and see if T dent distribute t.his land 5
among small buyers , who will nevelop fine homes. I X
knowlt is a strong temptation to buy and hold land. rSl
gr jt is the best possible investment. An alfalfa farm is S
the best business in Nebraska and the ideal home. Jf
r = interested call at my oflice and 1 will give } rou in deS -
S tail my plans. I have the lands and you need the land
Hr on which to build a-home. I think ni3r plan will give rss
5 everybody u fair and equal show and you are sure to -
S get a bargain in this first offer. *
iE Yours very truly , .
spend some time with her brotlu-r
C. M Forsjth and fuull | > Satuuho.
Mr. and Jlrs. Hobt Furrlttor uiv
Lho iroud ) parents ol a b.iby
born September Mh.
Mr. U.unell ga\e n toi ipi-raiu 1-c
ture at the school hout > o Sunda > at- f