Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 15, 1910, Image 7

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'Mediterranean ' Fowls Most Wonderful
Family , and Great Credit Due for
Their Advancement.
It must bo admitted that the so-
called Mediterranean fowls are a moat
| wondcr ul family. Great credit Is duo
itho American fancier for having done
'so ' much for their advancement. While
ilt Is true that the Spanish countries
'furnished ' the foundation for all these
fowls , the Engllsj-speaklng nations
have perfected them. Wo made the
Leghorns ; England the other. Hut
today our Leghorna and Mlnorcas are
by far the best , to our fancy , but the
13ngHshired Anconas and Andalu-
alans arc tlielr best.
We i ay the most attention to color
of shanks , beak , skin , and plumage ;
White Leghorn Cock.
jthey pay the most attention to size ,
phnpo and head points. For white they
jwlsh absolute white , but some black
pots woukl not bother them as us.
They demand the truest surface
'color ' ; wo draw the line too close on
under-color. They are for real beauty
as seen ; we love to hunt for hidden
Head of Minorca Cock.
defects that are only harmful In our
Imagination as show qualities. Wo
quibble so much about little , harmless
things that wo often lose eight of .he
real elegance of quality that may beer
or has been produced at the loss of
V , gome of our Imaginary evils that are
tucked away among the undercolor.
Behind Disease There Ic Usually to
Be Found Story of Overfeeding
of Fat Foods.
Behind leg weakness there xls usual
ly to bo found the history of over
feeding of fat-producing foods. Cases
are sometimes seen In flocks where a
ilarge quantity of condiments or egg
food Is given. At the first appearance
of the trouble reduce the quantity of
jtho fat-producing foods.
Take away corn , corn meal and con
idlments. Lot them have very llttlo
meat. Put the weak birds in a place
by themselves. If the fowls are crowd-
led Increase the space or get rid of
of the birds. Feed steamed cut
'clover ' as a noon meal , whether It bo
isiimraer or winter.
i If you have peas or beans boll and
'add ' eome to the morning mash. Bo
sure the drinking water is pure and
give the houses extra care to see they
are in perfectly sanitary condition.
Rub the chicken's legs with tinc
ture of arnica and add one-half teaspoonful -
spoonful of tincture of nux vomlca to
each quart of the drinking water.
Bo careful not to confound leg
weakness with rheumatism. In the
latter dlseaso there Is a swelling of
the Juluts.
The Brooder-House.
With the modern brooder house ,
.that Is heated artificially , I think quite
illkcly as many chicks can be raised
under artificial conditions as under
natural conditions , says a writer in
[ Baltimore American. My practice has
'been for some yeais to hatch the
chicks In an Incubator , and give them
.to brooding hens If I happen to have
[ thorn , rather than to go to the trouble
and cxpenso of running the brooder.
Cause of Failures.
Ono reason why the keeping of
larco number of fowls together falL
V ; to provo profitable Is because those
undertaking the business have lack
cd experience.
Convenient Receptacle for Chickens
to Drink From Is Necessity
on Stock Farms.
On a stock farm , where chickens
are being raised , It Is Important that
water Is always convenient for them ,
or they will often drown In attempt-
ng to drink from the stock tanks , es
pecially when the water bfcomeu a
llttlo low. It Is advisable to have
water In as many different places as
possible , In receptacles convenient for
them to drink from. Old fruit cans ,
Chicken Trough.
either round or square , can bo made
to answer the purpose of a good wa
tering trough. The tops of the cans
should bo pounded down , not cut , so as
not to Injure the fowls' feet should
they stop over them. Any box that
will hold a dozen or more cans , set
close together that they cannot bo up
set , will answer the purpose for a
Tratno. If small chirks have access to
the frame , clean stone should bo
dropped In the cans ; then they can
easily climb out before drowning.
One of the Best Stomach Correctives
That Can Be Found and Is a
Necessity for Chickens.
Charcoal Is one of the best stomach
ach correctives that can bo given to
man or beast and Is a necessity for
icalthful chicken raising When soft
Coed In the way of mashes aio fed to
Lho fowls , charcoal Is very essential ,
for It corrects any tendency of the
food to sour and greatly assists the
process of digestion. It has been prov
en that all poultry will grow and fat
ten faster and the moat will bo more
delicious In flavor when charcoal Is
fed to them regularly ; in fact , In all
the largo fattening plants charcoal is
regularly fed to all the fowls In the
fattening coops. Charcoal can bo pur
chased ut any poultry supply house ,
but can easily bo manufactured at
liorao. If you burn wood In your
stove , there will bo plenty of charcoal
In the ashea to feed a largo flock of
fowls , If you don't burn wood , take
some corn cobs and put In the oven
till they are thoroughly charred. Corn
and cobs may also bo partly eharred
at times and fed to the hens with
The Farm Poultry.
With the common knowledge of the
earning of the farm flocks have come
a doslro to keep more fowls and make
their keeping a special department of
the farm operations
On most farms It will provo better
and more economical to allow the
poultry free range during favorable
weather and , fence oft the lawn and
The gains mndo by chickens during
the summer are rapid and poultrymen
are fast beginning to realize that If
.hv have largo healthy birds they
must have abundant range during the
period when they are growing and de
Purifying the Yards.
Frequent rains and excessive heat
will cause the yards to be in a very
unhealthy condition , unless the sur
face soil Is spaded or turned under In
some manner , especially on heavy
clay locations. If spading Is too la
borious , then the * yards may be beno-
fitted by sprinkling them with a solu
tion of copperas or blue-stone , dissolv
ing one pound of the mineral In two
gallons of water and sprinkling
through the nose of an ordinary waterIng -
Ing pot. A tew spoonfuls of carbolic
acid In the solution will also bo of an
Hot coops mean colds and roup by
and by.
Too much sun Is as great an ovll as
too little.
A serious setback In growth Is never
fully recovered.
It Is easy to hold cockerels too lonp
and feed away the profits.
Market everything not making val
uable use of every kernel It eats.
If your chicks are ailing and you
don't know the reason , look for llc&
One bad egg may lose a customok
and puts a question mark on the
week's production.
Moulting Is a great strain. Give
nourishing food. A llttlo Iron tonic
lu the water IB good.
Fresh bones from the butcher
shop , pounded fine , are superior to the
commercial bone meal.
Green food Is cheap feed , and hens
will lay much bettor than when kept
on an exclusive grain diet.
The profits with poultry are largest
when the fowls can eat what would
otherwise bo thrown away.
Nine-tenths of the young chicks din
from being Infested with llco and
mites. Grease on the head and under
the wings Is good.
During the very hot weather the
chickens get dumpish and lose their
appetite. A change of food during
this period will help them. See that
they have plenty of pure , fresh wa
News Notes of Interest From Various
Here Is an Opportunity for a Younfl
Man of Push and Ability.
The selling of llfo Insurance Is be
coming to lie a profession , and to at
tain the greatest success professional
training Is required. The day Is past
when men who have failed In other
lines can with profit to thomscUes era
a company take up llfo insurance.
The Midwest'Life has an opening In
the city of Lincoln for a bright , capa
ble man fiom 20 to 21 years of ami
who wishes to prepare himself for a
position as one of Its general agents.
The company will pay his tuition fee
for two courses In salesmanship Ono
general ( Sheldon School ) and the
other special ( American School of In
surance ) , both of which can be com
pleted In a year ; also a normal sal
ary for the first twelve ) months For
the first year , ofllco work one-half
time , other half bullrltlng llfo Insur-
auco on a commission basis ; there
after full time soliciting 'wholly on a
commission basts. Here Is a splendid
chance for one to make his way from
the start. There Is no other business
which a young man of energy , ability
and good character win enter where
the opportunities to make money ,
without the pievlouH Investment of
capital. Is so great. Apply or write to
The Midwest Llfo. No. 110 South 10th
Street , Lincoln.
David Mclnleh of Auburn lost his
barn and an automobile by llro , the
lire resulting from lightning.
Tire destroyed three buildings at
Indianola. The origin of the blaze lu
unknown. The loss Is about $ : : ,000.
The Gage county board of equaliza
tion adopted the 1HO ! tax levy. The
levy was fixed at 11 mills , one-hall'
mill less than that adopted by the
board last year.
The total rainfall in Fremont for
the month of August was remarkably
heavy , according to the local gov
ernment observer. It was 10.14
Inches , according to his figures.
Miscalculating the dl.-Uanco which
he tried to jump from one beam to
another on top of the ney elevator
of Dowling & Purcell of North Uend.
William Lyons , a carpenter , foil
forty feet to the bottom of the bin
and sustained serious Injuries.
' 1 he Gage County Fair association
has arranged with Congressman Gil
bert M. Hitchcock of Omaha , demo
cratic candidate for United State sen
ator , to speak September 22 , the day
following C W. Aldrlch , republican
candidate for governor , and James C.
Dahlman , democratic candidate for
governor , will also appear.
The Fnlrbiiry Commercial club has
taken steps to organize a permanent
chaulaiHiua ushouialiun. Fur the
past few years chautaiiquas have
been held there under the manage
ment of F. L. Kain , but he has stated
that owing to other business demands
he would be nimble to manage an
other chautauqua.
While Supuilntendont A. L. Cn\I-
ness has been successful In securing
a sufficient number of teachers to
supply the vacancies In the Fairbury
schools , County Supeilntendcnt K. C.
Harris has not been so fortunate , as
ho lacks .seven teachers to complete
the corps of teachers In the district
schools of Jefferson county. There
will be no school in these woven dis
tricts until Mr. ' Harris can secuio
teachers ,
George Bowlsby was placed under
arrest In York county on suspicion of
planning to wreck a Northwestern
train , but has been rolceased on his
promise to go back to his former
home In Iowa. Bowlsby bought a
piece of land from the Northwestern
company at Huston , live miles north
west of York , on which to mo\o his
house and live , but later concluded
he did not want the land. Ho wanted
the company to take back the land ,
and because of refusal had revenge
in his heart.
Word was received at Beatrice
from Des Moincs , la. , that J. H.
Smith of that city had won flvo firsts ,
seven seconds , thioe thirds and four
fourth premiums in his herd of Jersey
cattle at the state fall-
Van Tyno Prltchnnl , a prospector
and geologist of Kansas City was In
Fairbury Investigating what ho be
lieves to bo largo deposits of gas-
producing shale along the Llttlo Blue
north and west of that place. It Is
said to cover thousands of acres
This shale la what people would or
dinarily call soap-stono and Is blue
and black In color. Gas has been
produced from shale In Scotland for
many years.
Frank La Fleschee , an Omaha
Indian , who has been employed In the
department of the Interior for the
last twenty-seven jcara , In an Import
ant position in the Indian ofllco at
Washington , D C. , has just severoil
his connection with that department
to accept an appointment as ethnol
ogist of the Smithsonian Institute
Ho has just concluded a thirty days'
visit at Walthlll , this state , where he
has been visiting his sisters.
The management of the Clmse
county fair Is busily engaged in com
pleting preparations for the twenty-
fourth annual fair which is to be held
at Imperial on September 15 , 10 and
17. A stiing of good race horses has
already been procured.
The gas franchise ordinance , which
was Biimblttcd to a vote of the people
of Nebraska City , was carried by a
vole of 228 to 87 at a special election
This gives the company a new
tv'only-year franchise In plnco of tlm
old one , which had some ten years to
run , and the price of gas was lowered
from $1 7fi to $1 50 per 1,000 feet
} forcPeyser
Ccvzor flic3ls Yolcsnie ftetfr
UK earth's crust underlying
Costa Hlca and the whole of
Central America Is one of
mother earth's great labora
tories. The chemical work
that Is going on uninterruptedly deep
below her glorious mountains Is made
evident to the Inhabitants of the coun
try by the numerous volcanoes and
warm springs , as well as by the almost
ceaseless upheaving of the neil , mostly
In treiiiors Imijercoptablo to the sen
ses , but also occasionally In powerful
and destructive commotions.
The mountains of Costa Rica are
divided Into two main systonm. The
southeastern system , which has one
peak of 12,107 feet elevation , is at
present without volcanoes , although
Its skeleton Is formed mainly by old
eruptive rocks. The peaks of the
northwestern system , of lea's develop
ment and elevation , are mostly active
or scrnl-actlvo craters , the base of
which 's ' geologically of very recent
origin. This chain begins with the
conical peak of Turrlalba , which rises
In an uninterrupted slope from the
plains of Santa Clara , about 1,000 feet
above Boa-level , to the towering height
of 10,905 feet. Its beautiful crater ,
forming a narrow , elongated basin ,
Is constantly active , a strong current
of sulphuric and aqueous vapors ,
mixed with sand , escaping nolsly from
a broad vent at its westcrmost extrem
ity. The only known violent eruption
of this volcano , however , took place
In 186D , when it poured forth huge
quantities of stones and fine sand , the
latter of which were carried by the
trade-winds westward to Punta Ar
enas and further away over the Pa
cific ocean.
Within close proximity of Turrlalba
Is Irazdu , about .500 feet higher/ and
far better known on account of the
faculty with which It Is reached on
horseback from Cartago. This vol
cano shown three largo extinct cra
ters , and , far down on Its northern
slope , numerous solfataras and hot
wotcr springs. It enjoys the unde
served reputation of being the one
point from which both the Atlantic
and Pacific oceans are vlsiblo at the
same time a peculiarity that In re
allty IB shared by Turrialba and several
oral other points of vantage along
the ridge of the southeastern system.
Its historical eruptions took place in
1723 , 1720 , 1821 , 1822 , 1844 , and 1847 ,
singularly enough in each Instance ,
except the first ( which began In February
ruary ) , during the month of May.
The eruption of 1847 was simultaneous
with heavy earthquakes , which were
felt from Rlvas In Nicaragua to the
city of Panama.
The World's Biggest Geyser.
From Irazdu the range continues
westward until It reaches Peas , a picturesque
turesquo mountain with a geyserlan
crater , photographed for the first time
by the writer in 1888 , and which
seom.s to have shown of late an un
usual activity coincident wljji the long
nodes of quakes that have Just
afflicted Costa Hlca.
Geysers , or hot water volcanoes am
spaiuely distributed on the map of
the world , and have been often stud
ied and described. It is therefore
.no doubt a matter of surprise to many
readers to learn that the highest and
by far the most formidable of them
is not located In Iceland , nor In the
Yellowstone National park , nor In
Now Zealand , but In the llttlo He-
public of Costa Hlca , on the northern
border of Panama.
Peas has at least two craters. The
higher one on the pyramidal top o |
the mountain Is extinct and filled by
a marvelous sbect of blue , cold wa
ter , framed In an exuberant border
of semi-tropical vegetation ; the oth-
er crater , 1,000 feet lower , showing
at its bottom a load-colored lagoon , la
surrounded by almost vertical jagged
walls of gray pumlcu and other orup-
tlvo materials. Tills Is a geysorlan
basin , the eruptions of which occur at
Irregular Intervals oC from 12 to 20
minutes or more , and with variable
Intensity. At times the water , which
tastes llko strong vinegar , Is hardly
disturbed ; at other times n heavy
column accompanied by dense clouds
of vapor surges to a variable height ,
creating a furious tempest on the usu
ally placid lake.
The volcanic cordlllora of Costa
Hlca ends the southwestern extrem
ity of Lake Nicaragua with Mount
Orosl , the conical form of which de
notes Its Igneous origin. But between
It and the Peas geyser there nro a
number of other craters , some still
In semi-active condition and the oth
ers quite extinct.
Rocked by Earthquakes.
The maximum of volcanic activity
takes place at the eastern end of the
range , and It is also that section of
the country , Just at Its southern foot ,
between Turrlalba and Peas the so-
called central plateau that Is most
exposed to disastrous earthquakes. It
Is at the name time the moat densely
populated part of the whole country.
This central plateau then Is almost
constantly rocl.i'J by underground con
vulsions of variable Intensity. From
1800 to 1903 , Inclusive , the average
yearly number of recorded shocks
was 31 , abont half of which were gen
erally felt In San Jose and Its Imme
diate vicinity. The maximum number
of shocks , 103 , was reached In 1900 ,
but during that year there were no
very heavy quakes. Contrary to the
opinion current among the natives ,
that these earthquake phenomena are
more frequent at the beginning and at
the end of the rainy season a view
formerly sustained by the writer him
nolf Ihoro Is no seasonal periodicity ,
the seisms being distributed almost
evenly throughout the twelve months.
The quakes very seldom come singly ,
but mostly In groups , with ouo or
several culminating shocks at some
point of the norlca.
Notwithstanding the fact that In
the minds of the highly Imaginative
and excited natives the volcanoes
were the original cause of the dis
turbance , these hardly showed any
unusual activity , as was made clear
by a careful exploration ; but this
failed to satisfy the public , and the
renponslblllty was speedily shifted tea
a hitherto unheard of crater , the
Cache Negro , which gave the investl
gating commissioner more trouble am
headaches than all the real volcanoes
and earthquakes taken together.
Pa Is In Peril.
Master Stuart H. Crane , the precocious
of William II
cious six-year-old son
Crane , the popular comedian , terri
fied his mother by rushing Into her
room flourishing a mammoth to >
"Stuart Hobson Crane , " she cried
"what on eaith have you got there ? '
"A plthtol , " answered the boy , "an
I'm goln * to thoot a man ! "
"No , you'ro not , olthor , " said Mrs
Crane , In a stern , commanding voice
"Give mo that horrid pistol at once
or I'll tell your father. "
"Oh , J don't care , " cried the young
hopeful , defiantly. "Ho'a the man
I'm going to thoot. "
A Plain Conclusion.
"When amokc goes straight up h
the air , what Is It a sign of ? "
"Usually a sign that something Is
burning. "
How a Chronic Invalid Regained Per
fect Health.
Mrs. Ray Trusnor , 30 Wcat Third
St. , Now Albany , Ind. , eaya : "KIdnoy
disease lind rendered mo a chronlo
Invalid. I Iny In bed
mmblo to move hand
or foot My right
limb ivun itwollun to
twlco normal size. 1
looked the picture of
death and my case
puzzled the doctors.
The kidney Bccrctlonn
wore highly coloro.l and ncahlcd torrl
ily. Marked Improvement followed
the USD of Donn'a Kidney Pills. In six
weeks I wao a well woman. My frlendH
and relatives marvel at my recovery. "
llomembor the name Doan'n.
For nnlo by all dealers. PO cents a
box. Fostor-Mllburii Co. , Huftnlo , N. Y.
Talking to the Child.
"Mrs. X talks to little Madgo
lust an Mr. X talks to their dog. "
said a llttlo girl of a neighboring fam
lly. And It was Indeed true. Mrs.
X la a very well-meaning woman ,
and would bo greatly surprised If she
should hoar the foregoing statement.
She has Hlmply unconscloualy acquired
a harsh tone of voice In dealing with
her children. This Is altogether un
necessary and In not , as many moth
ers seem to think , a mark of good dis
cipline. The mother whoso manner Is
quiet but flrm Is generally a much
more successful disciplinarian than
the harsh-voiced mother who Issue *
her commands In a dictatorial manner.
Kindness never spoils children , it In
flabby Indecision , sometimes mistaken
for kindness , which spoils them.
"When I was ton or twelve years
old I had a scalp disease , something
like scald head , though It wasn't that.
[ suffered for several mouths , and
most of my hair came out Finally
they had n doctor to see mo and ho
recommended the Cutloura Hornedles.
They cured mo In a few weeks. I
: iavo used the Ctttlcura Remedies , also ,
for n breaking out on my hands and
was benefited n great deal. I haven't
had any more trouble with the scale
disease. Miss Jeuslo F. Buchanan ,
II. F. D. 3 , Hamilton , Ga. , Jan. 7,1009. "
Kept with Barnum's Circus.
P. T. Barnum , the famous circus
man , once wrote : "I have had the
Cutlcura Remedies among the con
tents of my medlclno chest with my
shows for the last thrco seasons , and I
can cheerfully certify that Uicy worn
very effective In every case whlclj
called for their use. "
Got Stung , All Right.
Bill This paper says that bCLM
were unknown to the Indians.
Jill Yea , I bollovo It wan the tra
ders who used to sting them. Yonkcra
Dr. I'lorco's I'lrnwint Tnllntn rriutatn nnd
omto Monmcli , llror mill Inmnla.
tlnjr Kronulcs , < tpko ntt candy.
The limn whoso bluff IB not sometimes -
times citllcd.never existed.
of 'having a sick spell by
delay , when you notice the
first sign of Stomach , Liver
or Bowel weakness. Act
promptly and get a bottle
of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters. You are then on
the safe side because it
quickly restores things to a
normal condition. It is for
Poor Appetite , Cramps ,
Heartburn , Indigestion ,
Gostiveness , Malaria ,
Fever and Ague. Get
Nebraska Directory
ArotlioDcBt. Auk your local dealer or
JOHN DEEHE PLOW CO. , Omaha , Neb.
KODAKS and'KObl FllSHle
Mill order * Klvc.ri tprclal attention. All kind *
umatmir sujiplliu Ktrlctlj ( relit , bond fur caUUc.
Nl. Spiesbergcr & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
The Best In the West OMAHA , NEB.
Sold and rimtod OYerjwhpro.Vrltoforbargalnllsv. .
II. V. BWANbON COMl'AM" . Inc.
Kstabllilicd 1TOL 1138. lUtli St. , Lincoln
Tim boft Inu ( Commercial Ouiimud.
Ifr m catnlnKiin flxnlnlns all. Addrois
\V. IM. IIKYAVr , I'roslilnut
No. 11 Hull llulliUng Lincoln. Nob.
ice dreamery 6 ®
Puyu the price for