Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 15, 1910, Image 6

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    The CusteKounly Republican
1) . M. AMSUERRY , Editor
' "
Home and Foreign Intelligence Con
densed Into Two and Four
Line Paragraphs.
Mont4inn lands to Iho amount tf )
CG9,7fil ) acres have been designated
by Acting Secretary of the Interior
Pierce for settlement and entry under
the provisions of the enlarged home-
Htend act. This brings the total
amount of land in Montana designat
ed up to date up to 30,3fir ,9fiG acres.
With an Increase of $3,273,325 In Iho
public debt and a total deficit of $17-
: :71,4C8.08 : , the United States treasury
closed the second month of the fiscal
year , keeping on even keel , all circum
stances considered , with a working
balance of $30,820.0057.23 on hand and
the general fund down to ? 89,52.- !
Atlorncy General Wlckcrsham and
Secretary Nagle , who have been In
Alaska all summr , will land at Seat
tle , Wash. , on September G. It Is gen
erally assumed they have been In
Alaska making a special investigation
of conditions there for President Taft.
The attorney general will probably go
to Beverly at once on his return.
Approximately 079,555 acres of land
In Arizona and New Mexico , ellmlnat-
1 from the national forests by Presi
dent Taft as being chiefly valuable
for agricultural purposes , have been
opened to settlement under the home
stead laws by authority of the secre
tary of the Interior. The lands will be
come subject to settlement November
22 , but not to entry until December 2L
Sixty-eight Chinese etudents ar
rived at Honolulu on the steamer
China on their way to San Francisco
to enter rarlous American universi
Thirteen deaths from cholera and
twcnty-flvo now cases of the disease
were .reported from the infected dis
tricts of southeastern Italy during
twenty-four hours.
During the dinner at Berlin
Kmperor William toasted King
George and afterward detained Lord
Roberts for several hours In ani
mated conversation.
Dr. Hawley II. Crlppen , Jointly ac
cused with Ethel Clare Lenovc of the
murder of his wife , has suffered a
7iorvoii3 collapse and was removed to
the hospital ward of Brlxton Jail.
The newspapers in Berlin deny , ap
parently with authority , a story print
ed In a French paper La Vie Nouvelle ,
that Emperor William 1ms written a
letter to Pope Plus regarding the re
cent congress of religions.
King George's shooting party nt
Balmoral was thrown Into excitement
when Lord Kllmarnock , second secre
tary In the British diplomatic service ,
received four pellets through the ac
cidental discharge of a gun. The sec
retary was not Bcrloualy Injured.
In consequence of high price of cot
ton and the general depression in
trade , seven 'cotton ' mills in Bombay ,
India , have announced that they will
close down September 30. Seven
thousand hands will bo affected by
this curtailment and a dozen other
mills nro expected to follow suit.
New York city hns gained over a
million in ten years.
The Black Hills forest fires ,
threatening great damage , arc under
President RIpley of the Santa Fe
defended Uio proposed increase In
railroad rates.
Mr. Roosevelt discussed state and
national authority before members ol
the Colorado legislature.
A presidential boom for "Sunny
Jim" Sherman was launched by an ad
mirer at Mnrshflcld , Mo.
Two trans-Atlantis steamships , one
of them the liner Lnsltanln , were hold
up by the Now York health authorities
because of the cholera scare nbroad.
Major Henry Reed Rathbone , who
was an aide to President Lincoln ,
and received a stab wound in at
tempting to save the life of his chief
on the night of the assassination Is
near death in the criminal ward of
Iho insaiio asylum at Hlldorshelm ,
Jerry B. Sullivan , one of the most
prominent democratic leaders In Iowa
nnd a candidate for governor In 1903 ,
has returned from New York city ,
where bo declared it was the under
standing among politicians that Colonel
nel Roosevelt was already a candidate
for president In 1012.
Many postmasters throughout the
country are making requests for
privilege of opening postal banks.
Three masked men held up an interurban -
terurban street car at the San Mntos
( California ) county line , lined up the
passengers and crew and robbed
them of their money.
Arrangements were made at the
war department for Captain Ilarley B.
Ferguson , a member appointed to re
move the wreck of the battleship
Malno from Havana harbor , to go to
Havana to superintend tbo Investiga
tion Into the present condition of the
A non-union Iron works plant a
Peorla was wrecked by dynamite.
Army men nro not In favor of the
O'Rourko plan for raising the Maine ,
At the commerce commission bearIng -
Ing at Chicago rwllrond men Insisted
their revenue was not enough.
Mayor Gaynor of New York was
taken from tlid hospital to hi. coun
try home.
Roosevelt announced his political
creed , which Is that of progressive
Senator Burkett Introduced Ex-Pres-
Idcnt Roosevelt on the occasion of his
Omaha speech.
There was an angry exchange be
tween lawyers at the railroad rate
hearing at Chicago.
From eight to ten thousand people
listened to the- speech of Ex-President
Roosevelt in Omaha.
Medical Washington wns stirred up
by a Nebraska physician's discussion
of Infantllo pnrnlysls.
The financial showing of the govern
ment for ( he second month of the Us-
cal year In satisfactory.
Some , federal heads may be looped
off at New York for too active par
ticipation in state politics.
Governor Hay of Washington takes
issue with Roosevelt and Plnchot on
the question of conservation.
Proclamations announcing the an
nexation of Korea by Japan were
published at Seoul and Toklo.
William Barnes , Jr. , of Now York
declares himself shocked at utter
ances of Roosevelt In the west.
The treasury department has a
task on Us hands In the printing of
bonds for postal savings banks.
The railroads may make Inquiry
concerning the profits of the shippers
as a result of the Chicago hearing.
Colonel Roosevelt was obliged to
break his Sunday resolve and address
the crowds as ho traveled to Fargo.
Mexico's celebration of the one hun
dredth anniversary of nor Independence
once began Sept. 1st and will con
tinue until the end of the month.
C. S. L. Brown , former pastor of
the Christian church in Lee's
Summit , Mo. , shot and killed Mrs.
Anne Lamphcro , and then committed
A movement is under way to have
Justice Hnrlnn promoted to the chief
justiceship of the supreme court ,
with the understanding that h.o soon
At the close of a meeting of miners
and operators In Chicago , it was an
nounced that the strike situation in
the Illinois coal Holds had virtually
been brought to an end.
Juan Amcr , editor of the Satirical
Weekly Clmntccleor , of which the
first Issue had just appeared , was shot
and killed by Jose Pcnnlno , a liberal
candidate for city councilman in Hav
ana , Cuba.
A cablegram lias been received at
the Harvard college observatory from
Kiel stating that D'Arreat's comet
was observed by > M. F. Gonneslat , di
rector of the Algiers observatory , on
August 20.
A gross valuation of the estate of
the late Grover Cleveland In New
York has been filed showing $39,650 ,
less taxes , commissions , etc. The
residue is ? n2,4G8 , the bulk of which
goes to the widow and children.
Bishop of Salisbury , England , will
start for this country , arriving here
September 21. Ho Is to preach the
opening sermons at the Protestant
Episcopal convention , which Is to be
held late In September at Cincinnati ,
At a La Follette mooting in Madi
son , at which Senator Cummins of
Iowa and Francis J. Heney , the Snn
Francisco graft lighter , wore the chief
speakers , Congressman Norris of Ne
braska was also present and made a
In laying the corner-stono of the
new Y. M. C. A. building In Beverly ,
Mass. , President Taft ofllelally an
nounced that Beverly would continue
to bo the "summer capital" of the
country , "at any rate for two years
more. "
In consequence of the high price of
cotton and the general depression in
trade , seven cotton mills in Bombay
have announced that they will close
down September 30. Seven thousand
hands will bo affected by this curtail
ment and a dozen other mills are ex
pected to follow suit.
After a conference with the forestry
service officials the officials of the
American National lied Cross an
nounced that It would pay the hospital
expenses of the government employes
injured In fighting the forest fires In
the northwest. It Is estimated that
the expense will amount to about ? ! . -
000 , which will bo paid out of the re
lief fund of the Red Cross.
Clara Kucnning committed suicide
by bunging near Syracuse.
Kansas republicans adopted a de
cidedly progressive platform.
Roosevelt was greeted by large
crowds In Colorado and Kansas.
Senator Burkott Introduced Roosevelt
velt at the Auditorium In Omaha.
Roosevelt In hla tour of the west
held great crowds wherever ho went.
The anniversary of John Brown's
fight was celebrated at Osawatomle.
Governor Deneen opened the cam
paign against the jackpot legislators
In Illinois.
Official announcement was made n1
Ooverly of the appointment of Uoorgt
E. Roberts of Chicago as director or
the mint , succeeding A. Piatt An
draws , recently named as asalstan
secretary of the treasury.
Isaac W. Hallam , probably the old
est telegraph operator in the countr
In point of continuous service , died n
Wilmington , Del. , aged 81 years , n
was an employe of the Western Unl < ,
Telegraph company for Jlfty-tv
State Normal Board Will Endeavor to
Collect From Crabtrce Other
Matters nt the State Capital.
Will Endeavor to Collect.
The state normal board will en
deavor to collect trom ,1. W. Crabtrco
fov two barrels 'of gasoline bought
when ho wan nt the head of the Pom
State noninil and which , It Is alleged ,
were never delivered to the snhool
nnd have resorted to the text book
fund $1197. ii ; which Crabtreo paid out
In interest without orders from the
boaul. Tito matter WHH rcforrdd to
the oltornoy general to take uueh
HtopH an may be necessary to secure
thlH money. The money paid out In
interest by Crabtroo wnn interest on
money borrowed with which teachers
were paid pending the decision of
the fliipromo court In the Icgalty of
the law which created a now normal
board. The auditor , on advice of the
legal department , would recognize
neither board so he refused to IBHUO
any warrants for the payment of the
tcachem until the court decided
which board waa thoIogal , one.
State Treasurer Brian has suc
ceeded In caring for practically all of
the applicants for the Rale of bonds
to the state by the various school dis
tricts and cities of Nebraska. When
money was plentiful nnd investments
hard to find for state funds , the
treasurer bought $800,000 of Douglas
county court house bonds. Shortly
thereafter the eastern markets
tightened up and the small towns of
the state began to issue bonds for
internal improvements. Then when
they applied to the state treasurer
for funds he could do nothing for
them and they could not place the
securities in the east. The Douglas
county bonds looked good to eastern
buyers , so Mr. Hrian took the case up
with those who had city securities
for sale , with the result that he has
now , with the assistance of the
various cities , placed practically all
of the Douglas county bonds In the
cast and has bought as an investment
for the state the bonds issued by the
school districts and the small towns.
These bonds not the state 4 % per
cent annually and at the same time
this rate Is lower than the towns
would have to pay , were the bonds
lloated elsewhere.
May Make no Appointment.
W. T. Thompson , attorney general ,
who was recently appointed to a posi
tion In the treasury department at
Washington , has leased his house
hero and expects to go to Washing
ton about the first of October. It Is
probable Mr. Thompson will not re
sign his oillcc as attorney general ,
and that If he does do so Governor
Shnllcnbergor will not fill the
vacancy until after election. The
governor and Mr. Thompson have be
come good friends , and because of
this the olflco may not be declared
Committee Announced.
Chairman Husenetter of the re
publican state central committee an
nounced the appointment of the fol
lowing executive committee : First
district , S W. Uurnham , Lincoln ;
Second district. A. W. Jcfferls ,
Omaha ; Third district , Hurt Mapes ,
Norfolk ; Fourth district , Clarke Robinson -
inson , Fairmont ; Fifth district , II. G.
Thomas , Harvard ; Sixth .district. T.
T. Varney , Ainsloy.
Lots of Sheep on Exhibit.
Secretary Mellor of the state fair
board announced that the sheep
entries at this time numbered 4(10 ( ,
the largest entryIn many years. In
fact , thin la three times aa many
sheep as have been exhibited at the
fair since the early days , if not in the
history of the association.
Demand for Homes.
Ucal estate men report that the de
mand for vacant houses has In
creased materially during the past
week. The demand comes annually
at this season and Is caused In part ,
by the near approach of the opening
of Lincoln schools.
Appeals to Supreme Court.
Thomas Drown , convicted In
Cherry county for stealing seven
cows worth $210 from Thomas ttyron ,
has appealed to the supreme court on
error , admitting frankly that ho
didn't get a square deal when ho was
sentenced to spend seven yeara In
the penltontlary.
Honors Iowa Requisition.
Charles Drown bad to go back to
Iowa to the county of I'olk to stand
trial on a charge of wife desertion.
Governor Shallonborgor honored a
requisition Issued by the governor of
Iowa for his return. Drown was
under arrest nt Omaha.
Pays Money to Douglas.
State Treasurer Drlan paid to
Douglas county $1GOOOU and took
over that amount of court house
bon'ls. This Is a portion of the $300-
000 purchase purchase made -some
months ujo.
List of Nominees for the Upper
Following Is a \at of nominees for
the state senateBy this Is shown
that twenty-four of the thlrty-thrco
democratic candidates for the stnto
senate have signed statement number
one under the Oregon primary law ,
promising to voice for the people's
cholco for United States senator.
Thirteen republicans have made the
same pcldge. This la Indicated by a
star preceding the names.
A list of nominees for the lower
house , not given herewith , shows
that seventy-five of th6 100 demo
cratic candidates and forty-seven re
publicans signed the statement. In
ten senate districts and thirty-eight
house districts both signed It and In'
elx senate districts and fourteen
house districts neither signed It/
.J. II. Moorhcad , dem. , Falls City.
W. T. Johnson , rep. , Falls City.
* W. II. Talcott , dem. , Tecumsoh.
* L. A. Varner , rep. , Sterling.
* K. H. Duck , dom. , Deriln.
Henry Dnrtllng , rep. , Nebraska City.
* \V. H. Dannlng , dem. , Union.
C. K. Noyes , rep. , Louisville.
* 13. E. Plaeok , dem. , Wahoo.
* Alcx Lavcrty , rep. , Ashland.
* R. S. Horton , dem. , Omaha.
* John E. Reagan , dem. , Omaha.
* John M. Tanner , , dem. , South Omaha
Fred D. Wead , repM Omaha.
* F. A. Shotwell , rep. , Omaha ,
A. C. I'ancoast , rep. . South Omaha ,
* M. S. Wilfox , dem. . Craig.
* D. F. Grillln , rep. , Tokamah.
* .I. M. Talcott , dem. , Crofton.
* Gcorge W. Wiltse , rep. , Randolph.
* .I. D. Hatfleld , dem. , Neligh.
A. A. Smith , rep. , St. Edwards.
* Fred Volpji , dem. , Scrlbncr.
Alva II. Drlggs , rep. , Fremont.
Philip H. Kohl , dem. , Wayne.
Charles McLcod , rep. , Stnnton.
I S. Albert , dem. , Columbus.
Edwin llonvc , rop. , Monroe.
'Mefforson U. Lee , dem. , Lynch.
Webster A. Gable , rep. , Butte.
* Wm. E. Haley , dem. , Valentine
\V. II. Reynolds , rep. , Chadron.
* .I. A. Ollls , jr. , dem. . Ord.
M. L. Freis , rep. , Arcadia.
* C. F. Dodlnson , dem. , Kearney.
C. A. Clark , rep. , Ravenna.
* J. M. Buhrnmn , dem. , St. Llbory.
Madison T. Garlow. rep. , Grand
* fl < > orge E. Schiller , dem. . Central
* J. H. Konip , rep. , Fullerton.
* C. M. Skilcs. dem. . David City.
'Charles E. Davenport , rep. , Bcllwood.
R. .1. Chambers , dem. , Bennett.
Albert Watklns , dem-f Lincoln.
* \V. A. Selleck , rep. , Lincoln.
* E. P. Brown , rep. , Arbor.
Jacob Klein , dom. , Beatrice.
Peter Jansen , rep. , Beatrice.
Frank W. Bnrtos , dem. , Wilber.
* George W. Baldwin , rep. , Wilber.
* Wes Pickens , dem. , Powell.
* \V. C. Llnex , rep. , Dlller.
'Herman DIors , dem. , Gresham.
Charles C. Smith , rep. , Exeter.
* Mnrtln Hanson , dem. , Hampton.
James M. Cox , rep. . Hampton.
Arslno L. Houreux. dem. , Campbell.
J. B. McGrew , rep. , Bloomington.
'George W. Tlbbett , dem. , Hastings.
W. G. Saddler , rep. , Kenesaw.
* P. C. Funk , dem. , Funk.
II. A. Cox , rep. , Wilcox.
"George A. Sayer , dom. , Arapahoe.
John F. Conical , rep. , McCook.
N. Mc.Cabe , dem.
W. B. Hoagland , rep. , North Platto.
N. K. Grlgrjs Dead.
N. K. Griggs , a well known at
torney , writer and lecturer ' of Lin
coln , and one of the old settlers of
this part of Nebraska died of heart
failure in his berth in a sleeper on
Iho P.urllngton passenger at Alliance
while on his way to the northwest to
prosecute some railroad cases. Ho
wus filsty-flve years nnd ten months
of ago. When the porter stepped
into the sleeper at Alliance to wake
him , as requested , he found him dead.
New Statehouse Walks.
Within a few days the State Board
of Public Uinds and Buildings ox-
pools to let the contract lor the con
struction of cement walks on the
south Bide of the state house. The
present Irrigation ditches will bo
changed In every respect. Leading to
the capital door on the south en
trance on Fifteenth street there will
bo two walks each eight foot wide ,
and between them will bo grass and
tlo > vort ) . Around the south side of the
walks will bo twelve foot wide. Half
of the work will be finished this fall.
feays We Are One Nation , Not Forty.
Six Nations Mr. Hill Sees
Many Dangers In Fed
eral Control.
St Paul. With the dazzling presi-
dentlal nnd ex-prcsldentlal luminaries
shedding their powerful rays else
where , the light of the national con
servation cotsresB became visible
Wednesday. v
The two sessions , addressed by
Jameo J. Hill , Senator Bcverldge , Secretary -
rotary of Agriculture Wilson and oth
ers were well attended and enthusi
Mr. Hill let fall showers of epi
grams at the expense of the national
government and was applauded.
Senator Bevorldge waxed eloquent
to quite a different purpose , but the
crowd noisily approved.
Glfford Plnchot , who was almost
lost sight of during the period of the
presidential presence , suddenly found
himself In the limelight and received
an almost hysterical ovation. Tears
sprang to his eyes and were still in
Ills voice when he said a few words of
State Fair a Record Breaker.
Lincoln. With 44,140 people on the
grounds Wednesday , the state fair of
1010 made Us fourth record-breaking
day. Every day so far this season
has eclipsed others of history In at
tendance figures. Sunday , 1910 , was
abend of Sunday of last year by about
500 , Monday beat Mondays of other
years by about 0,000 , and Tuesday was
over : ? ,000 ahead of high Tuesdays In
other years , Wednesday was better
than the high Wednesday of 190S by
over 800. The total attendance for
the fair already exceeds that of last
year by1,000 , with two days yet to
Nominated , Although Dead.
Milwaukee Frank Tncker of Nellls-
villo , though dead , has been nominat
ed on the LaFollettc ? state ticket for
the olllce of attorney general by a plu
rality estimated at 10,000.
Tucker was drowned in a mysteri
ous inanner In the Fix river at Oshkosh -
kosh , on Thursday morning last when
at a tlmo he was supposed to be on
bis way to catch a train.
Woman Wins Nomination.
Ashland , Wls. By a vote larger
lhan the combined votes of her two
male opponcnis , Xellle M. Archibald ,
a widow supporting several small chil
dren , was nominated at the primaries
for treasurer of Ashland county. Her
nomination is equivalent to an elec
Earthquake Shock Felt.
Washington. An earthquake , be
lieved to have been 4f > 00 miles away ,
was recorded o nine seismograph at
Georgetown university. The tremors ,
which lasted from 3:14 : to 11:35 : o'clock ,
wcro very slight and In an cast and
west direction.
Postal Sav'mgs Bank Bonds.
Washington. Postal savings bank
bonds are being prepared by the treas
ury department The designs have
been approved , and when the postal
banks are ready for deposits the
bureau of printing and engraving will
have the bonds finished. When a de
positor has accumulated twenty dollars
lars in a postal bank , drawing 2 per
cent interest , by request that sum may
be converted Into a bond bearing 2V6
per cent Interest.
Floods In Japan.
Tokio. Serious Hoods threaten the
cities of Osaka and Kobe on the island
of Hondo. River banks are collapsing
and much damage is probable.
High water also is doing serious
damage In the northern part of the
Matin Island.
Strike Was Costly.
Philadelphia. According to a report
submitted to the board of directors of
the Philadelphia Rapid Transit com
pany , the strike of the conductors and
motormcn in the early part of the
year cost the company $2,300,000.
City Will Run Plant.
Denver. By a vote of three to one
this city has voted bonds to the
amount of $8,000,000 for the purpose
of constructing a municipal water
plant. '
Nine Deaths from Cholera.
Rome. During the last twenty.four
hours six cases of cholera and nine
deaths from the disease were official
ly announced.
Preparing an Innovation.
Washington. Census Director Du-
rand Is preparing for an innovation In
the publication of detailed Information
regarding the results of the lout cen
sus. Instead of grouping the information
mation according to subjects as here
tofore bus been done , ho will present
all information regarding the people
of a given county or city under one
heading. Carrying this plan Into ex
ecution , ho will begin the publication
of state bulletins about the Urst of
the year.
Need Lydia E. Pinklmm's
Vegetable Compound
Brookficld , Mo. "Two years ago 1
was unable to do any kind of work and
only weighed 118 pounds. My trouble
dates Lack to the
time that women
may expect nature
to bring on thorn
the Change of Lit'o.
I got a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkhatn'a
Vegetable Com
pound and it made
me feel much bettor ,
and I have contin
ued its use. I am
very grateful to yott
for the good health
[ am now enjoying. " Mrs. SARAJI
LOUSIGNOOT , 414 S.LiYingaton Street ,
Urookflold , Mo.
The Change of Life Is the most crili
cal period of a woman's existence , and
neglect of health at this time invites
disease and pain.
"Women everywhere should remem
ber that there ig no other remedy
known to medicine that will so suc
cessfully carry women through this
trying period us Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound , made from na-
tlvo roots and herbs.
For 80 years it has been curing wo
men from the worst forms of femnlo
ills inflammation , nlccration , dis
placements , fibroid tumors , irregulari
ties , periodic pains , backache , and
nervous prostration.
If you would like special a lvico
about your case Avrito n confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinlcliain , at
Lynn , Brass. Her advice is 1'rco ,
and always helpful.
Mr. Henpcck I don't want you to
put "Requiescat in pace" on my wife's
tombstone. Make it "Requiesco in
pace. "
Stonecutter But that moans "I rest
in peace. "
Mr. Henpeck I know , and I want
you to sign It "Husband. "
Slightly Confused.
All of us become confused nnd all 01
us mix our language sometimes , but
the preparation of an old negro
preacher's sermon was the greatest
confusion of metaphors I ever heard ,
says a traveler. When the lengthy dis
course was Hearing Its close and he
had reached his "Twenty-third and
lastly , brethren , " ho wound np by the
following elaborate figure :
"Kvcrywha , bredren , we see do al
mighty all down do untrodden paths
of time , wo see do footprints of de
Almighty hand. " Human Life.
Where Size Counts.
Edna thoughtfully considered a cow
that was calmly grazing in a meadow
across the way. "Mamma , how old ia
that cow ? " she finally Inquired. "Sne
IB four years old , " answered Edna's
mother. Edna considered the answer
and from time to tlmo appeared to bo
comparing herself with the co-w.
"Well , " was her parting comment on
the question , "I'm five and that cow
IB big enough to bo fifty. "
This Is a
Good Breakfast ?
Instead of preparing a
hot meal , have some fruit ;
with cream ;
A soft boiled egg ;
Slice of crisp toast ;
A cup of Postum.
Such a breakfast is pretty
sure to win you.
"The Memory Lingers"
Postum Cereal Co. , Ltd.
Battle Creek , Mich.