Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 01, 1910, Image 8

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Odd News From Big Cities
Stories of Strange Happenings in the
Metropolitan Towns
Sell Eggs bv the Pound in New York
YORK. Produce dealers
throughout the country are watchIng -
Ing with Interest the enforcement of
the ordinance recently passed In New
York requiring dealers to sell eggs by
the pound. When eggs are sold by the
pound the buyer Is more likely to get
all tbat Is coming to him. It is con
ceded that a fresh egg of average size
: \ weighs moro than one that is stale ,
there being always mere or less evapo
ration when an egg comes out of stor
age. The difference is about an egg
to the pound , eight fresh eggs being
equal to nine out of storage.
It Is only the Idealist or the optimist
who believes that eggs are either good
or bad , with no half-way about the
matter. Really this is a fond delusion.
There are as many grades of eggs as
there arc ways of making an omelet.
The range is all the way from that
rare article , the honestly labeled
"strictly fresh" egg down to the "cull. "
The cull is a doubtful egg from the
start , but sometimes deposits , and
emerges months later. Even then it
Is not as low as an egg can sink , for
there la the desiccated egg , which was
laid In China , and has been a world
traveler before getting to the ultimate
consumer hero.
These desiccated eggs are removed
from their shells In China , put into
cans with preservatives , and then
shipped across the Paolllc nnd'tho con- *
tlnont to this city , whore they are sold
In bulk for use in broad nnd pastry
mak-lng in the cheaper bakeries. Some
doubt has been raised as to the nutri
tive value and legality of those fresh
China eggs as a food product. But
they have ono great advantage , from
the consumer's point of view no way
has been discovered yet of putting
them into shells and selling them as
fresh laid cgga from n Long Island
Now Yorkers are not apt to get any
thing moro foreign in the way of eggs
In their shells than the product of the
henneries of Germany and Austria.
Within a week , 80,000 dozen of eggs
from those countries have huen receiv
ed In New York City by way of Hull ,
England , and are now in the local mar-
wet. As many moro are on the way ,
and tiny sell for a few cents less tlimi
the American egg. Covered with a
paraffin preparation which excludes
the air , they remain in the "fresh"
class for a long time.
It IB possible that If the Now York
idea of selling eggs by the pound
proves practical and satisfactory other
cities may follow milt. If they do the
wholesaler declares the retailer must
rearrange his prices to suit. So far as
the former is concerned the rates are
not affected. The average weight of a
case of eggs is from 45 to 53 pounds ,
dependable upon freshness and size.
This Woman a Modern Grace Darling
CLEVELAND. White ns n sheet
V * and shaking like n loaf , Mrs. H. G.
Blandford , Shady Cove , Lakewood ,
stood for three hours In great anxiety
on the lake front In the rear of her
homo the other morning watching sig
nals of distress from six men In n
swamped power boat three miles from
shore in a choppy sea.
This was after she had done every
' thing in her power to save the Im
ix periled men. Mrs. Bradford was
looking out on the lake when her at
tention was attracted by something
white waving off shore. Immediately
a thought struck her It was a danger
signal. She rushed into the house for
her Hold glasses , and through them
could plainly distinguish six men in a
launch balling water with all their
might. One of the men was frantical
ly waving a white cloth fastened to a
She hurried to the telephone In her
homo nnd called up the life-saving
crew. Then , you should have seen
that woman , standing full of anguish
and anxiety watching the men In dis
tress. She waved her handkerchief
and screamed frantically to them.
Finally , she ran into the house , un
fastened the horn from the phonograph
graph and used It ns n megaphone.
The wind was so atrong , however ,
that her voice failed to reach the
It was sometime before the lifesaving -
saving boat hove Into sight. When the
crew did come , they could not make
directly for the distressed boat , but
were forced to describe a clrculai
path of several miles before thej
could reach Uicin.
The six men aboard the launch
were members of a vacation party.
They loft early in the morning in a
rough sea , and when about three
miles off Highland avenue the waves
became so high an to reach over into
the boat. The water crippled the eu-
glne , and the men were at the mercy
of the sea. About all they could do
was to cast anchor and ball the water
out as it was rushing in , and try to
signal some one on shore.
Captain Hanson and his crow of
life-savers finally reached the boat
and rescned the Imperilled men. Or
dinarily the life-saving crew is first
to espy any boating accident , but on
this particular occasion the crew was
out on another call and had It not
been for the efforts of Mrs. Blandford
before the attention of the crew
the men would likely have perished
could have been attracted.
JJ [ Waging War on the Worthless Curs
Tl > T
5.RCA ,
| > ALTIMORB. The Society for the
15 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Is waging a war of extermination on
worthlees and ownerless curs. In one
day 10D such dogs Inhaled carbonic
acid gas , administered by the amenta
of the society , and out went their
lives. Their bark ceased forever and
their blto Is a danger of the past.
Hundreds of dogs have been caught
by the society's agents during the
summer months and destroyed.
"Where do all these worthless dogs
como from ? " This question was asked
George M. Diedeman , secretary to the
Society for Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals. "The city has Its own sup
ply , " said Mr. Diedeman. "This supply
Is largely augmented by dally arrivals
from the country round about. They
wander into the city from the sub
urbs , lose their way and become ma
rauders until they fall Into the hands
of our agents. That Is the last heard
of them. "
"How about the supply of worthless
meowing cats that live in garbage
boxes RJid make sleep Impossible at
night ? "
"There is no diminution In their
supply. The cats , like the dogs , are
ever with us. The cat is a more elu
sive animal than the dog. It can skin
over the backyard fences and hide in
inaccessible places. The dog can't
climb. The cat is harder , therefore ,
to capture. Wo hcsitfto to deal with
cats In many cases because warring
neighbors often grab each other's pet
cats and send them to ua for final
treatment. Wo are thus made Inno
cent parties to family quarrels. Wo
are doing all we can , however , to ex
terminate cats. "
Nerve-Racking Noises of the City
. LOUIS. That the majority of
people would live to bo more than
a hundred years old In these days of
scientific comforts If nerve-racking
and unnecessary noises were elimi
nated Is the belief of Dr. Charles 11.
Hughes , one of the city's nationally
known neurologists.
The noises of civilization are moro
than a nuisance , says the doctor. They
are n peril to the public health , be
cause they rob people of restful sleep.
No one In the crowded section of
cities , these days , gets as much sleep
as he ought to have. The people who
are renovating the slums , seeking to
the residents of tenement die-
I tricts frenh and pure air , are doing
good work , but they would do a great
er work If they would give the people
more rest. Restful sleep Is quite as
essential as good food. Every adult
should have at least seven or eight
hours of perfect , dreamless , rebuild
ing sleep ; but with all the nolucB of
the city thlu seems almost Impossible.
To rob a person of sleep Is as much
thievery as to put your hand Into his
pocket and take his money , for ade
quate sleep means money , health nnd
life to the man who must labor In or
der to live. The coming generations
will pay as much attention to promot
ing rest to the citizens of the com.
monwealth as to guarding them
against poisonous microblc Influences.
I The unnecessary noises of modern
i times are turning the nation Into a
I multitude of sleep neurasthenics. Men
, become nervous wrecks and are at a
I loss to understand
why until they re-
I fleet on the few hours of sleep they
. get from day to day.
NcDRASKA IN Lil.b. ' .
Newo Notes of Interest From Various
Uoono county will hold ito fair Sep
tember 20 to 23.
The Falrbury cliaulnuqua was not a
success financially.
Johnson county will have a fair
September 28 , 29 and 30.
Crop conditions about Blue Hill are
llio host for llftnnn yoarK.
Peru IB to hnvo a now depot , ma
terial for which Is now being secured.
The Douglas county tax levy this
year IB 1G.45 mills , an Increase of ono
Free Methodists of Alnsworth have
laid the foundation for a largo par
A Masonic lodge wan constituted at
Dunbar by the grand lodge ofllcen ? of
That the Oakland chantnuqua was
a success IB admitted by everybody
who attended the excellent programs.
Plans are for another chanUuuina
next year.
Tuesday twelve automobile loads of
Hildreth business men made a tour
of the surrounding towns boosting for
the Harvest jubilee and Firemen's
Fred L. Rhino , a nurllnqton flro-
miui , wan Instantly killed In the rail
road yeards at York. Ho fell from the
tender and death reunited from con
cussion of the brain.
William Mead , living west of Howe.
Nemaha county , who waH stung In
the eye by a lice Home weeks since , Is
not Improving as rapidly n was ex
pected. It Is feared he may lose the
sight of the eye.
Frank K. Beomsin has conceded the
nomination for congress in the Sixth
district to M. P. Klukald and sent the
following message : "Hon. M. P. Kin-
kftld , O'Neill , Nob. : 1 congratulate
you on your nomination and tender
my support. Frank 13. Beeman. "
For the' past few years the Tecum-
BCh military band has been inactive
during the winter months , and would
be reorganized each spring for the
spring and Bummer work. Such in not
to be the cano the coming winter. The
hand is now incorporated and will bo
kept intact.
Elmer Fox , who IB alleged to have
raised a check for $3 , given on the
Farmers' & Merchants' hank of Ash
land by F. S. Cope of near Memphis
to ? OI1 last fall , Hccuring the money
and decamping , was apprehended at
Ulanehard , fn. , and brought back to
Saundcrs county and lodged In jail
at Wahoo.
Two spans of the St. Joseph &
Crand Island railroad bridge over the
Phitte river wore burned out am
and trains were dctotired by way of
Aurora to Hastings. There was no
water In the Platte with which to
light the flre and It was necessary to
use the chemical apparatus fron
Grand Island.
Earl Ayres , arrested for burglariz
\iw \ Staata * confectionery store In Fremont
mont , will be returned to the state
reform school , from which ho was
released on parole a few months ago
Ayres is only 18 years of ago. Ho
broke Into the Staats store twice
within forty-eight hours , being caught
red-handed the second time.
Some time ago a man giving the
name of Moore came to Nebraska
City and tried to pass a bogus checl
on one of the hotels. Ho heard the
clerk call an officer and left the rlty
The officers finally located him In the
southern part of the state , but now
they cannot arrest him because the
chock has mysteriously disappears
from the hotel where it was left.
Arraigned in Fremont before Jus
Her Allen Johnson , George Osborno
the 151alr milliter whose alleged writ
ten confession IB In the hands o
County Attorney Cook , pleaded no
guilty to a charge of murdering Johi
Hoctor. Oohornc IH charged on twe
countH , with murder in the first do
grco and murder while attempting
highway robbery. He was bound OVP
to the district court.
Throe valuable horses belonging fo
Alfred Sansteadt , who lives six mile
north of Hawaii , were killed. The
horses wore tied In the barn and wcr
killed when the barn was Btruck by
A vender In razors who wan oper
ating his business at thej Ueavo
Crossing picnic , had his prosperitj
turned to adversity whru the coi
stable took him in charge and Inndc
him in the county jail. The prlco o
his wares was one dollar and the pur
chiiHcro were handed razors In plac
of any change that might bo comln
to them , ono man being twenty n\ ?
ors richer after doing business wit
Lennox McFayden , the 11-year-ol
KOII of Hubert McFayden , an Imple
ment dealer at Genoa , was kiled ! b
being dragged by his pony. The ho
was In a pasture rounding up th
town cattle and his horse sfumblct
and fell and In some manner his Ic
became entangled in the reins , scar
Int ; the ponv , which must have elrac ;
cod him for a half mile. Injur-'n '
him internally so that he d'cd ' a fo\
minutes after ho was found un-J th
horse stopped.
Overcome by the Ions broodin
over the suicide of her Bls'er and b
in Imitative inrulso to likewise tak
her life , MNn Olta Andrccn. a yonn
school teacher of Omaha Brccee'Jod 1
iltstroylng hc'eclf by turning on th
gas In her home.
During a thunder shower at Cbar
ell , wlii'o Jo'iPO Fnoael was shlnilln
h's new IIOIIEC. llghtn'tr struck tl1
"Minncy , running down the roof t
l > o corner of U'O l'onpo w ere Mv
incwl was. TN , * lIsMn'rij ' fitr'ck MM
burning nlm froii his waist down on
cnriim one shoo ofT his foot He wa
stunned but will recover.
Can DC Used to Advantage Without
Delaying Work a Minute High
and Low Stools a Great
HouBowlvcs can give tholr tlrod foot
a rest without delaying tholr work
ono minute simply by judicious UBO
of the high nnd low stool.
First the high stOu. . It should bo
cushlonod nud used often.
Just look ut the hours that a wom
an stands at the stove stirring s
saucepan or doing such little odd
things around the cook stovo. Is there
any reason known to culinary sclonco
why such work should not bo done
with a long spoon from the comfort-
nblo height of the tall stool ? The
little girls In the cooking school arc
not required to stand at their work
any moro than arc the scholars In the
day school. They sit down to It. and
the toll Is lessened to a most appreci
able extent by that restful position ,
and there Is no dantngo done to the
contents of the saucepan by reason of
the stirring being carried on from a
high Ktool Instead of In the usual way
of the housewife.
Dishwashing can bn done as well
from a high stool as while standing
on one's tlrod feet.
Then that low stool ! Its uEofulnosB
Is so apparent that It Is dlllluult to
Imagine any woman being without
ono and yet how few homos luivo
such a thing for the purpose sug
gested !
Holng light and easy to carry , It
can bo taken from room to room by
the housewife and used for a rest
when the tiresome work of straight
ening the lower drawers In the bureau
has to bo done or , the books on the
lower shelf of the book rack dusted ,
or the laundry sorted out , all of which
operations require ono to sit on the
floor or else break one's back boml
Ing over. Avoid this sort of calis
thenics when It IB not necessary. Use
a low stool and rest.
Another use for thin little stool Is
when packing a suit case or trunk ,
work that will bo frequently on the
day's list during those months. Don't
kneel on the floor for that kind of
work. The hinges of the knees will
got rusty soon enough without such
unnecessary provocation. How rest
ful It Is to sit on ono of those llttlo
bamboo seats when doing such work.
Then when It Is necessary to reach
lip to clean the chandelier or hang a
picture , the llttlo bamboo friend comes
In handy again , for It Is Just the right
height to olovalo ono to ( ho gas glebe
or the picture cord. Finally , don'i
overlook the fact that , the llttlo bam
boo stool Is a most useful and comfortable
fortablo footstool when you are enJoying
Joying the luxury of rest time on the
Brandled Peaches Without Cooking.
Select large , perfect ponchos , wlpo
xvllh a rough towel to remove the fuzz
.then pack In a stone crock. Cover
with boiling water , so that all the
, fnilt Is Immersed , then cover the
mouth of the Jar with a thick cloth
so as to retain the steam. Lot rtaw
until the water Is almost cold , take
out the poaches and rub off the skin
Put a Inyor of the skinned peaches In
the bottom of a jar and cover with
a thick Inyor of the best granulated
sugar. Add another layer of poaches
more sugnr and so on until all tin
fruit Is used , having Urn sugar for thu
last layer. Pour In a pint of brandy
close and seal the jar Immediately nni
keep In a cool. dry. dark placo. An
other way of brnndylng poaches Is to
win the poaches In the usual way , h
fill In the last two Inches of the jar
with brandy.
Zlmmet Kuchen.
Make a soft sponge of OIIP quart o
warm milk , one-half yonnt cake am
flnur to tnako of the right. winnlHtonR }
S t to rise over-night. In the morning
bent In three eggs , a cup of sugar , a
largo rnblpfipoonful of butter , wilt nnd
cinnamon to tastn nnd llmir In make a
dough that Is tint too stiff. Set to
rise ngnln until Unlit , roll Into a shoot
an Inch In thickness nnd plnco In n
dripping pan to rise. Ooforo putting
Into tbo even brush the top with milk ,
pprlnklo with sugnr and cinnamon and
bnko to a nice brown , ln a modonito
Walnut-Cake ( Loaf ) .
Cream together hnlf n cupful of but
ter nnd n cupful of sugar ; ndd the
well-bontnn yolks of three ngcn nnd
bent wnll. Rtlr In nllernately three
cupfulR of Klftod flnur nnd ono cupful
of milk. Adil ono cupful of ground
walnuts fthfs" tnnv ho propnred by
puttlnc hrnugh n mont nhnnnnr ) , ono
tnasponnful of vanilla nnd the whip
ped whites of llio eggs nnd beat for
flvo mlnntoR. Rtlr In two tahlnspnon-
fills nf linking power , pour Into n woll.
greased loaf pan and bnke rihnut
ihren-quiirtors of an hour In a mod
erate oven.
Buttermilk Salmon.
Raked Can Snlmnn With Muttormllk.
One can Rnlmnn. two 'ggs. two tablespoonfuls -
spoonfuls molted butter nr cottnlono.
ono oup buttermilk with ono-hnlf teaspoonful -
spoonful sndn Rtlrred Into It. Snlt
and c ppor to tnptn ; nno half rtipful
mm mpnl i nd two podn craokors
cnipiro.fl ; down Mix nil together , put
In gronRPd pudding dish , nnd bake
half nn hour. Till. ' IB n delicious dish
and nn light na a feather. Enough for
Her Llttlo Brother Say , are you
Kola' tor marry my sister Bess ?
Her Suitor Why , cr or or don't
Her Llttlo Brother Well , you aro. I
icard her tell pop she was goln' tcr
and yon tonight.
Few parents realize how many estimable -
timablo lives have been embittered
and social and business success pre
vented by Borlous skin affoctiono
which so often result from the neglect
of minor eruptions in infancy and
childhood. With but a llttlo care nud
the use of the proper emollients , baby's
skin nnd hair may bo preserved , puri
fied nnd beautified , minor eruptions
prevented from becoming chronic nnd
torturing , disfiguring rashcn , itchlngs ,
irritations nnd elm rings dispelled.
To thir. end , nothing its GO pure , no
nwcot , so speedily effective no the con
slant nso ofCuticura Soap , assisted ,
when necessary , by Cutlcura Ointment
Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. ,
solo proprietors , Boston , for their free
82-page Cutlcura Book , telling all about
the care and treatment of the Bkin.
A Specialist.
"I don't see you on the mosacngor
force any moro , Jimmy , " said the lad
with thu envelope In his hand.
"No ; I've got a good Job with a dog-
fancier , " replied Jimmy , as ho puffed
a cigarette.
"Wld a dog-fancier ? What do you
do feed the doga ? "
"Naw ! When a lady comes In and
buys a pet dog I teach 'or 'ow to
whistle. "
A Sage'o Summer.
Solomon sighed.
"Think of the number of plants I
have to remember to water whllo they
are all away for the summer , " ho
Herewith ho doubted his title to
I have come to see that cleverness ,
success , attainment , count for llttlo ;
that goodncss.'or character. Is the Im
portant factor In life. Romanes.
MY * . VTIniilim'n Sootlilnpr Syrup.
Iftirrhllilrvn teething. ruifli'iinUwKunm , iwiurmln. > tiuln.curoiinluilciillo. Ibauholilo.
It is easier to rnlso a disturbance
than a mortgage.
"Women who Buffer with disorders peculiar to tlieir
sex should write to Dr. Picrco and receive free the
advice of a physician of over 40 years' experience
a skilled and successful specialist in the diseases
of women. Every letter of this sort lias the most
careful consideration and is regarded as sacredly
confidential. Many tcnsitivcly modest women write
fully to Dr. Picrco what they would shrink from
telling to their local physician. The local physician
is pretty sure to Btiy that ho cannot do anything
without "an examination. " Dr. Pierce holds that
these distasteful examinations are generally need
less , and that no woman , except in rare cases , should submit to them *
Dr. Pierce * * treatment will cure you rJfllit In the privacy of
your own home. His " Favorite Prescription" bas cured , u
hundreds of thousands , some of them tbo worst of cases * v
It is the only medicine of its kind that Is the product of a regularly graduated
physician. The only one flood enough that ito makers dare to print its every
ingredient on its outside wrapper. There's no secrecy. It will bear examina
tion. No alcohol and no habit-forming drugs are found in it. Some unscrup
ulous medicine dealers may offer you a substitute. Don't take it. Don't trifle
with your health. Write to World's Dispensary Medical Association , Dr. R.
V. Pierce , President , Buffalo , N. Y. , take the advice received and be well.
Wheat Yield in Many Districts WilH
Be From 25 to 35 Bushels Per Aero i
Lnnd snlc nml homc ti > ad entries Increasing. No ccnsatlon In numbers going from United
States. Wonderful opportunities remain for those who Intend making Canada their home.
Newdlstrlctu beliif ; opened up for Hfttleincnt. Many fnruinrH will net , thla year , J10 to (13 per
nero from their wheat crop. All the ndvantaccH of old nettled countries Are thoro. Good
schooln , churches , uplendld marltetn , nicellent railway facilities. Hoc the Rraln exhibit at th
different Htato nnd uomo of the County fairs.
1-cttera nlmllar to the following nrn'received every day , testifying to natlifactorj
conditions ; other dUtrlctH nra favorably spoheu of :
MnlUMonr , Hank. , Carmiln. A tie. Mil , 1910.
"Mr pnrrnM ciuno h n > from tVaur t-ullis luwn ,
four fi < urs nK'i. mul nnro 60 well ] > lrn e < l with thin
country they ent lo Ooonrrl'Aleno fur mo. I have
taken 1111 n hcunnMc.iil nuar thtui , unil niu perfectly
atlfcttuu tonuip liore. " IxxjnitrU JHjiiL'lak.
Htnltler , Alberto. July flint , I1MO.
"Woll I Rot up hnni Until konwlCltr , Iowa , l.itt
Kiirlng In K'"id ilmm | with tint block anil erjthliik' .
Now , 1 IUIYII ( t"t two lioyn luek In Irma yet , find I
umK'ilu * l'.U'lt Uiere now teen to celtliein unil an-
otliereir up liore this full. Wlmt 1 would like | n
knowU , If thitro In nny elmncn to cet u cheap nitu
tuck uimlii. nml when HO return to Canada I will
cullut youroillco for our eertltliates. "
Voura trnly , II. A. Wlk.
llralnerd. Minn . AI.K. 1st , 1910.
"I am going to Canada u euk fruni todiiy nml
Intend to inako my homo thero. My luinlmnd lias
tiemi there six nrok > nnj Is well pleased with tlio
country : so lin wants inn to come. IIH soon aa no -
Mbr ! . Mo Illeil nn u clnlm near I . .and In , 'ik. , unil
by his description of U it must bu u prctty place.
Answering for Him.
Physician Atul would you llko to
bo n doctor , .TncU ?
Mother ( whllo Jack In otlll hosltnU
Ing ) No , no ! The donr hey couldn't
kill n fly. Punch.
Thinking of Curtain Lectures.
Mrs. rock I B O the Malno Agricul
tural rollci'o proOHCti | to untuhllsh loc-
tiircn cupuclnlly for country nnnloro.
Mr. Pock Wlint'B llio mnttor , nln't
none of the imrsoiui up tlioro marrtcdT
For Perfed Health
In order to maintain
strength and keep the body
in a healthy condition these
things arc absolutely neces
sary keep'thc digestion
normal the bowels free
from constipation the liver
and kidneys active. For this
particular work there is
nothing quite as good as
Hostctter's Stomach
Bitters. Try a.bottle for
Cramps , Diarrhoea , In
digestion and Malaria.
Your Liver
is Clogged up
That' * Why You'ra Tired-Oat
Sort * Have No Appetite
will put you right
in few clay * .
They do
their duty.
Cotutip .
tloa , liil.
iouintti , Indig ton ! , tnd Sick Headed * .
Genuine ouitbar SignatuTO
For Red , Weak , Weary , Watery Eye. wd f i
DnniUti Sell Marine Era ReracJy , Utft'ti , ZSc , SOc , $ t.W
Murino Eye Salre , In Aseptic Tub .2Sc,91.0O
U ouncet t
otter lUrclnn only 1) ounce * mo prlco n4
W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 35-1010.
MrnrotJier-ln-law , Mr.KtanltJ..linmnr.HTM there
nnd It WON Uiruuiih him Hull wii ducldm ! Hi locatea
Canada. " Voiin tnily ,
Mm. lUclmru Henry lihlngor.
. TAKKS ins nnoTHKii-iN-LAVs woim FOU re
Tar lorn Kails , Minn. . Ang. 7. 1 10 ,
"I shall tro tnCainroMt thin Full with my culUonnd
hotisi hulil KooilH. 1 > : < il ti pour erup liwn this jcar
niul my lmnlier-ln-la\v , AiolNordstrouilnOmiroie
want * inn to rome thcrr > . IIo formorlx llveil In
\ \ Illun , North IMkuta. I mil u'ollijt 10 1my nr tnfcn
Iiiiiiu-Hipail when I Ki't tlinni. Cut file not want to
tnivultvtu times iheru , forltaku wyli > othir-ln-law's
word aUiul llio cuuutry , and wnntto get your low
rate , Yuuntnuy i
ruler A. Nelson , ]
_ . Vetta , Minn. . July 5lth , 1919
i "I wrnt to Canada nlno yian nno unit took mm
qnnruir M-rtlun nf rullriw ] land unil ImmuMrui ) .
tut my buys | I : T never Iuk n nn iinr lurid jet. I
( .till lujl-J the railroad lunil. 1 Imij lu > iun back to
tlnmtatrsonnoi-onmat my Ii alth. Plt.tMi In ma
know at unco IT luuQKi'tluo cheap rail * lol'ouoka.
Alberta. " Yonin truly.
lioo. "iikoirltj ,
\ eai.1 , Mlun ,
brntl forlltpr.ituronim fiBU the local Cnn.iillnn Govornracnt Agents for nxcurslon Hates ,
best dlutrlcts lu which tu locate , nnd wlirn to go.
W. V. DENNETT , 801 New York Life Buildina , Omaha , Nebraska
Keeps tlie spindle bright nnd
free from Rrit. Try n box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
tlucuruura' tl )