Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 01, 1910, Image 6

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Sept. Sth to 9th. arc the dates
K of the State Pair at Lincoln , and
the 1010 fair is the greatcet ever
attempted to be held in the state.
The attractions comprise the best
races , four Rights each day by
i the Wright aeroplanes , four
great concerts each day by Loin-
bardo's Symphony Baud aud
Grand Opera Concert' Company
of 68 people , the great Patterson
Shows and night entertainments
consisting of three running races ,
concert , vaudeville and a stupen
ous fireworks display on the 5th ,
6th , 7th , and Sth. In addition
to the amusement features there
will | be the best agricultural
exhibit shown at any fair in the
world in 1910 and the 2nd best
live stock show. These facts
should appeal to the pride of
- , - - - every loyal Nebraska citizen.
* - - Let's go.
Frank Edwrads commenced
11mrching in this vicinity Wed
nesday , i
Mrs. AValter Bass of Anselmo
visited in lite valley Thursday
and Friday while Mr. Bass set
up stackers for D. Froan and
J. H. McDermott.
Jack MoDcrmott spent Wed
nesday night in Anselmo.
Jerry Ilickey marketed hogs
in Anselmo Monday.
Mrs. Demonic Foran and Miss
Nellie Me Gowan were Friday
visitors atFrank Bassctt's.
Mrs. ] Fubert Leonard Jr. and
Mrs. John bcanavd worn callers
at Charlie Hickeys Friday.
Clarence Ilickey AVIO is on the
' ick list is slowly improving.
Evelyn Powers is on the sick
1 ,1.
; x
Ryno Table.
Harry Knapp , ( loo. Policy , and
Claieiice Henderson made up n
party for a 1000 inilo trip to Wy
oming , exjpccling to have n good
time and ; i weeks outing.
I. L. Ferguson had business
in the county seat , last week.
AYe ; ire now having good corn
weather. Much better than it has
been as the bulb got down to the
(57 ( degree notch.
The Table-Wyoming party re
turned to-day , Hurry Knapp bring
ing them home from Broken Bow
in his automobile.
Klwood Pelky has boon runn
ing the engine and acting as man
ager of the thrashing rig during
his fathers absence in the west.
AVith one months good growing
weather afair yield of corn will
be expected from the good fields
that were not injured by the hot
winds of last month.
John Birnte from IMcrna is
down to their farm on the Table
assisting Tom ploughing prepar
atory to drilling wheat.
Dan Temploton has engaged a
man to plow on the farm which
he recently leased west of Merua.
Some of the democrats are ask
ing what did they gain by
affiliating with the populist par
ty which exists in name only.
The democrats for years have
encouraged keeping up the or
ganization of the populist party
with the view of strengthening
their chances for election , but in
the primary election it has prov
ed anything satisfactory to
the defeated candidates. Had
there been no populist party to
reckon with governor Shallenbcr-
gcr would have been renominated
with a large majority. Instead
of filing on both tickets being a
source of strength to him , it
caused his- defeat as a democrat.
County Board Proceedings.
Continued from last week.
The bridge eommitte reported
and allowed several claims for
supplies and work done.
I If
; I
1 ! 1B1 1 11 11 1 I !
We Most Earnestly Invite You
'lo See Our Display of &
* " !
! Igraavj W
During This Entire Month
West Side Square
< Kif' jvraV
PitV n Bov/ , Nebraska Charles W. Cole , Director
To : m Opens Monday September Sth
Hot : 's For Registration : September
5h to I0th , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5
P. f. Charles W. Cole Cornet , French Horn ,
' ' \ cri . ical Studies aud Public school Music Course &
17ft ,
MrAdah Boweu Cole Voice , Pianoforte Lec-
Mr- George A. Russom Violin , Stringed Orches-
trj and V'olin Assemble.
MFS ; Fredricka Weissbnck , Assistant in Piano-
frr.e Dp rtmcut.
rn ,
ii iVloderate. Class Instructions One-half
'the Ptice of Private Lessons.
Per PartVulars And Year Book Write
The dork reported tliat lu * luul
MI file in liis olTico , petitions
"roin vnrious people reupstin ( |
hat there lie submitted to the
otera of t'uster t-ounly at the
eneral election of 1910 , the pro-
> osition of the erection ol' the
ie\v proposed county of Albany
ut of the territory mnv eonipris-
Custor county , Nebraska ,
vhieh Avore in words and figures
R follows :
'etilion for County Division 101-
, eution.
' 1o the Ijoard ol' Supervisors of
'uster - Nebraska-
t-omily , , -
lonorcd Sirs
AVe , the. nndersignetl legal
'oters of ( 'lister county , Nebr-
skn , residing in the territory
lereinafter desuribed and sought
o be detached from ( luster
ounty , Nebraska , do respectfully
) etition your ! . "i-M-able lody ) for
ho erection of a new county out ,
if a part of the territory now ;
oinprising C'uster county , afore-1
aid , and that the ( inestion be
ubmitteil to a vote of the people
it the next general election , and
hat yon order and call such el-
otion as by law provided.
The new county to be known
.ntl named as"Albany" county ,
lid be bounded and tleseriebd as
ollows : ,
Commencing at the northwest
orner of section ] , townshipG ,
\T. Kange 20 , thence west on the
ownship line about four and one
mil ! miles to the northwest cor-
icr of llic northeast ( piarter of
oction 5 , same town ship and
ange ; theiiee south one mile to
ho soul Invest corner of the south
> ast ( piarter of said section five
n said township and range ;
hence \ \ est about seven and one-
lalf miles to the southwest cor-
ipr of section six township 16
S1. iMiife-1 -I ; thence south along
he range line about eleven miles
o the southwest corner of section
51 , township 15 , range21 ; tlience
unit six miloH to the northwest
) out six miles to the norhtwest
orner of section six , town-ship
4 , N. range22 ; tlience south a-
eng the range line about six mile ,
o the southwest corner of section
Jl , same township and range ;
hence wpst on the township line
ibout twelve miles to the nroth-
vest corner of section six , town
ship T3 , N. range 24 ; thence
south filjoiifc six miles along the
ange line to' the south line of
Juster county and the southwest
jorner of section 81 , same town
ship and range ; thence east a-v
eng the county line about thirty
iiilcs to the southeast corner of
section ! JG , township 115 , N. range
9 ; thence north six miles to the
; o\vnship H5 , N. range 19theiice ;
lorlh six miles to the northeast
jonrer of section 1 , sam town
ship and range , thence Avesl aleut -
lout six miles to the northwest
jorner of section six , same town
ship and range ; thence north a-
) out IS miles to the northeast
iorner of section 1 , township 1(5 ( ,
N. range 20 , theplace of begin
AVe further certify that , wo re
side on the land described op
posite our names and we ask that
our names be counted in favor
of this petition , and in no event
shall they be counted against it
nor in favor of any remonstrance
against this petition.
State of Nebraska , county of
Ouster : ss.
A. \imla , first being duly
sworn according to law deposes
and says that he has been a
resident of the territory describ
ed in the attached petitions as
Albany county , for twenty-thrc (
vears and is well acquainted Avith
the voters residing therein , also
uith the names attached or sub
scribed to all of the said petitions
and declares that the said peti
tions contain a majority of all
the legal voters residing in the
said territory , and considerable
above a majority.
The affiant has not only ac
quainted himself Avith the people
residing in the territory describ
ed but has also acquainted him
self with the vote of the various
precincts and parts of precincts
therein , at the last election and
other elections , and has also tak
en into consideration the state
ment of the county clerk as to
the total number of voters resid
ing therein , and the affiant verily
believes that the number of voters
ers residing in the territory men
tioned as Albany county at this
time will not exceed 701) ) , and
that the said petitions in all eon-
tain approximately 40j ( signa-
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local nppllcttloru , M tluy cannot rrsrh thrill *
cased porilun of thn rar. llwre li only onu nay to
cure ikulni n. mil tlut U lif couitllullonitl rrimdlM. !
licatueea U CAUMK ] by nn Inlfcmiitl condition of tlic
mucous llnlni ; of the iu : tuililan Tube. When this
tube Is liitlimed > ou | i.i\e a rumbling sound ur lm <
perfect hcarliiK , uud when It U entirely rluscd. Dtuf.
tii-w U the result , anil unlew > the liulaiuni.itIon can be
taken oiu and thU tube n-otoritl to IU normal tonal'
tlon , hearlm : will lie tliatroyed forcvir. nine CUM *
out f ten are caiutnl hy Catarrh , which Is nothins
but an InuHtntt ) coutlltlun of the tnuruua curfanti
\ \ , ' ulll LIU * One Hundred Dollars for any cuse ol
Urilniss daiiM-d by catarrh ) tlml rannot bo curc < ]
by 1UII8 Catarrh t urc Send for cuiulnrs , In *
I J CllLM.V A. CO. . Toledo , O ,
Bold by nrtuststs. ? 5c
Take mua lamily 1'llU fur constIpatlon.
'lures ' of voters residing therein
! and . " ) ( > . .r > 0 of the majority of all
the legal voters residing therein ,
as affiant verily believes.
And affiant further stales ( hat
lie verily believes thai that portion
tion of I'roken Mow town ship ,
which Avill be taken into the pro
posed new county of Albany Avill
not exceed 101 votes , and that
the said petitions contain a maj
ority of that number , as well as a
majority of all the legal voters
residing in the territory em
braced in the asid proposed Al
bany county.
A. Fonda.
Subscribed to in my presence
and sworn to before me this 1 !
day of August , A. D. l)10. ! )
AV. 11. Osborne.jr.
County ( Merle
% 0. AV. Barnard , Deputy.
hhcppard & Burk
Have the finest roasting
ears of the season.
None better can be found
They also have a choice
lot of celery
cantal onpc s
Sheppard & Burk
Phone 125 South Side Square
The above reward will be paid
for testimony that will convict
in court any one for stealing
calves , cattle or herses belonging
to cither of the undersigned.
All information kept strictly pri
vate until after arrest is made.
JOHN B. Cor/roN ,
Brand 306 on left hip.
Brand 2 on right hin.Jaml
on right side.
U. S. HORN ,
Brand on left hip.
Brand Rfl with * over it ,
on left hip ,
E. D. Gouij ) ,
Two bars on left hip , thus
also bar one on left hip ,
thus T also seventy six on
the left hip thus 3 ,
AL E. Cliurch. R. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a. in ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epworth
league 6:30 : p. in ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
incetiny Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
Coice EJ.'I worship with us you
wtf ! " „ < . .trengerin the church
but one * : .
aptist Church. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m ; B. Y. P. U. 7:00 :
p. m ; preaching1 8:00 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; player meeting Wednesday
8:00 : p. m ; Atnoma class first and
third Tuesday of each month
7:30 : p. in.
Christian Church 7. , 0. Doward , Paster
At the Christian church next
Sunday. Communion and preach
ing services at 11:00 : a. in ; spec
ial song service and sermon 8:00 :
p. ni. ; Special music by the choir
and others. There will several
, selections at both services.
Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ-
j ian Endeavor 7 p. in.
_ l ) . R Church-S. Al. Xike. Pastor
J Sunday school 10:00 : a. m
. ' preaching11:00 ! : a. m ; Junior C.
E. 3 p. in ; Senior C. E. 7. p. m.
omcc lit Ulerlts block.
Calls answered at all hours In city or country
I'liones-Onice 433-ltcslilcncc , White 341
Good Cream on hand at
South Side of the Square.
| No Dirt. No CUnkors--All 8
{ Coi\l--Tho Good Kind. 0
For Snlo. Both Wholosnlo
nnd Rotnil. Hlnhost Mnrkot
Prlco for AH Kinds of Grain i
West Elevator |
| F. J. BAIIR , Prop. Plionc 62 C
Notice Is hereby given that L. A. Wight
ntrclmsi'il at tax s.ite on November U.iwmho
sw > < swi ( section 12 township ill north raiiwt *
! J west , custcr County , Nuhr.iskii for taxes
issesseil .ik'iUnsl .s.vlil land for the year I'M7
n n.iimof A. II. Smith , that subsequent
axes h.ive been paid against salil land lor
the year 1'MS .mil UM > .
That Harvey it. Andreus Is now the own
er and holder ot salt * tax s.ilo certificate ami
uihscquent tax receipts , That application
will he made tor .1 deed tos.ild l. ml at the
County treasurer's oillce In Hroken now ,
Nebraska on December : i , HUO.
ll.irvev It. Andrews
11 'J ! by Willis C.idweil his attorney
pcpartment of the Interior , U. S. Lund
Oaicenl Hroken llow , Nobr.itk.i.jnly id , lull ) ,
Notice U lioroby KIVCII Kilward 1) .
Lewis , of urokcn llow , Nebraska , who , on
Aivgiiht 3. lu 4 , mule ; llontL'stcail Kntry NO.
4-llK , Scral ( No. OSOT3 lor neH heH anil twii
fjw of fifrtiou : i Township 1H N , U.uifce , SO \ \ ' .
6tn r.NUecldtan , IKIH Illed notice ol Intention
to makw final nvi < proot. to establish
rJatm tn the land above described , before
KrplfUeranrt Utcelver of the U. S. Land
Office at Hrokf n HOW , Nebraska , on the Hth
rtay of Heplrmhor , l'lo.
Claimant names as witness : William
Harticttof Mlllan , Nebraska ; It. O. Kellog ,
C5atc t Nebraska ; William Leonard , Gates
Nebraska ; Tliomas K. Hose , of llgokeit llow ,
Nobr.isua. JOHN UI-.KMI : ,
8 13 Kegister.
To I onlsa Osseiibrlnk formerly Louisa
IIUHChmann somestlmes Npelled Louise
ruihchmann ; Heiirlch Osscnbrlnk , Herman
lltisrhmannThe ; Unknown helrsof cathrlne
1'ruessner , deceased , .sometimes spelled
Uliatrlenei'ruessner and sometimes designat
ed aschatrlene I'rnshner ; Osiiabbuck iinsch-
mann ; IliiHciimann. llrst name un
known , wife of said Osnahbiick lluschinan.
You anil each of you are hereby notllled
that the State of Nebraska oil relation of
N. T. Gadd , ConntyAtlorney ol the County ol
Ouster In the state of Nebraska , on the 1.1th
day of August , I'JKI , Illed In the District Court
of Ouster icountv , Nehraske , Its petition
against you impleaiied with others , the
object and ipraver ol which are to dcclaro
a forfeiture and to escheat to the .State ol
Nebrasia the undivided four llftu Inlet
estln and tothefollowlngdescrllied premise ,
to-wlt ; The southeast quarter ( self ) ot sec
tlon eleven ( II ) , township fourteen (14) ( ) ,
north of range nineteen il'O west ol l\t \ Uth
I' . M. In Ouster County , Nebraska , to declare
that you have no Interest therein to provide
for an appraisement ol nald property and
for equitable relief.
You are required to answer said pctltloi
on or before ; the 10th day of October , Wio ,
or the same will be taken as true against
you and Judgment rendered accordingly.
IS-lt ) The State of Nebraska
by N. T. ( iadil , County Attorney
of Cutbcr County , Nebraska.
The Opporlunity Is Here Backed By
Broken Bow Testimony.
Don't take our word for it.
Don't depend on n stranger's slule-
Read Broken How endorsement.
Read the statements of Hroken now
And decide for yourself.
Here is one case of it :
John W. Bruce of Hroken How , Nchr. ,
says : "I have no reason to withdraw the
public statement I gave in praise of
Doan's Kidney 1'ills three years ngo and
I have often taken pleasure in confirm-
nj ; it to people who have wished to
enow further about Doan's Kidney Pills.
[ was liiid up a Krt-'al deal by my back
and kidneys nnd on two occasions my
back jjove out completely. The kidney
secretions caused much annoyance , be-
\i\K \ irregular in passage. Hefore I had
finished the contents of the second box
of Doan's Kidney 1'ilis , I was much bet
ter in every way and continued use of
this remedy restored me to good henltlu
On several occasions tince then , I have
taken Doan's Kidney Pills and found
them thoroughly reliable. "
I'or sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents
Foster-Mdbnrn Co. , Huffalo , New York ,
solu ogeuts for the United Stales.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Anyone , anywhere , can start
a mall order business at home.
No canvassing. Be your own
boss. Send for free booklet
Tells how. Ileacock , A45S2 ,
Lockport , N. Y. 45-tf
Episcopal Church Will S J. Dumvill.
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
sharp morning prayer and sermon
11:00 : ; evening song and address
at 8:00 : p. in.
Each comtnuniitaut is request
ed to pay the missionary appor *
tiomnent to Mrs. Patterson as
quickly as possible.
No More Flies ;
are her in ern-
esL and pestering stock
nearly to death.
If you will use Great
"Western Fly Chaser
your stock will get the
benefit of the food they
eat , in other wosds it
is a stock food.
Gallons - $1.00
Half Gal. - .GOc
Quarts - ,35c
Try a can and
J3c Convinced.
S. R. LEE.
The Busy
A. New Glean Stack of
Frcsli IOLA Portland Cement.
Freali Car of ACMA Plaster.
A Splendid Line of Fence Posts ,
If you contemplate using any of
the above this Sprung or if
you need a nice load of
T. Bruce
Broken Bow , Nctr. Plionc 234.
Consult Him If You Want Water.
Hroken How , Nebraska.
Onice over Ilolcomb's book store.
Oillce phone 203 Uesldonce 20
Hroken How , Nebraska.
Practices In all the courto. ConvayanclnB
and notorlal work. Oillce up stairs over
State U.uik of Hroken llow.
Hroken HOW , Nebraska.
Kast Siae of Square .
Hrokett How , Nebraska.
( Licensed )
Huslncss phone , 301 Residence ,3011)
Hroken How , Nebraska.
( Licensed )
UnloniUlock llusliicss plione'85 , Kcsldeucel323
Hroken How , Nebraska ,
Glasses pitted.
All calls promptly attended ilay or night.
Ueal Kstatc , Insurance , * lianchcs and
Farms for Kent , Legal 1'apcrs Drawn , Sur
veying and I'lattlng.
Hroken How.'tfebraska.
E. M. F. Studcbaker , Buick and
New International Automobiles.
i'OK SATK. A fine resident
block one block south of bal
ground. Will sell by quarter
if preferred.--B. W. Blair. 42-11
An intelligent person can earn
$100 monthly corresponding for
newspapers , No canvassing
Send for particulars. Press
'Syndicate ' , B4683 , Lockport
IN , Y. 45-tf