Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 01, 1910, Image 5

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| Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters
Old papers for sale at this
office ,
Best , assortment ol' pillows at
Miss Ethel Johnson went to
Ausley Wednesday morning.
For felt and eombinaiSwi mat
tresses go to Konkc'l.
Wanted A hard-coal base
burner. Inquirs at this office' .
Mrs. Berry Street of Mcrua
was in Broken Bow Wednesday.
Stop your nibbing , make your
brass shine with "Spot/oft ! " at
ll"i'm Bros.
I have money to loan on well
improved farms at 6 per cent.
E. C. House 51 t-f
Bargains in every department ,
every day in the week at Strong'
Variety Store.
THIS Ol'l'ICfi.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Miller of
Iowa are in the city visiting
relatives and friends.
A good second hand kitchci
, range for sale. Inquire at
t Strong's Variety Store.
Mis.s Grace I Unman of Shilo ,
arrived Tuesday to visit friends
and relatives of the city.
Miss BerthaShackelford return
ed to her home Wednesday morn
ing after a visit at Dunning with
her brother.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Johnsoi
and daughter Bessie went to An
selmp Monday evening to atlem
an entertainment.
"Spot/oil" ' i'or your brass
and "Rainbow" for your varnisl
llcam Bros , twins will mulct
. < your car look like new.
Mr. and Mra. Oxford of Berwyu
returned Wednesday morning to
their home after a short visi
with friends at this place.
W. J. Taylor of Merna was in
the city the first of the wee'
watching the recauvass of th
Dahlman-Shallcnbarger vote.
Miss Leona Johnson returnee
to her home at Lincoln Wednes
morning after a two weeks visi
with her friend Evangelic Myers
Dr. It. C. Tiillmt left Tuesday
lorning for lloltville , California
vhere lie hits 11 ranch. lie ox-
icetH to be gone several months.
Next Saturday , some special
hings in Glassware nt 10 cents
ouch nl Strong's Variety Store.
Tliesn are worth double the price
Mens and boys fall and winter
lothing Helling at .50 eenln on
he dollar to close out at Me vis
iml Co. on the east side of I he
Win. Judkin.s and daughter 01
Arnold were city visitors Mon-
lay accompanied by Miss Porter
I'h'e Republican acknowledges a
'riendly call.
Harry Kimball is busily en
gaged in removing his .under-
Laking parlors from their present
location to the building south of
McGraw's garage.
25 per cent discount on all go-
carts iij ) to and including county
fair week. Dent carry that baby
any longer in your arms. D. C.
Konkel the furniture man.
It is School Time and you
need a tablet. A big assortment
also pens , pencils , pencil boxes
&e from 1 cent to 10 cents each
at Strong's Variety Store.
W. II. O'Rorke dealer in flour
and all kinds of feed. Let me
buy your cream for cash. Come
and see me. First door west of
Courads automobile garage.
Dr. and Mrs. G. 0. Gordan of
Lincoln were over Sunday A'isit-
oi's at this place visiting his
sister , leaving for Merna where
they were to visit his mother.
Arthur Barks publisher of the
Ansley Argosy and A. N. Harris
of Ansley were in the city Mon
day. They remembered the
REPUBLICAN office with a friendly
A few of those Tumblers left
at 23 cents per doat Strongs
Variety Store. This is a spe-
ial deal and will have no more
at this price. Get them while
you can.
Mack Warringon ! , editor ol
the Mason City Transcript am"
C. S. Crossloy were city visitors
Monday. Mack predicts Dahl
man's election by ten thousam
OAKLAND " 30" $1250
Old Capers for aale at this
Martin F/llingaon of Round
valley was among the Broken
Now visitors last Thursday.
UoT ) rl .Mortprnpit , Sr. the eon-
didnle for supervisor district No.
7 was .1 business visitor in Broken
JJow Wednesday and while here
made the Republican office a
pleasant visit.
W. .1. Taylor Dem-pop candi
date f. r Congress made an appli
cation to Judge Hosteller Tues
day lor nn order for a recount of
the democrat vote of the district
The i' quest was. granted.
1 h we some very good bar
gains in Lincoln county , land on
good terms , for particulars write
me or call and see me. Will be
glad to show you around.
SA. . Thomas & Cox Bros.
Realty Co.
Sutherland Nebr.
J. M. Fodge will move his
office .o the r.econd door north of
the Post office , September first.
Where he will be pleased to
meet r.ll hi'i old friends as well as
new. City Real estate , Insurance
and Collections
12-13 J. M. Fodge.
An itinerant peddler selling
key rings and other novelties
was arrested last week for selling
without a licence. A small
crowd of interested spectators
were entertained in front of the
jail by hearing him play on 'a
piccalo on which he is quite an
J. F. Sargent of the vicinity
of Round valley was in the city
last Thursday with a load of new
wheat for which he received 86c
a bushel. lie reports that the
corn has been doing nicely the
past three weeks and that if
the fnst holds off to Sept. 10 it
will be safe.
WANTHD Cosmopolitan Mag-
auine requires the services of a
representative in Broken Bow to
look after subscription and to
extend circulation by special
methods which have proved
unus'.ially ' successful. Salary
and commission. Previous ex
perience desirable but not essen
tial. Whole time or spare time.
Address , with references , IJ. C.
Caniiibell , Cosinopalitan [ Maga
zine 1789 Broadway , New York
Last Thursday evening two
box cars on train No. < 15 caught
fire and one of them burned en
tirely npand the other was only
slightly damaged. The train
men discovered the fire when be
tween Berwyn and Broken Bow
and hastened here inorder to
get tlie proper facilities I'or put
ting it out. The cars were side
tracked east of the coal chutes
and operations began.ono car be
ing saved , and the other contin
ued to burn fiercely in spite oft he
train crew. The car was billed
ot the Black Hills and contained
a large assoitnumt of merchan
dise which is a comnlete loss.
For Sale.
Acre property adjoining the
city limits of Broken Bow , Neb. ,
in tracts to suit purchaser. Also
improved and unimproved inside
yropcrty. For particulars ad
S. J. Louergan Box , 61 ,
Broken Bow , Nebr.
Broken Bow Nebraska.
East West
40-S:4 : ( ) a ni 39-6:19 : p in
42-7:27 : am 41-11:25pin :
44:45 < : p in 43-6:52 : a in
39 and 40 local between Seneca
and Lincoln.
Only a Dollar Now.
The Lincoln Daily Journal has
cut its price to a dollar from now
until January 1 , 1911 , without
the Sunday. The big Sunday
paper will be added for only a
quarter extra , therefore most
people will no doubt take the
$1.25 worth. This makes an
exceedingly low price during a
specially interesting time , as
nearly every family will want a
Lincoln paper during the next
few months. The State Journal's
reputation as a free , independent
clean newspaper will prove of
special advantage during the
warm campaign cow begun.
The paper stops when the time
is up'without any notice from
jnu whatever , so that you sec it
is no p'au to get you started and
then force the paper on yon.
Bixby , the poet-philosopher of
The Journal , is worth the price
of admission himself. State
telegraph is Q strong feature and
sporting cranks are well satisfied.
The thing above all others is the
fact that when you see anything
political in The Jj that its
for the benefit of the people at
large and not for the selfish
political interest of the owners.
No booBe ads , no nasty medical
ads , no fraudulent investment
schemes. Fact is , its the kind
of a paper you want in your fam
ily. Why not try it a dollar's
worth at this cut price.
New Helena.
Mrs. Oeo. Simms is quite sick
and under the doctors care.
Ceo. .Robert' team and Dr.
Spivcy's team collided on last
Sat in day , the occupants of both
buggies were thrown out , but no
one was hurt. The doctors team
ran away and werenot found
until Sunday morning nt the 0.
J. Smith place.
Mis. Ilnxel "Williams was ple
asantly sin-prised by her neigh
bors and friends on AVeclnesdny
Mrs. Williams expects to move to
the Bow the first of next week
to send her children to school.
Miss Ccnnic Christen went to
Broken Bow onSaturday last to
take in the final count of the
Chief contest. She was one of
the contestants and succeded in
securing $25.00.
Pius Christen returned from
Omaha Thursday where he had
been with cattle.
Miss Ruth Chrisman of Broken
Bow is sewing for Mrs. Simms
this week.
A baby girl was born Sunday
to Mr. and Mrs. John Howley ,
Mrs. Jennie Sitnms is enjoying
i visit from her sister and
ind Mr. and Mrs. Frank Day of
Lamas , Iowa.
Geo. Stmtus and Ray Ross went
to Broken Bow last Thursday on
Miss Elsie Ross is iu Lincoln
getting posted in the lastest
styles in Millinery.
Prof. Cornett of the Broken
Bow Business College is in the
the neighborhood lo king for
Mias Lulu Williams went to
Lincoln last Sunday to visit her
brothers Theodore and Brownie.
Mrs. D.ivid Miller of Merna is
spending the week with Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Forsyth.
Frank Bethels house was
struck by lightening during the
storm last Friday night they
succeded in saving only a few
things out of the house. It was
insured tor a small amount.
Died Mr , Burris Monday a. m.
about S o'clock. He has been a
sufferer for a long time having
been sick since early last spring.
The family have'.thesytnpathy of
the community.
Mr. Chilson was pleasantly
surprised on last Sunday by his
relatives going m and taking
their dinner with them ,
Rev , Seabrook will preach at
the school house next Sunday
Aug. 2s at 3 p. in.
Ortcllo Notes.
A Misses Eunice Burrows and
Alma Sittler of Merna spent the
last of the week at Frank Ed
M. Ingram and family visited
at N. T. Waters' Sunday.
Mrs. tl. S. Dyke spent several
days last week with relatives in
Broken Bow.
Mrs. flames Milligan was call
ed to Ansolmo Wednesday _ by
the serious illness of her sister ,
Mrs. Morrisy.
Mr. andMrs. Ingram , Ida and
Ollie visited at the home of Fran
Miller Friday.
Little Glenn Morgan fell from
a gate last week breaking a leg. ;
lie is getting along nicely at this
writing. [
Miss Minn Morgan is visiting
' ? 3
Pr fSIV AT * W in ni-farrw * A r i-
as : If you want pretty Grlass Wnro here ib your s
" * * * MtfV
IT opportunity. = 5
55 Bargains in China , Glass and Enamel Ware , = = §
H Kitchen Utensils and Notions always to be | f
Ir found at Ss
South Side of Square
her brother B. "W. Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. "Widdanmn vis
ited at the home of Dick Ilemp-
sted's Friday.
Dick Htifflpstead and family
spent Sunday at Geo. Kindrll's.
Misses Lura and Edna Hill ,
Maude Moore and Jennie Ed
wards visited with Blanche
Wm. Shaad and family and
Grandma Sharp visited at M.
lagram's Friday.
Misses Blanche Milligan and
Ida Ingram were Broken Bow
Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt gave a
party in honor of Miss Mai's
birthday. About twenty were
present. All report a pleasant
B. M. Morgan and family , J.
S. Dyke and wife , Ed Purcell and
wife , Mrs. Wing , Miss Blanche
Shaad , Fred Shaad and Earl
Myers were Sunday visitors at
J. M , Ingrain's.
Misses Hazel Wilkins and
Eulalia Smith and Nick Jacquot
and Lloyd Hyatt were Arnold
visitors Sunday.
Roy Castle from Aurora is
visiting at Mr. Cantrall's
Prairie Hill.
Everybody is busy putting in
fall wheat.
Mr. andMrs. Joe Dagon and
son of Broken Bow spent Sun
day at Mr. Albert Brown's.
Mrs. Sarah Brown went to Mill
lin Saturday morning where she
Avill spend the winter.
Guy , Floyd , and Earl Ilanna
of Loyal spent from Saturday till
Monday visiting at the home of
relatives in this vicinity.
Ivev. Shoemaker , the presiding
elder of this district delivered a
sermon to a large crowd last
Born to Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph
llaefle a daughter , mother and
daughter doing fine.
August llaeflo left today for
his homo at AVilkes Barre , Pa.
Mr. llaefle was visiting his bro
thers who reside at McKinley ,
Nebr. the last six weeks and it
isuecdlcsstosaytliat the visit was
For The Complexion
we have everything worth keep
ing. There are so many worth
less and even harmful prepara
tions on the market that it will
be well for you to buy where is
Reliable Toilet Goods
We invite you to pay us a visit
and inspect what we have
in that line. If you know the
best preparation , you'll recognize
them here.
enjoyed by the brohters that he
had not seen for 23 years , Jo-
sephwas home to see his mother
the winter of 1908-1909 and that
was the first that they had seen
of onennother sinccthcyear 1885
when Joseph and Jacob settled
on their homesteads where- they
still reside.
Pleasant View.
School begins Monday , Sept
ember 5th with Miss Nettie llol-
comb as teacher.
Cecil and Clement Freel , Mer
lin Vannicc and Miss llaxel Frcel
spent Sunday with the Rose
young people.
Harriet Lamb and Mrs. C. IT.
Rndical and little son visited at
11. C. Wootors Thursday.
James Clinebell was in the
neighborhood Monday.
Mr. Jncl thrashed for L. Martin
last Thursday.
James Porter of Elton was a
city visitor Monday. ?
Mens and boys fall and winter
clothing selling at .50 cents on
the dollar lo close out at Mcvis
and Co. on the cast side of the
Miss Elizebeth Mathews of
Arnold was visiting Miss Nella
Holcomb last Friday and Satur
day and also taking the teachers