Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 01, 1910, Image 1

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i 3 , 14 ,
At this store wheth
er or no it is your
immediate intention
to purchase
A visit here will al
ways afford you an
opportunity to see
the latest examples
of Rood taste in the
matter of jewelry.
Come when you
please. Stay as long
as you like. We
kuow that when yon
think of good jewel
ry , you'll have to
think of this More
at the same time.
State Fair Week.
Secretary Mcllor oi' the state
J ir board asked his hired man
' ' write something about the
ft te fail- and this is the result :
"When the frost is on the
pr.Mpkin and the fodder is in the
uht > < jk ; when the thirsty politician
-in SD dry he cannot talk : when
& > ' ) aow and the little cowlcts do
nut journey to the fair or air-
nripj rise in glory and go sailing
tlv rghthoair. When JimDahl-
; u ni takes his water and Bill Pat-
i Me i ikes his boo/e , Bryan joins
. / , ) ! ! C iiiiou 's party , run 1'or office
v , 'a or lose ; when the cat comes
b..f. ] ' like .Jeffries andJack Jolm-
i'r.\ t ns to white ; when the
f.i.-s ! that pass in daylight are
: ; : ii ; i.ising in the night ; when
silo.1 .1"mall close forever and the
bfd. d'ors close for good ; when
. < 1 > trs mt iii west Lincoln malic
c , ( [ .Mft neighborhood , when our
{ ? > veiiKv gets in better with tiie
i'.ll.-'i . 't Omaha ; when they shout
with l 1 : 1 Iloxniums o'er his t'ani-
f O'D : closing law ; when St. Paul
ti'.vi D v , i I City furnish governors
f > r f. ' w r : ite ; and republicans in
of i la v ! utarily abdicate ; when
tlr \ n , , upon the state house
: .l.u.l ! r " p .intcd fiery red ; when
J-J.H i i.cj quits playing martyr
iMid 1 - u.bered with the dead ;
w'.i 2 : 'a : " ' . all tins has Imppcnr
rs if : n i"nine future day , then
yr.uan justice from the state
i'.iir . .icly stay away. "
P < 1r : ' : - . s are always in the
l"nl : i < t u i..vr Bros. ( Jo.
Lichen - all colors all
- vtors ,
pv'.ccn r.l ' ' . 'U > r Bros. Co.
For Sale.
5 acres adjoining town. Fine
r > rooiu house with chicken house
and yard good barn and hog car-
rol. 4 room house five blocks
from square and also the 1'ost Of
fice Store. 0. T. Kobinson.
The Old Settlres of the south
Loucp will hold their annual pic
nic in the N George grove one
the South Loup Friday , Septem
ber 9th , 1010.
.Everybody is invited to come
and help to make a good time.
\Nc George ,
Off On A visit.
R. W. Buckncr , wife and dau
ghter Stella left this monring on
a visit to Mr. Buckncr\s old home
in Kentucky. They will stop in
Illinois on their way and visit re
latives in that , stale.
General Bucknor of the Con
federate Army is among the
Buckner relatives he will visit
at the old home. The general is
an uncle. They expect to bo gone
from home about a month.
A Correction
In the supplement of this issue
we say "W. J. Taylor made appli
cation to .Judge Ilostetler for a
recount of the democrat vote be
tween himself and ! . R. Pean of
the district. "We should have
said county instead of district.
The canvas was completed yester
day noon under the order of the
court and Taylor gained one vote
as the result , which leaves J. R.
Dean a majority of lour in the
district on the democrat ticket.
Honored Guests of The
Roosevelt Reception.
W. A. George , the republcan
nominee for Stale Treasurer , of
Broken Bow and T. T. Varney of
Ansley have been invited to
attend the Roosevelt reception
and banquet at Omaha Friday.
Mr. George was favored with
three ticlccls which will admit
him to as many functions of the
occasion. JIo left this morning
for Omaha to assume the duties
devolving upon him for the oc
Char-A-M'aisch comforts
See those - -
forts at Konkel's
Miss Hazel Bennett has accept
ed a position as clerk in the.
Drake Department Store.
Fall shoes are here , many new
lasts are shown in gun-metal , pat
ents , kids , sucds , etc. at Ki f fin-
Luck e Co.
We have just received a com
plete line of fall underwear for
Men , Women and Children. All
grades and at all prices. Snyder
Bros. Co.
Ccni.icnc5ng Monday , September 12 |
R"- ' ' ) i f The Favorites , The Aldington's j = j
M ! Thn Palmatier Sisters Orchestra. j
Khti' change of Plays and Specialties =
i , . hv \ \ t. The opening play will be
Ail \ho \ ( .Id . Favorites , Thomas Pawley ,
' ' 1) ) . 11 jtliold , A. J. Cole , W.Y. . Craig
' ! ' .Mui' Arington , Florence Craig and the = :
he ; ; CU-vjr Children Inez , Odey and S
11' ' Ion and many others. 5
20 PEOPLE 20 1
Prices 25 , 35 and 50 cents
f ? c-tj en ° ! 3 at Holcomb's Book Store S
- oat's Furniture Storo. H
A New Linotype Installed.
If tin1 r " ' "i-s of the Ixepublie-
an find more typographical errors
tUis week than is it is be
cause of our new Linotype ma-J
chine we have just installde. It' '
will take some practice to get the
punctuation , and the spacing cor
rect. In time however we hope
to bo able lo master the situation
and give our readers a paper second
end to none in typographical ex
Big Increase In Ouster County
Washington , Aug. 1U. Official
figures made public today give
Ouster county.Nebraska , a popul-
lation of 'Jfi.GGS , as against 1,758 ! )
ten years ago , an increase ofr > , ! )10. )
Thecencus of 1H ! ) ( ) showed that
Ouster county at that time had
21,677 inhabitants. During the
decade between 18i)0 ) and 1)00 ! )
the population fell off 1,81 ! ) . This
increase from 1)00 ! ) to 1910
the cencus officials attribute to
the successful operation of dry
f iruiing methods.
Notice to Delinquents.
Notice is hereby given that the
rentals upon the lease contracts
to the following described school
lands in Ouster county , Nebraska
as set opposite the names of the
holders thereof , is delinquent and
if the amount which isdue is not
paid within GOdays from the date
of this notice , said contracts will
lie declared i'orfcite by the Board
of Educational Lands and Funds
and said forfeiture will be enter
ed of record in the manner pro
vided bv law.
All sec. 10 , tp. 15 , r. 20 Mary
L. Hammond. f
SeVi sec. 10 , tp.18 , r. 25 Dav
id II. Chilcote.
August 215 , 1910. 13. B. Cowles ,
Commissioner Public Lands and
Special prices on rugs fair
Aveek. D. 0. Konkel.
Ink and pencil tablcts,5 cents
Strong Variety Slorc.
< ] . 3' ] . Myers came up from
Georgetown yesterday to look af
ter business in the city.
Fall coats in black and colors
are now in stock. You can sure
ly find the one you want from so
large a showing. Kiffin-Lucko Co ,
The new fall dress goods arc
now in stock. There is a wide
range of colors and cloths to pick
from. Von must see these goods
to appreciate them. Kiffin-Luclu
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dnffield and
family of Merna were in the citv
Saturday and Sunday visiting
their sisters the Misses Sarali
and Ksther Edmunds.
U. B. Church S. M. Zike.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and cvenint
services at 8 p. m. , subject : Tlu
Gospel Temperance. Cordial in
vitalion to all.
Court Proceedings.
The proceedings in Judge Bruno
Hostellers court for the term just
concluded was not very heavy.
Several divorce cases were among -
mong the number. They arc i \
brief as follows :
The case of Geo. llenegar
gainst Dollie Campbell was di .
missed at the costs of the plan-
Fannie Kenedy vs John Ken-
edy in which the plantiff asks for
divorce was granted with alimony
of $700 and custody of a minor
child , Alma.
Nellie Wilson vs John Wilson
the plantiff was granted u div
orce and the custody of the two
children , Nina and Rosella.
The case entitled Anna A.
Spain vs Joseph 11..Spain was
taken under advisement.
A licence to eslV real estate was
granted in the case of II. Stivers.
Anna lladman was granted a
divorce from Frank llardmanand
given the custody of Anna.
J. G. Brenixer vs Clias. 11.
Wright by default of defendant
the decree was granted.
Thomas Turnbull vs Almina
Turnbull for divorce was granted
In thecase entitled James W.
Luudy against B , F. Fullercosts
wree paid and the case was set
tled.G. . L. Turner Co. vs Adolph An-
derosn case was dismissed.
In the application to sell real
estate of JohnB. Mohat , the
court confirmed the decree and
ordered the deed.
Abraham Hawk , vs Sallic M.
Hawk a decree of divorce was
Isaac Gear vs Wesley B. Ma/c
by default of defendant the de
cree was granted as prayed.
Virgo Allyn of Calhuvay was
among Broken Bow visitors Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Parkin
son returned from their trip to
Yellowstone Park Wednesday.
Come in and sec the greatest
bargains in ladies tailor-made
suits ever offered in Ouster
county , none reserved. Snyder
Bros. Co.
Sam Clayton and family of
Albion are in the city visiting
with Mrs. Clayton's parents , Mr.
and Mrs , "W. P. Rogers.
Our line of ladies tailored suits
for fall and winter is the largest
h.far . we have ever shown , and
if you arc wanting a suit , be sure
to sec our line before buyiny
Kiffin-Lucke Co.
Omaha will entertain Ex-Pres
ident Roosevelt Friday of this
week. Mr. Roosevelt will de
liver an address in Omaha al
4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Judge Ilostetler was in tin
city the first of the week holding
i a term of district court.
If it is in the Crocery Line
The Best Flour.
English and Holland Wafers.
The Advo , Holiday , J. M. and
Nebra brands of cannded goods
Barrington Hall , Vigora , Ak-
Sar-Ben , Bine llibbon , Ali-Ha-
Mo , J. M. 1846 , Crown and
Breakfast Delight Coffees.
Phone 161 THE GROCER Phone 180
Ajjent for De Laval Separators Cream Station
Special Report.
South Omaha , Ncbn.Sepl , 1.
Cattle : 31,400 lor three days
with a good active market at
last week's advance of a quarter.
Native cattle in small supply ,
bulk beingwesterns. . Demand
good for beef , brisk for feeders ;
top western beef $6.40 ; top feed
ers $6.20 with 1000 to 1250 lb.
steers ranging from $5.25 to
$6.00 ; plain cattle same weights
$4.75 to $5 00 yearlings and two
years od ! $4 00 to $4.70 ; western
cows $4.00 to $4.40 ; heifers $4.15
to $4.60ood : { cutter cows $3.25 to
$3.85 ; cauncrs $2 85 to § 3.10 ; veal
calves $4.00 to $6.50 ; bulls $3.25
to $3 85 ; top corn fed steers $8.00
but not enough on sale to quote.
Outlook for heavy supplies and
steady prices for this week.
Hogs : 16,000 lor three days.
Market has been strong until
today when prices dropped back
a dime but still average 25c
higher than a week ago. Bulk
today * S 80 to * 9.00 and top
$9.35. Supply to conic secuis
small but provisions are off and
piesent prices may show a small
decline the balance of the week.
Sheep : Receipts very heavy ,
82,000 for 3days ; market in good
position. Feeders steady and
constituting 65 per cent supplies.
Fat lambs $6.50 to $675 ; best
feeders . $6.20 to $630 ; medium
latnbs $5.90 to * 6.15 ; good handy
weight yearlings $5.50 to packers
bull heavy ilesuy yearlings too
plentiful and considerable off.
going to feeders atl.f > 5 to$5.00 ;
fat wethers $4.35 ; feeders $4 25 ,
sold by u . Fat ewes S3/JO to
$4.20 and good feeders $3.60 ,
also sold by the National. Look
for continued heavy shipments
and a little easier market
balance of week.
Yours very truly ,
National Live Stock Com. , Co.
Advance fall showing of one-
piece wool dresses : well made gar
ments in all colors and best clotliH
at Kifi'in-Luckc Co.
Mr. Largy who has conducted
his pool room here for the past
18 or 19 years , sold his interest
recently to Mr. 13. E. Ilogaboom
who will conduct the business in
the future ,
Mr. Albert Maupm accompan
ied by his wife and children left
Wednesday for their home in Con-
cordia Iowa.
Fair Superintendents.
The snpcrintendentsfor the dif-
I'reent classes of exhibits at the
L'uster county fair that is to be
lield here the JM-M-IS-IB ofthis
month are as follows and if you
have anything to display let tliem
know it immediately.
Class 1 Horses and Mules
Luther Miller.
Class 2 Cattle 0. 31. Miller.
Class 15 Sheep C ) . 31. Hussom.
Class'l Swine S. K. 3 Tamos.
Class fj Poultry N. Dwight
ClausC Farm Products F. 33.
Class ! ) Culinary Nell Oul-
Class 10 Ladies Department
Mrs. A. Morgan.
Class 12 Mechanical Arts
Fred Keam ,
( MassiaFinu Arts Mrs. 31. T.
Class 1-1 School Work Wes
ley Mottinger.
Class 15 Bees and'31'oney1 W.
W. Potts. * l ' .
Class 1G Baby SUow
Miss Minnie [ 3Iay3 of Wester-
ville was a city visitor yesterday.
3Drobably no invention of late
years has been so much interest
to the public as that of the air
ship. There is something about
the act of flyicg through the air
which appeals to everybody.
There is a certain facination
about it which attracts every
body and causes them to pay
particular attention whenever a
tlight is about to be made.
When the State Fair mauagment
concluded to make an attempt to
secure someone to make flights
for the state fair , they touched
the popular chord pud in going
after they kept up their
reputation of giving the people
just as good and in some
instances better than other fairs
have been able to secure. In
securing the famous Wright
brothers they made a grand move
and insures visitors to the fair
the opportunity of seeing the
bast. As Wright brothers have
have electrified the old world
with their aeroplane flights so
also will the people of Nebraska
have a like opportunity to sec
the same article of flying as has
brought to these famous brothers
the title of the "Kings of the
Air. " They will lly each day
of the fair , Sept. 5 to 9.
We have a splendid new assortment of dishes with
our Popular Knoxall Coll'ee. Call and sec our window
i display. It will interest you , only 2oc per pound.
Nnvarre Golden Sun Coffee 25 cents per pound
Peaberry Ct.ffee in bulk 25 cents per pound
Knrex Golden Sun Coffee 25 cents per pound
Old Homestead n 20 cent bulk Coffee
We have a good 15 edit bulk Coffee
Vienna Hrand Coffee in 3 pound cans sfr.iocnch
In 2 pound cans 750 each. In i pound cms 400 each
Moca and Java Golden Sun Coffee 40 cents per pound
Vienna Coffee in i pound packages 35 cents
lUlgeniere Blend Coffee n 2 pound can for 50 cents
Gall on us for all kinds of Bakery Goods.
We Handle all Kinds of Feed
The Eagle Grocery Store.
The Squnro Deal Store
Phonq 58