Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 18, 1910, Image 6

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    The Ouster County Republican
D. M. AMSBERRY , Editor
Other Matters of Interest ConS - 2
S densed From the More S
Ji Important Telegrams. *
The population of the Island of
Porto Rico Is 1,118012 , as shown by
the complete returns of the recent
census. This Is a gain of 104,793 or
37.3 per cent as compared with the
census of 1899. San Juan Is shown
to bo the largest town In the island ,
iUi population being 48,716.
What is assumed to bo Italy's for
mal demand for the extradition of
Porter Charlton , the young Amor-
lean in the Hudson county , New Jer-
noy jail , charged with having killed
Ills wife , Mary Scott Castle Charlton ,
ut Lake Como , Italy , reached the
Btato department. As the case has
not reached the Jurisdiction of the de
partment , the papers were returned
to the Italian embassy , whence they
Present indications that the na
tional regatta of the American As-
eociation ot Amateur Oarsmen to beheld
held this year on the Potomac river
under the auspices of the Potomac
Boat Club , will bo ono of the great
est gatherings of oarsmen over hold
In America. Two days , Friday and
Saturday , August 12 and 13 , will bo
devoted to the races. Crews and in
dividual scullers from all parts of the
United States arid from Canada will
enter the contest.
Emigration from and Immigration
to Canada is the subject of a state
ment Issued by the immigration
bureau. During the twelve months
ended March 31 last there were 74-
921 arrivals of aliens and citizens
from Canada for permanent residence
in the United States , against 01,517
during the previous twelve months.
In the same period there were 103,789
departures of aliens and citizens
froTi the United States Into Canada
for permanent residence , against 59-
832 the previous twelve months.
Fighting continues in Formosa , ac
cording to advices received from
China , and popular subscriptions are
being collected to supply the Japanese
troops with comforts.
Many Americans are included
among the delegates and visitors who
nrrlvcd in Berlin to take part in the
fifth world congress of "free Christian
ity and religious progress. .
The Spanish ambassador to France ,
Senor Perez-Caballero , declares that
the report that King Alfonso Is showIng -
Ing signs of mental weakness is a ma
licious invention of the clerical press ,
The accession declaration bill , strik
ing out the phrases offensive to Rom-
nn Catholics in the declaration
made by the king after accession and
substituting the words "I am n faith
ful protestant" was passed by the
Louse of lords on third reading.
With a view to preventing the es
cape of Dr. Crlppen and Miss Leneva
through a technicality , Scotland
Yard decided upon the advice of the
attorney general that so far as It con
trolled in the matter all formalities
Involved In the extradition laws of
Canada should bo complied with in
the case of the prisoners under arrest
at Quebec.
Statistics show a shrinkage In the
meat supply of the country.
Speaker Cannon says ho is not wor
rying over the result in Kansas.
Thousands of acres of unoccupied
lands are soon to bo thrown open to
Mr. Roosevelt is looking into indus
trial conditions in the mine regions
of Pennsylvania.
Democrats of Minnesota nominated
John Llnd for governor , but it is said
ho will 7iot accept.
John Mitchell was suggested to Mr.
HooHuvolt ns good material for the
New York governorship.
The steamer Princess May was lost
In Alaskan waters , but the passen
gers and crew were paved.
Vice President Sherman reiterated
his previous denial of any connection
with Indian land contracts.
The president of the United States
and the president of Chill met at Bev
erly with nn exchange of formalities
lliat wore cordially informal.
Church services In Esperanto , the
International language , will bo con-
conducted at Washington , on Sunday ,
August 14 , for the Ilrst time in the
history of the national capital.
Governor Harmon of Ohio commu
ted to life imprisonment the sentence
of death which was \\o \ have bqcn im
posed upon Joseph J , Macklcy , the
Toledo murderer ,
Japanpso newspapers publish
speeches by Takenokoshl Josohurl , a
noted Japanese .historian , in which he
eays a war between Japan and Amor-
lea is inevitable.
Sixty farmers from Auburn , Neb. ,
have Just become aware that they nro
victims of a land fraud In which they
are losers of $110,000 cash , as the re-
null of lax methods of the Utah State
Land board.
- > r tj T _
Inspector Dew denies a report that
Dr. Crlppcn had confessed.
The standpatters were badly defeat
ed by the insurgents in Kansas.
On the whole , it IH thought crops
this year will bo about the Borne as
Postmaster General Hitchcock is
cutting down the deficit in his depart
Senator Gore gave the full details
concerning a brlbo ho alleges was
offered to him.
Joseph Wendling , alleged slayer of
Alma Kelncr , reached Denver on his
way to Louisville.
President Taft helped dedicate n
monument to the pilgrims who landed
at Provincotown , Mass.
Wholesome legislation for Indians
Is expected to follow an expose of Uio
charges of Senator Gore.
The papal nuncio at the Spanish
court has been warned to make ready
to depart on short notice.
Claude A. Swanson has been ap
pointed U. S. Senator from Virginia in
place of Daniels , deceased.
At the meeting of railroad men at
St. Louis the decision was reached to
demand an eight hour day.
Representative Bird McGulro of
Aklahoma savs Senator Gore is not
much better than a slanderer.
With the coming election Cuba is
facing ns serious n crisis an has yet
confronted the young republic.
Swarms of locusts recently Invaded
Athens , rendering the streets slip
pery with their crushed bodies.
The total population of the United
States under the last census will
hardly hcknown before October.
One of the first duties of the United
States supreme court will bo to pass
on the Kansas bank guaranty law.
Sweeping authority is given the
commerce commission by the law
which IB to take effect August 17.
Secretaries Wlckersham and Nngel
are keeping out of the Alaska
quarrel while visiting the territory.
Senator Gore testified Vice Presi
dent Sherman was one of the men
higher up in the Indian contract
Believing he was shooting n burg
lar , Ivey Land shortly after midnight
shot and killed his brother Qulntis at
Albany , Ga.
Betting on elections became illegal
In Georgia when Governor Brown
signed the anti-betting bill Just
passed by the legislature.
The French government has accept
ed a bronze copy of Ilouden's statue
of George Washington , which was
presented by the state of Virginia.
James B. Watt , the oldest tele
grapher in point of service in the As
sociated Press , died at his homo
in Nashville , Tenn. , at the ago of 02.
Lionel Waldron and' Jules Paces.
the American artists and Alexander
Garflold , the American explorer of
Africa were decorated with the legion
of honor.
The ancient and long established
pass book system , used In ordinary
savings institutions , will bo adopted
for .the proposed government postal
savings banks.
A force of 400 men under general
Leo Christmas' , an American follower
of General Bonilla in Spanish Hondu
ras , repulsed 200 of the government
troops , under General Diaz , Tuesday.
With her throai cut from ear to
ear , the body of Mrs. Joseph Wolfe ,
aged 51 , wife of a Dennlson , Tex. ,
contractor , was found by her daughter
lying fully dressed on a bed in her
Robert Black and Miss Margaret
Fitzpatrlck , who wcro among those
injured when an automobile was
wrecked by a Southern railway train
at Birmingham , Ala. , died Monday ,
bringing the total dead to four.
Because of the race riots at Gray ,
Jones county , Georgia , Governor Jo
seph E. Brown was requested to Im
mediately spend troops to that vicin
ity , the request coming from the sher
iff of the county.
With an armed guard on each side
of him , Dr. Crlppon attended divine
services in the Catholic chapel of
the provincial jail at Quebec. Miss
Lonevo declined to Join the protes
tant prisoners at this service.
Leo Rapp , aged 13 ; Walter Sloan ,
aged 10 , and Emllo Jacobs , aged 11 ,
were killed when a train on the Al-
legheney valley division of the Penn
sylvania railroad struck a horse and
wagon in which they were riding near
A special from Rome to the Petite
Ropubllquo says that the hostility of
the royal family to the marriage of
the Duke of the Abruzzi and Miss
Kathcrino Elkins has been with
drawn and that the official announce
ment of their engagement will bo
made shortly.
Beverly , Mass. Postmaster Gen
eral Hitchcock made a preliminary
report to President Taft on Tuesday
regarding the plans for the Institu
tion of postal savings banks in dif
ferent parts of the country in the
near future. The experimental banks
will be located In the enmller cities.
There is a desire to perfect the sys
tem ns far as possible , through the
experiments in the smaller communi
ties before an attempt is made to
open up the metropolitan branches.
Oldficld Kaya ho Is willing to meet
Jack Johnson in an automobile race.
Progressives of Iowa largely controlled -
trolled the republican state conven
tion at DCS Molnes.
President Taft has decided that his
public speeches henceforth will bo
few and far between.
King Alfonso has given Premier
Conalo-jas a frco hand In the contro
versy with the Vatican.
Congressman Charles Q. Tlrrcll of
the Fourth Massachusetts district ,
died suddenly last week.
It Is Shown That All of Them Did
Good Work During the Eight
Summer Weeks.
The eight Junior normal schools ,
( located at Alliance , Alum , llrokon
How , Geneva , MeCouk , North Pltitto ,
O'Neill nnil Vnlontlno , closed their
eight weeks' sessions July 29. The
total number of students enrolled was
1,414 , including f > 57 enrolled for in
stitute. , The total attendance was
twenty more than the attendaneo for
! ! ) ( ) ! ) . The ilrst Week or first two
weeks of the session was designed
as Institute for the counties In which
the Junior normals were Jocatcd , ex
cept in the case of Lincoln county ,
which named the last week of the
North Platte Junior Normal as in
stitute week.
At the Alliance Junior Normal ,
Grant , Hooker and Sioux counties
united with Box Butte county for the
Institute ; Illalne and Thomas coun
ties united with Custer county at the
Broken How Junior Normal ; Hitch
cock county with lied Willow county
at the McCook Junior Normal , and
Perkins and Keith counttles with Lin
coln county at North Platto. At
these , and at the Geneva Junior Normal , -
mal , special Instruction was given in
domesIc ) science and agriculture , .tho
counties uniting and hearing the
greater part of the extra expense.
The lecture course at the junior
normals this year was made self-
sustaining. The principal and local
county superintendent of each school
was responsible for whatever was
provided in the way of entertainment
and lectures. The plan proved very
successful in that while good service
was given the students in these spe
cial features the stale was not called
upon to use any money for such pur
The work of the junior normals at
McCook was seriously interfered with
by quarantine regulations for an epi
demic of scarlet fever. Regular ses
sions of the school were discontinued
for about three weeks , but the in
structors remained on duty and mot
individually all students who cared to
remain and complete any line of
work. Much credit is rluo the fan-
ulty at McCook for the satisfactory
way in which the situation was hand
led during such critical times.
A number of students completed
the junior normal training course at
some of the schools and appropriate
graduating exercises were held. These
graduates have all attended the jun
ior normal schools'not leds than four
sessions , and have completed the re
quired course of study , for which
credit is given at the state normal
The appropriation for junior nor
mal schools for the bicnnium ending
April , 1911 , was $20,000. This ap
propriation has been sufficient to
meet every need and the junior nor
mals close their second session of the
biennlum with all accounts tu\\y \ \
Free From Tornadoes.
Nebraska has this summer been
psceptionally free from tornadoes.
The local station of the weather bu
reau has practically no reports so far
New Bank Chartered.
The Farmers' State bank of Sar
gent , Ouster county , has received a
charter from the state banking board.
The now organization starts with a
paid up capital stock of $25,000.
Good Place to Sell Goods.
Sometime ago a machinery firm
wrote Secretary of the State Fair \V.
II. Mellor , asking for a lot on which
to make an exhibit. Mr. Mellor re
plied that all the machinery lots had
been assigned , but if they wished to
that they would place him some
where on the grounds. The following
reply was received.
"Mr. W. U. Mcllor. Secretary. Lin
coln , Nob. Dear Sir : Your letter of
the 4th at hand , and wo learn with
deep regret that the space on the ma
chinery ground Is all assigned. You
state that you can sandwich us In
some place in the machinery depart
ment. Now , If you can do this wo
will certainly consider it "worth
while. " Last year wo sold more ma
chines on your grounds than at any
other fair , and from the point of act
ual buying the Lincoln state fair has
always been a prize-winner.
For Hydro-Electrlc Plant.
Burdotto Boyes of Seward has ap
plied to the state engineer for the wa
ter right requisite for the erection of
a hytlro-electrle plant on the Blue riv
er , three miles below Mllford.
A Showing at the Fair.
There has been just enough of a
flurry over crop damage in Nebraska
this year to make it highly desirable
that a showing of crop successes be
made at the coming btato fair. It will
help every Nebraskan , it will stimu
late prldo as well as increase busi
ness to have a demonstration made
of the producing power of all of the
leading counties made at this exposi
tion. It will bo worth while to make
a showing of the fruits of the Held
this year , accompanied by the record
of rainfall since March 1.
Information Concerning the State
University Set Forth.
The University of Nebraska , with
its now complete catalog , with an
nouncements for the coming year , of
fers the clearest ami most consistent
ly presented information that has
been given in recent years.
Ono of the now features shown Is
the summer session of eight weeks ,
a qompared with six weeks hereto
fore. This offers greater opportunity
to teachers of the state for Increased
efficiency and offers others instruction
from September to August of each
In addition to teachers' certificates
previously given the university will
now grant teachers' certificates in
agriculture and homo economics. Also
a first grade 'emergency certificate Is
granted to such students as Iliul It
necessary temporarily to leave the
university to teach.
The number of accredited second
nry schools has been Increased and
the entrance requirements have been
raised from 28 to 30 points , to become
csffuollvo on September 1 , 1010.'After
the same date in" 1912 a simplified
table of entrance requirements covers
all colleges where cacli has varied in
several subjects heretofore. This
should cause high schools less diffi
culty in arranging their curricula.
In response to demands of the tlmea
a new course in agricultural engineer
ing takes rank with the civil , electric
al and mechanical groups. The de
partment of Slavonic offers Instruc
tion to the large number of Bohe
mians of the state , while In further
response to the needs of the Increas
ing cosmopolitan character of the
state's population , Swedish now be
comes a branch of the language
The forestry course has gradually
grown In importance until graduate
Instruction now leads to the second
degree , that of master of forestry.
This Is by reason of the greater inter
est In conservative movements.
Experiment substations have been
established at Valentine under the
direction of James Cowan and the
Scottsbluff station at Mitchell to pro
mote agriculture.
The general and technical courses
in agriculture have been merged Into
one general course that admits of
specialization as soon as the student's
inclination is clear.
The college of law after September
1 , 1911 , will require one year of gen
eral college study before law subjects
are begun. Also the college of medi
cine has made a complete advance to
two years before strictly medical sub
jects are commenced.
"Rules and regulations governing
students" are Included In the com
plete catalog , where previously separ
ate hand books were distributed. By
these it Is seen that the standard of
scholarship is being raised gradually
especially in the general colleges.
The number of graduates to receive
degrees during the university year
just closed is 342 , while 1G5 certi
ficates in agriculture , music and phy
sical education were granted. The
number of military commissions
awarded to graduates by the governor
Is thlrty-nve.
Hearing Postponed.
The railway commissioner has in
definitely postponed the hearing of
the Omaha lumber dealers who have
complained of freight rates
Trusties Take French Leave.
Three prisoners got away from the
state penitentiary during the month
of July , according to the monthly re
port of Warden Smith. William , from
Douglas county , a colored prisoner ,
with only a few months to serve of a
three-year term for breaking and en
tering , managed to hide away and es
cape while working In the cornlleld
with no guard overlooking him. It
Is reported that ho has wound up in
Texas , from which place the warden
says It may be hard to return him ,
owing to present conditions there.
Quarantine Raised.
Washington dlspatcn : The quaran
tine against cattle In four counties In
Nebraska , suffering from mange and
scabies , was raised on orders Issued
from the bureau of animal Industry of
the agricultural department. Similar
action was taken In the case of cattle
In Dawson county , Montana. The
counties In Nebraska In which the
quarantine- was raised are Hayes ,
Hitchcock , Chase and Dundy. A num
ber of Nebraska counties yet remain
under quarantine
Are Diamonds Being Pawned ?
The fact that diamonds assessed in
Nebraska this year have diminished
slightly instead of Increasing with the
growth of the country , is explained by
by some by a mere statement of the
increase in the amount of money by
assessors to have been invested in
automobiles. The number of auto
mobiles April 1 was C.-1G1 and it is
estimated that at this date a total of
10,000,000 to $15,000,000 has been
spent by Nebraskans for automobiles.
A slight decrease in diamonds asses.
sod has caused some speculation.
Irrigation Matters In Nebraska.
P. H. Newell , chief of the federal re
clamation service , stopped In Lincoln
for iv short tlmo to talk with Secre
tary Simmons of the state irrigation
board , about irrigation matters in this
stato. Mr. Newell is engaged with a
board of army engineers In Inspecting
reclamation projects with a view to
apportioning the $20,000,000 , which
will bo spent on these projects In the
next few years. The North Platte
project is the only one In which Ne
braska Is interested. Mr. Newell will
look this over.
Also Met Hamon In Washington Op
posing Gore's Bill Hamon Had
Testified He Was Not Inter
ested In Contracts.
McAlcster. "The poor Indian"
learned a few more things about the
proposed sales of $30,000,000 worth of
Ills land In the hearing before the
congressional investigation commit
tee In session here.
Congressman C. D. Tarter of the
Fourth Oklahoma district , testified
that at an interview lit the home of
Richard C. Adams , an attorney at
Washington , Adams had said he had
an arrangement by which he was to
secured fi per cent of the "profits" to
be derived from the M&Murray con
"He told mo also , " testified Mr. Car
ter , "that Congressman B. S. McGulre
was in on the deal and would got his
share. He also told me that Dr.
Wright , a delegate for the Choctaw
Indians at Washington , with a salary
of $ G,000 , was in on the deal. He also
said , 'We've got some others , ' but he
did not mention any other names.
"I also , met Jake L. Hamon at
Washington. He told me to go to that
old man Gore and get him to with
draw that fool bill of his against the
MdMurray contracts. "
Hamou in denying the Gore bribery
charge previously had testified he had
never worked in behalf of the con
tracts and had no Interest In them.
- Habeas Corpus Writ Denied.
St. I ouis. 'Following ' the failure of
habeas corpus proceedings , Joseph
Wendling , wanted In connection with
the death of Alma Kellner at Louis
ville , started for the Kentucky city in
the custody of Detective Chief Car
Chief Carney announced that the
trip to Louisville would not be com
pleted at once , but declined to give
his reasons. Neither would he state
when the departure will take place.
Wondllng's attorneys followed the
Carney party to East St. Louis , where
they are preparing to file habeas cor
pus proceedings.
Endorse Senator Bailey.
Galveston , Tex.After endorsing
United States Senator Joseph W. Bailey -
loy for the democratic nomlnatipn for
president in 1912 and nominating a
full state ticket headed by Oscar B.
Colqultt for governor and A. B. David
son for lieutenant governor , the demo
cratic state convention has adjourned.
Both Colquitt and Davidson are anti-
prohibitionists notwithstanding the
fact that the party declared in favor
of the submission of a prohibition
amendment to the people.
Proclamation Is Signed.
Washington. The president has
signed a proclamation eliminating 6-
075 acres of land from the Hayden
national forest in Wyoming in pursu
ance of the administration's general
plan of restoring to the public do
main all areas not valuable for forest
purposes. The eliminated tracts are
situated mainly along 'the northern
boundary of the forests.
Reports on India Cotton.
Washington. Difficulty Is experi
enced by cotton growers in India
with both staple and yield. Many ex
periments have been made with the
object of improving both , but thus far
with Indifferent success. Egyptian
and other exotic varieties have been
Introduced from Mme to tlmp imt thn
results have not been encouraging.
Was Too Talkative.
Pittsburg. An echo of the shooting
of Mayor Gaynor reached the police
courts of Pittsburg , when a magistrate
fined and sentenced Joseph McDonald
for making public announcement that
the shooting of the New York chief
executive was justified.
May Establish National Home.
Colorado Springs. The establish
ment of a national home for the deaf
nt Colorado Springs was urged at the
world's congress of the deaf here by
G. W. Veditz. president of the national
association of the deaf.
Decide to Advance Price.
Louisville. The Carriage Manufac
turers' association of the United
States In session here has resolved to
advance the price of vehicles for the
season of 1911.
Cambridge , Mass. The discovery of
a comet by Rev. Joel H. Metcalf of
Tanton has been announced at the
Harvard college conservatory.
Indian Commission Appointed.
Washington. Acting Secretary
Pierce of the Interior department has
appointed a commission to determine
the competency of Indian allottees on
the Santee Indian reservation in Ne
braska. The membership of the com
mission Is composed of F. E. Mclntyro ,
superintendent/ Santee Indian
schools , Santee , Nob. ; Andrew G
Power , a spovlal United States Indian
agent , and II. B. Marble or Humboldt ,
Neb. The commission will meet In
Sautcc ,
Don't neglect the kidneys when you
notlco lack of control over the score-
tlons , Passages become -
como too frequent or
scanty ; urlno is dis
colored and sedi
ment appears. No
medicine for ouch
troubles llko Doan'a
Kidney Pills. They
quickly remove kid
ney disorders.
A. Dashem , 241 N ,
Grant St. , Wooster,1
O. , says : "Tho doc
tors diagnosed my.
: aso ns gravel , hut my agony ln
: reased under their treatment , and I
teen became too weak to stand alone ,
t had given up all hope of living
more than a few weeks at the best
[ was. strongly urged to try Doan'a
Kidney Pills , and after twelve days'
use , I passed two gravel stones. After
that , I improved rapidly until cured. "
Remember the name Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. . 50 cents a
box. Fostor-MIlburn Co. , Buffalo ,
tf. Y.
Why She Brought It Up.
"Do you remember , " she asked ,
"that you said once that unless 1
promised to bo yours the sun would
cease to shine ? "
"I don't remember it now. but I
suppose I may have said comethlng J
of the kind. " i
"And have you forgotten that you
issured mo that unless I permitted
rou to claim mo as your own the moon
would fall from her place in the '
heavens ? "
"Oh. well , what If I did say BO ?
Why do you want to bring that up ,
DOW 7"
"I merely wished to assure you that |
[ 'm sorry I didn't shut my eyoa and '
let her fall. "
Casey at the Bat.
This famous poem is contained ID the
Coca-Cola Baseball Record Book for
1910 , together with records , schedulea
( or both leagues and other valuable
baseball Information compiled by au
thorities. This Interesting book sent
by the Coca-Cola Co. , of Atlanta , Go. , ,
on receipt of 2o stamp for postage.
Also copy of their booklet "The Truth
About Coca-Cola" which tells all about
this delicious beverage and why It la
10 pure , wholesome and refreshing.
Are you 'over hot tired thirsty T
Drink Coca-Cola it Is cooling , re
lieves fatigue and quenches th
thirst At soda fountains and car
Donated la bottles Bo everywhere-
Only Ono Cobb.
The morning after Judge Andrew
Cobb , a one-tlmo justice of the BU-
premo court of Georgia , tendered hia
resignation , an Atlanta lawyer and *
shoe drummer sat in the same seat In
an outgoing train.
The lawyer bought a newspaper and
looked over the headlines. Then bo
turned to the drummer and said :
"Well , I eeo Cobb has resigned. "
"Geel" said the drummer. "What
will Detroit do now ? " Phlladelphl
Saturday Evening Post
The Nurse's Opinion.
A nurse had been called as a wit
ness to prove the correctness of th
bill of a physician. if
"Let us get at the facta in the
case , " said the lawyer , who was do
ing a cross-examination stunt "Didn't
the doctor make several visits after
the patient waa out of danger ? "
"No , sir , " answered the nurse. "I
' *
considered the patient in danger aa j
long aa the doctor continued hia via-
119 Years Old When He Died. /
Paddy Blake , who was born at Bal- -fc !
\yglreen , parish of Kilnasoolagh , County - * '
ty Clare , Ireland , 119 years ego , has
died in the Corofln Union hospital.
Paddy had a clear memory of eventa
that happened a hundred years ago
and was one of those who went to sea
Daniel O'Connell passing through Bun-
ratty Pike on his way to EnnJs for
the great election of 1828.
"You say you are a reformer ? "
"Yep , " replied the local boss ; "at
the deepest dye. "
"But you were not always BO. "
"No. The reformers reformed OUT
town last year and I want to reform
It back again. "
Many n girl who refuses to stay
single also refuses to stay married.
No Trouble
A Saucer ,
A little Cream ,
right from the box.
Breakfast in a minute ,
and you have a meal as
delightful as it is whole-
Post Toasn'es are crisp
and flavour y g olden-
brown , fluffy bits that al
most melt in the mouth.
"The Memory Lingers"
Battle Creek , Mich.