Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 18, 1910, Image 3

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    \ City Items in Terse Form
Metropolitan News of Interest
to All Readers
Faithful Dog Avenges a Policeman
NEW YORK. Patrolman Lawrenqo
Cummins of the East Ono Hundred
and Fourth street police station , on
whoso post the car barn gang has its
headquarters , was beaten savagely by
members of that band and was in the
hospital for several weeks.
The first request Cummins made to
Capt. Corcoran when ho reported
again for duty was to bo assigned to
his old post. Ho said ho wanted to
show the toughs that ho was not
afraid of them and that they could
not drive n policeman from his place
of duty. Capt. Corcoran took the
came view and sent Cummins back.
From the moment ho resumed his
work the gang annoyed Cummins , but
It was not until the other night that
the roughs got a chance to "do him
up" again. Ho found about a dozen
of them on the street Insulting wom
en who passed.
"Move on , " commanded Cummins.
Cut a truck driver , 19 years old , hurled
Insults at the policeman. Cummins
arrested him. The rest of the gang
disappeared. Cummins started for
the police station with his prisoner ,
but as they went along there was a
call f rein a roof. The prisoner broke
from Cummins and ran hit oa house.
The gang had gone to a roof , torn
away the chimnow and waited for the
policeman and his prisoner. When
the signal was given and the prisoner
had fled from the firing 7.0110 his
friends hurled the chimney bricks
down nt Cummins. After three had
struck him on the head ho fell un
conscious. Men who saw the attack
ran to the station. Scrgt. Hlgglns and
eight bluccoats raced to the rescue of
their comrade.
Twice a week a Dadmatln dog , Bes
sie , who bolonga to truck company No.
2G on One Hundred and Fourteenth
street , visits the East Ono Hundred
and Fourth street station , nnd has a
supper at the expense of John Rltter.
That night she was there and she
went with the rescue squad.
When the men entered the house
from which the bricks had been hurled
on Cummins the dog went with them.
But while the sergeant nnd his men
went to the roof Bessie stopped at the
second floor.
Back 'in a dark corner of the tene
ment hallway she had caught sight ot
a man , nnd , Instead of going further ,
she leaped for him. She got a good
on his trousers and ho could not beat
her off. Five minutes afterward the
policemen on their way back to the
street after a fruitless search , heard
a scuffle. They found Bessie still
holding on to the man. Ho was the
escaped prisoner.
Law Can't Suppress Babies' Howls
* IB
fill HAV
. Anxiously awaiting
the outcome of the Important case ,
of Tucker against Coch , tried in the
Flatbush court , Brooklyn , Flatbush
mothers learned with great relief that
they -would not bo forced to the ex
pense of equipping their teething ba
bies with Maxim silencers , Coch lost
and the babies of. Flatbush were tri
Passing , Solomon-like , on the great
Issue , Magistrate Naumer ruled that
\ even a Flatbush Infant must have
teeth to go through the world with.
Should ono be expected to worry
through life with gums Innocent of
mplaro and Incisors , missing the Joys
of sinking them into sirloin at 30
cents a pound ? To bo sure not Was
Mr. Coch a toothless baby ? Of course
ho wasn't. Didn't ho cry when the
eoothlng syrup failed to soothe ? He
did. Well , then , why should the
Tucker baby be denied that world-
old privilege of Infancy ? Mr. Coch
could adduce nothing to overthrow
this argument
So It was ruled by the learned court
that It was - wellwithin the old Ro
man , the English common , the re
vised or unrovlsod statutes , the city
ordinances , Mngna Charta , or even
the plain or common variety of law
for any Flatbush baby to howl and
yowl and rip up the palpitating si
lence of the Flatbush night and turn
it inside out while his "toofens" are
pushing themselves out as a protest
against a milk diet. This applies to
both boy and girl babies not only In
Flatbush , but all over Brooklyn.
Sumner Tucker and Arnold Coch
live in adjoining cottages , or villas ,
as they obtain in Flatbush , in Mar-
tense street. All was well between
them until the Tucker baby arrived.
They had borrowed and loaned lawn
mowers , exchanged1 garden seeds and
talked radish , lettuce and other gar
den crops. But with the coming of
the Tucker heir a gulf opened.
Like most Infants of its age , the
Tucker ono is busily engaged In
bringing In teeth. Now , Mr" Coch has
no objection to teeth. He owns a lot
himself. But the day and night vocal
demonstrations with which the Tuck
er baby accompanied their efforts to
push through made Coch peevish. Ho
suggested a motor boat muffler or
something like that to Mr. Tucker
and the latter was Irritated. Ho had
his neighbor summoned to court , say
ing ho had abused him.
Mississippi Catfish Are Thirsty
ST. LOUIS. It Is only within the
memory of the oldest of river men
that the rivers forming the great Mis
sissippi system have been so low in
the summer as they have this year.
The old-timers say the low stages this
year can bo compared only with those
of 18G4 , when the catfish had to climb
out into the fields to moisten their
parched throats with the dew.
North of St. Louis steamboat traffic
IB almost at a standstill on account of
the low water in the Upper Mississip
pi. The Diamond Jo line has been
forced to take off its through boats to
St. Paul and has great difficulty In get
ting its local packets through to Bur
lington , la. Many excursion boats
nre tied up. Several of the boats have
been damaged in an effort to navigate.
But while the steamboat interests
are suffering the pearl button fac
torles and the pearl hunters are reap
ing a harvest. Hundreds of men , wom
en nnd children can be seen along
the water front of every town hunting
clams. The shells are sold to th.o but
ton factories after being searched for
yearals. Many flno pearls have been
found. One found by a Dubuque man
was sold for $400.
If It were not for the water that
comes out of the Missouri , steamboat
traffic would bo suspended between
hero and Cairo. While the Missouri
has not risen this year to within 15
feet of the flood stage , It has main
tained a steady flow of water , enough
to keep the steamboats going on the
Mississippi and enough for the boats
runlnng on that stream. Still , unless
there are rains soon in the north the
Missouri is likely to go very low this
fall , although not ns low as It has
been in some years. It has been many
years since the Missouri hao fallen be
low the zero stage. It is now eight
feet above that stage , which Is about
the usual flow In the fall.
King Hog Makes Lucky Farmer Glad
CITY. The greatest moneymaker
eymaker on the farm during the
past year has been the hog. The
fanner with a carload of hogs was
assured of an automobile , a trip to
Europe , or more farm land. Never
In modern history have hogs been
sold .it such high prices , on a strictly
gold basts , of course , as during the
past several months.
Early In the present year there
were reports of n "hog shortago' from
many hog-raising districts. And mar
ket receipts bore out the reports.
From January 1 , 1910 , to July 1 , 1910 ,
receipts at the five leading western
markets Chicago , KCUDSOS City , Oma
ha , St. Louis and St. Joseph were , In
round numbers , two nnd one-fourth
million head less than during 'tho cor
responding six months of 1909. Ar
rivals at the five big points In the
first half of 1909 numbered 9,280,000.
In the first half of 1910 receipts al
the previously mentioned markets
were 2,990,000. In other words , a
growing population was fed on 75 per
cent , of the hogs that were consumed
in the first six months of 1909. The
direct effect of the decrease In hog
receipts , while the population was un
questionably Increasing , was a sharp
advance in market value of swine.
At the Kansas City stockyards the
average cost of hogs for the first six
months of 1909 was $ G.G4 per hun
dredweight In the first half of 1910
the average cost at the same markel
was $9.31 , showing a gain of $2.07 per
hundredweight , or about 40 per cent
At all the other markets the advance
In prices was practically equal to that
at Kansas City.
News Notes of Interest From Various
The scarlet fever outbreak nt Me-
Cook is now under control.
Dean Sackctt , the nine-year-old son
of Attorney H. E. Sackett of Beat
rice , was sovorly bruised about the
tody by being dragged by a cow.
At n recent meeting of the board or
lounty commissioners in Sioux coun
ty it was decided to put the proposi
tion before' the taxpayers at the No-
Fire broke out In the hardware
store of M. A. Madsen at Dannebrog ,
totally destroying the store. U. H.
Torgessen's butcher shop was badly
Paul Btirnfitoin , about 17 years of
if , while In swimming in Beaver
creek , at Fork , was drowned in about
thirteen feet of water. Ills body was
County Attorney Hnmsey of Cass
county has tendered his resignation.
The York Roller mill has changed
lands after successful operation for
twenty years.
The now rectory just completed , in
the parish of St. Anthony's In St.
Charles precinct , Cumlng county , was
iledicated with appropriate ccremon-
CB on August 10.
After eight weeks of continued dryness -
ness , Johnson county got a good rain ,
vember election of voting bonds for
the purchase of a site and the erec
tion of a county Infirmary.
Charles E. Boone has been appoint
ed postmaster at Elk Creek , Johnson
county , to succeed Nelson H. Libby ,
who has resigned and who will go to
he Pacific northwest and locate on
a ranch.
Ralph A. Duff nnd T. H. Pol
lock of Plattsmouth will be-
jln the construction of a new three
span steel bridge across the Platte
river at Orcapolls , a railroad crossing
near Plattsmouth.
The local camp of the Deutschcr
Landwehr Voroln , an organization of
veterans of the German wars , will
hold its annual reunion at Riverside
park , West Point , on September 1 ,
that day being the anniversary of the
battle of Sedan.
The town board of Rushville has
let the contract for building a new
city hall. The building will be 2GxC2 ,
with basement under the entire build-
Ing. The pressure tanks of the new
water system will be kept In the base
Famous , the son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Rodgers , residing near Syra
cuse , was bitten by a rattlesnake
while in the melon patch. The physi
cians saved his life by working with
him all night. The snake was found
and killed.
Harry Harms , the G-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harms , who live
in the western part of Johnson coun
ty , had the tips of three of the lingers
of his right hand cut off by getting
them pinched In the mechanism of a
hay-loading machine.
Mrs. C. H. Stone of Beaver City ,
was operated upon and nine tumors
removed. Instead of getting better ,
as was expected , her condition con
tinued precarious. She later submit
ted to another operation and her ro-
oovery Is not expected.
A large number of railroad em
ployes attended a meeting In Alliance
called by the American Railroad Em
ployes' and Investors' association. A
local branch was formed. J-I. H. Giles
being elected president. Over 100
members were enrolled.
Burglars entered the rooms of C.
C. Nelson , over his saloon at Bridge
port , and secured a roll of checks ,
pontal orders and currency , amounting
in all to $592. Three suspicious char
acters were arrested but evidence was
not sufficient to hold them.
Charles McDonald , 34 years of
age , a horse trader from Ixnilsville ,
was killed by the local freight on the
Chicago & Northwestern about ono
and one-halt miles south of Cedar
Bluffs His head was crushed and
one arm severed from the body. .
A farewell reception was given to
RPV. Dr H. H. Boguo and family at
Alliance. Dr. Boguo has been pastor
there for a number of years and the
beautiful church of his denomination
is largely the result of his labors. He
has accepted a call in Texas because
of health conditions.
While Mrs. Unger of Indiunola was
polishing her stove the liquid polish
she was using caught fire. She en
deavored to extinguished It with wa
ter , but this served only to spread it
to her clothing , which caught fire. Be
fore help could arrive she was burned -
od so badly there Is little 1 ope of her
After a day's rest at. Hastings , Ezra
Meeker , with his team of oxon an 1 old
"prairie schooner , " again took up his
trip of retracing the old California
trail , over which he Is placing tem
porary markers. Meeker attracted
much attention. His outfit especial
ly was interesting when It is compar
ed witli the modern day modes of
transportation. His vehicle and mo
tive power are an exact duplicate of
those used by him In his pilgrimage
across the ranges and deserts in 1852.
Mr. Meeker IB eighty years of age.
Elmer Thompson , of Nebraska City ,
who has been acting strangely and
threatened to kill his father and
mother , has been declared Insane and
will he taken to the asylum as soon as
room can bo secured for him.
Between 3 and 4 o'clock In the
morning , while Night Agent L. N.
Costley , Jr. , of the Northwestern rail
road at Chadron , was entering the
ticket office preparatory to commenc
ing his routine of work of checking
up , ho was confronted by two un
masked men , who compelled him to
open the safe , from which they took
? 250.
Dellcloun Old-Fashloned Syllabub In
Which the Julco of the Grape
nnd That of the Cow are
When July 1ms ocmio , nnd rows nre
ntnndliiR knuo deep nmlil the lush
nfis , nil Htnrrcd with buttercups , the
ihlnd , nwonry or ntnle nnd solid winter
fnrc , turns with fresh plonauro to the
thoughts of Arrndlnn banauetlnga of
yore , when the unsophisticated Eng
lish coolc fed her gucnts on Junkets ,
flummeries , syllnlnihs. and other sweet
country things.
The syllabub Is the aristocrat of the
dairy , and creates delight by wedding
the Julco of the grape to the Julco ot
the cow.
The genuine way to make a syllabub
Is to put four ounces of sugar , the rind
of half a lemon , a pint of sweet wine ,
half a pint of sherry , and a grated nut
meg In a bowl and stir until the sugar
IB dissolved. Then take It to the cow
house at milking time , place It under
the cow and milk Into it until the milk
froths high In the bowl.
The addition of n spoonful of cream
In each glass Is an improvement. In
country districts cider is often used In
stead of wine , but with the cider n
dash of brandy Is an improvement.
Here is another recipe from an old-
fashioned book : Take two large cups
of cream and ono of white wine. Grate
the rind of a lemon Into it , add the
whites of three eggs , and nwccton to
taste. Whisk It aud take oft the frotli
as It rises and put it into glasses.
This is delicious in its way , but the
true syllabub should come straight
from the dairy to the supper table , and
after a warm day there is no more ad
mirable evening restorative.
A "birthday syllabub" is luxurious.
Take a pint of port and one of sherry ,
mix them with half a pint of brandy
and a grated nutmeg , squeeze and
strain the Julco of two lemons into a
largo bowl over half a pound of loaf
sugar. Stir In the wine and brandy ,
and then away to the dairy with it ,
and call upon the cow for two quarts
of Its richest milk.
. Even thus diluted it In a fairly
heady mixture , and it Is perhaps a
merciful dispensation that birthdays
such as this come but once a year.
A simple syllabub for young people
may bo made by whisking a pint of
cream and the whites of three eggs to
gether , and adding the julco of a
lemon and a little lemon flavoring. Put
just a little wine in each glass and add
the whip. It is not real syllabub , but
It is a pleasant addition to the refresh
ments at a young people's party.JQ \ \ -
don Dally Mail.
Rolling Pins.
When the young housekeeper is buyIng -
Ing a rolling pin slio might as well
buy a pretty one as an ugly one , espe
cially as there is no difference In the
price. Some wooden pins are as high
ly polished as a' fine piece of furni
ture and china rolling pins may bo
either perfectly white or of delft blue
and white. In selecting a rolling pin ,
however , a thought must be given to
cleanliness. A wooden pin may not bo
as pretty as a china one , but if the
wooden handle of the china ono does
not fit closely Into the roller the dough
will get inside and there is no way to
got it out. So , however pretty the
china roller , see that the wooden han
dle fits snugly. There are glass pirn )
which many housekeepers prefer to
either china or the wooden.
New Prune Dish.
A delicious dish is made of the des
pised prune by following these direc
tions : Stew some prunes until soft
with sugar and lemon , remove the
stones and put the prunes in a greased
pudding dish adding a few of the ker
nels. Make a bnttcr with one cup
ful of flour , one tablespoonful of sugar ,
half teaspoonful baking powder , ono
well-beaten egg and one cupful of
milk. Mix well till smooth , then pour
over the prunes , cover with buttered
paper and steam gently for one hour.
Cardinal Pudding.
Make a ctistard with five eggs ( the
yolks nnd whites whisked separately ) ,
ono cupful of cream , four heaping
tablespoonsful of sugar and one tablespoonful -
spoonful of bread or cake crumbs ;
add four ounces of cherries cut in
small pieces and a pinch of salt ; beat
for ten minutes. Fill a buttered mold
with this mixture ; cover with but
tered paper , stonm for an hour and a
half , and serve with strawberry sauce.
Mushrooms en Ragout.
Put a little stock in the dialing dish ,
and when hot add n little vinegar ,
chopped parsley , chopped green onion ,
salt and pepper ; when scalding hot ,
put in the mushrooms nicely cleaned ,
and when done , thicken with the yolka
of ono or more eggs and servo hot.
Sauce Pocahontas.
A delicious maple sauce for vanllln
ice cream is niado of hot sirup with
chopped hickory nuts stirred Into It.
The pretty name for this is Sauce Pa.
cnhoutas. Harper's Bazar.
Luncheon Cake.
Three and a half cupfuls of flour , two
of sugar , ono of butter , four eggs , a
teaspoonful of sodu In a tablcspoonful
of milk or wtno , half a grated nutmeg
Bake carefully In a quick oven.
For Infants and Children *
The Kind You Hava
ANfcgetablc Preparation for As
similating Hie Food and Hcgul.v Bears the
ing the Stomachs and Bow-els of
Promotes DigcslionChecrful-
nessandRcst.Conlains neither
) | ) ium. Morphine nor Mineral
ffttift tfOUDrSANVEimWBR
Atitt SitJ
Horn Sft
C/arJirrf Suytr *
Itintryrrtn / / 1 > vn
A perfect Remedy forConsllpa-
ion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea ,
fto Vorms.Convulsions.Fcvcrish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
$ FocSimik Signature of/
fiuarantecd under ttio Foodaid ]
Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMI OtNTAUH OUMNT , IW VORH OrTT.
Landlady I cannot accommodate
you. I take in only single men.
Wlgson What makes you think
I'm twins ?
IB always advertised. In fnct It only pays
to advertise good tilings. When you see
an article advertised in this paper year
after yuar you out ) bo absolutely certain
Unit there In merit to It because the con
tinued nalo of any article depends upon
merit and to keep on advertising ono
must keep on selling. All good things
have Imitators , but Imitations are not ad
vertised. They have no reputation to sus
tain , they never expect to have any per
manent halo and your dealer would never
uell them If ho Htudlcd your Interests.
Sixteen years ORO Allen's Foat-ISaao , the
antiseptic Powder for the feet , was first
Bold , and through newspaper advertising
and through people telling each other
what a good thln It was for tired and
aching feet It has now a permanent nnle ,
and nearly 200 no-culled foot powders
liavo been put on the market with the
hope of profiting by the reputation which
linn been built up for Allen's Foot-Ensp.
When you aolt for an article advertised
In thPKo napcru sco that you got It. Avoid
Different Valueo.
"There's a big difference In men. "
" 1 judge so , by studying the vari
ous rates for which PIttsburg councilmen -
men were bought. "
Pop Red , Itolilnc ISj-ellili. Cft * , Stye *
Falling Kyrlashes nnd All Eyes That
Need Care Try Murlno 12yo Salve. Asep
tic Tubes Trial Size 25c. Aslc Your Drug
gist or "Wrltu Murlno Eye llcmcdy Co * ,
How would It do to try the experi
ment of going to the erring with love ,
Instead of law ? Wouldn't it bo a stop
nearer to paradise ?
Mr * . Wlnslow'H Soothing Syrup.
Korchlldrrn ti-irtlilni ; , wiitmistlwKUiuB , rcilucrsln.
When a girl marries for n homo she
seldom boasts of what she gets.
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
Cut out citlurtla ncl Tb < 7 * M LrctaJ
h nhunneceMtry. . Try
grnljr on the lim ,
cUmintla b3t , > oJ
Iootlu the delicti *
tnrmbr n of
of the bowcu
Curt Cera
llpltlM ,
Sick' I ! wiiclu ud I * ( U4 M truEooi kaow. '
Small Pill , Small Dose , Small Prlc4s |
Genuine moitbeu Signature ,
f That Awful
Did you hear It ? How embar
rassing. These stomach noisesmako
you wish you could sink through
the floor. You imagine everyone
hears them. Keep a box of GAS-
CARETS in your purse or pocket
and take a part of one after eating. .
It will relieve the stomach of gas. 91j
CASCARETS lOo n box for n week's
treatment. Alldrucrclats. nietrentseller
In the world million boxes a month.
Saint Katharine's School
For Girls
Davenport , Iowa
Academic , preparatory , nnd primary ( rradeo )
Certificate accepted by Kiiatcrn colleges. Spe
cial nilvitiitnKCS In Music , ArtDomestic Bcleuc *
uniKlyiiiriUBluin.AddreiiH The Slater Superior *
-other Btarcbii onlr 12 ounce ma price anil
W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 33-1910.
A Poor Weak Woman
As site is termed , will endure bravely and patiently
agonies which a strong man would ( Jive way under.
The fact is women are more patient than they ought
to bo under cuch troubles.
Every wornan oufiht to know that she may obtain
the most experienced medical advice free of charga
and in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to
the World's Dispensary Medical Association , H. V.
Pierce , M. D. , President , Buffao | , N. Y. Dr. Pierce
has bseu chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute , of Buffalo , N. Y. , for
many years and has had a wider practical experience
in ( lie treatment of women's diseases than any other physician In this country , '
His medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy.
The most perfect remedy ever doviicd for Treat end doll
cate women is Dr. Fierce'a Favorite Prescription *
The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fuHy lei
forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages ) , u newly
revised and up-to-date Edition of which , cloth-bound , will be mailed free on
receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay coat of mailing only. Address as above.
Keeps the spindle bright and
free from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
'Incorporated )