Historical Society duster ubltcari VOL. XXIX BROKEN BOW , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , AUGUST 18 , 1910 NO , 11 , -rrt v-1" . - - . . r. CUT GLASS INDICATES . REFINEMENT It is a sign of an artistic temperament jti those who desire to own it.- It is useful , as well a sensible , ser viceable investment. We have a tempting array of these goods. Every design is new and we can offer our customers sonic exceptional valuse. Many people hesitate at buying Cut Glass , on account of its supposed cost liness but dollar for dollar it reveals a richness that is possessed by few other articles of art or utility. Come in and let us show you our dis play if the least bit interested. ANOTHER BIG WEDDING. Lev ! Empficld Gets Married Again. Prominent ranchman on lower Spring Creek , near McKinlej , the preacher a second time / * and takes unto himself a wife. The above caption may be some what mystifying to the many readers of this paper who know- Mr , and Mrs. Empfield , and are aware of the the fact that they have been most happily -wedded x for the last eight years ? have a splendid ranch and are the par- 0 ents of two bright fine little boys \ All will be clear , however , when it it is explained that the high esteem in which-Mr. and Mrs. Empfield are held by their neighbors was made manifest last Friday , Aug , 12th , it being i the eighth anniversary of their wedding by a big surprise party being given them , and a mock wedding , before Rev. G. P. Netherly , being part of the pro- yram. On account of a fatal accident in Callaway and the presence ol " a threshing machine in the in ighborhood not more than half of the friends who intended coming were able to be present. However sixty-fue guests were pit sent , ladies bringing dinner , of course , for everybody. This w.s plated on a long improvised * s > table outside the house , and was m.st hugely enjoyed. A. little present of a most \ iK'iiutiful and rich oak book case and writing desk combined -was plsi made to Mr. Empfield and v lie by their visitors. The afternoon was spent by ; he gentleuied present in story telling , pitching quoite and play ing base ball , while the ladies did all the work , of course , but all seemed mighty cheerful about it- After a most splendid day thoroughly enjoyed by every one , the parties to this happy surprise bade Mr. and Mrs. Empfield goodbye , wishing them many more eight year periods of matrimonial menial happiness. A Disturbance Nipped in the Dud. Last Saturday night five of the Reese ranch hands , C. B. Martin , J. R. Martin , Ed Gracy , C. Wright and Layman came driving into the city behind a pair of high stepping mules. While driving around the streets they became very loud and boisterous in their speech and when requested to stop such talk by Marshal Draper they hurled abusive epithets at him and went on down the street past the post office towards the rail road station. In , the meantime their language had been getting more vulgar and louder every moment and to cap the climax as they -were opposite the B. &M restaurant they began shooting with a 32 Winchester special. This proceedure was entirely too much for our Irish marshal to stand patiently and hear. At this time a gentleman was going by in an automobile. Draper called to him and turning his machine they started after the joyful ones. The next thing those gentle men .knew was that the marshal was navigating rapidly in their direction in a buzz wagon 'and the ensuing chase will probably never be forgotten by the people in , it as it was certainly a thriller in every respect. Not until the galloping mules had put six long muddy miles between them and Broken Bow were they stopped by the arm of the Jaw and by that time two of the men seeing that their horse power did not iqual that of the on coming auto left the rig to its fate and sought safety in a nearby corn field. The remaining three were brought back and placed in the city bastile and Sundav afternoon the two who made their escape were apprehended and brought to town. Later in the day however they were all released on $300 bonds. Their hearing is to be this after noon in Police Judge Shinu's office. Ed Gracey and C. Wright were already under peace bonds of $200 for pjayfully holding up a band of Gypsies recently. roam it is in the Orocory Line The Best Flour. English and Holland Wafers. The Advo , Holiday , J. M. and Nebra brands of cannded goods Harrington Hall , Yigora , Ak- Sar-Ben , Blue .Ribbon , Ah-Ha- Mo , J. M. 1846 , Crown and Breakfast Delight Coffees. J. N. PEALE PI ) enc 161 THE GROCER Phone 180 Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station The Primary Election. The weather Tuesday after noon in this locality was very onfavorable as a vote getter and as a result a light vote was poll ed at the primary. A heavy rain late in the afternoon 2 inches kept most of $ he farmer voters from voting at all. In many precii'Cts of the county the vote was light vp to the time of going to press but ttmuiiu voting pre cincts of the county have report-1 ed the vote cast and a complete synopsis at this time can not be ijivcu. However the vote report ed indicates the general result in the county , The county prccints which have reported scmi-officially are Algernon , Ansley , Arnold , Brok en Bow North and South Side uster Nos. 1 and 2 Cliff , _ Delight - light , Gatfield , Grant , Hayes , Kilfoil , Sargent , and Triumph. These township give Burkett for Senator 307. Weedon 109 , Metcalf 144 , Hitchcock 197. For Governor , Aldrich 237 , Cady 223 , Dalbman Dem , 126 Shallenbarger320. PorCongress Kinkaid Kep , 378 Becrnan Rep. 148 , Dean Dem. 181 , Taylor Deiu. 2o , rshuoiway Dein. 49. For Tresurer George Rep. 456 Sadilek Rep. 136 State Senator Mattlcy Rep. 280 Fries Rep. 249. For Representative Moody Rep. 269 Rice 226 Warren 259 Arthur Dem 147 Hall Dein 70 Gandy Dem. 203 Jeffords Dem. 176 Boblitts Rep. 87. For County Attorney Gadd 276 Myers 226 Beal Deui. 384. The probabilities are that those reported in the lead now will maintain it in the precincts not reported. The State Ticket. The results in the senatorial race are not in doubt in either .of the parties as Hitchcock and Burkett both far ahead of thr. other nominees Shallenbarger and Dahlmau are running a great race for the governorship nomination. At present the Omaha mayor has a big lead but the returns which ' constantly coming in show .that i the voters are giving large maj orities for the governor and is making a tremendous gain on i his compeditor. In the south western part of the State Shall cnbarger is getting the greater 1 portion of the votes. Douglas county gives a maj ority of about 0000 for Mayor Dahlmau Aldrich has a lead of about 3000 not counting Douglas county. The Douglas county vote was ; 863 for Aldrich and 3,506 for ! Cady. Aliss Cutler Entertains. The Maxuma club and their escorts went toMernaon Satur day evening for a house party given by Miss Dae Cutler. A hay rack met them at the station and the crowd of twenty two were transported in this manner the remainder of the journey. Saturday evening they went to a dance at New Helena. The crowd returned Sunday evening rather sleepy it is true but very happy and extremely well pleased with the entertair- ment tendered them by their charming hostess. The only regrettable incident of the affair was that Mrs J. G. Leonard who went with them as chaperone had the misfortune to sprain her ankle as she jumped from the hay rack. She is able to be about though by the use nf a pair of crutches. Mr. Lewis Kimberlin ' brought over the returns from Arnold Thsurday. BEAUTIFUL HOMO WEDDING. Well Known Younj ; People Joined In Wedlock. At 12 o'clock yesterday at the home of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Holcomb , occur red the wedding of Edna L. IIol- comb and Mr. Sidney S , Parki- son both ot this city. Promptly at high noon the jrals of Meudellsohn's Wedding March , played by Miss Bessie Jokfson , burst forth and the two little flower girls Lacledc Hoi- comb and Alice O'Banion march ed down stairs followed by the bride ami groom and took their places under an arch of palms and ferns from which had been suspended a wedding bell of snow balls. The impressive ring cere mony was used and was solouin- izcd by the Rcvcrand f/4. O. Dow- ard. Following the wedding a four course dinner wan served. The table was tastefully decor ated with stnilax and roses. The bride was dressed in an embroidered silk mull trimmed in Val and Cluny lace and wore a viel with a wreath of orange blossoms and carried a shower boquet of roses and lillics of the valley. The groom wore the conventional black. Only the immediate families of the con tracting parties were present , The reception held last even ing between the hours of 8:30 : and 10:30 was an enjoyable oc casion. The table was decorated with roses , smilax , ferns and white ribbon. In the center of the table was a large oval mirror upon which rested the wedding. Punch was served by Miss Nettie Holcomb. Ice cream , coffee and calce were served. The ice cream for the occasion had a large red heart in the center. The large number of presents made in necessary for them to be displayed on several different tables and consisted f cut glass silverware , china ware , oil paint ing , embroidery and linen. Mrs. Parkison is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Holcomb and has lived in Broken Bow all her life and was an alumnus of the Broken Bow high schook. She is well known and greatly admired by all. For the past three years she has been the bookkeeper for J. C. Bowcn which position she resigned but a short time ago. The groom is an employee of Burlington railroad company in the capacity as night operator which position he has held since last December. He formerly held this position at Anselmo at which place his folks reside. They leave -this evening for Yellowstone Park for their x honeymoon. Senator Ollis , who is superin tendent of the draft horse depart ment informs becretary Mellor of the board that the entries in his class are greater than ever before and that the exhibit of draft horses bids fair to exceed in quantity as well as quality al ! previous exhibitions. In fact the fair this year will far exceed j all former fairs in the way ol exhibits in all department. It would seem each year that i would be impossible to reach a greater degree of excellence , but the next year seems to increase i the exhibits and 1910 indications look better at this time of any former years. Fair dates thisj year arc Sept 5 to 9 and already a great time is assured for those 'who ' attend. Special Report. South Omaha , Nebr , , Aug , 17 , Cattle : 24,000 for three days , A little weak on beef steers Mon day but fully recovcrd yesterday ; $7.75 top for corn fed I5s5' Ib. steers. High record for grass steers $6.75 for 1358 Ibs made us. Bulk consists of a fairly good grade at $4.75 to $5.35 , balance on the common order , $3.75 to $4.50. Butcher stock in brisk lemand ; spayed heifers up to $5.25 also sold by us. Best grass cows and heifers $4.00 to $4.60 , julk being pretty fair grades $3 35 to $ ? .85 ; goad cutter cows $3.00 to $3.35 and cauncrs around $2 75 : veal calves firm at $4.00 to $0.25 ; feeding bulls in slack in quiry around $3.00 and Bologna bulls strong at $3.35 to 83.85. Feeders arc insufficient to supply demand , best heavy steers $5.00 to $5.65 ; good medium weights $4.50 to $5.00 ; yearlings and two years olds $3 75 to $4.50 ; heifers $3.10 to $3.50. Receipts will continue heavy but look for a well maintained market. Hogs : 16,500 for 3 days ; market opened strong to 5 high er but closing 10 lower on account of a weak provision market. Bulk $8.00 to * 8.35 , top $8.70 which is about 35c higher than a week ago. Light supplies seem in order with not much change in prospect. Sheep : Last week heaviest of this season , 65,00 head. 45,000 for 3 days this week market strong. Fat lambs $6.85 ; year lings $5.75 ; wethers $4.40. ewes $4.25. Feeders more active. Top lambs $6.20 ; yearlings $5.20 ; wethers $4.10 ; ewes $3.70 ; breed ing ewes $4 00 to $4.75 ; year- $5.00 to $5. 5 and very scarse. Look for continued heavy run but an active market. Yours very truly , National Live Stock Com , Co. Frank Bealsand wife of Merna were city visitors yesterday. Mr..and Mrs. Fred Lindlcy of Anselmo were in Broken Bow yesterday. Miss Alice Johnson who has. been visiting at home for a few days rctu.ned to Anselmo today. Miss Ella Anderson of Mason City was in the city last evening to attend the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs.Sidney Parkison. ( Miss Sarah Snyder has resign ed her position as teacher of the 6th and 7th grades on the north side and has accepted a similar pjsition in Carson City , Nevada. Died. Bertha Hopkins the infant daughter of Mr. Miles and Mrs. Clara Hopkins of Berwyn died at the parental home one and one- half miles southeast of Berwyn on Friday August 12th , 1010 after weeks of suffering with complex diseases. All that could be done tor the little sufferer was done but without results. Little Bertha was born June 27 , 1909 , and died August 12 , 1910 , aged one year , one month and fifteen days. The funeral was held at the home on Sunday the 14th at 10 a , in , Sermon by Rev. H. Bellis and remains hurried at the Janesville cem etery. Ansley Had Heavy Rain * The most rain which fell in this vicinity last Friday was re ported by Ansley who had a rec ord of five inches of rain in two hours time. Ansley was the storm center as the down pour seemed to be equally distributed oij all sides with perhaps a little greater fall northwest of the city and to wards Berwyn. The streets of Auslcy were turned into small rivers wit i the water in them at a depth of about six lect , Part of the busi ness houses of the town and some of the cellars were flooded with the .rushing water. Ansley was entertaining at the time about 1800 Modern'Woodmen of America who were holding their annual picnic , The reports so far show the damage to the caops as being very heavy. The railroad bridge near Ber wyn which has caused so much trouble before lost some of its pilings and made it impossible for trains to pass for some time. Train No. 43 Sunday afternoon being the first to cross since Fri day night. The rest of the road bed was able to be used by run ning slowly although it was in bad shape in a few places. F. D. Mills of Wcsterville was a city visitor Tuesday. He remained - mained over Wednesday on ac count of the rain. A suspicious character who hails from Chejenne was takeu into the toils by Marshal Draper Monday night. He had beea heard asking boys whether the city had a marshal ! and whether he stayed up all night. Needless to say he soon discovered as Draper nabbed him at about one thirty a. m. Ravenna Ilrnnds : Peerless High Patent $1.70 per sack Tip Top 2nd Grade $1.60 per sack. Rroken Bow Urands : Cream High Patent } i.6o per sack. Myrtle and Grade Jt.ss per sack. Callaway Urand : High patent $1.70 per sack. 5 cents per hundred off on 300 pound lots. 10 cents per hundred off on m 500 pound lots. VINEGAR Hcin/'s Pure Cider Vinegar fine for pickling 400 per gallon. Hein/'s White Pickling 350 per jug. I rein/ Malt Vinegar in bottles 300 each. Good Cereal Vinegar 350 per gallon. Cereal White Wine Vinegar 400 pei gallon. Call on us for all kinds of Bakery Goods. $ WE BUY , TEST and PAY SPOT CASH for CREAM. Ice For Sale in Small Quantities at The Eagle Grocery Store. The Square Deal Store Phone 58