Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 28, 1910, Image 7

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    How She Conciliated Them.
Fllmor How did it happen that
these five men who were so angry
with the woman in the nickelodeon
for not taking off her hat became so
friendly with her afterward ?
Screeners It was raining like fury
when the show was over and nho in-
\ltod them to take shelter with her
under her hat.
Women In Love.
"Women in love are generally trou
blesome and persecuting. " Such is
the reported opinion of M. Emllo Fa-
guet. And if a French critic docs not
understand the subject , of whom shall
we seek understanding ? "
His Big Bill.
Guest How long is this lease of
jour ; hotel to run ?
Hotel Clerk What lease ?
Guest The one I just gave you the
money for.
Otherwise Hopeless.
"My daughter's voice is to be tried
today. "
"Have you fixed the Jury ? " Cleve
land Leader.
Dr. 1'lcrco's Pellets , uranU , Bui tr-contoil , may to
tnktt an candy , rrgulalo nnd invlicimiln Mtmuch ,
llTcrnnd bonolanud cuio coiifJIpallun.
Man cannot be happy when idle , un
less resting from previous labor.
Lewis' Single Binder cigar.
Tin Foil Smoker 1'ncknge , fa < trmght.
\ Some men carry a sandbag because
they are too proud to beg.
Nebraska Directory
Are tlie Deal. Ask your local dealer or
JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. , Omaha , Neb.
this process oil broken
parts of machinery made coed as new. Welds
cast iron , cast eteel. aluminum , copper , brass or
jiny other metal. Eipert automobile repairing.
BERTSCHV MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffa
Ole Illbncr , President
BotU Phones. 2127 Fnrnain St. , Omaha
M. Spiesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale MiBlinery
The De t In the Wctt OMAHA , NEB.
. Tlio best In nil Commercial Courses.
Frpn catalogue nxplilns all. Address
W. M. nuYAm * , President
No. UlliiUJlnlUllUR LincolnXob.
Grain , Provisions , Stocks , Cotton
Main Office , 204-205 Fraternity Bldc.
Lincoln , Nebriuka.
Dell Pbone CIS Auto Plionr SdfiO
largest House in State.
Beatrice Creamery Go.
Fays the highest price for
The only Sanitarium In the btnto uslnpr
Natural Mineral W'lter Baths Uiifiur-
| iifKcd In the treatment of Acute and
Chronic HIIEUMATISM. Moderate
Charged. Address :
DR. 0. W. EVERETT , Uthand M. Sts.
Academy , Normal , Pharmacy , Ilusi-
s. Music , Oratory and Art. Wo issno state
certlttcnten. Best Advantages. Lowest Kates.
Your opens September IS. Ask for Catalogue.
WM. E. SCHELL , President
Gall Cure
Horse Collars
Arc made over Curled Hair
' Pads and will not gall the horse.
Write us for free sample of the
Pad. Give the name o your
harness dealer. Sold
by best dealers every-
where. HARPHAM
BROS CO. , Lincoln , Neb.
Get tlio best. Your dealer can supply
jou with our brand. Your loss o hay
will more than pay.
N. W. Cor. lth ! & Harney Sts. Omaha. Neb.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
> Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely and
Ready on the
live/ . Cure
Diliouineu , . ,
Head ,
ache ,
aeu , and Indinetnon. They do tlicir duty.
Small POl , Small Date. Small Pric . '
Genuine mtmixar Signature
Errors Are Often Made , Especially In
Taking Samples , Thus Creating
Much Dissatisfaction.
Variation in tests has caused much
dissatisfaction in the Bulling of cream.
'When the cream is from the same
cows , which have been fed the same
'ration ' and milked by the same man ,
mid when the same separator IB used ,
the farmer naturally thinks the per
cent , of fat in the cream should re
main the same.
Errors are often made In making
'testa , especially in taking the .sample ,
tout variations constantly occur that
arc duo to other causes. The most
common causes of these variations , as
pointed out In a circular toy Prof. C.
H. Eckles of the Missouri Agricultural
Experiment station , Columbia , Mo. ,
nre as follows :
1. Variations in the speed of the
2. Variation In temperature of milk
3. Uate the milk flows Into the ma
4. Amount of water or skim milk
used In flushing out the bowl.
5. Change in the richness of the
milk separated.
G. Adjustment of the cream screw.
Change In the speed of the separa
tor is the most common cause of vari
ation. The greater the speed of the
Hepnrator , the smaller the amount of
cream and the higher the per cent , of
Again , the temperature of the milk
tenarated varies on the farm from day
, to day. If cream tests 30 per cent ,
when the milk is separated at 90 de
grees , it may test as high as 40 per
cent , when separated at 70 degrees.
Under average conditions on the farm ,
however , the variation in fut due to
change of temperature will not amount
to more than three to four per cent.
A third cause of variation is found
In the rate at which the milk flows
'into the machine. If less than the
Tegular quantity flows into the bowl ,
the tendency Is to Increase the per
tent , of fat in the cream.
The richness of the milk separated
affects the richness but not the quan
tity of cream. The richness of a
.cow's milk depends on inheritance and
cannot be changed permanently by
Small variations are likely tooccur
jfrom the other causes suggested. By
tu use of an ordinary Babcock testing
'machine and by measuring the sample
of cream into 'the test bottle with the
same pipette as is used for measuring
milk , any farmer can make a test of
his cream that will satisfy him as to
the accuracy of the test he receives
from the cream buyer.
tJetallcJ Instructions and Illustration
for Erecting Tank That Will Last
for Many Years.
We should consider It a mistake to
build an octngon silo when It la
easier and better to build a round
one. The octagon silo has no advan
tages over the round.
If It Is desirable to build the octagon
gen structure as suggested , Hays
Hoard's Dairyman , In reply to a
query , wo should advise netting 2 by
4's on a circular foundation which ex
tends at least six feet into the ground
XT'T XT'v XT'i I I I i i i i i I i i i i i i
v , v.
End View.
and two feet above. Place the 2 by
4'R 1C Inchea njinrt , uhcct on the In
side with good matched lumber , then
put on BJlo paper and cover with
matched lumber. The outside of the
2 by 4's can be covered with paper
nnd sheeting. This will make a very
serviceable silo and one that will last
for many years.
To us the better plan would be to
line the hiBlde of the silo with a coatIng -
Ing of cement. Inutend of putting on
the second lining of sheeting and pa
per , novel lath may be used , and then
cover with cement , making the coatIng -
Ing about ono Inch or one and one-half
Inches thick. The accompanying Il
lustration shows the half-Inch board
which Is nailed to the 2 by 4's , and
they may be any width ; ( he beveled
laths und how the cement Is put over
Keep Milk Fresh and Pure.
It Is not necessary that the milk
for family consumption nhiill be of
the certified kind , but be mighty cer
tain that It Is clean , frenli and pure.
Even a dotitor cannot coirect your
Tank , With Two Compartments , Al
lowing Water to Flow From One
to Other , IB Used.
Wo have plenty of water on our
farm and Imvo nlwnyn boon nblo to
keep our milk sweet for u long time ,
writes C , V. Potbcrun of Nebraska , In
Farm and Home. Wo use a tauk elm-
llnr to tlio ono in the drawing. Tbero
arc two compartments to the tank
that tire connected at the bottom.
Tlio water comes from the well Into
the first apartment and from there It
must go through the opening at the
Milk Cooler.
bottom of the partition into the apart
ment where the cans of milk aro. This
kcepH the water fresh In the tank and
loss fresh water is required to keep
the milk in good condition.
If It were not for the fact that wa
ter IB forced to go to the bottom of
the tank in order to circulate , It would
be pumped in at ona and run off at
the other , whlla the water in the bottom
tom would remain almost stationary.
A hinged 2"by 4 is used in the tank
to hold partly filled cans steady.
"Pauline , " Wisconsin Cow , to Become
Mllk-Qlver for President Taft
and Family In Fall.
"Pauline , " the pride of Wisconsin ,
daughter of "Gertrude , " the chief rival
of "Josephine , " champion of Missouri ,
is to become the property of Presl
dent and Mrs. Taft.
Pauline will have all the privileges
of the white lot , just back of the
White House , where the very best of
grass is being grown for her benefit
"Pauline , " New White House Cow.
Pauline will takethe , place of "Moo-
ley , " whom President Taft made the
Jlrst cow of the land shortly after the
inauguration , a year ago. Mooloy
The reign of Pauline will begin nezl
September. Just now she is rather
young and inexperienced , but gives
every promise of becoming well quali
fied for a queen of cows.
Pure water is necessary on the
dairy farm.
It is fast becoming so that a sep
arator IB almost as much of a neces
sity on the farm as the churn.
To a very considerable extent the
way In which the cream is ripened
controls the flavor of the butter.
Cream or milk when kept at a
low temperature for some time de
velops n bomowlmt bitter flavor.
You should not only know how
much each cow produces , but how
much it costs to do the producing.
The -returns received from the cow
should determine the economy anc !
profit there may be in keeping her.
A quart of milk by actual chemical
analysis Is said to possess as much
nutritive value HB a pound of beef
Oatmeal contains 32 per cent , pro
toln , consequently It is good for milch
cown , but Hhould not bo fed too lib
Milk at a stated hour both morninj ,
and evening and keep everything
about the stable and the dairy clean
and fresh.
Good pasture is the most econom
leal milk feed that a cow can have
and when pastures are short , green
soiling comes next.
Keep tho'cowH comfortable at nigh
and when the weather IB cold am
wet. In daytime , if they have pasture
and good water , they can care for
As milk readily absorbs odors , don't
set your milk pans where food is kept
The richest milk Is the last tlio
leaves the udder. Bo sure that the
cows are milked clean.
The Pennsylvania experiment sta
tlon has discovered that rye meal as
a part of properly balanced ration for
dairy cows is sufficient in milk tun
butter production to an equal weight
of corn meal.
Experiments at Cornell experlmen
farm showed that while cows whlcl
were fed grain while on good pasture
gave more milk than those which ba <
pasture alone , the Increased quan
tlty of milk was not produced at a
Milkers Neat and Clean.
Those who do milking should be
neat and clean in person. Before milk
ing they should wash their hands with
soap and they should thoroughly dry
them. The finger nails should always
be clean. As little dust as possible
should be stirred , up. Dust from moldy
hay will float around and fall into the
"Dou you know , " shouted the earn
est orator , "what to do to the trust ? "
"No , but I know blnmc well what
.hey'ro doing to us ! " unid a man lu
the front row.
Casey at the Bat.
, This fauiouB poem is contained in the
Coca-Cola Baseball Hecord Book for
910 , together with records , schedules
or both Icaguco and other valuable
mscball information compiled by nu-
horltlcs. Tills Inlcrestfng book sent
) y the Cocn-Colu Co. , of Atlanta , Ga. ,
on receipt of 2c tttnnip for postage.
Also copy of their booklet "Tho Truth
About Coca-Coin" which tells all about
this delicious beverage and why it la
BO pure , wholesome and refreshing.
Are you over hot tired thirsty ?
Drink Coca-Coin it IB cooling , rc
levcs fatlguo and quenches the
.hirst. At eodn fountains and car
Donated in bottles Cc everywhere.
The Stomach Hold. ,
Col. II. N. Ilenouf , at the "Old
Guard" banquet at Delrnonlco's , em
phasized the importance to an army
of a good commissariat.
"You have perhaps heard , " ho sa d ,
"of the company of privates that a
patriotic lady entertained ono Me
morial day to dinner.
"It waa n good dinner , and at its
end n pretty maid servant entered
with a superb dessert.
" 'DcsHort , sergeant ? ' she said to
the stalwart young soldier at the
beaO of the table.
" 'Desert ? ' the sergeant answered.
'When I can get cats like this for
nothin' ? Nixie 1 Not mo ! ' "
Keen obaervora predict a big boom
in property In Wantland , Colorado , the
new town which is being built in the
center of the LHtlo Snake River Val
ley in Routt County , Colorado. A big
irrigation system JH being built to irri
gate 60,000 acrcH of very rtno land sur
rounding Wantland. The land Is beIng -
Ing sold toy the Slate of Colorado for
50 cents per aero , under the Carey
Act , nnd water rights cost $35.00 an
acre , in ten year payments. Sugar fac
tories , flour mills , canneries , etc. , are
among the possible industries to bo lo
cated at Wantland. Full information
can be obtained from the Routt County
Colonization Company , 1734 Welton
St , Denver , Colo.
Back to the Tall Timber.
Alfred Are you going to pass your
vacation at the Hoashore ?
Gilbert No , thank you. It's the
woods for mine this year.
Alfred Don't llko the shore , eh ?
Gilbert Oh , I like it well enough ,
but it's too risky. 1 paused my vaca
tion there last year and had several
narrow escapes.
Alfred From drowning ?
Gilbert No ; Hummer girls. Seven
of them proposed to mo.
A Big Package Sent to All of Our
Readers Who Write at Once.
To any reader of this paper who
writes Immediately and incloses 2-con
stamp wo will mall a set of five moH
beautiful post cards you ever saw
Or wo will wend our big magazine on
trial 3 months and net of eight cholc
est Floral Motto , Birthday and Friend
ship curdo , all different , in exquisite
colors , ollk flnl.ii , beautifully em
bossed , all for only 10 cents ; 3 full
sets , 24 cards all different , and one
year's subscription , 215 ccnlK. Address
Household Postcard Dept , It 5 Capper
Bldg , Topeka Kan.
Their Object.
Banke The women of my town
have formed n secret society.
Rivers A secret society ? Surely ,
that's n misnomer ; women don't know
how to keep Bccrote.
Banks But they know how to tell
them , and that's why they formed
tlio society.
Autolng and Optics.
"Is not auto driving terribly harden
on the eyes ? " wo asked.
"Well , t KUCSS not , " replied the
chauffeur , withering us with scorn.
'Why , before I got to viinnln' a car I
van thlnkin' o' gottln' specks , my eyesight -
sight was that poor I couldn't see the
contribution box In church until it wns
so near past mo-Jt was too late to dig
or any money. But I hadn't been
runnln' that wagon two days till I
could sco a policeman's llttlo finger
stickin' out from behind a trco four
miles away. I could even scu which
vay a copper'B eyeballs wore turned
f ho was standin' iu the shade thrco
miles off. Hard on the eyes ! Well ,
not much ! It's the best medicine for
weak oycM that was over Invented ,
don't you forget it. "
His Claim to Prominence.
At n social gathering a certain man ,
intent on knowing every ono , wan In
troduced to Senator Julius C. Burrows
of Michigan.
"Tho name Burrows la very famil
iar to me , " ho said. "I am certain
that you are n man of sumo promi
nence. "
"Yes , " replied Senator Burrows , "I
am the man that wdled at first * just
before Casey came to bat In that cele
brated ball game In Mudvllle.- -
cess Magazine.
Small Job.
Him I was confused for a bit , I
confess , but it took mo only a moment
to collect my wits
Her Yes , it couldn't take any
longer than that. Go on.
Stella Are you afraid of cows ?
Bella Not with my hatpins. New
York Sun.
LCWIB * Single Hinder fitrnighl Be cigar
is uitulc to satisfy ( ho smoker.
Truth Is cut up to patch too many
lies. You can never boll the lies back
into truth again.
Awgdable Preparation for As
slmilaling ihe Food and Rcgula
ling Ihe Stomachs and Bow-Is ol
Promotes Di : stionChecrful-
ness and Resl.Contains neither
Opium , Morphine nor Mineral.
$ A perfect Remedy forConsflpa
ft lion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea ,
Worms , Convulsions .Feverish
Toe Simile Signatureo/
Guaranteed under the Foodaid
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
What Ails You ?
Do you feel weak , tired , despondent , have frequent head'
ncbei , coated tongue , bitter or bad taste in morning ,
"heart-burn , " belching of ns , acid risings In throat after
eating , itomach gnaw or burn , foul breath , dizzy spells ,
poor or variable appetite , nauiea at times and kindred
ymptome P
If you have any considerable number of Ibe
above symptom * you are suffering from bilious
ness , torpid liver with indigestion , or dyspepsia.
Dr. Fierce' * Golden Medical Discovery ! made
up of tlie most valuable medicinal principles
Iinovrn to medical science for the permanent
cure of cucb abnormal condition ) ) . It is a most
efficient liver invigorator , stomach tonic , bowel
regulator and nerve ttrcngtliener.
The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum ,
a full list ol itB ingredients being printed on _ ils bottje-wrapper and attested
under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol , or harm *
ful habit-Iorming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure , triple-refined
glycerine , of proper strength , from the roots of native American medical ,
forest plantn. World's Dispensary Medical Association , Props. , Buffalo , N. Y.
, iWMlj * y
Didn't Care for Expenses.
They were aoatc'l ut the brcnUfnRt
( nblo.
"John , dour , " said the youns vtlf ,
"this Is my birthday. "
"I'm glnd you mentioned II , dnrllnB. "
rejoined her husband. "I'll buy you u
proaent the first thing when I get
downtown. "
"Well , " she Bald , "I hope you won't
got any cheap 08-cont n ft air. "
"Of coui-HO I won't , " ho replied.
"Why , 1 would bo ashamed to present
you with anything that coat less thrin
a dollar. "
And seine people have too much re-
spcct for other peoplo'a honiuH nnd ,
not enough for their own.
Mr * . Wlnnlow'B Kootlitnir Hymn.
rorchllOren toethtnif , noflcnsthnKum * , trdn
tUujui lion.allttj D ln.e > i to wind collo. 2&a about *
Many of us Imvo cause to bo thank *
ful for what wo don't got.
Oliolco quality ; reil.'t and rearm ,
while fucPH or ungufi bought on
orders. Tens of Tlioiitmndu to
rtoleol from. HntlHfnrtlon flunr-
untrcil , Corrcupoiulciicc Invllrd.
Coino niul BCD ( or yoursnlf.
National Live Stock Com. Co.
At either
HansaaCity.Mo. , SI. Joteoli.Mo. , S.OmahN h.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hava
Bears the
iinr TOM mr.
is the turning-point to economy
in wear and tear of wagons. Try
a box. Every dealer , everywhere
( Incorporated )
Sickly Smite 4 f \
Wipe it off your otherwise
good looking face put on that
good health smile that CAS-
CARETS will give you as
a result from the cure of
Constipation or a torpid liver.
It's so easy do it you'll see.
CASCAKBTS lOo box ( or A week' *
treatment , all drusrcrlsu , Btecctt teller
ia the world , Million boits * mouth.
Ki ud bnotlflu th h ! r.
lYomotti laxumnt growth.
Wever rIU to 11 eitore Orty
Ililr to it * YoutbfUl OolorT
Curu Kilp diMuei n htlr full
40e. > i > dtlJOOtt
W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 30-1910 ,