Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 28, 1910, Image 4

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$1.00 Per Your.
AH subscribers considered permanent
nnil If they wish to discontinue are oxi > irtcil
to pay all arrearages ) anil notify publisher.
En ! Ted at flrokcit How. Nebrankn , for transmission -
mission lit tlio United States malls
at Bccoml class rates.
D. tt. AMSI1LRKY , Editor and Publisher
V licro matter IB set on wood basn clcctrotyiio
afl tjirlcoof twenty ccutH per Inch.slniflecol *
am i , for cacli Insertion , two or more Inncrtlons
15 c : titB per Inch , Special position , ftlnulu In ,
eon ion 20 cents per inch. Metal base , electros-
two or more times , IS cents per Inch. Payment
flrsiof each monlli.
J.Kal advertlslnir five cents per line cacu In
tcrtlon ,
Notlco of clmrch church fairs , sociables and
entertainments where money Is charucd , one
halt ralos. , . . , . .
Death notices free , half price for publishing
Cardof Thanks , SO ceniH.
icUal notices at rates provided statutes of
Society notlccsanil
Vv'edainff notices free , hall price for UHl of
preuts. .
Candidate Tor ( lie Legislature.
I hereby announce myself as candidate
for nomination for Representative In the
Win district , Hiibjcct to the action ol the
republican primary" Aug. 16,1910
O. H. Moody.
Having lllcd with the proper oniccr , I
now announce myself a candidate lor the
olllce or county Attorney subject to the ap
proval ot the republican party at tbe 1'rlmary
ck'tlou : to he liuld August lUtll , 1'Mli.
His perhaps needless for me to nay. I
am unalterably niltvlnst ( ho Liquor Inter
ests , Iain lor county option , tor btato and
nation wide prohibition.
I am a republican , but am most emphat
ically for the revision of the'i'arlir downward
ann lor the removal or tarltf upon things
essentially necessary to the comfort , health ,
happiness and prosperity of , the citizen.
My present term of olllce docs not expire
iintllJanunry IVll , my time and ability there
fore Is the property or the cltl/.siis or the
county , or all political complexion : that be.
1 have not been absent from any meeting or
tin- board or supervisors have been on band
at..ili times i.when called Upon by county
onicers from the least to the highest , Includ
ing Township ana Hchool district onicers :
Wiien needed by the private citizen , either
over the I'honc , or In person I have been on
hand by day or night , and this I will have to
nay at the end or my term or olllCe regardless
ot the results of the prlmaryclecllon ; ir you
need the county attorney , you Avlll ilnd Film
ot his olllce , not out In campaign , using your
time to rurther his personal Interests. IT
absent , It will be because or business , and In eventi there will be a competent lawyer
In charge ot the olllce.
x I am human , and no doubt have made
mistakes during my term or olllce. but I have
no excuses to otter neither any appologleu to
nuke ; 1 have sought to dlseharuc duty to
the best or my ability -from mv view point ,
this i will continue to do ; I will thank you
for your consideration and will appreciate
your support.
Hcspcctfully Yours ,
Having ( lied as a candidate for Supervisor
ol the third supervisor district subject to tbe
\vlllorthe republican primary , 1 will ap
preciate your support , ir nominated and
elected I will use my best efforts for the ad-
vaiiccmcntof the best interests ot the dis
! trict and the county In general.
I amacandldatufor couuty attorney sub
ject to the aprroval or the republican prl
KmviN P. Mr niis.
Oconto tlou't waut counvy prj-
tion , that is the way Dr. Taylor
voted at the state convention.
That Man Uccmaii.
. .TThe.republicariparty-in < : outiy )
iit ; Kearney today ,
itself by.adpptinp iu its
, resolutions , a paragraph thti re-
iip'ct 'of the platfqrin commttee |
endorsing : thc'cdndidacy of If. E.
f I . JJeeuiau of Kearney for congress
i ' jria against Moses P. Kinkaid ] the
best representative the big'Sixth
district has ever had , J
Beeuian who has been a candi
date ior congress ever since it
can be remembered by the oldest
inhabitant for that matter , is
pot the Choice oMlie republicans
of Buffalo couuty but was en
dorsed Because he is"a Buffalo
"cbuhTy candidate' when the'reso -
- httiouvas' 'introduced by his
friends who tried to forget the
time when he stunipedjhc county ,
agafnst the republican ticket or
. to use his own words , "skinned a
few skunks. " .
The Clipper has never been
guilty under the present manag -
ment-26 years-of bolting a cand
date of the republican partj.
We have considered that the re
publican candidate .whether , a
friend or an enemy of the paper
or its editor , has .been better
than the candidate of the opposi
tion. But if the republican
party in the Sixth district so far
forgets itself as to nominate
this man Beeuian , a' mm whose
political record lacks a whole lot
of being above reproach , a man
who four years ago went out over
the county and made every effoit
to 'defeat the regularly nominat
ed candidates of the republican
party , every one of whom " -as
too much of a man to have this
man Bceman tie his shoe , the ed
itor of this paper has come to the
parting of the ways ,
We do not propose to state
that wewill , be a democrat , .we
have no such intention , but we
waut to say to the republicans of
the bijr Sixt'i ' district that if such
is the reward of treachery to the
party we may here after be called
a trnitor , Iu other words we
want to say that if the republi
cans of the Sixth Nebraska dis
trict rce fit to nominate this man
Hccmaii for congressman this
paper and its editor will in their
own weak way do every thing
possible to defeat not only Mr.
Becman but every man ou the
ticket who pretends to favor his
candidacy. Mr. Uceman , who
now is and has for the past
twelve or fourteen years aspired
to the nomination Ior congress
iu this district , four ydars ago
took the ututup against the
regular nominees in this county
aud did everything he could to
encompass their defeat. His in-
lluence , however , was so infinit
esimal , that every man on the
ticket was elected. Aud now
he comes before the repub'icaus
whom he opposed at the time for
purely personal reasons or because
his dictators the corporations ,
lold him to oppose every man on
the republican ticket , even to
Senator Norris Brown , whose
shoes he is not nor never was fit
to tie. This man , who has not a
good word said for him by any
reputable rcpublicau in Buffalo
couuty , now iconics before the
republicans of the Sixth district
aud asks that he be sent to con
gress to replace a man who
stands head and shoulder above
him in every way , inlllectually ,
iu honesty , in morality , and
otherwise , The editor of the
Clipper has no favors to ask Mr.
Becman , should he by accident
be nominated and elected to con
gress , but God pity the state of
Nebraska and the republican
party of the Sixth district should
they commit such a blunder as
to send such a man as Frank
Bceman to represent them in
the United States congress.
Shcltou Clipper.
Coming to Chautauqua
33 v tf * | *
Founder of the Ram's Horn.
Ho offers n lecture that la popular.
It Is torso , eplgrainatlc and full of
quaint humor. _ _
Musical Attraction
7 Highest priced ladies orchestra in the
T Houognlzed solo artists at euch in
< F Professor Alfred Metsdorf , Conduct
or , ewe of the most celebrated violin-
let of two continents ,
tf Balanced instrumentation and the
duflh and brilliancy of a military band.
q1 Their music slips into the soul and
makes lifo worth living.
< T For two rirogra'ins at
t- , /
Three Brilliant Entertainers
Smith Damron , the Potter Craftsman
will ilellvOr a lecture on the ceramic
arts , a subject of vital and growing
Intorc-yt. llo brings with him an ohl
faeliloncd "kick wheel" and nml ea
vessels of clay the while ho talks to
tl'i > nmllonrp at Chautauoua. fll
Madam Heno , Empress of Mag c
oli'crs u rolmud entertainment at
Burton Thatcher
A singer of songs and a lecturer
on the origin and why of music. Ab1 >
iiB&lstcd by Miss Mary Wilson Cook
Hear and see Dumron , Reno ani
Thatcher at
For Representative.
Having filed as candidate for the demo
cnitlc ami populist nomination for ropre
scntatlvu , I will appreciate the support o
thu democrats anil popullstf uf tills ilistric
at tlie primaries.
J , T. Arthur , Coinstock , Nebr.
Largcs't Assembly In the World Lincoln
August 3rd to II , 1910
The Fourteenth Annual Scs
sion of the Nebraska Kpwortl
Assembly , will be held at Ep
worth Lake Park , August 3rd to
llth , promises to be the largest
and most interesting in the
history of the Assembly. The
program this year shows a mag
nificent array of talent. The
mcst prominent public men , the
greatest lectures aud most popu
lar musical organisation's and
professional entertainers in tht
country will bu seen and heard
Ex-Govcrtior Folk and Ex Gov
Ilanly will deal with questions
of civic aud political reform
The appearance of General J
Warren Kcifer , member of .Con
gress from Ohio , who will de
liver'an oration ou "Patriotic
Day" , will be particularly pleas
ing to the veterans of the War
of the Rebellion and of the Span
ish War. B shop J. W. Bash fen
of China , W. F Anderson o
Chattanooga , Tenu , and Join
L. Nuelsou of Omaha will speal
of their work in various parts o
the world.
Ciricill's famous Italian Band
Ferguson's Dixie Jubilee Concert
Company the Tyrolean Alpiie
Singers and Soldiers , aid rausi
cal organisations will furnisl
entertainment tbat will be a
great treat to all lovers Q
The Epworth Assembly is an
ideal place to spend a vacation
The grounds are large and at
tractive , water and shade abund
ant , and accommodations are
ample either at Epworth Ilotc
or in tents which can be reutet
at reasonable rates.
For full particulars and pros
pcctus address Geo. E , Tobey
Custcr County
Land Man
If you have a snap in a
larm , or ranch for sale list
with me. If you want to
buy a snap in a farm .or
ranch , come and sec me.
Phones , office -12 , resi
dence 129.
M. E. Church. R. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School l6:00 : fi. ui , ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a. m ) Jun-
or league 2:30 : p. m ; Epjvortb
cague 6:30 : p. m ; evening scrmon (
7:30 : p. in ; E. L. Mission fetudy
Class , Wednesday 7:30 : rirayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : , p. m. ,
Cou.1 , uj'i worship with us yo.u
w ! * ' V- * . . , ! .r .nger in the church
but once.
inptist Lhurcli. A. t. Norwood , 'Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching. 11:00 : a. in ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. ui ; B. Y. P. U. 7:00 :
[ ) . m ; preaching 8:00 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
8:00 p. ui ; Atuotna class first and
third Tuesday of each month
7:30 : p. m.
Christian Church 2. 0. Daward , Pastor
At the Christian church next
Sunday. Coinmuuioii and preach
ing services at 11:00 : a. ni ; spec
ial song service and sermon 8:00
p. m ; Special music by the choir
and others. There 'will several
selections at both services.
Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ
ian Endeavor 7 p. m.
U. B. Church-S. ftl. Zikc. Pastor
Sunday school 10:00 : a. in
preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior C.
E. 3 p. m ; Senior C. E. 7. p. in.
Episcopal Church Will S J. Duinvill
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m
sharp morning prayer and sermon
11:00 : ; evening song and address
at 8:00 p. ra.
Each commumitant is request
ed to pay the mission ry appor
tionment to Mrs. Patterson as
quickly as possible.
See me before you buy that bill of
flour or feed. I want to buy
your cream for cash.
W , H. O'Rorhe's Feed Store
Phone 409.
Secretary Nebraska Epworth
Assembly , I/iucoln , Nebraska.
"In the afternoon "Senator 'Bob' Tay
lor addressed 'the largest audience
that ever attended any one attraction
In this city , " saiil the Moberly ( Mis
sourl ) Democrat of August 21 , 1908.
"It was n pleasure to learn that he
would again speak on 'Cnstlcs in the
Air , ' and It was a privilege as well as
a delight to henr\ him toll of the po *
tetiy ; of lite , thepower of love and tha
hope of Heaven. Thought transference
was the medium of exchange , for on
the invisible threads of thought and
desire which were transmitted from
every mind in the vast audience to
the mind of the wonderful speaker , he
played -matchless melody composed
a poem in prose , painted a picture id
words , gave hope framed with all of
the aspirations , desires and best Im
pulses of human life. The effort beg
gars description. It was simply the
only 'Dob' Taylor hypnotizing willing
subjects Into the condition ot mind
that sent every auditor homo with the
resolution to do hotter , be hotter and
help ono another to a higher and
nobler lifo. "
Send Your Abstract Orders to
J. CT. Leonard , .Bonded Abstractor
Office in Security State Bank Building
You can double the length of service of shingles , fence posts ,
foundation limbers , barn floors , etc , at small cost , by treating
them with the guaranteed wood preserving oil ,
Sold by ' ( /-K
ZZZIZIZZ : Phone 79 - rzrZT
Turner IJbr.-Co
The Richest Undeveloped State in the V/est.
GO with me on one of our personally conducted landscekers1 excursions to
the first and third Tuesdays of e'ich mouth , add-see what the farmars ate ,
doing on these new land * whine the Burlington railroad is building new'
lines ; where ucw wns offer splendid business business openings in all lines
of trude and profession. . , , - ' * , , . . ,
' - i - , , .
Examine these lands personally with me. i will help you to pick
out the best. I am employed by-the Hmlington railroad for this very
Our homeseekerS * ticket-a'llows . davS'wUh
- < you.25 < ! ' stopoverj'everywhere
in homcseekcers' territory ; ample time to examine the lands aud spend a few
days fishing in the mountain streams if you like.Se - ± 'the- irrigated lands
where the ditches are built by , the government .and also by . .prjvale com
panies , and the Mondell 30 acre free homesteidss 11 ou one trip.
Specially prepared Wyoming Literature just off the -press. > write
for it to'lay.
D. CLEftl DEAVER , General Agt.
Land Seekers Information Cliireau
E004 Farnum St. , Omaha l\ebr. !
How to Get Rid of
If you will call upon us in Brpken Bow
we will show you how this is done. ,
Wo have the largest stock of S.CREEN ' ,
in Broken Bow. . - . -K
We can furnish - youin any standard-1
size screen door or screen window : '
Phone 23. J. S. Alolyneux , Alanager.
< S CKSSET fS CK-3i SLM.K ! SI i y , fM
gfiHEasaffiK gagiSagEBSSrS
Insurance Policies , or otlier valuaLle papers ?
Ir so you need a Safe. Place to keep.them. .
One or our - - . . .
- . ,"an. . , lileal
place ror sucli , and cost ia only nominal-
Come in and let us show thorn to you.
( Strictly a Hotno'lnst'ltutlon )
W. A. OKOKOK. Prcsldont JULES HA.UMONT , Vice President
8 L. H. JBWETl' , Cashier 11. n. IMU1CKTT , Asst. Cashier
The Brilliant Cellist With
AT CHAUTAUQUA „ . . . , „ _ ,
"The highest Ideal of the platform
Is found In this man. He Is "differ-
ent. " You will do yourself an Injus.
tlce not to hear Dlxon at the Chau-