Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 28, 1910, Image 2

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    Tlio Ouster 8oiir. . { ? Republican
Oriel Mention of What In Transpiring
In Various Sections of Our Own
and Foreign Countries.
Washington. * "
'Washington Lee Capps , Captain
in the regular naval establishment
hns tendered his resignation to take
effect October 1st.
The officials of both the stale and
navy departments are closely watch
ing the developments In the light of
Estrada and Madrlz forces In Nicara
gua.The text of the long-heralded Man-
t'hurlnn convention between Japan
and Russia , signed July 4 at St.
Petersburg , was made public. It Is
one of the shortest Important treaties
of modern times , being Just 237 words
in length.
Unleeo futhcr neglect and mistreat
ment IB shown by the Madriz govi
ornmont toward William PIttman , the
American engineer now held in
Managua as n prisoner of. war , the
Htato department will leave his case
in the hands of United States Consul
Olivares In Managua.
Bids were opened nt the treasury
for the construction of the public
building at Columbus , Neb. The bidders -
dors were as follows : J. II. Well of
South Omaha , $68,850 ; Northwestern
Construction company of Kearney ,
Neb , $08,500 ; General Construction
company of Milwaukee , $07,715. Bart-
Ictt W. King of Cedar Rapids , $04-
3 SO.
The interstate commerce couimls-
flon announced Monday that the re-
rcntly Hied tariffs making advances
in the freight rates on cattle and
dressed beef between Chicago and
New York had not been suspended.
The matter arose through an in
quiry from an Important Now York
business house as to the proposed
The elaborate funeral given King
Edward cost the nation $202,500 , ns is
shown in the supplementary financial
Military aviators engaged in n
rnlmlc aerial battle at Vlncennes. The
Bluee , representing the attacking
fOrcc , bent the Reds , the defending
lorce. Both forces carried guns to a
height of 100 motors ( about .125 feet ) .
Dr. Leslie Dodd Ward of Newark , N.
.1. , vice president ot the Prudential
Insurance company , died in London.
Dr. Ward was not in good health when
ho sailed from Now York and his con
dition gradually grow worse after his
arrival in London.
At cfcacow , Gullca , a great throe-
day's national Polish festival in
rolebratlon of the 500th anniversary
of the battle of Tanncnherg , In which
the Polish and Lithuanian army de
feated ami broke the power of the
Teutonic order began with the unveil
ing of n monument to King Lntllslnw
The Glabgow board ot trade return
fihowa that during thu 11 vo months
ending Mny 31 , no fewer than 29,535
passengers loft the Clyde for places
out ol Europe. Of these 41,401 were
bound for the United jStntcs and 15-
Of > 5 lor Canada , thirteen for Aus
tralia , and Hlxty-slx for other places.
In the month of May nlono 4,603 left
for Canada and 2,837 for the United
There is a hlblo in the royal li
brary of Stockholm that is 35 inches
long and 19 inches wide. It takes
three men to lift the book , In which
there are 302 pages , seven having
been lost. The book Is written on
parchment made from the skins of
President Tnft has taken the con-
fcervatlon policy in his own hands.
An international railroad commis-
ilon may be formed by Canada and
the United States.
In this day war becomes a now
problem by reason of the achieve
ments of aeroplanes.
With the purpose of contributing to
the development of Northwestern
California , the department of ngrl-
culture has offered to sell about 1 , .
000,000,000 feet of timber In the
Trinity national forest in that state.
President Woodrow Wilson of
Princeton unverslty announced that
ho would accept the democratic nomi
nation for governor of New Jersey if
ho were convinced that a majority of
the party sincerely desired him to
Because his wife refused her con-
to selling their home , C. C ,
Luiaweller , son of a pioneer mining
man and Inventor of Los Angeles ,
uliot and killed her.
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
Nngol and Attorney Qeuoial Wicker-
Hlmin are going to Alaska to find out
whether the Guggenhelms or the
United States own that territory.
Another Central American revolu
tion is imminent. This time Honduras
IB to ho the battle ground and Presi
dent Davila is to meet in combat his
old opponent and former president ol
the republic , Manuel Uonlla
Roosevelt will aid Senator Dover-
I'Jg" In hlu fight for ro-oloctlon.
A now union station Is planned for
Chicago which may cost $25,000,000 ,
The wheat yield in states ot the
northwest will bo far below the nor
It Is said the ncxxt lower house Is
not necessarily lost to the republi
The Pan-American Congress Is now
in session and will hold for several
Seven Cubans wore nrrosted
charged with conspiracy against the
Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral P. V. DcGraw talked to Nebraska
postmasters In session at Lincoln.
Hon. Charles S. Rolls , an English
aviator , was killed by the falling of
his machine while making n ( light.
Loeb says ho would rather remain
nt his post In the customs service
than to bo a candidate for governor.
At Clinton , III. , Chief of Police John
Strublo was shot about midnight by
an unknown man and died in a short
Daniel Kluct , the Belgian aero
naut who fell when the rudder of his
icroplano broke , died from his in-
Prince John Charles Francis , the
youngest child ot King George and
Queen Mary , celebrated his fifth
Drouth In the northwest is seriously
iffectlng the cattle men , threatening
them with great losses and possibly
with financial ruin.
Congressman George W. Norrls of
the Fifth ( Nebraska ) district had his
name filed as a candidate for renoml-
nation on the republican ticket.
George Otia Smith , director of the
geographical survey will bo the first
head In the now bureau of mines ,
Just created by act of congress.
At Hamburg Thirty-five thousand
ship yard workers united in a de
mand for an Increase of 10 per cent.
In wagea and a ilfty-three-hour week.
Ofllclals of the Iowa State Teach
ers' association announced that
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt will
speak at the meeting of the associa
tion In Des Moines Friday night , No
vember 11 ,
For the first time since ho returned
to Kansas , United States Senator
Joseph L. Brlstow , in a speech at
Olathe , Kans. , referred to the fact
that ho has been denied patronage by
President Taft.
Theodore Douglas Robinson , nephew
of former President Roosevelt , has
announced his candidacy for the re
publican nomination for member of
congress from the Twenty-seventh
New York district.
Harvard City , Clay county , Nebras
ka , has the distinction of being the
llrst Nebraska town whoso population
Is announced by the Census bureau.
Harvard City lias a population of
1,102 , as against 810 ten years ago.
The personnel of the universal
peace commission provided for in the
closing days of the last session of
congress will bo named in the near
future. Friends of the project still
are hopeful that former President
Roosevelt will accept the chairman
Dean C. Worcester , American secre
tary ot the Interior for the Philip
pines , was set upon by renegade Mores -
ros , on the island of Palawan , and es
caped assassination only through the
alertness of his bodyguard , who shot
down the outlaws , killing three of
President Taft was highly pleased
when ho received a letter from Secre
tory of the Treasury MncVeagh ,
stating that the splendid showing of
federal finances announced on Juno
, ' ! 0 last , had been Improved by revised
returns showing additional iccolpts of
about $5GOO,000.
To race with the British expedition
under Captain' Scott to the south
pole , a Japanese Balling vessel of 200
tons carrying Lieutenant Shiraso and
the Japanobo expedition to the Ant
arctic will leave Toklo bay on
August 1. The expedition will pro
ceed via Benin islands and Australia.
The health of the German emperor
is said to bo gioatly impaired.
The first death for three years from
the bubonic plague ocurred at Hone
At Enid , Okln. , guests of the City
Hotel lied in their night clothes when
the hotel and an adjoining structure
was destroyed by fire. Several of the
guests were slightly injured.
Cardinal Gibbous will celebrate
next year a double Jubilee. Ho will
have been a priest fifty years and a
cardinal twenty-five years. Already
the Catholics of the country are pre
paring to make this golden and silver
Jubilee of the man who Is not only the
highest placed , but best beloved man
In the Roman hierarchy In the United
States a red letter event in American
church history.
Pinehot will help the InsuVgents in
the California campaign.
Wm. Loob may make the race for
governor of New York on the republi
can ticket.
Roosevelt and Hughes held a con
ference over the political situation in
New York.
Charles S. Rolls , the noted English
aviator , was killed In England.
Roosevelt held a conference with
Governor Hughes at Oyster Bay.
President Taft does not care to mix
In the politics of the different state
President will not bo In a hurry
about filling the vacancy in the supreme
premo Judgeshlp.
Roosevelt declares ho has as yet
taken no stand regarding the "regu
lar" and "insurgent" factions.
President Taft Is giving considerable -
able thought to the forthcoming re
port by the monetary commission.
Other Matters , Political and Other
wise , Orglnatlng at the Capital
of the State.
A. 13. Cndy , St. I'niil. f <
0. II. Ahlrlch , David City , . ,
James C. Dnhlnmn , Omaha.
A. C. Slmllonbergor , Almnr
W. R. Patrick , I'apllllon.
George I. Wiight , Nebraska City.
Socialist r
Clyde Wright , Lincoln ,
Lieutenant Governor.
M. R. Hopewcll , Tckninnh.
Walter Johnson , Omaha.
Ralph A. Clark , Stella.
W. II. Green ( fus. ) , Crelghton.
Sam Llchty , Falls City.
Secretary of State. '
George M. Sutler , Omaha.
Addison Walt , Syracuse.
John .T. Ryder , Omaha.
Charles W. Pool ( Ins. ) , TeauniReh.
A. T. Gatewood ( fus. ) , McCook.
John A. Gushing , Bellevuo.
Moses H. Wittstruck , Firth.
State Auditor. * * - „
Silas R. Barton , Grand Island.
P. J. Hewitt ( fus. ) , Lexington.
Charles J. Lambert , StromsbuVg.
State Treasurer.
Walter A. George , Broken Bow.
Frank Sideling , Wllber.
Ralph D. Sturdevant , David City.
James H. McGlnley , Ogalalla.
George E. Hall ( fus. ) , Franklin.
H. A. Burns , Ilavelock.
Albert Fitch , Central City.
State Superintendent.
Frank S. Perdue , Lincoln
James W. Crabtreo , Peru.
William 11. Jackson , University
Charles Arnot , Schuyler.
Katherlne Jeff ryes , Babsett.
Attorney General.
Grant G. Martin , Fremont.
C. F. Amlerbeiry , Mlnden.
Menzo W. Terry , Beatrice.
C. II. Whitney ( fus. ) , Ilartiugton.
Land Commissioner.
lS. W. Cowles , Falrbury.
.John Lyon , Central City.
William B. Kastham ( fuH. ) , Broken
C. F. Beushausen ( fus. ) , Loup City.
Robert W. Fleming ( fus. ) , Berwyn.
E. E. Olmstead , York.
Railway Commissioner.
Henry T. Clarke , jr. , Omaha.
1C. Ewel , Grand Island.
A. J. Van Alstyne , Omaha.
Ben II. Hayden ( fus. ) , Lincoln
William C. Brooks ( fus. ) , Beatrice.
W. F. Porter ( fus. ) , Lincoln.
No candidate for United States
senator will bo nominated this year
by the socialist party In Nebraska ,
owing to the $50 filing fee required by
the state law to secure- place on the
primary ballot under that heading.
Tim socialists choose their candidates
in advance of the primary , and names
are illed only to comply with the legal
icqniromonts for getting them on the
ballot at the November election. The
nominees are not expected to pay the
illlng fees out of their own pockets ,
but the expense Is berne by the party
Lincoln a Healthy City.
Lincoln has had remarkably few
deaths in the past few months and
during the last year. The normal
death late Is said to be V ! 1-2 per
thousand population. According to
these figures Lincoln ought to have
812 deaths per annum. In the year
190 ! ) there were only G20 deaths , ac
cording to the statistics kept by one
of 'the local undertakers. This puts
Lincoln about 300 below the normal
mortuary record.
Lumber Rate Hearing Continued.
The State Railway commission has
postponed the hearing of the Omaha
dealers' lumber rate complaint until
September 14. This is the complnlht
where the dealers are asking for a
ieduction In rates from Omaha to
points out in the state.
Thomas Is President.
B. P. Thomas , of Omaha \\as elect
ed president of the Association of
Nebraska Postmasters In convention
here , and W. J. Cook of Blair ,
Otherwise Nebraska Is Going to
Lose Out ,
JIou backward Nebraska Is In ad
vertising Its wealth and resources
was told members of the Lincoln Ad
club recently by W. A. Campbell of
Omaha , manager of the bureau ol
publicity of the Omaha Commercial
Mr. Campbell issued a warning
with respect on emigration from this
country to Canada saying :
An individual who does not make
the great energy of advertising In
crease his business knows himself
what ho is doing , but others don't. In
the caeo of Nebraska wo do not even
know ourselves what we are doing
except In small spots.
In the meantime Canada and "the
last best west" are taking our citizens
atid it is costing them but $1.80 per
capita to secure them , while every
migrating American farmer takes on
the average of $1,000 per capita to
Canada with him when ho moves. In
two days recently 150 farmers from
our own state and the states about
us , passed tluough St. Paul and they
had assets of nearly $200,000. The
Canadian banks showed an increase
during the month of March of nearly
At the rate of $1,000 per capita ,
which Is low , more than $90,000.00 of
new wealth was taken from the
states to Canada last year.
While it formerly cost Canada $8
per capita to secure these settlers , It
has decreased to less than $1.80 and
is going lower each year.
But this is not all. Practically
every state about Nebraska Is mak
ing a systematic effort to get settlers
by ad\ertislng and Intelligent work.
Wo have a letter from Governor
Hadley of Missouri who says "Tho
last session of the legislature ap
propriated $25,000 for Immigration
work , but as the appropriation was
not available , the banks of the larger
cities have contributed the amount
and the work has gone on. We also
have a bureau of labor statistics for
which $20,000 Is appropriated annual
ly. "
Then to rub It in on us Nebraskans
the governor adds : "The state also
appropriates something like $100,000
to $120,000 for the support of the
State Board of Agriculture. "
I had the pleasure of promoting the
first state conservation congress ,
then called by Governor Eberhart In
Minnesota. It was a great success as
an advertisement for the state of
Minnesota and we have Governor
Eberhart's word for It that Minnesota
secured 19.000 new settlers from
March 1 to May 1. The governor
writes , "We have $20,000 per annum
for 1910 and 1911 and there is con
siderable talk of making this $100,000
annually. " ,
If Minnesota ever appropriates
$100,000 for advevtlslng the north
trtar state , I want to go on record as
saying that over 1,000 Nebraska Irish
men will become Minnesota Swedes ,
The Police Record.
The police report for the month ot
June shows 133 arrests. Of these 119
were men and fourteen women. The
meals served to prisoners were 305
and amounted to $30.50. All of those
arrested were able to read and write.
The married men numbered 19 and
the women 5 ; unmarried men 70 ,
women ! ) .
Penalties Under Primary Law.
Voters who may regard the primary
law as something to be looked lightly
upon and who view It as a law that
can bo violated without punishment
would be surprised to llnd themselves
in jail for half a year , or in the peni
tentiary for.a term of years , or be
compelled to pay a fine of $500. These
are borne of the penalties that can be
imposed for violations of various pro
visions of the primary law. In fact
any act declaied an offense under the
general election laws concerning cau
cuses and elections shall albo In like
case he an offense in all primaries.
State pair Attractions.
The 1'JIO state fair , September 5 to
R , offers four flights each day by
Wrights aeroplane , concerts by Slgnor
Lombard's band of forty-four Instru
ments and grand opera company of
twenty-four singers ; llfteen harness
speed contests and a number of run
ning races , the derby , a ten mile re
lay race two miles each day ; night
speed contests , stupendous flieworks
and vaudeville nth actions.
Fight on Two-Cent Fare.
Deputy Attoiney Grant Martin has
returned from Chicago where he icp
lesentcd the state In the taking oi
testimony by the Rock Island Rail
road company , which is one of the
loads that is seeking In the federal
court to annul the 2-cent fare law
and the Aldrlch commodity jatc law.
President Mudge ot the Rock Island
was a witness. One cross-examination
ho said the Rock Island main line in
Nebraska is vorth $10,000 a mile and
the branch lines $25,000. This is
merely physical value and does not
include franchise values of earning
Central Granaries Company.
In pursuance of the request of the
county board of equalization the Cen
tral Granaries company has furnished
to County Assessor Miller the corpo
ration statement required under the
revenue law. This shows that the
company has $350,000 paid up capital
and $80,000 surplus , it has $15,000
worth of real estate In Lancaster
county and $2,500 worth outside this
county. It has peisonol property to
the value of $342,000 , of which $279-
000 is permanently invested in ele
Official Madrlz Organ Is Bitter In
Its Attitude and Calls United
States Common Enemy
of the Race.
Washington. Fear exists that Ed
win W. Trimmer , United States con
sul at Cape Grades , Nicaragua , maybe
bo assaulted or even assassinated ,
wherefore it has been decided to send
the cruiser Tacoma to the port to In
vestigate and 1C conditions seem to
demand it to land marines to protect
American lives and property. This
was the report made to the state de
portment by Thomas P. Moffat , United
States consul at Blucflelds.
Two officers and forty-flve men
were ordered to Capo Graclas on the
Tacoma , this action leaving been de
cided on after a conference between
himself and Commander nines of the
It was because of the continual
abuse of the governor and other of
ficials of the Madrlz government at
Capo Gracias that the fear arose for
the safety of the American consul
there. An article published in La
Naclon , an official Madriz organ pub
lished at Managua , Indicates the feel
ing In Nicaragua against Americans.
In part it reads as follows :
"We Nicaraguans have some limited
means to which we mny resort as a
final recourse If It comes to the point
that the Yankee tries to execute his
threat ; let us lay hands on all the
'North ' Americans residing in Nica
ragua and let us say to Mr. Taft : 'For
each shot you hurl against us , 'a head
of one of "your countrymen shall roll
on the ground. '
"Another of the means to which we
may resort to for revenge for so great
an injury and for this I do not be
lieve we are less able than the young
Turks let us organize , in the form ,
of a powerful coalition , an active
propaganda , to the end that in all the
Latin-American countries no goods
shall bo purchased from the United
States , making our people understand
that this Is the most efficacious meth
od of combatting the common enemy
of our race ; so proud on account of
its power ; so Insolent on account of
its pride , and so detestable on account
of its insolence. "
Iowa Executive Is Indicted.
Des Moines. Governor B. F. Carroll
has been indicted for criminal libel by
the Polk county grand jury , which re
turned the bill against the governor.
The indictment Is the outgrowth of a
lengthy investigation by the grand
jury of affairs at the Iowa Industrial
school for girls at Mitchelville. It is
alleged in the bill that the governor
made llbelous statements concerning
John Cownle , former chairman of the
state board of control , in an article
published in the Des Moines Capital
of May 24 , hiwhich the governor set
forth at length his reasons for de
manding the resignation of Mr.
Only Men Are Wanted.
Washington. Women stenographers
apparently are no longer wanted in
the government service. This an
nouncement was made at the civil
service commission in an effort to put
a stop to a steadily increasing flood
of letters from women throughout
the country who seek Information
about the examination for stenogra
phers to bo held next week in all the
states and territories. This examina
tion is for the purpose of recruiting
men stenographers and typists , the de
mand for whom the civil service com
mission has been unable to meet.
Madero Is Released.
San Luis Potosi , Tex. Francisco I.
Madero , candidate of the antl-re-elec-
tlonist party for president of Mexico ,
who has been held in prison on a
charge of defaming President Diaz ,
hns been released on a bond of $8,000.
Killed by an Auto.
Kansas City. Miss BesUc Cox ,
twenty-seven years old , \\as struck by
a speeding automobile driven b > a
negro and received injuiies from
which she died two hours later.
Demolished by Explosion.
Friodrichshafen. Gernmnv. The
works of the Xoppelln Airship com
pany have been demolished by an ex
plosion , In which nine persons were
Five Dead In Forest Fire.
Winnipeg , Forest fires are again
blazing in the Kootenal district of the
rocks. They have caused five deaths
and enormous damage to property.
Explanation Is Demanded.
Berlin. The foreign office has in
structed the German embassy at Con
stantinople to demand an explanation
from the Turkish government of the
shooting of a German subject by three
natives near Haifa , Syra.
Organize National League.
Kansas C'lty. "The republican na
tional league , " whose object Is to "per
petuate the Roosevelt policies and
principles , " was organized here at n
meeting of prominent republicans.
Added to the Long List due
to This Famous Remedy.
Oronogo , Mo. "I was simply a nor.
VOUB wreck. I could not walk across
the floor without
my heart fluttering
and I could not even
receive a letter.
Every month I had
such a bearing down
sensation , as if the
lower parts would
fall out. Lydia E.
Pinkham's vegeta
ble Compound has
done my nerves a
great deal of good
_ , and has alsorelioved
be bearing down. I recommended it
to some friends and two of them have
been greatly benefited by it. " Mrs.
MAE MCKNIGHT , Oronogo , Mo.
Another Grateful Woman. ' ' .
St. Louis , Mo "I was bothered
terribly with a female weakness and
had backache , bearing down pains and
pains in lower parts. I began taking
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound regularly and used the Sanative
Wash and now ! liavo no more troubles
that way. " Mrs. AL. HEKZOG , 6722
Prescott Ave. , Bt. Louis , Mo. i
Because y9ur case ta a difficult one1
doctors having done you no good ,
do not continue to suffer without
giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound a trial. It surely has cured
many cases of female ills , such as in-
( lamination , ulceration , displacements ,
fibroid tumors , irregularities , periodic
rains , backache , that bearing-down
feeling , indigestion , dizziness , and ner
vous prostration. It costs but a trifle
to try it , and the result is worth mil
lions to many suffering women.
Come and fpo tlicm. Wo pay oiponscfl If you buy.
Woe torn Holler 1'ljxe Co. Aloninouth , III.
Papa Why can't wo see the moon
In the daytime ?
Jimrnlo 'Cause they don't light it
up until after dark.
The lady of the house hesitated.
"Are my answers all right ? " eho
"Yes , madam , " replied the census
"Didn't bother you a bit , did I ? "
"No , nmdnrn. "
"Feel under some obligations to me ,
don't you ? "
"Yes , madam. "
"Then , perhaps you won't mind tell
ing me how old the woman next door
claims to be ? "
"Good day , madam , " said the cennis
Confused Impressions.
"Of courte , you know the story of
William Tell , " bald the serious citi
"To tell you the truth , " replied Mr.
Cumiox , "I'm not clear about him. I
can't exactly remember whether ho
was a great marksman or a famous
opera blnger. "
It Would Depend.
"Would you marry a man who woie
side whiskers ? "
"I might if 1 thought it would be
worth while to icform him. "
A Bream
of Ease-
An economical hot weather
luxury food that pleases
and satisfies at any meal. So
good you'll want more.
Served right from the
package with cream or milk.
Especially pleasing with fresh
berries ,
"The Memory Lingers"
Pigs. lOc end 15c
Sold by Grocers
I'otlmn Cereal Co. , Limited
Battle Creek , Mich.