Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 28, 1910, Image 1

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    State Historical Society
r % c n t
, , , . , JULY 28 , 1910 NO. 8.
Tl re is individuality about eyeglasses
the sntue ns dress. Not everyone rnn be
filled with the fntne clip and spring.
Hesiden c eglisses should be built to fit
the face becomingly , and n small fea'ur-
cd person needs u different ui/.e lens ,
etc. , than the man \\ilh a broad face.
] make eyeglasses to fit each individual
a id charge no more than jou would pay
for ready made stock , Glatscs to fit any
Ca last Monday Wm. Dillavou ,
driving 2. White Steamer for the
first time , turned the pilot burner
too low causing it to go out and
letting the main burner continue
feeding kerosene. After a short
time he lighted the accumulated
gas. Then he opened the hand
fire and poured generated gaso
line in'to the already roaring fur
nSce , causing-the flames to ilare
out of the fire box and scorch the
the varnish on the rcr fenders ,
The heat was so intense it burn
ed in two one of the superheating
c jils and released the steam pres
sure with an almost inaudil le
hiss. This accident altho rc-
greted by Keam Bros , the local
_ jjV > * aft ? i4 .
agents proves tbe'claim of the-
Wtaite Co , that the White
Steamer can neither be blown or
burned uj. The fire continued
until all the fuel'Was gone and
the total damage docs nut exceed
35 dollars. Not withstanding
the report that the damage
amounts to several hundred
They sing , play trumpets and read
entci tainingly
There is harmony of blood in this
family of brothers
You may hear them at
rrninniir ijtiniiiiiiniii HI i i \ * mi i m
Junior Normal Concert
The Urokeii Bow Junior Nor
mal Quartette assisted by ; <
Ladies' Octette from Ravenna , a
bass soloist Mr. Elliott Harrison
from Cairo , Nebr. , Prof. Co'e of
this city ; a number of the Junior
Normal girls and two boys from
Revetina a reader and a boy
soprano , gave a very erjoyable
concert last Monday evening at
the M E. church.
The program was of the best
ever given in Broken Bow on anj
similar occasion.
Piobably the more noteworthy
features of the program were the
singing of the Havenna girls , tin.
solo work of Mr. Harrison , thj
French born solo of Prof. Cole
and the exceptionally fine singing
of the boy soloist from Ravenua ,
Joe Beacon.
Mr. Harrison snug , freely am"
ea3ily , sonijs of m ; re than two
octaves range and with a ver\
pleascnt , full bass voice Mr.
Harrison would coairn ind atten
lion in inofu any city of the slat
for hit. musical ability.
Mrs. C E Bennett of Ravenn ;
was the accompanist of the
evening and with 'r. ' Lewis o' '
this city had trained the younj.-
folks from Ravenna.
The Ravenua girls were enter
tained by Broken Bow girls anr
"tho pleasure of the trip to this-
city seems to have been mutual
Mr. and Mrs. " W. E Jones whi
have been in Brcken Bow foi
svenil days returned Monday
evening to iheir hi > ma in Grird
to put their cubits undergo u <
a 'Hi lor reason the ros ( s
a.oiig their lims leading to th
new oifice l-uildiug are brii j.
The Program of the Od ! S -
tiers Picirc will be found in th t-
p-ip.r. Ii is an exceptionally
li ie one * .nd those \vlio miss i
.vill always regret the fact
C me and have a good time.
Among the delrga'os ' to tin
Jenocratic state ciu\vnlion
'irand Island from Broken Bov
were E.pist Tin mpson , Cleoi
' ( Jaumn , Marshall E Idy. Jol
Deiiz , C. II.Htlcomb and Jim
Drs G \ ? . nnd L. E.
of Cres ton , Iowa accimiained , b-
their dtu hler Flor.tnc < . ' * aiul M-
and Mr * . P P lieuilreet f
G -1 sburg , I linuis > .rnv , d Ft
day evening to visit their c < r
and daughter Mr and Mr < . f.
A. Wagoner 'hey made tl f
punu-y from Cteston in thtir
Cadillac and report a fine liii-
Motulav morning they went i
Anseluio to visit Mr. and Mis
W. L. Gi ° lon returning I
Broken Bow Tuesday morning.
I ! it is in the Orosery Lin
The 1'eat Flour.
English and Holland Wafers.
The Adyo , Holiday J. M. wl
Nebni brands of i-iinndod goods
Harrington JIall , Vigorn. Ak-
lilno Hibbun , Ali-IJn-
J. ] \I \ , 18415 , Crown nnd
.Breakfast Dcl.glit Coffees.
PUei6i _ _ THE GROCER Phone 180
Agent for DJ Laval Separators Cream Station
gjw. * : gaBaEraz = apag3aaE < tCT
To land owners adjoining public high way :
You arc hereby iu tiiicd that the statute of Ne
braska requires yon to cnt all weeds to the center of §
the road running ; along , 30111 * premises between the
15th day of July and the 151 h da3' of August of each
year and fixes a yenally f6r i.ot d ring so.
You will take notice accordingly.
, J. y. McGRAW ,
Township Clerk.
College h'citic
Fifty people go'litrec ' ! on ih'H
hwti of Frank Smith Tnesd-M
'VininK ; for the college picnic. A
larbccucd lnmb and short tails
R. J. E'hott , Rev J. E. Aiibraj.
I. G. W. Lewis , JMin Kram r cl
Kansas City and President Mycts
were am sag the at tract ions.
The Oikland 30 at * J25 < > re-
, ,05. , . , . , , ni re value for the" ir- )
, 'v.jtuicut tuau any other cai
Ream Bos.
Mrs. Sarah Whites sister ; m8
laughter , Mr . J. N. Roger * and
vliss Florence Rjgero ol N a read .
.v-insds who have been visiting
Vlra. White lor the past' two
vieks returned t ih'fcir ' h .mc
Monday morning.
Mr. and Mis , C'ui" ' . Wit > ht
intertai'jed the B Y P U or-
* wx itiuu ot ihf But , . i church
it their home Friday uveuin .
t Ireshments w iie herv d ut < " a
y erj > yed bj all.
Miss Either Edm irds beiny
i ) noril l bv l > , ivi j/ a bn lhdjy
' 'u' < d y .js tlie li s'ess of a
4 , f -i p r'y ' in li'i' h > ni > r , u < . " -
- -it tjiti hoiiH1 dt Mfv.
'i u Itrl > lc < mb To s , > th it
\l.-s E'.nti'ds -vn.s siirun i'i
\v , jl 1 ht- p , in ll / irly ha1
< ' < r stie n c V.T < 1 her i q itlt-
1 uni . vertinut ; WOT 'o ' .i/ .
V i I i'e ' hour r < ir ( hhtit ) < nt > . ji- , ri-
Vi > \ iind tiio gtuslidi'p rtefl.
' > J.ncr Tailor hadqiitenn ( Jv-
erienc < i M jud.iy that might
ujve been .1 tr igody. hile un-
uching his ti'iiin 'iuriny the elcc-
rical stotm 't'oiul'iy evening at
hi home suth o' " town A bdc of
i hining stuck near hm : killing
chc tcaiu tnblatuly. Mr. ' 1 ayh r
w-s s'nnni d M'nwl ! luit net
> uriouslv ari'i lec/s / uo ivil ( fl'c <
rotn hi. , .iccidttiu. Uo cine -
-idi'r hiirjse'f ' .
- tx'rrnicly lucky ai.d
i ; to be C7ngi ittildted on his
i irro\v escape.
I c lei Train Service fur Atist-lino ,
' 1 he cil 'i MIS of Anselmo aid
T ! ] d ford hid a lionritiuf before
'he State Rjilroail Commissioners
here yi'sKrday. The railroad
nmpinyvn represented by Mr.
Y 'tiny the general sunerintend-
c-nt auil Mr nuckin ham , assist
itit gi ncral passenger agent ,
Ansclmo bilicvcs the ' are not
petting ad > quatc services fmn
tbc company. I he train service
east K fccrminyly nil right but
when miking a j uirney wcs
ihey iMilurcouipi lied to make
ti dnv to Mcrna or else runur
* /VIT i v-lii in SeneC'i.
Ai > - Inio Kij.l Thcdfoid brleivo
in unuecesi-ary hntd hip is
plac il upon them and art _ )
to either have additional train
si rvice pu' on or else hav. % trail s
N. . 43 iu.d 41 stop at tljeii
ttntiuiia Tim railroad bi-lievi
it is impcbbibc to hiive thetc
trains stop ns tljpy are ro.v rnn
nirsg theit 'i.nit while they do
iiot think i > lv\i.lb3 prilitibl'
to ] > iit.6ii . . . . .r 1'jcal
' 1 he i ' , ( tint *
% \ ill no1 ' . uov/n for s < mu
js llu > ' ' . i . t rs have taken
he c i i ! - > ! " % .
Mrc ' "i * " i1 d u ih er
Mrs J. J i npletl v < /.t / to Grand
Island his uu rn\ \ ' .
Sni ; G E I > wis wrnttotis
ln. ca I ny , r AII-I'IUIM Tiu -
d > y .ind tu attend ih - Kinkd.i1
The r.iin H hiv.'i ' vi'.i ed 'hi-- '
s-clioij WHS duh rti > | , rtciat . s
'luv ' Ciiro luedu'g it v. r ;
in ih ami while the- down pom
w s of short du ition n was
thankfully receivt d.
D M. AmslKrry and wife hjvt
in-i. been h'dvuifr itiu v r > b-ht : ot
luck on their fi-jkiii - c.NpidiUon
but we ? uppse * hey v\ill < c >
tintHU'il "vho ' s"
' ) > u i s'i ri t
lel.Jte on llu ir i < u.-o Tu
in 'v d Insl S i tirday iroin K"di i
1 'rtt.i' ' to Lou f liVp ; wiur ; : [ > ri v
j p. c s Jook ) s li 'I'ht f l 'h
I Ijnnv tribj. 1C nl-r' li i * i'-
I lrst one bl ok ' > - , a ? 'I li >
muj had it f. r ( iioru-i l st Fatur-
i d iy tinon.
Prepared Dainties For
Why hea ) up the house theno clays willi ,
when you can buy so many Ihin s already lo eal.
Anglus Graj e Juice , pure , nil- t
feimciitcd , unadulterated , n de
licious drink only 300 per pint
Q icen Olives in fane } ( j'lnrt '
buttles , n l-nrgahi f ir $ | ) c.
If.-i-'x's awcxit Midyet G't r' ins ,
5 pirbuU.ti
Dutket's Silud DifR i < K , n ricli
wli'lesoinu Hinl delicious bnlnd
(1r " - i i < for 15 a bjtilc
Htii's f iiK'iis App'e I'ultcr ' H
run fur i nh 2 c.
tt-jiir" froih , ci'fip ' mid j > st
rixl't tu tut I T } n Lt.ucb r.\
iuil\ 50
lTrtnrf Mtma yy < * t > AfcmAM Ijf
LVaJiup , Plums , Pears , Chrrrii-s and AppUs are aU at j
their Uebt fur canning1. Co.isult us beore bluing , M
I-o - For Saloin Sin ill Q iaitili ; s.t
The Eagle Grocery Si < > rc ,
The Square Deal Store i'hono 58
sou m OMAHA Live srockAiAKKiir.
Special Report.
Srutli Omahn , Nebr . July 27 ,
1'JIO. ( "tit tie loceipt for throe
diys 16 8 " ( ) D , mirk-'t driK-i-ry.
' 'est ' cattle steady , common
grades 10 lower. Only a few
cjrn fud cattle. Host beef S7 25
1 1 $7 75 ; medium SO 00 to if 7 oO ;
b at cows H 50 to $5 50 ; gra aeri
f3 00 to S4 25 ; veal calves $4 00
t $7 00 ; bulls arouod S3 00 to
S > .25 f/ool ; for a contiiuiLil lib-
cral run not much change in
l\ ! 25 : higher f-K the wccli
Rest heavy 1100 to 120011) steer-
$5 25 to $5 50 ; 1 000 10 11 0 Ibs. ,
$475 to $ i 00 ; 000 to KiOO lb < M
54.00 to ! :4 50 ; 7'0 ' to 8 H ) Ibs ,
$5.75 to $4 00 ; yearlings t3 50 to
S3.75 and s ( ck heifers $3.00 to
43 50 Osmund for feeders vci }
l > ri k and not much prospect ol
any great set back.
Hog- receipts 23 000. Lijjln
weights comttianduig' a good
premuium over heavies. Mrke' '
strunj ; today , bulk $8 15 to8 50.
top S8 75 Prospects a little un-
but do not look for much
dn e balance of week.
Sheep 37 000 for 3 days uiarkei
xr.d active with splcndic
( k-mand for F ederp. Fat lambb
? 7. 10 o $750 ; feeders $575 t <
$ ' ) 20 ; ycai lings 44.75 to $5.2 :
f < - 'diT3 $4 30 to f4 85 ; wether-
5375 to S4. 10 ; feeders $3 4J t
$3 75 ; owes 13.25 to wr375 ; feedi
52 60 to $3 00 with a few brci d
ttif , ' ewes lound ? 3.75 Look li J
i cmt'niicd lib-nl supply aid
Y aus very truly , "
> Co.
Mr and Mis. L. II. Jiwett n-
urned lunne Tuesday evuuin }
itu-r their ux'.eisded trip in tlu
C E Hasp , E E P.iilpjtt. W ,
fl. D.niclson , G. W.illjaus ,
J C Snj'tler , J A. Soabrool (
and K. J. Johnson of AtiU'ln c
vi re the city
Las ! Sund.iy the home t
\ list in Llojd was visited by fir.-
Phey vcre awakened about 1
o'clock at nif hl and ditscwcn
II tnes in their room. By hn ;
< -nrk they mcco > di'd in savin
ni ulv evcr\ tiling in b < nh th
sittiuir room and kiich n b
clothing .md bedding were u
! t'vnf'd. . The hniise was v\r'Ck. The c.iuse of tl i
tire isunl.nowu Lul it is thou 1
'hat ' mice ( -ftting l.old of son c
n tclu" art'o be bhimed Mr.
L'/\d carried tiOine insurance on
chr property.
Omcr Meeker Dead *
Omcr Meeker the 1'J year old
son of Glenn Meeker who lives at
Merwyn met his death Monday
forenoon by drowning1 while
in swimming with several com
panions in the pond on J. 0.
Taylor's place.
It was impossible for us 'o get
all the facts but it seems that
tlip pond is fed by a larg spring-
of extremely cull water and thai
while Om-r was swimming
around he was seiz d with
crumps and went under the
third time before assistance
could arrive.
Oilier will be greatly missed by
all who knew him. 1 hc funeral
, vas held from the parent's home
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock
ue sernnn was conducted by
Rev Bennett of Berwyn.
Mr. Harry Yitesof Callaway
was in Broken Bow Sunday to
visit friends.
Mr. II. O. Wnntr , formerly of
r3roken Bow but for the lust few
ears has been making his home
in Cambrey , Wyo , , was in the
city Monday for a short visit and
o renew old nqujintances.
vVhile litre Mr. Wautz made a
( jleaseut call at the HHPUBMCYN
( Ike.
The Volunteer Fire Depart-
uent of Broken Bow was well
eprcsented in numbers at the
State Tournament held in York
his week. Those who went
vcre Chief Joe Molyneauv , R. J.
torton , I'rcd , Mjutlick , Leo IX'an ,
fiui McMillen , A. W. flolcomb ,
; II llolcomb , C. tl England ,
, . E4 Cole , Will Bruce , J G.
'rfponard ' , J , G llaeberle , G. W.
vpole and K m Wall.
Drought from Hungary 1803
Schlldkrct's Royal Hungarians
They will delight muolc levers at
ar.f * J3
Tit ADI :
Jiiit AVnrd on I'ure 01J Cidjr Vincjjar.
It ts u ho : s li d 1 n ; > * -h W.iRciuiait is ini'lj from the
ctd'r n ; > ( tlj . Our viio 'ir ' < < tricty pure mid * fioin thoroughly
wis'icd ipp'e.S a i-l steril'/'d i.ire ' biriislin O ir r.i 1of vine-
ir i-i itiijiiy pii'jiM 1 u ir i u > 1 t' ) c uu ily W.tM the n itio > ul and
tu ii'ire ' fo l ItiVt r jj o i/ ! kill to itiauru y ul ( h
illej a id pie.t-i \ i-s .
O 1 ' , 'flfAY3 U 3 E 1.
PIUOU 4 cpurjjilUri TA-I ur in MIS 3S p-r j. ; lion
I . .
* + + .t nJrttimimmi.nun
IJiy , Test P.iy C.i 'i for Gre > iiu.
AU l n' 1 ' - P I j-ji-MhTl
11 > < > / tti- i i i -
by t'i j N i-.i > 11 ! i-i I 3. it j 1J : -o b1j ) 1 L t , V3.