Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 21, 1910, Image 8

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    MW * ! .r * !
Tlio ouster Count ; Republican
( f D. M. AMSBERRY , EdUor
Other Matters of Interest ConK -
K densed From the Mora
K Important Telegrams ,
ISloven captains antl commanders
In tlio nnvy hnvo applied voluntarily
for retirement nml their applications
have been granted.
Freight rates on lemons from tlio
producing territory In southern Cali
fornia to eastern destinations were
reduced l > y the Intercstato commerce
commission from $1.15 to $1 a him *
dred pounds.
Tlio secretary of the Interior has
restored to the public domain several
tracts of land which had been with
drawn In connection with the Irriga
tion projects but which arc not now
needed by the reclamation service.
Major John M. Carson , chief of the
bureau of manufactures of the de
partment of commerce and labor , has
been selected to go abroad to look In
to the general trades conditions and
opportunities for American manu
facturers !
In waging their warfare for the con
trol of the next congress both the re
publican and democratic congres
sional committees will have head
quarters In the cast and west where
will 'bo done the work o directing
and sending out literature and spell
binders ,
A commission has been made out
at the treasury department for the ap
pointment of Fremont Leldy , of Leon ,
Kas. , to the position of collector of Internal -
tornal revenue for the district of
Kansas , but It Is being temporarily
held In abeyance to await the expect
ed resignation of James M. Simpson ,
who now holds the position. If this Is
not forthcoming very soon Mr. Leldy'a
commission will be issued to him.
Australian diplomats are said to bo
displeased over the conclusion of the
Itusso-Japaneso convention.
It is authoritatively announced that
the Chilean government In September
will ask for tenders in the United
States and Europe for the construe-
tionof a battleship of 22,000 tons.
At Monlvar , Spain , a bomb explod
ed under the table of Senor Gnllardo ,
a banker , during a dinner ho was giv
ing to some political friends. Two of
the guests were killed , thirteen were
Injured , and the house partly de-
Miss Anlcc Lulu Slockcs , daughter
of Carrlngton Stockes u well known
Louisiana cotton-grower and broker ,
claims the distinction of being thu on
ly American girl who over won from
the bank at Monte Carlo a section of
American land.
The French foreign olllco has set
August 18 as the date for the ceremo
nies attending the presentation , by
itho state of Virginia , of the bronze
reproduction of Houdon's famous state
of Washington to the people of
France. The statute will bo located
In Paris.
The bleached flour case was decldea
In favor oMho government.
Hoosovelt1 will aid Senator Bever-
Idge in his fight for re-oloctlon.
President Taft Jms taken the con-
nervation policy in his own hands , .
The Western Union has discontin-
clued service to brokers in ten eastern
A female aviator in Franco suffered
n fall of fifty meters and received ter
rible injuries.
A mob at Newark , 0. , lynched a
young joint-raider who had killed a
restaurant proprietor.
An attempt Is to bo made by Wal
ter We'llman to cross the Atlantic
ocean In a dirigible ballon.
Some of the railroads will ask for
extension of time to comply with safe
ty law which is not plainly interpret
Governor Shallonbergcr is said to
be somewhat annoyed over failure of
Omaha officers to enforce daylight sa
loon law.
The directors of the Atchlson , Topeka -
peka and Santa Fo Railway company
declared the regular quarterly divi
dend of 1 1-2 per cent.
Authoritative figures Just out show
Alabama's pig iron production to have
reached 1CS.8C9 tons against 99,355
tons in Juno last year.
Representative Polndexter of Wash
ington received , comfort and en
couragement at Oyster Day.
Attorney General Thompson advised
Governor Shallenberger that the
statute's of Nebraska do not prohibit
the exhibition of prize light pictures.
One cannot bo quite certain , but it
Is most probable that Secretary Bal-
llnger'a policy of blocking the wheels
of conservation with legal quibbles
would have succeeded but for Plnchot
and Glavls.
A card torn from a freight car was
> filed in probate court nt Plttsburg as
the will of Robert J. MclDlroy aiter
being fatally injured by a freight
train , scribbled on the card , "Mary
ill that IB mine is thine. "
The first death for three years from
the bubonic plague ocurrcd at llono-
lulu.Jim Jeffries ban gone back to his
alfalfa farm very much crestfallen
and determined to do no more- light
Heavy rains hnvo broken the drouth
n Oklahoma.
Dr. Hyde of Kansas City has been
sentenced to the penitentiary for life.
The wheat yield In states of' the
northwest will bo far below the nor
Senator Norrln Brown has expressed
himself as satisfied with the work of
President Taft signed orders for
withdrawing more land from the pub
ic domain.
A man was arrested at Chicago
who was thought to be gunning for
Tack Johnson.
Politics enter Into Germany's pro
test against the disparagement of the
evangelical faith.
Mrs. Klla F. Young of Chicago was
elected president of the national edu
cational association.
A surprisingly good showing Is
made In the yearly statement of the
treasury department.
Solicitor McCabe says enforcement
of the pure food law is one cause for
increased cost of living.
Senator Burrows , as the man who
must act , is bothered over the bribery
case of Senator Lorlmer.
The postofflce department Is ar
ranging the details for the Inaugura
tion of postal savings banks.
Jeffries' wife became hysterical
when she learned that her hubby had
been bested In the prize ring.
A cry has gone forth that noose-
volt take the leadership of the repub
lican reform forces in Now York.
Mr. Bryan calls off his boom for
Donator from Nebraska , saying ho can
do more for the party as a citizen.
Jim Jeffries may ask for a return
match with Jack Johnson is the
statement contained In a Los Angeles
Grace McKlnlcy , alias Grace Mack
of Indianapolis , was arrested in So-
dalla , Mo. , charged with wearing
men's attire.
J. R. Wilson , youngest brother of
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson , died
last week of stomach trouble at Ex
celsior Springs , Mo.
The Louisiana legislature , which is
now in session , is expected to select
Governor .Tared Y. Sanders for ( ho
United States senate.
It is stated that $2,000,000 of gold
purchased for Germany which has ar
rived Jn London , haa been engaged
for shipment to Now York.
The Now York World says it has
reliable information that Helen Kelly
Gould , who divorced Frank J. Gould
in May , 1909 , will bo married July 15.
W. J. Bryan branded Nebraska state
senators who have refused to support
the Initiative and referendum as un
worthy of the party's conildonco or
Only two members of President
Taft's cabinet are In the capital "sit
ting on the lid , " as former President
Jloosovelt designated tills summer as
An estimate that the total number
of Immigrant aliens admitted at all
ports of the United States during the
past llscal year reached 1,035,515 was
made by Commissioner General
It was announced that 25,000 loco
motive engineers employed on forty-
nine railroad systems west of Chicago
cage are formulating demands for in
creased wages which will bo presented
sonted to the managers before
August 1.
The big mill b'otwecn\Tcffrles and
Johnson took place at Reno , Nov
July -1th and was won by the latter ,
the negro knocking Jeffries out In the
lifteenth round. A tremendous crowd
was In attendance and hundreds of
thousands of dollars changed hands.
Jeffries was badly bruised , while
Johnson was apparently unhurt and
showed no marks of the contest. Be
fore the rounds were half covered the
inevitable outcome was foreseen.
Peter Smith , a husky young tannery
worker in Newark , N. J. , drank seven
teen jiggers of whisky In succession ,
thereby winning a bet of $1. As ho
pocketed the money ho fell to the
floor unconscious and died soon after
In a hospital.
Jack Johnson declares ho will not
light again for a year.
Chief Justice Fuller served twenty-
two years on the bench.
Anti-negro demonstrations in the
south followed news of the first re
Congressional campaign committees
are planning to wage vigorous war-
faro. N
Itlckard says Jeffries was disquali
fied , which was the reason ho was
not counted out.
When Jack Johnson arrived at Ogden -
don young touglis at the depot tried to
got him Into a brawl.
Secretary Balllngor visited the
president at Beverly , but it was not to
tender his resignation.
Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller of
the supreme court died at his summer
homo at Sorrento , Me.
W. J. Bryan issued an , extended
statement defining party duty.
David Starr Jordan denounced foot
ball before educators at Boston.
A dynamite cartridge hanging from
a tree at a height where n covorei
automobile would strike , and probably
explode it , was found above the road
over which the Hnrrlman automobiles
The sudden death of Chief Justice
Fuller makes a change in a majorltj
of the aupreiMO court of the United
States during1 the llrat term of Presl
dent Toft , a possibility , if not o
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of the Read-
era Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity
" B
Exeter. 'A ' * the result of the col
lapse of a weak twelve-foot bridge
over a small ravine about live feet
leep south of Exeter , two men lost
.heir lives while moving a steam
: hreshing outfit which was shipped
into the county from Pawnee county.
The accident occurred Saturday even
ing. Frank Krcshel , who was firing ,
was pinned onto the cylinder by the
Lender , where ho wan terribly , burned ,
liut lived till Sunday morning. Adolph
Httvelecek , who was steering the en
gine was pinned onto the steering
wheel , where he was Instantly killed.
Considerable dlfllculty was had In
removing the men. The steering
wheel shaft had to bo sawed off and
castings broken in order to remove
the bodies.
York May Buy Water Plant.
York. In 1912 the franchise of the
York Water company expires and the
city council has been negotiating for
some tlmo with the company for the
purchase of their plant or for more
liberal terms for hydrant rentals. The
franchise now in force allows $42
per hydrant a year , being sixty or
iginally , and now increased to about
ninety. The new agreement fixes
the price at $32 a hydrant per yenr
up to ninety and above that number
the rate will bo $25.
Cross the River to Play Ball.
Nebraska City. A restraining or
der was secured against the baseball
players Saturday to prevent them
from playing ball hero on Sunday. It
did not deter the Nebraska City and
Maryvlllo teams from playing , 'be '
cause they went over the river , just
out of the jurisdiction of the court ,
and had a game. There was a large
crowd in attendance. The ministers
propose to continue the fight.
To Become Regimental Band.
Kearney. Word has been received
to the effect that Kearney musicians
will bo mustered in as the second
regiment band of the 'Nebraska na
tional guard. 'More than enough men
have expressed a willingness to sign
up enlistment papers. This gives the
city ot Kearney pno company of mili
tia and a regimental band. >
Johnson Cbunty Teachers.
Tecumseh , Neb. The annual John
son county teachers' institute will beheld
hold ) In connection with the Tecum
seh chautauqua August 8 to 12 inclu
Sterling is discussing the lighting
of the streets with acetylene.
Merna suffered quite a lire In the
business section one day last week.
Boone county was visited by the
first heavy rain of the year Saturday
The Superior Electric Light com
pany has dually established a day
Henry Moore , postmaster and mer
chant at Proser , died at his home In
that place Sunday night.
Great preparations' being made
for the Epwortli assembly at Lincoln ,
which will take place August 3 to 11.
The power house and electric plant
of the Lexington Mill and Elevator
Co , , was destroyed by lire Friday
The Shrincrs of Lincoln will hold
i basket picnic at Seward , August 20.
The day's program will consist of ad
dresses and sports.
Work will begin on the new Union
Pacific depot at North Platte this
fall. This building Is to be erected
at a cost of $80,000.
While playing in the river behind
his father's home , Guy Reed , three
years old , son of Claude Reed , a Nor
folk barber , was drowned.
The German Lutheran church people
ple at Lyons have voted to furnish
one of the now rooms at the German
Lutheran hospital at Sioux City.
The Wright brothers who have been
doing some sensational flying in the
cast , will make four flights dally at
the Nebraska state fair at Lincoln In
An old-fashioned fiddlers' contest
will bo held at the Paddock theater
in Beatrice July 19. Fiddlers for
miles around have been invited to
enter the contests.
Mrs. F. B. Alderman of Lyons ,
while washing dishes at the table In
her kitchen , felt something touch her
foot and looking down saw a bull
snake three feet long. A workman
in the yard , hearing her screams ,
came to the rescue with a stick and
killed the snake.
August Idoker fell from the fourth
story of the Royal hotel at Lincoln ; to
the roof of Yule Brothers' laundry ,
three stories below. Ho had his right
wrist broken and his right shoulder
and back badly bruised , but received
no internal Injuries
The new Methodist Episcopal
church at. Peru will be dedicated
Sunday , July 24. Dr. W. D. Parr o !
Kokomo , Intl. , will have charge of
the services.
James R. McCrackon , living aboul
four miles southeast of Pawnee City ,
while walking from his house to the
barn , was overcome by the heat , and
falling , sustained a broken hip joint.
There Is such a demand for harvesl
hands in the vicinity of Button that
farmers are offering from $2.50 to
$4.00 per day. Seventy-five men
could find employment at once to
help care for the harvest.
Fremont's lire department has just
bought the original piece of fire ap
paratus used by the Fremont lire de-l
partmcnt. It Is an old hand-pump fire'
engine now in possession of the de
partment at Newman Grove.
John Rys. aged 12 years , was shot
In the lower jaw by his playmate ,
'Conrad Slefert , aged 14 years , while
the boys were shooting on Stevens
Creek near Hiivelpck Saturday after
noon. Both reside at Hnveloclc.
The Bullock PubW Service com
pany , owners of electric light plants
at Norfolk and Blair , Neb. , and Mis
souri Valley , la. , have closed a deal
whereby it became the owner of the
plant of the Beatrice Electric com
The Sunday schools of Hebron , Bel-
vldere nnd Chester Christian churches
had their annual picnic at Hebron ,
and celebrated the fortieth anniver
sary of the organization of the He-
bion Christian church. A line program -
gram was given in the morning. The
noon hour was a most social one.
igome 500 ate the old-fashioned picnic
The body of a murdered man was
found In the Burlington yards at Lin
coln Sunday. The man had his throat
cut and had In all , seventeen knife
cuts , most of which were on the left
side of the face ami upper part of
the body. They appeared to be made
by a stiletto or some narrow bladed
instrument. On nn International iden
tification slip found on the body a
Russian name , Jacob Kurellchlck , was
written which it is believed was the
the name of the dead man.
Fremont has filed a complaint with
the railroad commission charging dis
crimination In favor of Lincoln and
Omaha on coal rates.
The Security bank of Neligh has *
secured a charter from the state
banking board. The new Institution
has a capital stock of $25,090.
In the present session of the summer -
mor school at tho-University of Ne
braska nearly a hundred principals
and Pncrinlendents ! : of city and vil
la St. ' s-chools are registered.
Chancel.'or Avery of the state uni
versity has returned from the N. E.
A. nt Boston , where ho was honored
as vice-president of that association.
The chancellor addressed the stu
dents of the Ohio state university
at convocation'on his way to Boston.
Dr. .luckiness , state veterinarian ,
has received word from Washington
that if acceptable to state authorities
the quarantine against scabbles In
cattle would bo removed from the
counties of Chase , Hayes , Dundy and
Hitchcock in this state. The quaran
tine will bo removed.
Inspector Reed of the state unlver
sity was honored as the N. E. A. di
rector for Nebraska at the Boston
mooting. This Is a well-earned com
pliment to Mr. Heed. When ho was
director In 1908-09 , the year the asso
ciation met at 'Denver , the attendance
from Nebraska was the greatest ever
recorded at n national association.
A prohibition banquet will bo held
at the Lindell hotel In Lincoln July
25 at 0:30 : p. m. This is to be the
closing event of the mass convention
of prohibitionists which will open
that day and the state convention ot
prohibitionists which is to be held at
2 p. in. Arrangements are being made
to secure several speakers of national
reputation for the occasion.
A meeting of Nebraska millers will
be called within a short tlmo to con
aider the situation brought about by
the successful government prosecu
tion In the bleached flour case at
Kansas City and make plans for carr -
r > lng the case up to the United
States supreme court. Secretary H.
B. Smith'of the South Platte Millers'
club will soon issue a call stating
the tlmo and place.
Adjutant General John C. Ilartlgan
of the Nebraska national guard has
relieved three officers of duty because
they failed to file official correspond'
ence and reports by July 1. The of'
fleers will consequently not accom
pany tlie guard to the njmy maneuv
ers at Fort Riley , August 17. This
step by the adjutant general is one
of many ho has taken in his \ determination -
mination to have an efficient guard
or no guard.
Governor Shallenberger has com
muted the life sentence of Leon An
gus , one of the youths convicted ol
the murder of Nels Lausten , an Om
aha saloon keeper , to ten years. 'An
gus is serving a life sentence , having
entered n plea of guilty.
Over $10,000 net revenue has been
turned into the United States treas
ury by the Lincoln customs olllce for
the fiscal year ending Juno 30 last.
The gross collections exceeded $12-
400 , while expenses of the office
totaled nearly $2,200 , leaving a bal
ance In excess of $10,200.
Regarded as Second Only to the Great
Peace Conference at The Hague
Members of American
Buenos Ayres. The opening of the
fourth Pan-American conference hero
was marked by a brilliant assemblage
of delegates representing the United
States nnd the Latin-American repub
lics. Philander C. Knox , the Ameri
can secretary ot state , and Dr. V. Do
la Plaza , the Argentine foreign min
ister , were named as honorary presi
dents. The American delegates were
warmly received on nil sides and re
ports of a Latin-American coalition
against the United States are the sub
ject of ridicule.
Great crowds gathered around tht
hall to watch the coming of the dele
The address ot welcome was de
livered by Dr. Do la Plaza and Henry
White , former American ambassador
to France , responded in English on be
half of all the delegations. Both ad
dresses were liberally applauded. The
delegate from Cuba proposed that Mr.
White's address bo translated into
Spanish , and this done by the secre
tary-general , Senor Portela , who is
the Argentine minister at Washington.
The Mexican delegate , Senor Salado ,
nominated Antonio Bermejo for presi
dent , while Roderlguez Larratta , in
behalf of the Argentine delegation ,
proposed Henry White for that honor.
Senor Bermejo was elected. The pro
posal to elect Secretary Knox and Dr.
De la Plaza honorary presidents cam *
from the Peruvian delegation.
The members of the American dele
gation are : Henry White , former
American ambassador to France ;
Professor Paul Reinsch , University of
Wisconsin ; Professor David Kinley ,
University of Illinois ; Professor John
Bassett Moore , Columbia university ,
New York ; Professor Bernard Moses ,
University of California ; E. B.
Moore , United States commissioner
of patents , Washington ; J. B. Quin-
tero , lawyer and journalist of New
Orleans ; Colonel Enoc Crowder , as
sistant judge advocate general of the
army , Washington ; Lewis Nixon , for
mer naval constructor , New York ;
Professor J. B , Sheppard , Columbia
university ; George "Cable Ward , for
mer secretary of state of Porto Rico ,
and William T. S. Doyle.
For Cleveland Memorial.
Newark , N. J. The trustees of the
Crover Cleveland memorial fund , ap
pointed to select a suitable typo of
memorial to the late ex-president and
a site therefor , have reported that it
has been agreed to erect a tower in
connection with the new granite build
ing on the grounds of Princeton uni
To Discuss Boundary.
Washington. Important develop
ments in the mediation of the United
States , Argentine republic and Brazil
in the boundary dispute between Peru
and Ecuador are expected here short
ly. A meeting of the representatives
of the three mediating governments
will take place here Wednesday.
Will Bring Home Indians.
Washington. The bureau of Indian
affairs has directed that $3,700 bo
cabled to Brussels to bring home the
thirty-nine Ogalnlla Sioux Indians who
are stranded there by reason of finan
cial embarrassment of an American
wild west exhibition to which they
were attached.
Are Paying Enumerators.
Washington. Officials of the census
bureau are paying as fast as possible
the enumerators who collected the sta
tistics for the thirteenth census. The
payroll for the enumerators is aver
aging more than $100,000 a day and
has once gone as high ns $170,000 a
Move Against the Packers.
Chicago. The first move in the gov
ernment's new Investigation of the
packing interests was made here when
subpoenas for fifty employes of the
National Packing company were Is
sued by United States District Attor
ney Sims.
Germany Not Antagonistic.
Berlin. Germany has taken no
stand in opposition to the United
States in the affairs of Central and
South America.
Are Watching Nicaragua.
Washington. The officials of both
the state and navy departments are
closely watching the developments In
the light of Estrada and Mudrlz forces
In Nicaragua.
The navy has been advised of the
departure of the gunboat Paducah
from Cristobal for Bluollolds , where
there is much activity. Acting Sec
retary Wlnthrop said that there was
particular significance in the move
ment. This government , however , pro
poses to be prepared for any eventu
ality In that quarter.
Don't neglect the kidneys -when yea
notice lack of control over the secre
tions. Passages become too frequenter
or scanty ; urine IB discolored and sedi
ment appears. No mcdlclno for such
troubles like Doan'o
Kidney Pills. They ,
quickly remove kid
ney disorders.
Mrs. A. B. Fulton ,
811 Skldmoro SL.
Portland , Ore. , says : i
My limbs swelled
terribly nnd I was
bloated over the
stomach and had
puffy spots beneath ,
the eyes. My kldnoyo
wore very unhealthy and the secre
tions much disordered. The dropsical
swellings began to abate after I began
using Doan's Kidney Fills and soon I
vas cured. "
Remember the name Doan's.
For calo by all dealers. 50 cents a
box Foster-Mllbura Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
. ,
* * -
Spick The doctor has given , him up.
What's the matter with him ?
Span Impecunloslty I guess.
Foxy Hiram.
"Well , now , if that ain't surprising 1"
ejaculated Mrs. Hyetop , as she shaded
her eyes T lth her hand. "There goon
old Hiram Skinflint , and rather than
stop on a poor black ant he picked It
up , and I bet he is going to drop it
Bomowhero out of the reach of dan
ger. "
Her husband laughed knowingly.
"Not Hiram Skinflint , Mandy. IIo'll
go down to Jed Weathorby's general
store and order a pound of granulated
sugar. Then while Jed is looking an
other way he'll drop the ant among
the grains and tell Jed as long as his
sugar has ants In It ho ought to sell it
at half price. Like as not he'll try to
got Jed to throw In two or three
raisins and a yeast cake. You don't
know Hiram Skinflint. "
An Answer In Kind.
"How did the trouble In the family.
Btart ? "
"Tho wife , It seems , got tired of her
husband's heavy wit"
"Why didn't she simply make 0
light retort ? "
"Sho did. She throw the lamp > aj
him. "
Artlstlo Temperament.
"Hamlet seemed to speak .with au
thority in hlo advice to the players. "
"Yes , " replied Mr. Stormlngton
Barnes , "although ho was rather quiet
and patient But In his other scenes
ho was as nervous and Irascible as a-
regular etago manager. "
Caring for the Baby.
Old Lady What a nice boy , to
watch your little brother BO care
fully !
Nice Boy Yes , 'urn. He Just swal
lowed a dime and I'm afraid of kid
napers. '
The Inevitable.
Brlggs I don't think much of TJn-
dorbloasom. He's a scoundrel. Ho
lies In his teeth.
Qriggs Why shouldn't ho ? HIo
tooth are false. Life.
comes to life when the body
feels the delicious glow of
health , vigor and energy.
That Certain Sense
- of vigor in the brain and easy
poise of the nerves comes
when the improper foods are
cut out and predigested
take their place.
If it has taken you yeara
to run down don't expect one
mouthful of thfs great food
to bring you back ( for it is
not n stimulant but a
rebuildcr. )
Ten days trial shows such
big results that one sticks
to it.
"There's a Reason"
Get the little book , "The
Road to Wellville , " in plies.
D tU Greek. Mich. - .