Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 21, 1910, Image 5

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Knlckor How do you flguro < ral
that the St Louis exposition was bet
ter than the Paris exposition ?
Decker It didn't cost so much to
cct thoro.
The Miser of Sag Harbor.
"Economy , " said Dnnlol W. Flold ,
the millionaire shoo manufacturer of
Boston , who at the ago of forty-flvo
has entered Harvard , "economy Is os
sentlal to wealth , but by economy I
don't mean niggardliness.
"Too many men fall to attain to
wealth because they practise a
cheeseparing and mean economy that
gets everybody down on thorn.
"They practise , } n fact , an economy
like that of old William Browstor of
Sag Harbor. William , you know , would
never buy oysters because ho couldn't
eat sheila and all. "
Notes and Comments.
Church Does your neighbor play
that cornet without notes ?
Gotham Yes ; but not without com
ments. Yonkers Statesman.
LfttU All S ft > on.
lime ofineul.etonot
pllt or Up orer , will
not toll or Injar * my
th Int. Ouirtntctdtf *
retire. UftltdeBJi-ri
Nebraska Directors'
J this process all broken
parts of machinery made good as new. Weldi
cast iron , cast stool , aluminum , copper , brass or
any other metal. Expert automobile repairinz.
BERTSCHY MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffe.
IllOOanrtup , AllbUndord MaUcn.ioM orrcntej. neat
applied If yon purchase. Machines chipped nywher
on Approval , ho deposit rcnulrecl. Write for ratAlocr.
122 North llth Street Lincoln , Not ) .
IY1. Spiesberger & Son Co.
fha Beit In the West OMAHA , NEB.
Mall order * ulfen special attention , All kinds
amateur supplies strictly fresh. Bend tor catuloc.
The Old Line Banker's ' Life
of Lincoln , Nebraska , wants a mans * whole
time In your neighborhood , a oed pay.vrrlte us.
The beet In all Commercial Courses.
Vifo catalogue explains all. Address
W. M. nilYANT , President
NO. 11 null UnUdtnir Lincoln , Neb ,
Bold and rented erery where. Write for bargain list
Kstabllshed 10W. 148 S. 10th St. , Lincoln
Beat rc ! © Creamery Ga
Pays tba highest price for
The only Banltarlnm In the state using
Natural Mineral W ter Baths Unsur
passed In the treatment of Acute and
Chronlo IIIIEUMAT1BU. Moderate
Charges. Address i
DR. 0. W. EVERETT , Hlhand M. Sts.
Get the best. Your dealer can supply
you with our brand. Your loss of bay
will more than pay.
N. W. Cor. 11th & Harnei ti. Otnihi , Neb.
For Pieces of Lace
with clever fingers win
WOMEN worth their while to nave
nil bits of lace , ribbon and cm-
broidery tliat nrc In good condition ,
for they can utilize every scrap In
making the jabots , bows and collars
that are now so much worn. The con
struction of these trifles makes pleas
ant work for the summer vacation ,
and they are an useful for gifts ae for
personal use. The four designs given
are not commonplace , yet they are
easy to make. The Jabot IB made of
mull Valenciennes lace , with embroi
dered butterfly tabs of linen. The
largo design hardly needs an explana
tion , as It IB a working drawing for
a collar to be worn with a collarlcss
gown. The bow has ends of mallncs
under squares of lace. Linen Is the
material used for the standing collar.
Tendency Now Shows a Lesa Close
Mass of Hair Surmounted by
an Aigrette.
Wo turn to Paris for the prevail
ing coiffure , and In turning we flnd
slight but noticeable changes.
The present tendency is toward n
ICSB close mass of hair to which an
aigrette or plume adds height. This
decoration Is hero shown worn vrlth
a Jeweled band of ribbon , which maybe
bo gold or silver or a color studded
with brilliants or with Iridescent
gems , according to the gown.
Particularly appropriate for the
young girl Is the wreath of roses worn
with a not-too-flat coiffure , but a
simple one. Leaves arc often substi
tuted for the roses and to good effect.
With two winged ends of black vel
vet , altogether suitable for an older
woman , is that broad band of black
tulle wired along its edges and
studded with Jet
And last we recommend for the
moro youthful one a simple fillet of
gold or silver gauze , with at each end
a largo rose , made qf cloth of gold
or silver.
Time was when the young girl
looked overdressed with her hair In
a flllet unless it was n very simple
affair , indeed ; but fashions have become -
como so much more elaborate that ,
with a little discrimination , it is quite
possible to single out many simple
enough hair ornaments for the 'youth
ful face. >
Girls and Their Figures.
Stiff corsets are unknown In France.
French corsets are nlwaye supple and
bcndable , and this accounts much for
the ease of French figures , which are
never tightened except at the waist ,
leaving the bust and hips quite free.
If the figure Is tightened In too much
nt the bust and hips , It gives too
straight a look to the figure and
makes it stiff and uncomfortable ,
movement being rendered ungraceful
by this stiffness. Let any girl try to
lace her corset only at the waist and
let her select it as soft and light as
possible , and then see If her figure bo
not as graceful In shape as the French
No tight , straight down , even lacing
will ever make a pretty flgure. If the
corset cannot bo made expressly to
suit the flgure , then let It only be
laced in the middle of the waist. Even
them no real corset should be worn by
girls until they are well In their teens.
Uses of Cretonne.
The "cretonne girl" is trimming her
hat to match her waistcoat , Jumper ,
girdle , belt and collar and cuff sets.
With whatever materials she has left
she fashions a bag which is mounted
on the gilt frame of a shopping purse
that is out of commission because its
handles are broken and its leather
sides shabby. This does not matter ,
because she throws the leather away
and substitutes cretonne bands for the
broken or worn handles of leather. If
the "cretonne girl" is unusually ener
getic she may contrive a parasol to
match her other flowered accessories
by carefully matching the cretonne
figures upon the gores of an ancient
parasol cover and then mounting it
upon the original frame. -
With Manicure Scissors.
The small curved scissors Is an in
valuable little Implement In the hands
of the all-iound capable woman. It
belongs to the work basket as well as
a stencil cutter , and it will prove
equally necessary for the cutting out
of embroidery , whether machine or
hand made , and for the cutting away
of material under lacea to make them
There nro curved lines In cowing
that will be more safely cut out and
small spaces Into which no other scis
sors will so successfully get as the
manicure blade.
1W C vif "
French knots Ire bine and Irish , crochet
lace motifs ornament It The strap
Is fastened by three pearl buttons.
Transparent Wrap HA * Caught the
Fancy of Fashion , and la Surety
Here to Stay.
Chiffon , marquisette , sflk voile , m
any other material that bos not
warmth , but a beautiful transparent
color. Is now nred mr outer wraps
that may not be useful If the primary
UBC of dress be considered , but they
are decidedly beautiful , which. Is their
own excuse for being.
Mantles of beautiful hues fall Ilka
clouds around the forms af their for
tunate wearers. They are weighted
with heavy fringe. Bilk or beaded , or
they arc adorned with marabon or
heavy oriental embrcrittery.
The shapes are so varied that were
any attempt made to describe these
mantles there would be no end. Suf
fice It to say that nil lengths , degrees
of fulness , variations of the lower
line and disposition af ends are al
lowable , the Individuality of the de
signer coming Into play as the de
ciding Tolcc.
The effect of these transparent
wraps over the filmy evening gowns
of the season Is Indescribable. Merc
man might ridicule and scorn the Idea
of a chiffon cloak , but flaunt one of
these before the sensible creature , and
if he have an appreciation of the ,
beautiful he will uphold you in your
choice of a lovely accessory.
The latest hat , of white chip fitted
with black chip , the brim covered
with Valenciennes and a mass of
white knotted feathers.
For Fashion's Sake.
Too many women wear things be >
cause they attract the eye , with too Ht-
tlo consideration of the becomlngness.
Waiting for a car at one of the sub
way stations Uie other day was a
young woman , rather unusually well
dressed. Cut her face was horribly
marked , especially about the cheeks
and chin. Moro than one of the wait
ing crowd looked curiously , and no
doubt pitied her misfortune. As she
drew nearer the electric light , how
ever , these markings resolved them
selves into nothing more terrible than
the pattern of her heavily embroidered
veil ! Seen In the light , the pattern
a design that might have been en
larged to some purpose on a pair
of curtains was not beautifying. Been
from n little distance , or in &
Jight , the effect was as described.
Innovations In Ring * .
The latest Jewelry novelty originates
in Germany , and in a special type of
ring for the divorced and the widowed.
It Is claimed that these rings save the
wearers , particularly the feminine BOX ,
from embarrassing or painful explana
tions , and in n delicate way inform In
terested persons of their drcunv
stances What next ?
Truth About Romantic Stories of
Wealth Said to Have Been
Hidden In Mexico.
According to JOKO Ramon Palafox ,
a Mexican Journalist , there tire no
hidden Montcztima treiimircB.
No doubt the storlos circulated
about the hidden treasures of the Ar.-
tec emperors have tholr origin In the
sadly exaggerated accounts of old
Spanish historians men who swal
lowed the yarns of the conquerors of
Mexico and whoso Judgment had been
upset by the few shipments of gold
and silver mndo to Spain shortly aft
er the taking of the Aztec capital.
The amount of gold and silver in the
posseslon of the Aztecs nt any time
was comparatively small and on the
sldo of the people consisted of little
more than n few personal ornaments.
The BTnntfXJt atnru r > f < , „ . , . . , _ „ . . ! „ . .
fci . . uvt/.vi rl IklUDU JllfVilUUM
metals was found by the Spaniards in
the imperial palace , and this was
promptly shipped to Spain by Cortcz.
Compared with the wealth of today
even this was n more drop in the
The accounts of the Mbntczmnn
treasures Is merely a counterpart of
similar extravagances found on many
pages of history. Wo rend of the
fabulous wealth of the Euphrates val
ley , of ancient Egypt , of India and oth
er parts , and BO far have never found
a trace of it. In their day no doubt
these people had n certain amount of
gold and sliver , but they never had
enough to cause us moderns to call
them rich. Dispersed among them in
the form of currency , as is the case
of today , tholr wealth in precious
metals would have made them n very
poor showing. Gold and silver , then ,
as In the case of the Aztecs , were not
used at all ns
mediums of exchange or
wore used only in a very limited way.
Rulers paid and received tributes In
the form of gold , and converted It in
to articles of practical value or ob <
Jects of art.
Bishop Fallows on Marriage.
Bishop and Mrs. Samuel Fallows re
cently celebrated the fiftieth anniver
sary of tholr wedding. TUshop Fallows
has taken up in n modified form the
Emmanuel movement , and has been
very successful in awakening his fol
lowers to a sense of their duty in
relation to the maintenance of health.
"Tell them that I want to sny , as
St. John did , 'Little children , love one
another. ' Love can bo cultivated llko
any other sentiment It Is not only
an instinct , but u principle and n con
viction. It is not only in the blood ,
but in the Intellect Love is intcllcc-
tuallzed emotion. Young couples should
be temperamentally suited and then
they will blend together. They must
not wait till they got $2,000 a year be
fore they get married , and I don't ap
prove of nasty marriages. When I
married I was receiving $700 a year ,
and we always put something by. Love
is the greatest thing of all , and if our
married people had more of it there
would bo less divorces. Health Cul
A Strange Lake.
Captain Tilho of the French mis
sion to the Lake Chad region In Afri
ca has discovered some new vagaries
of that puzzling body of water which
has long exercised the minds of geog
raphers with Us problems. Ho found
in 1908 that caravans were crossing
on dry land the northern part of the
lake-bed where , In 1)04 ! ) , the captain
himself , had navigated an
open ex
panse of water.
The lake covers an
uiea about four-fifths as largo as Hel-
glum , but its average depth is only
five feet. Even the winds suflico to
change its level to such an extent as
to submerge or leave bare portions of
its shores. It is entirely independent
of the rivers that flow Into the Atlan
tic and the Mediterranean. Curiously
enough , the lake does not occupy the
lowest part of the great plain of which
it Is approximately the center , for ob
servation shows that northeast of the
lake there are plains of considerably
lower altitude than that of the lake.
The Southern Seas.
Readers of old records of explora
tion in the South seas will recall fre
quent references to the heavy swells
of the acean , which impressed the
navigators with the Idea of their re
moteness from land. Dr. Vnughan
Cornish explains the great size of the
sea waves in high southern latitudes
by the fact that south of the Capo of
.Good Hope the prevailing wind in nil
longitudes is westerly. Thus when a
west winu springs up It flnds n long
westerly swell , the effect of a previous
wind , still running. The new born
wind Increases the uteoiiriess of this
swell , and BO forms majestic storm
waves , which hoiiiotinies obtain a
length of 1,200 feet from crest to crest
The average height attained by sea
waves in feet fs about half the velo
city of the wind in miles per hour.
A Scientific Problem.
in the center of the garden , on a
pedestal , stood a largo glass globe. As
the guests sauntered about after din
ner ono of them , happening to touch
It , discovered to his amazement that
It was warmer on the shady side than
on the sldo facing the sun.
An argument immediately sprang
up , and in the course of the debate the
phenomenon was attributed to the law
of reflection or that of repulsion , or
something equally formidable.
"I don't know what ye be a-talkln'
about , " remarked the old gardener ,
who had been an attentive listener to
the conversation , "but I do know that ,
fcarln * the sun would crack this 'ore
globe a while ago , I turned It around. "
The Mighty Traveler Goes Buoyantly Through 9
Long and Trying Reception-Parade , Showing
Lively Interest in Everything American
The White Company Receives Unique Compliment
for the Sturdy Reliability of Its Steam Car
From Mr. Roosevelt and Family
Theodore Roosevelt and Party In Whlto Steamer. )
After fifteen months' absence , exact
ly ns scheduled , Colonel Theodora
Roosevelt disembarked from the Knl-
tcrln Augusta Victoria , Saturday morn
ing , Juno 18 , nt 11 a. m. To the keen
disappointment of a largo group of
newspaper correspondents , Mr. Roosevelt -
velt absolutely refused , ns heretofore ,
to bo interviewed or to talk on politi
cal subjects , but his rapid fire of ques
tions showed the eamo virile- interest
in public affairs as before.
If the welcome tendered by the
vast throng may bo considered a
criterion upon which to base a "re
turn from Elba , " surely there was no
discordant note in the immense rccop-
tion-parado , nor in t-o wildly clamor
ous crowd which cheered at every
gllmpso and hung on his very word.
The incidents of the day in Now
York were many , but perhaps none-
better illustrated the nervous energy
and vitality of the man , the near-mania
to bo up-and-dolng , which ho has
brought back to us , than the discard
ing of horses and carriages for the
Bwlfter and moro reliable automobiles.
The moment the Roosevelt family and
Immediate party landed , they wcrti
whisked nway _ in Whlto Steamers tor
the homo of Mrs. Douglas Robinson nt
433 Fifth nvonuo. A llttlo later , -when :
the procession ranched the corner oft
Fifty-ninth street and Fifth nvonu
Colonel Rooscvolt again showed hhtij
proforcnco for the motor car in gotM
ernl and the Whlto cars In particular
when ho , Cornelius Vandorbllt and Col * '
lector Loob transferred from tholr caW
rlago to Whlto Steamers , which wexW
In waiting for them. ,
After luncheon nt Mr. Robinson' *
house , the entire party , Including
Colonel Roosevelt , again entered Whlt /
cars and wore driven to Long lolani
City , where they were to take a 0p <
clal train to the ex-President's homo
at Oyster Bay.
The supremacy of the Whlto cam
with the Roosevelt party was again !
demonstrated on Sunday , when thW
party wns driven to church In thri
Whlto Steamers , and n group of oomd
forty prominent Rough Riders were
taken in a White Gasoline Truck to a >
clambake nt the Travorn island olulW
house o the Now York Athlotlo Club *
Many Women
, who are
Splendid Cooks
dread having to prepare an elab
orate dinner because they are
not sufficiently strong to stand
over an intensely hot coal
range. This is especially true
In summer. Every w o m a'n
takes pride in the table she Bets ,
but often it is done at tremendous
deus cost to her own vitality
through the weakening effect of
cooking on a coal range In a
hot kitchen.
i It is no longer necessary to wear
that .the name-pinto yourself out preparing a fine dinner.
reads New Perfection , " Even in the heat of summer you can
cook n largo dinner without bolnu
'worn ' out.
Oil Cook-stove ,1x
Gives no outside heat , no smell , no omoke. It will cook the biggest dinner
without heating1 the kitchen or the cook. It is immediately lighted and immedl-
utely extinguished. It can be changed from n Blow to a quick flro by turning
handle. There's no drudgery connected with It , no coal to carry , no wood to chop.
You don't have to wait fifteen or twenty minutes till its flro geta going. Apply
light and it's ready. By simply turning the wick up or down you get a slow or an
intense heat on the bottom of the pot , pan , kettle or oven , and nowhere else. It
has a Cabinet Top with ahelf for keeping plates and food hot , drop shelves Tot
coffee , teapot or saucepan , and even a rack for towels. It eaves time , worry ,
health and temper. It does all a woman needs and more than she expects. Made
with 1,2 , and 3 burners ; the 2 and 3-burner sizes can bo bad with or without
Every dealer everywhere i If not at yonn , write for Deicrlpllve Circular to th neanit agtmcy of tbs
Standard Oil Company
( Incorporated )
You Pay 10o
or Clfiars
ot ao Good.
Saint Katharine's School
For Girls
Davenport , Iowa
Academic , preparatory , and primary grades.
Certificate accepted by eastern colleges. Hpe
dal advantages In Vaslo , ArtDomestic Science
and Gymnasium. AddreaiTlieSUtcr Superior.
Come anil MW them. We pay t > ipcnw If you buy ,
\Vevtttru lloUvr 1'lyo Co. MouiuouUi liI.
Sick Feeling ,
that follows taking a dose of cao' f ]
oil , salts or calomel , is about t a
worst you can endure Ugh it ?
gives one the creeps. You don't
have to have it CASCARETS
move the bowels tone tip th * ' , j ]
liver--without these bad feelings
Try them. an !
CABCABBTS 100 a box for week' * / (
treatment , all druggists. Biggest seller \
in the world. ItllUoa boxes tnoaUi. j |
College , Academy , Normal , BustnMs , Ittulo ,
Oratory and Art. We Issue stnlo ovrtilfefttec ,
Best Advantage * . Lowest Rated. Tear open *
September 11. Asker Catalogue.
WM. E. 80HELL , President
n.allh. M.pago Book TO- >
Uo 1'aUUty > - . Box K.W hln wa. UXL
"U.f iJNCOLN , NO. 29-19tOU
- -