- * - * * * . * * * * g--6 - TJiJfi OUBTiJK OOUNTX BISPUBLIOAN THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters Old papers for sale at this office , M us Mary Worth is visiting at Mas ) a City , Mm. Martha Lewis is in Grand Island on a visit , Miss Vera Eddy left Friday evening for Dunning. R. D , Oshorn returned to Seneca Tuesday evening. . Dorr Johnson of Canjon Ohio is visiting M. S. Eddy. Hon. M. P. Kiukaid left Tues day morning for Grand Island. Miss , Francis Melst of Chicago is visiting her friend Miss Eddy. J. W. M. Mauis of Ansley was in the city Tuesday on business Mrs. W. S. Lawson returnee to her home in Ansley Wedncs day. White Steam car , Ford am Oakland Automobiles. Rean liros. Ethel Croxen went' to Aurora Saturday for a visit of a few days. days.Mrs. Mrs. James McMillan is enter taining Miss Perkins of Mason City. City.Mrs. Mrs. Derris left for Dunning where she goes to visit her son Henry. Kiffin-Lucke Co. 3 Specials for Saturday , July 23 5 Joz. Mcn'e work shirts , 50c values for 39c Sizes 15 to 17 Olue in color 25 Dutch and Stock Collars , 25c , 35c values for 19c Ladies Colorc Like-silk Lisle liosc 35c values for 23c Another Shipment of Hairnets at 4 for 25c TKtie pricti ( or Saturday July 23 only , Son Window For Display. KIFFIN-LUCKE CO. C. F. Wilson went to Grand island on a professional visit Saturday. Miss Eglcntinc Skilman wcr.t o Dunning for a short visit Fri- lay afternoon. I have money to loan on well mprovcd farms at 0 per cent. E. C. House 51 t-f The Wyoming-Montana Wild Show left for Hastings Wednes day morning. The property north of the Bur lington station has been enclosed in a new fence. Mr. and Mrs. N. Patton from Ansley were in Hrokcn Bow Tuesday on business. Mnjor Ellison of Ansley was in the city Monday attending the republican convention. The White Steamer car , the car that cannot be burud or blown up. Ream Bros. Attorney Ford of Ansley was among the delegates at the repub lican convention Monday. Mrs. Will Eastham and chil dren spent a few days at Welter Wallace's home last week. Mrs. C. N. Smith of Dunning who has been visiting at this place left Friday for Marna. J , A. Amsberry of Mason City represented Algernon township in the republican convention. Harry Sherman and Julius Ottcn were among the delegates over from Sargent Mondoy , limn TABU : Ol'C. . & 0. II. R. llrokcn Dow Nebraska. East West 40-8:49 : a m 39-6:25 : p in 42 7:27 : a in 4Ml:25pm : 44-7:15 : p m 43-6:55 : a m 39 and 40 local between Scuecti and Lincoln. Mrs , Lyvina Honts went to Brownlcc Tuesday evening to visit Henry Honts , her son. Mrs. Anderson left Saturdo , f j for Mason City to visit friends and relatives for a short time. F..C , Wilson of An&cluio wa among the delegates from Vic toria at republican convention. K. E. Reed left last Friday cven- ng for Mcrna where he spent. Saturday and Sunday at home Mr. and Mrs. P. F , Forney left Friday morning for Allianc to visit their daughter Mrs. Franch. Sam Green and daughters who have been visiting at different ! owa points returned last week. Mr. and Mrs Fred Maulick cturndcd to Anslcy Wednesday morning after visiting in the city. W. T. Harris and family who liave been visiting in Red Cloud returned home Saturday after noon. Mrs. trect returned to Friday afternoon after attending- various bussiness errands at this olace. Carlvle of Snlrm , Neb was in Broken Bow Monday on her way to visit friends at Ansley. FOK SAMt A ( rood quarter section ot deeded land in Blaine rnunty. Title clonr , taxes pniM Will sell cheap. Harry Kimball. J. TTaMead of Tlorton Kansas "topped ever in Borken Bow Fri day to look after some business interests. Miss Alice Andrews of Tabor Ta. . who has been visitine : Mr. Smith's , left Wednesday mornincr for her home. Mr. N. A. Warren of Dubuque Iowa , passed through Broken Bow Friday on 'his way home from Alliance. "ZG ? Just Received Car 'and New Up-To-Date Buggies , Carriages , Spring- wagons , and Road Wagons The "STUOEBAKER GUARANTEE" Has Never Been Equalled P I auuu STICK TO the one preat fact ; The CAR Is a great car , It Is all Rood and you will iltul they are better in construe lion and in all ways than any other The Jackson Is the next oldistinthe United Stales. An evenly balanced , strong and sturdy and has lasting features throughout. Call on or write for further In far ' ination to Solos Rooms 1st door south of Bowon's Miss Beatrice O'Bryau has resigned her position with Snj- der Bros , Co. to accept a posi tion in Alliance. DL. D. George's father and two sisters returned to their home at Cumro Tuesday morning after a short visit here. Mrs. E. A. Tultle and daugh ter Atlanta went to Thedford Tu-sdiy to visit Mrs. Tuttle's sister Mrs. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Armour and , daughter of Broken Bow went to Ansley Wednesday morning to visit their mother. Miss Lillie Auisberry returned froir Dunning Monday morning , where she has been visiting her sister Mrs. Carl Foote. Mrs. Anna L/oftis left Tuesday evening for Omaha where she intends to enter a hospital be cause of her poor health. In the base ball game Tuesday forenoon between Anselmo and Broken Bow , the final score stood 8 to 7 in favor of the home team. Rev. James McBriba and fami y accoinpained by Miss Miran Wilson stopped of in Broken Bowen on their was to Chicago Tues day. Mrs. J. W. Hauey of Merna who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Morgan retuued to her home the lataer part of the week. Misses Ethel and Marie Johnson - son left for an extended trip to the coast Saturday. They ex- psct to be gone until the first of September. Miss Alva Read who has been working in the county clerk's office left Saturday evening for for Merna where she will take a week's vacation. A. Fonda ot Oconto was in the city Saturday. He accompanied the remains of Mike Conley . which were brought here frcm I Oconto for burial. 1 Win. Dunn , H. II. Andrews and J. J. Douglas were among the number of delegates from Callaway Monday at the republican - can county convention. Misg Elliott the sister of city superintendent Robert Elliott accompanied by her friend Miss Tobey of Lincoln arrived in the city Friday for a brief visit. Mrs. Georere Luther and daugh ters returned to their home in Ausley Wednesday morning after visiting with Mrs. Al Luther and Mrs. Elmer Draper of this city. Mrs. Hunt and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Carlis returned to Grand Island from Broken Bow Friday where they have b2en staying at the Wilson Sani tarium. Mrs. Miner Tailor and daugh ter Nellie of Broken Bow "accoui pained byMrs. | Plopper of Georgia and daughter Mrs. Moody of la. , went to Ormsby Tuesday for a brief visit. Mrs. F.essetiden and children left Tuesday evening- for Seneca. 1 They intend to make that place their new home as Mr. Fessenden who left some time ago purch ased a meat market there. Mrs. J. Ilaumont entertained the ladies of the W.C.T-U.at h r home Wednesday evening1. Miss Palmer spoke on "Medical Temp erancc" after which splendid re freshments wcfc served. There were about twenty ladies present and a delightful time was report ed. SOCIAL EVIL EXPOSED AND MORAL - RAL LESSON POINTED FROM THE STAGE. Dr. Hopkins from the Chautauqua Platform Talks Plain Truths. "A man and a woman. " said Mr. Hopkins , "sat bcsldo each other the other evening at the Studebaker tho- , ator. They were both married. In other words , the man's wlfo was homo with the children. The woman's hus band was on the road eating his Thanksgiving dinner In a mean little country hotel , but thinking how much his wlfo missed him , as she often wrote she did , and how pleasant a thing It is to work for such a dear woman. "Cut as the plot of the 'Command- Ing Ofllcer' unfolded , thowoman's face became serious. She saw how If you tell ono Ho you have to tell a dozen. How a little misunderstanding may bo a temptation In disguise to commit a great wrong. How deep , black and awful Is the abyss of de struction when you stand on the edge of it. How an Infant's hand Is stronger than a giant's , If only that infant is In the homo. "Tho show was over and the man and woman stepped out on Michigan avenue. Ho slipped his arm through hers and said , 'Now , let us go some where for a nuiet little supper. ' She replied , 'Thank you ; the play ought to teach us all a lesson. It shows Just where flirting and lies and all that sort of thing lead to. I am not afraid to go home alone , if you do not care to take me now , but I am golng-iiome. ' "No church in the city today will preach a Uer sermon than that drama. P mps If preachers said the same things as the actors , folks would not listen. If they did , they would only say , of course , that's preaching and ho does it for money or notoriety. When actors and actresses preach llko that it sounds different. Well , thanlc the Lord , sq long as the essential thing gets spoken. "Thank God for ono company that slops out of the filth that submerges about two-thirds of the theater and pleaches righteousness. "How many married fools need the lesson can bo Inferred from the fact that ono in every fourteen weddings ends in the divorce court. And you can visit every house in flvo blocks in a good residence district and you will find flvo babies or twenty children , sind there is a reason and that reason is raising Sheol with the American home. " If you should in vestigate the inside anatomy of a gasoline barrel with the aid of a match what would occur would the barrel or you stand the test. The White Stermer did. Ream Bros. An intelligent person can earn $100 monthly corresponding- newspapers. No „ canvassing. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate , B4683 , Lockport , N. Y. 45-tf J , E. Smith accompanied by his wife and son who have beenvisit- the past two weeks at the homes of Mr. Myers and Mrs. Cox return ed to their home in Wray Color ado last Fridoy. Mr. Reedy the drayman , met with an extremely painful exper ience while loading a barrel of oil at the station Thursday after noon. In attempting- lift the barrel into his dray it slippec1 , catching two of the fingers on his leit hand between a hoop < j the barrel and the endboard ot the dray and lacerating the flesh at the ends of the fingers consid erably. Mr. Heedey will be unable to attend to his work for some time. OLDS GASO LINE ENGINES Always on the Job. Try that White Satin flour at W. H. O'Rorkc's Feed Store There is none better. Phone 409. Mlos Minnie Annette Cedarcjreen Eminent Chicago Violinist with Nell 17 Bunnell Trio at SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given , that by virtue of an order of sale , Issues to me from the Uistru t Court of Custcr County , Nebrasua upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court at the March 1910 term thereof , to-wif on the Utii day of March , IHlUln favor of Lulu M Porter and Sherman A. Uobinson and against Frank hanger. I have levied upon the following described real estate The Northeast quarterot section'J7 In township U rauje21 ( , in custer County , Nebraka , ami I will on the Sim\ day of August 1110. at J o'clock p. in. , at the south door of the t'ad well liuiidlng where the last term of the dlstrli't court was held In the city of Ilrokcn How. Nebraska , In said ( Aunty , . * 11 said real estate at public auction to the highest bid'U-r for cabh to satisfy said decree , interest anil costs , the amount due thereon amounting to the sum of SKiM ) oo with interest thereon at the rate of 0 penceut per annum from Oct ober 1st 190U and court costb amounting to i50 ( ) and accruing costs. Said above de scribed real estate will be sold subject to all prior liens and Incumbrances as per certi- llcatcs on Hie in the District Clerk's olllce. Dated the 20th day of July , A. 11 1'Jli ) . N. T. 0.1(1(1. ( II. 1KUNNiniY. . Attorney. 7-11 Sheriff SHEUIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given , that by virtue of an execution , issued to me from the District Cojrt of custer county , Nebraska , In favor oi S 1' . Great & Company and against Nine Mccouias. I have levied upon the following described real estate ; The south y. of tlus south east H of .section 15 , and the east'i ot the north cast 4 ot section U.J. township 17 range 20 in Custer County , Nebraska , and I 11 on the 22nd day of August , 1910 at 2 o'clock p. in. , at the south doorof the Cadwell building whole the last term of the district court \\.is held In the city ot Broken How Nebraska , in said county , self said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree , interest and costs , the amount due thereon amounting to the su ji ol $24.18 with Interest thereon at the rate ot 7 per cent per annum from the 2nd clav of rebruary , 1WV > , and court costs amounting to fJW.lO and accrulngcostF. Said above described rial estate will be sold sub ject to all prior liens and Incumbrances as per certillcatcb on Ille In the District Clerk s olllce. Dated the 20th day of July , A. D. 1910. C w. Deal. H. p. KKSNKDV Attorney. 7-11 Sheriff. IN TIIK DISTRICT COUNT OP CUSTLIf COUNTY TWKLFTII JUDICIAL DISTRICT OP NKUUASKA. Angelo Dondero vs Alva II. Cooper et al To Alva U. cooper , Mrs. Alv.i R. Cooper wife ot Alva R. Cooper , Dorr iietileraan and Sarah E. Heilioman. you and each of von will take notice that onthoSlsi day of July 1010 plaintiff Hied his petition against you and each of you in the District court of custer county , Nebraska In an action wherein Angelo Dondero is plaintiff , and you and each of you abo\e named are defendants , the object aiul pray er of which petition Is to foreclose a certain tax lien upon the east is acres ot the iieu of the uw K Sec. 7 , Twp. i , R 2Jm Custer county Nebraska existing under a tax sale of haul land duly made on the Uth day of N'o\ ember liws , for the tax upon said land lor the year 1WI Said certitlcate amounts , with subse quent taxes. Interests and costs , to the sum ol $37 05 , for w hjcli amount , together with in lerest , costs cf suit and attorney's fee as by law allowed , plalntllf prays Judgement that same ma v be decreed to boa first hen upon above described premises , for a de > ree of foreclosure and sale of said real estate and that the defendants Dorr Hetlleman and Sarah E. lit nileman be decreed to have no title Hen , Interest or estate In said land. You are required to an-jwer said petition on or before Monday , the 29lh < loy of Aug u t line , or said petition will be taken as , true and ludgmcnt rendered a > cordingly Willis cadwell and Angelo Dondero A HoUomb I'lalnttff. His Attorneys 7 W