y 0 J.TIU . St Historical Soct'p.tv uueter Ucari "VOL. XXIX BROKEN BOW , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JULY 21 , 1910 NO. 7. Don't be Satisfied With your Watch rr you can absolutely upon it's truthfullnes ? . If it varies do one of two things let us fix it or get n new one. Often the latter plan is the better. If you think it is you can find a choice here of many dependable watches. Watches that are right _ when you get them ane thaa stay right for years and years. Drop in some day and let us talk watches to you. Prices run from $1.00 up for good guaranteed values. Government Land in Broken Bow District. The following is a list of gov ernment land in the Broken Bow land district subject to 640 acre homesteads in the several coun ties July 11910 Custer 2160 acres , \ Elaine 25280 , Brown 82,400 , Hooker 137,340 , Logan 43,200 , McPherson 83,480 , Thomas 87- 120 , Total 615,100. Important Noiice. WATER PATKONS PLEASE READ , I - - ' ' ISIoticc is here by given by the Water Commissioner to all pa trons that all bills for water rent must be paid without fail on or befoee August 5 1910'or water will be turned off without fail. We must collect these bills. Notice further that" the office of Water Commissioner is to be changed from the council room to the office of Harry Kiinball where the books will be kept and rent can be paid at any time. H. McBurnie , Water Commissioner. ' Lost. Black valise containing ladies apparel between Broken Bow and Humphrey's ranch July 12. Find er please return to Bessie Reyner or this office. Mrs. Morgan , Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Haeberle entertained Fri day afternoon1 in honor of Mrs. Hayne of Hyannis , Mrs. and Miss Scrubbs of Tennessee , Mrs. Hub- lee of this city who leaves soon for Los Angeles , Mrs. Chaptaan of Chicago and Mrs. Hall of Sidney. The affair was in Jthe nature of an informal reception and at the proper time refresh ments were served. A. E. CADY ISSUES HiS PLATFORAl Republican Candidate for Govern or Announces Attitude on Question of State Import. THIRTY-POUR YEARS IN THE STATE Helped Defeat Corrupt Lobby in Legis lature. BILL TOR RAILWAY COMMISSION Introduced Measure in Legislature of 1905 Which Brought About Creation of State Board N o t Optionist. Lincoln , Neb , , July 16. ( Spec- al. ) A. E. Cacly , who has filed lis name as a candidate for the the republican nomination for jovernor , has issued a statement ; o the voters of the state. The statement is as follows : "In announcing- candidacy 'or the republican nomination 'or governor , I wish to make a briet statement of my attitude relative to matter of most public concern. "While it is inevitable that new questions of pressing im portance will arise from year to pear , the issue of clean and pru dent government , I deem always to be paramount. Simply be cause I was zealous , advocate of an issue of passing importance , would not entitle me to public confidence. It is not alone what [ stand for today , but what has jeeti my attitude in the past that should be the the real meas ure of my value as a public ser vant. Within the sphere of my imited Influence , I have always contended for clean men and clean methods , and I firmly jeleive that whatever beside may be essential , that unless built on this foundation , an enduring re public hopeless. TUIRTY-tfOUR YEARS IN STATE "I have been a resident of Ne braska nearly thirty-four , years , part of that time engagedin news paper work and the remainder in : ommerical pursuits. My office- tiolding record is confined to two terms in the legislature in the house 1SS9 and senate in 1905. In the session of 1889 I was fortunate in being permitted to aid in accomplishing the defeat and downlall of the best organis ed and most corrupt lobby with which the state was ever infest ed. I also prepared legislation that prevented exploitation of the state saline lands. I prepared and introduced the bill providing for the submission of an amend ment to the constitution creating an elective railway commission which passed in the session of 1905. The adoption of this amendment , together with the legislation enacted to give it effect , have worked a beneficent reform felt in every depart ment of our state government. I ad vocated and voted for an ant - pass bill in the same session. Though not a member when passed , I advocated the primafy law , believing then and now that it is desirable not alone to UUU.IUI If it is in tlie Brocen ? The Best Flour. English and Holland Wafers. The Advo , Holiday , J. M. and Nebra brands of cannded goods Barrington Hall , Vigora , Ak- Sar-Ben , Blue Bibbon , Ah-Ha- Mo , J. M. 1846 , Crown and Breakfast Delight Coffees. J. N. PEALE 161 THE GROCER Phone180 _ Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station To land owners adjoining- public high way : * , You are hereby notified that the statute of Nc- j braslca requires you to cut all weeds to the center of. the road running along your premises between the 15th day of July and the l * > Ui day of August of each year and fixes a } renalty for not doing so. You will take notice accordingly. ,1. S. McflRAW , Township Cleric. armg the government near to : he people , but what is of greater importance , to awaken in the individual voter a keener sense of the responsibilities of citizen ship. While the law may not lave realized in full the anticipa tions of its most zealous adocatcs ? et I confidently believe that it s destined to be a tov/er of strength to good government. * ALWAYS REPUBLICAN. "I have always affiiliated with he republican party , whose can didate I now aspire to be but I Irmly believe that the highest > artisan service is rendered by an honest effort to demonstrate that theparty with which one affili ates is the best medium through which to attain good government. [ do not believe in making the public institutions havens for ndigent politicians , or auxiliaries of a political machine , but that they should be conducted on strictly prudent business lines , always with a view to the welfare of the inmates. "Personally I have never be- ieved the adoption of county option necessary to control the .iquor traffic. The enactment of ttfis law , however , is purely a legislative function , with which the executive has nothing to do , until presented to him for his approval or disapproval. It the people through their representa tives demanded this legislation [ should deem it my duty , if gov ernor , to approve. I do not con strue the power of veto vested in the chief executive to be a per sonal asset , but a discretionary power necessary to vest in some ane , to meet the requirements of jrave emergencies and possible invasions of the constitution. To threaten in advance of its en actment to the veto of this legis lation might consistently be sup plemented by the threat to invoke the pardoning power in behalf of every vidlatcr of the law , should the veto be disregarbed. TAI'T AND ROOSHVKI/T. "I believe that President Taf t is in full sympathy with the policies of Mr. Roosevelt , and that his administration will merit and receive general com mendation. There has been no wiser legislation in recent years than that creating a tariff com mission , giving assurance that future legislation will be based on a more impartial , scientific and less sectionail and partisan basis. "With this purely personal statement , I Submit my candid acy. Should the people see fit to nominate and elect me gov ernor , 1 will devote to their ser vice whatever of experience and ability I may possess , animated by the sincere desire to adminis ter their affairs in tf dignified , economical and business-like manner. i A. E. CADY , 'St. Paul , Neb. Pioneer Dead. Michael Conley was born at New Ilaven Conn. , August 23 , 1S42. Later he moved to Illinois Was one the early settlers in Cubter couuty , Nebraska. Lo cated on a ranch neai Oconto. Was engaged in the real estate business at Callaway about 1890 , and kept a hotel at that place about the same time. During the past few years has been en- gageu in the real estate business at Oconto. Was a prominent Mason , and became a memberof , that f rater- S'y at , * lip , _ Illinois. . , , Was a arter member of Emmet Craw ford Lodge No 1 IS of Broken Bow , atd \ \ t , the first Master of that Lot1 j . He was - . i , i charter member of lion h Ch p.ir Royal Arch Masons Broken Bow. He took an active part in lodge matter and was held in high esteem by his brethren of the several fra ternities to which he belonged He died at his hprne in Oconto July 15 , 1910 from cancer of the mouth , from whic he had been a. great sufferer for several ytoars. lie was buried in the Broken Bow Cemetery on Saturday , July , 16 , by Emmet Crawford Lodge , with masonic honors , the services were held in. the Methodist church of this city , Rev. R. -Thompson preaching an eloquent funeral sermon. The pall bearers at his previous request , were chosen from those who were associated with him in founding ' Emmet Crawford Lodge. About sixty masons marched in a body to the ceme tery and took put in the cere monies at the grave , number of the brethren from Callaway and Anselmo being among the number. tNHlMG QFfl < iNHINb oCHt We Handle a Full Supply of Caps , Cans and Rubbers. The Elberta Peaches are now on the market. Cheap while they last. Blackberries still coming fresh from the growers at t the lowest price. New Apples always make the nicest sauce and pies. We can fill your orders from now on. Plumbs , Pears , Apricots , Prunes , Red Cherries , Oranges and Bannauas. All at \ market prices. WE BUY , TEST and PAY SPOT CASH for CREAM. Ice For Sale in Small Quantities at. The Eagle Grocery Store , , The Square Do&l Store Phone 58 Republican Caucus. The republican caucus of Brok en Bow township was hold in the Catlwell building- Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock. The meeting was called to order by A. Morgan , on motion Mr , Morgan was elected chair man and 13. F. Myers secretary on motion of D. C. Konklc the chair was authorized to appoint a committee of three to present to the caucus a list of delegates for the couuty convention. The chair appointed D. C. Konkle S. k. Cannon and John Reese as such committee. On motion the caucus elected the members of the committee named , as three of the delegates by acclamation. On receiving the report of the committee it was adopted and the following persons were de clared elected by acclamation D. 3. Koukle , b. L. Cannon , John Reese , Alpha Morgan , Willis Cad well , E. F. Myers , N. T. Gadd , Dr. Bass , W. S. Boyse. Dave Coulter , Jules Ilaumout , M. G. Montmomcry , B. B. Sands , D. M. Amsbcrry. Joe Cole , Chas. T. Wright , Leonard Ilersh , Lon Davis , Austin Loyd , W. A. Scorgc , Joe Pigman , A. R. Humphrey , Dr. A. II. Shoemaker , Jud Kay , Prof. Elliott , Jae > . Dsborne , A. J. VanAntwcrp , 0. S. Brcuiaer , Chas. Penn , Morris Hyersou , C. A. Waters , J. A. Elliott. Junior Normal Entertainment. The Broken Bow Junior Normal Quartette assisted by Prof. Chas. \V. Cole of the Broken Bow Con servatory pjf Music , Mr. Flliott Harris Basso , of Grand Island1 , a Ladies Octette from Ravenna and a boy soprano will give an eutcrtainmcnu in the Methodist ChurchMonday EveninA July 25 Adinissou 2oth. The music will be such- thai it will be appeciated b all. This is the only ertcr ( taiument given by the Junior Normal this year to which ad mission has bern charge. The Junior Normal Male Quartet is recognized aa being one of the best in the state and the other talent is considered equally as good. Prof. Cole is a specialist on tile French horn and this part of the program will be appreciat ed by every lover of music. The special bass soloist , thn ladies octet and the boy soprano are consideied exceptionally fine by those who have heard them. Be sides this there will be severa selections in reading rendered. You cannot afford to miss this excellent program. Come out and see what your neighbors can do and at the same time show your appreciation for thu excell ent Junior Normal Quartet. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Amsberry left for the lakes north of Dun ning Tuesday morning for a vacation from his duties as Receiver in U. S. Land Office. O1U papers for sale at this office. Old Settlers Picnic. The Old Settlers Picnic of Custer county will be held at Broken Bow on August 3rd and will be bigger and better than ever this year. Judge H. M. Grimes of North Plattc has been invited to speak and has accept ed. ed.The The public generally is invited to come with their lunch baskets well filled. There will be a picnic dinner at noon. In the afternoon a splendid program will take place consist ing of excellent music , the ad dress of Judge Grimes and short talks by old timers of the county. A splendid program of sports will also enliven the afternoon , consisting of foot races and con tests of various kinds for which pmes will be offered. The usual pmes will also be given for the oldest settlers and the first born children. Prizes of $10 and $5 will be given for the best chorus of three or more voices from any part of the Custer county Broken Bow people can not compete in this. You are entitled to a day of rest , and recreation and visiting and this will be the time to get it. Junior Normal. U. S. Senator E. J. Burkctt delivered an address before thu students in chapel Monday. Ills speech was educational and very interesting , lie wasjiutroduced by I'rca. A. U. Ilumprcy of the board of ed ucation. Word has been recievcd from Prof. An- drus who 53 in New York at the bedside of his mother who is very ill. The regular monthly examinations \yere held last Friday and Saturday. The finals for the Junior Normal will be giv en on Wednesday of next week. A large number plan to take the exama in order that they may receive credit with a view of reurning next summer. The Junior Normal quartet has arranged to give an entertainment nt North Side Opera House Monday , July 25. Prof. Lewis , who has charge , secured the Rav- cuun Ladies Octette.and Mr.Elliott Harr ison , prominent Iiassoto assist the quar tette. Prof. Cole of the'conservatory will play an instiimcnta ! solo and several readings will he given. Supt. Etta Brooks , pwho has been nt her farm near Drewstor , returned Tues day. day.Prof. Prof. J. G. W. Lewis is giving a series of chapel talks on Current Events. I. A. Downey.Ex.Normnl Trniuing Inspector specter of Nebraskn , visited the school this week in the interests of Row Peter- sou and Co. Jess Gandy and wife returned last Thursday from Texas where they have been for several months Jess was circulating a petition Saturday among his political friends to file as a candidate for representative candidate on the democratic and populist ticket. Miss Alice Ruth Palmer , the national W. C. T , U. evangelist , who has been staying at the home of Mrs. Jules Haumont went to Ansley Friday for a series of lectures. Miss Palmer's address at the U. B. church here was appreciated by a large audi ence m spite of an extremely warm evening. A Imi.ll.iii.i3l .imit..ii n. A J I . . . . . . . - . ' , nlj , , , , , „ , ( AI I I TRADE \ JruiiE OLD CIDEJI VINEGAR MARK Just A Word on Our Pure Old Cider Vinegar. \ It is a household necessity. Why ? Because it is made from the cider apples. Our vinegar is stncty pure made from thoroughly 4 < washed npples and sterilurd before barreling. Our grnde of vine gar is strictly pure and guaranteed to comply with the national and j state pure food laws. The only kind to insure good healthy pickles nud preserves. ] ONCE USED ALWAYS USED. I PRICE. 4oc per gallon. Two or more gallons 380 per gallon. We Buy , Test and Pay Cash for Cream. All goods sold by us are Pure and protected by the National and State Pure Food Laws. 4 _ . . _ . _ , . . , _ . . . . . . . J1M i . t " " - - „ * * ' "