OUSTER COUMX KEJPtfBLlOAN , TOWNS LIKE MEN ARE OFTEN PESSIMISTIC. Towns like jicoplo got the idea nt tltncs that they just cnnuot nmko any thing go. Good cntnriirlslng citizens Bomotlmcs say : "If this were such and such town wo could niako Improve ments and have things we ought to have , but our town Is n stlck-lntno-mud eort of n town and wo can't. " That Iclnd of feeling will kill any town In the world. If wo will wako up and stand together we can have anything wo want In this town. Our patronage Is good , people come from other terri tory to our town to trade. The ques tion Is how long will they do this If wo do not make an effort to show our appreciation of their patronage. We have come to the "conclusion that this town can have as good a Chautauqua ns any town our size In the United States.Vlth a good Chautauqua people ple will como from miles around and wo can renew old acquaintances and imko new ones nnd , by spending the week among our patrons and showing them a good time , we can add much to thoitradotofiourjtowntbcsidesiKlvliiKtto , funds available for investment in United States bonds they iliay notify the secretary of the treas. ury of the amount of such funds in their hands which they desire to invest in bonds of the United States subject to call , the Secre tary of the Treasury shall call for redemption an amount of the funds in the hands of the trustees which the trustees desire to thus invest , and the bonds so called shall be redeemed at par with accrued interest at the treas ury of the United States on and after three months from the date of such call and interest on the said bonds shall thereupon cease : Provided , That the said bonds when redeemed shall be reissued at par to the trustees without savings depository funds , and all statutes relating- false returns of postal and money order busi ness , the forgery , counterfeiting , alteration , improper use or hand * ling of postal and money-order blanks , forms , vouchers , accounts and records , and the dies , platca and engravings thcrcior , with the penalties provided in such statutes , arc hereby extended and made applicable to postal savings depository business , and the forgery , counterfeiting , alter ation , improper use or handling of postal savings depository blanks , forms , vouchers , accounts and records , and the dier , plates and engravings therefor. Sue , 16. That the faith of the United States is solemnly .Dlcdgea.to Uicpavjiicnt _ of the Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dyke , Jua- nita Podge. Alvic Cantrcll , Alvin and Elvin Hyatt spent Sunday at Mcrida Ingrain's. Ed Myers is working for Frank Edwards. Mrs. Geo. J acquit returned from Missouri last week. Prairie Hill. We had a nice rain Monday morning. Mr. Elgin Boal spent a few day last week visiting his son Emery at Georgctow , Emeiy accotnpaiued him home. Mr. Fisher of ol rado is visit ing his sister Mrs. Winchester. We arc glad to learn that the Redpath Chautauqua is coming back this summer , and we hope that itwill be so that the farmers can attend. i 2 reu mm 11 , T. B. SCHROOK , D.O.MD. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON onice in Dlcr B block. calls answered at all hours In city or country phonedomco 433-Resilience , White 821 I wint to buy your cream nnd sell you your flour nnd feed of nil kinds , every thing guaranteed , W. II. O'Rorkc's Feed Store Phone 409. Ji _ X A Tromonuous / BARGAIN SALE .4JA/1 psg Q QX 18lh I lusivo 8 EAU. tint N . tmrc. > .1. KXXXXXX3) I ' M 1 L I-M--All (1ml. i V - lolosnlo I Market > f Grain il / itor i I'lione 62 at on Nov. 0 , at public sale i i tlie following it II est 14 acresol , Cttoii89Town > ' . - It' inty , State ol ' -I ri In the name ol ictober II , 1UIU L. A. WitMtr. AL HSTATfi. fin pursuance tllT , JUdRU O > anty Nebraska 110 lor tlie sale moiitUmed and fat the boutli Hiding In tin -i ) [ county Heat ol itit being tin. .court ot said iHsloix and tlie 4k " - \ Visors ot Gusto ] ( district court JlJuly , wio at ( at public veil { ash , the South mtililp 17 rangi- / * ( la sale to re- i H , Kusqom aian of Walter knd Rowuna I P : ; Kussom heirs [ the will o I 1 i : . Wuoilluy , .Y. in Broken * * * jj * 'Is u J urer of the United States curity for the issue of circulate notes by national banking -J ciations. Sue. 11. That whenever I trustees of the postal sapiil fund have in their possewl Ittfds to the embezzlement , j1 improper handling , ) U , use or disposal of pos- money order funds and mishments provided for Fenses arc hereby extend- linide applicable to postal Don't forget the old settler's picnic in the Hemstead grove next Wednesday , July 13. Robert Myers visited with his cousin Earl Myers Saturday night. music schools as In thlc country. 'The Chautauqua rtianagement can get no greater artist. Miss Tucker b a cellist of renown and MRS | Dora Wolcs Is i\ \ "rilvlno" pianist. At GHAUTAU ti ht time , nnger. er. 'Illicitly , jjurous kiduej ) vc this , itreet , Hroken yc nothing to emeni I gave Doan'8 Kid- Do need of n For several coming on me 5f bringing it stiff and fre- itiug pains in was confined d was unable ct at n time /el nnd treated : rl weeks. In ae nud I was long the difii- iwed severity. Manic highly uTut and bnth- y [ in passage | to ' try Uoan's sb'ox nt Ilae- sy'hronght re lief almost immediately. Jn a few weeks I was cured and from thnt day to this , I I have had no further cause for com plaint. " For sale by nil dealers Price 50 cents 1'oster-Milburn Co. , IhifuUo , New York , sole agents for thu United States. Remember the name Doan's. aud take 110 No More Flies. Flies are her in ernest - est and pestering1 stock nearly to death. If you will use Great Western F 1 y Chaser your stock will get the be lefit of the food they eat , in other woads it is a stock food. Gallons - $1.00 Half Gal. - .50c Quarts ,85c Try a can and Be Convinced. S. R. LjEE. The Busy Druggist. A. New Glean Stack of LUMBER Fresh IOLA Portland Cement. Frc8hCar of ACM A Plaster. A Splendid Line of Fence Poets , [ f you contemplate using any of the above this Sprimg or if you need a nice load of COAL CALL and SEE H. T. Bruce ( SL Co. Broken Bow , Nebr. Phone 234. FRANK KELSEY ALL KINDS OF WELLS Consult Him If You Want Water. Urokcn Dow , Nebraska. N. T. GADD ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - - Onicc over Holcoinb's book stnrn. onicc iihono 208 Kcsldcncc 20 Urokon How , Nebraska. J. A. ARMOUR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices In all tlio courts. Convayanclng niid nntorlal work , onicc up stairs over State Hank of nrokcn How. Hrokcu now , Nebraska. BANGS' STUDIO WE MAKE GOOD PHOTOS Kast SUle of Square Ilroknn Hoiv. Nebraska. HARRY KIMBALL UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ( Licensed ) Business phone , 301 Residence ,30111 lirokcn How , Nebraska. . L. E. COLE EMBALMER & FUNER'L DIRECTOR ( Licensed ) ( JaioiOlIock lluslnesa phone'85 , Rcsldence'.323 Hrokcn How , Nebraska. DR. G. F. BARTHOLOMEW PHYSICIAN AND OCULIST Glasses Kitted. AH calls promptly attended dayfor night. Phone 81. Mus. W. T. JONES DRESSMAKING Mrs. W. T. Jones has had 17 years expor- encc In dressmaking , it Is useless to look further. Worn guaranteed. Kooux 7 , Dlerks Illock. J. L. FERGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC Heal Kstate , Insurance , Ranches 'ana Farms for Kent , Legal Papers Drawn , Sur veying and Platting. Hroken How.'tfcbraska , For E. M. F. Studebaker , Buiclc and Now International Automobiles See 0. II. CONRAD. FOR SAI.K A fine resident block one block south of ball ground. Will sell by quarters if preferred. B , W. Blak. 42-U