THE OUSTER OOONl'X HEPUBLIOAN CUSTHR COUNTY REPUBLICAN $1.00 Per Year. AH subscribers arc considered permanent nua If they wish to discontinue are expected to pay all arrearage ! ) and notify publisher. Entered at Broken Bow , Nebraska , ( or trans mission In the United States malt * at second class rates. D. M. AMSBERKY , Editor and Publislicr ] ( ADVERTISING RATES. Where matter IB set on wood bane electrotype a flat price of twenty cent ! per Inch , single col- ttrau'for each Insertion , IWH or more Insertions IS cents per Inch. Special position , single In. sertlon 20 ctuts per inch , Metal baoe , electros- two or moro timed , 15 cents per inch. Payment first of each month. Local advertising flvo cents per line each In erttou. Notice of chnrch church fairs , sociables and entertainments where money Is charged , one half rates. Death notices free , half price for publishing obituaries. Card of Thanks , 0 cent * . Legal notices at rates provided statutes of Nebraska. Society notices and resolutions , one-hall rates Weddlutr notices free , half price for hat of presents. Call For Republican Convention. The Republicans ol the County of Cusicr , State of Nebraskaare hereby callcil to meet In convention In the City of Urokcn How , on Monday July IHth , 11)10 ) , at 11 o'lock In the forenoon , In the forenoon , In the cadwcll building , for the purpose of selecting nine teen delegates to attend the Republican State Convention to meet at Lincoln , 'on Tuesday , July 26th , 1010 , and to select the County central committee , and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention. The Convention Bhall be made up of dele gates chosen by'the Republican of the re- spcctlve townships of the County at caucuses held for that purpose , prior to said IHth day of July , 1910. The basts of representation shall be one delegate for each 10 voles or major fraction thereof cast at the 1010 general election for John 1 ] , llarnes , Republican nominee for Supreme Judge , Said apportion nont entitles several town ships to the following representation In said convention , to-wlt : Algernon 10 Qarflcld G Ansley 14 HaycH 3 Arnold 8 Kllfoll 11 licrwyn 7 Lillian 7 llroken Uow 30 Loup H CJlff 7 Myrtle 0 Custer 8 Sargent 13 Comstock 5 Triumph 4 Douglas Grove H Victoria 7 Delight 15 Wayne 0 Kllm 6 Wcstervllle 9 Klk Creek 8 West Union o Orant 0 Wood River 11 Total 331 IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that no proxies be allowed , and that the delegates present from each of the respective town- Bhlps bo authorised to cast the full vote of their delegation. The members of the County central Com mittee Who arc to conduct the 1010 campaign must be chosen at this convention. Alpha Morgan , Chairman. William M. Dunn , Secretary. Dated this 2jnd day of June , 1910 , iJrokcn Bow Nebraska. Republican Caucus. ( Loup Township ) Notice Is hereby given that a republican caucus will be held at the regular voting place of Ioup township on Saturday July 10 , 1910 , at 2:30 : P. MI for the purpose of electing eight delegates to the Republican County Convention to be held at Urokcn Uow July 18th and for the transaction of such other business that may come before the caucus. WILL iTHKW. . Com. Republican Caucus. A caucus of the republican electors of Broken Bow township will be held In the Cadwell building Saturday July 10 , 1010 , at 3 o'clock P. M. for the purposu of electing 30 delegates to the county convention and for the transaction of buch other uuslncbs as may come before the caucus. ALPHA MonoAM , Chairman. M. Q. Montgomery , Sec. Republican Caucus. The republicans of Lillian township will meet in caucus Saturday July 10th , at 2 o'clock In the Oxford school house for the purpose of naming delegates to the county convention and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting. Uy order of Committee , G.T. Christy. Call from Cliff Township. Notice Is hereby given that there will be a Republican Caucus held at the Hicks school house Cliff Township Saturday July 10 1910 at 3 p. in. for the purpose of electing 7 delegates to attend the Republican County Convention to be hold at Hroken Uow July , IB 1910 and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the above meeting , w. j. Rice , Coin in. Candidate For the Legislature. I hereby announce myself as candidate for nomination for Representative In the Mth district , subject to the action ol the republican primary Aug. 16,1910 O. II. Moody. N. T. OADD'S ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. Having ( lied with the proper onicer , I now announce myself a candidate for the ofllce of county Attorney subject to the ap proval of the republican party at the Primary election to be held August lOlh. 1910. It Is perhaps needless for me to say ; I cm unalterably nrtalnst the Liquor Inter , ests , I am for county option , tor state and nation wide prohibition. I am a republican , but am most emphat ically for the revision of theTarlff downward and for the removal of tariff upon things essentially necessary to the comfort , health , happiness and prosperity of the citizen. My present term ot oiilce docs not expire until January 1911 , my time and ability there fore Is the property of the citizens of the county , of all political complexion ; that be. Ing true I WILL NOT MAKE A CANVASS. I have not been absent from any meeting of the board of supervisors have been on hand at all times when called upon by county oniccrs from the least to the highest , Includ ing Township ana School district ofllcers ; When needed by the private citizen , either over the Phone , or In person I have been on band by day or night , and this I will have to aay at the end of my term of ofllce regardless of , the results of the primary election ; If you need t.'ie county attorney , you will Una htm ot his onicc , not out'ln campaign , using your time to further his personal Interests. If will be because of business , and in that event , there will be a competent lawyer in charge of the ofllce. I am human , and no doubt have made mistakes during my term of oincc. but I have no excuses to offer neither any appologles to make ; I have sought to discharge duty to the best of my ability from mv view point , this I will continue to do ; I will thank you for your consideration and will appreciate your support. Respectfully Yours , N. T. O.ADD. ANDERSON FOR SUPERVISOR. Having Hied as a candidate for Supervisor ot the third super visor district subject to the will of the republican primary. 1 will ap preciate your support , if nominated and elected I will use my best efforts for the ad vancement of the best Interests of the dls trlct ana the county lu general. RAS ANUEU30N , MYERS FOR COUNTY ATTORNbY. I am a candidate for couuty attorney sub- jcct to the aprroval of thu republican prl Barlcs , KDWIN v , MYKIIS. Republican County Convention next Tuesday. Cotne out and sec how republicans do things. Both the regulars and insur gents arc liable to be disappoint ed in their hopes that Col. Koose- velt will especially espouse their their cause. The ex-president is not liable to do anything of the kind , Tie is a republican and his efforts in the campaign will not be to widen tbe party breech but rather to weld it. No man is in a better position to do that than is Col. Roosevelt. Al. L. Fries for State Senator- Since lion. M. L. Fries has withdrawn from the race for gov. crnor a move has been inaugu rated to have his name placed on the republican ticket by petition as a candidate for State Senator. This is the case in which the office is not sought but where the office is seeking the man. Mr. Fries made a fine record when in the Senate a few years ago and proved himself worthy of the honor confered. 0. II. Moody Candidate. Oliver II. Moody of Ansley an nounces this week through the columns of the T HPUBUCAN his candidacy for the legislature. Mr. Moody is one of Custer county's most highly respected and prosperous farmers of the Clear creek valley. His father who was an old soldier was one ot the pioneers of the county who located in what was known as the Moody Valley in the early eighties , where his family was reared- For several years O. II. Moody was one of the success ful teachers of the couuty. In the days when the pops predomi nated he was a candidate on the republican ticket for couuty superintendent. His loyalty in the days of the party's adversity should warrant the true support of every republican in the dist rict. CIUPMAN'S CHARGES AGAINST KINKAID. The Other Side-of the Question Shown Up. Kearney , Nebr. , July 2,1910. Editor Custer County Beacon : For _ the purpose of correcting a few errors in a recent editorial in the Custer County Republican , and to keep history straight , I sent the following communi cation to that paper last week , which they refused to publish. I aui not seek ing a controversy , but let us have the the truth , even if it defeats Mr. Kinkaid fet a ie-nomiiiaUon to his present job. Kearney , Nebr. , June 27 , 1910. Editor Custer County Republican : Will yon allow me to correct a few errors in your recent editorial concerning Congressman Kiuknid and his coal lam speculations ? Mr. Kinkaid did not buy his coal lauds from private individuals who had made final proof thereon , as you imply , ant he would hardly want to be put in that position i am thinking. Mr. Kinkaitl with inside information obtained througl his position as Congressman , invested in an Alaskan coal claim , and his name appears now as one of the stockholders in the Seattle-Anthracite Coal Co. * I think if you will investigate further you will find that none of the Alaskau coal lauds have yet passed to patent , and this forms the basis of the Ballinger- I'inchot row that has been attracting so much attention lately. It was the zen of the coal land grabbers to get the government to pass the coal lands to patent that brought the Alaskan con scandel to the attention of Congress , and made the investigation necessary by a special committee , which up to date has not reported its findings. I can under stand that in your enthusiasm to defetr Kinkaid's coal land speculations j o i are liable to an error in judgment , bul you are hardly helping out matters very much when you put him in the position of buying his holdings from n "dummy" claimant whom you allege had made final proof on a coal claim. A couigress- man's reputation , like Ca-sar's wife should be above suspicion , and when it gets to the place where it needs to be defended by a false statement of facts , it would seem that it was time for Mr. Congressman to retire to private life for meditation and prayer. The republican party , if i understaw its tenets , stands for a moral as well as a legal honesty in its public servants and a suspicion of a straining of the former , and still within the pale of the latter , is hardly the standard of the ideal congressman. Yours truly , J. II. Chapman , ( In the Custer County Beacon. ) "An ideal congressman" in the the estimation of the people is one who does not envy every prominent political position he sees others occupy ; not one , who when he cannot get what he wants in his own party will take the stump against his party nom inees or resort to the columns of the opposition press to gain party prestige. An ideal congressman is ouc who is loyal to his party and docs something for the pee ple.The The date of the introductory of the above article July 2 , 1910 , is : is misleading as the body of the letter itself. The letter which is a copy of the one we received is post marked Broken Bow July 5 , 1910. It was received too late for publication that week so we "had no lime to prepare copy in reply to its misstatemcnts. We never refused to publish the letterer or intimated we would not. The letter was prepared for the Bea con before we got the copy. The KKPUIIUCAN concedes the right of any person to aspire to office. [ But we do not. regard it wise nor good politics for an aspirant nor his friends to undertake to build themselves up by using deroga tory statements against rivals. We did not care to publish the article without comments for this reason. The facts are there are no legitimate grounds for any re publican opposing Mr. Kinkaid's reelection to the position he has so honorably filled the past six years. His investment in a coal claim in Alaska is used as a pretex by the democrats and as well by the disappointed office seekers and those who have a personal ax to grind in the republican ranks. The' most that the agitation can do is to weaken Mr. Kinkaid's chances for reelection and strengthen his democratic opponent , as there is no doubt of his nomination by the republican primaries. Even the promises of postoffices to editors of republican newspapers and of reuumerative positions to strikers will not give Mr. Beeman enough votes to get in sight when the ballots are counted. The republicans of the sixth district know both candidates and know of their standing. One is known as a presistant doerthe other as a presistant seeker. Mr. Chapman the writer of the above is pretty well known in Custer county and those who know him intimately will not accuse him of being prompted in his work unselfishly. What ever may be his motive they know his opposition to Mr. Kin kaid is not prompted upon moral grounds. As a matter of observation Mr. Chapman does not possess the knowledge of any facts to warrent the assertions he makes. There are no facts which will warrant such assertions. He is clearly mistaken as to the facts he asserts. Contrary to his statement , Mr. Kinkaid did acquire his title to the coal claim by purchase of the original entryrnan , paying him $2800.00 as the purchase price. Mr. Kin kaid has not made a coal land entry , He relies upon the com pliance with the law made by t'he original entryman of whom he purchased , as to good faith etc. , and will stand or fall , in claiming a patent , on such compliance. It is not true that Mr. Kinkaid "with inside information ob tained through his position as Congressman" made his invest ment. All that Mr. Kinkaid knew about the coal land was known to the public generally known for three or four years previous to Mr. Kinkaid's pur chase. The Congress had no inside informationand there was no inside to be had about the coal lands. t Mr. Chapman draws freely upon his imagination tor political purposes. These Alaska coal claims had been upon the market and bought and sold , especially in the Pacific Coast cities , for several years previous to the time when Mr. Kinkpid made his purchase. Articles frequently appeared in the newspapers about Custer County Land Man If you have a snap in a larm , or ranch for sale list with me. If you want to buy a snap in a farm or ranch , conic and see me. Phones , office 42 , resi dence 129. CHAS. W. BOWMN BROKEN Bow , NEB. CHURCH COLUMN. Al E. C4iurcli. R. II. Thompson , Pastor Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ; morning sermon 11:00 : a. m ; Jun ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epworth league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon 7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. tn. Coiix EJ'I worship with us you w ; ' J" „ iUn nger in the church but once. Baptist Uiurcli. A. T. Norwood , Pastor Sunday School 10:00 : a. in ; preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior union 3:00 p. m ; B. Y. P. U. 7:00 : p. m ; preaching 8:00 p. m ; teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 : p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 : p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday 8:00 p. m ; Amotna class first and third Tuesday of each month 7:30 : p. m. Christian Church Z. 0. Doward , Pastor At the Christian church next Sunday. Communion and preach ing services at 11:00 : a. m ; spec ial song service and sermon 8:00 p. m. ; Special music by the choir and others. There will several selections at both services. Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ ian Endeavor 7 p. m. U. B. Church S. M. Zike. Pastor Sunday school 10:00 : a. m preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior C. E. 3 p. in ; Senior C. E. 7. p. m. Episcopal Church Will SJ. . Dumvill. Sunday School 10:00 : a. in ; sharp morning prayer and sermon 11:00 : ; evening song and address at 8:00 : p. m. Each commumitant is request ed to pay the missionary appor tionment to Mrs. Patterson as q uickly as possible. See ine before you buy that bill of flour or feed. I want to buy your cream for cash. W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store Phone 409. the coal finds in Alaska , and gov ernment publications giving full account of coal discoveries in Alaska were upon demand to any citizen as far back as 1904. The same opportunity was open to everybody else that was open to Mr. Kiukaid to purchase and such opportunies were numerous ly improved before Mr. Kinkaid made his purchase. Equal op- pertunities , as we are informed , exist today to invest in Alaska coil lands as when Mr , Kinkaid made his investment. True as Mr Chapman states , it is a fact that Mr. Kinkaid holds stock in a coal company , but the stock represents the identical quarter-section which Mr. Kin kaid purchased which he placed in a group , because he had learn ed by , the experience of others that a quarter-section of coal land in Alaska , held and deveelop- cd singly , would not be worth what it would cost , and would be a losing proposition. We did not refer to the grouping in cur for mer article because we assumed that feature of the case would be remembered. It was published in the first instance in the dailv oapers last winter , in the quota tions made of the testimony of Glavis and the interview of Brandeis. Mr. Kinkaid per sonally sent out copies of the testimony of Glavis and the in terview of Brandeis for publica tions to weekly papers in his district , and it was published in the Ritt'UBUCAN at the time. miS S Send Your Abstract Orders to J. Gr. Leonard , Eonded Abstractor Office in Security State Bank Building i DANGEROUS HOUSE FLY I Screen all windows and d ots Insist that your Grocer , Uutcher , linker And any one from whom you buy fool ; stuff , does lite same The common house fly or "Typhoid Fly" Is dangerous in your kitchen Screens for sale at Phone 79 L. Turner . Co July te Tours You can make an eastern trip any day at very low rates lower than ever before. There is such a variety of rate tours embracing so many sections of the East that it is impossible to describe them here. Consult with us. If the east does not appeal to you , try a Pacific Coast tour or a vacation in Yellowstone Park or in Colorado. The Wyoming extension has been completed to Thennopolis , where Eighteen Million gallons of water at a temperature or IdO degrees now daily. Tins beautiful resort is destined to become one of the most attractive and effective health restoring li calities in the country. Call or write describing your proposed trip , and let us help you. H. Lv ORMSBY , Local Ticket Agent. Broken ovv , Neb. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. Oma'-o , Web How to Get Rid of The Flies ! If you will call upon us in Broken Bow we will show you how this is done. We have the largest stock of SCREEN DOORS AND SCREEN WINDOWS in Broken Bow. We can furnish you in any standard size screen door or screen window. DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. Phone 23. J. S. Molyneux , Manager. Insurance Policies , or other valuable papers ? If so you need a Safe Place to keep them. One of our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Ideal is an place tor such , and cost is only nominal. Come in and let us show them to you. ( Strictly 3. Homo Institution ) TV ' nn9i"SiKVr < lslaeut JUI.ES IIAUMONT. Vice President . . , TI , . . L. II. JKWUTTCashlcr u. r > PIC1CBTT , A st. Cashier The fact that the claim of Mr. Kinkaid was included in a group , authorized by the Act of May 28 , 1SOS , was expressly pointed out by Glavis in his testimony , and Brandeis in his interview , in favor of the validity of the holding ingby Air. Kinkaid. Because it had been found not to be feasible from a Gnancial standpoint to acquire title or hold and operate one coal claim in Alaska seper- ately the act in question was passed under the Roosevelt ad ministration to authoriae the de velopment and holding and oper ation upon the cooperative plan by the original eutryman or their assignees. To prevent monopoly of these coal lands , , the area which may be grouped or owned by one company is limited to four sections , for which reason the act is popularly known as the Anti-Coal Trust Law. We could go into further de tail if it would interest our read ers , but we think it would not. No government official or special agent or other peison qualified to judge of the case has ever even i intimated that there was anything - thing wrong Involved with the transaction with which Mr. Kin kaid is connected. On the other hand , Glavis and Brandeis , the best qualified of all persons to judge , positively state there was nothing \ vrougin in the trans action. Mr. Chapman thiuks a Congressman should be like Caesar's wife , above suspicion , but no public official has ever es caped the suspicion of his ma licious politicaJ enemies or com petitors. \ Anyone , anywhere , can start a mail order business at home. No caavassLng. Be your own boss. Send for free booklet. Tells liow. Ilcacock , A4582 , Lockport , N. Y. 45-tf