Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 14, 1910, Image 12

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Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters
Sec Konkcl for Hammocks ,
Broken Row Chautauqua be
gins August 10th.
Go to Konkcl's for Automatic
Carpet Cleaner ,
The new Red Patent Leather
Belt at 35c Kiffin-Lucke Co.
Vergil Rogers was in the city
Sunday from Gibbon.
Special sale on Rugs for a
short time at Konkcl's ,
Ralph Tailor was a business
caller from Halsty Tuesday.
Oakland-30-runabout $1000.
Streak of red , Keatu Bros ,
See our silk hair nets : 4 for 2Sc.
Whypay more ? Kiffin-Lucke Co.
Joe Reed of Alliance was in
Broken Bow Tuesday on a busi
ness errand.
Ford Automobiles Light ,
Powerful and Classy. Ream
See Special Chautauqua adver
tising in other colums of this
Mrs. F. Taylor of Anselmo was
a Broken Bow visitor on Monday
Celebrated Laminated Cotton
felt Mattresses made by Chas , A.
Maisch at Konkel's.
1C. T. Bennett of Lincoln is in
Broken Bow for a few days on
Tun PAIR IDKAI , . Oakland
and White steam Automobiles.
Ream Bros.
- Allen T. Forgy at Mullen was
a business caller in Broken Bow
the fore part of this week.
R. M. Moran and J. M. Gentry
of Ilyannis made a business trip
to Broken Bow last Monday.
I have money to loan on well
improved farms at 6 per cent.
E. C. House 51 t-f
Mrs. M. Beck and mother left
Monday for Thedford where they
will visit with friends for a lew
Join the silent procession ride
in an Oakland or a White Auto.
Ream Bros.
How about that season ticket
for Chautauqua ? Why not buy
it now and save 50c.
The Custer County Abstract
Company books andbusiness for
sale. Willis Cadwell 46-tf
Children : Watch for the
tribe of Scton Indians at the
coming Chautauqua.
Oakland and White steam
Automobiles at $1000 , $1250 ,
$1700 , $2000 , 54000 Ream Bros.
J. N. Hrandenburg and wife
left Monday for Merna where
they went on a business trip.
Why not plan on being in
Broken Bow for the big Chau
tauqua beginning August 10th.
, * : Just 'Received ' Car
> - * /
, tV
. Brand -New
! . Up-To-Date
{ K ! ' JL
iggies , Carriages , Spring-
Hit ,
wagons , and- Road Wagons
Has Never Been Equalled
I I * f
r- * * * }
mwmmmmmmmt m m jfr
the one great fact : The
Is a great car , It Is all Rood anil you
will ilnd they are better In construc
tion and In all ways than any other.
The Jackson Is the next oldest In the
tTnltril States An evenly balanced ,
strung and sturdy and has lasting
lea I n res throughout
on or write for further Infor-
t matou to
Solos Rooms 1st door south
of Bowon's
The hearts desire fulfill by an
Oakland or a White Auto.
Ream Bros.
Mary Scholx left Monday for
a short visit with her iriend Joy
Riggs. She intends to * be gone
a week.
Mrs. J. R. Fodge returned
home Monday evening frouit
few days visit at Hampton and
Watch this paper for display
advertisements of talent that is
coming to the big Broken Bow
J. T. Forey left Tuesday eve
ning for Selby where he goes to
work on the new school building
at that place.
Bessie Johnson returned home
from Callaway Mondav evening
where she had been visiting
Dean of the American Platform
This eloquent southerner , In whom
Is preserved nil of the traditions of
the Ideal public speaker , Is to lecture
at our Chautauqua. Ho has a mess
age of vital interest fand he delivers
It fearlessly and well. 36
Miss Annette Tucker
Celebrated Cellist with Weiss-Beery
NOTE : Physicians and any others who
may expect to bo called during the pro
gram , will Kindly tell thu gate k * per
xvhcro they will alt and thus avoid In
A Program of Interest at
R II. Martin of Mason City
was a Broken Bow visitor Monday
returning' to his home Tuesday
Mrs. Shcrbeck and Mrs. Pester
from Ausley returned Tuesday to
their home after a brief visit in
Broken Bow.
Grace Smoyer from Syracuse
who has been visiting at the
home of A. M. Cook returned
home Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrss Chas E. Brittian
returned Friday evening from
Alliance where they have been
visiting Dr. and Mrs , Copsey.
Fou SALE A good quarter
section ot deeded land in Blaine
county. Title clear , taxes paid.
Will sell cheap. Harry Kimball.
W. S. .McCallister returned to
Ansley Tuesday morning from
Broken Bow where he has been
taking treatment of Dr. Wilson.
Blanche Squires returned home
Friday evening from Kansas City
where she has been visiting
friends and relatives for the past
The rain which favored this
section of the country Monday
was appreciated very much by all
as it came at one of the most
needed times.
Watch this newspaper for
interesting and pertinent in
formation concerning the Chau
tauqua , which will begin Au
gust 10th.
For Representative-
Having Illed as candidate for the demo
cratic and populist nomination for repre
sentative I will appreciate the support of
the democrats and popullstf of this district
at the primaries.
J. T. Arthur , Comstock , Nebr.
Strong lectures on live topics.
Entertainers the very best ever.
First-class music , In varieties to
cult every taste.
Indian school new features.
The Cleveland Ladles' Orchestra
A SuperbJVIuslcal Attraction
Program for Wild West Show.
Program of the Wyoming-Montana Wild
West Show company to take place In Uroien
How on the afternoon of July 19th One per
formance only.
Music by the IJrolcen now Military Band.
Cow pony race , free for all , one.half mile.
Pony express race.
Midnight race.
Exposition of fancy roping on foot and
Ladles' bucking contest.
llace tor bride.
Pick-up race.
Men's bucking contest.
Relay race.
Indian foot lace. 200 yards.
Indian horse race , one mile.
Emigrant train attacked by Indians.
Cow boys to the rescue. A thrilling act
depicting the dangers of the early settlers
Ureat unknown will ride an outlaw with
out saddle orbribblc
Wrestling match on horseback.
Quadrille dance by cowgirls and cowboys.
Horse thief act.
$25.00 In cash will be given to the best rider
of the atternoon.
Three prominent members of the Pair
Association will act as Judges In the races
and bucking contest.
From theSherldon Post , Sherldon Wyo.
"Enormous crowd was present Sunday
afternoon at the Wyoming-Montana Wild
West show , but It was small as compared
with the crowd on July 4th. If anyone with
in a radius of 100 miles was not present , their
absence was not noticed In the vast throng
that Uilcd every available scat in the grand
.stand and the amphitheater annex and the
space between the grand stand and the
tract tc the gates.
It was the largest crowd ever seen on the
the Fair Grounds.
"We have experimented with most all kinds
of Binder Twine the last ten years. Our
experiment has convinced us that the Deer-
ing- Standard is svperior to all other twines
so far as strength and cricket proof is con
cerned. Buy your twine of us. If 3rou
should be hailed out out we will take it back
"We carry a good stock in the following linesi :
Binders Flynets I
Mowers Harness irS
Rakes Saddles
Stackers Collars ris
Sweeps Shelf Hardware 2
Oil Stoves and Ranges
g If in Doubt About Anything See g
I ,
Wyoming-Montana Wild West Show
, Fair Grounds One Afternoon Only of the Wild and Woolly West ,
Indian Race , Budiing ; Horses , The Capture of the Horse Thief , Cowboys and Cowgirls Gralove. No sterotyped acts , Something Different , Something unexpect
ed' and thrilling doing every minute. § 50 in cash will be paid to anyone bringing in a horse that cannot be rode.