HE Stars and Stripes Irf a dirty rag. " said Gambler Hunt. "Apologize for that , " demanded - mandod the chovroncd ser geant. "No , " said Hunt. Sergeant Hoog loaned for ward and slapped the gam bler's face. There was a flash , the sharp crack of a "six-gun , " and the sergeant lay a crumpled heap on the barroom floor. Sergeant Hocg was taken to the hospital at Fort Willa mette , a mile away. Gambler Hunt was placed In the now county Jail under the courthouse on the plaza , In charge' of the county sheriff. And the town of Willamette went its way , but with a difference. No gamblers sunned themselves and trimmed their finger nails In front of the Main street saloons. No soldiers traveled Jo and from the fort across the dusty flat. The Twen tieth United States cavalry deserted the town and attended" strictly to its own affairs on the military reservation. Stillness hung over the town , the tense still ness that spoils danger and waits for an event. No crowds gathered. Citizens talked of the shoot ing with an unspoken question In their eyes as they looked 'out toward the fort The sheriff was uneasy. "If that man Hoeg dies " he said , and * shook his head. > Out at the fort military routine ground along without a ripple stables , guardmount , drill , pa rade and If the men were dangerously angry they gave not a hint ot it. The post commander. who was also colonel of the Twentieth , eyed them proudly. "They are taking It well , " ho said to his officers. "I know them. They are veterans , and o'jey orders. The law will take care of that man Hunt. " The ofllcors agreed. Not a threatening or angry murmur reached offi cers' row from the barracks. As a matter of pre caution all passes were stopped and orders Issued that no enlisted man should leave the reservation except on duty. ' It was all that could bo done. The men meant no mischief , but suppose they did ? The strongest guard would bo a rope of sand around the cluster of frame buildings called "fort. " The ono only way to prevent any possible trouble would bo to take the troops out on a "hlko" practise march , it was called then somewhere away from the place for a time. But the colonel would have had to ask orders from the war department to do this. And when the war department heard the reason for the request it would have thrown an official fit , and probably have convened a board of doctors to Inqulro into the sanity of Cf- the post commander at Fort Willamette. It la > . not probable , however , that such a thought en tered the votnran colonel's head. Ho know his mon. They w re veterans , proud of the flag they served and the cloth they wore. Next day word carao to the town that Ser geant Hoeg was dead. The sheriff went to see the prosecuting attorney. "That Hoeg man's dead. I don't lllco this business a heap , " he told the prosecutor. "What's the matter ? The town's quiet. " "So's the fort Too plenty much quiet If the soldiers was buckln' round In town , or even out at the fort there , I wouldn't mind. But they're qnlot flghtln' quiet. They're keopln' away from town , aud when they do como " The sher iff wagged hijj head dismally. "Very well , " said the prosecuting attorney. "We'll go out to see the post commander and ask him to put ap extra guard on aud keep his mon away from the town until things qulot down. " The prosecuting attorney was young , but he should have buown better. Ho had been a sol dier himself , had studied law whllo wearing a blue uniform at this same Fort Willamette. For civil authority to glvo or suggest orders to an officer In the regular army Is to Invite flat snub bing. He should have known , but ho bustled con fidently out to the fort. The sheriff followed , pro testing. "Wo'ro goln'.to the snubbln' post , " ho eaid. The old fort smiled peacefully in the after noon sun. Blue-shirtod troopers lounged In the shade of barrack porches and corrals. The guard dozed'on the benches in the guardhouse sallyport A casual officer sauntered along the board walk down officers' row. The canteen was deserted. "Too plenty much quiet , " commented the sheriff. At headquarters the colonel received them courteously. "What can I do for you. gentlemen ? " he asked. "Wo are afraid your men will lynch Hunt. " "My mca have been forbidden to leave the reservation until further orders. They obey or- "Wo have heard rumors. You must put a strong guard around " ' I command this post , gentlemen. Good after noon. " Civil authority wont buck to town In a hurry , the prosecutor angry , the sheriff apprehensive. For the sheriff felt that ho know the situation better than did the colonel. The Twentieth cav alry had not been stationed long at Fort Willa mette. Tlicy had come fresh from scouting and Indian clinging In the southwest in joyous antici pation of the comforts of a qulot post and of a civilized "sure enough , " real town , not a group of 'dobo uliacks In a desert The enlisted men found n state of things they weren't used to and didn't llkij. Willamette had long since forgotten the days when the fort was a protection , and looked on It mainly as a source of revenue , while ' * the enlisted men wore merely more or less of a / nuisance. Like all other western towns in the ' 80'a anil ' 90'u Willamette was "wide opon. " Gamblers and gambling were a strong element In Its life. From the suave and solid man of fam ily who owned his homo and business property , and dealt parental discipline- day and faro at night , to the casual "tin horn , " the sporting fra- ternlty TAB always In evidence. The Eighteenth cavalry , -which had preceded the Twentieth at the fort , had learned to let the gamblers alone. Whenever a row occurred between the sport and the soldier the town marshal grabbed the soldier first and last generally. Thep the unlucky sol dier was whlpsawed fine and jail in town guardhouse and court-martial when he went back to the post. "Fighting B" and "Drunken G" and "Crazy 1" troops of the old Eighteenth grow dis creet if not wise. They avoided trouble and the gamblers grew to think they owned the town. The Twentieth knew nothing of this and Its en listed men were neither discreet nor wise. The result of several clashes with the town "tin horns" and sports had already made them feel that they were not getting an even break. More over , had not a man just been pardoned by the governor after receiving a 20-year sentence for a deliberate , foul and unprovoked murder ? The case was an offense to justice still rankling In the minds of soldiers and civilians alike. Everyone ono said It was safer to kill a man than steal a cow. The sheriff knew all this and feared that this murder of Sergeant Hoeg , ono of the host- liked men in the regiment , would bo more than they would stand. On his return from the post he deputized twelve good men and placed them as guards in the Jail. Gamblers eagerly volun teered , but ho would have none of thorn. The town buzzed now. Soldiers were going to attack the Jail , It was said. J3ut not a blue uniform was seen on the streets. When taps had sounded across the flat , the fort was silent , with only the sentries pacing back and forth in the moonlight. Just the same , Sheriff McFarland posted his men In the Jail and waited. Near mid night a whisper went round the saloons : "They're coming. " The walks around the plaza filled with an expectant crowd. The Jail in the basement of the courthouse was dark , but everyone know that behind It was Hunt , guarded by the sheriff and twelve determined / mon with Winchesters. An attempt was made to notify the fort , but wires were cut nnd messengers were a'll too slow. Across Poverty flat , down Main street , into the plaza swung a body of men , In army over coats turned wrong sldo out , campaign hats , car- blno at shoulder , Colt's forty.fivo at hip. It was the army-trained machine In action , swift , silent , certain. It circled the plaza in column of fours. Sentries took post at a curt word of command. The crowds fell back before threatening carblno muzzles. Up the broad stone walk , "Right front Into lino. Halt , " and a grim platoon faced the Jail door with carbines at the ready. The leader stopped out briskly and hammered with a pistol butt. "What do you want ? " asked the ahorlff from Inside the door. "Wo wont Hunt. " "Now , boys , you don't " began the sheriff. But the leadei's voice cut in , clear , determined. "No talk , eherlff. Open that door or we dynamite namito it. " Dynamite ! The sheriff weakened. Ho looked up at his men standing with ready Winchesters at the head of the corridor stepe , where they could have held back a regiment. "They've got dynamite. I guess we'll have to lot 'em in. boyB. Don't uhoot , " said be , and opened the door. What followed was short , eharp and torrlble. Throe men took Hunt from his cell and marched him to front nnd center of the waiting platoon. "Havo you nuythins to eay ? " the leader aokcd. "No. " "Do you want to pray ? " "No. " He was given a above forward. The men who held him stepped back to the Tanks. "Fire ! " Thirty United States carbines barked and Gambler Hunt fell to the walk a crumpled heap , as Sergeant Hoeg had fallen to the barroom floor two days before , There was no need for a xBocond volley. Not a bullet went wild. The platoon looked for a moment at the riddled body , then moved fours right across the plaza , picked up Its sentries and vanished at the end of Main street. The second net of the trag edy was over. It had been staged and played In a very few minutes. To thinking men It hold dis quieting significance. If trained fighting men could steal away from their offlcorsi defy law and add murder to murder , the community was In peril. The town wasted no sympathy on Hunt , but condemned the lynching. They blamed the officers at the fort for having , as they put it , allowed the outbreak to occur. The gambling contingent hold it only proved the army no good , anyhow. The soldiers were loafers , too lazy to work. They did nothing but eat up the money of the taxpayers , said the hardworking experts of the faro and monte tables. The post commander could have prevented the lynching If he had done what the sheriff told him to do. Then the prosecuting attorney did n most ama zing thing and the last act of the tragedy began. Though not a soldier was to bo Keen about the town , ho telegraphed to Washington : "Town In the hands of n military mob from the fort. Send help at once. " The message struck the national capital Hko a Kansas cyclone. Thunder and light ning from the war department followed. Orders for arrests , boards of Inquiry , courtmartlals galore - lore , chased each other after the first stuttering Inquiries over the wires from stanch old officers who couldn't bellevo their military cars and eyes. The court of inquiry developed little not already ' known. Hoeg was dead. Hunt had been killed by soldiers. But who wore they ? As witnesses the enlisted men were a frost. . They stuck together and were either volubly Ignorant or sullenly close mouthed. Courtmnrtials were convened. A few a very few men were punished , more or less. Several deserted when things grew warm. And last of all happened a thing which must have caused the county officials who failed to protect their pris oner much satisfaction. No hint was dropped of the sheriff's failure to do his sworn duty. But the war department had to save face somehow. Its action reminds ono of the Chinese emperor , who when his army mutinied always beheaded the gen eral. The post commander of Fort Willamette was court-martialed for neglect of duty. Ho was al ready broken IM spirit , weighed down by the stain on the honor of his regiment , but ho was convicted , and Bcntenced to confinement to reser vation limits and loss of pay for a year. The sen tence didn't count for much ; It was the Btnln on his record that must have most deeply wounded him. him.The The murder of Sergeant Hoeg "Just happened. " The lynching ot Gambler Hunt might have been prevented If the army had not been tied hard and fast In red tape , or If among the officers , civil and military , on the spot there bad been ono big enough to meet the crisis. ' As for the punishment of the enlisted men who were the real offenders , well all this happened 20 years ago. There waa no "big stick" In the White House then. FIREWORKS TO PROTECT CROPS. The great grain fields of the Saudborn ranch i in Shasta county , Col. , are Ingeniously protected 1 at night from the vast flocks of wild geese and 1 other aquatic fowl that do Immense damage to crops by means of a display of fireworks. Skyrockets and Roman candles were bought In large quantities by the management of the ranch and men are stationed at various points. Whenever a flock is heard honking in the distance several skyrockets or a shower of colored balls from a roman candle are cent upward and aa a result the birds glvo the rauch ti wldo berth. HARD TO PLEASE. "You have lost two itooks tula week , haven'l you ? " "Yes ; ono left bocauw my husband flirted with her , and the other left because bo didn't. " Hous ton Dally Post TOO MUCH FOR EASTERNER Pilgrim Wan Looking for Iron Springs , But That Story Wan Moro Than Ho Could Stand. ITo was n wonry , thin and sallow- looking American , who Imd never boon HO tnr west hoforo , nnd when ho struck Carson City ho hulled ( ho first imtlvo ho mot. "Can yon toll mo , Blr , If there nro any mineral Hprlngs nbout here ? " "Prom the east ? " asked the west- crncr. "Yes. " "Como hero for yor health ? " "Yos. " "Tried everything , I suppose ? " "Yes. " "Tried surphur springs ? " "YOB. Didn't help mo a hit. " "Keen to Arkansas ? " "Yos , nml everywhere olso. " "What kind of water are you look ing for now ? " "Well , no kind in particular. I wao told , though , that I'd nnd u variety of springs out hero. " "doing to locate ? " "That depends. " "Well , stranger I have got Just what you want. A ? vacant lot In the host part of the city. Finest iron springs In the country. Go and sco for your self. " "But how do you know It'a Iron ? " queried the easterner. "Well , pardner , I drove my liorso through It and ho came out with Iron shoes on his feet. And that ain't all. I drove some pigs down there to drink. They turned Into pig Iron , and I sold them to the Iron foundry. Just what you want. For Bale , cheap. Why , halloa I What's the matter ? " The weary easterner had turned abruptly and was walking off up the road. San Francisco Chronicle. Why England Believes In a King. The great majority of Englishmen of all grades and opinions do undoubt edly believe In a king , and think they have some fairly good reasons for do ing so.- The great reason , of course , IH that on the whole the system works , or Booms to work , fairly well. It la very costly. Everything included , It prob ably costs ton times as much as the average man thinks ; and If a rate were levied for the purpose on him , ho might fool It and begin to grumblo. But the money Is dorlvcdt from the duchies , or voted from thovtaxcs , and nobody feels the pinch or oven knows the difference. It la a rallying point for nil kinds of senseless anachro nisms and abuses. Dut In an old coun try many things have n better clmnco of continued existence by being old than by being good , and an abuse comes to bo' esteemed almost when Its hairs nro gray nnd Its years many. It promotes snobbery and croatoo snobs , though it will not bo nnpposcd to be unpopular on that account The Congregationnllst. To Save Alcott Home. Efforts are being made to Inaugu rate a movement for the preservation of the old Alcott homestead in Con cord , Mass. , whore Bronson Alcott lived and died and wlioro Louisa Al cott created the Immortal children that run through the pages of "Little Men" and "Little Women. " The plnco at pre-sent Is fast falling into hopclcns decay and action must bo started noon if It Is to bo preserved at all. "Per haps If Miss Alcott had boon dead two centuries instead of only about 30 years her former homo would not bo In such n dangerous plight as It Is to day , " said a Now York woman who is trying to Interest others In Us pres ervation. "But by and by Miss Alcott will have been dead 200 years nnd If Orchnnl house Is not saved now American soil in future generations will bo the poorer for our neglect. Wo never shall raise a harvest of ancient associations for our land unless wo take care of the associations whllo they still are comparatively modern. " A Different Sort of Doctor. Dr. Charles Ilarrlss , the well-known Canadian musician and compoaer , tolls an amusing story nbout himself. Whllo ho was on his way to South Africa , ho desired to keep his identity a secret. During the voyage ono of the passengers managed to got into conversation with the musician , and asked him if ho would medically ex amine his little girl who was with him on the boat. "My dear sir , " replied Dr. Ilarrlss , 'I have never examined n child In my life. " Ten minutes lateY , ho overheard the passenger say , in the Bmoklng-room : "There you nro ; didn't I say that man was a fraud ? " The Girl Crad. Mark Twain was a firm believer In the higher education of woman , but Hartford still remembers a speech ho mndo one Juno to a platform of Hart- ford girl graduates. This speech , a humorous attack on the COMORO girl , ended : "Go forth. Fall In love. Marry. Setup up housekeeping. And then , when your husband wants u shirt Ironed , send out for a gridiron to do It with. " Metaphorically Speaking. "What do you think of these now palaces I have been rearing ? " asked Mr. Dustln Stax. 'Magnificent , " replied the cynic. Yet , " ho proceeded with n visible effort to bo modest , "this earthly pomp reminds that all the mo world la i stage. " "Right. And the modern tendency Is to make up with the flno scene/ for bad acting. " UNDEFEATED CHAMPION OF THB NORTHWEST. T. A. Ireland , Ftlflo Shot , of Colf.ix , Wash. , Telia a Story. Mr. Ireland is the holder ot four world records nnd has yet to lese hla first match says ho : "Kidney trouble GO affected my vision no to Inter fere with my shoot ing. I bcrnmo so nervous I could hard ly hold a gun. There wait Bovcro pain in ray back nnd head nnd my kldnoye wora terribly disordered. Doan's Kidney PIHa cured mo nfter I hnd doctored nnd tnkon nearly every remedy imaginable without relief. I will glvo further details of my case to anyona enclosing stamp. " nomombor the nnma Doan'H. For nrxlo by all dealers. GO cents a box. Foatur-MHbum Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Wrong Anglo. "There's a bright fildo to ovory. thing. " "A bright aldol Bahl" "Well , there Is. " "Do you mean to toll mo , doctor , that there Is a bright sldo to my hay Ing had my leg amputated ? " "Indeed , there Is ; ami If you could put yourself in my place you could really sco It , " Important to Mothers Examlno carnfully every holUo ot CASTORIA , a safe and Bnro remedy for infants and children , and sea that It Boars the Signature In Use For Over JJO1 Yeara. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' HIS HOPES. Jlnka Do you expect to move thin eprlng ? Flcklo I expect to , yea ; but hope , my wlfo may decide to grant mo a reprieve. Up to Data Milking Scene. "Wlmt'a going on around hero ? " nskod the surprised visitor. "Is this a hospital ? " "Oh , no"answered the tall man in the silk hat ; "this is the utago Getting for a Now England form drama. Tha next act will bo the milking scono. " "But I thought the young lady in the antiseptic apron was a trained nurse ? " "Oh , no ; she Is the milkmaid. The young man In the rubber glovea that you thought was a doctor ki the farm boy. As soon as they bring In the ster ilized stool and the pasteurized pails and find the cow's tooth brush the milking Bccno will begin. " The Secret "Mlsa Bright , " whispered MIsa GauBslp , "can you keep a eocret ? " "Yes , " replied Miss Bright , also whlsnerlng , "I can keep ono aa well as you can. " A "Corner" In Comfort For those who know the pleasure and satisfaction there is in a glass of ICED Make it as usual , dark and rich boil it thoroughly to bring out the distinctive flavour and food value. Cool with cracked ice , and add sugar and lemon ; also a little cream if desired. Postum is really a food-drink with the nutritive elements of the field grains. Ice it , and you have a pleasant , safe , cooling drink for summer days an agreeable surprise for those who have never tried it. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Po&inrn Cereal Co. , Limited , Dattlo Creek. Mich. t-f i-,1 , *