Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 14, 1910, Image 1

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    . _ Slate Historical Society
( . .
\VhUe It
ii true
( hat a rood
pen will
Jf properly
( or , It Is
slio true
that It Ii
not alwayi
moit care *
* * * , * ful to
treat It tl
they ought ,
while the
are In
are all
la Moore's Noa Loakabh Foua *
tola Pta. This pen , la trus to Its
name , It's air-tight anil cannot
Leak , It Is alio clean to handle and
clean to 11 , and Tor theie reasons It a
farorlte among the ladles , travellers and
students , as well as among business men.
P. H. Munk's new house just
north of Dicr.ks Lumber yard is
rapidly being completed , when
finished it will be one of the best
houses in that vicinity.
T. B. Wentherel and family of
Goodland , Kansas who have been
visiiing for several days at the
home of N. A. Hall returned to
home Tuesday evening.
Principal business houses have
Chautauqua Season Tickets for
sale. By buying now you will
save 50c per ticket , as the price-
will be raised when the Chautau
qua opens.
Jas. K. Lang and wife of Litch-
field . arrived in Broken Bow
Tuesday morning. Mrs. Lang
will remain for some time foi
physical treatment under Dr.
Flute and Piccolo Soloist
Aside from being a celebrated solo
1st , he is the accomplished dlrecto
of the
The new poles recently ordered
by the Custer Electric Co. , have
arrived and the work of placing
them will be completed as rapidly
as possible ,
James H. Kearns of Linsc tt
whose two daughters are attend
ing the Normal school here re
turned Wednesday evening to
his home after a Lrief visit with
"Mr. and Mrs. Collahan accomp
anied by Mrs. John Bruce of
Streatoi , 111. , stopped of in
Broken Bow on their way to An-
selmo whore they go "to visit
their brothers.
Aubrey Martin arrived here
yesterday on his way home to
Broken Bow from Omaha where
has been after a new auto ,
visited friends here for a day.
St. Paul Republican.
An intelligent person can earn
$ lOO inonthly corresponding for
newspapers. . No canvassing.
Send for particulars. Press
Syndicate , B4683 , Lockport ,
N , Y. 45-tf
Theodore. Roosevelt says "A the most thorough
ly democratic of all American
Instutitions. " Let's all plan to
attend at Broken Bow beginning
August 10th.
Mr. J. E. Aubrey reports a
srrowing interest in the comine
hautauqua A limited number
of season tickets have been placed
on sale. When these are oxhaut-
ed , the price will be SQC higher.
There are so many great at
tractions billed for the Chautau
qua which begins August 10th ,
that it is hard to pick out which
is the most popular. The safest
way to do is to arrange to attend
the entire session. .
Mrs. Carl Footf of Dunnine"
who had been visiting in thp
citv for several days returned
mp Sunday evpninor.She was
accompanied bv Lilie ] Arasborry.
Either and Myrtle Clay who
will visit with her a week.
Work on < he new Hicrh School
is * prostre sincf st'coly. This
building when completed will bo
one the best arranged structures
o' its kind in the state a d one
of which thp citizen * of Broken
Row may well be proud.
Seven gr at musiral cotnpan'es ,
a dozen lectures and pntertainers
hpqidpR many attractive and ed
c"fiona ] features comprise the i
tellectual menu of the coming
Phantauqua , which open < * at
Brokpn Bow on the 10th of
Dr. TTvdc of Kansas City who
was tried a few weeks aero p
found euilty of administering-
poison to the Swope familv with
fatal results was sentenced Tues
day of last week bv the presiding
Judge to life imprisonment. '
Willis Cadwell has put a
cetrent walk in front and on the
south side of his building on 4tb
Avenue. This is a much nreder
improvement and it is hopcc
th < t it will be an incentive to
others in near proximity to the
square to do likewise.
if if is in file grocery Line
? J& I SP9 BJI Jk & & H " P1
P8E & I w"i &Si
& P0 & y 1
Baiff bM O f. I I a
The Best Flour.
English and Holland Wafers.
The Advo , Holiday , J. M. and
Nebra brands of cannded goods
Barrington Hall , Vigora , Ak-
Sar-Ben , Blue Bibbon , Ah-Ha-
Mo , J. M. 1846 , Crown and
Breakfast Delight Coffees.
Phone 161 THE GROCER Phone 180
Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station
Senator Burkctt and Congressman Kin-
kaid Will be There.
The Republican County Con
vention next Monday will be meet
ot the interesting features of the
fall campaign. Those who do
not attend will miss enloying a
The republicans of Custer
county are alive to the situation
and the convention will be an
omen of what is to follow. Sena
tor Burkett has accepted an
invitation to be here on that
date and it is planned to have
him speak at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon an3 in the evening.
He will also be requested to ad
dress the Junior Normal at chap
el service in the forenoon.
Congressman Kinkaid has been
invited but at this writing tl e
committee have not received a
response but is confidentially ex
pected. Those who desire to
know what the republicans hav < :
been doing in congress the past
year will get it direct from these
who know.
These men are Iresh from the
field of battle and every one that
can should hear them.
Methodist Church Note.
Splendid audiences greet the
pastor at every service at the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Not because of any sp.cial
attraction , but because of the
goodness of God , and the bound
lessness of his love ; whom we
approach with reverence , sim
plicity , and trust ; striving to
serve Him in all sincereity of
purpose , while journeying home
to glory in the good old fashion-
fd way.
Never in my experience in the
ministry have I had as large , re
pectful , and appreciative audi
ences as here at Broken Bow , all
for which , I offer 017 sincere
thanks to Almighty God , and
the people.
Next Sunday morning the sub
ject will be : The Greatest Sword
in-the World. And in the even
ing the sutject is : The Bible !
Who wrote it ? God , Man , or the
Devil. It might be interesting ,
and profitable for you to bear
the above subjects treated by the
pastor , especially the evening
A cordial invitntion is extend
ed to all persons who are not
affiliated with any of our Sister
Churches. For we respect the
man who is faithful to his
Church and its interests ; wHl
we regard that man , or men , who
John Robertson Promo'cd.
John Kobcrtsiuj , contest clerk
of the U. S. laud office has been
offered the position of Olerk of
the war department at Washing
ton , lie will probably accept.
He is to have a salary of $900.00
a year to start with.
John is a faithful and efficient
workman and we predict his
rapid advancement.
Kiffin-Lucke Co. Ribbon Special for Sat
urday July 16.
For Saturday only we will sell
one lot of fancy ribbons , 25 & 30c
values tor iSc per yard , bee cur
wiudow for quality , colors and
widths This is the biggest
bargain in ribbons ever offered in
Broken Bow Kiffic-Lucke Co.
.are unfaithful in their church
relation , as those who would
prove unfaithful in other relation
ii life , did circumstances dc-
unnd it.
' G. M. Warthingleft Wednes
day morning for Aurora.
p Ream lirus. went to Ortello in
a White SteJiuar last S.aturday
on business.
Mrs. G. W. Apple and children
left this tr.orning on a visit to
her old home ip Illinois.
Burt. Empfield went to Calla-
way Saturday in his Ford to
help his mother celebrate her
Jobn Johnson and Street inos. ,
are putting in a cement walk in
front of their places of business
property tl. s week. ,
* * ' Mrs. V. M. Olmstead and
daughter K.r.h ai't this morning
for OaluarH1 , Ciinornia where
Mr. Olmstead has , iuatedf
John Evans of Thcdford was
in the city yesterday looking
after a protest against the final
proof ot one of his clients.
About 12 o'clock Tuesday
night an automobile was driven
through one of the 1. rge glass
windows in the Conrad garage.
Sheriff Kennedy and family
have gone to Grand Island. Mr.
Kennedy went on businees while
his family will improve this op-
portuniiy lor a briet visit.
Alice Ruth Palmer the national
evangelist for the W. C. T. U.
arrived Wednsday morning. She
will speak both Thursday af tei
noon and evening.
Frank Beikmire has sold his
residence property to P. II. Munk
consideration siGCO A few weeks
ago lie sold > 'r ' Munk two lots
arfjoininer for $300 , which gives a
total of $1900 for the house and
four lots VI r. Berkmire has
bought an'i aproved the prop
erty in thi past five years , the
total cost to . , un being 1800.
&SS$8Sg3SSSSs * 3
on the market are to be hael at the
"Square Deal Store. " If you don't be
lieve it try our new Golden Sun Brnds.
We guarantee our Coll'ee to give satis
Strictly pure Moca and Java
Coffee 4oc per pound.
Viennin Brand Coffee i pound
cans 4oc ; 2 pound cans 750 ; 3
pound cans Ji 10.
Golden Sim Vienna Coffee 350
per pound.
Blend a fancy 2 pound
can for only 500.
Navarre li'cud a 250 seller only
Pfnberry Coffee. It has n
splendid flavor at 260.
Karex Coffee a favorite for 20c
per pound.
Ice For Sale in Small Quantities at
The Eagle Grocery Store.
The Square Deal Store Phone 53
Broken Bow , Ncbr.
Chas Iruut of Sargent was in
the city last Thursday and filed
on a section homestead.
Kalph L. Farnsworth of Litch-
field uiadc homestead filingon a
section of laud last Thursday.
George Smclscr of Anseltuo
vas in the city last Thursday to
lie on an addition to his orgauial
Chas. Zllcr and Chas. D. Chase
of West Concord , Minn. , were in
he city lant Friday. They filed
on homesteads T. 26 R. 2 < J.
Peter Filley of Ansel mo was in
he city Monday. He filed on
55 acre tract in Sec. 23 T. 21 R.
22 on the Middle Loup.
Jess G. Johnson of Broken
3ow filed homestead papers on
Sec. 26 T. 26 R. 28 Monday.
Hobcrt R. Ilicksof Clear Water
Kansas made a homestead appli
cation Monday for laud in Sec.
24 and 25 T. 19 R. 32.
Chas. N. Keller of Lyon filed
in application Monday for a
i Sec. S T. 19 R.
William M Feild of Whitman
lied homestead papers Monday
on 34 23 36.
William Gosha and Ileruion D.
Walker of Ilyannis submitted
on their homesteads Monday.
Monday was the red letter day
in the history of the Broken Bow
land office in salo.s of isolated
tracts of land. The sales includ
ed 231,173 acres. The price
ranged from 8125 to S7 00 an
Here and amounted to $3247.76.
The purchaseres were Carl A.
Capander , Franklin P. Morton ,
Philip Sorahom of Whitman and
Robert M. Moran , JohnM. Gentry
flarley G. Crablc and Gustavo
:3inneuiann : of Ilyannis.
A new rule has lately been an
nounced by the commissioner of
the Gei eral Land office in which
all applicants to purchase isolated
tracts are required to made affida
vit with application that they
are citizens of the United States.
Knud Carlson of Wagner was
in the ci'y Tuesday to submit
proof on his homestead. His
witnesses were Elisha Brewster
and Elmer June of Climax.
Asher LLotuis of Belvidere
was in the city Tuesday to file
homestead pi person a sbction of
land near Halsey on which the
second relinquishment papers.
Arthur E. Hogers of Bingham
filed homestead papers on Sec. 18
and 19 T. 23 R. 40 Tuesday on
land which he secured a rclin-
Kenneth Rublcc left Monday
morning for Los Angles , where
his brother Frank is in business.
Col. Hooscvclt has promised to
be at Omaha Sept 2nd. The
occasion of his visit to the state
at that time will develop later.
The Junior Normal Quartet
will be heard in some of their
favorite numbers at the Presby
terian church next Sunday morn
ing. The subject will also inter
est you.
The yonng people of the Bap
tist church left Tuesday morning
for an outing of a week. Several
more will join them Friday to
spent Sunday.
J. G , urciil/.cr ,
Notice of
Charles H. wrlKlit. VB et al , publication.
To the dafemlaniH Charles H. Wright
and Jennie P. Wright :
You anil ciich of you are hereby nntlncil
that the plaintiff on the I Uli day of Juiy IDIO ,
began nil nutlon and lllcU hla putltlon
agnliiHt yon In the dtairlct court of Custer
county. 12th District of Ncbrnnka ,
the object , purpose and prayer of which are
to quiet title In the pl.ilntllf In and to the
following described premises to wit : The
West half of the Northwest quarter and the
West half of the Southwest quarter of
SctUOii 23 , Township It ) . North Itnngc'Jl. West
Uth P. M. , In Custer county , Nebraska and to
enjoln.and . debir ; you and each of you.dcfend-
riiitu therein , from having , claiming or asscri-
lug piiy right , title. Interest or estate In and
to said above described premises.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday the ! ud day of August ,
Willis Cadwell and J. G. Urenlzcr ,
Silas A. Holcomb Plaintiff ,
Attya for Plaintiff.
K ATTEST : Gco. II. Malr ,
Clerk Dial , Court ,
This celebrated harp cost $1,500
and Is used at every performance.
fflllBii 'MinHitBii Xfl'li. 'JS..Hiflhi.ii4 '
'linl . . . . . .
S SfillUti
The Flour that we handle is the best that the
world produces. That is saying a good deal but
we back up our word with the goods. We sell
the IJrolcGn Bow , Aurora , Mason City and Occi
dent Flour. The Occidet is a new flour on the
Broken Bow market. It is made from North
Dakota spring wheat , pretty good. We guarantee
every sack of flour that we sell.
Cream 1.60 Occident 1.80
Myrtle 1.55 Aurora 1.70
Mason City 1.60
400 pound lots roc per hundred discount.