THE CIRCULAR ROBERTS WNEHART BY fly et6t-iuiufc * SYNOPSIS. Miss Innes , spinster and Kimrcllnn ot Qcrtrudo and llulsey. cfUitlilltiMcd miiiiiner headquarters at Huiinynlde. AnildHt nu merous ( Illll'iiltlrs tlio Hcrvtints deserted. As Mlns Itinr-a locked up for tlio night , olio \vna startled by a dark llKiire on tlio vcrundii. She fuisso < l u tcmlilu nlKliti willed was filled with tinneotnly tiolKcu. In tlio mornlni ? Mini Innes found u ptranRe link cuff button In a clotlies hninpor. Gertrude nnd ItulBoy arrived with Jack Halley. Tlio house UIIB awak ened by a revolver shot. A HtrntiRC man wan found Knot to dentil In thu hall. It proved to be tlio body of Arnold Arm strong , whom banker rather owned the country houne. Miss Innes found Hal- sey'B revolver on the Inwn. Ho nnd Jack Bailey had dlsnppeaied. The link cuff button myHterlouHly dlsappcare.d. JJe- ttcrtlvn Jnmlrson and the coroner arrived. Gertrude rovonlcd that nlio was eiiKOROd ito Jfxck Halley. with whom aho had talked In the billiard room a few rrio- innntB before- the murder. Jurnlenon told iMUis Inncs that she wan hiding ovldenen from him. 1I Imprlnoned an Intruder In an empty room , The prlnoner escaped down a Inundry chute. It developed that tlia Intruder win probably a woman. CHAPTER VII. Continued. , s t "Llddy , " I called , "go through the house at once and nee who is missing , or If any one is. ' We'll have to clear thla thing at ouco. Mr. Jamlcson , if 'you ' will watch here I will BO to the llodgo and find Warner. Thomas ( would bo ot uo use. Together you ( may bo able to force the door. " "A good idea , " ho assented. "H vt there are windows , of course , and 'there ' IB nothing to prevent whoever is in Uioro from getting out that'way. ' " t "Then lock the door at the top of the basement stairs , " I suggested , | "and patrol the house from the out- "nldo. " " Wo agreed to this , and I had a fooling that the mystery of Sunny- aide was about to bo solved. I ran down the steps and along the drlvo. Just at the corner I ran full tilt into somebody who seemed to be as much Alarmed as I was. It was not until I had recoiled a stop or two that I rec ognized Gertrude , and she mo. "Good gracious , Aunt Hay , " she ex claimed , "what is the matter ? " "There's somebody 'locked in the laundry , " I panted. "That Is unless you didn't see any on6 crossing the lawn or skulking around the house , did you ? " ' 'I think we have mystery on the brain , " Gertrude said wearily. "No , I haven't scon any one , except old Thomas , who looked for all the world as if ho had been ransacking the pan try. What have you locked in the laundry ? " "I can't wait to explain , " I replied. "I must get Warner from the lodge. If you came out for air , you'd better put on your overshoes. " And then I no ticed that Gertrude was limping not much , but BUfllclently to inako her progress very slow , and seemingly painful. "You have hurt yourself , " I said nharply. "I fell over the carriage block , " she iexplalnod. "I thought perhaps I might see Ilalscy coming homo. He ine ought to bo horo. " . I hastened to the lodge. ! "Whore is Warner ? " I asked. ] "I I think he's in bed , ma'am. " { "Got him up , " I said , "and for goodness - ness sake open , the door , Thomas. I'll wait for Warner. " "It's kind o' close in here , ma'am , " ho Bald , obeying gingerly , and disclos ing a cool and comfortable-looking in terior. "Perhaps you'd keer to sot on the porch an1 rest you'self. " It was so evident that Thomas did not want mo inside that I went in. "Tell Warner he is needed in a hur ry , " I repeated , and turned into the llttlo Bitting room. I could hoar Thnmnc pnlnir nn tlin nrnlrn rrmlil hoar him rouse Warner , and the stops ot the chauffeur as ho hurriedly dressed. But my attention waa busy with the room below. On the center table , open , was a sealskin traveling bag. It was filled with gold-topped bottles and brushes , emd it breathed opulence , luxury , fem ininity from every inch of surface. How did it got there ? I was still ask ing myself the question when Warner came running down the stairs and Into the room. He was completely but somewhat incongruously dressed , and his open , boyish face looked abashed. Ho was a country boy , absolutely frank and reliable , of fair education and intelligence ono of the small army of American youths who turn a natural aptitude for mechanics Into the special fleld of the automobile , and earn good salaries in a congenial occupation. "What is it , Miss Innes ? " ho asked anxiously. "There is some one locked in the laundry , " I replied. "Mr. Jamieson wonts you to help him break tlio lock. Warner , whose bag is this ? " lie was in the doorway by this time and he pretended not to hear. "Warner , " I called , "como back here. Whoso bag is this ? " He stopped then , but ho did not turn around. "H'o It belongs to Thomas , " ho euld , and fled up the drlvo. To Thomas ! A London bag with mirrors and cosmetic jars of which Thomas could not even have guosset the use ! Hoiwover , I put the bag in the back of my mind , which was fasi becoming stored with anomalous am apparently irreconcilable facts , am followed Warner to the houso. Llddy had corao back to the kltch en ; the door to the Imscment stairs \vaH double-barred , and had a table uishcd against it ; and beside her on .ho table wan most of the kitchen par- aphornullu. "Did you see If there was any ono missing In the house ? " I asked , Ignor ing tlio array of snuco pans , rolling pins and the poker of the range. "Uoslo Is missing , " Llddy said with unction. She had objected to Iloslc , Llio parlor mnld , from the start. "Mrn. Watson wont into her room , and found Him had gone without her hat. People that trust themselves a dozen miles from the city , In strange houses , with servants they don't know , needn't bo surprised If they wako up some mornIng - Ing nnd find their throats cut. " After which carefully veiled sar casm Llddy relapsed Into gloom. War ner came In then with a handful of small tools , and Mr. Jamlcson wont with him to the basement , Oddly enough , 1 was not alarmed. With nil my heart I wished for Ilalscy , but I WHH not frightened. At the door he was to force Warner put down his tools nnd looked at It. Then ho turned the handle. Without the slight est difficulty the door opened , reveal ing the blackness of the drying room beyond ! Mr. Jamieson gave an exclamation of disgust. "Gone ! " he said. "Con found such careless work ! I might have known. " It was true enough. Wo got the Ights on finally and looked all through the three rooms that con stituted this wing of the basement. Everything was quiet and empty. An explanation of how the fugitive had escaped injury was found in a heaped- up basket of clothes under the chute. The basket had boon overturned , but that wasall. Mr.Jamlcsoncxamtnedthe windows ; ono was unlocked , and of fered an easy escape. The window or the door ? Which way had tile fugi tive escaped ? The door seemed most probable , and I hoped it had been so. I could not have borne , just then , to think that it was my poor Gertrude wo had boon hounding through the darkness , and yet I had mot Ger trude not far from that very window. I wont upstairs at last , tired and depressed. Mrs. Watson and Llddy wore making tea In the kitchen. In certain walks ot life the tea pot is the refuge In times of stress , trouble or sickness ; they glvo tea to the dying and they put It in the baby'a nursing bottle. Mrs. Watson was fixing a tray to bo sent In to me , and when I asked her about Roslo she conflrnwd her absence. "She's not hero , " she said ; "but I would not think much of that , Miss In nes. Roslo is. a pretty young girl , and perhaps she has a sweetheart. It will bo a good thing If she 1ms. The maids stay much better when they have something like that to hold them hero. " Gertrude had gone back to her room , and while I was drinking my cup of hot tea , Mr. Jamieson came In. "Wo might take up the conversation w nero wo loft off an hour and a half n6'o , " ho said. "But before wo KO on , I want to say this : The person who escaped from the laundry was a wom an with a foot of moderate size and well arched. She tvoro nothing but a stocking on her right foot , and , In spite of the unlocked door , she es caped by the window. " And again I thought of Gertrude's sprained ankle , Was It the right or the CHAPTER VIII. The Other Half of the Link. "Mlsa Innea. " the detective began , "what Is your opinion of the figure you saw oti the east veranda the night you and your maid were in the house alone ? " "It was a woman , " [ said positively. "And yet your maid alllrms with equal nosltlvciiosB that it was a man. " "Nonsense , " I broke in. "Llddy had her eyes shut she always shuts them when SUO'H frightened. " "And you never thought then that the Intruder who came later that night might bo a woman the woman lit fact , whom you saw on the veran da ? " "I had reasons for thinking It was a man , " I said , remembering the pearl cuff-link. "Now we are getting down to busi ness. What were your reasons for thinking that ? " I hesitated "If you have any reason for believ ing that your midnight guest was Mr. Armstrong , other than his visit hero the next night , you ought to toll me , Miss Innoa. We can take nothing for granted. If , for Instance , the intru der who dropped the bar and scratched the staircase you see , I know about that If this visitor was a woman , why should not the same woman have come back the following night , mot Mr. Armstrong on the cir cular staircase , and In alarm shot him ? " "It was a man , " f reiterated. And then , because [ could think ot no oth er reason for my statement , I told him about the pearl cufMluk. Ho was Intensely Interested. "Will you glvo tuo the link , " he said when I finished , "or , at least , let me "But Before We Go On , I Want to Say This. " see It ? I cousidor It a moat Impor tant clew. " ' "Won't the description do ? " "Not as well as the original. " "Well , I'm very sorry , " I said , ns calmly as I could , "I the thing Is lost. It it must have fallen out of a boxon ray dressing table. " Whatever ho thought of my expla nation , and I knew ho doubted It , he made no sign Ho asked me to de scribe the link accurately , and I did so , while he glanced at a list he took from his pocket. "One set monogram cuff-links , " ho road , /'ono sot plain pearl links , one sot cuft-linka , woman's head set with diamonds aud emeralds. There is no mention of such a link as you de scribe , and yet , it your theory Is right , Mr. Armstrong must have taken back in his cuffs one complete cuff-link , and a half , perhaps , ot the other. " The Idea was now to me. If it had not been the murdered man who had entered the house that night , who had It boon ? "Thoro are a number of strange things connected with this case , " the detoctlvo wont on. "Miss Gertrude Innes testified that she heard someone ono fumbling with the lock , that the door opened , and that almost Immedi ately the shot was fired. Now , Miss Isnos , here Is the strange part of that. Mr. Armstrong had uo key with him. There waa no key In the lortc , or on the floor. In other words , fctvj ovl- dcnco points absolutely to this ; Mr. Armstrong was admitted to the house from within. " "It is Impossible , " I broke In. "Mr. Jamieson , do you know what your words Imply ? Do you know that you are practically accusing Gertrude Inucs ot admitting that man ? " "Not quite that , " he said with his friendly smile. "In fact , Miss Innes , I am quite certain she did not. But as long as I learn only parts of the truth , from both you and her , what can I do ? I know you picked up some thing in the flower bed ; you refuse to tell me what It was. I know Miss Gertrude went back to the billiard room to get something , she refuses to say what. You suspect what happened to the cuff-link , but you won't tell me. So far , all I am sure of is this : I do not believe Arnold Armstrong was the midnight visitor who so alarmed .you by dropping shall wo say , a golf- stick ? And I believe that when he did come ho was admitted by some one In the house. Who knows it may have been Llddy ! " I stirred my tea angrily. "I have always heard , " I said dry ly , "that undertakers' assistants are jovial young men. A man's sense of luimor seems to bo In inverse proportion tion to the gravity of his profession. " "A man's sense of humor Is a bar barous and a cruel thing , Miss Innes , " ho admitted. "It Is to the feminine as the hug of a bear Is to the scratch of well , anything with claws. Is that you , Thomas ? Como in. " Thomas Johnson stood In the door way He looked alarmed and appre hensive , and suddenly 1 remembered the sqalskln dressing bag in the lodge , Thomas came just Inside the door and stood with his head droop ing , his eyes , under their shaggy gray brows , fixed on Mr. Jamieson. "Thomas , " said the detective , not unkindly , "I sent for you to tell us what you told Sam Bohannou at the club , the day before Mr. Arnold was found here , dead. Let me sec. You came here Friday night to see Miss Innes , didn't you ? And came to work hero Saturday morning ? " For some unexplained reason Thomas looked relieved. "Yas , sah , " ho said. "You see It were Ilka this : When Mistah Arm strong and the fam'ly went away , Mis' Watson an' mo , we was let' in charge till the place was rented. Mis' Wat son , Bho'vo bin hero a good while , an' bhearn * skcery. So she slop' in the house. I'd bin havln' tokens I tol' Mis' Innes some of 'em an * I Blep' in the lodge. Then one day Mis' Wat son , she came to me an' she sez , sez she : 'Thomas , you'll hev to sleep up in the big house. I'm too nervous to do It any more. ' But I jes * reckon to myself that of It's too skeery for her , It's too skeery fer me. We had It , then , sho' miff , and It ended up with Mis' Watson stayin' In the lodge nights an' me lookln' fer work at de club. " "Did Mrs. Watson say that any thing had happened to alarm her ? " "No , sah. She was jes' natchally skeored. Well , that was all , far's I know , until the night I come over to see Mis' Innes. I come across the valley , along the path from the club house , ami I goes home that way. Down In the creek bottom I almost run Into a man. Ho wuz standln'twlth his back to me , an" he was workln" with one ot these yore electric light things that fit In yer pocket. Ho was havln' trouble one minute It'd Hash out , an' the nex * It'd be gone. I bed u. vlow of 'Is white dress shirt an * tie , as I passed. 1 didn't see his face. But I know It warn't Mr. Arnold. It was a taller man than Mr. Arnold. Besides that , Mr. Arnold was playln * cards when I got to the club house , same's ho'd been doln * all day. " "And the next morning you came back along the path , " pursued Mr. Jamieson relentlessly. "The nex' mornln' I come back along the path an' down where 1 dun see the man night bcfoh , I picked up this here " The old mau held out a tiny object and Mr. Jamieson took it. Then ho hold it on his extended palm for me to BOO. It was the other half of the pearl cuff-link ! But Mr. Jamieson was not quite through questioning him. "And so you showed It to Sam , at the club , and asked him If he knew any one who owned such a link , and Sam said what ? " "Wai , Sam , ho * lowed he'd seen such a pair of cuff-buttons in a shirt bclongln * to Mr. Bailey Mr. Jack Bailey , sah. " "I'll keep this link , Thomas , for a while , " the detective said. "That's all I wanted to know. Good-night. " As Thomas shuflled out , Mr. Jamie- son watched mo sharply. "You see , Miss Inncs , " ho said , "Mr. Bailey insists on mixing himself with this thing. If Mr. Bailey came here that Friday night expeclng to meet Arnold Armstrong , and missed him if , as I say , ho had done this , might ho not , seeing him enter the following night , have struck him down , as he had intended before ? " "But the motive ? " 1 gasped. "There could bo motive proved , I think. Arnold Armstrong and John Bailey have been enemies since the latter , a cashier of the Traders' bonk , brought Arnold almost into the clutches of the law. Also , you for got that both men have been paying attention to Miss Gertrude. Balloy'a flight looks bad , too. " "And you think Halsoy helped him to escape ? " ( TO BM CONTINUED. ) DANGER SIGNALS. Sick kldnoys glvo unmistakable sig nals of distress. Too frequent or scanty urinary passages , backache , hcadacho and dizzy spells tell of disordered kid- . neya , Neglect of those warnings may prove fatal. Begin using Doan's Kid ney Pills. They euro sick kidneys. Mrs. M. A. Gam- blln , Huasciiviiic , Ark. , says : "I was in fiuch bad ehnpo from kidney disease that I gave up hope of my recovery. I could rest neither night or day , the palna In ray back nearly driving me , . frantic. There were decided dropsical nymptoms such as ewolllnff of my feet and ankles and my heart palpitated violently. After doc toring without benefit , I began with Doan's Kidney Pills and when I had used two boxes I was as well as ever. " Remember the name Dean's. For sale by all dealers. GO cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. The Juvenile Buster. The famous Champ Clark , at a din ner at Bowling Green , said ot the trusts : "Tho feeling against monopolies has reached even to the nursery. I saw a llttlo girl the other day slip something beneath her plate. Then she mur mured angrily : " 'I wish there was an anti-crust law. ' " SKIN HUMOR 25 YEARS "Cutlcura did wonders for me. For twenty-five years I suffered agony from a terrible humor , completely cov ering my head , neck and shoulders , so oven to my wife , I became an object of dread. At largo expense I consult ed the most able doctors far nnd near. Their treatment was of no avail , nor was that of the Hospital , during six months' efforts. I suffered on. and concluded there was no help for mo this side of the grave. Then I heard of some ono who had been cured by Cutlcura Remedies nnd thought that a trial could do no harm. In a surprisingly short tlmo I was com pletely cured. 3. P. Keyes , 147 Con gress St , Boston , Mass. , Oct. 12 , " 09. " Face Covered with Pimples "I congratulate Cutlcura upon my- speedy recovery from pimples which covered my face. I used Cutlcura Soap , Ointment and Resolvent for ten days and my face cleared and I am perfect ly well. I had tried doctors for sev eral months but got no results. Wm. J. Sadller , 1614 Susquetanna Avo. , Phila delphia , May 1 , 1909. " Recognition. "At last , " Bald the literary young man , "I have succeeded in having my poetry taken seriously. " 1 "How did you manage it ? " "Put it into the love letters on which a branch of promise suit is now holng based. " Casey at the Bat. This famous poem Is contained in the Coca-Cola Baseball Record Book for 1910 , together with records , schedules for both leagues and other valuable baseball Information compiled by au thorities. This interesting book cent by the Coca-Cola Co. , of Atlanta , Ga. , on receipt of 2c stamp for postage. Also copy of their booklet "Tho Truth About Coca-Cola" which { ells all about this delicious beverage and why It is BO pure , wholesome and refreshing. Are you ever hot tired thirsty ? Drink Coca-Cola it is cooling , re lieves fatigue and quenches the thirst. At soda fountains and car bonated In bottles Go everywhere. Inference. Ethel ( confidentially ) Do you know , C'ara ' , that I had two offers of mar riage last week ? Clara ( with enthusiasm ) Oh , I am delighted , dear ! Then the report Is really true that your uncle left you his money ? Plck-Me-TJp. TAKE A FOOT-BATH TO-NIQHT After aiEsolvlnp ono or two Allen's Foot- Tabs ( Antlseptto tablets for the foot-bath ) In the water. It will take out all soreness , hmnrtlnfr and tenderness , remove foot odors and freshen the feet. Allen's Foot- Tabs Instantly relieve weariness and sweating or Inflamed feet and hot nerv ousness of the feet at night. Then for comfort throughout the day shake Allen's Foot-Kase the antiseptic powder Into your Dhoes. Bold everywhere 25c. Avoid sub stitutes. Samples of Allen's Foot-Tabs mailed FREE or our regular size sent by mall for 2Se. Address Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy. N. Y. "Foot ; Tabs for Foot-Tubs. " Hard Task , Indeed ! Little Helen was at the seaside with her aunt , and in the house where they were staying was a telephone. Ono day she heard her mother talking from the city , and she was so terrified that she burst Into tears. "Oh , auntlo , auntie ! " she sobbed. "Jlow shall wo ever get mamma out of that llttlo hole ? " SIX LIVES WOULD BE MISSING , Mr. Shooter Where's my six-shoot/ Mrs. Shooter What are you going Lo do ? . Mr. Shooter Kill two-thlrda of n cat Valued Absences. "Always speak kindly of the absent. " laid young Mr. Primly. "I would , " replied Miss Cayenne , "It thought It would bo an inducement to iome tiresome people to remain so. " DON'T WAIT TOO LONG Don't wait until the digestive organs are al most beyond help don't wait until the bowels have become constipated and don't wait until the liver and kidneys have become weak and inact ive ; just take Hostetter's Stomach Bitters at the very first sign of trouble. It will save you lots of suffering because its re sults are certain. Try it today for Indigestion , Cramps , Diarrhoea , Mal aria , Fever and Ague. Be sure to get Hostetter's. Nebraska Directory FHE GREAT DAIN HAY TOOLS ARE THE BEST. ASK YOUR DEALER OR IOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY , OMAHA , NEB. this process all broken parts of machinery raado coed as new. Welds : ast iron , cast steel , aluminum , copper , brass or any other metal. Expert automobile repairing. 3ERT6CHY MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffs. KODAKS and KODAK FINISHING Mall orders Klren special attention. All klndi tinateur eupplks ttrlclly fresh , bend for catalog. LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. . Lincoln ALL MAKES Sold and rented cvorywhcro. Wrlto for bargain list B. F. SWANSON COMPANY , Inc. Itstabllshod 1301. 1-13 8. 13 tb St. , Lincoln M. Spiesberger fit Son Co. Wholesale MiSIinery fhe Beit In the Weil OMAHA , NEB. The Old Line Banker's Life pf Lincoln , Nebraska , wants a mans * whole time in your neighborhood , aood pay.wrlte us. TYPEWRITERS Ufl 00 and up. Al I Htandanl Make * , sold or rented. Kent ippllfxl 1C you purchase. Machinist shipped anywhrr * ; > n ApproTftl. No depoMt rtviuinrvi. Wrlto for ratal o . LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 122 North llth Street Unooln , Neb. Beatrice Creamery Co. the nlcbett price fer CREA Get the best Your dealer can supply 4 you with our brand. Your loss of hay will raoro than pay. OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. N. W. Cor. 11th & Harney Sts. Omaha , Neb. Not Sisters Now and again you ice two women pass * in down the street who look like sisters. You arc astonished to learn that they ura mother and daughter , and you realize that a woman at fo.'ty or forty-five ought to beet et her finest and fairest. Why isn't it so ? The general health of woman is so in timately associated with the local health of the essentially feminine organs that there can be no red cheeks and round form where there is female weakness. Women irlio have suffered front this trouble have found prompt relief anil euro in die uo of Dr. Fierce't Favorite Prescription. It give * vigor and vitality to the organs of womanhood. It clears the complexion , brightens tlio eyes and reddens tlio cheeks. No alcohol , or habit-forming drugs is contained in "Favorite Prescription. " ' Any sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter , free. Every letter It held as sacredly confidential , and answered in it plain envelope. Address : World's Dispensary Medical Association , Dr. R.V. Pierce , Pres. , Buffalo , N.Y.