Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 07, 1910, Image 5

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F\ and preserving evidence of de
posits and withdrawals.
SBC. 6. That at least one dollar
lar , or a larger number of multi
ples thereof , must be deposited
before an account is opened with
the person depositing the same ,
and one dollar or multiples there
of , may be deposited after such
account has been opened , but no
one shall be permitted to deposit
more than one hundred dollars in
any one calendar month' Pro
vided , That in order that smaller
amounts may be accumulated for
deposit any one person may pur
chase for ten cents from any de
pository office a postal savings
card to which may be attached
specially prepared adhesive
stamps , to be known as "postal
savings stamps , " and when the
stamps so attached auiout to one
dollar or a larger sum in inulti-
oles thereof , including the ten-
cent postal savings card , the
same may be presented as a de
posit for opening an account ,
and additions may be made to
any account by means ot such
card and stamps in amounts of
one dollar , or multiples thereof ,
and when a card and stamps
thereto attached are accepted as
a deposit the postmaster shall
immediately cancel the same. It
is hereby made the duty of the
Postmaster-General to prepare
such postal savings cards and
postal savings stamps of denominations -
' nations of ten cents , and to keep
thutn on sale at every postal sav
ings depository office , and to
prescribe all necessary rules and
regulations for the issue , sale
and cancellation thereof.
SKD. 7. That interest at the
rate of two per cent per annum
shall be allowed and entered to
the credit of each depositor once
in each year , the same to be
c imputed on such basis and under
such rules and regulations as the
board of trustees may prescribe ;
but interest shall not be comput
ed or allowed on fraction of a
dollar : Provided , That the bal
ance to the credit of any one per
son shall never be allowed to
exceed five hundred dollars , ex
clusive of accumulated interest.
SEC. 8. Tuat any depositor
may withdraw the whole , or any
part of the funds deposited to his
or her credit , with the accrued
interest , upon demand and under
such regulations as the board of
trustees may prescribe. With
drawals shall be paid from the
deposits in the state or territory ,
so far as the postal funds on de
posit in such state or territory
may be sufficient for the purpose ,
and , so far as practicable , from
the deposite in the community
in which the deposit was made.
No bank in which postal savings
funds shall be deposited shall re
ceive any exchange or other fees
of compensation on account of
the cashing or collection of any
1/1 checks or the performance of any
other service in connection with
the postal savings depository
SBC. 9 That postal savings
funds received under the provis-
inns nf this Artslinll hp f1pnnsif >
ed in solvent banks , whether
organized under national cr state
laws , being subject to national or
state supervision and examin
ation , and the sums deposited
shall bear interest at the rate o :
not less than two and one-fourth
per centum per annum , which
Jgrjt , Music Hath Charms
p * and
( Some Musicians Are Charming
I Three superlatively handsome and
cultured artists who are coming fo
! IIU1Ut\ ( ! \
rate shall be uniform throughout
the United States and Tcrri-
orics thereof ; five per centum of
such funds shall be withdrawn
by the board of trustees and kept
vith the Treasurer of the United
States , who shall be treasurer of
he board of trustees , in lawful
money as v reserve. The board
of trustees shall take from such
banks such security in public
bonds or other securities , sup-
) ortcd by the taxing power , as
he board may prescribe , approve ,
and deem sufficient and necessary
o insure the safety and prompt
payment of such deposits on de
mand. The funds received at
he postal savings depository
offices in each city , town village
and other locality shall be de-
) osited in banks located therein
substantially in protection to
he capital and surplus of each
uch bank ) willing to receive
uch deposits under the terms of
his Act and the regulations
made by authority thereof , but
he amount deposited in any one
bank shall at no time exceed the
amount of the paid-in capital and
ne-half of the surplus of such
bank. If no such bank exist in
any city , town , village , or local-
ty , or if none where such de
posits are made will receive such
eposits on terms prescribed ,
hen such funds shall be deposit-
el under the terms of this Act in
he bank most convenient to such
ocality. If no such bank in any
State or Territory is willing to
eceive such deposits on the
erms prescribed , then the same
hall be deposited with the treas
urer of the board of trustees , and
hall be counted in making up
he reserve of five per centum.
Such funds may be withdrawn
rom the treasurer of said board
of trustees and all other postal
avings funds , or any part of
unds , may be at any time with
drawn from banks and savings
lepository offices for the repay
ment of postal savings depositors
when required for that purpose ,
sfot exeeding thirty per centum
of the amount of such funds may
at any time be withdrawn by the
rus < ees for investment in bonds
or other securities of the United
States , it being the intent of this
Act that tht residue of such
funds , amounting to sixty-five
> er centum thereof , shall remain
on deposit in the banks in each
State and Territory willing to
receive the same under the terms
of this Act , and shall be a work-
ng balance and also a fund which
may be withdrawn for invest
ment in bonds or other securities
of the United States , but only
by direction of the president , and
only when , in his judgment , the
general welfare and the interests
of the Uni'ed States so require ,
[ uterest and profit accruing from
the deposits or investment of
postal savings funds shall be ap
plied to the payment of interest
due to postal savings depositors
as hereinbefore provided , and
the excess thereof , if any , shal
be covered into the treasury of
the United States as a part of
the postal revenue : Provided ,
that postal savings tunas in tbe
treasury of said board shall be
subject to disposition as provided
in this Act , and not otherwise ;
And provided further , That the
board of trustees may at any
time dispose of bonds held as
postal savings investments and
use the proceeds to meet with
drawals of deposits by depositors.
For the purposes of this Act the
word "Territory , " as used herein
shall be held to include the
District of Columbia , the Dist
rict of Alaska , and Porto Rico ,
and the word "bank" shall be
held to include the savings banks
and trust companies doing a
banking business.
( Continued next week. )
WANTED TOGO acres of land ,
broke , in the viciuityof Anselmo
Willis Cad well , Broken Bow ,
Nebr. 47-tf
Anyone , anywhere , can star
a mail order business at home
No canvassing. Be your own
boss. Send for free booklet
Tells how. Heacock , A4582
Lockport , N. Y. 45-tf
Board of Equalization
Holds Session.
The county board of equalization
not nt the city council chamber In
Urokon How , Juno 14th ut 9 a. in.
and was Iti session four days. The
> oard of equalization consists of the
seven supervisors and the county
clerk artd county assessor. The
allowing business was transacted :
Upon motion which WUH carried
ho chairman appointed three com-
nlttecs for the purpose of consider-
ng the various protests that came
bpforo the board. J. E. Grlnt , L.
Cushman and M. R. Foster were ap-
) olntod on the first committee , W. H
Osborno , Jr. , Geo. llcadloy and Gee
Dewey were appointed for the
ccond committee , while 13dw. Foley
Sr. , J. B. Gllmoro and Bon P
Morris were on the third committee.
Upon petition of Margaret Croaslo ;
ioard reduced valuation of Improvements
monts upon S. % Sec. 12-13-18 from
$1GOO to $1250.
Upon the petition of the Omaha
Elevator Co. , the capital stock of
his concern was listed at $800.
The board reduced the valuation
ou parcel of lot 9 block 52 , R. R.
Vdd. to Callaway to $50 upon applca-
Ion of O. W. Barnard.
Upon petition of LJ. . Reed , ns-
osscd the valuation on the S. E
uarter section 5-17-21 was lowered
Upon petition of Win. E. Morris
ho assessed valuation on the S.E
quarter Sec. 14-19-22 was lowered to
Upon petition o Wm. Dickson
> oard reducedtho vnlualtlon on the
SW. SB. and the SB. SB. of Sec. 30-
9-22. to $80.
Upon petition of A. F. Leek , board
educed the valuation on the NW
quarter Sec. 9-17-18. $12 0.
Upon petition of Jonnlo McGugan
ho time , money on hand and in
banks , $1400 , was stricken from the
assessment , the samo" having been
erroneously assessed.
Petition of Wm. Walsh , regarding
ransfor of property from Custer to
Milfoil township was rejected by
joard for the reason that the prop
erty IP question rightfully belonged In
Ouster township ,
The request of W. D. Hall , regard-
ng Improvements on Sec. 3-19-18 was
ejected. N"
Upon petition of John Davis , the
mprovements on the 1910 assess-
nient , on the part of Sec. 4-15-18 , In
.ho name of John E. Davis , were re
moved , and $3UO , money on hand
vas added to the schedule.
Upon petition of Hughes Scott
\ssessed valuation the NB. quarter ol
Sec. 18-19-22 was reduced to $44.
The petition of A. C. Swlck was
The cattle of C. J. Jefford , which
aad been assessed in Custor town-
dliip were transferred to assess
ment roll of Kilfoil township.
The following raises and reduc
tions upon the assessed valuation
of fat cattle wcro made by.tho
board ;
Township Pet ct. R. Per ct L.
Loup 19
Douglas Grove ,13
Wood River 05
Victoria ,24
Sargent 4
Westerville 1
Algernon 10
Kilfoil 15
nroken Bow Twp , 8
Arnold 10
Lillian 7
Elk Creek 18
West Union - . 7
Triumph 15
Cliff 18
Grant 4
Ansley . 8
Borwyn 8
Film ' 5
< ' '
Garfield 10
Ilayea 11
Llroken Bow City 4
Way no 15
Comstock 5
East Custer . 2
The following raises and reduc
tlons were made upon the assessed
valuation of stock cattle by the
Township Per ct. R. Per ct. L.
Loup 0
Custer 10
Douglas Grove 10
Wood River 17 x
Victoria 15
Algernon 9
Kilfoil 9
Broken Bow Twp. * " 15
Arnold 5
West Union 18
Triumph 15
Cliff 2
Grant 18
Ansloy 2
Garfield 13
The following raises and reduc
tlons were made 'upon tno asscssec
valuation of slock cattle by tl
board :
Township Per ct. R. Per ct. L.
Wood River 23
Victoria 2
Onicc In Dlcrks block.
Calls answered at nil hours In city or country
I'lioncs-Onice 4J3-Hesldence , White 351
I want to buy your crcnm nml sell
you your Hour mid feed of n1 ! !
kinds , every thing guaranteed ,
W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store
Phone 409.
Good Crenin on hand at
South Side of the Square.
A Tromondoua >
* 0
i Commencing jj
Monday July Ith to 18th { j
Exclusive k
L rt
Successors to Q
Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance
of anonlerof HrunoO. Hosteller , fudge 01
ho district court of Custer County Nebraska
nade on the 7th day of Juno 1010 for the sale
ol the real estate hereinafter mentioned and
described , there will be sold at the south
front door of the cadwell building In the
city of llrouen llow within the county seat ol
CuiUer County Nebraska , that being the
place In which the district court ot said
county was held at Its last session and iho designated by the supervisors ot Custer
; ounty where terms of the district court
shall be held , on the 30th day of July. 1910 at
the hour of TWO o'clock p. in. at public vcn-
due to the highest bidder for cash , the South
west quarter of section 14 Township 17 range
21 Custer county NebraskanalU sale to re-
Von and uowetia I
one Russom heirs
under the will o f
N. T. Gadil , Mary K . Wooilley ,
Attorney. (5-S ( ) deceased.
Sargont 3
Wostervillo 1C
Myrtle 2
Algernon 9
Kllfoll 8
Urokon Bow Twp. " . J. ' H
Delight ' 8
Arnold 2
Lillian 4
Elk Crook 7
West Union. 2
Trlupmu 10
ClUf - 3
Grant 3
Ansloy * °
Ellin 10
Garfield 3
Way no 1
Hayes 3
Comstock c
East Custor 2
The following raises and reduc
tions were made upon the assessed
valuation of mules by the board :
Township Per ct. R. Per ct. Jj.
Algernon 0
Kilfoil 11
Broken Bow Twp. 8
Delight 9
Arnold 4
Lillian 31
Elk Creek 11
West Union 1
Triumph 8
Cliff 1
Grant 7
Ansley ' 8
Horwyn 10
Ellin 4
Garfield 18
Hayes 4
Drokon Bow City 22
Wayne 17
Comstock 21
East Cnstcr 3
Upon petition of Phillip Zoorb
hoard reduced the assessed valua
tion on the NE. quarter , the E. ha !
of the SB. quarter , N. half , NWSB ,
N. half , N.W. 1C-1C-21 from ? 715 to
The petition of the DJorks Lumber
& Coal Co. , was laid over unti
July 15 , when the board will ineo
and take up. the case. The assessor
of Comatock precinct and the ropro-
[ Contlnued on last page ]
No Dirt. No ClInlcors--AH
Cotvl--Tho Good Kind.
1 FEED kl
S For Snlo. Both Whotosnlo
nnd Rotnll. Hltfhost Market <
? Price for All Kinds of Grain
1 West Elevator
F. J. BAIIR , Prop. Phone 62
U. S. LaiidOillce atllrokcn llow , Nebraska
May si. 1910
Notice Is hereby given that Peter \V. lool-
oy. of nroken lio\v , Nebraska , who , on April
29 , UH , made Homestead Entry No. MTU
serial No. 05400 , forscy of mvw of secilon 83 ,
owiishlii is n , range 2u w , Oth I1. M. . has tiled
lotlcc ot Intention to make 1'lnal live year
iroof. to establish claim to thu land above
lesorlbed , before Register and Receiver U.
S. t > and olllce , at Ilrokcn How , Nebraska , on
he IBth day of J my , 1010.
Claimant names as witnesses- : Thomas
ioss , prank Mohat , Ulchard Mohat , Uus
Arthur , all of urokon llow , Nebraska
61-5 Register.
Ctf. No. 3001.
1'oM. S Allen :
You are hereby notified that on Nov. 0 ,
90S , I , . A. Wight purchased at public sale
or taxes for the year lUOl the following
lescrlbed land to-wlt : The west H acres of
North H of North East } < of section 2S Town
ship 18 Range 25 In custer county , State of
That said land was assessed In the name of
M.S. Allen , and that , after October II , 11)10 ) ,
ax deed will be applied lor.
Dated June no , luio.
1-0 IJ.A. WIGHT.
AV. W. Hisitoi' will take notice that on the
29th day of April , 1910 , the county court of
Custer county , Nebraska , Issued an order of
ittachmcut lor the sum of Mll.92ln an action
lending before It wherein C. J. iturke&Son ,
a partnership Ilnn composed of Charles J.
iurke and Milton uurke , are plaintiffs and
W.V. . Illshoj ) Is defendant. That personal
iroperty of defendant , consisting ot tanks ,
veil and windmill supplies , tublng'and other
tersoiial property , has been attached under
s.ild order. The object and prayer of the
ilalntlffs In said cause are to recover tudg-
nent In the sum of t111D3 together with In-
crest thereon at eight pur cent , pel annum
'rom the S9tU day ot April , 1010 , tne same be-
ng due on a promissory note executed and
leltvercd to the plaintiffs by the defendant
m the tlrst day of March , 1910 and due on the
loth day of April , 1010. Said cause lias been
continued to the ilrst day of August , 19IU and
you are required to appear and answer said
lelttlon on or before the 1st day of August
Dated this 7th day of June , 1910. '
0. J. lluiiKu & SON.
Ity Sullivan & squires ,
1-i Their Attorney.
Is Gladly Extended by n Broken Bow
There are nmiiy enthusiastic citizens in
broken llow prepared to tell their ex
perience for the public good. Testimony
'rom such n soursc is the best of evidence
mid will prove n "hclpin hnnd" to
scores of readers. Rend the following
statement :
J. N. Kennedy , of Uroken How , Nebr. ,
says : "There is no other kidney remedy
' can recommend ns highly ns Ioan'a
Cidney I'ills. In July 1907 , I gnve a
niblic statement in their favor and nt
.his lime I gladly confirm it. I had
ncute pains thiough my buck and
cidncvs and nt times sharp twinges
darted throughout my body. Every sud-
len move caused an nltnck of pain and I
was often so lame and sore that it was
ilmnst impossible for me to straighten.
The kidney secretions were unnatural
and distressing in passage and if allowed
o stand , deposited sediment , I had
icadasches , felt restless and was unable
.o get my proper rest. Doan's Kidney
[ 'ills procured at Ilaeberle's Drug Store
lelped me from the time I began them
and continued use entirely relieved me.
During the past three years I have taken
Donn's Kidney I'ills , whenever I have
) i eu in need of a kidney medicine and I
have received benefit. I am in eightieth
year and I owe much of my present good
icalth to the use of this remedy. "
lfor sale by all dealers Price 50 cents
t'oster-Milburu Co. , liuflalo , New York ,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Donu's and
take no other.
Superfluous Hair Vanishes in a Night by
a New Uiscovciy Beautiful Bust.
All our readers should write at
once for the wizard beauty treat
ment sent absolutely free Quickly
removes vrinkles , and develops
the bust. How to instantly re
move superfluous hair , black
heads , pimples , freckles. How
to build up sunken cheeks and
add flesh to the face and body.
Just send your address to the
Wizard Co1 , Churubusco , Ind. ,
and don't send any money. No
patent medicines or harmful nos
trums to sell anybody. Integrity
is our watchword.
Let us sent you free full partic
ulars , follows our instructtions
and then recommend us to your
friends. We send treatments in
plain unirarked package pre
paid. Your complexion can be
as fair and clear as any child ; a
poor figure turned into a beauti
ful bust and well developed form1
wrinkles and superfluous hair
vanish in a night without pain ,
inconvenience or harmful effects.
Sounds unreasonable docs it ?
Skeptics , write for proof , to the
Wizard Co. , Churubusco , Ind.
Old papers for sale at this
No More Flies.
Flics are her in ern-
cst and pestering stock
nearly to death.
If you will use Great
Western Fly Chaser
your stock will get the
benefit of the food they
eat , in other wosds it
is a stock food.
Gallons $1.00
Half Gal. .50c
Quarts ,35c
Try a can and
Be Convinced.
S. R. LEE.
The Busy Druggist.
A New Glean Stack of
"reali IOLA Portland Cement.
Frcsli Car of ACM A Plaatcr.
A Splendid jLinc of Fence Posts ,
.f you contemplate using any of
tlic above this Sprung or if
you need a nice load of
H. T. Bruce
( § L Co.
Broken Bow , Nctr. Phone 234.
Consult Him If You Want Water.
Broken llow , Nebraska ,
Oillcc over llolcotnb's book store.
OfHcc phone 203 Ucsldcncc 20
Ilrokcn llow , Nebraska.
Practices In all the courts. Convayanclng
iml notorlal work. OHlcc up stairs over
State liank of Jirokcu llow.
liroken llow , Nebraska.
East Side of Square
llrokoa How , Nebraska.
( Licensed )
Huslncss phone , 301 Residence < 301D
Uroken How , Nebraska.
( Licensed )
UnloulUlock ItUHluesB pbone'.85 , Rcsldeuce323
Uroken Bow , Nebraska.
Glasses Fitted.
All calls promptly attended day or night.
Phone 01.
Mus. W. T. JONES
Mrs. W. T. Jones has had 17 years exper
ience In dressmaking , it Is useless to look
further. Work guaranteed. Uooia 7 , Dlerks
Ulock ,
Real Kstate , Insurance , Ranches 'and
Farms for Kent , Legal Papers Drawn.Sur
veying and 1'lattlng.
Uroken nowHebraska.
E. M. F. Studebaher , Buiclc and
New International Automobile *
FOR SAI.K. A fine resident
block one block south of ball
ground. Will sell by quarters
if preferred B. W. Blair. 42-tf