Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 07, 1910, Image 4

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    > i ' i , <
$1.00 Per Yoixr.
All subscribers arc considered permanent
ana If tlicy wish to discontinue arc expected
to jiay all arrearages ana notify publisher.
Entered at Broken How. Nebraska , for traur
mission In the United HUteH malls
at second clnns rates.
D. Al. AMSBERRY , Editor and Publisher
Where matter l set on wood base electrotype
a flat price of twenty cents per InchMilKle col
umn'for each Insertion , two or more Insertions
15 cents per Inch , Special position , slnirle In ,
Kcrtlou 20 cents per inch. Metal base , electros-
two or more times , IS cents per Inch. Payment
Orst of cacti mouth ,
Local advcrtlalnir five cents per line each In
Notice of church church fairs , soclablca and
entertainments where money Is chanted , one
half rates , , . ,
Death notices free , half orlct for publishing
Card of Thanks , 0 centrt.
Legal notices at rates provided statutes of
Nebraska. , . .
Society notlcesaiid resolutions , one-UaM raxes
Wedding notices free , half prlco for list of
Call For Republican Convention.
The llepiibllcanttol the County of Cumcr ,
State of Nebraskaare hereby called to meet
In convention in the city of llroken llow , on
Monday July 18th , 1W10 , at 11 o'lock In the
forenoon- the forenoon , In the cad well
building , for the purpose of HClectlnc nine
teen delegates to attend the Republican
Btate Convention to meet at Lincoln , on
Tuesday , July 26th , 1910 , and to select the
county central committee , and for the
transaction of such other business as may
properly come before the convention.
The Convention shall be made up of dclo-
Kates chosen by the Republican of the re
spective townships of the County at caucuses
held for that purpose , prior to said 18th day
of juiy , 1910.
The basis of representation shall be one
dclpgatc for each 10 votes or major fraction
thereof cast at the 1010 general election for
John II. Hamcs , Republican nominee for
Supreme Judge.
Said apportionment entitles several townships -
ships to the following representation In Bald
convention , to-wlt :
Algernon 10 CJarllcld 5
Anslcy 14 Hayes 3
ArnolU 8 Kllfoil 11
jjcrwyn 7 Lillian 7
Uroken How 30 Loup 8
Cliff 7 Myrtle
Custer 8 Sargent is
Comstock 5 Triumph 4
Douglas Grove 8 Victoria 7
Delight 15 AVaync 0
Kllm. 6 Westervllle 9
Klk Creek 8 West union o
Orant G Wood River 11
Total 231
no proxies be allowedand that the delegates
present from each of the respective town
uhlps be authorised to cast the full vote of
their delegation.
The members of the County central Com
mlttee who are to conduct the 1010 campalgi
must be chosen at this convention.
Alpha Morgan , Chairman.
Wtlllam.M. uunn , Secretary ,
Dated this 22nd day of June , 1910 , IJrokcn
Bow Nebraska.
Call from Cliff Township.
Notice is hereby given that there will be a
Republican Caucus held at the Hicks schoo
house Cliff Township Saturday July 10 1'Jl
at 2 p. m. lor the purpose of electing
delegates to attend the Republican County
Convention to be held at Uroken How jul >
18 1910 and for the transaction of such othe
business as may properly come before th
above meeting ,
w , j. Rice ,
Republican Caucus ,
( Loup Township )
Notice Is hereby given that a republican
caucus win be held at the regular voting
place of Loup township on Saturday July 1U ,
1910 , at 2:30 : 1 * . M. for the purpose ot electing
eight delegates to the Republican County
Convention to be held at Uroken Uow July
18th and for the transaction of such other
business that may come before the caucus.
WiM < i' . Tnicw.
Republican Caucus.
A caucus of the republican electors of
llroken HOW township will be held In the
Cadwell building Saturday July ifl , 1010 , at
S o'clock p. M. lor the purpose of electing 30
delegates to the county convention and for
the transaction of such other business as
may conic bctorc the caucus.
Aia'iiA MORGAN ,
Chairman ,
M. Q. Montgomery , Sec.
Having filed with the proper ofilcer. I
now announce myself a candidate for the
ottlce of county Attorney subject to the ap
proval of the republican party at thel'rlmary
election to be held August. lOtli , 1910.
It Is perhaps needless for me to say ; I
am unalterably ntfolnst the Liquor Inter ,
csts , 1 am lor county option , tor state and
nation wide prohibition.
I am a republican , but am most emphat
ically for the revision of theTarlff downward
and for the removal of tariff upon things
essentially necessary to the comfort , health ,
Happiness and prosperity of the citizen.
My present term 01 onice'does not expire
until January 1911 , my time and ability there
fore Is the property of the citizens of the
county , of all political complexion ; that be.
I have not been absent from any mcrtlng of
the board of supervisors have been on hand
at all times when called upon by county
onicers from the least to the highest , Includ
ing Township ana School district oinccrs ;
When needed by the private citizen , either
over the Phone , or In person I have been on
hand by day or night , and this I will have to
say at the end of my term of otllce regardless
of the results of the primary election ; if you
need the county attorney , you will tlnd film
ot his ofllce , not out In campaign , using your
time to further his personal Interests. If
absent , it will be because of business , and In
that event , there will be a competent lawyer
In chatgc of the onicc.
I am human , and no doubt have made
mistakes during my term of otllce. but I have
no excuses to offer neither any appologlcs to
make ; I have sought to discharge duty to
the best of my ability from mv view point ,
this I will continue to do ; I will thank you
for your consideration and will appreciate
your support.
Respectfully Yours ,
Having uled as a candidate for Supervisor
ot the third supervisor district subject to the
will of the republican primary. I will ap
preciate your support. If nominated and
elected I will use my best efforts for the ad
vancement of the best Interests of the dis
trict and the county In general.
I am a candidate for couuty attorney sub
ject to the aprroval of the republican prl
marles ,
I decided to again be a candi
date for the nomination for Sen
ator to represent the Fifteenth
district , embracing Custer , Val
ley , Elaine and Loup counties.
I have illed aa a democrat and I
icoplcs' independent candidate
and respectfully urge the voters
to investigate my record as a
member of the legislature during
the last session. I shall appreci
ate your support if I may seem
to you to merit it.
Respectfully ,
J. A. Ollis , Ord , Nebr.
Candidate for Congress.
Inm a candidate for the republican
lominntiou for Congress from the sixth
llstrict. I believe in good government ,
n square deal and that the Roosevelt
policies should l > e put into operation. I
have always been opposed to boss rule
and machine politics. I believe in repre
sentative government , in government by
the people and not by corporations. J
believe in loyalty to republican princi
ples and the protective tariff but do not
believe that downward revision has been
fully accomplished ; particularly with
with reference to the woolen , cotton ,
lumber and wire schedules.
I believe a congressman should have
convictions and courage enough to vote
them ; that he should not dodge , side
step and vote "present ; " that he should
not insurge at home and stand pat in
Washington , That he should keep his
ante-election promises and vote against
Mr. Cannon for speaker after having
promised the people to do so ; and he
should not vote to tax barbed wire at
$15,00 per ton after publicly announcing
that it should be placed to free list.
A congressman is elected by the public
and puid by the public to serve the
public and not to serve himself. He
should be satisfied to retider public ser
vice for the public salaty and not seek to
further enrich himself at the expense of
the public by acquiring coal lands in
Alaska belonging to the public domain.
His duty is to conserve the public re
sources and not to absorb them unto
limself and Mr. Ballinger's ttssistaucc in
acquiring a coal claim in Alaska is not
sufficient proof of either regularity or
ethics of the tiansactiou.
The success of the would he
insurgent congressional candi
dates that have tried out their
luck for this campaign docs not
afford very large chances of cons -
s 'lations for those whose pri
maries are yet to held.
The person whose only ambi
tion is to work for reward often
fails in the realizations of the
object of 'iis ' quest. So the can
didate for office who seeks to
succeed over his competition by
making pledges that he may
be looked upon as a failure for
his lack of a higher motive.
The beastly native in the
human family was not only
manifested in the crowd that
congregated at , Nev. , July ,
4th to witness the fight between
Johnson and Jcfferies but a large
per cent of the public who bet on
the result and those who so
anxiously waited for the first
news of result. Not until civili
zation is more genuinely Christ
oimzed will mankind be raised
to a higher level. It is a matter
of note that the commonwealth
of the Union there was but one
state that would admit the fight
within its borders. Of all the
barren and most desolate state
of the Union are the plans of
Nevada yet worse , is the lack of
Godliness of her rulers who en
couraged and admit of such de
What Senator Has Done-
Senator Burkett comes home
feeling well satisfied with his
work during the past session ,
lie is greatly pleased over the
much good [ legislation that has
Icon enacted , and says that
during his twelve years in Con
gress there has never been a
session when so much good pro
gressive legislation has been
passed as at the one just closing.
In addition to the general public
legislation he says there has
never been a session when he was
ailed upon for so much special
cgislatiou for Nebraska as at
his one.
The Congressional record
howsthat the Senator has ) been
a busy man for he has introduced
47 bills , offered 15 amendments
o the legislation pending , pre
sented over three thousand
petitions from constituents to
the Senate , addressed the Senate
on 62 different occasions , that he
never missed a vote , except on
the 30th of May when he wa
rnakinff a flying to Lincoln for
his Decoration Day address.
The record shows that he
passed 24 special pensions bills
for the old soldiers , secured an
appropriation of $100,000 for the
Lincoln Post Office building
$15,000 for a site for a public
building , at Chadron , $25,000 fo
a rifle range in Nebraska , an
appropriation to build employes
quarters , a blacksmith's she
and a Superintendent's cottag
at the Genoa Indian School $25 ,
000 to establish a fish hatchery
in Nebraska.
Also that he passed his bill
giving settlers on reclamation
projects the right to transfer
their title after they had lived
there the period required for
homestead entry , notwithstand
ing the fact that they had not
proven up their case under the
reclamation law.
Also he passed the Omaha
Indian Kill for the settlement of
the accounts of the Omaha
Indians with the government.
This is a matter that has been
pending in Congress and that
differentSenators and Representa
tives have been trying1 to enact
into law for the last dozen or
fifteen years.
lie also passed a law permitt
ing the Indians in Richardson
County to cooperate with the
draining of the Netnaha Valley ,
amended the federal court law
and secured a favorable report
upon his bill for the establish
ment of a School of Forestry at
Nebraska City. Also a favorable
report upon his bill for federal
boiler inspection of locomotives.
In addition to this , several
private claim bills , et al.
The Postal Savings Bank Law.
An act to establish postal sav
ing depositories for depositing
savings at interest with the
security of the government for
repayment thereof , aud for other
Be in enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of
the United States of America in
Congress assembled , That there
be and is hereby , created a board
of trustees for the control , super
vision , and administration of the
postal savings depository offices
designated and established un
der the provisions of this Act ,
and of the funds received as de.
posits at such postal savings de
pfsitory offices by virtue thereof.
Said board shall consist of the
Postmaster-General , the Secre
tary of the Treasury and the
Attorney-General , severally , act
ing ex officio , and shall have
power to make all necessary and
proper regulations for the receipt
transtnittal , custody , deposit , in
vestment , and repayment of the
funds deposited at postal savings
depository offices.
The board of trustees shal
submit a report to congress a' '
the beginning of each regular
session showing by states ant
territories ( for the preceding
fiscal year ) the number am
and names of post-offices receiv
Custer County
Land Man
If you have a snap in a
farm , or ranch for sale list
with me. If you want to
buy a snap in a farm or
ranch , come and see me.
Phones , office 42 , resi
dence 129 ,
i\ . E , Cliurcli. R. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a. m ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epworth
league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
lass , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
Coure cJ.Ji worship with us you
WM V' , Mitrc.nger in the church
but once. .
Baptist Uiurcli. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 p. m ; B. Y. P. U. 7:00 :
m ; preaching 8:00 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
8:00 : p. m ; Amoma class first and
third Tuesday of each month
7:30 : p. m.
Christian Church Z. 0. Doward , Pastor
At the Christian church next
Sunday. Communion and preach
ing services at 11:00 : a. m ; spec
ial song service and sermon 8:00
p. m. ; Special music by the choii
and others. There will several
selections at both services.
Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ-
ian Endeavor 7 p. m.
U. B. Cliurcli S. M. Zike. Pastor
Sunday school 10:00 a. m
preaching | 11:00 : a. m ; Junior C.
EJ. 3 p. m ; Senior C. E. 7. p. m.
Episcopal Church Will S J. Dutnvill.
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
sharp morning prayer and sermon
11:00 : ; evening song and address
at 8:00 : p. m.
See me hefore you buy that bill of
flour or feed. I want to buy
your cream for cash.
W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store
Phone 409.
ing deposits , the aggregate
amount of deposits made therein
the aggregate amount of with
drawals theretrom , the number
of depositors in each , the total
amount standing to the credit of
all depositors at the conclusion
of the year , the amount of such
deposits at interest , the amount
of interest received thereon , the
amount of interest paid thereon ,
the amount of deposits surrender
ed by depositors for bonds issued
by authority of this Act , and the
number and amount of unclaimed
deposits. Also the amount in
vested in government securities
by the trustees , the amount of
extra expense of the postoffice
department and the postal service
incident to the operation of the
postal savings depository system ,
the amount of work done for the
savings depositorty system by
the postoffice department and
postal service in the transpor
tation of free mail , and all other
facts which it may deem perti
nent and proper to present.
Sue , 2. That the Postmaster-
General is hereby directed to
prepare and issue special stamps
of the necessary denominations
for use , in lieu of penalty or
franked envelopes , in the trans
tnittal of free mail resulting from
the administrationof | this Act ,
SBC 3. That said board is
of trustees hereby authorized and
empowered to designate such
postofficcs as it may select to be
postal savings depository offices ,
and each and every postoffice so
Send Your Abstract Orders to
J. GL Leonard , Bonded Atstracter
Office in Security State Bank Building
IIIIIIHIilftll'illlil'lii ' I "lIKlf i II' 'liill '
or "Typhoid Fly , "
Don't allow flies in your house , Flies breed disease
Don't permit them near your food , especially milk. Screens keep them out
Don't buy food stuff where flies are tolerated We sell screens
Phone 79
G. L. Turner Lbr. Co ,
July Bate Tours
You can make an eastern trip any day at very low
rates lower than ever before. There is such a variety
of rate tours embracing so many sections of the East
that it is impossible to describe them here. Consult
with us.
If the east does not appeal to you , try a Pacific
Coast tour or a vacation in Yellowstone Park or in
The Wyoming extension has been completed to
Therinopolis , where Eighteen Million gallons of water
at a temperature of 130 degrees flow daily. This
beautiful resort is destined to become one of the most
attractive and effective health restoring localities in the
Call or write describing your proposed trip , and let
us help you.
H. Li ORMSBY , Local Ticket Agent.
" " " " , *
rTF "P"x ? *
ifififfil : Broken Bow , Neb.
L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A.
Omaha , Neb
How to Get Rid of Th'e Flies !
If you will call upon us in Broken Bow
we will show you how this is done.
We have the largest stock of SCREEN
in Broken Bow.
We can furnish you in any standard
size screen door or screen window.
Phone 23. J. S. Molyneux , Manager.
Have You Deeds
Insurance Policies , or other valuable papers ?
Ir so you need a Safe Place to keep them.
One of our
is an Ideal
place for such , and cost is only nominal.
Come in and let us show them to you.
( Strlctly/aiHomo Institution !
W. A. GEORClK.'preslilent JULES HAUMONT , Vice President
L. H. JEWKTT.tCasbicr U. D. PICKETT , AHSt. Cashier
designated by order of said board
is hereby declared to be a postal
savings depository office within
the meaning of this Act and to
be authorized and required to
receive deposits of funds from
the public and to account for and
dispose of the same , according to
the provisions of tnis Act and
the regulations made in pur
suance thereof. Each postal
savings depository office shall be
kept open for the transaction of
business during such hours as
the Postmaster-General , with the
approval of board of trustees ,
shall direct.
SBC , 4. That accounts may be
opened and deposits made in any
postal savings depository estab
lished under this Act by any per
son of the age of ten years or
over , in his or her own name , and
by a married woman in her own
name and free horn any control
or interference by her husband ;
but no person shall at the same
time have more than one postal
savings accouni in his or her own
Sac. S. That the postmaster
at a postal savings depository
office shall , npon the making of
an application to open an account
under this Act and the submis
sion of an. initial deposit , deliver
to the depositor a pass book free
of cost , upon which shall be
written the name and signature
or mark ot the depositor and such
other memoranda as may be nec
essary for identification , in which
pass book entries of all deposits
and withdrawals shall be made in
bath figures and writing : Pro
vided , That the Postmaster Gen
eral may , with the approval of
the board of trustees , adopt some .
other device or devices in lieu of
a pass book as a means of making