THE OUSTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN , LOCAL NEWS Old papers for sale at this office. Miss Gertie Barcus visited in Mcrua Sunday. Mrs. Elixa Whitney left for Anseluio Monday. Mrs. W. A. llowell returned to Thedford Saturday- Mrs. D. Hilton left for Grand Island Saturday. Mrs. Ada Smith left for Al liance Tuesday. Miss Charlotte Allen left for Gordcu , Ncbr. , Tuesday. . M. L < . Knapp was down from Mcrna on business this week. Miss Adah Bowen went to Lincoln Tuesday on business. Mrs , Mary Tiff of Berwyn was in Broken Bow Monday on busi ness. Leota Iluffaker was called home Monday on account of sick ness. Mrs. O. C. Simonson left Sun day for a visit with a sister near Merna. Miss Minnie Klatt came home Saturday after a weeks visit at Merna. Tin : PAIR IDIUL- Oakland and White steam Automobiles. Ream Bros. Miss Flora Crumly is spending her vacation with friends at Central City. I have money to loan on well improved farms at 6 per cent. E. C. House 51 t-f Don't forget the sOOO rods of Hog fencing at Groat's big store The best ever. Andy Summers of Merna was down Monday on business with county superintendent. J. R. Dye left for his home in San Diego , Cal. , Tuesday after a short visit with Dr. Bass. Mrs. W. A. McCallaof Chartou , Ohio arrived here Monday for a visit with Mrs. Mary McCalla. Mrs. JJ. Taylor of Anseley and Mrs. Douglas Brown of Monroe , Wis. left for their home Monday. Oakland and White steam Automobiles at $1000 , $1250 , $1700 , $2000 , $4000 Ream Bros. Leave orders for that fence at Greats big store 26 inches high , The best fence at 21 cents per rod. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McGuire left Tuesday for McLaughlin , South Dakota , where they now live. Edgar Marquis who has been working in Haeberle store , went to Kearney Monday morning to work. Mrs. C. W , Layton of Merna returned to her home after a weeks visit with her mother Mrs. Klatt. Dave Johnson and wife arrived Monday from Masoline , Ohio to visit his brother J. II. Johnson and family. Mrs. C. Davison and daughter returned home Saturday from Grand Island. Her cousin ac companied her home. The Ladies of the Baptist church will have a stan * the first door north of Fred Hayes store fourth of July. Mrs. M. Smith , Velma and Henretta went to Anseluio Mon day. They have a homestead in the lulls and expect to stay some time. Mrs , W. E. Robinson and daughter and Mrs. G. T. Robin son left Tuesday morning for Omaha to attend the wedding of Chas. 0. Robinson June 30. Chas. Wright left for Leaven- worth , Kansas , Monday night , where he accompanied his father- in law , Jacob Mauk , who is go ing there for medical treatment. Mr. Wm. Wilson arrived Fri day for a shoit visit with his cousins , Misses Todd. lie has been making a trip to prominent , places in United States and Europe , A , Uw { BEAUTY IN AND BEHIND GLASSES. Sonic glasses inny be „ Clothes mny be ill fitting or becom ing , > t depends upon who fits them and liow. "Do they fit ? " is a ques tion often nsked , regarding shoes or clothes , but not nlwnys thought of in connection with eyeglasses. Yon cnn wear chcnp untidy clothes nnd injure your reputntion , only. Yon cnn wear wear cheup ill fitting glasses' only nt the risk of injuring your eyesight. An ill fitting shoe nmkc.s itself known by pnin. Poor eyeglasses glasses give no wnrning until the Imrm is done Kverybndy rends , but all do not read understand- inglo. Almost anyone can fit you with glnsses , but will you be "fitted" after he hns "fitted" yon ? I cnn assist - sist in prolonging your eyes , useful ness and good vision. Sale of Firecrackers and Toy Revolvers That all may be informed of the lav/ and thus save to them selves trouble , which the lack of that knowledge might bring upon them , I herein set out the words of the statute , hoping that none will violate it. Sec. 2X57x1 "No person shall use , sell offer for sale in keep for \\ltliliittilsunytoy revolvers shooting bl.uiu cartridge , blank cartridges for toy rcvohcrs , toy , or lire- crackers more thin live Inches In leligth and more than three fourths of an Inch in diameter , provided caps containing dyna mite may be used , kept for hale or sold \vhui needed lor mining purposes or for danger signals , or for necissary use. " "AIIJ pctHonlol.itlong the provisions of this act shall be lined not exceeding * IWJ 00 or be Imprisoned In the county Jail not exceed ing : ! ! ) days. " I prefer to have this known by all rather than wait until a violation occurs. Respectfully N. T. Gadd. Mrs. J N. Ridenour left Wed nesday for her home at Merna. She has been visiting Mrs. Lang. Miss Alice Grimes of Glouo.- shire , England , and Mrs. Oilman and daughter of Chicago arrived last Wednesday night for a several weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. E Mauk. U. S. LAND OFFICE NOTES Broken Bow , Ncbr. Otto Gerlach of Gandy was in the city Monday of last week on land business with the view of amending his houistead. George McDonald of Anselrao came down Tuesday and re linquished his homestead on Sec. 10-20-24. which was filed on later by Hubert Leonard. Mrs. Annie Drake of Seneca was in the city Wednesday look ing after land business. David E. Mayer of South Oma ha was in the city Monday to make a homestead filing on land in T. 25 , R. 35. Miss Dessa Marchland of Melrose - rose , Iowa , was in Broken Bow Monday to file on a section homestead in T. 23 , 'R. 35. John C. Hire of bouth Omaha was in the city Monday and made a homestead entry in T. 23 , R. 35. Elijah Marchbanks of Melrose , Iowa , made a homestead filing in T. 23 , R. 35 Monday. Walter D. Wakins of Whitman was in the city last Thursday to apply for a section of land as a homestead. Miss Bertie Lilley of Hastings was in Broken Bow Friday to uiake applicafions for a section homestead in T. 23 , R. 29. Miss Lilley is an cmplyce in the Hastings /jsylutn. Miss Helen Durain of Wagner was in the city last Friday to re linquish her homestead entry T. 19. R. 25. She has a matrimon ial arrangement that will require her residence in Chicago , Illinois Marian S Canfield of Climax ac companied her and' filed home- In Their 11 ig Waterproof Tent For Commencing Monday , Ju4 ! The Broken How FAVOKITKS The LEWIS STOCK Co. W. F. LEWIS Opening Monday Proprietor and Manager Matinee with the Four Act Western Play "The Cowboy" And Monday Night The Five Act Labor Play 'For ' Humanity's Sake" The Company Carries All The Special Scenery For Giving First Class Productions. BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS Each One A Feature In Itself Roxy Pearl THE MYSTERY GIRL. Answers all Questions Pertaining to Business Matters , Lost Articles , Love AfFnits , Etc. Ask Her A Question Matinee Prices Children 23c , Adult 3oc Doors open 1:30 Curtnln at 2:30 Evening Prices Children 25c , Adult 35c A Pleasant Place To Spend A'Pleasant Evening IVA LEWIS Arc bundled in our store and the most complete and up-to-date bunch of fire crackers , etc. in the city. We also handle the famous Gold Medal Flour. Fancy Imported Cookies O. Wafers From England and Holland. We have and will have for the 4th of July lunches at home and for baskets the finest and freshest line of FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. J. N. PEALE Phone 161 THE1GROCER PhoneJ.80 Agent for DC Laval Separators Cream Station GEO. L. M'NUTT , D. P. M. The eloquent preacher who left his pulpit to don overalls and work In a factory to gat acquainted with labor conditions. Coming to 10 stead capers on her entry as soon as it was cancelled , Max Wiley of Dunning was in WE BUY , TEST and PAY SPOT CASH for CREAM. Ice For Sale in Small Quantities at The Cagle Grocery Store. The Square Deal Store Phone 58 THAT HOG FENCE Is now here and selling very fast If you want Jsome you had better come now. It is 26 inches High and 21 cents Per Rod S. P. CROAT & CO. STICK TO the one great fact ; The JACKSON i CAR is a great car , It is all good and you will tlnd they are better In construc tion and In all ways than any other The Jackson Is the uextnohlest In the United States. An evenly balanced , trout ; and sturdy and has lasting features throughout Call on or \ \ rite for furtherjlnfor matiou to J S McGRAW Jfcc&xnj ModerE'Tourabout , , Sales Rooms 1st door south of Bowon's the city Tuesday on a contest he had against the homestead entry of Elizabeth Hiney. Fred Weesncr of Dunning was in the city Monday furnishing supplemantary proof on his homestead. Daniel E. Siefried of Redfield Iowa , was in the city Tuesday tc THE BIG FOURTH Will soon ] bejhere.H ) , The Big AmericanfcEagle ] will spread > > its wings over Broken Bow. } > Let's have a big time. \ > \ We have added to our immense stock of groceries a great big- full line of Fire Crackers , Pistols , Flags , Torpedoes , Sky Rockets , Pin Wheels , Balloons , Novelties , Serpents , Etc. , Etc. Buy your Fire Works , Fire Crackers and Flags of us. ar. o. TKADE PUKE OLD CIDER VINEGAR MAUK ii rjiiu 'npuurgiiiniiijiiiii ' uipuimiiiii THE 4th IS HERE Let Us Celebrate in The Good Old Fashioned Way. Fireworks of all kind at all prices. Call ou us for Skyrockets Pin Wheels , Roman Candles. Caps , J < irecrack- ers , etc. Fresh Fruit Cherries , Peaches , Plumbs , Apri cots , Bauuanas , Oranges , etc. , at market prices. Canned Meats. Veal Loaf , Dried Beef , Potted Chickeu and Potted Ham. file on a homestead near Hyannis. Hubert Leonard of Anselmo was in the city Monday to file on government land in the north west part of the county. Stewart I. Springer of Ansel- mo was in the city Tuesday on a contest , which he had instituted > against Karston Kunth of Bakery Goods Buns , IDC per dozen ; Jelly Rolls roc each ; Cakes 150 and 3oc each , Cookies 2oc per pound. Sweet and Sour Pickles ioc per dozen. Cream Cheese 250 per pound. We have Corn Beef in bulk aoc per pound. Salmon \ Red Salmon iu ioc , 150 , 2oc , and 25c , cans. North Bend. Leonard E. Smith of Seneca was in the city Tuesday to file homestead papers in Sec. 24 and 25 , T. 26 , R. 30. George Greenwood of Seneca was in the city Tuesday looking after isolated government land in his district.