Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 30, 1910, Image 4

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$1.00 Per Yotvr.
All subscribers arc considered permanent
and If they wish to disc ontliiuc ate i-xnectcd
to imy all arrearages and notify publisher.
Entered nt JJrokcn How , Nebraska , for trans-
mlsslou In tlm United States malls
at second clans rates ,
D. M. AMSBfcRRY , lulilor and Publisher
WUcrn matter In Hot on wood bane electrotype
a Hat price of twenty ccntB per Incli.Rlnvlccol-
utuii , for cacli limcrtlon , two or more ItiRiTtloim
ISccntn per Inclt. position , slnirlo In ,
Bortlon 20 cents per inch. Metal base , electros ,
two or more times , IS cunts per Inch. 1'aymctit
Drat of cacli montli ,
J < ocnl advertising five cents per line each In
crtlon , . . .
Notice of cbnrch cluircli fairs , sociables and
entertainments where money la chanted , otic
Death notices free , half price for publishing
Card of Thanks , 0 cent * .
Legal notices at rales provided statutes of
Nebraska. .
Society notices and resolutions , oiie-haMr.ncs
Wedding uotlccs free. Half price for list of
Call For Republican Convention.
Thcltcmibllcitniot tlic County ol Cumcr ,
State ot Ncbrask.i.are hereby called to meet
In convention In the city of Hroken llow , on
Monday July 18th , 1U10 , at 11 o'lock In the
forenoon , In the forenoon , In the cadwell
building , for the purpose of selecting nine
teen delegates to attend the Republican
State Convention to meet at Llnroln , on
Tuesday , July 2Uli , 1'JIU , and to select the
County Central committee , and for tne
transaction of such other business as may
tirniM-rly route tn-fnre tbe convention.
The Convention shall be mane up of dele
gates chosen by tbe Republican of the re
spective townships of the County at caucuses
belli for that purpose , prior to bald 18th day
ofjuiy , 1910.
The basis of representation shall be one
delegate for each 10 voles or major fraction
thereof cast at the 1010 general election for
John U. Harncs , Republican nominee for
Supreme Judge.
Said apportion nont entitles .several town
whips to the following representation In said
convention , to-wlt :
Algernon 10 Oarllcld r >
Anslcy 14 Hayes 3
Arnold H Kllfoll \ \
uerwyn ' " ' ' " " '
Hroken llow 30 I'uup..I" ! . . . . . H
Cliff 7 Myrtle o
Custcr 8 Sargent 1 !
Comstock Triumph
Douglas Urove 8 Victoria 7
Delight 15 Wayne
Kllni ( i Westervlllu. .
Illk Creek H West Union. .
Grant 0 Wood Ulver li
Total Ml
no proxies be allowed , and that the delegates
present from each of the respective town
bhlps be authorised to tbe full vote of
their delegation.
The members of the County central Com
mittee who are to conduct the 11)10 ) campaign
must be chosen at this convention.
Alpha Morgan , Chairman.
William M , Dunn , Secretary.
Dated thl.s 22nd day of June , 191U , IJroken
JJow Nebraska.
Call from Cliff Township.
Notice is hereby given that there will be a
Republican Caucus held at the lllcks school
house Cliff Township Saturday JUlylO laio
at 2 p. in. for the purpose of electing 7
delegates to attend the Republican County
Conveutlon to be held at Hroken llow July ,
18 1910 and for the transaction of such other
business as may properly come before tbe
above meeting.
w. j. Rice ,
Uavlng Hied with the proper olllcer , I
now announce myself a candidate for the
olllce of county Attorney subject to the ap
proval of the republican party at the 1'rlinary
election to lie held August Iflth , 1910.
It Is perhaps needless for me to nay ; I
am unalterably aitalnst Iho Liquor Inter
ests , lam lor county Option , lor state and
nation wide prohibition.
1 am a republican , but am most emphat
ically for the revision of theTarllf downward
and for the removal of tariff upon things
essentially necessary to the comfort , health ,
happiness and prosperity of the
My present term ot ollice does not expire
until January 1'Jll , my time and ability there
fore Is the property ot the cltl/eii.s of the
county , ol all political complexion , that be.
1 have not been absent from any meeting of
the board of supervisors have been on hand
atali times when called upon by county
ofllcers from the least to the hlghent , Inc'iid-
Ing Township ana School district ollljrs :
When needed by the private citizen , Duller
over the 1'hone , or in person I have been on
hand by day or night , and this I will have to
hay at the end of my tcrmoj ollice regardless
of the results of the primary election ; If you
need the county attorney , you will tliul him
ot his ollice , not out In campaign , using your
time to further his personal Interests. If
absent , It will be because of business , and In
that event , there will be a competent lawyer
In charge of the ollice.
I am human , and no doubt have made
mistakes during my term of ollice. but I have
no excuses to offer neither any appologles to
make ; I have sought to discharge duty to
the best of my ability from mv view point ,
this I will continue to do ; I will thank you
for your consideration and will appreciate
your support.
Kespcctfully Yours ,
Having tiled as a candidate for Supervisor
ol the tmrd supervisor district subject to the
will of the republican primary. I will ap
preciate your support. If nominated and
elected I will use my best efforts for the ad
vunceincnt of the best Interests ol the dls
trlct and the county in general.
I am a candidate for couuty attorney sub
ject to tlio aprroval of the republican pr
I decided to again be a candi
date for the nomination for Sen
ator to represent the Fifteenth
district , embracing Custer , Val
ley , Elaine and Loup counties
I have filed as a democrat and
peoples' independent candidate
and respectfully urge the voters
to investigate my record as a
member of the legislature during
the last session. I shall appreci
ate your support if I may seem
to you to merit it.
Respectfully ,
J. A. Ollis , Ord , Nebr.
Congress adjourned last Satur
day , i
It is now to be seen whether
Senator Gore's sensational charge
has any foundation in fact or
whether it is another of hie
Senator Cummins of Dca
Moincs , one of the most prom-
ncul insurgents in congress
stales "that upon the whole
he work of the congress just
closed is excellent and that many
! oed measures are to its credit. "
President Taft proved his
ability as an able executive in
rorcing to final passage several
of the important bills for which
the public had been clamoring and
or which the republican party
was pledged.
The late congress has to its
record the passage of the rail
road bill , the statehood bill for
Arixona and New Mexico , Postal
Banks , two Battleships , Bureau
of mines , white slave regulation ,
and withdrawal , protection of
Alaska seals , creation of a tariff
board , besides many other item
of local interest.
Mr. Roosevelt has had two
terms , and publicly subscribedito
the rule that retired him at the
cud of the second. Only soph
istry supports the present move
ment in his name , and up to
this time sophistry has never
controlled him , or been found a
the brfse of any of his achieve
meuts. Washington Star.
Those republican members o
Congress who declined to stand
with the majority on party issues
during the recent session ma
find when they ask for rp.nomina-
tion that tliey are not so much
better or bigger than their party
as they had imagined. No
party has much use for a man
that can not be depended upon
in battle. Such denounce their
all * giance to party ties and make
their race for reelection independ-
lv of any party. If they did not
succeed in being elected they
might succeed in getting rid of
some of their own conccipt.
J. W. Crabtrec of Peru announ
ces through a circular issued to
the republican voters of the state
that he is a candidate for state
superintendent. Mr. Crabtree
has for twelve years been engag
ed in educational work in the
State , most of which time he has
been at the head of tnc Peru
State Normal. lie is not only
known to be one of the best
school men of the state but he is
held in high esteem by those
who have come under his teach
ing since -be has been in the state
work. His nomination and elec
tion should be unanimous.
Washington Letter.
Washington , D. C. Three
great issues will be presented by
the republican leaders for the
consideration of the voters of the
country during the coming cam
paign. The first will be the
legislation thus far completed by
the extra and first regular ses
sions of the 61st congress. The
importance of this legislation
has probably rarely , if ever been ,
exceeded by any previous con
gress. Three laws will stand
out foremost in addition to sever
al hardly less important laws for
the consideration of the people.
First the tarilT law passed at the
extra session ; secondly , the new
railroad law , and third , the Post
al Savings Bank law. Then too ,
the appropriations of the present
session will undoubtedly be scan
ned very closely , because an at
tempt has been made in spite of
the constantly increasing de
mands made upon the govern
ment to keep these appropri
ations very close to those made
for last year.
The Taft Method Gels There.
President Taft is being praised
on every hand for the quiet ,
prompt , effectual manner in
which he prevented an increase
in freght rates being carried into
effect by twenty four western
railroads. And he accomplished
more than that , for the eastern
lines which were contemplating
Al. E. Church. R. II , Thompson , Pastor
Suutlay School 10:00 a. m ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a. in ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epwortb
league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
1ass , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
nceting Thursday 7:30 : p1. m.
iL"j SJ.1 worship with us you
WM ? ? " , v.jfrz uger in the church
ut once.
laptist Church. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
reaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m ; 13. Y. P. U. 7:00 :
m ; preaching 8:00 : p. m ;
icachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. in ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
1:00 : p. in ; Atnonia class first and
hird Tuesday of each month
r:30 : p. m.
Christian Church L 0. Doward , Pastor
At the Christian church next
Sunday. Communion and preach
ug services at 11:00 : a. in ; spac
al song service and sermon'8:00 :
p. m. ; Special music by the choir
and others. There will several
selections at both services.
Bible school 10:00 : a. in. ; Christ
ian Endeavor 7 p. m.
U. B. Church S. Al. Zike. Pastor
Sunday school 10:00 : a. in
preaching 111:00 : a. m ; Junior C
E. 3 p. m ; Senior C. E. 7.p. . m
Episcopal Church W. J. Dunville Rector ,
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m
morning- prayer and sermon 11:0 :
a. in ; evening prayer and addrcs
at 8:00. : The Ladies Guild wil
meet at the home of Mrs. Jame
an advance in freight schedules ,
have since given assurance that
there will be no changes made
until after the railroad bill now
in coDferen.ce has become a law ,
and the authority to approve
rate changes has been vested in
the Interstate Commerce Com
But of the Taft method , the
Cleveland Leader has this to say :
"The inatnmer in which the
attempt of the railroads to in
crease freight rates has been met
is a good illustration of the Taft
method the processes which won
him such solid success as a special
representative of the Government
in Cuba , in Panama and in the
Philppi.aes and , as a member of
the Cabinet.
"When the western1 roads gave
noctice of their intention to raise
rates , he had the Department of
Justice enjoin them. Then the
other railroads of the country
lined up with those first involved ,
and it appeared that one of the
greatest battles ever fought by
the great common carries and
ledcral authority was on.
"But the railroad presidendts
knew one thing with certainty ;
fey were sure they colud get a
square deal in the White House.
They knew that President Taft ,
if he were shown that the pro
posed increase was just , would
stand by them , even if he invited
popular censure thereby. So
they went to the White House
and talked the matter over with
"One of the most important
ends sought by the President in
the railroad bill which has just
passed the senate is the empow
ering of the Interstate Commerce
Commission to investigate pro
posed increases in rates , to deter
mine whether they are justified
and will not impose a hardship
on shippers. Mr. Taft asked the
railroad men to await the enact
ment of the bill so that the ques
tion now up could go before the
commission for determination.
So strong is their confidence 1.d 1.n
his justice and BO well satisfied
arc they that the Interstate Commerce
merce Commission will treat * hctu
fairly , that they accepted. Np
attempt will be made to put the
rates up until permission is given
by the commission , The govern-
Custer County
Land Man
If you have a snap in a
farm , or ranch for sale list
with me. If you want to
buy a snap in a farm or
ranch , come and see me.
Phones , office 42 , resi
dence 129.
Sheppard & Burk
Advise all old and new
customers to bring their
baskets and lunches into
tee store and make them
selves at home. We also
have lots of fresh fruits ,
eatables and also the larg
est line of
Fire worlts
in the ci'.y.
They will be pleased to
meet all their old friends
and customers on the
4th of July
Sheppard & Burk
Phone 125 South Side Square
ment's injunction suits will be
withdrawn as soon as the rail
road bill becomes a law. Both
sides are satified and as far as
human institutions can be relied
upon exact justice will be done
both shippers and railroads.
"This is the Taft method. It
is somewhat different from the
Roosevelt way. But , given time
enough , it may disarm the pres
' critics. "
ident's most extreme
So the republican party iu this
campaign will be fortified as
never before in tbe arguments
it can present to the voters of
the county. There is no issue tote
to be dodged ; there is no issue
upon which they cannot present
an aggressive front. This
should mean an arousing of the
people throughout the country
and a rallying of the voters to
the president and the repubican
leaders of the county , and a sub
stantial republican majority in
the next bouse of representatives
to aid Mr. Taft , in the second
part of his term , to give the
Send Your Abstract Orders to
J. & Leonard , Bonded Abstractor
Office in Security State Bank Building
or "Typhoid Fly. "
Don't allow flies in your house , Flies breed disease
Don't permit them near your food , especially milk. Screens keep them out
Don't buy food stufl where flies are tolerated We sell screens
Phone 79
G. L. Turner Lfor. Co ,
iilington's New Main Line
Through Central Wyoming
the richest undeveloped country iu the west. Farmers here have no fear of
drouth , wind storms or hail storms.
is now so well started on its great wealth producing era that it not only ap
peals to farmers looking for new laud upon which to establish new homes
under most favorable conditions , hut appeals as well to the investor , who
wants to turn his money quickly , and to the
Business Man , Professional Man ,
Mine Operator and Manufacturer
in towns that are springing np like magic and where raw material iu plenty
can be handled at a profit.
The new line will reach Thermopolis about July I ,
connecting the outside world with one of the greatest
health resorts in America.
days. Send right away for our new booklet just off the press , then go with
me on one of our personally conducted excursions.
D. CLEM DEAVER , General Agt.
Land Seekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnum St. , Omaha Nebr.
How to Get Rid of The Flies !
If you will call upon us in Broken Bow
we will show you how this is done.
We have the largest stock of SCREEN
in Broken Bow.
We can furnish you in any standard
size screen door or screen window.
Phone 23. J. S. Alolyneux , Manager.
Have You Deeds
Insurance Policies , or other valuable papers ?
If so you need a Safe Place to keep tkem.
One of our
is an Ideal
place for such , and cost is only nominal.
Come in and let us show them to you.
( Strictly mHomo Institution )
W. A. OEOUGK.rpresldent JULES HAUMONT , Vice President
L. H. JEWETT.tCashler U. D. PICKETT , Abut. Cashier
people in every section of the
country the best administration
FIIANK J. CHENEY makes oath tbat he Is senior
partner ot tlic firm ot 1" . J. CHENEY & Co. , doing
business In the City ot Toledo. County and State
nfaresalil , and that said firm \\lll pay tlic sum ol
ONI ! lIU.VOIliu : UOLLAHS for each and every
rase ot CATAIUUI that cannot bo cured by tue use ol
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence.
this Cth day ot December , A. U. , 1886.
, - - I A. W. QLEASON.
Haifa Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and nets
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the
system. Bend tor testimonials , free.
K. J. CHUNKY A CO. . Toledo , a
Fold by all DruCRlsts. 75c.
Take Hall's 1'amlly rills for constipation.
Ctf. No. 3091.
To M. S. Allen :
You are hereby notified that on Nov. 0.
1905 , K. A. Wight purchased al public sale
for taxes for the year 1W1 the following
described land to-wlt : The west H acres of
North lt of North Kast U of section 2K Town
ship 18 Uange 25 In Custer county , State of
That said land was assessed In the name of
M. S Allen , and that , after October U , ID 10 ,
tax deed will be applied for.
Dated June 30 , MU.
4-0 L. A ,
The silver-tongued orator of the
Southland. His purpose In life Is to
wiake the world happier. The management -
agement can get no better because
there are no better lecturers than
Senator Taylor. - , -