Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 30, 1910, Image 1

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    State "llisxorical
duster Counts IRepubltcan
, , , , , , , ,
For Two of Broken Dow's Prominent and
Well Known Young People.
On Thursday June 23 , Mrs.
Edgar Osboruc and Miss Ethel
-Rockwell gave a miscellaneous
shower honor of Miss Nellie
The Rockwell home was a
bower of beauty , the dining
room being'decorated in red and
gold hearts , red shaded candles
furnished the light for the occa-
The place cards were hand
painted with designs of orange
blossoms and old shoes.
After all the guests were as
sembled little Marvin Rockwell
as Cupid came in drawing a little
cart heaped with gifts for the
bride after which being display
ed the guests were invited into
the dining room where a dainty
three course supper was served.
After the supper the bride was
asked to read the sentiments
that ench guest had written on
her card and were appropriate to
the occasion.
On Friday June 24 the Misses
Tierney , Finlen , Richardson and
Gutterson gave a dance at the
club rooms in honor of Miss
O'Brien and Mr. Brittan. Punch
was served during the evening.
On Sunday last Mr. Edgar
Osborne gave , a stag dinner in
honor of Mr. Brittan.
On Wednesday June 29 occurr
ed the nuptial event for which
all the above affairs were given
making Mr. Chas. Brittian and
Miss Nellie O'Brien man and
The tnarnge was solemnized
at St. Joseph Catholic church at
eight o'clock by the Rev. Father
Moser before a host of friends.
As the strains of the wedding
march began , played by Miss
Philbert Tierney. the bridal
procession marched down the
aisleHo a beautiful alter bedeck
ed with cut flowers and ferns.
Miss Beatrice O'Brien as bride's
maid , dressed in yellow satin ,
wearing a big picture hat and
carrying yellow roses with Helen
and Irene Downs , Helen Finlin
and Hazel Rockwell as flower
girls in white , made a picture as
they wended their way down the
asile ahead of the bride strewing
rose petals in her path , who
came leaning on the arm of her
brother Mr. Mike O'Brien , Her
dress of white brocaded satin ,
trimmed with lace and seed
pearls , she wore a full veil held
in place by orange blossoms and
carried a large Coquet of white
They were met at the alter by
the groomand Mr. James Thomas
as as best man , where the im
pressive ring ceremony was pre
Among the out of town guests
were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Brittan
of Callaway. Fred Brittan and
Ed Foley of Anselmo , Dr. and
Mrs. Copsey of Alliance and
Father Dooley of Dale.
At the wedding breakfast
given al the Haye's home the
following were present. Mr.
The Presidential Nominations Confirmed
by the Senate June 2 ( .
( Congressional Record )
Among a number of conflr-
mations of the presidential ap
pointments by the senate June
24 , 1910 appears the names of
John Reese , Register , and Darius
M , Anisberry , Receiver , of the
land office of Broken Bow , Nebr. '
These nominations for reappointment -
pointment were made by the
president on June 21st , the day
previous to the expiration of the
present term ,
and Mrs. C. M. Brittan , Fred
Brittan , Father Dooley , Father
Moser , and Mr. and W J , Brittar.
Mrs , Gillings and Mrs. W. J.
Brittan helped Mrs. Haye's
Another Tncory of the Cause of Win
llallock Being Killed by Train.
Mrs. Belle Steele a homestead
er near Thedford , who holds the
position of Field Superintendent
of an Indian Reservation in
Minnesota was in Broken Bow
Tuesday on her way back to her
Indian charge. She is the wo
man who hired Willie Hollock
at Dunniug last Friday morning
to help her drive a bunch of
cattle to Thedford. She says
they drove as far as Nattick
Friday where they stopped over
night at Mr. Parker's and turned
the cattle in Mr. Parker's pasture
to rest and graze.
They remained at Parker's un
til noon when she and the boy
went out to start the cattle. The
stock broke away from them and
went over the ience and a high
bank into the river. Willie left
the cattle as Mrs Stcclcsupposed
to get the horse he was riding
but never returned. Mrs. Steele
by the assistance of section hands
finally got the cattle out of the
river and on to the road. The
men say they started up the
track towards Thedford. Not
being able to drive the cattle
alone Mrs. btcelc herded them
until evening hoping the boy
would return. As he failed to
come back one of the section
men helped her drive the cattle
on to where she got other help to
take the cattle on home ,
She saw no more of the boy
and did not know what had be
come of him until she heard of
his tragic death. Her theory is
not that the boy was asleep or
planned suicide , but that he
could jump on the cow catcher of
the engine and secure a ride.
She says he had told her of rid
ing on the front of the engine
and that he enjoyed it.
The cement walk was com
pleted to the cemetery last week.
The good work of putting in
cement walks has commenced
but there should be no let up un
til all the principal business
streets and residence streets lead
ing to the business portion ot the
city is provided with substantial
cement or brick walks ,
One of Broken Bow's Young Men Passed
Away After Long Illness.
Broken Bow was shocked Mon
day when it heard of the death
of Clarence Towslcy which oc
curred Sunday night.
Clarence LeKoy Towsley was
was born Feb. 211S83 in Atlantic
Iowa where he lived until three
years of age when his parents
moved to Broken Bow.
He has lived in Broken Bow
and vicinity since that time.
He was married to Miss Hanna
B. Hlackstouc Dec. 28 1905 at
Tekatnah , Neb.
He was buried in the Broken
Bow Cemetery.
Rev. R. II. Thompson preach
ed the sermon.
He leaves besides a wife and
one child , a father P. M. Towslcy
an aunt Mrs. P. M. Towslcy ,
and a cousin , who reside in
Broken -Bow and a brother ,
Rollie V. who lives in Los Angles
California. ,
The family and parent have
the heartfelt sympathy of the
community in their bereavement
What has become of the "Clean
up Olub ; " has it gone into winter
quarters ? ( Signed )
A Subscriber.
The Lewis Stock Company in
their big water proof tent the
week of July 4lh.
Many of the friends of Dr. C.
P. Fordyce will be pleased to
hear of his marriage last week to
Miss Maddox of Falls City. They
are now on a trip to the coast
west and will return to Broken
Bow about August 1st where the
doctor expects to take up the
practice of medicine.
At the Catholic church last
Wednesday June IS 1910 at nine
o'clock George Allard and Miss
Margcret Gundy.
After the wedding the relatives
and friends went to the home of
of the brides six miles southeast
of Broken Bow where a wedding
reception was held.
The young couple spent several
days visiting relatives ,
A dinner was given in their
honor Sunday by a sister of the
The RiU'unucAN joins them in
extending congratulations. '
John F. Gillings and Florence
Elizabeth Loucks at the home of
the bride in Sheridan , Wyoming ,
Wednesday June 22 , 1910. '
Mr. Gillings is a former Custer
county boy. His father and
mother live here. He is an ex
cellent young man and has a'
position with the government as
Eedeaal Court reporter at Chey
enne , Wyoming.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Loucks of
Sheridan , She is a very accom
plished young lady.
The young couple will make
their home in Cheyenne , Wyo.
Broken Bow proposes to plan for the most extensive line of amusements for the 4th of July she has
ever giveu. The goods for a grand display of fire works in the evening has already "been received.
The floral parade will "be worth seeing. Come early and spend the day and evening.
How and novel amusements will "be provided. Something to
please every one
The following is a partial list of what will happen :
Salute at Sunrise
_ Auto Floral Parade
Comic Parade
Address by Prof. K. I Elliott
Balloon ' Ascension with
Monkey Aereonaut
Prof. Halloway's Dive
Big Program of Sports
Laying of Cornerstone at
New High School
10-Round Boxing Contest be
tween Prof. Gray of Cin
cinnati , O. , and Prof. Black
of San .Francisco.
Balloon Accension with
Monkey Aereonaut.
Prof. Halloway's High Dive
Grand Display of Fireworks
2 Moving Picture Shows
Lewis Stock Company , underjj
Games and Contests
Side Shows
Band Concerts