5OVERNOR GILLETTE OF CALI FORNIA ISSUES ORDERS. TO GET RESTRAINING ORDER State Executive Instructs Attorney General to Get Busy Referee Rlckard Says Fight May Be Held Elsewhere. San Francisco. Stirred to action by Insistent protests from all parts of the state , Governor James Gillette took steps to prevent the championship light between James J. Jeffries nnd Jack Johnson , scheduled to bo held In this city July 4. In a letter to Attorney General U. S. Webb , the governor expressed his dis approval of prize lighting in unmeas ured terms , directs that the aid of the courts bo invoked to prevent tie match , and concludes with u positive that in case the plea for a retraining - training order Is not granted , and viio light is held , the attorney general shall proceed to gather evidence and prosecute the principals and thee In terested In the light for violation of the penal code of the state. The letter declares the supreme court of California has never defined a prize fight , and suggests an oppor tunity be given to do so. Governor Gillette telegraphed to At torney General Webb to take similar action in the fight between Al Kauf man and Sam Langford which Is scheduled to take place Saturday , June 18. Reno , Nov. Heno made the first bid for the light as soon as the Asso ciated Press bulletins announced the action taken by Governor Gillette-and Attorney General Webb wore made public. Tex Rickard was sent a tele gram signed by A. J. Aylesworth , manager of a local theater and repre senting prominent business men , stat ing that this city would erect a suit able arena and furnish the $1,000 bonds required by the state law if the promoters will bring the contest here. Appointments and Pensions. Washington. Eli/.abeth M. Long of Lincoln Nob. , has been appointed nurse at the Indian school at Albu- cuierque , N. M. Hugh Wcthcrbce of Omaha has been appointed examiner in connec tion with the Interstate commerce commission. Nebraska pensions granted : Emma S. Crawford , $12 ; Ella M. Drake. ? 12 ; Martha E. I ewis , $12 ; Mary J. .Mathers $12 ; Alarior Parker , 12 ; Jen Shehan , $20. comptroller of currency has auu\orlzed the First National bank of Lynch , Neb. , to begin business with a capital of $2ri,000. C. E. Rose is president , T. 13. Rose vice-president , Dan Melsher cashier , and J. A. llodgo assistant cashier. Floods in Europe. Rellgrade , Servia. 'Floods ' following torrential rains have caused havoc in the valley of the Morava river. Thir ty-live lives have been lost. Thu towns of Chupria , Jagodyna and Svilainatz have been Inundated. Water to the depth of from seven to ten feet has Vlled the Btreets. Many'houses , un- , On-mined , have collapsed. King 3'eter and the minister of public \sorks has loft for the scene. Police Guard State House , ( itithrie , Okla. Police are still on duty about the state house with in structions to report at once any at tempt to remove the state records in violation of an Injunction issued by the court. Judge Huston of the dis trict court said ho would rule on the attorney general's demurrer to the In. Won at once. Taft Meets Rough Riders. T'arkersbiirp , W. Va. President Tuft and ono hundred rough riders. Joyously on their way to New York by special train to participate in the Roosevelt reception next Saturday , passed through here Tuesday. Mr. Taft will receive the old Roosevelt ' * troopers at the while house. I i Conference on Coal Strike. Kansas City. Thomas L. Lewis , president of the United Mine Workers of America , held a conference with ittiarlea S. Keith , chairman of tlio con- Ibronce committee of the Southwest ern Interstate Coal Operators' associ ation , in an effort to settle the strike of the coa'l miners of the southwest. Hot Weather in Chicago. Chicago. The arrival of belated summer has announced itself wltli the jlrt-t heat prostration of the season. The victim was an eleven year old boy who succumbed while playing with rompaulons at a picnic. Declare Independence. Berlin. Advices received by the ( Jerman Cablegram company from Ulo | do Janeiro state that Insurgents in the jtfefocture of Jurua , In the Aero Il /i , < > t of western Brazil , have do- their Independence. Acre territory , where an insur rection is reported to have occurred , IIHS an nrcur of about 7-1.000 square miles and n population of about 70- 000 The territory was acquired by Bril from Bolivia In 1Q02. The In dian element predominates. IN THE POULTRY HOUSE. The male is half the pen it pays to get the best you can buy. Pullets arc the best layers. Old lens bring the egg record down. But of course there nro always exceptions. The removal of nesting material , mil refilling with clean dry nesting , is a great help In keeping down the iice. Poultry IB ono of the best-paying things on the farm when properly cared for and brings In something every month of the year. If one wants to breed from 20 to a& liens , two males should be used on al ternate days. While ono Is running with the hens the other should bo cooped nnd fed extra. Ono of the most difficult things for a beginner in poultry raising to learn Is to cull closely , and there arc others besides the beginners that need to practise this jiecessary thing. A film of kerosene over the drink ing water will * prevent ono chick's catching disease irom another ; also it will cure alight colds ; an easy pre ventive and no possible harm In U. The hens will lay better and do bet ter every way if no males are al lowed to run with them , and the eggs will not become stale anywhere near so quick as when males are kept with the Hock. A uniform Hock all of one kind of fowls is moro satisfactory in app'car- ance , moro easily handled and gives moro uniform results , and a consider able greater profit , than a mixed lot of different kinds. Beware of feeding new corn to tur keys or fowls you are preparing for the market. For heavy feeding for fat tening purposes old grain is safest and gives much the best results. This Is particularly true In regard to fatten ing turkeys. Ono good male and eight or ten of the best females will produce all the hatching eggs wanted on the average farm , and separate quarters should bo provided for them and the run of the farm given to the main flock of laying hens and pullets. Onions chopped line and mixed with the lien's food occasionally will pro mote health. Onions arc a great poul try tonic and they are relished by fowls old and young. Our fall hatch ed chicks tumble over one another to get to their feed when onions arc mixed with H. TRAP NESTS ARE VALUABLE Permit Poultryman to Keep Record of Each Hen and Weed Out Poor Ones How Used. I presume every one knows what trap nests are by thla time , and so will merely say that they arc nests in which the hen that lays the egg is confined until a record Is made of her achievement , when the trap is again set for another hen. I know of just two kinds of trap nests , ono that closes as soon as the hen goes in and the other that is closed only after the egg has been laid. In the former kind the hen Is shut In whether she lays or not , and as hens are often curious they may be caught In this way and confined unnecessarily , writes W. 11. Home-Made Trap Nest. Warner In Orange Judd Fanner. In the other kind the hen may go in and out at pleasure , but cannot bo con fined until after the egg has been laid , since tlio egg itself Is used for closing the trap ' \ A trap nest is to the practical poul- tryman what the Dabcock test Is to the dairyman. It gives each hen's record of egg laying. Thus the poor layers may bo picked out and the good ones favored. It Is better for the poultryman to get rid of these hens and their progeny as early as possible , especially where poultry are kept for eggs , and it is easier to build up n laying strain of fowl than a good milking strain of dairy cattle. A handy trap nest Is shown Ju the accompanying picture. It is so simple that any ono can make It. It is , in fact , merely an ordinary nest with a cir cular or square opening In front. The door , as shown , is of very light stuff , pivoted at the top. When the nest is set , a wlro runs across the opening and rests against a piece of tin pro jecting from the opposite hole. When the hen enters , she lifts the loose end which permits the door to drop be hind her. After she has laid , she Is removed and the trap set for the next one. Provide Shade for Chicks. Provide chicks with shade and where a cool breeze can fan them In warm weather. This should bo sup- piled , even If a temporary board roof Is tbo only thing that can be fur- nlslx.-d. GOOD ALL-PURPOSE CHICKEN Should' Possess Egg-Laying Qualities and Mature Quickly for Mnr- ket Plymouth Rock Excels , < Uy AV. M. KKM.Y. ) The HrRt tiling to consider \vhon se lecting n breed IH tbo purpose \vo desire - sire tlii'iii for. There are some breeds of poultry Hint nru adapted to but onu purpose and Hint IH laying eggs , among thorn being what poultrymcn call tbo Medi terranean breeds , such ns the Leg- UOIIIB , MlnorcnH , lamburgs and oth ers. ers.Those Those are very good breeds but what n beginner la after IB n hen that will not and hatch some lco young chickens and take rare of them In thu bust shape. Ho will also want a breed that will bo ideal for market , one that will ma ture early , have a nlco clean color , bo good layers , lay good-sized eggs , ac tive enough to be good rustlers after True Type of Barred Rocks. grasshoppers and worms , bo good set ters and mothers , easily tamed and handled and a breed that will bear con fin cm cut well. There are many excellent breeds of this class found among what are known as the American breeds. The Plymouth Rocks , Rhode Island Reds , the Wyandottes , and other breeds belong - long to this class. The Hrahmas , Cochins , Langshangs and others of the large breeds of Asiatic class nro not as good layers ns the smaller breeds , they are more In clined to be broody and as n rule are not as good rustlers as the American breeds and for that reason I would not ndvisc one to select one's founda tion stock from that kind of breeding. When we look the Held all over there is no breed that stands preeminently nently at the head of the utility class like the Plymouth Rocks nnd I do not believe that a person would go wrong if ho selected stock from some good flock of that breed. The Plymouth Rocks lay good-sized eggs that are of a nice shape and color. Of the various breeds of Rocks I would choose the White Rocks , as it is easier to breed them true to color , they dress very clean and white when killed for market. The Duff Rocks and the Warred Rocks are excellent fowls and are ful ly as good In many respects as the White Rocks , but one will llnd It much easier to breed birds of a solid color and keep them true to typo and mark ings than to breed the colored breeds. For a chicken that will grow fast and mature early I know of no breed superior to the White Rocks. They have a plump body and are attractive in the market and when full grown have the weight that makes them bring home the money that it cost to grow them. The cockerels that are to be sold In the fall make quite an Important Item for us to consider and the White Rocks cannot bo excelled in this point. When the hens are too old to keep for egg producing purposes it Is quite an important item to have them weigh six to eight pounds. There is an increasing demand for dressed fowls and if you have egg cus tomers you should be able to make ar rangements to supply them with dressed poultry whonovcr ordered and get the lop price for your .surplus stork. Charcoal for Chicks. Charcoal may bo obtained from any dealer in poultry supplies at a cost of about one dollar per 100 pounds. If the reader does not understand how to burn wood for charcoal , It Is per haps cheaper to buy the prepared ar ticle. Wood may be easily converted into charcoal by getting a quantity of it to burning In a pit , then cover the top of the pit with an iron covering and leave it to smolder till the flre dies out. Pulverize the charcoal till it becomes powder and mix It with the soft feed. Dry Picking Chickens. Most markets require that picking be done dry. Any one can become an expert in this manner of picking with a little study and experience. As soon as the bird has been killed and while It Is still bleeding , the feathers should be removed , care being taken not to tear the skin. The picker should not wait till the bird has bled , because it will become cold then and the feath ers will not bo removed so easily. Killing is generally done by sticking the knife In the roof of the mouth. White China Geese Popular. The white china gecKe are thought by many to bo the best layers of all geese. A good breeding goose two years old or older with good care will lay from 35 to GO eggs in a season. Breed ing geese should not bo too fat , as the eggs from fat geese never hatch. In the summer , when they can get plenty of grass , they do not need a single kernel of grain and they will thrive and keep in fine condition with out If , LAND IN CANADA AN INVESTMENT WORK IT , AND SECURE 20 PER CENT. ON THE EXPENDITURE. Farm lands Jn Canada Increased In value tlilH Spring from ilfteeu to twen ty per cent , and an u result of this Increase thousands of those who havn gone there within the past few years have had that much uioro value added to their holdings. Thcro la proof hero that ns n Held for investment there Is nowhere to bo found n uioro profitable - able ono than in purchasing farm lands in Canada. And , ns n field for occupation and working the farms there Is uowboro on the continent where moro sntialactory return Is given. The crops are always sure and the prices nro nlwayH good. With railroads entering and traversing all the settled pa ta , there nro' very few districts In which the farmer will bo more than from ten to twelve lullca from a railway station. Roads are good , nnd big loads nro easily handled. The price of getting grain to the pri mary market IB low on tula account , and then in reaching the world's mar kets the railways have their rates con trolled by the Government , and what may be considered a fair deal Is cer tain. Good prices for nil kinds of grain is the rule , nnd If the Investor has made good money by the Increased value given to Ills unworkcd land , H Is not diiricult to understand that the profit to the man who works his land Is just that much more , and there will be no depreciation. The man who holds a Ireo homestead of ono hundred and sixty acres of land , which he got for $10 as an entry fee , has land which at Its lowest estimate Is worth $10 nu acre yes , $1C au acre the moment ho has completed his three years' residence duties. It will continue to Increase In value until Its earning power gives n , reasonable In terest on a certain sum. That \B \ , If he takes off the land fifteen to twenty dollars per aero clear profit each year , his land Is worth to him , nt a fair rate of interest , $200 nn acre. If ho only realizes $10 an ocro clear profit , It Is worth $100 per acre. Now , thou sands of farmers tire dupllcnting these figures. The price of land In Canada to-day is much less than Its realizing value. The fact that the fifty thou sand Americans who went to Canada year before last were followed by ono hundred thousand last year offers some evidence , nnd good evidence , too , that there la getting to be n pretty fair knowledge that money Is to bo made In Canada lands. AH an Investment money Is to be made , but more by living upon the land , secured either by home stead or purchase. The ono hundred thousand of last year will bo one hun dred and fifty thousand this year. These comprise- people from every state In the Unlonr.nnd It Is Just being realized the asset that awaits the homeseeker in Canada. The largo numbers that have gone , though , makes no appreciable difference In the supply of land. There Is still left vast quantities ol the best of it. But the longer a delay Is made Jn anlvlng at a decision , the prlco will advance proportionately , nnd the moro de sirable homesteads near the railway lines become moro difficult < o secure. The Government publishes Interesting literature , which may be had on ap plication to any of the agents whose offices arc located nt different points through the States , and they ( the agents ) will bo pleased to assist In any way possible in the choice of lo cation. Casey at the Jet. 'What's tills 1 hear about Casey ? " asked MeGInnla. "He's boon trying to asphyxiate himself , " said O'Hoilly. "G'wan ! What did bo do ? " "Ho lit every gas jot In the house and sat down and waited. " Every body's. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury , ns mercury will mirrty iJealroy llio wnrn of rniell and ruinpli tcly ilcranci ; tlio wlioto syptcm when entcrlne It tlirmisli llm mucous nurMr . Hucli urtloU'8 Minuld never bo uwl cut [ it on prrsrrliH tlons from rrimtublo iitiy-BlcUrn. aa tlio damauo they will do I * tri InI'l to tljii KiKxl you ran possibly < 1e- rlvo from them. Iliill'o Ctttarrh Cure , manufactured by r. J. Clieiii'y A Co , IVh-clu , O. , contains no mercury cury"nd 's ' ' 'iki'ii t'ltrrinlly ' , noting directly upon tlio blood and tnmoim Hurfurefl < ) I the njKtem. In buying Hall H CM-arrli Cure txi mro you get tlit genuine , it In taken internally and made In Toledo. Ohio , by I' . J I'lieney A. fo. Testimonials free. Sold by nrueirinM. 1'rlns. He. | T bottle. Take llall'B rurally I'll ! * tor constipation. Natural. "And did your wife die a natural death ? " "Oh , yec She was talking when the end rnme. " Mr . Wlnnlow'H Hooililni ; Syrup , Tarclilldren t4 > ethlni < , MiflrMHllmKuniKredurmln- fUuimution.allaT * ' juilu.cun-n Ahnlnullc. ! &ca UitUw. Ilonc-st politicians arc as plentiful ) n some places as while blackbirds. iiiuUljjUUlUl U ' n i nniiTjir H mji i jj u uuiliJWJI ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT XNfetfctablc Preparation for As similating ihcFoodaixinegula- ling the Stomachs mid Bowels of Promotes DigcslionChccrful- ness and Rcst.Contalns neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC /W//v efOM DrSAftVELimfiRt Salts WJ/WI JttJ A perfect Remedy rorConstipn- lion , Sour Stomach.Dinrrfwca , Worms .Convulsions. Feverishness - ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of THE CENTAUR COMPANY , NEW YORK. Guaranteed under the Foodnn Exact Copy of Wrapper. ffor Infanta and Children , You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature . . THI OtKTAUH OOHMHT. DIM TO * CrrT. You no longer need wear your self out with the weakening heat of an intensely hot kitch en. You can cook in comfort. Here is a stove that gives no oufisidc beat , All its heat is concentrated at the burners. An intense blue flame ( hotter than either white or red ) is thrown upwards but not around. AU the heat is utilized in cooking none in outside heating. entirely removes the discomfort of cooking. Apply a match and immediately the stove is ready. Instantly on intense heat is pro jected upwards against the pot , pan , kettle or boiler , and yet there is no surrounding heat no smell no smoke. Why ? Because The New Perfection OH Cook-Stove io ocientlfkally and practically perfect. You cannot use too much wick it la automatically controlled. You get the maximum heat nocmokc. The burner 13 simple. One wipe with a cloth clcano It consequently quently there is no emell. The New Perfection Oil Coot-Stovo Is wonderful for year-round uce , but especially in summer. Ita beat oper- atea upward to pan , pot , or kettle , but not beyond or around. It la usclean for heating a room. It has a Cabinet Top with shell for keeping plates and food hot. It has lon/j turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish , with the bright blue of the chlmneyo , mokcn the Qtovo ornamental and attractive. Made with 1 , 2 and 3 burners ; the 2 nnd 3-burner stoves can bo bed wither without Cabinet. or tlmt the name-plate rcade "New Perfection. " i : pryclfjlfr f\rtf\\litrf } If not nty nr , writs lor UcicrlpllTO Circular lu Urn uauoUaueuc etui * Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) Rejected by Hobo. Weary H'H a poor rule that work both ways. Willie G'wan ! H'H a poor rule to work at all. ' When Rubbers Become Necessary And your Hhors pinch , HliaUo Into your elioc.s Allon'H Foot-Kaso. tlio untlsppllu powder for tliu feet. Curca llrod , aching feet and tuUcH tlio slim ; out of Corns and IIunlotiH. Always listIt for HrcultliiK In Now sliocH nnd for Untieing purlieu. Sold ovcrywlicrn 25c. Sample innllrd FHEIO. Address , Allen K. Olmntod. Jo liny , N. Y. According to tsotnc It makes no dif ference how many dead cats you throw Into the well BO long no you keep the pump handle polished. Kor Itnl , ItfliliiK ICyelldn , C > ( , .Slye Falllnp I'yolnHhi-H und All ISyes That Need Care Try Murlim lOyo Salvo. Asep tic TubcH Trlul Slssi' i5e. Auk Your DriiR- Klst or Write Murlno Kye Remedy Co. , Chicago. Sincerity , u deep gcnulno uinccrity , is the ( IrtH characteristic of ull jnon in any way heroic.Carlylo. . A < : iUTAIN MKTIMM ) for curing crnm ps dluri hca nnd iljwntiTTUbr UKlnir I'alnMUtr ( I'rrru Hurls' ) Tills inodldnn li.i Mm" tallied tlio regulation f or ovrr 70 ycurhJat lo und We. No Alonzo , a silver cup never runs when It IK chased. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the best o [ nil medicines for the cure of diseases , disorders und weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu ated physician an experienced and skilled specialist in the diseases of women. It ! s a safe medicine in any condition of the system. TIIE ONE REMEDY which contains no nlcohol and no injurious habit-forming drugs und which create ! ) no craving for such stimulants. THE ONE REMEDYLso tfood that its makers are not afraid to print its every ingredient on each outside bottle-wrapper and attest to the truthfulness of tbo name under oath. It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere , nnd any dealer who hasn't It can fict it. Don't take a sabstituto of unknown compoiition for this medicine op KNOWN COMPOSITION. No counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist who says homething else h "just as good as Dr. Pierce's" is cither tnio < akci or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such a man is not to bo trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless possession your heahu may be your life Jtsell. See that you get what jroa ask for. The Army of Constipation la Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are responsible they nof only giro relief t they permanently , cuio Conittp- lion. Mil- . lioui tuo them for Bilioni- BUI , IccL'gcition , Sick Hcadadi * , Sallow Skis , j SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE I GENUINE mutt Lear n'gnature : WESTERN 0ANAOA Senator Dolllver , of Iowa , says : ilTlio itrenm of emigrant * from the United BtktM IM | _ to Canada will continue. " Uouator UollUur rwontlr p M \lilt to Woileru Canada. > ud * arm " 'Intro U a landliunzerlntholioarta of l ni'lUu tpeaklnff poo- pa ! ; till * will account for tuo rnranvul of no 'many lena larnion to Ontinln. Our t oplo ara plowx ! with it * Clnr rnm nt nd tlio uicmlnnt nJinlpU. trillion of law. and the ) nro comlnu to you In ten ) of thmuunJ * . nnd . lonncontrtbu ted large ly to the 7O.OOO AmerU mil fnrnirm wlin made CnuAdn liolr hoiao Uurlni ; 1UUQ. i It-Id crop returns nlnno tutlienraUh of thccountry upward * of Grain cronlnc. mixed funu- luff , rritua ratline nnd dnlr Jliitr aronll ( irofllnblu. Free IIouio- Klrmln of 10O acre * nro to r > liad In tlio torr best dlatrlr ! i. lUOucrupro-oruvtloiMBtfS.i J l > or nrro nlttila certain om . bcliooU nnd rhurchea In cvvi-y noetlriiioiit , dlmntn unexcellixl. f Uljj8 richest , wood , water uuil bttllillui.- material plentiful. I iir particular * at tolooulon , low Mttleni' rullmir rate * and ilewrltv. t TO Illuitrate.I . p molilot , "Lait lo t Wr t , " and other Informa tion , write to Hui/t of Immigra tion , Ottawa , Can. , or to Coa4U Government Accnt. W. V. BENNETT Rota 4 Sit Cldf. Oaubj. Xih. ( Usaaddrt-MnearMtyou. ) ( I ) SNORING PREVENTED irmll fur un apHlnm' " raxllr used and effectual Write plain. 1,11