Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 23, 1910, Image 8

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Something Lacking.
"Disappointed in Venice , with Its ro-
tnantlc lagoons nnd canals ? "
"Well , there wasn't any place to
fihoot the chutes. "
Of Peculiar Interest to Women.
Mrs. Mary I. Remington , Klgloborry
| 8t , Gllroy , Cal. , soya : "I suffered BO
fBoveroly from pain nnd norcness over
the UldneyB thnt It wns n task for mete
to turn over In bed.
My kidneys acted
very frequently , but
the secretions wcro
retarded nnd the pas-
uages scalded. I was
wonk nnd run down.
After Inking other
remedies without ben
efit , I began using
Doau'ii Kidney Pills
and wns permanently cured. I wn
Going through the critical period of a
woman's life at that tlmo and after
using Donn's Kidney Pills there wns a
miraculous change for the bettor In my
health. "
Remember the name Doan's.
For sale by nil dealers. CO cents a
box. Fostcr-Mllburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y
Aroused Sporting Instinct.
An Irish pollcomnn who wns also
Bomothlng of a sportsman , had been
'pooled on a road near Dublin ( o catch
the scorching motorist. Presently ono
came along at 20 miles nn hour , nnd
tUia policeman saw it pass without n
feign. Next came a large motor travel-
{ tag at 40 miles an hour , and the eyes
of the guardian of the public bright-
sncd. And then ono passed at the rate
a mile a minute. "Hegorrnh , " said
Pat , slapping bin thigh , "that's the
Wat of tbo lot. "
Proper Care of Tuberculosis.
According to Uio National Associa
tion for the Study and Prevention ot
ruberculoals , Now York r tate leads
In the number of beds for consump
tives provided up to May 1 , with 6.47G
jeda ; Massachusetts Is second , with
8,403 beds ; Pennsylvania third , with
t347 beds ; Colorado fourth , with 1,489
jeds , and Now Mexico llfth , with
1,104 beds. As yet , not one state In
.ho country has made adequate pro
vision for Its consumptives. Now
fork has set itself the task of having
'No uncared-for Tuberculosis in 1915 , "
ind several cities in other parts of
luo country have adopted similar pro-
jrams. The national association
soys that tuberculosis will not bo
stamped out until all cases of thin
liseuse nro cared for cither in their
Somes or in institutions. With this
and In vlow , efforts will bo mndo to
Increase Uio number of hospital beds
lu this country to at least 35,000 by
Way 1. 1911.
Medicine Not Needed In Tills Case.
It la hard to convince nome people
that coffee does them an injury ! They
lay their bad feelings to almost every
cause but tbo true and unsuspected
But the doctor knows. Ills wide ox-
pcrlcnco bas proven to him that to
oomo systems , coffno is an Insidious
poison that undermines the health.
Ask Uio doctor if coffee Is tbo causa
of constipation , stomach and nervous
"I have been n coffee drinker all
Biy life. I am now 42 years old and
when taken sick two years ago with
/lorvous prostration , the doctor said
dat my nervous system was broken
down and that I would have to give
up coffeo.
"I got so weak and shaky I could
not work , and reading your advertise
ment of Postum , I asked my grocer If
ho had any of it IIo said : 'Yes , ' and
that ho used it In his family , and It
was all It claimed to bo.
"So I quit coffee and commenced to
UBO Postum steadily and found in
about two weeks' tlmo I could sleep
eouudly at night nnd get up In the
morning feeling fresh. In about two
rnonUia I began to gain flesh. I
weighed only 146 pounds when I com-
ponced on Poatum , and now I weigh
1C7 nnd feel bettor than I did at 20
years of ngo.
"I nm working every day and sleep
well at night My two children were
great coffee drinkers , but they hav
not drank any slnco Poatum came Into
the house , nnd are far-more healthy
thnn they were before. "
Rend "Tho Road to Wollvillo , " found
ia pkgs. "Thero'B n reason. "
Kver rend tlio nliovo IHIerf A new
uue niipvnrM from time time. They
lire Kt-nulut , < rue , mid full of human
Minn Tunes , Hplnstcr nnrt Kunrdlnn of
Gertrude und llulsoy , cBliibllslicd HUininnr
handaiiurtcra nt 8umiynldo. AinlilHt nu-
iticronn dlll''ultl ( ( > H tlio Hurvnntfl dcsorlcci.
As AIlKH Junes locUnd up for tlio night ,
nlio wns Htnrtlcd by u dark ilxuro on tlio
vnrandu. Hlio pimocd a tcrrlblo niKlit.
which WIIM Illlrd with unsncmly nolnos.
In tlio mottling Miss Innes found it
strniiKO link cuff button In n clothe *
hamper. Ocrtrudo and lliils-py arrived
with .luck Jiiillcy. Tlio hoimo WIIH uwnlc-
cnr-d by u revolver ohol. A fttnniRo nian
WIIH found shot to dcnlli In thn hull.
It provud to be the body of Arnold Arm-
Htrontf. whose bunker father owned the
country lioime. Ml .t IIIIICH found Ilnl-
cey'H revolver on the lawn. II" and Jack
Uiilloy had dlsnpp.-nrcrt. The link cuff
button mysteriously disappeared. Iie-
tertlvn JiiinlOHon and the coroner arrived.
Oertrwlu revealed that who waste
to Jnck Halley. with whom Hlio had
talked In the billiard room a few mo
ments beforn the murder. Jiunleson told
MIsH Inncii that aim wns JildliiB evidence
from him. He Imprisoned an Intruder In
an umpty room. The primmer cacaned
down a lininilry chute. It developed that
the Intruder wn probably a woman.
CHAPTER VII. Continued.
"Llddy , " I called , "go through the
house at once and sco who Is missing ,
or If any one la. We'll hnvo to clear
this thing at onco. Mr. Jamleson , If
you will watch hero I will go to the
ledge and llnd Warner. Thomas
would bo of no use. Together you
may bo ahlo to force the door. "
"A good Idea , " ho assented. "But
there are windows , of course , and
there Is nothing to prevent whoever Is
In thcro from getting out that way. "
"Then lock the door at the top of
the basement stairs , " I suggested ,
"and patrol the house from the out
side. "
Wo agreed to this , and I had a
feeling that the mystery of Sunny-
side wan about to bo solved. I ran
down the 'Stops and along the drive.
Just at the corner I ran full tilt Into
somebody who seemed to bo as much
alarmed as I was. It was not until I
had recoiled a step or two that I rec
ognized Gertrude , and she mo.
"Good gracious , Aunt Hay , " she ex
claimed , "what Is the matter ? "
"There's somebody locked In the
laundry , " I panted. "That Is unless
you didn't see any ono crossing the
lawn or skulking around the house ,
did you ? "
"I think wo have mystery on the
brain , " Gertrude said wearily. "No ,
I haven't uccn any one , except old
Thomas , who looked for all the world
as if ho had been ransacking the pan
try. What hnvo you locked In the
laundry ? "
"I can't wait to explain , " 1 replied.
"I must got Warner from the lodge. If
you came out for air , you'd better put
on your overshoes. " And then I no
ticed that Gertrude was limping not
much , but sufficiently to muko her
progress very slow , and seemingly
"You have hurt yourself , " 1 said
"I fell over the carriage block , " she
explained. "I thought perhaps I
might KCO Ilalsoy'comlng home. He
ho ought to bo here. "
I hastened to the lodge.
"Whero Is Warner ? " I asked.
"I I think bo's in bed , ma'am. "
"Get him up , " I said , "and for goodness -
ness sake open the door , Thomas. I'll
wait for Warner. "
"It's kind o' close In here , ma'am , "
ho said , obeying gingerly , and disclos
ing a cool and comfortable-looking in
terior. "Perhaps you'd kecr to sot on
the porch an' rest you'solf. "
It was so evident that Thomas did
not want mo Inside that I went In.
"Tell Warner ho Is needed In a hur
ry , " I repeated , and turned into the
little sitting room. I could hear
Thomas going up the stairs , could
hear him reuse Warner , and the stops
of the chauffeur as ho hurriedly
dressed. Hut my attention was busy
with the room below.
On the center table , open , was a
sealskin traveling bag. It was filled
with gold-lopped bottles and brushes ,
and It breathed opulence , luxury , fern-
Inlnlty from every Inch of surface.
How did It get there ? I was still ask
ing myself the question when Warner
came running down the stairs and
Into the room , llo was completely but
somewhat Incongruously dressed , and
his open , boyish face looked abashed.
IIo was a country boy , absolutely
frank and reliable , of fair education
and Intelligence ono of the small
army of American youths who turn a
intural aptltudo for mechanics Into
the special field of the automobile ,
and earn good salaries In a congenial
"What Is it , Miss Innes ? " ho asked
"Thero Is some ono locked In the
laundry , " I replied. "Mr. Jamleson
wonts you to help him break the lock.
Warner , whoso bag Is this ? "
Ho was In the doorway by this tlmo ,
and ho pretended not to hear.
"Warner , " I called , "como back
hero. Whoso bag Is this ? "
Ho stopped then , but ho did not turn
"It's It belongs to Thomas , " ho
Bald , and ( led up the drive.
To Thomas ! A London bag with
mirrors and cosmetic Jars of which
Thomas could not oven have guessed
tbo use ! However , I put the bag In
the back of my mind , which wan fast
becoming stored with anomalous and
apparently Irreconcilable facts , and
followed Warner to the houso.
Llddy ha < l coiue back to Uio kltch-
on ; tlio door to the basement stairs
wan doublo-barred , and had a table
pushed against It ; and beside her on
the table won most of the kitchen par
"Did you nco If there wan any ono
missing In the IiowioY" I naked , Ignor
ing the array of sauce pans , rolling
plus and the poker of the range.
"Iloslo Is missing , " Llddy said with
unction. She had objected to Uosle ,
the parlor maid , from the start. "Mrs.
Watson wont Into her room , and found
she had gone without her hat People
that truat themselves a dozen miles
from the city , In Btrango houses , with
servants they don't know , needn't be
surprised If they wako tip some morn
ing and llnd their throats cut. "
After which carefully veiled sar
casm Llddy relapsed Into gloom. Warner -
nor came In then with a handful of
small tools , and Mr. Jamleson wont
with him to the basement. Oddly
enough , 1 Was not alarmed. With nil
my heart I wished for Ilalsoy , but I
was not frightened. At the door ho
wan to force Warner put down his
tools and looked at it. Then be
turned tiio handle. Without the slight
est dllllculty the door opened , reveal
ing the blacknesn of the drying room
beyond !
Mr. Jamleson gave nn exclamation
of disgust. "Gone ! " "
ho said. "Con
found such caroleim work ! I might
have known. "
It wns true enough. Wo got the
lights on , finally and looked all
through tlio three rooms that con
stituted this wing of the basement.
Everything was quiet and empty. An
explanation of how the fugitive had
escaped Injury was found in n heaped-
up basket of clothes under the chute.
The basket had boon overturned , but
that wns all Mr Jnmlesonexamlnedtho
windows ; ono was unlocked , and of
fered nn easy escape. The window or
the door ? Which way had the fugi
tive escaped ? The door seemed most
probable , and I hoped It had boon so.
I could not have berne , Just then , to
think that It was my poor Gertrude
wo bad been hounding through the
darkness , and yet I had mot Ger
trude not far from that very window.
I went upstairs at last , tired and
depressed. Mrs. Watson nnd Llddy
were making lea in the > kitchen. In
certain walks of life the ton pot is the
refuge In times of stress , trouble or
sickness ; they give tc'n to the dying
and they put it in the baby's nursing
bottle. Mrs. Watson was llxlng n trny
to bo sent in to mo , and when I asked
her about Hoalo she continued her
"Sho's not here , " she said ; "but I
would not think much of that , Miss In
nes. Roslo Is n pretty young girl ,
and perhaps she has a sweetheart. It
will bo n good thing If she hns. The
mnlds stay much bettor when they
have something llko thnt to hold them
here. "
Gertrude had gone back to her
room , and whllo I wns drinking my
cup of hot ton , Mr. Jnraleson cnmo In.
"Wo might take up the conversation
\\noro wo loft oft nn hour nnd a half
n-50 , " he said. "But before wo go on ,
I want to say this : The person who
escaped from the laundry wns a wom
an with n foot of moderate size and
well arched. She were nothing but
n stocking on her right foot , nnd , in
splto of the unlocked door , she es
caped by the window. "
And again' I thought of Gertrude's
sprained ankle Wns It the right or
tbo leiil
The Other Half of the Link.
"Miss Innes , " the detective began ,
"what is your opinion of the figure
you saw on the east veranda the night
you nnd your mnid wcro in the house
nlono ? "
"It wns a woman , " I said positively.
"And yet your maid nfllrms with
equal posltivcncss that it was n man. "
"Nonsense , " I broke In. "Llddy
had her eyes shut she always shuts
them when she's frightened. "
"And you never thought then thnt
the Intruder who came later that
night might bo n woman the woman
in fact , whom you saw on the veran
da ? "
"I bad reasons for thinking it was
a man , " I said , remembering the pearl
"Now wo are getting down to busi
ness. What were your reasons for
thinking thnt ? "
I hesitated.
"If you have any reason for believ
ing that your midnight guest was Mr.
Armstrong , other than bis visit here
the next night , you ought to tell me ,
Miss Innes. We can take nothing for
granted. If , for Instance , the intru
der who dropped the bar and
scratched the staircase you see , I
know about that if this visitor was
a woman , why should not the same
woman have como back the following
night , met Mr. Armstrong on the cir
cular stalrcnse , nnd in alnrm shot
him ? "
"It wns a man , " I reiterated. And
then , because I could think of no oth
er reason for my statement , I told
him about the pearl cuff-link. Ho was
intensely Interested.
"Will you give me the link , " ho said
when I finished , "or , at least , let mo
"But Before We Go On , I Want to Say This. "
see it ? I consider It n most impor
tant clew. "
"Won't the description do ? "
"Not as well as the original. "
"Well , I'm very sorry , " I said , as
calmly as I could , "I the thing Is
lost. It it must have fallen out of
a box on my dressing table. "
Whatever bo thought of my expla
nation , and I knew ho doubted it , he
made no sign , llo asked mo to de
scribe the link accurately , and I did
so , whllo ho glanced at a list ho took
'rom his pocket.
"Ono set monogram cuff-links , " be
cad , "ono set plain pearl links , one
set cuff-links , woman's head set with
diamonds nnd emeralds. There Is no
ucntlon of such a link ns you de
scribe , nnd yet , if your theory is right ,
Mr. Armstrong must hnvo taken back
In his cuffs ono complete cuff-link , and
n hnlf , pcrhnps , of the other. "
The Iden was new to mo. If It had
not been the murdered man who had
entered the house that night , who
had it been ?
"There are n number of strnngo
things connected with this case , " the
detective went on. "Miss Gertrude
Innes testified that she beard gome
ono fumbling with the lock , that the
door opened , nnd that almost immedl
ntely the shot was flrcd. Now , Miss
Itnes , hero is the strnngo pnrt of that.
Mr. Armstrong hnd no key with him.
There wns no hey in the lock , or on
the lloor. In other words , the evi
dence points nbsolutely to this : Mr.
Armstrong wns admitted to the house
from within. "
"It is Impossible , " I broke in. "Mr.
Jamleson , do you know whnt your
words Imply ? Bo you know thnt
you nro practically nccuslng Gertrude
Innea of admitting thnt man ? "
"Not quite that , " ho said with bis
friendly smile. "In fact , Miss Innes ,
I am quite certain she did not. But
as long aa I learn only parts of the
truth , from both you and her , what
can 1 do ? 1 know you picked up some
thing In the flower bed ; you refuse
to toll me what It was. I know Miss
Gertrude went back to the billiard
room to get something , she refuses to
say what. You suspect whnt happened
to the cuff-Hnk , but you won't tell mo.
So fmv nil I nm auro of is this : I do
not believe Arnold Armstrong was the
midnight visitor who so alarmed you
by dropping shall we say , a golf-
stick ? And I believe thnt when ho
did come ho wns admitted by someone
ono In the bouse. Who knows It may
have been Llddy ! "
I stirred my tea angrily.
"I hnvo always heard , " I snld dry
ly , "that undertakers' assistants are
jovial young men. A man's .sense of
humor seems to be In Inverse proportion
tion to the gravity of bis profession. "
"A man's bouse of humor Is n bar
barous and a cruel thing , Miss Innes , "
ho admitted. "It Is to the feminine
as the hug of a bear is to the scratch
of well , anything with claws. Is that
you , Thomas ? Como In. "
Thomas Johnson stood In the door
way He looked alarmed and appre
hensive , and suddenly I remembered
the st-nlskln dressing bag in the
lodge. Thomas came just insldo the
door and stood with his head droopIng -
Ing , his eyes , under their shaggy gray
brows , fixed on Mr. Jamleson.
"Thomas , " said the detective , not
unkindly , "I sent for you to toll us
what you told Sam Bohannon at the
club , the day before Mr. Arnold was
found here , dead. Let me see. You
came hero Friday night to see Miss
Innes , didn't you ? And came to work
M'ro Saturday morning ? "
For some unexplained reason
Thomas looked relieved.
"Yas. sab , " ho said. "You aec It
were llko this : When Mlstah Arm
strong and the fam'ly went away , Mis'
Watson an * mo , ue was let' In charge
till the place was rented. Mis' Watson
sonshe'vo , bin here a good while , an"
she warn' skeery. So she slop" in the
house. I'd bin bavin' tokens I tel *
Mis' Innes some of 'em an" I slop *
in the lodgo. Then ono day Mis' Watson - ,
son , she came to mo an * she sez , scz
she : 'Thomas , you'll hev to sleep up
in the big house. I'm too nervous
to do It any more. ' But I jes * reckon
to myself that of it's too skeery for
bur , it's too skcory fer me. Wo bad
it , then , sho' miff , and it ended up
with Mis' Wntson stnyin' in the ledge
nights an' me lookln' fer work at do
club. "
"Did Mrs. Watson say that any
thing had happened to alarm her ? "
"No , sail. She was jes' natchally
skecred. Well , that was all , far's
kno\\ , until the night I como over to
see Mis' Innos. I come across the
valley , along the path from the club
house , nnd I goes home tbnt way.
Down In the creek bottom I nlmost
run Into a mnn. IIo wuz standln' with
his back to me , an' be was workin"
with one of those yero electric light
things that fit in yer pocket. lie was
hnvln' trouble ono minute it'd flash
out , an' the nex' it'd be gone. I bed
a view of Ms white dress shirt an' tie ,
as I passed. I didn't see his face. But
I know it warn't Mr. Arnold. It was
a taller man than Mr. Arnold. Besides
that , Mr. Arnold was playln' cards
when I got to the club house , same's
he'd been doln' all day. "
"And the next morning you came
back along the path , " pursued Mr.
Jamleson relentlessly.
"The nex' mornln' I come back
along too path an * down where I dun
see the man night befoh , I picked up
this here. " The old man held out u
tiny object and Mr. Jamleson took it.
Then bo hold It on his extended palm
for me to seo. It was the other half
of the pearl cuff-link !
But Mr. Jamlcson was not quite
through questioning him.
"And so you showed it to Sam , at
the club , and asked him If ho know
any ono who owned such a link , and
Sam said what ? "
"Wai , Sam , he' lowed he'd seen
such a pair of cuff-buttons In a shirt
belongln' to Mr. Uniloy Mr. Jack
Bnlley , sail. "
"I'll keep this link , Thomas , for a
while , " the detective said. "That's
all I wanted to know. Good-night. "
As Thomas slmfiled out , Mr. Jamie-
son watched mo sharply.
"You seo. Miss Innes , " ho said , "Mr.
Bailey Insists on mixing himself with
this thing. If Mr. Bailey came hero
that Friday night expeciug to meet
Arnold Armstrong , and missed him
If , as I say , ho had done this , might
bo not , seeing him enter the following
night , have struck him down , as he
had Intended before ? "
' But the motive ? " I gasped.
"There could bo motive proved , I
think. Arnold Armstrong and John
Bailey have been enemies slnco * .ho
latter , a cashier of the Traders' bonk ,
brought Arnold nlmost Into xho
clutches of the law. Also , you for
get that both men have been paying
attention to Miss Gertrude. Bailey's
tlight looks bad , too , "
"And you think Hnlsey helped him
to escape ? "
and ten other kinds. Delight
ful natural flavor and made
from the very best materials ,
with the care of experienced
chefs , in th e great White Enam
eled Kitchens.
Libby'a Soups are ready
for immediate uae by adding
an equal portion of hot water
Ask your grocer
for Libby's Soaps
Libby , McNeifl
& libby
Complacent Smoker Had No Use for
' the Bands , So What Was the
There were four of them on the
rear platform of a car , thrown to
gether , so to speak , by a rough track.
All were smoking. An odor , not of
cigars , detracted somewhat from in
terest In the general conversation.
The odor became pronounced. Ono
of the quartette cast about for a rea
son. He saw one of bis companions ,
complacently smoking a cigar that B
had burned down past the flaring red
band that girdled it. There remained
no question of the source of the odor.
"Excuse me , " tbo discoverer said to
the complacent one , "your cigar band
is burning. "
"That's all right , old man , " the com
placent ono replied. "I'm not saving
them. "
The Vocabulary.
Webster was compiling the diction
"Getting together a few words J *
use in a 50-word telegram , " bo ex
Herewith the public called him
If a man who is early to bed and
early to rise doesn't get rich , bis wife
Is firmly convinced It's because ho Is
too honest.
The man who improves his talent
always gets God's reward for doing it
Follows a breakfast that is
pleasing and healthful.
Arc pleasing and healthful ,
and bring smiles of satisfac
tion to the whole family.
"The Memory Lingers"
Popular Pkg. lOc.
Family Size 15c.
Postum Cereal Co , Ltd.
Battle Creek. Mich.