Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 23, 1910, Image 6

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$1.00 For Yonr.
All subscribers arc considered permanent
nil a H they wish to discontinue arc expected
to pay all arrearages anil notify publisher.
Entered at Broken Bow , Nebraska , for tram
mission In the United States mall *
at second claim rates.
D.M. AMSIURRY ; , Editor and Publisher
Where matter In set on wood bane electrotype
a Hat price of twcjtty cents per Inchulnifle col-
nrun'for each limertlon , tw ornioro liinortloiin
15 cents per Inch. Stxsclal position , slnirlo In
eertlon 2U cents per inch , Metal bane , electros
two or more times , IS cents per Inch. Payment
first of each mouth.
Local advertising five cents per line each In
Notice of clmrcli church ( airs , noclabtcn and
entertainments where money Is chanted , one
half rates.
Death notices free , half orlcc ( or publishing
Card of Thanks , 0 cenu.
Legal notices at rates provided statutes of
Society notices and rcnolntloiiB.totie-li.iil r.ixes
Weddluir notices free , half price for list of
Call For Republican Convention.
The Republicans ol the County of Ouster ,
State of Nebraskaarc hereby called to meet
In convention In the city of IJrokcn now , on
Monday July iHth , luiu , at II o'lock In the
forenoon , In the forenoon , In the cadwell
building , for the of selecting nine
teen delegates to attend the Republican
State Convention to meet at Lincoln , on
Tuesday , July 26th , 1'JIO , and to select the
county Central committee , and for the
transaction of Huch other business as may
properly come before the convention.
The Convention shall be made up of dele
gates chosen by the Republican of the re
Bpcctlvc townships of the County at caucuses
held for that purpose , prior to said IHth day
of juiy , 1910.
The basis of representation shall be one
delegate for cacli 10 votes or major fraction
thereof cast at the 1010 general election for
John It. Itarncs , Republican nominee for
Supreme Judge.
Said apportion nont entitles several townships -
ships to the following representation In said
convention , to-wlt :
Algernon 10 Garlleld
Ansley 14 Hayes
Arnold 8 Kllfoll .11
Htcrwyn 7 Lillian 7
Jlrokcn liow 30 Loup H
Cliff 7 Myrtle 0
Ouster 8 Sargent IS
Comstock 5 Triumph '
Douglas Grove 8 Victoria "
Delight 15 Wayne . 0
3311m 6 Westervllle 9
Elk Creek 8 West union 0
Grant 0 Wood River 11
Total 231
no proxies bcallowcd.and that the delegates
present from each of the respective townships -
ships be authorised to cast the full vote of
thvtr delegation.
The members of the County central Com-
mlttce who arc to conduct the 1010 campaign
must be chosen at this convention.
Alpha Morgan , Chairman.
William M. liunn , Secretary.
Dated this 2jnd day of June , 1910 , Hrokcn
Vow Nebraska ,
We notice from the Elaine
County Booster that Carl Ams-
"berry ot Mason City is the asso
ciate editor of that paper. Carl
is the oldest son of J. M. Atns-
berry and has practically been
brought up in a printing office
and ought to make good. The
REPUBLICAN hopes for his suc
cess. *
The Beacon's offer to "give $10
lor a valid reason why a man
living m Custer county should
vote to uphold a protective tariff"
seems to be all wind. We gave
the Beacon four good reasons two
weeks ago and as yet have not
seen a red cent. Until we can
lave some real evidence that the
offer is genuine we do not deem it
wise to advance other reasons ,
for fear of being accused of cast
ing our "pearls before swine. "
Governor Shallenberger has
decided not to call an extra ses
sion of the legislature in order
to pass an initiative and refreu-
dum law. His decision not to
call the extra session in face of
the fact that the Bryan forces
liad secured a pledge from three-
fif ths-of the members of the legis
lature that they would support
the bill would indicate that the
governor and Mr. Bryan are not
eating their ice cream out of the
Bame dish in this campaign.
Side Walks.
The time has come when every
body in Broken Bow should urge
the building of better sidewalks.
Most of our board walks are in a
bad state of repair. Then there
streets with
s re several residence
no walks simply because one or
1 wo parties do not care to go to
the expense of putting in cement
c r brick walks on their property
unless they build their walks so
t hey can get out without wading
1 hrough mud. Let the agitation
liecome general. If necessary the
council should plan a system of
walks throughout the several
residence districts leading to the
business part of town and pass
BD ordinance meat the whole
yystcm compelling walks put in
The remark is frequently heard
to be made by strangers that
Broken Bow is behind the times
with her side walks. This should
not be. Let us begin at once to
put in a complete line of walks.
It is true that Kinkaid did
prove of some service to the people
ple in procuring the passage of
the Kinkaid homestead law but
a similar bill hud been introduced
by his predecessor , Judge Neville
and that Kinkaid simply reap
ed the reward that should have
conic to Neville. Beacon
We have seen the $
before that Judge Ne
the author of the Kini
but the statement is fals
The section homes
was originated in Broke
The matter was sug
members of the state li
by two men at Lincoln
matter of the Detrich
pending in congress to
government Hind.
These two men froi
Bow urged upon memb
state legislature to pas
lution opposing the lei
and suggested that ins
the homestead law be
allowing 640 acre houj
the sand hill couiil
memorial to congress \
and forwarded , out of f
Kinkaid. Judge K
entitled to full credit
ing and securing the [
the Kiukaid law. ;
matter was originated
sed after Judge Nevil
Did Not Cntcr A Coal Clalr
by Opposition
It is interesting to
the opposition will m
misconstrue a fact i
make a political capii
That such will be d
confined to the demo ' ,
rival candidates in t
lican party for pei
resorts to democratic ,
we stated last week i
gaily qualiflcd may ,
homestead or a coal
Congressman Kinka
enter a coal claim in
did buy a quarter sec1
with coal on a part o
cntryman who com pi
law and made final pi
The title to the land
fore private proper !
sequently exempt ' 1
vation policies and
enactment. The r
this coal land was
similar to the riglit
has to buy land whii
homesteaded , after t
has complied with t
cordiugly , Glavis , h
there was nothing v
transaction and At
deis , also represent
said it was neithe
improper. Congres !
looking over deed
Ouster county with
* ? * "
investing in it.R \ \
good a right to buy
in Alaska as in Ctisl
> N
Having tiled with the
now announce myselFa
oillce of county Attorney i
proval of the republican p :
election to be held August
H Is perhaps needless
Bin unalterably adalnst
ests , 1 am for county opt
nation wide prohibition. . '
I am a republican , but
Ically for the revision oft1
and for the removal of I
essentially necessaryto * tl
hamilness anil prohpcrlty
My present term ot.ora
until January 1911 , my tlir
fore Is the property of.t
county , of all polltlcal'coi
lug true I WILL NOT * W
I havcnol been absent frc
the board of supervisors.0
at all times when called
otllcers from the least to t
Ing Township and Hclioo
When needed by the private , either
over the 1'hone , or In person I have been on
hand by day or night , and this I will have to
say at the end of my termoi oillce rcgvrdlcss
of the results of the primary election ; If you
need the county attorney , you win n ml him
ot his onicc , not out In campaign , using your
time to further his personal interests , It
absent , It will be because of business , and In
that event , there will be a competent lawyer
In chat gc of the onlce.
I am human , and no doubt have made
mistakes during my term of ofllce. but I have
no excuses to offer neither any appologlcs to
make ; I have sought to discharge duty to
the best of my ability from mv view point ,
thin I will continue to do : I will thank YOU
for your consideration and will appreciate
your support.
Respectfully Yours ,
Having Died as a candidate for Supervisor
ot the third supervisor district subject to the
will of the republican primary , I will ap
preciate your support. If nominated and
elected 1 will IMP my best efforts for the ad
vancement of the bcht Interests of the dis
trict and the county In general.
I am a candidate for couuty attorney .sub
ject to tliu aprroval of thu republican prl
marlcs ,
Custer County
Land Man
If you have a snap in a
iarrn , or ranch for sale list
with me. If you want to
buy a snap in a farm or
ranch , come and see me.
Phones , office 42 , resi
dence 129.
Try tint White Satiu flour nt I
iir ti run l. . . r J C .
Send Your Abstract Orders to
J. Q. Leonard , Bonded Abstractor
Office in Security State Bank Building |
Screens Keep 'Era out
We Sell Screens
Good Ones Too
Phone 79
I * Xfc ,4-V < K
County Board Proceeding
The Supervisor met on Tuesday
J j 10 14 and were in session until
Sav.ird.ay night. The time was tllvl-
dod between a session of thu regu
lar County Board and a session of
the Board of Equalization. Follow
ing Is the proceedings of the Coun
ty Board :
The county Board met at the city
council chamber with all members
Masonic Lodge Tax
The petition of II. II. Andrews re
garding the taxation of lots owned
by tin ? .Masonic Lodge in Call away
was rejected.
Official Bonds Approved.
Road Overseer. . Jos. Osboru , No
i. Grant ; J. S. Michcle , No. 3 , Vic
toria ; Chtts. S. Nay lor , No. 3 , De
light ; J. D. Hatistino. No. . Dcltaht ;
K. C. Hlckman , No. 2 , Loup.
Constable. John S. Smith , Delight
Treasurer. W. II. Kenno , West
Justices. J. D. Plnley , Sargent ;
C. C. Meckwlth , Delight.
Some Road Matter.
Tlip section line commencing til
the quarter corner between sections
22 and 24-14-19 , running west one hall
tulle and north on section line one
mile was declared a public highway
and clerk Instructed to advertise
Petition of C. Ovorgnrd. et al , for
a road in H-21 was laid over for
further investigation ,
The petition of A. J. Reeves , ct al
for a road In 15-21 was granted from
station "O' ' to station 17. thence
\v ° bt on the section M-io to the
southwest corner of the southeast
U'lirtor ' of 17-15-21
- - , thence north on
Uio quarter section line to station 19
and then according to the report
of the commissioner " .id field notes
of the surveyor. FV'iwlng damages
wore allowed against road district
N2 , CusterV. . M. Klrkpatrick
i20 ( ! ; Pannolln Province. $ .r > 0 ; John
Province $23 ; Fan nip B. Prottyman
S22o ; S. W. Birgo. $25.
The surveyor was Instructed to resurvey -
survey road No. 7 and also the road
1:0 : uiei'tlng with the Westervillo road
H. ) that ho nmbe able to plat same
Banks Must Report.
The following
il tout . nil
- -
, „
\Vlioreas the law requires that the
several banks which are the depos
itories of the public funds , or public
inoniou of the county , shall pay
interest upon all public monies hold
by them , and
Whereas , the law provides that the
said depositories shall , at the end
of o.ich and every month , render tc
the comty treasurer
and board a
statement In duplicate , showing the
dni'y ' Inlaneos and the amount ol
monlOL' of the county held by them
aid each of them during the mouth
and the amount of accretion thereof
and how ero.lltcd , and
Whereas , the said banks have
heretofore failed to comply with the
reqnirments of the said law for some
ye'ira last past , therefore bo It
Resolved , by this board that oacl *
awl all said depositories bo required
to comply with the law to the extent
that they be compelled to report
Ittl V . . . * "
p. m. ; Special music by the choir
and others. There will several
selections at both services.
Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ
ian Endeavor 7 p. m.
U. B. Church S. Al. Zikc. Pastor
Sunday school 10:00 : a. in
preaching | 11:00 : a , m ; Junior C ,
E. 3 p , m ; Senior C. E , 7. p. m.
u'idor the eald law , beginning with
tlie year 1900 up to and including the
year 1910 ; , provided that permission
I.H hereby given them and each of
thorn to make quarterly reports In
stead of monthly reports , and that
the clerk serve upon them and each
of them a copy of this resolution
a id that the county treasurer also
call upon them and each of them for
full compliance with this order , forth
Old Material.
Supervisor Grint reported tuo sale o- -
old bridge lumber to the amount ol
10.r > < j.
The court house committee re
iiorted treasurer's receipt turned
> vor by Scott Cooper for $12.95 , re
ceipts from the sale of oldd rubbish.
Some Tax Matters.
L. P. Reed was refunded $3.75 by
reason of the valuation of his proper.
ty having been reduced.
D. B. Allen was refunded $12.15 by
reason of erroneous tax.
G. F. Matheson was refunded
$3.6-1 by reason of his land not being
.J D. Troyer was refunded $5.75
by reason of his having paid same
on church property in Callaway.
F. G. Munncll was refunded $12.5 : !
by reason of his having been paid
on church property.
The county treasurer was Instrtic
ted to cancel receipts No. 7908 and
8121 and correct tax lists according
ly and to refund to Nelson Ililman
on said receipts $16.70 by reason c >
Hitman having paid taxes on the
wro'ig property.
County treasurer was instructed tc
cancel tax on lots 6-7-8-9 , block 49 ,
R. II. Add. to Broken Bow for the
year 18S9 , for the reason that the
same was church property.
The treasurer was instucted tc
wrl tax receipt for fnco of tax
in the porso'ial tax for 1S92-9U-91 of
L. D. Wilson for the reason that
the party has left the state and the
tax is over 15 years old.
The petition of B. C. Empfield was
i ejected.
The -petition of W. II. Pense was
rejected for the reason that he
> iioul ! ( ! have come before the Equal !
zatlon Board of 190S.
To Apraise School Land.
Supervisor Cushman , Foley and
Dewey wore apolnted a committee \ :
appraise school land for which ap
plication had been made.
Linn Douglas Gets Appointmenl
The following' , we clip fro-n
The Ncbraskan.
"Mr. L. II. Douglas , forestry Ml
has received
appointment as
scientific assistant in the Mirv > v
of forest conditions in Ohio.
Mr. Douglas will leave to take
up his work as soon as school
closes "
L. FT Douglas is one of our
Broken How boys who has been
at the Universitv Place attend
ing school the past two years
and will complete his course in
another vcar.
He is a graduate of the Bioken
Bow Tliwh school.
July 4
Professor Arthur llalloway Hold Audi
ence Spellbound During
The Act.
The members of the Fourth
of July committee of Broken Bow
wanted to give the people of this
city and surrounding country
something out of the ordinary
for a free attraction for the
Fjurth and after considerable
correspondence and at no small
expense have secured Proffessor
Arthur Holloway , of Chicago ,
one of the greastest aerial artists
that this country has ever known
to give * two performances of his
thrilling act of dropping back
wards from the topof an eighteen
foot ladder , lighting on his hands
turning a somersault in the ail
and then lighting on his feet.
This act is one that has receiv
ed brilliant press notices from all
over thu country , owing to the
Jact that during this drop Prof.
Holloway holds the audience
spellbound. Should he vary from
bis course two or three inches
while performing this seeming
impossible act he would break
his neck. Many aerial artists
have endeavored to learn this act
but none have ever succeeded ,
several having been killek or
crippled for lile.
The age of darii g feats is at
iis height and the committee in
order to show that this city couid
have first attmctionssecurtd
Proffessor Holloway. The per
formances will take place at 1.30
p. ui. and 7 p. m. No one should
miss this , no doubt , their last op-
port unity to bee Professor Hello
way , the dare devil of the air.
On Monday evening Mrs.
U'tJryan entertained at a seven
o'clock dinner in honor of her
daughter Nellie. Covers were
laid for fourteen. The decor
ations were pink and white.
Plearts of pink and white were
suspended from each corner ot
the room to the chandelier over
the center ot the table where a
pretty little brass cupid was pos
sible , and delicate streamers of
pink and white satin ribbon fell
gracefully from the hands of
the cupid to a single long stem
med piak carnation at every
cover. Glass candleabras with
pink shades stood in the center
and at each end of the table.
Dainty place cards of white
Special Itli of July Notice.
We want you to take part in
the Comic parade July 4th.
There will be three prizes award
ed first $7.00 second $5 00 third
$3.00 masks furnished free.
For further information sec
W. B. Schaefcr chairman.
with a wreath of pink roses and
tiny gilt hearts suggestive of
the occasion.
The floral decorations were a
large vase of pink and white car
nations standing on a beautiful
hand eiubroideried center piece ,
under which was hidden the
Each guest was told she could
read the secret by drawing the
carnation at her plate to which
the ribbon was fastened. They
found to their surprise tiny little
"suit cases" on which pretty
which arrows were fastened on
the words "the man in the case'
were printed. On opening they
found the picture of the groom
10 be , Mr. Chas. Brittan , and
just below the picture , a little
gilt heart with the date of the
wedding , June 29. 1910.
An elaborate four course dinner .
was served. Tiny individual J
candles were brought in with the
last course to determine which
guest would be the next bride.
Mrs. O'Bryan was assisted in
serving by Mrs. C. J. Christensen
and Mrs. F. W. Hayes.
SpeciaNlhof July Notice.
We want you to take part in
the Comic parade July 4th.
There will be three prizes award
ed first $7.00 second $5.00 third
S3 00 masks furnished free.
For further information see
W. B Schaefer chairman.
Grand Opera Soprano Coming to
Try tint White Satin flour at
W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store
There is none better.
Phone 409.
Chicago's "Fighting Parson" at