Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 23, 1910, Image 2

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    Tlie Duster County Republican
D. M. AMSBKRRY , Edltot
National , Political , Personal and Other
Mattero In Brief Form for All
Classes of Readnrs.
International commerce , according
to titutiBticii procured by the depart-
mwit of commerce nnd labor , showed
a marked improvement in all the prlii-
tlnal countries of the world for the
year trading in April , 1910.
Splendid prospects for fruit in Now
England and the Pacific coast states
almost countcrhalanco the poor show
ing of the central states , whcro late
frost got In tolling work , according to
u icport mtulo public by the depart
ment of agriculture on general crop
Democratic members oC the house ,
who , on May 2li , prevented the $25.000
appropriation for President Tutt'a
traveling expenses for the fiscal year
of 1'Jll hnlng made available for use
for the closing months of the fiscal
year , ending Juno 30 , 15110 , will not
oppose the appropriation UK arranged
by the senate In the sundry civil ap
Formal charges against Senator
William Lorlmor of Illinois were laid
before the senate by bin colleague ,
Senator Cullom. The charge was on
Iho presentation of a memorial by
Clifford W. Barnes of Chicago , presi
dent of the Illinois loglsatlvo voters'
league , embodying the charges of
bribery of members of the Illinois leg
Treasury officials figure that if all
the money In circulation In the United
States were divided equally , every
man , woman and child would have
$34.59. This Is H cents per capita
more than they should have had by
the same process of reasoning a
month ago. Compared with a year
ago there was on Juno 1 , $14,000,000
moro money In circulation , and yet
Btrango as It may scorn , the per capi
ta was 42 cents less. This It Is said ,
is duo to the increase in population
It being proportionately moro than
the growth of the medium.
Genera ) .
The supreme court of Nebraska
holds valid tlio employers' liability act
of 1007.
U. U Duke , the tobacco magnate ,
was unsuccessful In his fourth at
tempt at matrimony.
A Mexican refugee declares that
Mexico Is using a system of espionage
in the United Statos.
President Taft's speech on social-
isin is Interpreted by politicians as a
slap at Senator La Fonotto.
Yellow fever has broken out In the
Kcuadorean army , now being with
drawn from the Peruvian frontier.
The oflleials of the Reading railway
mid HH trainmen have reached a satis
factory adjustment of the wage con.
The president sent to the senate the
iiomlnatl-.i of William D. Crum ot
Charleston , S. C. , to ho minister to
Mitchell D. Follansbeo. ' 1)2 ) , Chicago ,
was < 'lected president of the Associat
ed Harvard Clubs of America at the
annual convention at Cleveland.
Japan Is hurrying an expedition un
der Lieutenant Shlreas to leave this
month In the hope of anticipating the
British expedition to the south polo.
Col. Roosevelt will pax duty on his
baggage when he ai rives , saying lie
wlil not hav it any other way.
Mrs. Mary H. Knapp , wlfo ot Dr.
Seaman A. Knapp of the bureau of
plant Industry department of ngiicul-
turo , died at the family homo In
Washington. The body was sent to
Ames , Iowa , for burial.
Brigadier General William L. Mar-
Hliull , chief of engineers , U. S , A. , has
finished his active service with the
uriny , Ho was famous for his dis
covery of the "Marshall Pass" across
the Rocky Mountains.
Taxes to the amount of $2,000,000 ,
which the city of St. Louis Is trying
lo collect on stock In forcing corpora
tions held by St. Loulsans , were held
to ho Illegal by Circuit Judge Wil
In compliance with the wish ol the
president the oouata accepted an
amendment to the sundry civil ap
propriation bill appropriating $100-
000 to permit the president to Inves
tigate the methods ot conducting the
Dxocutlvo department with a view of
obtaining greater economy und effic
In accordance with the wish of the
late King Edward , the duke of Con-
miught will succeed Earl Groy as the
goovrnor-gcncral of Canada , prolmblj
next spring.
The Navy department has decided
o give another chance to the eight
midshipman of the class of 1908 , who
were found deficient in the recent ex
aiuinatlons and recommended to be
The appointment of Herr Vou Lin
dcqulst , until now the under secretary
tary , to succeed Bemhard Dernburg
as secretary of state for the colonies
was razettod at Berlin.
Demands have boon mada on the
Chlnouo throne to convoke a parlia
Jllso in IntoroRt rates is a con
spicuous feature of the financial situ
The Nebraska centenary celebra
tion will tnko place at Bcllcvuo Juno
22 , 2.1 and 24.
UovcrJy , Maa . , In making ready for
.ho summer sojourn of President Taft
and his family.
A largo delegation from the trade
organizations of the Pacific coaut will
visit China this Rumnior.
Governor HaBkoIl rocognlzoH Okla-
loma City as the now Btato capital
and has established an olllco there.
A bill has been Intiodticcd in the
Russian duma to abolish the Jewish
> alo. It has the support of 100 mom-
) orn.
Forest fires have swept over u sec
tion twenty-five miles In length in the
) J < > and Manseanal mountains or
In London , Juno 8. Miss
Margarota A. Drexel , daughter of the
Philadelphia banker , was married to
an Englishman.
A cross country aeroplane flight
'rom St Louis to Kansas City will ho
icld July 18 for a prize of at lea-it
f 10,000 and probably mote.
Charloa Grldley , attorney of Vir
ginia , III. , who represented the fisher
In the Springfield lobby , was given a
clean bill by Mr. Burke , after ho had
The appointment of Sir Charles
llardlngo , permanent undersecretary
of state of foreign affairs , as viceroy
of India , hi Huccesslon to the Earl of
Mlnto , was olllcially announced.
According to Iho official estimate ,
Lho population ot Now South Wales at
Lho end of March was 1GG5GP.O , show-
ng an Inuroaso for the quarter of 10-
J3 ( ! , the highest for many years.
With n record of 150 bills , carrying
5800,000 altogether , favorably report
ed , ( UHl 200 carrying $2,000,000 ad
versely reported , the house committee
on claims has cloned Its work for the
When Colonel Roosevelt comes sailIng -
Ing homo on Juno 18 Collector of the
Port William Loeb , Jr. , and several
hundred loyal friends will meet him
down the bay In government vessels
ind escort him up to Manhattan.
Attorney General Wlckorsham has
rendered a decision In which ho holds
that Richard Parr Is entitled to re
cover from the government the
amount of his claim for information
glvon against the so-called sugar
Joseph G. Cannon has decided to
juako an oxtonslvo speaking tour In
: \\o \ \ coming campaign. Ho made this
known in the course of u conversation
with friends. Uncle Joe said ho had
not decided just what states ho would
visit , but he would go to a good many
of thorn.
An appropriation of $7,500 for the
widow of foimcr Representative D. A.
Do Armond is carried by the general
deficiency bill , which was reported to
the house. The same amount also is
carried for the widows of three other
momhcrs of the house who have died
during the past year.
Vice President Bliermivji and Speak
er Cannon must pay the salaries of
their chauffeurs and buy their own
gasoline. The senate gave up Us light
for the appropriation of $2,500 each
for the maintenance of the automo
biles of the presiding oti.cers of the
two houses of congress.
Cannibals who ornament their huts
with the skulls of tholr victims are
causing much trouble In the French
Congo , according to Captain Prnhos ,
who has Just arrived from Africa.
Simla Barbara and San Luan na
tional forests in California will bo
consolidated July 1 and will thereafter
ho known as Santa Barbara forest.
Treasury oillclals figure that If all
the money in circulation in the Unit
ed States were divided equally , everv
man , woman and child would have
$34.59. This Is 14 cents per capita
more than they would have had by
the Bamo process of reasoning n
1111111111 IK" .
Notwithstanding recent threats
that a revolutionary movement would
bo Inaugurated in China Sunday , the
date sot for the opening of the Nan
king exposition , this ceremony was
carried out without the slightest dis
Roosevelt will ho In New York on
Sunday , Juno 12th.
Jim Jeffries kept his promise and
put In HX ! hours of boxing.
Many postmasters In Nebraska will
get salary Increases July 1st.
Formal charges against lxrimer
were presented In the senate.
Jim Jeffries hat. a bad thumb and
refuses to box until It Is well.
Party loyalty was the keynote iu
the Wisconsin convention speeches.
President Taft nnd family will soon
go to their summer homo at Beverly ,
Iowa republicans have entered on
: i new light for control of the coming
state convention.
Judge Peter S. Grosscup discussed
inellectual houesty before the stu
dents of Augustaua college.
Judge Prouty of Dos Molnes , al'tei
years of effort , finally stands a chance
of becoming a congressman.
Wisconsin republicans warmly on
dorscd the administration of Presi
dent Taft and the now tariff law.
William T. Vernou , registrar of the
United States treasury has reslgnei
the presidency of the Western Unlver
blty and Industrial School.
Senator Nelson of Minnesota crltl
clned the conservation policy.
General Edward S. Bragg , tut
famous commander of the Iron hrl
gade , is xnld by his physicians to be
Court Holds Man Suing the Union
Pacific Was Engaged in Con *
etructlon and Repair.
The supreme court lias uphold the
Validity of the employers' liability
net passed by the legislature of 1007.
In the case of Frank Swohoda against
the Union Pacific Railroad company ,
wherein a judgment \\as glvon In fa
vor of Swoboda , the railroad alleged
Lhat the plaintiff at the tllmo of his
Injury was not engaged in construc
tion or repair work within the mean
ing of the omploycrK1 liability act.
The court holds that the evidence Is
sufllclent an It .shows that the plain
tiff was engaged in construction or
repair at the tlmo ho wns Injured
l > y a steam hammer , which he was
lielplng opcrato In the Union Pacific
blacksmith shop at Omaha. Swo
boda and another employe were oper
ating a Hteaiu hammer weighing
about fiOO pounds In flattening Iron
washers which wore being made for
general use by the railroad company
In repair of engines and cars.
The employers' liability act pro
vides that every railroad company
operating a railroad engine , car or
train In the state of Nebraska shall
bo liable to any of Its employes wheat
at the tlmo of Injury arc engaged In
construction or repair work or in the
use or operation of an engine , car or
train for said company for all dam
ages which may result from the
negligence of any of Us ofllccrs ,
agents or employes. The court says
this is a valid law and not repugnant
to the fourteenth amendment to the
federal constitution.
Waiting for Decision.
Just as soon as the courts decldo
the case wherein the 2-cent fare law
the freight rate law and other rail
road rate questions uro involved , the
railway commission will bo in posi
tion to Issue a schedule of class rates
that may bo charged in Nebraska.
Ono of the principal points Involved
1n the litigation now pending , is a
division of the earnings and expenses
of railroads between state and inter
state business. The attorney general
has maintained that the arbitrary ap
portionment made by the railroads
is not just to the state. If ho Is up
held then the commission will bo in
a position to know just what the
rates should bo in this stale as it
will bo possible then to llguro just
what the expenses of the roads are
as well as the state earnings.
National Guard Recognized.
Adjutant General Hartlgan has re
ceived Information from the War de
partment that the postmaster general
has ruled that employes of the post-
olllco who are members of the Na
tional Guard are entitled to leave
their duties without pay whenever
called out by one In authority of the
Kilgore Rcappointed.
J. M. Kllgoro of York has been reappointed -
appointed a member of the state
board of osteopathy. Ills new com
mission is for a period of three years
and dates from July 1.
Fined In Federal Court.
An attorney for Luke Tarpenuing
of Wahoo , who was Indicted on the
charge of assaulting a revenue ofllcer
entered a plea of guilty for his client
in federal court. A flno of $100 was
imposed. This was paid by the at
Files for Governor.
Ralph Clark of Stella , RlclumlHou
county , filed his name with the sec
retary of state as a candidate lor
lleutonaunt governor on the demo
cratic ticket. Mr. Clark was n mem
ber of the last legislature.
Must File by Petition.
W. J. Taylor of Merna , candidate
for the fusion nomination for con
gress In the Sixth distilct , has
written to the secretary of state to
see If ho had completed his filing as
a candidate of both the democratic
and populist parties. As Mr. Taylor
filed his personal application to go on
both tickets , the secretary will write
him to got up a petition for one of
the parties If ho expects to go on
both ballots.
Judgment Against Newspaper.
A judgment In favor of Waltei
Qulnby , against the Boo Uulldlng
company was alllrmed by the supreme
premo court. Qulnby , aged 12 years ,
acting as messenger hey , was Injured
In ono of the passenger elevators of
The Dee llulldlng.
Thank Mrs. Pierce.
Camp William Lewis No. 2 , Depart
ment of Nebraska , United States
Spanish-American war veterans , has
passed a resolution , thanking Mrs.
Margaret Plorco of Malco for flowers ,
which she presented to the camp
with which the graves of dead voter-
runs wore decorated on Memorial
day. Mrs. Plorco has been furnishing
flowers for the decorating of graves
for the last three years and though
offered considerable money by the
Horlsts this year she refused and pre
sented the posies to the veterans.
Celebration at Bcllevuc on the Above
On Tuesday , Juno , 2.1 , the Nebras
ka centenary colcbratlon will bo held
at Ilolloviio. It Is tinder the auspices
of the Nebraska State Historical So
ciety , of which J. L. Webster Is presi
An o\ent of moro than usual In
terest will bo the unveiling of monuments
ments marking points of Interest In
and about Hellovuo In the afternoon
of centenary day. Three organiza
tions are to be repiesented in the
affairs of the day. The territorial
pioneers' association , the Douglas
county pioneers' association and the
Sarpy county association are ex
pected to each llguro In the day's
At the afternoon mooting in Bellevue -
vuo Mr. Webster will preside nnd
Governor Shallonbergor , G. W. Wat
tles and Albert Watklns , historian of
the state historical society , are to
be speakers.
Proclamations fiom Mayor Dahl-
man of Omaha and Mayor Tralnor of
South Omaha are to bo issued declar
ing Juno 23 a special holiday and or
ders from Washington have allowed a
half holiday for the employes of the
South Omaha postofllcc. Similar or
ders arc expected In connection with
the Omaha postomce.
The care of the grounds at Bellevue -
vuo for the picnic and celebration has
been loft to the Sarpy county pioneers
association. Assurance was received
at at meeting ot the general commit
tee on Saturday evening that all ar
rangements for the celebration would
bo taken care of. A big tent Is to bo
erected for the benefit of those who i
will hear the speaking program.
All Nebraska Is Invited , and a spe
cial Invitation Is to bo Issued to the
the residents of Pottawattainle and I
Mills counties , la. , to attend the cele
bration. Notification has been re
ceived by the ofllcials that special
delegations will attend from Gage ,
Lincoln and Lancaster counties In
George E. Maclxjan , president of
the Iowa state university , and Chan
cellor Avcry of Nebraska university
are to bo speakers at thd meeting to
be hold in the Brandels theater in
connection with the Bellevue cen
tenary on the evening of Juno 23.
John Leo Webster , chairman of the
general committee In charge of the
centenary celebration , has received
the acceptances of Chancellor Avery
and President MacLean.
The meetings will comprise several
Interesting numbers aside from the
principal addresses of the evening. A
band and a choral society will fur
nish music. Webster , who is also to
preside at the celebration In Bellevue -
vue in the afternoon , is to speak as
president of the state historical so
Unfavorable Weather.
Unfavorable growing weather for
growing corn during the past month
has made it necessary to replant a
good many Holds in Nebraska , and a
few cases are reported where the
farmers are being put to the neces
sity of planting a third time. The corn
which was-put in by the check row
system Is doing better than the listed -
ed grain , because the kernels were
left near the top of the ground where
they got the benefit of warm sunshine.
When listing was done In April , the
ground was dry and farmers plowed
the ground deep.
Fourth District Democrats.
The democrats of the Fourth dis
trict have been called by W. H.
Barnes of Falrbury 1o meet in Lin
coln nt the Lincoln hotel at 2 p. in. ,
Juno 21 , to discuss congressional can
Banks Have Money Galore.
Regardless of the vast Investments ,
that have been made by the people
of Nebraska during the last few
months and the amount of m'oney put
in the lauds of other states , the
banks indicate that the mone > had
hardly been missed. Secretary Royso
of the btuto banking hoard has Issued
a statement showing the condition of
the banks at the oloso of business
May 11. It is ot a highly satlsfaotorj
Jury Finds Henry Guilty.
Guilty on all three counts was the
verdict returned by the jury In fed
eral court which heard evidence In
the case of E. H. Henry , charged with
using the mail to defraud.
Mains Files for Congress.
E. L. Mains , deputy food commls
sloner , Hied his name as a candidate
for the domocntlc nomination for con
gress in the Fourth district. Mr.
Mains filed personally as a democrat
and included in his filing a petition
asking that his name also go on the
populist Picket as a populist.
The occupation tax that was levied
by ordinance by the city council of
Stromsburg , Is being collected and
the business men In generalaro pay
ing , according to the oidlnancc ,
which will net the city about $900.
To Test Aeroplane Flights.
The Lincoln Aero club just organ
ized Is planning to procure a tract of
ground Just outside the city limits
for club grounds where test flights
can ho made with aeroplanes. Dr. G.
D. Browntleld Is working on a four
foot model of a double bl-plane ma
chine which ho and members of the
club think will ha\o some advan
tages over the Wright and Curtlss ma
chines. The machine has revlces
which are especially advantageous In
preserving the balance of the machine
iu the uir.
Religious , Social , Agricultural , Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Medical ninctltloncrs of Red Wil
low county have effected an organi
Catherine JlogcrH , 0 years old , fell
down an clnvator shaft In Omaha and
was killed.
Deshlpr is preparing to have the
largest Fourth of July celobrntlon In
Ha history , being the only town In
Thnyer county to celebrate.
Kalrbnry has reorganized Its band
which had been dissolved for more
than a year. Professor Grant has
been elected director and the band
has nearly forty members.
Melvln Karth , who shot his wife
and then cut Ilia own throat at Salt.
Lake City , was for some time a resi
dent of Fremont and In charge of the
meat department of Gumpcrt's store.
Dr. Mefford of Alnsworth , has been
having bnd luck with his children
stricken with scarlet fever. Three of
his daughters arc dead and another
child Is very low at this writing.
S. L. AVells , a young man about
twenty-five years old , was killed in a
sand bank about two miles west ol
McCook by an overhanging bank fallIng -
Ing on him. Ilo was dead when dug
The annual report of the ofllco of
the York public library shows that
Institution to be In a very satisfac
tory condition. The total receipts for
the year ending June 1 , 1910 , is
? 2,170.GS.
Mrs. E. E. Erickson of Holdrege
received news that her brother Axel
Sandell , had been killed at jfussel
gulch in the Opeka mine , south of
central Colorado. Sandell had re
sided there for the past twelve years.
Postmaster H. C. Miller has re
ceived notice that Grand Island haa
been made an oince of the first class ,
the receipts for the last quarter hav
ing exceeded $40,000. This carries
with it many Improved facilities and
an increase in salary limits through
out the service.
The rains wo have been having In
this section lately , nays a Republican
City dispatch , have put the ground In
extra good shape and the prospects for
wheat , oats and potatoes were never
better at this time of year. First cut-
ling of alfalfa Is good and nearly all In
stack. Corn Is a good stand , but a
Ilttlo backward on account of the cold
backward spring.
.Mrs. J.v. . Youngman of Hum-
boldt was agreeably surprised to
learn in a second message that her
mint , Mrs. Martha Snyder of Salem ,
was not killed by the stroke of light
ning as first reported to them by
members of the family , but had been
rendered unconscious and in a coma
tose state resembling death. It Is
now believed that she will recover
from the effects of the shock.
Many farmers in the vicinity of
Elk City report an unusual amount
of disease among horses. The trouble
while resembling distemper , seems
more complicated and does not yield
'so readily to treatment. In many
cases every horse on the farm Is
afflicted and the owners are com
pelled to hire other horses to enable
them to cultivate their corn.
Frank Dunlap , a young man of
Cairo , was accidentally drowned while
with a party seining a small lake on
the Loup river bottom north of that
place. Dunlap , who was unable to
swim , was warned when they wore
about to got Into deep water , and told
to stay back , but tried to go through.
After getting out of his depth he loosened -
ened his hold on the seine and tried to
regain the shallow water ho had left ,
but was unable to do so and went
Philip Cornclious , an Inmate of the
Kearney reform school out on parole ,
has been working In the Ledger ofllco
In Union. Ho appropriated the over
coat of Editor Graves and leaving a
board bill unpaid decamped , but later
returned , expecting his father to ar
rive from Lincoln and liquidate finan
cially , but C. n. Manuel , the superin
tendent of the reform school , arrived
and took the young man buck to that
Mayor W. L. Howling of Madison ,
who IB a member of the committee
looking tip the railroad proposition be
tween Madison and Elgin , said to the
Commercial club that the cost of a for
ty.flve nillo railroad from Madison to
Elgin along the survey of the Illinois
Central made some twenty years ago ,
standardgauge tract , with two steam
locomotives , twelve freight cars , and
two ga&ollnu passenger and express
cars can be consorvatholy estimated
at upward of $ .100,000.
The llremen of Beatrice are offerIng -
Ing a number of prizes for contests
to be pulled elf in connection with
the Fourth of July celebration. A
prl/0 of $50 will be glvon to the
winning baseball team , $15 to the
winners In the "water fight' and $50
for the best drilled military company.
Helen , the seven-ear old daughter
of Mrs. J. W. Scott of Humboldt ,
while visiting In the country with
Mrs , John Voeller. sustained a
serious and painful accident , when
ho fell into a holler of scalding
water. It Is believed no permanent
Injury will result.
Find Help in LydiaE. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound
Hudson , Ohio. "If mothers realized
the good your remedies would do delicate -
cato girlfl I Lcliovo there would bo
fewer weak and all-
Ing women. Irreg
ular and painful
porlods and such
troubles would bo
relieved at once in
many cases. Lydla
E. Pmklmm'fl vcgo-
table Compound is
flno for ailing girls
and run-down wo-
I ] men. Their delicate
( organs need a tonio
jand the Compound
gives now ambition and lifo from the
first dose. " Mrs. GEOIIQKSTHICICLEII.
Hudson , Ohio , B. No. 0 , Box 82.
Hundreds of such letters from
mothers expressing their gratitude
for what Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound has accomplished for
them have been received by the Lydia
E. Pinkham Medicine Company , Lynn ,
Young Girls , Heed This.
Girls who are troubled with painful
or irregular periods , backache , head
ache , dragging-down sensations , fainting -
ing spells or Indigestion , should take
immediate action to ward off the seri
ous cotisequences and bo restored to
health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. Thousands have been
restored to health by its use.
If you would like special advice
about your case write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinlclmm , at/
Lynn , Mass. Her ndrico Is free ,
and always Iiclpful *
Trial Bottle Fr o By Mail
If yea gnSer from Epilepsy. Fits. FnlllnR Stclmew.
Bpasms. or have children th t do to , my New Dis
covery Will rcllcvo them , and all yon arc ntked to
do Ja to acndrotnFrceTrlaleaBottle of Dr.May'e
a Eplloptloldo Ouro i"
It haa cnred thousands whcro overrthtni' lf
failed. Q-arontetd by May Medical latroratoiy
Under Pure Peed and Drugs Act , Juno SOih , 1908
Srnny ! N < J-J.8971' P'eaeo ' write for Special Free ,
$2Jouto and five AGE and complete addreca /
OR. W. H. MAY , 548 Pearl Street , New YorL1
I'leaso mention this paper. Druggists ailordcri.
The Rude Visitor.
There Is a story about the secretary
of a golf club who was a man of di
minutive stature. It was summer time ,
nnd the grass had been allowed to
grow rather long. The secretary was
playing in front of a visitor who was
a very long driver , and hept dropping
his ball in the neighborhood of the
secretary all the way round. At last
the little man could stand It no longer
and -walked back and remonstrated
with the visitor on his conduct , but
the only reply he got was , "If you
would cut the grass , ono might be
able to see you. "
Cltolcc quality ; reds nnd roann ,
whlto faces or nogim bought on
ordiTH. Tens of ThouKaudrt to
ucJcct from. Satisfaction Guar
anteed. Correspondence Invited.
Cotno ami f..oe lor yourself.
National Live Stock Com. Co.
At either
Kansa City.Mo. SI.JosephMo. S.OmahaNeb.
Nebraska Directory
I this process all broken
parts of machinery made eood as new. Weldn
cast iron , cast steel , aluminum , copper , brass or
any other inelnl. Kxoert automobile repairing
BERT8CIW MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffo.
Mall orders given special attention. All kind *
amateur nupivllea strictly Iroeti. BenJ for calalug
H5.00nu < l\ip. AIIHUiHlMrdUikm voider rented. ItonI
ppllcj I It you tniirhaie. ) lacliln < w ( hlppml anrnpr
ou Kppnrval. No ilcpoult rniulrml. ! Write for mUloe.
122 North llth Street Lincoln , Nob.
Bold una rented ti-vorjwhoro. Wrlto for bargain Hsu
1438.13 til 8t- , Lincoln
Beatrice Creamery Go.
the highest price for